Variety (Dec 1930)

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. ae Wheke yo Greater ‘New: York: it : : Baer weekly: undén’ scale,. ae : here was also. provision: ‘for ‘gun-|' ay morning’ musical Concerts: évery, ‘planted: is:‘out. at. the. spots: thé music ‘is: played: they. ‘believe: the. 2 oftlces. an: unnecessary. expense; ora» cee published by” pong tied e wnieniploy | nusi¢ians Of: was. “deciaéa a to. ‘puts 8%: ta son. “4;anto: effect lee i wwveek: for: ‘thenext’. ‘six: months or Jonger’.ta': raise. 2a fund of: not’ tess. “Music. ‘publishers’ are” Beet up of = | Regulars Pi Prevail: “1G | “Over Radical ‘is! F . ie ‘Emery: yeary will. “Be ree a \ leased: a: ‘few * ‘day's’ by Harms: +} “after: the. ‘play “opens, . ag also. ‘}: idise “records .of: both” mumbers: | omnade, by: thrée, companies lie -Officés: and equipping: ‘their’ * It: ‘hids: heen: known: for -someé ‘time *! : tpmgiers: with, bleyeles. “Finding: that. os the “only ‘way ‘to. get ‘their’ Sones here} “|'the only‘ ones: patronizing: the -offices.|'3' were: radio: “aets” ‘appearing. ‘on ‘res.]'A pains ‘one. “appointed ‘atva“fecent |. preotine 9 -of 802 Ag representatives oth headed by president; and: the third ; compgsed:. ‘of: mén. now: “working an : ‘restaurants, . ‘hotels, « ‘theatres, Phony: orchestras: and’: the: Metr “politan’ ‘Opera: house. : .. moth aympn to: Mr. "Weber a iam] relief fund.. * ole ‘System Under: Protest: -~ sym=. | 44, = Phe’ system is. resented: by. many |: yhusicians and: thereforethé: money, ‘raised both. through:. ‘taxation: ‘and enefits . will: ‘be used’ ‘for. ‘salaries. to, ‘the. ‘unemployed after: ‘the. oase: quiring emergency , . “ aistr e838’. This ean the -first:time the 5%. ax. ‘has’, ,béen voted: for “803° ‘men: ut, withdrawn woOEF MoS TAS majority: of ; the. orchestras: in. -the:. ‘face ‘of ‘their’ Contracts: ”. a musician’ : should ;receive:. ‘$120 “weekly: for, playing. certain: ‘hours he: paid ‘the: Tocal. has: a: tana, Of: -$50, 000,. “Viencia,” Tamales, -state’ ‘to. fill “Loew's : State;: “The, ‘yapidly.’ Mepletthouge: ‘returns: to. 6 a. ris tation’ Policy: J an 2 “which: ‘has. -been™ partly.-ysed : ‘during: the ‘past. month’ to. help “members dn: “emergency.. > ing. amount, ‘accordingto. Canavan,” “needs. inimédiate: support. , First ‘Unemployed. Concert 9:6] The first2o8. -coficerts ‘by’. the tii eniployed: “Co-operative, Orchesti‘a “for, benefit: of: unemployed musicians: M . a i t a “Mimes:, ‘Er ‘nesting . Schumann. Heinte| concert: “and ‘Germaine “Schnitzer, « e= |. | re as; Masia Changes’ at * “Pittsbureh, Dee: 23: suc-, Kg at the St nle} Bobby ‘Gillette, : ca boys” have , tears.” ie eels “fox | ‘a -band me ‘New! -Year's: ae Ralph: Harrigon;’ orchestra.; ‘Jeader| here * and: “receritly™. at: ‘the. Harris, } went:to., the: -Stanley“Tast.: Week: ‘as: sAbout, two. months.agothe: tax was: pianist. and, musicar. contractor, sannouriced . by? the: governing. board: re Most of ‘the Stanie: bahd Has been 1: Court for: $2 », 000. amage NE... ‘methods., 1-O=Phone’ ‘makes’ ‘is of. ‘metal: ‘and is. ‘home ‘eons |, ‘note stations ‘and ata ye leaders: who. ings. “lary: Suet t they: were ‘stilt: ‘tar above'| the: present, number ‘for: ‘this. ‘Year... “ emoney: offered. the: be and: Oo. “the, bands’. shedding: ‘real. “Al they. “appear. to. Want: “to. SON. me ; a TE ie than 16, 000; 3 ana the eran of | . mh Face: sand ‘language : have.’ been ; blamed: ‘for Aiany“misunderstand. ‘in. advertisi ig: that she: re renee indorsed, 7 that ‘company’ . discs” hi Rédell,; -gondert. ‘singer; 6 with: the: Chicago ‘Civic: Opera, has’ filed. ae damage: action: eal: 7 pathy. \Miss: ‘Redell’ asks! ‘an injunc-: “Four inembers of. Harrison's 4 band: ‘tion -against thé: firm:turtier: ‘eircu- Twith.him at the. ‘Harris: went, ‘to: ‘the. “Starile ith: him.” lance ‘halls:and-thosée-playing’ single, & ey-with: him, ‘lub: dates. work, for :less‘than’ half}: “Where | “non: ‘Bester and: band at. Willian, ‘Penn: hotel. for several: months, go0es'}: {on a barnstorming: ‘tour... He; lating’ such" ‘indorsement. ~ Bult “was. brought ” in: the: Ys ‘Exhibit: ‘in. the. ‘Case -is ‘a. ¢ireutar | folder: awhich.: “carries. ‘several: prom ‘inent. theatrical names'as ‘ndorsers! of, the company's sound ‘reproducing | “The ‘dise: whicH.Speak apparently. aimed. ‘for ‘sumption. pont ‘the cifsular: came: * the® California... distributing company” of: the same fhame: ‘as .the |}: makers, ‘Latter ‘are. ‘in. -New;: ‘York | a and. When, receiving: the | “paper: from, |t: California’ believed: the: indorsement | “| by’. Miss: Redell’ Jegitimate:.. Pe: New;. York.. firm: claims. ‘that'| j-when. -it. found -thig. was: “not: SO" “it | ; ceased: using: Miss: Redelt’s: name, coniposers., Elgar's Ss ‘first: | OLSEN. “AT DEAUVILLE Oe George. ‘Olsen’ opens: Jan. AM. at. the’ ‘Deauville * “Casino,-. . leweeéks; Dates aré being. arranged by} . 1 the, M, CicA.. t6-take:the. band across “Miami, | the ‘country: direct. to Florida, . the tithe}. a \a present Olsen: is: at ‘Als. ‘Culver, City,’ ‘2: PAge chas ia: ‘picture of: ‘Ernie: and | in ohh Loos,: ‘billed: oY tr sae ; g places Larry: anes han ‘| the’ “Village + Bax Py G een lage,” Sante, ae will’ bring: Tes: i: Herman: ; ‘Bernie's. $4, “Tae Hetman:“Bernie. took, Pre anit | 4 . Reitit. ‘ piowse: “have: “gigned, con®: ‘tracts’ ‘with: ‘Sic: Baward: ‘Elgar “and ‘ ‘Sir Landon. ‘Roland.’ ‘whereby 'they.|: y. publish’; “all: future works: “of: Fee’ Ruay. Nallee, will Jead.. “a. “dance |: ; “band: of" 20. mien: awho: will: play, ‘for |. as ac" ye rity inthe’ “pas | dedieated. fo. the: ‘prince asses” of the} 's vit » for10. seat has. tendéréd his: ‘resignation: “to take effect . Janis we He: recently. | yeturned from: Os: -coastto< ‘coast: trip. |: for the’ firm a He: Joined. the. state at” |proont ADMITTED: TO ASO. AD: .Hatry: “Bloum:. “Musgie® ‘ublishihe |. tion: set. “Bloom started. ‘ine ‘business “Gighit| : Importance Of" ‘a story. warran' s es 1 ye: ‘sent, ‘oiit.: even . during. ecom-=") play J ke, 7 ap "purchased: ao “mented ‘publishing righ ts fo: “Mig. ple TG nderstood” fram. Campbell a nelly: of: London.” a! Gene: ‘Austin. and. HMabty: Bloom reel 9 of “Street "venders uF ned: last. week fom: at 12 monflis’ “Musi; i ueeltsay' , tin Cents. Nee ‘¢ WOR for ne LE hte: “UD: again with CES r eatin the. planting” ar throughout ‘ . diataly phorie.. the: Story: dirnctto}: a ithe” “eity: “to ihe ether: : transmitter from for cing “them. ods,..are atvan’ vend. ines: ‘tolerate. ‘the usé.-of ‘foree: in ‘de=} | priving: ‘visiting’ members. of. the: fed-. 2 fee ig Nat oF Berkeley. * Supreme | || governing. board: and. the. ee for the. New. York: musicians " : dw Aut OM OF ehayuin,: vhair ni ai local, ’ of {terror. Which “yadicals:. in ‘owe’ ra 7 honed’ ‘to. institute: was’ Tojected : “| added. that § "| the: Liries, of. the. “dec Tared, that. we would? as tt Ue “Canavxay AS. “further ‘ed. anien w ho sought to: Prevent: outofpeavey musicians. Working | ee nal nbe Lon: ‘our: ‘trate board. “With: ‘the: Fewutte ‘of this: €lec tion: ‘definitely’ established’, ¢ aa a ‘3 to: work: here,” I . ftom ; Greater: New. ‘York’ Uivough..! u amet more. ; “than: 10%: of: “them Tolla aS i st Spr i ne. had: ended, in’ a. ‘riot, “Loal 803. will male ‘atuc Met properly wl placed dn. g:| commercial “at. “the: ‘pox ( fboth.: WB, and. EN. wi “gniphatie . regaraina what he. termed the ce} “Bields Rodgers. and-Hart;: Wammer“stein. ana: -‘Romberg,.. “Kaban: and | -Ruby:and ‘kindred: tears “under: eon ‘thact,. Studio. attitudes: writers for, many.: year | commercial: ‘for. ‘pietures. OAT | “indication =: that”. , rstill” has. ‘hopes: for’ the’ retur ari of: mus: one © form: ox another | a maintenance: or a min -sicals.. int Finston. Arthur, hag a straight. ‘directors of. Which © four ‘Latter : ticket, for. a “year, ‘months . Rave’. already ‘Been’ ‘clocked: tort and: jeerkeley has. y ‘meeting. aver 6; 000: "men. cUingregated nad pote not tor recelve -asstg ‘nment.: y ™ Those’ elected’, tothe” goveriiinis, M ‘board “af: Joseph ‘Abrahains,: Michael}. io; ‘Leo E.'S: ‘Massinio.and.Ed|. Urbach."Men.¥ the |-"J. [trtar board, are. ‘Harry. ‘Bennett, “Mau-: rice: ‘Bernhardt, Joséphi:Br iglio,Dan: ed.|iel Briino, William A, Deutsch, Dom--| 7 \inick -Fantilli,;Max Frey, ‘Henry.’ HW, : Beerétar ho ME "Assoctation, std.;' be ; . Kielgast-ana Jack Zimbler.” Maurice’ By Bernhardt: and’. ‘Daniel ‘Bruno. were’ "also. cligsén ‘delegates . j M.. ‘convention, ‘from <a: ‘list: ‘of: Six; and’ Max. M, Richter. Won: over. Louis | “Wolff “as: ‘delegate Sto” thé "Central | ‘Prades, and. Labor: Counell, . Bands in Florida Palm’ Bench,: “Dee. 28 Dh “palmi. ‘Beach Hotel roof-ga den opened. Née: 1%, with’ a. twelve-' piéce. orchestra. Clift: O’Rourke;. ten-:|: or, ‘featured, withthe: ‘dance and: goncert’ orchéstra. Pon orea. rine nee to. this.’ new. spvangeinent “the M P. Ae Li epee looked ‘out: for. . facies. personally, and wilt lain ; all collection: ‘fees.-: SME Re RA, ds, planning’ to: place :Americati. miisic: on..a: competitive ‘basis.. with ‘English. tunes": : for: the Heensing: for: British. cifiemas..” fe a Mage’. Floor ‘show. we new:.fldor., ahow. ‘went: tin n thie: | week: (22) at. the: “Warsity:.. -CLub,; S:| Greenwich, Vilage; staged: ‘by: Robert : Conklin, ob C“has, Been ‘elécted: to ‘membership: nae in, the. As Ss. Cc AS Py: “No. slassifiea<+ . yy. ‘Lin up imeludes’ Day ‘Sisters. Fio Corbett; .Maxine ‘and. Perry,:, Tubert.’ : | Murray, Alma; ‘Roman and “Bight. pyillage: ‘Belles, femme. aanving nit, y Roy. “Feayen 3 and “pana? conn plote rea seonsecutive:. veers betinden’ two : an ‘harness! after being: out: a year . ‘| tied A Up: vi ith. ‘Bernie: Foye er, him. from. None he. ‘name | : | Renter, “Radio ~ Music : Cos: asserted |. 1 The: ‘most’. important “news: ; é mat the Paci to open:in ix: “unit: ‘at Omaha. Jan.3; “Outht:. ‘lingers: With, ‘th | lis ‘tion, AY “Mansont: copened ‘thie: ie ;| Neniea, Gardens at Edgewater, Edvard, “former: poked ‘Isher'a Ch ve Eddie. Cantor's 5. L-daor of on il May whe 1’): “ralicoonn, “Aside ines eng oe an . fon Stores, Supply C 't onths: ao hy: ibe 7 ‘Signal. 7 Afusity ertainier, Kern Harbacki,: ee have: been |-*. if | trained: ‘where. to.. ‘Spot:. songs ‘in Meee : ‘| brettos and:have. proven’ themselves ent The: only:: ualifi¢ation: we, “might: ‘be =a. cninimiza tion of song