Variety (Dec 1930)

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“| Flatbush; ‘avenue. “and Fulton. street, oc) coe “1 were thrown: into “a: pantie, Suriday |. 1) afterngon when: ‘four shots Fang. out an -? wo: .:imen::.wére.|’ ‘{| wounded.” Men, ‘women. and, ‘ehildren ” "| sushoed for the: séxits. : :Order:was Tres: . [stored avith: the arrival’ of -police. . Detectives: ‘arrested Mariano ‘Fer= rantollf, .85, manager. ofthe theatre, . ie ‘and his’ two brothers. “According. to |: Bo ee ne apt : STOCK PEOPLE TALK * Bur Tends’ stock is Hatuing: pe: lies, the: two. Wounded . migén. tried | “brnldable. ‘foothold, throughout “the e ti Sh. he. & : al a tthe. theatre. | “ OF. ORG ANIZING @ast: partioularly.. « veals:. 26: stocks: ope ative, on “Mon= “Burlesque playérs; now in 3 | day a1)’ with dt: léast--two Jor’ three ; set ‘to. Join’ the: ist. within: ‘the . next “York, £ ‘seeking: stock: cnkagerients| “are” ‘tallcing:. organization. wep There: nave. been ( ized for New... York: ‘Clty: ot: different” up= state: ‘points: ‘where «the: sengaged |: people’. havé . ‘fone. under’ contract,|' “the i dos only: to: find: themselves: ‘having: sey] wh ig’: Owed and. nobody |< “This: ‘department. conta ain | e ms -as:pi |, | lished. during the’.week in: the. daily: papers. Of ‘New York; ‘Chicago: To San’ ‘Francisco, ‘Hollywood" and:.. London, -. Variety) ‘takes “no. _Sregig for. these : mews: ‘items:. each has-been rewritten. ‘trom’ :a Maily pap j “NEW. YORK if Astoria: “see ‘chal ‘times: Lane el esan: “préparations ‘¢ Seiire ; : guilt: against -both’: the.: New. lived! ithe: nag lstrate: he ‘knéw, Bak York. “Theatre” Tickét League’ and. ‘|-the Postal Telegraph: Co..for efte; rantly: ‘discriminating. ‘against’ him”, ~in ‘the: handling of, seats. to -his’ new. :musical: comedy; “Smiles? ‘ :. _Giegfeld seeks ‘to’ compel, broilers. 5 asiilated witn(the: ‘Jeagueto:handle. ‘goats ‘for’“Smiles”. dince in: their] ‘contracts “with. the. hotels the brokers: | Specifically. 2 agree. ‘to. serve: the’ public, SEPPE. Bam besclielss “torn mer: veanductor ot’ the Metropolitan’ Oyiera | *.. Go. was ‘yweledsed: from : ane. courity. ope . Bet i ail, “Where “He“had ‘been sineo his: 3% : et eet, Novi.17, paid been in arrears | C01, 62; ahd Sei filliot, $8, botti uétors; died! early. Nove 26-fromaccis for’ $1,200 .in the “payment, of: $100: a ‘allmony:"/ awarded: .*-ALrs.; rei eer boisoning as they “slept in, their -: : te “Blanche ‘Bamboschék. after a diyoree.-|'! ~ Bamboschek was‘unable to pay; and) 4 Vit looked as ifhe. would: haye ‘to“re~ 4." 2 main in: jail’ for the “full: six. months |" thé fixed. Dby.-thelaw. \. But. negotiatiotts: 2 Ware: opened: with “Mrs. -Bambyschels, 4 “who. consented to -his, releast: a1}, phe “payment of: $250 : | tr vine: “place, “New. “Yoris.tiow a oar Mutual: oka Te goes stack Dec. 22. \ opened: “had. wvetur ned: sillot: was: ‘asieen:| 4; cori. made some ‘cot~ around ‘to. pay. off; . « “fas ‘ears’. reer “as: atheatre: ‘fiana, er |. : ~ : . yeare’. ca nag ‘This:. onditio: was acceniuatea’| ‘in thé ‘Hotel, Biltmore, oN, .¥ -Sun-']. oO day: evenirig. (30). was -@. great: *sucés. |-théepast. few'-w eks: whem ‘burlesque |; “fT stock’. people. Albany’ and: Balti=; Hingnara. amihotinees he’ : faye 1,500. persens' taking: part. “has signed “William. Anthony” Me* he allege ‘annount ig his ire". “The Monbtinaster Nae Etpnine | more after: wol pan uire. for: three play's: First’ will go1}-Pollock; -with. Donald .Ogden. : Stews | 4 “master “of-ceremonies, “into Yehearsalin.a month. Ander’ thes yr ‘Many “| prominent. ‘players: faade'l: we fee, *a. Bad Penny," “tobe follow le ‘Onward, : Christia ans Soldiers: sheeches, “all” ‘praising. the ener ‘able’ o iheatricalman. : thira play, ynntitled. 7" eee eae ade, “In recent. oars “Mr;’ Troha. has. L Mys.dale Foy. and: Wn Oscar | | ‘devoted his. seatire ‘time tothe: Ace fl os “Hammerstein: décided : ip. goon the | tora’. Fund. :.Congratulation’ to Mr. |Qiai “gtage to: ‘help ‘their depleted. Angomes.. backstage,: he tumbled off, landing:| Frohman: from‘ foreien: actors -were.| VMAS 2 aa : Mrs, “Isddie” Foy “will.. direct, “The | on Jerry “Allén;. actress; waiting for: yead by. Sir -Guy:.Standing: |: The] -. Te Aspe: stock. Spbosttion. . Casey: Girl," 'the’ play“her husband’ | ‘hor’ one, injuring: her so badly. ‘she'|-affair was. ‘ the: Actors’.| “ ., M0. UIEES: |": Generalized. stocks und’ Matinee: Club in, ‘co-oporation: ning as follows: © ima famous: and: Mr ‘Be. Oscar: Hern | Nas’ continue, it, was des’ with" the: “Dramatists”: Guild,.. AW "New: ork--Gotha |.clared -in: her, Suit ‘for--$20;000 ; dany-') oF PROS. against: hint: and: ‘the theatre: thors’ League; ‘Players’ Club, ‘Lambs. “ander neg “ot. the: Music. and’ other. theatrical organizations. . : . i Miss Allensaid ‘the . ‘Sur ‘pris iit : es er me, te ee -Shiock: she: experienced ag: well. “as.|. Responding ‘to. the,, acheter aethicniee Doty “ y the. injuries ‘suffered, impaired hei: éorded chim; Mr. ‘Frohman. ‘declared. : 7 “pabtey, ‘to: work £04" ‘sortie time. fea “was the: happiest: ay of. his: life... : ‘| they. werd in. there: ‘before lest dein € Tittle: ‘theatre, in ee On can, upright pitino ‘to inspect a high Shel ; Spokane, "pee. 2. : ~The. ices: “Of, a ‘daneer’. ny 7a” “film | choras get the: closeups and. ‘not: ‘the |: face, Frank ‘Finhey, burlesque come-| dian: : and. ‘director, * ‘testified. ‘this’ ‘week ‘ini ‘the:. ‘$7, 500 damiage’ case: of |. ‘Helen: May,: local: ‘danéer,. seeking to: | collect: from Clifton “Apt {-Toole, contractors, ~ eee se Plaintitt. alleged’. dirt’ was “dete. ‘in’ | the“street ‘after,a.sewe excavation and: _improperly.’ ‘lighted:: . ‘Her’ face |: ‘was “scarred, following” auto: accident: in Which. sShe.was: injured. “On ‘testi-: 24. -mmony::‘that ‘those riding with’: Misa: ; “Consuelo ‘Béauctiamp,’ 19, dancer, | May were: intoxicated ‘and: that’ the |: ‘suing far $60,000 damages’ from the prading was: jMehtea, t driver’ of:.a. Car; ‘that: struck ,her: a [tl . Rerum ‘B80. a Hasn’ t. been ale “toy . aE “Mis,” ‘Beuiah: Pr oy, “fOr mer “dancer; ost. her: suit:. for -$250,000.“damages from. John, A.. “Hoagland, “Nion= pro. Verdict “expressed. ‘the. Jurys. ~beligf that: “Hoagland... was: innocent. “Of ‘charges.-mude ‘by .Mrs; Ey: that :he\:beat her. with his. fists -in -a taxicab jin: Atlantio: City: ‘ongwild: night’ dn; eee ‘of. an “Whoopee” a year: ago. to ‘young husband, William ‘Droege: make asuccess’. of ‘the ‘drug -:busi‘|; . ness, has~ started. divorced, -protveed-: ‘ings: Justice * ‘Humphrey. reserved. :.. “decision: on: her-action, : “Which a heard: -last week,’ fa, I. Hoppers eneeure: extra,.: way. Shnat he! Hung ‘around . thé. ‘house.’ ‘wasting ) 1 beauty: net ee nae up. het |", ern ~ after: that, discovery ‘she }/; AGO! Me, dna “Mrs went, ‘back. to. ‘the : stage, in, “simple, “Auen.-Halt,:. radio... and. : -yaudeéville . etry “singers, .came.-\to. ‘New. “York: from. ours Z ae wh “Ph Philadelphia” in: ‘search. “of =. Work. _ Retort En jig andi. ‘Miller shoe “Phey ; Tp soe &. two: s¥oom apartme’ | . plores: “started” 6o~ aperating’ on. ar } in 2€ “Ee sapeln Search, Ml . campaign “toralse “money. for: the:} ce: fruitful.than vin") * ntl i unemployed, *which' will be continued’ Philadel Cand: “Hall, “teturned! Mate surier. aa ann mein Hy : ‘ber Marriage to Jack-Starneér, vaude: ee on: angi home: Last week: gas “Waid ‘gmelleddancer; ef year. ago.” She: -elaims: he coming. from: Mrs, Hall's: ‘apartment.-|" ix Stage. players, are to/act as host and. Foltee brolve': down, the. Moor: and a Thostess for-a day.. ‘in: each ‘of the five |! Miller: | Stores : ins “Marihattan | and -Brookiyn,, 10% .of the* Bross. chusitiess, : these. days, : to be “turned” ‘over. ‘to: “Hgquity,. whieh -will“divide if aniong: ‘|.verse,” finincier, Friday.’ 58). “theatrical organization: tails’-of .the’ marriage, were: : ; flearned. ; Souple-: fre: Hone ymio S stock’ ‘purlesaue, ‘stripped’ too: eee ; | for.;thie local: cénsor; Lieut.: Lester. -’ ; who: arrested: four: “members 7 slated for Dec, i lesa oft: ‘ds: known as: . we ohn: * MeCormick. ‘repor. ea ‘ens fh : Rath Ware fan, of “TShnites, wn caine: Rage’. #. ‘Mae: aan pictur the fourth wite’.of “James.” ‘Cori= of : ee 0! \tton: ae ee a “Ca I. ng.) Camages ‘frém the Pickwick :Stagesjump‘to, the town where: ‘the: ailing , ‘|-System ° ‘for’ bohe |. injuries recéived: show’ is: playing: and prescribe’ tréeat-. His. wile, and ‘two | Cores: White;: one: of ‘and Tost. ‘outspoken ' eng new... Theatre _ League | In: Ti bus wreck. ‘soclety. liza vet Iie | automobile’ : RECORD BREAKERS : feed te ~ Siattora. C.. Campbell, Tegilt;:: ‘¥en-" Clitt 7 ¥: oe fenced . ito. 180. ‘days. for: NoReaticy; eee “ (MUTUAL); wee , on. then e Funtingtony Pa , it “with, Gertie’ Foreman Peggy: Wil : swag’ Ne Dy. ‘fire. ~Dee.. ke Wire] -f Son “and; Esther;”” ‘Burt, « ‘House -sou[: } “Ereéts, lending: ‘ample. support,” this |< ‘show. fates’ better. than::the~ usual ; f Wheel broduction: Sten: around: ‘these erat’ oom panies: “on: strength: of. fis days.: > -Thege. ‘girls, ‘are. -so° far. .gu| supposed: “in: with’ the. home.’ office. ‘petlior ‘to, the average: burlesque stripy: ire : saleswomen’. that ; 7any.” comparison | Would-be . tinother. reflection : ‘on; the: tt of ‘the. Mutual: “Bhat: nate: has: Heduecd™ thé | de-+ mand: for. musical instruments. shown) .by a. Washington: report {5 which » showed? ‘that: “deliveries: /of.|“musical | distrnmients by. manufie turers. in ‘1929. were: valiied aut: $6.0;-901,137" (f-0.b. factory.. prices); ‘A. de= |. ., EL @reage | OF 389%. as:-dompared | Awith'| ” sot “$99, 689,293 xeported for: ‘27, thelist’ ue receding. census. yearn 1 “ot: the: firémen: read control: ‘it wnt late thirt: night, ‘Tivo. es ourity. gr and: jury Hatened 'to. DeVoé's.. version’ of’ :her’ ‘ouit: Deere a apie Clara” Bow:: ‘and. ‘then: intense ” “atter’t taking-$40 Tt rom: ‘ihe. potter, “the picture ° star's @x-Seo.on : whom! -they:: tiéd.. three armed: men-| counts: OF: grand, ‘theft. ° ‘She. is ‘ace }. Set fire #:to” the. Hamilton Chiiteau, | oheeks: Of drawin e unauthorized | 1 [night -clitb <at-Nurth Ber “a'| business: acumey ‘IWiremer, ; who: “tured ina | ; OW \ a mogul Boose ne hs : alarm : ‘before. the: blaze” Ww Noes mel Fe. #e See ni “Phey :¢ can't. ecm: to! ‘neue: why guished,: eetiinated ‘he: damage: & B Aray,. harley ‘Burns, mhanager,of” tlie Irv~] ‘nidte than” $25,0 New |ing: Place;: insists: that, ‘a. “eduple> of, —s . . os mee ; shapely -gitls: with leaks. ‘who -can |" S tay “Reed; “comic; . Aipon, ‘advice. ‘of sella ‘song and. doan ordinary. time], physic fang; left. the. | Mutual : show step. ‘might: mein: ‘Something ‘dt: the |. fhe. Record: ‘Breakérs,". last ‘Weel . ~ |.box: office." False: economy, almost: An. Jamaicn, ‘N.Y. suttering: frome ‘a : . m | ruined’ burlesque ont 14tli ‘street,-but:}:.. "ss hon. Nixon, ‘avoided’ alimony’ re exe] with: the. thre ox vert hoi srind=: " “| plaining.-to* the court, that ‘his sole; eexpert house grind= 4. . ‘| Ges working; : sOur eof. incomé. wee nis seuehtert nactty. Monday.t night, oe fwehe : : -Fleading *. ‘the:: “femme. pi (pale is with: this “show ‘ig.“Bebe “Almond, |) peur ott blonde, South, eu -aniong.: the ms, fo ee . A. $2 50; 000: danjage: Suit: instituted bv i ‘ranees, Poster, Hall,’ forme At-| -lanta:dancer, against: ‘Conke: White "-heéad,...wealthy sportsman; was "¢ _file in. Atlanta,.Gasy lastw : : a. Panty to one “whith: was THod ka f and Aismilssed: on. a techs: aah a it ‘lb voree. from: Willlany J Coles, ' Tor ter: “C8 ned At ius a wintlow:| York: cyclers’. “Saidhe was alwity } ; ‘Bole: into six: aay. ‘race ee ye. in’ the isulcide: or Re 1 2h: interior * decorator notre: By: known: pr ofes ionally ! ‘as y) .Chaniningy ” “She (wus itutinid.} “head on. ‘his® ‘yacht: in’: Tar ane har: ‘dead from: “pay ‘poisoning. in lier}, bor, ‘Sheavas* arrésted: ‘and. ‘takén, Apartment. at 264 Wee TSH | jatrect: ‘ashore py. Cuban policemen. in-com-~. | Novy... Z ak aot the-defendant's: -chaufteur. fi —AANCE:, “She claims that later: te, was. li Storie By Havana: at ‘further cone amet ae nda. battery, ‘She, set. forthe: ini Ut: in * pon “REIS. reported “to: the. poled: | ara ido tae stole. two tires. 5 from, his: ving « “Selig” to: Powder: Pull “eatutual,: opening: Dee. 8; “Replac ., ‘ we per. Seana Miss: «Jesse: James. Tes; 89, piicic. in gourt. ‘Almond clicked. “easily iv .her--tease | | fer lene atid : ‘Sammy Seer ing the"-estate’ of. ‘Vred. 6.:Thom: numbers, put -try-ag.she init “sheet uby Foreman’ a pf Wwaghalle to" get "ay | rei _ this, Mees “£ reervices sawrih the. Alining . of fe rhe an | Brooklyn. :, “res his father's’ Jife. -: be simflar action’ bern -Pearl’ Kay. and: ‘aaitiie:: “Shaw: ‘t Pe yf ares’ ‘non-sulted a: few MONthS Two, Gilmore: ioe ORS: ONG Laughyer" Catutual), p a “6. ie ae “te ®: 7 aw ‘ay. eu | direer, of ; : 4 BF the: Tana ‘nual: “theatrical ‘performances. were. ““guddénly, vanecelod ‘by WardenLawes | | Without: explanation, : It. had: been) ; “annguriced : that: ‘the canylet. . tle “would be: “Little: Jes aninati Ms “\ esque: bruret. a Blonde, ve: stalling: i ee neten! ankle: Virst: Nie ; 2 Studio fitter sued Jiek Lrow. ni er Amica» ‘are Chiiéle 5 Wilsbn. “ama “over. an, aiite : saceident, at:the. ‘staiio | Pilly. Migen the: ‘forner. ‘a fat: -hoy we Yeur.. 105" SUES felt Her EAS cE ; ne : t we ‘dees: “pulty-nosed. ‘big... ‘Hoo tram} | Sturt -accentabls:: ‘Both: Comes sat fe 2 ime’ ‘show flnslies of): ability”: ‘de~ | Spite tlre “stereotyped. material as-ber signed: them” While all: the skitein en ‘used . ‘in: chutlesaue’ 3 syear| 2 on elie: Lavelle 20; “non-pro, a “ns Idex-16 fo punning; for: Rudolph [: ; Cumer on, LOTG and. foriner:+ dish: And ; Ani la: Sev tite, “picture -actress Shige hailed. ‘a enb: and. “he: nisi _ of drepped.fron: Ter: person-accident=: sO Ally. ‘Thak. Ww ns fer. Slory. when’ she: rst wile, the: Torment Mas {ken to, Ahe Polide: ‘staGion.-on:Sie ofan. Ty: Honivias fissault): ‘and: and wad |-Sulliy on, ENogfpran Of: their. kon ‘Seawerty: . “ed “shee Way “Tneammntihits} polnted ‘Ok reeUlyar atchim and ot Y ry fo Uived: chim: tw dria. New: ta: Sixth. 1sbch strect.UTE fed. and: * “cay: ANDO | Said Miss: Lat]: Of Ty, Jer’ hand . . os Stutesman, oriner wv Bolix ia . . er in. income” noid Heiss: Gow * “orainarite elaims: $2,411 fron’ Mure: oe ear und. $8 407. From) nape: ‘sinco. these Se] aw etle better: faved PEE v the: ATW tual:, " Chatles™ Shultz, strats it ae v pean (aay 9 a a 5 LX ork. aie wt “tax ‘the ew: P birleame -_ vohitracter’ raadn, : Are: a on: a par]. ok: a the’ Gaiety; “Sep anton, oe ea pe with:: ‘ the: best . tlint: “Hutlesqna: ee te ree yA be. ‘maute “ini* thelr) Pep tive. line! Of) j , : a Beene Teaptany. Giese qutlarye Titty’ = wef eee Lew eee Laie, P ried, re ue an TP AV EM Tea ; oils ood Wt ealte |: “ , ‘ers: morse: than: dt-doeés nation nietute syiyon: he directors,” suid”. Magisthale® Apo Cautpevan « ‘suspending -senten¢ge, on. Athort. Rich=:| 4 O44 ards, 30, ‘a wwaiter; qrrested: beeause 1 ie ' oe his-own: admission ‘he: wanted (of: “omovies director. like, Tabitkeh “ore Mile.” Richards. Wis arvesteth, in, the’ Paramoint Building. Tteol-mar. William Shiclds. Vehe had aconcert :| fae. : “on. the eawhale laeking ‘Sie | ability: Be Wel) ies Todt “NG aR tie, iandiedt a peaire ‘etyeriting. a Soe mes, theaters