Variety (Dec 1930)

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: || -Jeetéd : to. the art. ‘of a: panay, [ho opposite. ‘Ludwie Sate.” ‘Piece... will-|| :.role’in’ gigtete, ofthe. + pansy, = [play the subway” veireuit® ‘arid, then: }}-" of that<nature: was * Tewritten ~ head. for: ‘Chicdgo, at for, the: Boston showing...-.. {Jack Linder,’ vaiidevilte: booking 1 ee 3 art: new, As “ham: actor.!! i ‘agent,. Will: praduce’: “The: Daughter} ———= — eas lor ‘Diamond’. Lil,” a new: Play no) an being: completed: by. Miss! Adeline: sf] Yottzbacn. Pinder. “Presentéd # “Phe; . : “Stieat’ “Bhay hguse,,: lov Gly, aseinating: istage: ‘Seto, | cae “action. ‘and. oo, rhythnt.” of = and: ‘thie ‘Audience :lei : white sath and” yer: “head Ur OW ned, With “A white imantiila; she. danced. sto; ‘delightral ‘Ehythm,; eastanets: in response t of. ‘Albeniz's Smusies “Hert tacomed inspited: yy A, me vk Ay ing’; ‘her pr Sho “which. goes: into Broadway ay sarge eerie ow, 7 3 rateaneat On: Jan. George * _Kaufnian and.’ Howard, Deitz . are. “Wor ‘King. on’a-revue. book for, -Max. Go nvidon. : “ft “Show. “will ‘be produced: “by. Gordon. Fahd. the EnangeromMces: for -spring.. (Who Goes There?” my stéry-melo, | ¢ sins i |-has' gone’ into rehéargal; W ‘How=:[-¢ +) | ard: Burke ‘as: producer. ,: : . Cast ihelides’: Ray mond: Cronin; J Elwooa‘Engeélhart; Joseph’ ‘Harvey, an Gertrude. Lyo “Thomas. Healy, AY;: an} thur Busch,Frank. Sullivan: Eugene. “pixenney. and Bdwara “Shieldg::.. aes 0 ae wo “tn the: Meanwhile,” “produced: ‘by: hai © ‘the ‘Theatre: Guild. ‘arid .shaping..up. f -outy, Poti “s aye hee wd ion tout, will undergé ‘change.of title. id “Variety” . (Ibee) rape “Mideight” when: the plecé:stéeers ||~ ~ draw indicate iis 7 ; + direstion. . . Grew eS § : presént= pas “Fulton: “by.. Arch’ Selwyn: | was taken? “off: after: th . “First: ‘Weel. 20 18; <b tt fae oF eee. [sh tae are, ‘pretty’ and: "pleasing: .{ dances: every well. Ann. ae “tives” brunette ind. avears, good, ‘Took Ww: 'g ‘ve , : ector's popularity: ing-clothés. °Her. Oné.outhit of beige * peapacity,’ ‘house. afternoon; one. piéce, with a beige,‘ ¢|fur. coat and “large -shawl-.collar.. x) omen | beige £0x: ‘is. ‘smart’ and” in an. eve : Opened. ‘Dee. 45 “Embarrass? {i bad," Gabriel: “(Ameéri= IT. Too insubstantial ‘bye Ms “da “China!” “presénted a _fe the: Stor ry! a ‘Theatre ' Guild, “will: “close: Saturday: | the Beck, 41 ‘hold out-for several additional“weeks | Aeterna | * *. Mfarry: Feinberg,: pletiits producer | until-the, Guild finds: a. Suitable: * Bok. a a (Real Art)" and” Jack: Stern, Jewish | for it in New: York: weigs o Oy ‘hdegit, producer, are: ‘back: “of ‘the :As=:|:: “She. ‘Means.’ Business;" “sociated ‘Theatrical: Company; “new :| by: ‘Samuel . Shipman: co walter i ‘ outfit, Cast . 43" reported. goin din 4by: : “James' “Ellistt;: with, Predérick, 1 oncommonwealth, plan: v Stanhope: atage® ditecting:. dis Hes. : a -Felnbérg:: ‘and* ‘Stern’ have: “ also:}3 4 | dramatic” _ Seldes."}) 1 “taken | “The,” “Eternal: id a ‘hal: "New: York. “Phe: ‘east: includes 1! ; Harry Kalmortiovitz:. . ‘Play: has:: alm | Ann Davis, : Ben’ 2 Bard, : Miliara: fo tal ” Feady“been elven’: ‘in Sewish.. ‘thes. ye Singers. “this ne ame “a ater Lee “ihe ‘annual recital af the ‘Prince« Doyothiy,. ‘Norman, ‘Pianist; in’ ‘the: os ‘ton University Glee ‘Club: at:'Town | holiday’: ‘Program: atthe Plaza's:: Hall; is always .a' ‘real ‘event; This. ‘artistic, “mornings... ‘Tiluminated. sO : time they. played ’ ‘a: “program “made: ‘Christmas. trées,.: with, .festoaris: of: Ey ROAR: ‘CHINA’ “ys up-6f. numbers “from: Grieg,. Andsky. foliage rear ‘the: Ballroom, Opened. Oct: up 2 “|| anid, ‘Tanejeu: ; “All. :the® glee. elubs |-which-held.,.a On -wigPer isn! t. ae {{ bo: making “dan-artistic. step fashionables. ye io |: Jelearam)..: OR: grand © =melo=*: Tf, forward: with, ‘classical; Tenertolre | “ "Miss. _Didur “eave. three encores: d:}": The’ 1 _ pro Pagreeh ‘Grow. ‘the™ ‘Lilaes;'*. will: ‘hearsat ‘next Weekes: Pee, es €: |; cave "and ‘the: nau ray me ‘to. pants 2 andl Jealten ‘pont a a ey | Miss Didur: ad: a. fete: outhe fs fieatheyn ‘Kohier, "Gladys . Deer ine” i ar _Herbert. Rawlinson,. “Tom: ‘Tempest; ve Desiree’: ‘Fostér,: Forrest, Butt: ‘qnd riod, “several peck. grosses’ "peta Po. “Robert “Qummings:..:. at ha ') Jackson “Heights, Jan.. 13, and. lays. ‘some thoney, a s. Jamaica : -the® ‘following “week, — itZero: “Hour,” by: Lyman: Brown, is. a George Moxkan; guest sdloist, cone, sane were». swathed -“in . “fu ‘trfbuted’ several songs: = Beiandye >} jewels” ‘and what-not, thesé.‘morn>! : OOP! ings.bugz, with: exeltement and: “Ans 7 liven by. the. ‘Society. ot. ‘the. crip. was sees of: Music, Bodansky: ‘coriducting,, : at. ; a ‘opened: jast: “weelk, by. George: -Auer= |. -’ .. back, who‘will ‘shortly: project: “The |. World's: Greatest.‘Lover,” by S. KK: Alfee Brady: Sarred:: Bauren... Auerbach: ‘was. previously |: “(Hobo)” by. drank ; Meri, ‘will be} I : : edninected : with Sidney’ Ross, .N.: ¥: | directed: by: .the author. under: EI-|-D producer,:and. Richard: ‘Bolesiaysi y, | Hott's: banner... Among” the: ‘prined |. Picture. director: / | pals’ ~ are: Josepli . Sweeney, Paul . -Alan * Dinehart, “legit. actory.has| Kelly “ahd. Evelyn “Rue. The ‘show. | Gimmie Cooper, :road),: bee Pe iid urned ‘producer ‘and:.i8--currently® opens: in. ‘Washington: Jan:19, has. 2°]: “Myles ‘Murphy, -ahead,. Los: “Bthel : “Hay lens. asting:: “Yesterday's, Husband)” ‘by. week in Newark and: her, -comés: geles Civic. Repertory’s.“Peter .Pan. ‘Harry. Sieger ind, Dinehart.. "Hus aie New York, . |: Francis x, Hone, ‘general manager,’ ‘band,” in Starring: ‘Dinehar musical “comedy. “Jame: Revell genera Production, ; with we ast,. ill: ‘be pro| Nellie | An to. rehearsal, nea ext week duced by’ “Walter . Brooks.’ / Book: is’ tative. ‘by. Lyither: ® ‘Yantis‘and: | Waltén|*Brooks, titer os core’ and lyrics: ‘by: Al Harry Guripson * was’ ‘Heard in’ Bo plang. Tecital. ‘at: Town ° ‘Hall he * dae , Matzénaar, “(gontralto)was’ -the:; ‘0's “L toist. , She, stir, remains the. ‘great | Aaron, n Sinier, ns a, igen: Busi! ness” (®eichner:&: Young); oes ” Larry. Nelmes, back; “Blue Ghost Be bass: harpsichor dist, ; although. hot* , ‘G baritone; Touls “Robeit,, hand * Curt | ‘Ruhyoetz,’ : rs; and: ‘not. ‘just. ‘actors. in, the ‘cast, will ‘be: produced nexE TV vo fall by. ‘Alexander : McKaigi: “who ; has | i “taken “Achilles. Had.-a: “Heel,?) i new [F (drama by. Martin. Flavin. “Scene ts] “oe Jad: ins sa 200." "Taking. in’. the] 7% * ‘nionks,., title and ‘Yecale only. other: rovers thing: he Play: needs. is! a thenic | 5 ae feence. “My. ' “Meader: ‘ani Mr: Gange| legacies: . “fgom ° “avery “Ho [Were not. ‘in: their; usual: F000‘ -voice,. ‘ararnatist, . U i. ar ‘ ‘but it-was° a. fine. -perforrmance;. | «Frances: p on. an unney.’. oe woe, : “Veuasea oe a Dae a] The. -boxes’ were... well, ‘filled’ ana 4° Frances. “Upton, to: whom Low’ Holtz" Alles ii radyhas been: signed! by: Le no the : spirit of: Chtistmas™’ Was evi-.|. hag Tong. ‘been. attentivé,. 1s’ featured: , :found' for the ‘Majestic ° theatre... on ; te ” Bliott:: ‘as star | of. “Zero ‘denced,.: ‘many.:of “the, wonten. Wears in, the new Holtz show, You-Said : :BtAR On. . “Phe ‘show opened: dere last: night,: . = by: : ‘hiely. ng: : COrsaEes | of.: holly. bg cet rte wv “Daughter of Prank Upton, : ‘New. | ."*: ‘but. the: patrons. Walked. ‘out. hash the ; . of couldn't. ‘anderstand :the’ ‘plot. o on York’ policeman. who. became “a ‘don: _ 7 Victor: Cheiilen | es ordi -.|tective. Sergeant; she* was. -born’ {nis nary” recitals: ‘of : ‘character’ ‘SONES.. ‘the. ‘same Greenwich -Villag : His’: Sunday. night: at the. Craig: was. ‘as ‘Gene. ‘Punney: : EE nr AN ‘exceptionally’ ‘brillant:. one."-He? . Sie’ once: worked in: the ‘music dee: ja. unique artist, and ‘Ais. Ukranian’ | partment of: Wanamaker's. and later’ . bongs: o£ “the “Middlé ges and of} went: Into.:the chorus..." When" “Tale Old: -Branice,: +: Hebrew * ‘Bongs”:and “About: Girls’! opéned ‘at, Great. ‘Neck; those of the’ poet, Jean: do ‘Beranger; ; Wddie: Cantor. saw. the show: and saw “ eft, New: "York dast ‘waeic| SURROTE cast now, be for rehearsal: arden, ‘Bald they Wants sex. “| for “Hollywood,. “where” he. ds. & con: in-:twocweekr "oS : "3 * tract. writer: for: Metro. ° “. Ww m : oo “Aire ‘Mail,”. bY Kirby: Hawiies ana wieraey biahen! nal danedon | Jo® Milward, : “haa” cond ‘taken: :by, utes: -Leventiial:’ ‘Cast: wilt’ star’ ; Syl-: 7 * Emery ‘as?-his<. second," to. ‘follow ‘via. ‘Biawelle.. a, ee Dramatic: ock goed. “fiite. : ithe. . “Life”. immediately... Emery, has, Fhe Chalk; +) role?” is. being: ‘pre. ‘Casino, : Wildwood, N. J.,-next week ° ‘ oe leased the Little. : ic dueed : by I. Richter; ‘new: legit: pro(29) ‘with Thomas‘ ‘Burroughs. oper: | Were, thrills, for. his large’ audierice:'| Migs Upton. . He got -hér-.into.. the. >. 22 “One Can't: Marry ‘a “Poser Girl? ‘Pducer “7 os 2. fating.. Company‘ineludes Jane Car=Séshua. Figchermann. _ 2ecornpanied, “Folles,!: and later ‘gave ‘her . oe tentitive : title for’ play: “by®. Astvan] “The: ‘Stopk’ 1s. Dead, a Hungarian| ter,. William, “Maher, . James, Murphy;, aera : leading’ role in, “Whooper: we _ Zagon, is: cirrently’.éasting for}, ‘play: ‘whieh’ folded, recently. ‘after a: ‘Albet't.: Gutschow;..Ddrothy “Dillon; | «= een -» Alexander. Meckaig.. Piece: 008. into few weeks in’ New: Jer say, . is: being. Frank. ‘Kavanaugh; : “Marie; “Martettey. a .* Rehear: sal: around Jan: Ie . MeK aig: has. tabled: rodtiction: ot ‘I réadiéd again. for another. ty. ‘with: John. Kenhelly and. robert Rowe ‘8 “Woodén --Weddings," «by ‘Dwight |". “Reported the. show: will ‘be. on: ‘coni>. -Pail Trehitseh: ‘producing.: ‘Taylor, ‘previously ‘announced.. “| moriwealth: basis, :~ | to, its: ‘eutrent’ ‘season’ production’ list! After, changes in. ‘rehearsal, Meet "Making; ‘Mary: imusieat‘by Hare They | aie”"“Miracle. of :Verdun,”” by:| a8, : oh, My. Sister,"" a ‘new Shubert: show) /-ola™ Ovlab;. was: ‘$lated. to ygo"into'| the late’ Hans -Chlurhberg; “The | SOME for -egllege ‘women: sopare Det ‘dine’ Bradstaw.. The’ mother;-when... “opened: yesterday. (23) in the: ‘Ma-: rehearsalMonday, (22).:: Ford: Gor= Sailors, of: ‘Cattaro;” ‘by ‘PriédrichandFive” young: Americans , | past, middle | 286, married. Frederick: Bas na: will A don-and-Z,'Ds Berry, omners: ‘of:thé: “Three” ‘Times Waterloo,” by. ‘Hogene Janey, ‘Handsome ‘young ..American®” ©: 1 Curster.’ : ym dl “ORR H cowboy, “who... “had “been:: -conriected: The. ‘cuind: “which: fornierly:. aa” od : as | with:,"a, -redeo™ “in. ‘London..: “Shortly... “Glee. Cub. Glee” sth. Concert: and. the: L ; , a Jack “Michelham : Fave: been: visiting : “vk Jin: New : ‘York, . Their: family. Tame: 1G vohgest “oft thls Giee was Sternj-and: they. ‘are. the’ sons.of *” vide @ fleld’of-‘Social-| the late Lord: ‘Michelham and Getale /..” Br ‘adwayy: a Shubert, Ny : : pete ny? ‘backing. the: ‘shiny... eludes. ‘Goorge™ Gros: |.’ “Daisies: .“Won't © “Tell ‘hered to’ Seven: ‘productions.a; season: ; he musit : after’ her death Almy:-married’ June... ‘Wall,. Harty “Welch; coming in. via Alex: wider: Leftwich" -alréady“has launeked* nine -produc| Jub’s 63" sing r und: Dihble, Engus annequin. employed 7 FandAlfred -Glenéy Johnston, ‘with’ ‘tions--this seagon,. the ‘three ‘named, : ine “Paris. by: J an Patou.” ‘The ‘pi a ford: ita the ek tates, Hut writer” of “ent. “Lord ; “Michetham, ; ae [the : ‘Bro ag. cbt: her: “ebank. To: “aM “Blanche: Capel, : ‘glater of “the Mate: -. ; ~ Arthur Cape athe marri*d” ‘ae . oly) hn Whié eh Alexandéi:-Grey,-and . Lester: ‘allen: bringing, its Outpee. | 12° ‘with: Bos ‘Brock: “Benthent ‘ton, is ‘producing. ‘will Starred,. gors’ ‘into: reheat gal ‘Dec: “ smoot: open’: old at the: “AYON;. New. “) “Unele. Moses,” te Sonew: nay. ie a g, as’ 2] 7 iy | Sholony : Asohy Rear mrey ae teeta orks. ‘raine systom: by: “Howara “The. ‘hor us Ssisted iby: Maaeie ine. dale: ‘by “his, fikst wifes . on Vea ‘| Marshall: at’ the. piano and by Ruths: 2: | Chalmers;. Mare Raret. Hall, sang. Ma jorie® McIntosh) as s J with’. ihe: author. as. ‘préducvr. Cast’ ‘Includes. William”Riley,_ Matt: . . . | Giegory; Ralph, ‘Davis, Frank ‘ ‘Shaw; Bene, "goes: “into rehed ‘sal. next ww eek |, » Gerald: Cla I “and: Goorg Mercer: Marion Bollerman;.: Beth, “Lynieh,: ‘Mr. ° Berinett’s 1 €29) Avith “Jos have: forme Ea legit pt odueing, part| Kathleen. .O’Sullivan JaneCarter: “Lorelei.” mis 7 as as. Drothutcr : jp peesbbD ita ; we “Elmer's: ‘Elaine: Hill; _Doroth Balsar. and. . Ii: night rive “N “Ptitle ‘Poles ne: aD “od: ot: AOANCE, me | widow,": AVAL “willing: who": sauteed | thie: late: Col. John Jacob “Astor, and “eo [ham who married: the: cowboy): pres , re ane hy. thet ferred ‘Rohemia-to: ‘socléty,. nd: cher... -| powntowh: G len (lah; unde. direes| v driends s included? “Ethel. on’ of, -Ghanninig: “Tafebyre, “in: ‘Levey ‘Sophie. Puck Land: Harty’ Carne pie. Hah; assisted.’ by: ‘the: iho ir ‘Rilcer.: a Aly’. “wag: “or sued ~by’os ‘Boys: of" ne" Cathedral, of. Ate John: ane i Mey Alm. + autor as hus= a8 Wwaca” Stevens tom. rates H au Round the ‘Word in: ‘Bighty. will Le! : vod used by. the. The. . “is Dewhar: Hele ‘Devtiny. arse wT . “pets AN. ME. Ante anid ‘athe mate, a: ‘pletin Laine Ret “[Capnexte, ; : ‘sti ary ing iv anche 1 Tree aL arta” thik : : Jagure, We Wwinor’ wie ‘and ROO, ‘ | dyaler. aan he" prodiiced’. by.“Walter s “| Leo Rebruany, = Nemhew! |e . Gehman: Operetia ‘Film “hb. birds, ‘ ing It, the, isthect “. Ing “Headtert: ae rev “feal by. a ale r cre “Adams; With: toberte Ta an Sani. Mann. set fon the . . we 14 Pay