Variety (Dec 1930)

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3 VARIETY ye zs _ PALACE, CHICAGO Ao PALACE (St Vaiide),”’ a “Chicage,. ‘Dec... 43. we DOP tee “phere: Hever: hhas::been -& \cock-.| Benny. “Rubin, Keni Murray: ands ‘| Helen Kane,-holding over, were the >: ‘foundation for the current. Bik whick. “|: has..Ruth’ principal: addi«") 2° tion ‘and: headliner. : .-That’ Sliven: the: Palace’ an extraordinary: ‘four-ply ‘naine, combination for. amusing, ‘and-drawing.-”.Miss. .Etting, one-of the | ; real Talaeé favorites: ‘and . ‘always certainty ‘at this box’ office, ‘wa probably ‘counted: on ‘to. -make:: ups. ‘for ‘any. drawing: power. ‘the hi ong: trio might lose in their second week," with. the, added. -possibility. .of:-the. “trio remaining” ‘Bttractive: ‘enough, te. o fea: DONAHUE ‘and Nellie ereen| * | 'Comedy,;8o Dances. 1 43-Mins.; ; -. 81st’ Sty’: Jo6: Donaliue, thé: late Taole. Dona |: Hive’s Brother, has been: in. vaude'as. “roach, a rat ora. ‘mouse’ ‘in the. Pal-: | @.single for‘some. tinte, beside workl'nce‘theatre, | ‘upstage: or: back, . AC. id y . : Talk; and and. Dances’ _ {ng dn deat and Jest season in’ pee. cording: ‘to: Prank Smith; manager, ‘f [eae One” “ <)-bestknoway in'-vaude-ag:the purtner.| So it was deomied. best: to. chuek the: of: H ye. | Of Tester Allén.... Both can. dohetter ; free luneh | idea: to. We: ‘glyen” ‘on’ the} {PhS ctv ‘ponte comprises. ‘ ‘Billie. “an. tele: ‘present: act suzeests,” yee! 7 t of the door Rae. “and.” Walter, ‘Donahue,: young |. en: ‘Starts: slow. Misy-Breen; lag me zanine: Ooryou of ‘the oor. {brother “ot -the. late Jack. Donahue; Te. ube; goes: “nto sonie crogsilre with |:fore at’ ‘Bot: -atarted.Several: ent StALTES Off With-some ‘thy exchange. Donahue:~ ‘comedy. song..and:. then''a | shops, across. the: ‘Street from” the, |: [= Ho song. tind dance routine and} “tap: dance, ..While:.she's: alf"for: a. Palace, “had complained’: that: the: : seine, voit hand)ing: of Miss: Regay. -costunie ‘change; Donahue does’ some. ‘gery ing.: ‘Of: -freecoftce,: ‘sandwiches, | cake, and: icecream ‘by ‘this. R-K-Ospot Wagn! '€ quite fair... At* “ANY: | rate, solo ‘stopping. ‘by. “eccentric! hoofing. .. MS ee ee Fre| ONO, ‘turng’ An. stre t woar,.. Then follows : 0. is iceaptably: injectéd., . apy gsfire . and a gooa dug tune. all” this’, freo-tab, -; which’. Was -to repéat. aS ‘draws. :. af Ap : 3 3 9,..mulmber sof] Well, What-Are: You: Waiting Wor." {haye: ‘en daily ‘star ting | Last “week's: grogshit: $31; 000; bie. te A: “the. maldae ot! falls, lac eh productive, especially in: “Winds ‘tip -with-both dancing’ "| for the. Palace, with’ a-.g00d bill on. |”: ie houses: ‘ee the Jeff. The act:on-its |: Until’. “Miss [Breén : makes . | the: ‘stage... Money. always’ slows woe fe ; séniment here ‘needs working. .; -. cliange: ‘the’ act vdrags,:: Aftet‘slie. ‘has: arranged. for ‘three: of. this | Up: atthe -Palace.. when ‘the show's . .”. fervousress: Shown By. “other: “Obl “tthe best’ .or: perhaps" biggest. “iny-"] Gomes: back: the ’ material : dg better rweek’s turns. to.go on :the. air... “They |:there,. ‘This one. should ‘duplicate... " -unminists Who recently® preceded: -him “provement: ‘could,’ be. :made “in the | and it: really gets some. place; « Hvis [are Jace Deark Zot ‘Santlev ‘and | fordough. dnd. while ‘not .as--atrong . fn ‘vaude. “That mite: it easier: to} talk ‘exchange, “A .féw* of “tlie: gags | deritly: ‘the ‘material. is ‘now. ithe an ‘Dainty Marie... Last named-will ap-|2t :the ” first:. show, ‘might -be. with’ 9 v talk 'smoothly;. with’ all. of" his’ yaths: ‘aredstrifie bhie jindthat submari ine’) chor,. for they -hayen't. anything ‘solid, ‘pear: each’ P...M.: in ‘the ‘foyer -ofthé. two, or: three® ‘performanc s. ‘behing: mari “necess x li mooth:d _Be|: orwel: should: 50. Out," Mark. :. | inthe line ‘of, laughs. * mousy house and: amplify’ her.athietic Fadio Ate sides Which the .. Abie™. Kabbible. ee hay “Donahue: is a good-looking bor; talk ~~ . ereator. ve ; j e, 2a j } ghange. of. pace,: ‘unéonscious’ ‘or de=: ‘BOBBY janvis. 4) ‘ __ Nberate,’. alternated: the * ‘strong ‘and: one: Best. Man” uo “not’ so: strong “staries, | Comedy Skit™” . : Jor: un: opening < the cartoonist: ae tigg: 0 U doubled: ‘at.his. owh trade: to-draw, St. gee Oe. “a-bust of ‘Abie. , ‘Then: stepped. :to |: ‘This: musical arate by H: (Greene . “the foots: and stayed’ thera: the-rest}2" id: Carey: Morgan. is:a-weak, sister.|: JOSE “ . “of. way... His ‘position’ was:-in: front-| {fou -any.angle. -Four. ‘people “in SEPHB: “of, the: lights, . quite -dim’ as~a’ spot support of Bobby. Jarvis, the: ‘comic, |. _Comedy,. Song, D “for “acstr ‘aight: talker’ but ’ possibly. are: Audrey Christie, Evelyn: Kindler, ' 18-Mins.; One : the: ‘best: ‘way since } always. sug| ‘Edna Bare and Jack Donahue," Englewood, | Chi 6 gested” nonchalance: “He” wasn't} “Weak. -opening* has. ‘Jarvis “ag the'} ‘Taking: an “elongated: 7 ‘gontor I miade up, whichis: ii ‘his -céntract:: bést"man. ata wedding’ of -his -pal.| femme: dancér..and a short girl;Jo“AIL: ‘put. orie‘of: Her shield’ $ stories: offering his condolences ‘on: the. steps,|.seph..Stanley attempts "to: show..the’ “Were. the’. ‘Yiddish. vdlalect:: type. “he | Of. &: church’ as the: happy: couple |‘grlef a vaude producer goes through. | Bpecializes.. in’. ‘ everywhere, and ‘start. on: théir’ lioneymoun:~ ~ Scene} It: makes: pretty ‘fair ‘éntértainment,. “enough: Of-them. highly . ‘Jaughable.: then-shifts. to, “full ‘stage,’ a: lving| with. Stanley jumping -in and -offerHe. sets: the -pacefor. himself : With: Foom:, in: the home -of. the: ‘married: ing. new sort: ‘of: dance,. whére. ‘the: “right: handed . gestures: “The left ‘pale: a year, later, «Jarvis, suppos: |-orchestra ‘switches from a ‘song ‘mel. » ptayed: in ‘his’ pocket, * A edly still x. bachelor; enters. and. two‘ody. to’ ‘dance’ ‘music; ‘causing; plenty. oo cHis monplog “idea: ‘iS ee Bit: oe: ‘Bhis : try. to: set him ‘in a ‘Spot. for. of: Janehs.: ‘A-hot idea: which, when: fashioned and‘ slow... ‘for. current, wv Bath age D oe bey had déd ¢ vaude. “demands,” but; his: ° “name: is’ again, Retlove they, Wid guceeeted | -, there. to: offset: such a. ‘handicap. ‘the :phone: rings.-and: Jarvis 4s’ in=.| the. long one “then, the short. one; all |. | RESMCHI I 8 name for, vaude 0 formed "eta. Become a. {athe | goon’ comet "Next yvlolin bit by ‘ment. valde té evade the” “usual | More ‘phone. calls. ahd he: learns: its.| one of the girls, a-amart ‘Greenivood ~~ Glasslification. of being a’ freak: «-": twins ‘and then triplets. . Still sn-'| leg-swinging: type. of dance by. the: “-'*/othercall andthe ‘phone goés’ up |'tair gemme: anda + wind-up, of Hoke: “Y Bige.. -::in’ sioké,. with. Jarvis: taking . a | comedy. a ‘header. out’ the “window.. '. : . | “sNot. only the. plot-of. this. farce; put | i ot also: ones: _lyrigs and Tausie : Anter~"| oe HARRY. HERSHFIELD Moneieg ey 7 s 7 a ” avied. ¥ ude. pkiyingtov: Loew iO ‘the: stile: of. the State, hé-was sper “fectly at ease, at. home: ‘and. at: hi nf “pest... Hershfield a's best. ds _pret | ‘Donahue * good.: “Aud. he “didn’t: i obis: grey wb (ar Roa AUX. oe er'| . To‘ take’ its: place: George: Brow “Big. fauit ‘Saturday: afterndon:4 wa ; ‘the. failure of..Murtay~ and] Rubin ; [Spehing ‘tila: ,”: They.. offer. some: ro-. |." ¢.' combo for. ‘the. second:-weck an uf. ust: ‘an ‘vi 4 hoofi ‘ato} a: to . ‘to. ‘kick things.“ along: at: the. neces aa “tittle ‘ovethauline,” isoriie’ cot: P a. vig’ ng. op. pe: sary rate. It was. their: material stitutions,: ‘additions, and. Playin & | Made=the’ first.‘part drag” and loole : ae a : -Thad,with: ‘tho. ‘million bucks. worth tad: in: ra tore warbe iene out: ‘of. talent. involved‘ tiot.-séeming ‘that. “ [a fownew dnfficult'steps and added expensive.’ No -real: encouragement: “| wiore hand warmers -to: this, trio's [till late. It ‘arrived’. it the’ second: following. Closed... with: excellent,| $p0t oy) part.:two; held ‘by.’ Miss .Et‘stair: dancing, |. : ting, whose ‘own’ ‘click: led". tothe. : " Word’ OX: ; | show's. ‘next: pest sock, my ny Whitey, after. a dragey opening, "got: comedy: interlude-“in“one”: Ly: ‘the. ‘going: strong. with. the. ppening, -dog: comics. : “They, staged: ‘a dancing : ‘con-: test: between’ ‘themselves: for. héavy-: -bit;. “Saturday: afternoon © children’ : ’ laughs and... ‘applause: ‘and. -brought. went. ‘into. Yoars::at’ Whitey's’: ‘antics. on ‘a brace « ‘of, specialt ty -dkids. “to. Jack Pearl, assisted: py {wo -mén,. Anish: its: in a sketchrunning .26 m nutes, went] . “ ye ‘after belly: lavghs.; The skit. is:built [2-2 ‘the af Kane and: B around: Pearl's: dialect. when he'tri6s-|% ‘to. buy a. car’ “in: -Rrance; “A. §0-be-:} . > . tween.” helps. The. Palace *. “stage | 24 many: A rat: seade: “aingle a "to: 0" [ara today. Two on. the . game. |. bill this ‘week ‘and--not. “another. in.’ onl. Santley. with ‘the ad ora Sisht for. AWwéeks;:: That reflects.:--: “play er: ‘and: » few. odd: ‘brushes. of | the. present: Palace: booking’ problem. ©..." ker Hatr .wentthrough impersona-| Et shapperied Ruth Etting. and’ Helen. ‘tions,. as ‘seen at: Ruberis,, of Eddie. Karie:were both available this wéck: : “ and: ‘rather: than loge’ éither,, appar: ‘Cantor, Pannié‘Brice Geor “| Tiss,” ‘Maurice. ‘Chevalier ‘ana. Helen [ene the ‘Palace: booker: “gtabbed. " .<) Morgan. > Each ‘one “ brought --ont:]“No confilétion,: : | ‘in style. or: esults: her ‘skill more ‘sharpzy’ to. -the:folks. ; ‘out: in front. : On. her last “of? Mor‘Miss * Kane's ‘five .numbers ‘closing: *'|:the: first. :part’ ‘were -not”as ‘suitable « : val H niltc ae an, who. has. been | in ‘ag: the: previous:.rép..and -all showed’ Mee: Hamilton : cently: with “Adeline,” she..clicked |this much imitated: gitl is driftin vray ‘are: ‘capable: spe.) Another. female! pond ‘act, this’ one}: Her: ‘cl * number: was |: "f h ae it hee : In‘ this ‘skit-théy-are, ‘using élaborate ‘arrangements; ‘call|"Yen-: ‘Cents~a.. Dance,’ done: “almost.| puta from i er. own Biv * nding: ba handicapped: by: "poor. matetial: whiching. foi: heavy. work: on. the: part’ of: “every. welt, On:. ‘the:. ‘Palace. ‘stage. ° 7 otic Ye ne: hi ie sted ; ‘will -need.. plenty..of* | the brass séction,, with the energetic’ “Dainty .Marie and ‘Co, -tlie eloser,| © (renters: ha 5 i ei ferent bree Bet by. r consistently, in the: ‘interme-: irl leader: blasting away with trum-" ‘with. ‘Marie’ going through. her.rou|M ast t ng ad. ape é-been stan ing : we “3 [net” solos. “at” frequent intervals: | tine: tricks . with 2, .vigor: that: woil: again te Stisa ee a appeared ‘| "Ehey are: drésséd: in: ‘colorful. pajama; ‘hier plenty:.': Her: three. assistants gen ‘and-for the second: weelt ina, ‘| suits’ with. beréts to.match,and on |.one" ‘a stout,’ ‘pith and-one'a thin girl, : tributed an. {deal finish, aaarer > [pes Whole” aeem to, be a. capaple: and-a man, supply the laughs early.| “Making. it. stronger, Rubin® ‘£012, 10. Mins.;.. Orne: : of Soup: ‘of instrumentalists, cht: . [inthis “turn, ‘which is: timed. with) | owed: ‘Murray. opposite. Miss: Kano Hamilton: “ . “Nice. arrangement of:“‘Otchi'Cherthe 18-day .diét_and slininesa to. hit) via dy. < She:rip=_ ni*. gives. most. of the girls a, chance: | for .more: ‘sound. cotnedy. =. She ‘rip= | Lou: Cameron ~ “workin: “without | I : om every. femmé in the house.” “| ‘ped. his Shirt ‘into threads in the:las any. clowning Cormedy-.stuff. on. the. ere Solo its. (Ehree. on: ior aA me “Madonna... of. the. Streets” ‘(Goly ; | chorus.” _Doné so:-nicely as'to appeai r ’ ‘ feature :picture,’ Zot, good: ‘Notices: }°, . Bees a wr He erent ters along, but. the band's’ irapresslon, “This; with the “excellent ‘vaude be|; ap oritancous, ane. other ane th : pa ae Breathi. sth'| Of. CabCalloway comme Pe ae St. ling handed "out : héie ‘lately: and: a an are between: ae ene oe: oo | James Infirmary. Blues," with: a:vo-' siusiy snowyday, packed: the ‘lower | se! =| Re Puente, Mewaphoned Dy. Poe OF | floor at the frst show, Lvatves ena need oF playing, Ae ad. -Dixie:. Sones for. a: finish, ware weak} athe ‘Dill came. intact, from Cinein~ | the “Bil ‘Sykes’: burlesque” by ‘the. ots. in? ine, nat _ -| comics. and’. ‘Miss’, “Kane: in’ the! clos=-. fing a, a itn toning’ down: ‘might’: jing. Spots abls : “wae ‘the satire on ind. favor: in t @ intermediate spots. |: + | Owen’ cGivney's:... protean .. ac a — dOREAM'S: Me MORIES" “:) placed .third,’ as. “done‘by. others ~ in: re Darice. Revie: -|vaude:. for : the ‘past. eight. or. nine: Fone ) | 15.-Mins:; Full: Stage: ‘|yéars ‘ag: The. Wager," °°” : _ Hamilton. .. ns JsfeSDhe “Wager”: was : frame’ “in wet Just: another : ‘yiame to. cover’ one: ‘Keith: theatre ‘in. 1922 ‘or. ‘theroabouts, ee Ok. ‘those ‘combos “with: the, adagto | as an afterpiéce: toa bill then coms .:.."* dancer's, ° a “prima” ‘donna: rand: ‘the! prging’: ‘Bert-and.” Betty” ‘Wheeler, : rest. <Not. a ‘bad. outfit, with’, ‘the. ‘William. and: ‘Joe Mariel,“ Dotson” Work -of.:two.-men ; ‘tossing’: @: young ‘atid McGivney, | It“wasso-Success= ‘woman about as: though’ she'weré a {ful these ‘acts » .played. intact-in valle.) football the standout; .some:réal, eir| theatres: for : months, Later it was ‘Gusy “throws -hére: from .oné ‘ian to:| played by others. with: MeGivney.: achance todo a lusle cape * ledy experts, involved, it posionsed. Girl ‘takes changes, but ‘they-make,} More than: ‘the :-usual” amount: of, ye aon, “Keppel “and Betiy © ‘are ine | C, a: -hasn’ t:had.a_ German. ‘dialect act’: for. er Jages. “It went.over with’ a. ‘bang: |; ‘ghepping. ‘for. a girl partner, : BERRY. . 6.:Mins.;" ‘One: "Palace: (St. Vv.) a : recéntly ” tal line *Blackbiras? and. carry: ‘that. billing: a With, them, ‘They are. at. thePalace | S_ this-week withott..vaude'standard-.: ization. in -between::. ‘The “strenuous. o> eccentric’: dancing’ “by: ‘this: spair’ ; “Of |. ‘colored youth. “is “the sért, ‘that... ‘ses . Cures applause: ‘enroute: and:is” gene. “* erally pretty. sure of ‘a ‘spontaneous | an outburst at the: finish: ao : “At the. Palace, ‘No. 2, they “were: -.onfor. but six ‘minutes..: If. ‘continus | vang. An yaude: it would: be! ‘fadvisable.|:: to, ada. two “or;: ‘three. extra’ minutes... vAn. ‘encore. ‘would: take: care ‘of that, |: Taller boy featutes:: one” trick; :a | ¥ », Specdy... twirl. ending’ -in: a. ‘doubie|| _knee“drop: . This. is the best. remem--|, het bered part of thelr dancing, though. “A none. of *.it. is’ far behind." More ‘playing‘probably: will” ‘give: them: 'a +: I betty ‘perspective. ‘of: “‘yaude | voutin~ Ang... Sat LOU. i: CAMERON ‘Comedy » getting routine, : a or ‘He's .achard ‘wicker: ‘clowns: “most . of. thé: time, : -wisé=cracking=.with, Bige. © modern. fiilppaney. that modern audi-. | a fences, demand. a. lot:-of “these days,:|" “YT ahd -suécecdéd sin, garnering: ‘Yather: a .Jeonsistentlanghs. °° FLORENCE Wnitt NEY and: Co. cae “Nothing ‘anusual, but Pleasing: and: /Danées 12” . ; " amusing? a es Berk.) 12 Mins: Full’ (Speciai) -) 58th: Street”... fo AL pair’. of: } ‘mixed . “doubles.” Bo: ‘through an ‘ordinary: routine, folloty; Ping which. one girl does a-aolo. aerp= ‘patic. ., Same “girl ‘back ‘on /after’/a SEVEN. GORDONIANS : | Acrobatics : not 9--Mins:>: Full. ” Hippodrome: : Five’ men: and’ “ty girls mar. ‘| etteker: on. Stugeand : ‘go into. ordinary. time |i NS bling, ‘The’ first: -serious“trick chad [a5 : Tom Gordoni standing ‘on .one” end: Hamilton" : , laps oS | quick. change fora number’; with. the. ta onpeter poara. ot recent mam | _Oncé-more: John Rucker: and: osha “ute ‘boys: in a-slightly. changed ‘rouBoard ‘ana. threw Gordoht. “int the: ney .Pérrin ‘ate “reunited “doing. « a ‘tine that includes the. conventional: air, su »pose dl to land. on the: to our comedy net. which ° scored ‘all. the. fast. ‘steps of. the: écollegiate:.: Should “ders: oye ae Tae by:, “understander. " WY “At the. R“air -O.aptown » New | ‘shane quickly: for -the neighborhoods | Gordoni missed his “man‘at: the first'| Fak mene id neither avemicd to. {Site Wittney ie evidently: a ballet: ‘the-.act ‘ag ‘the’ rest .of the turn: is|Tisinal laugh: stuff-here.: But’ a ‘show Saturday ‘and landed’on ‘the’ get: very far without-the other. -This | school ‘product'and a: ‘000. one... Her just s6-so.,. “Has'some dancing: ‘girls. worked, it. showed more. ‘than. any=: stage® on. ‘his head in! a.-bad: Spill | ‘time -they Have-slapped. together :an.|-frst’ ‘Solo ends: with & fast’: twirling: who Prove:. peceptable’ time; “Killers, | thing” else on ‘the bill, .the need.:of ae which’ was. only: partly:. bproken.; (amusing: pit’ of comedy’ byplay. along. ‘finish. that. -gdes:across. “One. ‘DOF : Marke: ‘ai: few. ‘performances... At closed the: fs ) Second: thick;. ‘somewhat. ‘similar, former: lines: : ~Jand first. girl offer a;Russian, pease)" * bitl:somewhat abfuptiy:. Mightchave ¢ *.. was. ‘also. ‘imuffed::. Third: stunt *had-|: ‘The: two. comic -one., ‘as ’@ ‘Chink: -ant: @ance * ‘Miss~ Whitney. gets ‘an-' been more : properly” ‘placed | ‘atthe | .., Gordoni, jumping. backwards: ‘from'}, and. the other just-astraight colored'|:other : chand: for. a. -ballet-fype | solo Start : ‘of the. “second: section, “with | 1 a ‘perch; to a rebounding: ‘table,.: ‘then: mar’ but: ‘doing. ‘Comedy. through... ‘His’ ‘similat’ to ‘her -first,excepting that Mi : Miss : “Etting” moved.-‘up “into ‘the air for’ a: somersault and |: facial contortions.and .edeging, eet:| shé changes ecostumes.: . Wa ito: ‘One 7 The: RubinMurray: ‘dance bit. could. ” an attempted . ‘landing. Atop. ‘a twWo-. corisiderable‘out: of. ‘their, Apparent ”.. Burn: loses: with: another Russtan, milton. ; vege : “$80. “anywhere, ~ Roy. ‘Cummings: oe ‘man “balancing “combo... -;Gordont)‘Strap over anvthine:that ‘comes. in= | AUmber,:. ‘this =. “flasty ~"outtits; |. ‘Quartet: consisting: ‘of. ‘three’. ‘men’ Wasn't ‘at ‘'-intermish-..filed. to lund ‘squarely ‘or: ‘the ‘shoulto: ‘verbal. exchange." ”, 7 merged into-a’ finish: featuring: Migs, ‘and. 2: “woman, ‘the latter: ‘spotted. at | Opener, .* ‘He wis the: No. 3.-natural-. ders. of thé. top miinvdndsia. down | ~ John’ Rucker’ always’ ad, about | ‘Whiiney's: spinning, . ‘the baby. grand, ‘while: twa. of. ‘the |: for” the: bill, . with.. his -knockaboutmya the, backs"-of the two: ‘balaneers, |, ‘the. funhiext mouth in-vaudé.and he |* -. ae {men pick away. at guitars and: sing, |best,. suited. to ‘an’ :early showing.” . | again. landing: fon. his: head, ° wy Ta, still, has’ it: ‘and’ knows" ‘how. to’ uge-+ att a | Off:to“aslow. _gtart. ‘with... special Cummings’ was a. last ‘minute, ‘entry... vo “After “some : ‘more. tumbling '-and tte “Ruiakei may hive: ‘slowed. tip’ a, ‘Lewis AND BETH ‘rsong in: which: the’ ‘name: of -the: act. to sub:"for the: Runaway. By Outs. gut we . cavtwheels: -by:..the girls. the’ .ma / pit’ in: dancing ‘but “he “doesn't do | Daneing ° “Jd -plugged,”.the. “quartet “shows: to: due: to-tllnéss, .. Pe. Mag ~ quintet repeated the first three: éf-. enough : ‘to. hinder the: act's; comedy:|.10 Mins; One” | better. “advantage swith: a. comedy. ‘In: -Mlacahia, “opening, the.. Paley +: .. forts sucecsstully. :Gordonl-was‘an-: ‘gcore’.as~ Pérrin:; ‘follows’ with “his | ‘Hamilton’ oe 7 song. “lies, pace: has. thé best of ‘the-femme wire...” .. oe nouriced: asthe’ Jonly:man,to-aceom-, modernistic: hooting," “More: . pro=.| “Mixed: couple. with ‘a. “hoofrig four} = walkers,“ after ‘playing. ‘Coleano,: best..." ‘pHsh: a ‘triple soniersalltin the: air: Mounted, 800 Kec. -tine: ‘along. the usual Hnes;“opening of the. > men, Phe eae ‘The: Brazilian , from:.a Rarer oe tables panaing | ve mf with: a ‘high-hat:and ‘cane specialty. gi . oan a chait-lield“on' an’ es |-Thereafter.-the girl concentrates on | ‘Shoulders, (v2. 0° 054° “TV JACK CC ; high’ kicks “while: the.boy. shows: to], 5 Slips.. didn hurt ‘turn’s: s Secbptton ‘Comedy; ‘advantage in: eccentric: leg@mania, -" eed Gor doiians:. Jooked ‘food. ag oan | i Finish’ ‘is ‘-an’ “impression: of~ ‘a. péner an} {Li 3 Leouple.. going through a dance. rou |. ; / pop. ‘tine Jearned: by corr espondence, ‘that. . “100 “tice = ‘he.leading. into" some., Hentwelent| Anew his: “Durlesque’ once; ‘The: girl. ‘Imiockabout: acrobatics: and falis.”. *. and’ the, ‘Straight with-him about}: “Talk employed: prior to.and:‘during! : T-the ‘samey' The’ two : ‘twitter ‘about. tha. low comedy biz is of thé.obvious ‘nonsengigallyand.’ -the girl. comes|-sort. Pun ig .a’ ‘mild. deuc ¥ for they. F ‘on® tvith. a .trick :-niike.. that -shoots.|"i meine, house’ ‘off, While thre. xl, stands. before it ee ‘to“sing. . of. ‘d “Nothi b. | fr ana [A ‘Gonwar : depeiidy’ on his: Rca ang arish terrier talc, for: humor.” 1 9st t 8 : a o batter: * Her ‘votes. falsetto. ‘on the ie open’ the Letter bills. SAL Tour. are: ‘deep -sopraro:“or something ‘that's'| gmidoth workers. -Twoof tlie: boys. wot good “wheu very: dow... But. she | do: comedy. and: the others: ‘atraleht CHANDLER FOUR | Songs’ and: inatrumental” “Nice: harmony work; nd: -fempt to.gét ‘away “from: the “beaten |. track in the: ‘gelection of ‘song. mate‘Tlal., sliould gain: ‘this: ‘turn’ fair | re : sults, in: the: Helghborhood ho ys. 4 : Berry. : “Bros (New. vere are. Nee directly. ‘from. | geldekbirds,” _ which, ‘ folded, last ‘Stock: “at. Crescent Dramatic’ ‘ato¢ “.supplants “ ‘vauide | at. the: “Crescent,. uw ‘Brooklyn,’.Text, ) 4é-upon.. Murs: ray’s. ‘first ‘entrance,’ following: ‘the’ Berrys was. for. the “gomic. jong e ‘}: , 7“) some, for.“the: deucer, -Isnough of... 2 2 week, (22). with: Jaries Moore: oper “| thé.-latter: to bring the: :boys. back: = |: ating. ae | for a“bow, then.-Murtay .went-inta. “Conipany. ineluae: Frank AMnner-.| sone. talk, “After ‘a few. gags. illus-. ©. ty, “Baward Landau, Pegey:: ‘Dens: |‘trated the results of -constant se <..~. | imore,Mabel:; -Nelscn; "Robert « ‘Row-,| ‘by -goingwide, Rubin, efitered:.and, .'"¢ z\ley, “Arthur: Marshall, ‘Joseph. Dolin, eri the: ie were. teamed: ee “Eth ? walled né ‘coochér,: wag ‘the. recoge. "x T homass Wy aters: and’ Sak, Pax ells: Trizable. halt’ of: the -twespecialty oe 2 a fganeers oe without . billings. tn here sig {Anuirray=) Lubin hoofing affair..-Other.. . | “New Broadcasting Act, | was-a' long-legged hoy. in-a-lo0ge"... SLAan. ‘Jay, ‘formerly start’. ‘accom: dance, ._ Ahi ig’ doubling. £ wes . . g: from:.Joe" | pantst: at WMCA,. ‘has.teamed. with. Lewis’. caté-"in hér" repedt Palace. -: ‘has: “personality when’ the makeup |~" Set-up “has three lower. trapeze Freddy. :. Whiteman, “professorial | date... She's a; niooth, sand: Inof= isn’t, too: Heavy. -No.3 here.and} bars. and: two" moré above. ..-Mostly |" manager . for. Fred’. Fisher... ."They. | forisive” twister,’ :" Sood: Jana: on fives act. dayout, a flying’ “bar worl, ‘the ‘mort “swinging: will tour. the. western: broadcasting | : In his: quiclchange itn’ MeGiv= : ae, “Blasi x from: ‘one. stele fo" ‘gnotlien. ~ stations: beginning. late in. January. fo Continued on: page: $8), 7” FOUR | SINGAFORIANS “Bando ‘Piano; Se : 10 (Mins.; One: ’ * Lincoln: Sq. ; so UAN . Ovientat. fauartet: They may |: “be Iurasiang« “or “pineapples:. : ‘fhey. ' look’ “@hinese; “wear -eolorfal. ‘COs. ‘tumes, © Though: put: welk organized |: ‘please: with’ “thefr:four banjos and |’ valtemnating’ plano sing! y and: miusieal: ‘sty, Soloist... But .thav’s str ‘dctly” ‘on. “thie. hovetty| angle: whiely will ‘miake . ‘anything: " these do cither 1ookfunny or: ‘titter=_: dshe One: ofthe ‘boys ‘singg.a Chis ‘neso. ‘chorus. About. “five. rumbers and. over: here: in. Nov Be he ‘tor | re 5 r ite ot