Variety (Dec 1930)

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_ Te 2 Me neck. last: Week: by: raiders;-. “booked | a3. a. liquor.” ‘Miolator... “ Houywood,. ‘Dee.: ‘93 La : “everything... “and... ‘everybody. “are <2 -marking* time: here. for the” big.holfL sday cblow-oft” ‘in: night: lifé. Then: this’ ‘town, ‘perhaps the most ext emeé._ "3 ~ elty: ‘in. ‘the. ‘world, “goes ‘dead. on: its-[ nocturnal , ‘whaopee, “Whatever: ‘joy: p “locally *: are: éxisting, . the. ustal: Chr istmas: and New Year’ sfestivities, ; ‘but: everything shuts, Bs) cnele| Kenneth. ete ‘elubis” ‘another'| weak: ‘sister. which,” from indications; wil have. to pep. up: miraculously: or else, "ducky: if they” can. drum ‘up.a: corporal’ 3s guard. woo 2 parative... “handful ~ “unusually: ‘wealthy,’ ‘Dut the great’ masority: have'l. Whatever. ‘night : dite’ sthere * is | ~foutlahes: on: “the, too. limited: hand-: | the. dance. music. and. for. “the. vooa -" a : “Thad: béen. ‘invited and: after: a. confer-" -Other: Spots: in: town. will ‘be { ‘The ‘abnormality’ of: Holly= |. 3 n its. extréme’ individual riches. ae and. mass. majority. poorness, : ‘makes : ‘this: city’ a ‘peculiar: Paradox.. A ‘com. oa ous: Loves Licenses After Yate. Stage . : oe ‘ Tables on. Air : Program New Osleans, Dee.’ 23... “Chi: Porrést, 4USt. outsidé the: ity: its, ig “tlre. only. nite” club’ ‘in: the’ country. With a: gaining casino: ads, of are: Jjunet. going < over the. radio: nightly.7 “stadeering -along in’ “the. shapes for ‘ts: broadcasting ” over: “WSMB, . ‘Toeal Station’ ‘cover ‘ing, all’ ‘Southern: States. Tt: starts. ‘at. rE each, nights: ‘run . ‘for: 75-minuteés, “Harry, Berman, « the “elub's” ‘m. ‘Tis. the. announcer, ‘with. Jules. Ba-~| duck’s’ orchestra: of 12 pieces. playiiig | ‘ists: : : * Jom phasis: on. ‘the: air. only: for. ‘the ‘oor ; show: 0 a he 33 oad house; no. ‘mention . is. “made:.: of. the: gaming | ‘room. . wet me ert Dee. "44. ; The: ‘cen eram. forms: _the* ‘tragicomedy: “Der: : -|Fall des. Generalstabschefs. Redl,” |. {vy -BgonErwin: Kisch,‘fascindtingly : and" effectively : done:.and: directed’). by": ‘Kurt: -Robitscherk; ; ‘with -“Wolf--| eo ‘gang. ‘Heinz, Caécille Lvosky, ; ‘Oscar | “Sima, . m “stoledo;: ‘Dee, : “28 L “Two ‘néatby: nite clubs” got: it; in. "dusky! 8 sole ‘niter “was*. ‘closed’ ‘by: officials’:and _ John: “Rint, in: charge, ‘ : Patrons: Mot. held, ° Other: was-Joe Par-| yey’ 3 cafe: in: vAnH “Arbor;: Mich; “pad-.. fing’, ‘manner. Latter ‘Hag: ‘been: favorite. “Gra op and; “neck: Spot: “since”. :1880, which. howas. proved: by" “the _initials': ‘and |; ene rests in. some: “of : ‘the. ‘furniture. : “l Brnst:-Prockl act ing San-. rr | puppet .siiow. Ernst’ “ ‘Raden, ::Heinrich: -Fritz:-: Strehlen’. ard ‘At: is: received | with: lively. applause, os ‘The ‘femme: .jazz.. pana; of: “Alex:| ‘Hyde, consisting. of 2-12: girls;-who:| algo:' appear’ :in’ . the: Wintergarten, : give: a: “performance | Thi eo. also‘and. Ore “Hvely: ‘applauded. Paul’: : Nikolaus. : and ‘Matta “Ney | ‘figure: as ‘conferenciers ‘in: an ‘amus|. There. are © also’ the: excellent. dancing: ‘couple, * Natascha, | ‘and’ Maxon;. ‘the -firstclass .eccéns: trics;-Presco’ ana: Campo;. ‘Valerian » ‘Schumakoff’: playing’ the’ balalaika.‘masterfully, ‘Schnitzler,: ‘received: ‘with intérest;. 1 tdéag have: been added;. such as:‘a. : “Mathes: Ms C. * Harold: Mathes, ° will Oakland a ie Oakland: ‘Ter-,| oe \eareapeye ‘Nadler. and’ ‘alexa “von: Poremsky,. : lat the’ Hotel’ Baker,’ ‘Dallas,: Christmas. ‘ night t0‘opeén' Dec: :27 ‘at the: College ‘Copy: of ‘the Waldoff, ‘played “by. “a ‘puppet, +1 ‘but sung “by, the: Waldoft on}: formerly. swith’ a ; Finally: there is: again’ ‘thé Ameri“comedy “sketch, “The. aa oe the ' December. ‘pros |. a ‘and ‘finally: Charton’s’ a This ‘very: old: artis ty “some ‘new | # 7 Rush: Dressing, Room “ophe: ‘Broadway: atmosphere“ was a al” woe Titie: too. much for. the’ ‘staid ‘ola |} |. New England’ town of. West: Haven, |" {suburb :of New : Haven, and~ home’ ““lof' the. new, Beacon. Nite. Club “which: ‘opened with a. floor: show: from: ‘the, New’ ‘York. Tverglades. last: wweek,. Management: tnade: the’ mistake’ of: admitting .a lot. of: Yale: stags “who'|. tried: to’rush the: ‘chorus girls’ dregs-.. ing: -Foom for a. chance to dance. with them: -. The: ‘Tush: was ‘haltedwith: no. damage: ‘done, :but® the:.incident,.:to-. gether. withsome ‘or. the: features of + ‘the: show, ‘Caused: -the:: local. Police. ‘chief “to” “withhold. an operating. ‘li-. | eense until ‘changes were: ‘made, |... A. list’ of. répresentative: ‘citizens, ‘whom: the management: Glaimed: saw |: nothing Objectionable in: the revus,: ence. the *. ‘following: : day “ between” ‘some* “Of: these’ citizens, town’ Officials | ‘and. the: proprietors of the: club; 8 oe License | ‘to. opérate : was. issued. after. a the: show. Wag | ‘switched | a bit. * | FOF M OPENS FIGHT. |F ~ ON DISC BROADCASTS| “J oe “Webet,: ‘president ASS 5 oe M,,: ‘personally conducting” ‘fight. to pre=. ‘vert radio stations from ‘using regu-: ‘Jar records: for’ -broadéasting instead . of: discs: specially made’ ‘tor. electrical transcriptions, :: : ALR. Ms. action ‘pased on Yeonten:: ‘tion: additional. mousicians would: -be employed : ‘for: recording. purposes’ if ‘the .: ‘statioris : lised-” only... electrical ‘tratseription: records. : ee MGs Py Pe As. reportéd: favoring” the “move. ‘of: the (A. FB, M: ‘and may. ‘start a similar’ ‘investigation ‘to..see if. the ‘doubling. ‘of:. records -for : radio; ‘use. can’ ‘be ‘Breyented.. tet PIO Bred ‘After: Je an. 1 ‘| going . to” -Blve.: ‘radio. somal |twice ,. nightly: . programs ' “as: “Chicago, Dée. 23 a Sensationak: ‘court : trials. as a: Source: of-radlo. -eniter talnment‘is: pe-: ing. éonsidered, following. the success: : ‘of. the: fictional. trial program over |. WAZ: in New. York. and. ‘KYW -here: ‘Doubtful Aft ‘mikes ‘would: -beals f° towed: inmost courts except: -where |: .publicityseeking-. judges. “or”: -prose-. Ain’ Arfierica’ only: eutors would. ‘okay... iMbre“than 75: per.’ “gant. ‘of. the. ‘nado . stations. In. this country: Now. use, electrical. trangeriptions , ‘time. radio” was employ ea was, at. the | ‘gala ‘affair’ at. Day ton;.Tenn.,, for the. -Scopes. ‘monkey: trial, “Th ‘Russia ‘the’ recent ~ political... ‘government... Le : Recent. experiment, with: ‘anginary’ “bral of ‘Vivian® ‘Ware! drew a: terrific. résponse,* ‘with: more than. 14,000]. ‘letters. sending in-their veérdict—13,-' -000‘for. acauittal and. only 1,000 0 “T. “Miller, “the : clicks | ‘the:.way ‘it’s: supposed: ‘to, . the’ ‘pootery: will make a 52-week pr opo~. sition: of: the: éther ‘exploitation. ‘ WABC! will. be: ‘the. source ‘Gf. the’ tryout: which: ‘will, fun: Jan 4-9 with: the. scheme., “The. double: bills: will ‘be. ‘of: ‘15. minutes” ‘duration, each: with: Gus’ Van':to.: act, as. Mm. throughout series... mt he: The ° Mille: ~yataecinant, “-pre-. viously: “ignoring: ‘radio; . “got. the: air. j.hunch after’ ‘donating. $1,000: for’ ‘the we broadcast: ‘privilege to. ithe ‘recent. actors’: “Sunday... ‘benefit : at: ‘the: Zleg-. 2 Barry: Kuh: now. ‘Van's ‘personal aclecy “atter ‘Jan. a R-KoO: realigns . the . _ NBC. ‘gtations for. ‘its: ‘weekly: radio ‘proadcasts® “to. cover ‘more: territory; wh ‘Re ‘K-Owill: discount: a: few. Southern: : ‘stations: from: its: weekly. NBC: hook:. ‘| upand © ‘add. afew more’ in. “the “ ‘North. “At present. R-KQO: goes" over ‘fabout.12 stations inthe South; “Four |: “2 Kay: ‘Kyser'e ‘Auto. Jump: ; . Kay. ‘Kyser and. “orchestra. ; leave | Tnn,.. CléVveland...‘Each’. of: Kyser's |. { men: owns.. his owti: car: and, the. boys : oa will make ‘thie jump: ‘by. motor, | , ; vita, Bernard’s. ‘New: WOR: ‘Con fact Nita ‘Bernard. (Crying: Songbird’), | appearing. with ‘Guy. ‘Lombardo’s]' ,: “weekly. : “Brollies”: WN. | dio programs. 008 Oy ea Miss” Bernard goes on: 1 the. ‘air: Jan: 4. via’ WABC: at. 8:45. p.m. with the}: 1: Opening of the, new: T.-Miller:'shoe . Stations. -eonsidered: sufficient. od ; broadcast, . Starts: TS | on WOR as part 08 the regular, stu Saver “At présent.the’NBC hook-up takes’ tn’ about: 40° stations from coast. to. “Lite Goes NBC aoe _ .. Gincinnath,. Déc,. 23,.°° “Lite. Jack ‘Little. has ‘signed. swith: NBC. and » ‘commences . ‘bromdcasting , at. its. New ‘York. Studio. early “in| ‘here.Besides his: work for:the local. ‘Crosley “station ™ during the. past'|'| |yveaty he has “made. personal: ‘appear|. ances, .at theatres.” ‘throughout: the] _ gountty, weaL: ow. FULL ire .: “Baltimore, Dec, "93,“the: ‘Federal Radio. ‘Commission |: 2 has approved. the plan’ to: ‘synchron| | ize | -WBAL with WIZ. “This: ‘per | mits“the: “big: loéal ‘broadcaster . to] —_ return: to ‘a ‘full-time. ‘schedule... On: days” “when: . WBAL!s: ‘chianne} ~ is'peing. used by. WTIC of Hartford, | the-‘local. wil] -be:; ‘synchronized: “with } “the: New York key: station. : Ttewill .[:takeabout eight: weeks: to install: _'}the : “new: equipment.. ;| Synehronize: with: WIAF:. aes ‘of othe Fabello. Potiey wee : ok K: ‘0. COLISEUM, : New. York: er _ Andefinitely. ee “Medical, “Entertainment: Plug: Second Year. atthe’. _CARTHAY: CIRCLE’. WTI. wal. 7 _ MEDEURY'S ‘coast: SOLO". 7 foe ES cprony wood, “Dee, 28. |GENE AND GLENN co ON. NBC: NETWORK SHORTLY |, td J ohnstone Steps’ Up “Gene “aa: ‘Glenn, ° the. “Amos. ‘set: to. broaddast:: ‘Over’ NBC network, .. |. INBC!s'plans-.for Gene -and: Glenn} ; {not finally. developed: but ‘the: comi Jare certain: to. get: the. ‘network: ‘after ifthe’ ‘first: of: “the years” likely, they will, broadcast, from New : York: : : Gene‘ana Glenn. ‘take. ‘one of. ‘the’ two, perlods:. “now : allotted .. to . ‘Phil. :Cook;: -who : casterof. da programs, ‘for WOR, propaganda. « ‘trial: Was widely broadéast. by: the® Soviet’ ‘| tions ‘as: second, and. third: runs," tn 2 | Andy. ‘of: Cleveland, wiio : broadcast Sling daily: over. WTAM: in: that’. city,: ‘all ‘Gonai publicity: “director;:. ‘NBO, : ‘léaving” that: post: ‘this; week to, ‘bee ics: “Not: all un-: + Dan" se. Tuthill,; ° tutional’ “broadcasting, bi ‘commercial. * Aisually™ ‘are: lésser: “naborhood:: mere . ‘chants: who, ‘in. ‘between’ a “canned : “Commercial ut onteny ‘musical, ‘recital,. are. élven:. an. ethe ‘plug: “stressing. bargain. prices, . Aresses, ete; 2 on : A-year. ago, the: recorded ‘programa: ‘was ‘synonymous with a fourth rate’ broadcasting: .: _gtation,® but: “when ; :WOR;. Newark. (Bamberger station) : 4 announced: it ‘would &0 in: formixing: ‘Mp ‘its. radio, Btulewith. disk™ broads g,. those’. ‘other. stations.which, : : “were. ‘in doubt: ‘quiekly:: followed suit. .| for obylous: economic. reasons nye TONING FOR STATION s : Hollyivodd,: Dec. “2 Goriplaints: from ‘small: and lars ‘radio., stations,; “voiced: here. with” X= ‘| cess ; ,of the” ‘Continental. Broadeasting. Corp...) | national: system, of. ‘mone.. ‘booking fo record. ‘programs: Aeleetric, transe ps .tions).. nay result ‘shortly: in_ a: “Kicks: ‘are that’ some’ “Stations: re= ‘lease’ progryams: ‘before: the’ date-. . ‘with oftentimes two : stations: “Ina” -|.temritory® ‘broadcasting. © the..: ‘program: ‘Simultaneously. ane ‘manager,’ ‘is. sharidling ‘the progr ‘amish: : ‘for ‘the: | “Miller, “radio ; ALY... ; “Plan. is, for: protection to radio’ jtas : tions’ like:that' given to. ‘theaters: “As. =” {booking-system. similar to that used." “Se by. Film: ‘Boards ‘of: ‘Trade. is" “probs Tae. could be: sold. to. certain Jarge .sta “Under: this: method: programs : tions first ‘and Jater’ to smaller ‘sta ete oS ‘As.. “Ass’ ‘Aylesworth. (Johnny): ‘Johnstone; nae come. assistant: to; ‘the-president,. Me H. :Aylesworth. | ‘Johnstone: has hans dled. NBC: ‘exploiting singe’ its: forme ‘ation: ee “Another “NBC. promotion. “due! “As! -genéral : air: “time. . ‘sales. ‘manacer,.. to. assistant to thy . i e : . currently:. ‘broadcasts. ne ce-president;. George: McLellan. Dee ok twice: ‘daily over. NBC: but After: r fpe ys “Little: maintains a. palatial ‘homme’ ; "Walter. C.. Stone, ‘succeeds: Johns’ (has. run:. up: his weekly” intake. tol: ue : $1,000,: “Tacome ‘comes’ fro ail broadeast,: ‘wecords: “and ‘book _ aX MORTON ‘DOWNEY’S CBS ‘TIEUP. ° ‘Morton Downey. starts Seven’ “OBS: J broadcasts : weekly.” (Thursday). “ fomorrow, oP, “Currently: Downey: ‘fg ‘be oadeasting® a thrice, oweekly. from. hig: ‘New: Club. a , Delmoni¢o. ©. 3 : ‘| Additional: four broadcasts’ ‘will be made: via. .CBS,: with, Downey: works, John’ ‘“Medbury’s. etheréal * Gtatlon _ aver: KH, ~via‘ -the.: Columbia: net: ‘work; will : ‘be ‘the only: feature: na} * ‘tional, hookup’ emanating. from the} ? West ‘Coast: New. Year's: eve, vor) -Othér local. ‘Fadio lines are laying'| = Maiti : | Fannie Brice | ‘wlll be: guest” ‘artist: at. $2, 000° ‘On. tne. ao Drostam, | Martin’ Mooney; “New York: Dp. ast | will “become. radio. . columnist: “for | an , “WMCA. | He’ “will” have : ‘a. weekly] | “column”: on. current Yegit: shows.. X ee His. broadcasting. starts: first ‘ “fin January. 7 a ‘grain ‘of dance. music’ for New]. we 2 Fourth Year...” f UMAR. HOPKINS HOTEL” :SAN. FRANCISCO! Th pours Hour: New: Year's Eve Trick ° y = CBS. has: arranged ae special: pro-. cond 4 “Year's: ‘eve to:-run: four. hours, vidnente WABCevery. Suriday, -t0:ta 10:30: Hos Every Tuesday. during. “Paramount: Publix: Hour. Pee VICTORRECORDS © QR EXCEPTIONAL MERIT 158-8 WEST 48TH ‘STREET. "alg: ‘othe: Little: Titer An. "Liters, Wing Your Way: ome" ‘The: 1980. Song. Farade’ ., “Royal! Hour. ; PARAMOUNT. and. ‘San’ Antonio » TEXAS “ A Big New: Near. aa fe . ‘same "s