Variety (Dec 1930)

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al about not siti ty tne ‘right: analy. . ‘Someone: ies arg [-f then . héeblows: alk thi y ‘ur tain’. cues; f°? “apple: selling: chain ut? -for-Be., i 5 oe ef and black outs, Now-we haye-tochip }. AY 2a ; i Murphy. for Variety," fin and: BF , Him a Wiist (Wi ateh.. Tay: iste ‘The {otters ran: for ome ‘tim And: owl Ibs repeated, aa siete on too and fed ern GUESTS “ You, men Nea’! , he ‘always, picking: ptr me. And it. manager “does: An CW ERED | dorit-chip in one’ ot his ‘Stool pigeons: fo. W ell, Iwas, ‘out. with: Jim’ ‘the: athier: wilt. ‘tell ini and when". try: ‘toget) _ ght and: he never. said: a word‘toy 4 in‘ that“ho isWw ith, : she. oe othe about “it, ana: he: oughta-“know | wik ae ina'rap.. for me: aale. “Miller, becatise fie: is, very. olose” to..Babson.| Marriage; An. Out!) * “| pelitan” seenistohave. ‘overloled: “who js. backing this troupe: “E-Hope 2 thine I'm going: to Wook: ar ouna gained the ‘distinction of -béelfig. the . Itisn't-true; what. with: Christmas’ : . : a ; ws for..aunit or. va Naude act. ‘Y lveard: first’ artist: t6‘be encored: on’ a radio: aoe x : + gonting’ ‘on and: I gotta: ‘promote: my.-: vaudeville: dg. bivd;too. Four: shows. program. That: “happened ‘sunday: : notéher. ‘you. ‘sent. me ‘for: this. Week: ve “.. Balf a, Pur-coat. ‘though: in’ these. hard ‘ae “aay. and’. five: on : ‘Satur days: ‘and. |. ry. fee our direction: said -it: was: 4. ‘uniyue ay ve = be lucky’ if: eee a pair ae ‘Sundays. and: you, ‘gotta: hang around, ou e maine Bl “per viet rae of ‘ss si ae] 2! » WO. desi a: verse [the theatre beciuse-some guy thinks:|cast a roupe, of per orm= |: a ot 1 | of gomething® to put: in next week.| and you: Botta ‘rehear se" ‘your cheat .. ‘Not. for®. ‘me. hice ‘To marisa get a “lations in :the:’ “audiénce, $a nor. but’ “Jo. ‘Paige. pare ‘Une: Ne to: New: York. : oe : fat ae re went! back ‘and toa them ali . Some’ 500 Dersorisy wer 4 that. you: WAS, in front. and. ad, come “a {to look: at. the: ‘show’. Weill; one. of ‘the ye fr esh. nitttt LT 3 ane b out: ‘unt Styench, andvall that, Kinda, ‘malarkey | fets: better: . and,ihe “‘Winds:"up-. paying* a sixty | “ate <i” af hen with him. phen ati nen. $y ier American: lan uage' 80 the diawt | “RO! m lee “the: “tho a -théy “show. ‘they, ae “plittin’ ini: Saving oe | {wals * _advertiged. : “They: made: co ee ft: up. Bea “Mike,” Tt about that’ “pated hay; avhich, an the: men’s, room: “and” it: "is [2 = “for. sthey, ave, al? las” and lamps ee y[ tumibus os Ave® ve ‘peen: playing: to: Spaced houses, At “sh 1 ~ Nou. ‘can't 0: ‘by: that,. it may: ; have} rt “pee. aner. The: notices ‘were: pr ety. {time oT jook C ; “good, “That | ‘don’t. mean ‘anything “goctor.:. Te's* his’ fault. ‘for... keeping “:gither: I had-my ‘mother: out-front [me away: fiom -niaking: big: money’ “. the;.other night and ‘she -says.tha€ a meeting’ wonderful, people. : “> the: ingenue.’ ‘is: not. go" forte, -she’s E “Well, soniethiing will urn.) me 2) goteherthalr a funny: ‘Color and ‘her: gh wWe'can: awlves ANS: Join, the: ‘Salva>” : a clothes. ‘look. ter rible:. and: wher she. “ti oye he pene she's pathetic, : ; “And F ( “Milienrsang” . whigh: roused I a from’ the: guests. ana enter tainers.’ in: the: Salons: “While this, ¥ aa jeoing on ive .intluence to send mie ; the: “Kind of. troops. I. ought “to: ‘have,. 3 ene wWorth‘payin’ £0¥ ‘as. i can : and. they are a. couple ot. scalayy ABS som | besides; ms Raye | ‘wrote, thent: down a Svestricted manber “AW hich: in, ‘the vexcitenient, tie ‘pr proprayn “G ast: the. slated: heriod, “In: ‘Qaditioit, m4 tov the. broadcast. “there. was ° “addi ; tional, enter tainment : ‘for ‘the: guests, “t . ae Tey the’ Opry {s: going: to: close | | _— ere’ S. no use ‘me: laying. out ‘money. tee er Fed-checks. Do. you, think they'll |’. \, atick’ the. “notice. ‘ap. ‘tonight? What ao cel ‘Christ mas, present: tbat “be.” : ; trip. for ‘that’. spurpos The “sLeviathan’s” SuBEIe, ‘bt he 70 : . WK just ‘for. himself: Bo . . “Well; “hight: befor last’ Da ioticed |: that’ every body: hi the ‘troop. kindof | "| perked. ‘up “and . Joakéd. ‘slicker: than: ; Para! | common... They: all seemed” so spty} phis4ime" it! ayy with: the. hookups: and. Aes coats [s tions: for ithe. 100° vhationally: bron 1 § “the: hagpole. 05. * the’ want | BC,.) and; willin’ that Yr: ‘thought, 1 would|-paramount:: hotel-’and: for‘charity. ~ with ‘Phillips’ ‘Catling: eastern: pr '0-'|-0" ‘bagk. arid: See. it. any, one had-been |.” “Shipwr ec K's! ;. Solder recor pie . gram * director,.’ "as announcer. ° -Ben: Aringing in, Hiquior:: 7 I'sniffedzar ound | py Bernie's. G@lup . Leviathan: Orchestra;. ‘some and: “they: ‘aly emed. sober |ay. ‘under: Harry.’ ‘Stride, play ‘ed | tmusi=. “énough; ‘put. ‘they ‘kept: ‘sauintin’ out J. seal? ‘arrangements. ‘especially. “-prethrough ‘the ‘holes in’. the. courtalns:| pi “pared -by” Hérman. Bernié, who’ Has |. at a “booked, the band ‘for: an: ‘indefinite. |: == ifig tothe benevolent:finds;of each, ‘engagement’ on:the ‘liner. 7). “ate, Z|: ‘oceeds»wall “be, ‘distributed.-as} Mildred: Hunt... Mary Ee oF Kien “the: -Actorst | ‘Fund; | James: Melton: and. “Ra tie -Mayor's ‘eommittes, for NBC artists,: were heard firing: the: the: wardr, be: Ww oman who-}ur mi toy ‘wnd 5% eich” to Actors* | proadcayt.: -Ariong thove ‘introdiiced: : : w vA . yunemp Feil, By Lat were. Pablo. and: Paquita. 1 | Bui tye ‘Chorug:" Equity, 7 Ve AGT: | Cathiolic * Actors! Guild, ‘Jewish hone ees “two (dnd va: ‘halt: ‘hours. ally. tor charity. in five. T-Millet “shoe. stores in New York this week and next, In’ “rettirn., Miller's: will: donate’: 10%. of “Bross. recelpts.. during’ ‘the ‘daily’ pe: rlodg ‘to seven. theatr ‘ical organiza-. “tlons: -and.’ one. political... unemploy-ment. ‘Campaigiy, with, the: ‘money. go> cer had to. “have * my" Car: ing. Reppens: “and. that: set me. back, 35, ‘then. my: brother. ‘goes: and. gets ‘married’. and: -E-had.-to° give him. ‘enough to. take: 1. ere: pf nig .-wite for’, a ‘couple. of. “° weeks ‘until he gets. a. job: “And the. * old-lady-is-afling: and. needs electric. (> streatmerits, oh."gée;. -It.ite ain't. ‘one. ting. As . another! And now: vue, “Légion “will: ie well a micKel: a “tor r its as ee ee vod Better. “off--w: a atNere is no -6y . at! they'd» “Oinlys.. “put. ona: show] G oo right halt: fhe. shows" wouldn’ t ‘close. Our comic I iss ay. funny: as: a Keo vé est!) Mane: ‘Dresalér’ ‘Wallace: Beery: : "in “MIN AND. BL : a with: MARJORIF:: RAMBEAT M“GENES: dpa: {:|fughs And. > ... Stage esta, Barto &.,, Man, Vee ele, Bunchute, Ore: ORK: O: ana: Warner” = fmest. tonight 3). “in the. US : a oe : training | ship”. Hiinols. eviiyn, at. seu | rve str cet: and: ‘North ‘river, »" ae ; oR-K0" teani ” comprises” “sil lformer : "Washington. le 7 od: Callahan, Giraites, 1 Brus :tomiley, | : “upper: jilate: pot. loose. De Jeader,. “he : hasiict. Bot" tight vets That: “stage : ‘DUPONT : Morrissey. “Miracle moni | ‘(Centinuea “from “rise ay, eee faviite, John. Law, alept. mn thé. dex i aad Viti: Drama: of. Young ‘Lovers whi ' could, not. diirdle: he. _barrlet ‘of: : ; Toys 7 Prejudice. : = . Gro Se: COHAN: THEATRERY SY |: Lee mdi ‘POPULAR PRICES: Pe, a PALACE: “DAVID BEL. “ASCO. ‘renenty Ne «TONIGHT. OR ee He AS’ the: ‘Paterson -Orphicunt's box’ ‘NE Lu “Guhagan®: lias: .-powerful, wells | I ‘office ‘opened.’ ‘for: thefirstSale, : the: ; ‘trained :volce. of operitic: dimensions: tended | -shevtift walked into” ‘the: cage: with | eould, make er ae nateews Pe be on pthe. caetend ad, pickidOut. a seat) high: voltage.{ltobert: Littell: World: |: rs Chawith, ‘a> bir ye. view of. “proceéd|" A co. “THEA We ‘am St. Eves. | a: {} ings. -He thad ‘not’. been: Jntroduced | os s B10: Mats, ahur,, -& Sat. 5/3" to: Morrissey” in person. fe a ; AS, , the aye W aned, Another. Morrigedy M i were. sti alle : that ‘rough: .spot.'. a = “HARRY. ‘CARROLL with EDDIE, .BRUCK, BORRAK: MINEVITCIE a yalinieiee Hetabtr s “Laugh , [sien “WhiLlAME=siminy. SAV O-—-Jnek.. "aENN at A Gast’ of t50' and “the. 2. wat: Bénutitul. Girls in the” World... : Orch. “Sents $4.-(oxcept., Saturdity) ‘ “Wed, -& -Sat:. ‘Mats: -Entire:, Orchestra. $2:50 — |! = ood: ‘Reserved ; Seats... every <Berformance,_ ate. | NEW AMSTERDAM. Wt “dant Ss) ike BA | a aiding. =|) wicket; word: waks “rep received ‘$300. ehange, | Hésitating -a ‘Jronsent, a tte :. on ound: and slid’ 2. $2" butt ‘bats, sayings: "We! ne Wt AY EE a: pakex't pame: uy. fate thie’ ‘house _atter the. ‘ore ot rene ae slyovy, bud. | “Would: youn ind: chiang | etait ‘time with | f this tinto“quarters: + eeHAd(e, RP HyUTAnicey’ a 4Not! ate all,”: “veplied? “thes dist aA. AG,, Marlety, 1) ‘guished: ‘fooking: gray hiirod -zentle= |: Finan cin’ the. box oflles, “as pe’. handed | the nai ‘$25-in qartors., aon F ~ the” pherite * Continued Wwatchiis: ganar aneetan plang, | “While. the: digttipnished: ooking. Be ay] Ne Witybarn. aura “ha fred: fellow. Was: relieved, din ‘turn, re NaAUdevUe Ly the “original re: Maybe A485, -Hrondways Void “SLI sratttng. ares resten ‘Sturges’ “LPamoup : Comedy’ ‘with TULLIG: CARMINATL: ; Staged by: ‘Aatoingtte. Perry & ‘Mr, “Penib fet _ Novarat. Cut: ‘Rates. we " t West isth: ‘atteet: Ata, Thuta; & Sat3 3: 30° ne man, to“pinyesilat efor | nder the’ lefor ‘vaureviiie jar. few times: : cin arene, . 4 ie expertene ree A JASE RB! rae Solo: DP ulixs: Miner, Tiocv Aner ¥ Oviginal novelles. “Tuy Evelinpnedt froay |. U _Gegrge: Jitren ae West Uke) yet nT ee 5 “Albert ‘Lewm, Metro's Assbelate | | producer, iwhov has Been “in “New | o s ‘ York’ for thé. past. few weeks, inde oO. WILL: ROGERS. pe ee a Ws , ad: Greet: ‘bh Aety . awho't aher RWG ‘nerabatles not..avar |. Miss “Ay George, 'N. Ve: Clady . : (ued leaking “youtg: ’ : to: iat me in, imy act. Must! he. slo: ta) ‘ECO “Ape yi ‘woing x-ray’ tredtineitts’ following: ape ; operation anid a. -recuperativie trip. | ‘dhroad, “ Feturied“-to: * ‘Hollywood, | Monday, sonsille rable niproved: an [53 Pheuety | lope: vw ve At RIVE TE ‘formerly, wilt} ‘Tiotis. : Wir, avus I, show th. of eben: ard. “Cann; . f Monat ue