Variety (Dec 1930)

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We “Rather. i. ; pct raor dinaiy: 4 VAUDEVILLE, (Girls: Told. to. Keep: on “ON the. ‘Coast *y ; produced out there, a MT. StaRS shows and: Onsen. avell oli eto ° thé? amount’ they are: -Peceiving: : Mo ‘from. ‘their salary: in... : “| theatres. against. the: ‘share: going: ‘to. ge © | Bennett, “&. Carlton; * "4 and: owners. of the act..: a l comedy. Move. After They. 8 ew Bo By ““Chesletgh team; ‘And: ‘Gibbs, © ‘| lose: the balance of. their a -eral fing. he expect ae The trip. west,” he. “declar a “was: * for: ‘the :.purpose:: ‘of ° “taking: a. rest ;pand: regaining his health... 0°." ‘ Farnumi's last, ‘important: deal, as. “Sketch: Book re “Mahoney: | that ~ he as “not. ‘heard. personally: : from » Farnum.’ alnce “the: " road opéning: late’ in. ‘Septern: r r.. ‘-Mahoney-is-“in-New. “Fork: this: SL week on: a six-day. layoff. fine vaud Shows: 8 a Watven, Sharan, each ‘gid | ‘McKeésport, ‘al in! Pa.,” ; ne Se pena Dee. 38 as an. experiment, “Falniost ae cemulag peoblem: ’ ber: of ex-actors” among” the Agents: 7 has always: been. latge. Bee 4 ice. “ town er. ab = _ ure | to } nrore.. vs theatrical : -agent,: 4 »:| lost : in! the.° _ wastelands’ ‘of Death}. ; ‘Baltimore. Four’ years. Ago. ‘Farnuny:. ‘married: ‘EMabelle. Griffith, rion-professional, ‘of “She.-is. said: to: have’ ‘acs; | companied. -her’ husband" ‘west: as far , [as Coffin . ‘Greek: but: is now, under-: at: her: ‘home: | in: Balti, a | stood | £0: } . "Ralph ‘G ‘Farnum, er Valley-; on ‘the “Californian‘Arizona 50, 000: to. 300, 000. in ‘rae Dy Snialler: Penns ‘and: miahage ‘ to: Show’ business. _ And whether -CHLOA BO; ‘Dee; “y6:: : ( radio. ‘Attractions “have: hooked ‘by. the’ = Wari her circuit re now: “tour-: nf. ing “the-15. larger:. Wir er. houses in: “at! spots ‘already. ‘much aS. ¢ doubling. oe ‘burros,’: a | Furnace. .Creek. : Los: “Angeles: friends: ‘are. “exadper: Jatea at. ‘Sherift’ ‘Goper’s, attitude. that [" i | ilasea ‘Lakes: theatre, rat the nee Hy the: -arrangéinents: whereby: “Loew: is. | now handling. stage’ shows’ in. “Fox: log part “+: ‘turer. alive.” hag’ ‘not, been -given..up entirél} line. |, Deputy: ‘Sherift: ‘Harvey Goper;. ‘of. “Death”: “Watley * “Junction,” *Barnum,: who. chad: no: ‘guide, ‘out. “here. seeking. to” -improve: nis, “| health and. the” LosAtigeles ‘Miss|. ing. Peoples’ : ‘Bureau: -has-beén as-’ ‘Sured. that: Farnum’s disappearance is. no" ‘press stunt.® *. Alarm’ ‘was, first. . ‘created, ‘forthe | hen’ one-o ‘missing | showman. emaciated, tageer ed. ia. ‘goon as‘he heard’ from New‘York that,’ ‘Farnum’: chad: “not: vaude: ‘producers s oS “may.: “be: “‘tatally: "states |. there. ‘is enough: ‘water and: ‘game. win} the. valley: ‘to ‘keep a. sturdy. ‘adven:, “For this: reason’ ‘hope: “into, . ‘rettirned: an send ‘out a. searehy “twogirl cs Were: advised; by. ‘RK<O upon: arriving’ ‘in. New York’ that’ {f. failing’, to proceéd‘to. -Char-}‘{Totted;. N.: “Os this © “weelt: gs booked. 8: they. woulk g fj time, on the circuit. tivo tore oné: newspaper. “ada “once guy: and ‘Thursday nights, the dend the: ?’R-Kone ree lunch for’ mat’ patrons ors Femmes : G0. forthe ‘fre ‘sniaeks:’ ~ batgain: to. Be Santa’ by. ‘Train ; Indidnapolis aybic istirr ea: ‘ap: interest: in. 2,000: homes. with a ‘Santa. ‘Claus: stutit ev ery: week. ‘or two‘weeks on Tues tree: ee sstunt..was @lving* ‘thee. admission to ~/ any. pergon™ with” » Bernte. a | I<hrisKringle was: brought, to: “town: . “yf eles éottarsand ghirts . were’ regs | cued» from the: pile in’ the. toby: '14,200children * attended... and:,-t trucks and: ‘eight: antos Carrier ‘parcels: for. ‘distribution . among" the | poor. Smithied got’a column of pubs” . -licity. in: the ‘local: néwapaper: in r the: played. clothing: for :the:: tig,: pias, Arranged’ on: a train, the Icids meeting him-at |’ ve: station. and: parading :to the’ ‘theatre. vie Badges. given “to. all: Kids: ‘attend. ying: ‘the. “previou :them: to" special. : Saturday: . ‘ghow[Bach : : youngster. also: ‘got a. box” of. ‘Teandy: Adults accompanying. young=" 7 me t:. ‘ster paid. a admi ssion. iG : nh ) Na agent. was. his booking: ‘of Will aly; "|. Mahoriey: in. the. road. company: of | [Carroll's “advised: “Variety”: on: “Monday. ‘(18)-F “Sketch. celal: ad. for the’ theatre: One the: bad! cover... Uniders a “cost HO “wothing.-: nen _ .Manager:" Stupbleneia Strand, “giving” away.pairs. of “passe . for’ the beSt-rewrites: ofthe theatre's adver. ‘compiny proximately,: 65% ‘of ‘the world’s: flr va fent empl Several other: indepénd Highhe eNdeezine: peteh carry’ a. a spect. call: Slaimine. Jower thant. -Techinicolok:: “week, admitted]. ‘significant : in “view. of “th -etirrently. “handling : “ape ‘production : eadt!, 3: tieve “they” can ‘turn’, out "color filna -at a cost Of less -than’10% -|:to.: black ‘and. ‘white, » ogee nts apeanne. in: the: “Hernld| rn we technical, chief, ‘ah ‘Vey: 3a ‘additional ts. -process ‘is the. ‘inventionof Roy Hunter. mos | Suminenvilie: ‘two: ae mae ‘far’ with ‘well : known | ‘ti ’ take, Phoiiey: Bills nol eo ‘Birmingham, oS la “phoney. ‘money: was passed outTrianon Bills had pictures’ of. James Gleason ‘Eddie : -Quillan: and Robert’ .Arm= Strong, and -were: ‘printed:in denomi-: ; mations represétnig: $100." : On the reverse side: “of the. bill: ‘were ‘cuts in’ each -corner. milde: from “Stills Supplied: for press: z : "Pine: Blatt, Ark ae’ ‘theatre -has:made arrangé-. ‘ments with, the’. street -carline -to” is |bring and take back -patrons’.of their. ‘shoj:... on:“presentation | ‘of. ticket bought: -at ‘One. of:.16. drugstoreg -or. ‘other. -places: in-‘the: city.’ -It Has: hélped: tov increase. box Office réceipts.‘Makes the ride-to ‘and: fromthe: show, tree: to: the showgeer, wie Balcony of ‘Toys... Fort. Wayne, “Ind, 3: . “Manager “Harvey. Cocks,” of the: 2d} Manager, transformed. the: entire. HT: An: all: circus: ‘not. “OE: 96. -people;oo “headed by. ‘thie Hanaford Faniily: and'}.. : ‘Clown “Peppee,, has; been; ‘assembled ao AL by! PFanchon & “Mar Go.for sone ‘Fox } * ‘fmet house: dates, ‘star ting: Dec: 19: at “Rmpire: théatre,-. all: Riven, * Sass ra |etiniagtea vaude. ‘Nov, AB. |}. Bills were: ‘New . York« booked. by ‘the: ‘Fisher . : Straight: pictures is: the, new: “policy agency sinée” summer. ‘tinued, ‘and: evidently: on cone: Of, his" ‘pet: ‘gubjecta,: “because: ' “naturally “and . ‘if: “she'd * -let. -hergelt ° ‘alone, '. “] woman. has 50. mtich appeal and. s0.|* .Why;a“woman | ‘has: 1 60 times” ‘more* chance ..of petting: ‘ahead on“the’ ‘screen -than.: ‘& ‘man.‘It's: easier ‘for .jer ‘because. ‘ghe ‘is |. more attractive: and: ‘interésting ‘to Livo! what: she can: do): much © to’. -gell,: | “the . public. jwith’ ‘clothes.’ :..7) de “Just: give. any. ‘nide ‘Tookiiig: girl, ‘tor: who ‘they. .are., balcony ‘of. the house: into.:a. Sarita. Claus: ‘workshop;..with a:.complete. [= way, on . |.time , anglé,, color. ‘companies: : being. a = notably: SLOW: in. completing Prints, : | for. : Clairnied to” ‘have: ‘been somewhat a ‘emedied. in, past months: aes ¢ *y,'9 = use and. Olilldren’s "novel tares were used. by: ‘the. management. 4,000: Kids. Bring “Old: Clothés", 3 “Ringsion, : Can, o “One ia” “was: S0‘anxious ‘to. attend. the. “Old -Clothes ‘Matinée™::‘at™ the. Capitol here He -took. the. bundieot: ‘family. washing Just-delivered: to-his’ home.: by. the: laundry. -“A hurry-up: gome. g00dlooking : ‘clothes’ ‘and. she | . us 1 can. “pull ’ them ‘around. “her, “pose a.[y “bit, “and=look like «a: million ‘dollars. f |-And: look ‘at the. publicity.they..can:[ °° o : | get:without any effort... Newspapers |] “Hl would: ‘rather -have -the picture: oth. C mi any. pretty: chorus: lel ‘than. ‘a cpic1 ture. of me..." -It'a. hard: to": jmen’s: pictures ‘fo: ‘fill -in. with?" “A: George. had ‘forgotten: about ‘the, a draughts. that: might harm: hig chest. | f° | He threw his. ‘blanket off: and. endéd |: | -his’ story. “of “why &. he-man. lilces. a'| : fl he-man's: woman -by. saying,.: Girls | F =| re. ‘charming little things, ‘but: ‘they: Wed ty rh od -f : the. RK‘O.. Hoey ‘He. and his cl, te A strel act ‘of "12, : cafter: along absence |f ‘| from: RK: ‘0;. will. \ split the. week of} | _make | } papers. take. pictures, of{4° ‘They’ only: ‘want, L a i “host. attractive: soprario possess Mitte: ‘stage’. personal . Direction, | ‘ballyhooing.. “Big. Money." Bro adway". | color. ‘expert “AS. exemiplifying: what ‘the. ‘producing distributing: -gompa. | nies. ‘are “tip. ‘against “in regard to |.eolor as ‘it -stands. : ‘gers’. been . released “in” “black ‘and: ‘have: been. $62,000.” | ber: of prints. -in. ‘olor. cost | “Warners $451, 000. “Contests: and “other. . plagging. tea eyear.’ . ‘call’ was sent. to’. Manager. . Ernie} ‘Smithies” with: the” result, that: the. its. Dre Ocess “Dathe and. ‘Sennett also: What. is. ‘thoughy to jiaveimpeded: . ‘Golok. wastlie -heavy. cost: coming, ‘at. -a:time when: theatre’ ‘business’ was ‘being affected, as. were other: indut : tries,; by” getieralconditions, 70. The’: case of “Gold “Digger (WBI-. “wag ‘cited -by . a.’ Had “Gold: Dig white’ the costs". for’ prints: Would: “The: ‘game num ‘To: this “was. -added: ‘the: cost of. the anily” rushes.: ‘Black and, whites: would: shave totaled $23,0 000. “-mDremendous. ‘difference; Votatnii; ds: not: suitferancey produ “py: ithe. pulling: ‘power . of ‘color... ‘is novadvantage to’ the: ‘boxoffice, ie “Ther eo is held,: unless: the. added cost is be low: ‘thie 10%: mark; “Hence. .the: race : which. “is. Andee: « Besides . ‘which. | there. is. the release, -This: ‘situation.: J Newest. monologue: “material, ‘double fo” ‘routines, wise -cracks,. stories; etc., “ ;monthly: ‘comedy: "service; —: ‘called:THE :COMEDIAN,. -$10 ‘peri ‘Small. ‘but. good.” ‘ ready. :./Price,. $1; or. first ‘six, Issues for $4. Eddie Cantor,. Howard. Bros., ' a ‘are-yearly: sub: Fred. Allen, et al.: _Seribers. |. Also’. acts written. to f “order. ~ JAMES. MADISON, > 465°T. “South: ‘Detroit: “Stréet;Los Angeles.. in ite review. “Re K: 6: Palace; Chicago, las /Kuanetzoft. has. Oe ‘Super b ‘base voice, while a nay Palace: Theatre Bide., N. No, 6 now... a