Variety (Dec 1930)

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a snitnimousty: seveptive ‘mob Blenty | of. ‘class: here, with :the : trio. ‘stack : ; an Ee a é-high in: their: ‘line; 4. ixplaha-3 “Since: feat. week, when: this: jioise. 7 ‘tory vtraiter” that: wwingent:. ‘Lopez |. Went, on thé grind after threc years | presents," rete; os. * par Tet) ‘of .two-a-.duy reserved, seat policy; | ground,” “Lopez $ “sthictly. an. x--| matinee biz has “picked” up: .quité-:a -_ motion apletu re “promoter dy. se’ | bit; especially. over. the: iveék-ends, | identified with. thig spot, and estabe 0: o ve ‘Houle 18, playing. ‘threo, shows: Sate? ‘lished: here:.‘since ‘the’ ‘house.’ was; da fe ‘| built, Pisher: shares with « Senn 7) Meroft, ‘the: ‘longPun! ami. @record... .| Fister. started: as, banjoist withthe ‘. Yi unning, “tO Leven: 79 0. mpiiuites, cherally ne tall ie ‘tle, ‘Russo-iorito.‘orchestra | at. the: iP y sn VROInIng a. : He. started to . ‘elie ‘av Peamade. it. ‘Edgewater Beach, “pahoueh g taeks of “gomody -mde | Fitba nanie tye himselt gn hls aise adden Who" “closed © “dhe. DL Wuis: act “play ‘of voc ‘abilities; ‘and. when: cr ‘much: necdeit’ ‘act ‘since lids" ‘hokuin | mm. Gs cage Degra un, Was, sent into: ‘the. -pepped. Up the’ proceedings,..~ ; » 06-: Donahiie.‘and ‘Nellic ‘Breen:t Nv Acts): ‘spotted. third, ‘breaking ew. act, didn’: t. live: up to ve and'| obs “Abparentiy: the: adv ent sof” Tar is: “Her sfiela | (New: Acts): ag” an’ actor [hadn't been noised.about-sutiiciently,, | . | to CAUSE “ANY. D.0/" stampede early. ‘Saturday,’ but “biz -bésat'.to: piel up. | sone show nranshiy itl: the | dene ry bow ed “On: for: tt seca oy (om S we . y : ative aia 3 a sine “Just vg inter |: State bill’ ‘as “AL “He ; rounding ‘alit: ‘thé. bill that’ Way ine: d as: ko. ster stiela” couldn: an aie uy: ‘the: rest: ‘Ing in’ dirtocratic comedy: up to’ this: “ae of the ‘bill: Lohe ‘MeéConnell’s: uh | time ". W. eas routine Jefe then. with “|. Bridge:. Game,” and the -stuaré, and [5 _ Tatish ‘tyyo-in-onig .comljo,‘hela cons {Pr , Neral! ADT Ban’ 1a". Satis ro mathe | ‘News, cartoon’. coniedy Aand “no. 5 andl | rot. trailers About next: Ww eek's: SLOW. “(Contintied. frit, page any: dise .: ‘they: niean. “the | ‘Maite’ Fisher. ‘house;-. for’ the. m. ‘¢, has. beetome: ™. Ee to: “the: ‘former values; Ye helps "ody, “bait there: WAS something: miss: ing, andthe -pesult smiade. it“ easier |: for a Wynn i ia: the featii yk ollow “thes ‘Leader (Par), : we “Four Polos: opened: villi “Use! ‘eine ‘Cusy, display, just’so-so, followda by:} Char les-Stuartand: ‘Harry Lash out: Any “one”. ‘for . hokecomedy’, ight. house -and:talk.. ‘ona bit-too early. int .thiss-bigt ‘house; | 'Peir : mauling: ‘of |: Peach’, thier and! thé whamming: the. f-comic:. ‘tnkes,: which: had been ‘sure= tire: in ‘the R-IK-0 “houses, : seemed | he: Jaughs’ ‘were. Beats “ising ly: Milton: Chat Toston, of the ‘Bunch. wha’ “play ‘ed. ‘straight: iistead | f stooge ina” few bil J ‘the ‘poker. gare in: Ww! Rubi. “and, :MeGiyney,. US) : . *, Dated... 1b’ had. two, solid: laughs along: ‘the; way and: i ‘dropping Anish, ° Migs: FE tting' s Six numbers! creached” peal: with, her’ standby, “Tern. Cents: a. nes “and: Crm: Funny. That, ; She w §, ass pine-chiller With . ive ony’ Joptiak. At inna ‘house: a they hike: him<a, Tote. In'spite or “bes: : | Cause: of. the-fact: he's: heen: hére’ for: gomé: years: now, ‘he ‘still gets. a’ res: “ception,. and. he's: yet, to. sing: a Tun, :| ber without. being: forced: to. give ‘ent pan ‘eneore.,The man. lias a‘neat. pales: ‘of. pipes, andthe: “wonder 1g how: he: -can -keep. ‘them. in. such: ‘great shape, d.| for ‘four ‘and. five: shows &. day. +o {In this: show, . Russian: Rhythm,” “the: WHE Harris: tintt. which” started: “out-at the Chicago: two -weeks. digo, “Tisher ts; ‘singing: twa" songs—"R fair ‘saumple. of: Nuudeville ‘operating “ Unde strictions-. of. budget, Fens | ee pacity’ ani ge space, : ‘In-a city-of | Where 77,000: population. with nine ‘theatres, || e | the. ‘Liberty. ig Terre’ Hauté's .only: temple: ot breathing actors. It ‘plays. ‘six: acts! Weekly, divided .between, a'|. Songs,” “all: pop: ballads: and ‘|three-day-“first: half. and: a fout<diy:|: “polatedwith © ‘bits. a rem last lial; Budget for ithe vaudeville “the. ‘same Style...) Se En | Hig. $400" v.week ly. Helen. ‘Lew ‘aiid | band, 41 elvis, { 2 ~ pleasing, hovel: band. outti lidn’tsora up: to: her :ewn ana | yard, “Planist | takes : ‘the ‘spot. twice: ‘for: solds<* “Miss”. Vane doés ‘four. all ‘inter. ay 1 , ‘tered. While. the: pestter. AVhEn : ‘Stuart, £ : I Os: 5 Angeles, 2 ee, 12 Aar “hpopieal® ‘Tiines,”. : “ Fanehon :..: 8 ;| work. ,Mareo-xnit: running: “eflicieutlyW ith, ¥ ‘sponse: “+. Ve ‘act: ‘closed. “Up. out: the. heélp -of eddie. Fea body. wis erably. better. wf SE _ til near. tlié close; isthe. stage half |”. : "of “tu: “good: money, bill: Which ; drew: a fh “ghort: ‘Thye. for, the last ‘show Thars day. Evidently: . fearing” Holiday”. ~on its. second:-run: “Wouldn't. pull. in. the": Christmas ‘Shoppers, “house is. “protecting. with. |. this better.’ ale: ay . @ stage: Show, . ° the’ returns were. ‘all > owen sana “Bolietas” the ke. comedy | teani, are stl leading the: shows: iors : ) ees: in}. seechis orobleins: c ni: material. ‘ince. ‘Vast seen. ‘Nex eabouts: se] fe top: ‘ot ‘the: lary ‘considération,:.4}A. girl tagged ‘Teddy Sawyer -is: t] ak stage never Jargehds: been: reduced. "010: : singer: Of: the. outhtt,. using,..a eh to. hardly more:than 10 feet in-depth} a ack would bit “whlie., [by -the |.permanent™ and: unmoyvahle} ly. "different ‘apbangement Of: : St, “when: they: could. see: ‘him; yobstr ii¢tion: of ‘vitaphoné horns. itis] ‘Louis’ Blues” ‘precedes: the: -elositig: Brothers STAVE “switched , imcans thr ee quar. ‘ters. of all. the’ HON number, “Russian musical: “fantasy” $ Peabody; “an. old. favorite ¢ here, | ‘MeConhell. Aas, niade relty’ tins: yéquiring™ full. stage -; ‘heréiiiMiss ‘Lewis: leads-.both: the: oAWtiere “hiuidreds: af: kids “were. mem‘a [rendered Unavailable to the house, ‘pit. orchestra?and. her own,:and usés: bers “bf < his’ -Kddie: Peabody Club; 1! “the lane balarice these “handicaps from: . Some; Strileing: stage lighting’ eff Vadidn’t? doia ‘thing: but’ tead_ the: ‘or~ |. an doh “‘i; the: ‘pertormer's standpoint, there™ is} t6putcit : : chestra | till the: ‘Caligary; “Brothers; . Me Aid “the “not. inconsidérabte.. ‘advantage. ' , featured, were ‘through: |. Then hey that..the: stage: Gréw.of two. is: suns: s began Operating.on his banjo, play=: “(commonly ‘obliging, “with ‘ ditto” for | ing. two ‘selections?and:three* audi‘the orchestra boys. Performei's run" erice .: requests.: .“ Enthusiastic ° ‘ap-into : ‘all, typé their: travels, and, ‘sé, especially ‘for his. “St; Louis | rit, of :ed-oneration:. is.. none ndition ‘ ‘SO: ; “before = “entrance, it. seered out. p£: placehere.” -It's (at HfYhe State’ divect. from.a week at: the, -R-K-O Pilaée, But. Mis r aLeConnell: “stepped: right ibtu: 4 ; “had, ‘and: Onee: ‘she: bi “the. ta ine . Morosco” -arunk dance! und it’s” Sone “Over. bigger’ thar ever. “Russhin Art Trla,: of. the -Shauve"Souris : ‘quiet ‘bur “esate type; are an: execlent: novelt ang w ieome. afte dozens, of st traight, ‘ane. piano pageing Ww as a -¢onsiane. ; ‘“augh:--Girl who: ssists:Jénds more: r than. ordinary. support anid. is. plenty: “hetpful,. both. for seomed. “gna: ‘Song -nurm bers: a we . . RPathe's..! eature. ; } show. aaoonelngs A ain the’ band-numbers; ‘singing;.: ‘playing | straight: for the. éomics; ‘and .clow ning on his: “own. «He's at ete worker ahd an . ae night, ‘three ut them ‘aaded” for ‘the: ; | tinal: ‘Show “to:-give “the: -bookers.” Bsa. Acpeek, ‘at: new. material” ‘and: the: cus= 6 ‘tomers aivaudeé bill at. bargain: rates... {hey like: bargains at thisiuptown.| ; s ; ad capacity early. _and.-hela@ the. ‘end. “Screen | feature,” Sin’ Takes. -a"; “Holiday |:(Pathe);: running: 80. minutes, Awhile’ 5a, measure of: the’ skptanation® ‘at-this. house ‘is‘that’ the’). -manager,.Clyde: Willard, unlike most. mangers: nowadays, -19° ‘vaudeville=: “mindec® «He :gives: his.acts silmost ‘as much. prominence: ‘as the pictures, \and, in. view of: Terre: Haute’s ovei't ‘pictured .condition;.that. would | Seem. r ~/ the: better: part ‘of: ‘wisdom:::: tt f“Bec¢ause::the tendency: ‘of the’ verre | Haute: citizénty is‘: tokeep” their, “pleasurable. reactions a‘secret, -Wil="|‘lara “is trying. to: educate: them; ta, applausé.: UA‘. burg, 80: ‘accustomed to./. handicl ai: n ntértainment fr can:|.. , : Bay ‘stodd -out: . “Ons: sister: then. . ing ‘ag: sure-fire ‘materialas ‘sold .in-'{ forgets: its en Sen peerae are|. :-A. Robins ext: toblosing, gave ; oifensively:’ : ‘Comedy -SONBy.” violin’ “supposead:ta: ‘be’ given the mitt if. and | {-his neat-vocal. ‘imitations’ of musical: ‘thenigelvea.” “privat . | tip=off,; on the. ‘theory’ fot: riot? “gon~ “Bole. Very, ‘well received. b | 80lo: straight: ‘ana: ‘an \impression ‘of. in-f frecti “The: female impersonator num er. ‘-dvistruments. in-front of an. effective. mperso) ‘a: vampire, scene ‘with Sound. effects, |’ Den. liked. “Willard “wants. chuca: | drop portraying a:giant grand -piano: at ‘tributing towanas “ran,” eV, Spr: wo thiroughout,. “palngon: tens ‘behind ‘a black, velvet: eurtain’ picturing: a. ‘ba first: evening “show! dhdey, Ewith. ‘Life, of. the Party”. (CWB);feature, ‘Over ture. four. Pars ounid: hews. clips (Pathe) ‘Sports ‘An. " éxéeptionaily ; Gight= act: bill -with ple y. Of c'strength i “throughout. ‘had ‘to: work ‘hard. in: ‘the, “halffilled? “Hippodroine. Saturday: “atternoon : “tb; Bet: ‘enough ” ‘applause. “forthe. usual: bows... That ‘some of: ‘the turns” went ‘ahead: With: eitcores_ was ‘due: only: to: their: ‘eéxpertrésa: in” ‘milking. an “audience of: “its... Jas q ne ‘ins, i “routine,: “Georgie ‘ ‘homas,: Young. ‘soprano,,, ‘made. het. entrance™ here.’ Contributed: Be “re : freshing ‘quality:to‘the-unit., pon n ‘Bob Burofé, with Eula Burofe; ‘also any ‘neighd ‘clientele. : sing’a, number, He was’ followed. by |: “Topping. the bill; Sam: Hearn with: one of:the Caligarys’ fora tap. ..The. his. -hick~ ‘comedy. ‘character ‘ization, Alexander ‘Sisters; in:‘! and)? resistered: ‘solidly. His-chatter about | ‘lending. Jéts -of.-class. tothis: show,:| men), women, marriage and: politics,. ‘did-‘w. song-and-dance’ routine “that: though -a” little risque in spots, rat-.. | variety. in:the lineup, “. ‘of: a-solo Caligary .was' Teally-a -buxs | ee esque: ‘an.this ‘type of act. Tt: Care ae all, handled in showmanly” ‘styl tiondT plans” ne “| His : flute, violin; ‘cello, banjo, ' manwe Bey Ja eater Walfon.. a’ ‘then “the bythe mua viotn Doyle. ‘and: “Done | “..Dhere: ae. rf ,400gents in the. i a a Te feretato and. eat ea: : "Kula Buroff on next, an ; *. “erty with. a, 35-cent ‘top nights ati r r ons ‘went ‘ove i=:|-' Jo ' Net So Ww _Ritina donna, singing Justa Little | 2ehy ona 4 ato haw in tne: ape | Wo, bilan the: ageernoon., That ex.| vidually. Robins telles on at least" mje.” most “popu came ‘on Pn flying: waltz, peracenlausé -scoring.. “Boys..make: a. nest | ‘plaths. whet he, budget can't be Aig | ‘all of: them. me oette and the ane Lomong the: picture. weisenheimer f ‘fully .dené.-.. Alexander: sisters. fol-.| 2PPearance, -have, ‘a: ood. ‘sense “of | “Amusement. Co: ‘@ chain of 23 loca| drawing -of, a gross “or amore, papier.| M4ny ‘of -whom.:-haye* ‘come: “to owed witha -tricky dance’ “routirie. 5 comedy “wales *: sand. {harmonize io ‘tions that: branches: out from Louis-:| Maché: bananas. from: one: of als: “Variety,” "is the, ‘interrogation. how; One" sistér’ then” displayed. 8d ty Sawie spans blond ‘ooker | ville, Ky.¢ and ‘is -répresented in sev-'|:pockets, for comedy, ! .: :Lanegedly, Wise mbges ‘went into'an quilt “bit of: -hoofing. backed: by:. the dg "in suppor oie for “Some: brief bits’ ‘eral Indiana: towns, : including. ‘La| .."The:_-GordoniansNew” “Aete); 7 institution. “whieh = “was: withiout-.. Z Sunkist Cirlse x | of clowning. and. contributes a-corkfayette; Logansport. ‘and Andianap-:| ‘openers, “inissed .. ‘their’. first three'| Federal. Reservé. ‘System or. a. Los. a Caligarys’ best aurtitie camé: here, ing ‘tap. routine... Yoolks like’ these | Olig, . wt .\|'tricks for: nasty, fallS, -one.of: the } Angeles . ‘Clearing’, ‘House. affiliation.” “Ihen, after’ clowning, they. «.g0 “Attendance. was. ‘pret Sy. 00d: “both | men cracking -his: head on’ the: floor. Nobody: could: dnswer. that::.-The -best answer was‘a., manifestatlo }0f . convenience: of location, * “ through a: Slow 3 motion hiold7UD: and | boys with their, present: material are.|" matinee and-evening: on'adrizzling.| after’ failing to: land:on.the. shoul=, ; into faster -company..| ae afhother ‘chorus’ ‘Youtine with: due to. step. eee Pearle arpee in,| day: miid-weels,”” Lupe: Velez in, “Hast'|-ders' of a: ‘second. balancer: in’a-jump: a . ; k.| is. West! CU): vas: aligmented | by |'from a. ‘Yeboundingtable. . Clased | ~ ; ; ‘.. girls in clown costumes, ‘the blonde’. thie: deuce. with cones find: talk ‘Bristol and “Brewster, ‘Joe Baldwin‘ Strong: after “several. darjng:stunts. |’ “Beesemyer had: "beconie!a aglorified “Alexander—other, . ‘ig’ red-headed— |: : . ‘and Polly's. Cellar, a-‘total-of. five.) Five -mén. and two ‘girlg”-who . are “banking? deity: ‘ii the ‘abstract. Sam." Shad: another ™. SOnE | anot:* “Peabody “mer-and thre ee: ‘women, , to. the yaude -mostly | ‘atmospher e:.with: a. couple of. “Kress, "vicepr ‘esitient “of the’ B. “of.” “yille.end i : carts wheels; .; ell ; EL; even now. i8 highly regarded. by. ‘Terre Hatite has felt’ ‘the business: . “Henry J ‘ell 4K the : deude: Mimany’ “Awho . aver:. that: ess sdepression. in about: the same.meas> doesn’ t: vneta: ‘the’ freak’. ‘Mexican: rig:| any thing: tO, ‘do: with: “It. everything’ iW Ue AS: tne: average American’ small band nidke-up: witha, voice like ‘his.-| come out. alright, That ‘dnswers.ttie:":”. Jf ae _ “With. ‘more; ‘tuneful -:and. familiar. ‘pergonality” thing; Kreés,; ‘ofcourse, 2 3 ly | songs, “presented -as “Class: with~ so pe roo is: not": involved. in: ‘the: er iminal con. ; , who’ “was vee ‘ball Seoting systénin with: each ‘tak-/}. 7: t=:} “‘then-‘came. from; upz-stage -where: he |-lg: turns: at pitching. ags, and gets. ‘hadeStavéd out: ‘of. High Rood, deal.) ting a ‘Rood, quota-oFlaughs. _ An-. |: “for an mi = father, mixed comedy othe tena | egy tie ove 2 ane ar ‘i org ; “4 a ae Betttes fnistiog with ganov2) girl, arnatural nut :comic, carrying. = » 3 “nY@se of. the: Hurden,: while’ ‘the black} EN oe more, nieat.: to: al haired "boy “appeat =f, : ree | dinee. : : ” epee ~ This" ‘is Peabody’: docond 5 ‘arial last actor ‘Spuriy:. ‘tre arvied ap=.| ne preciation: With, his ‘alow: motion pic--|., ej ture: ‘impression of a. dub. golfer and | ‘| some heatly. executed soft shoe tums, } . | phisticated ‘comedy. instead’ of ‘gut-:]. ‘| -ter-gags, -this-tenor could: stop -pro-}:PHEAt. } ceedings anywhere. ..Girl with: face. tt AIG Le ecdea = strong: “support” in mis and figure does, good Mex and’ atro-~.. : Pmiddtes “it :was' decidedly: end ‘heavy: | batic! routines: 7 She's: ‘areal. asset |: . bling. ; “Pwith: ‘the: ~applause’ distrivuted, that ‘hut: should’ t. be ‘arinounced ¢ as: Mrs: “Wield: cand’ Rell: ‘two’ Vova: ‘depend | WAY ae [ielly. = ; a ‘Lon: stare: slippit Ry knockdbout”: and}. | Patotesque’ posturing: ta. just. ‘About |, ~Ship bYy--in. sixth. position.” while ‘the. | Tan ‘ot 7Shanter ‘Glels New: Acts)4:). liav : another: -orila -| 0. sete” hee n [on. sr with, a "sone: “py. to, cas for “a A pe Sree 5 “ } ae ae . ake a Ho day’ on: “iovelty. ‘the “yin Jain: ‘Givs (Pathe): “feidture, ‘the whe ‘Chandler Four: ae star ter: and. assur otisin ‘ly: zood a sot oe this 3 sate | sy. afar rout qua, teth: were ave there: card: they’ are one’ oF the: 7 ar o BS : if ro of. | bést: lineups. of dancers: and acro-"} Client stretigth: to satisly the ‘steady:|: (clientele... “Bulancé:.consists. of three" “ ; A: fone all’ Hight on. comedy is “over. iad Heh tive ai ieht. sae Acts) 6 tur Ege ut” nee e ahey “use vil: But, fu enough | ed) wil Ma ' “Les ‘ , animal -acts‘arotma.. Seven dogs:are. 7 ‘oe «¢ rc ad: E ur a : oe pan, iN ain. ello and! Marys rounde: ‘he. fol stag and are garbed | in. “ate {perfectly trained. and. “apparently: dol. Wh well est ot fee val exactly as ‘they, pleayé while,Gcrdon |..-. ‘urges them; to” jump: ‘Hutdles’.ou: bat= | ¥ fence ona swinging: bat: f His. bghs from | ons Columbia: one Ueno Flood | beginning: to: ‘end. a ml Which dames: Tingling. ‘Will. direct.. Reed. ‘and. Le Vier: are: next swith ‘3 Others Wke ‘leaner: ‘Boardman, ‘Bontedy: Anstrumentation, : : Lew “Reed “Esthet -JRAIStUn, “Robert, WwW. ary ich Dlays*the ‘yiolin:-and is ‘a meat, tap Chava, Kimball Noung, ¢t ‘aly a uncer," Pauk Te “Vien, -the banjo. and) i ful fd p.u ' bats around, Girls’: do, everything | "Gordon's: cay. Canines ‘tliow in -oné of. the’ ‘smoothest working: ns wn meni Une: wale: JBC: With, “his-|-: “pit, Vi Wh : al. materia ehtert tainment. ¥ alue. wl, . SBrady.. ands Wells, ‘seconds © WV wtih: : nates: ul ‘tliat.was unfortundte,;.: “The ee ire binine'| ‘g1tl ladks like :she:coula stand ‘alone. Nott indick yet as. a torch. palladist,, Man: mee wn} a nto, fs. talie., , He) ¥ wna Ais: eb So AN y evebtaw -I ism. becomes: infectious, Clee ‘A. ‘assic ali. nwaber. bY. Reed. sets}: fin a as ‘an, neronplishe, maysiclane, e ar i a Ardine, and: ; padatng ct pay West, nT ieee OXee wutea.. xhout: ig A qo Tis wap Of too ae a Stoie atart, then: Meo joavard., te. -ofas hd mWAn, inerodueed wus ety nt Hh Dunn’ ‘ana’ Ati sDay. we next: and: sagged “ih6 tren j ve. ‘groutey:. D : Put crowed 3. “have: we B le’ recones “thie My Opening” in. routine’: ee alts) will. a: "fast: maine: Joe ret nee gins. sing a | dane ie Wy . f -intr dduction.and “boys: taking’ An {hur Worst: of ity appy dance. Ardine |: Pisano, rille-apizard and form “t 2: “pilled: “as of Goneral, aa ‘closed = homer Kemnay fi... ssistedliv ie und amar Ayho evidentty Wi fue a actions aren: stil ft thes e/ out ‘of: ‘place: here: wh “Madonna of the Streets! ider™ Cinshete”.” ‘(Radio_ rounds) ON, athe. SE een, Witte. diel: ope " iv routine. atte pai ee Fone ASICS Jiaws ‘ MPS Sarhiniss ‘thes Sell" PU DROSSLY. e : another = il . : 5 fi ud onpie : “ri kd: -hivishs We ; : ak ausginis culne as te elise music: “Nall nian Ms Ungis.: (Seay eta f : “godekey ar i mening: Mryy “ty : “Theil LE the: cbenetit “yrogynd: rtistis, :Lielay et Te thea: iy. a Talons ‘eters ; TS, Ab Jolson, hy ae “Iromhtkable=" aerobatic “ NOY SONS. Hubkes : sy “Tarn, “closes, with a [aiid a. Daltie News lO: wehion. . shark were | whitt, Of. "dancing. after.’ a harmony. Dee “Bove. ti House; we vas Tess, thins Hult Prumber. pe -Tyrell and’ Lee “Stones Oliuns* rated. menti . . Ee the: piano and’ a Mexican Apache: America “Ti “ fh A: Le VISE Lek then yt . , irk cna tu: nyu, Bin at the “fi .