Variety (Dec 1930)

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5" ; ‘Biltish fallcers in “America: poe| ,{Radio,-has been. announced: a8 near: ing. comipletion: this: side... ye VARIETY | BILIS Is (Continued from: page. AL a ; ‘Theatrical experiment at the Gat La-lia “Happy ‘and Glotious,”: two.acts’ .}and. sixteen’. scenes, ‘with: cast of | 7 -"| two— Wilfred, Walter: who ‘authore r wing. areument wrecked. ond: ‘Miriam, Adams... a 7 but “jnconipatible? : Miss. Matte's: explanation.. cee ’ Pott e BBB's“éellar,” Hollywood cafe; and |. 2 gent’ two. men. fo-hos it ‘Rotal umber” of. _ subscribers to the Peoples: theatre is: now meat ’ e ponine Vet’ Folks. o Bhiy Ray :'| Harold Walden * ‘PLeon, & .Lbucette. © ‘Rupert Hazel jad ; ! puit. ‘naming MAUstin, Je “Young, “sician, : as. go“respondent. ° eS “Nturiel: Evans, formerly: ‘pictures as’ made “up. with. Michael Cudahy She’. ‘optained:.; ‘interlocutory | ~ divorce last July, ‘and. nas? decided to jet: ‘the tinal slide.’ . ‘Pof-the: Mountaing;” -Dec,"18. .. = o Croft has’ the Jose Coling part... “ piiriél “Mullen, © “ . ‘Gonley «and Hazel: Conlé /, picture). 2 1 600 eee a aeons 2: hou mee ox. meas 3435 WEST S55 STREET Marie Lester ‘and Bert. Collin of the ‘original: cast, ° “appear ‘Hippodrome ° revival (of TH ie FExe : f Bauer Dolan “Orch: . ‘ Gir or F Aedera 2 Story Fireproof Elevator Apare rent “ Bpartment house. ‘nianagenient.:f .:» Beaux Arte-:-_\|:F Henderson Ore An y 3-4 ROOM SUITES nis 4ec 3,000. for ‘bein locked. out: ; ‘Katherine ” Parsons: Cotton’ Clib, > 44h f ro i Turnre de baiting gi, Roger, Ferrier”: 1 texbelle. Ww shingt'n ae |} FROM #130.°° up MONTHLY . , J, k as ‘ ; Glodya’ Ivanova, ‘ : of Maude. ne Hovin “, OWNER —MANAGEMENT —— TEL. COtumbus 8950 a ac: an comedy, “'A |} Wilma “Cox... Shérma ° ingon _ : “ oF:. tact nt is come 4. th Marinaro’ 3 Orch © ; pLeltha Hill’ re CHARLES TENENBAUM 24S W.5ITNWC. oe: . © | Moraecat& Taylo: rere 23, crit’. ‘Swan & Lee ; — : gaia he: Be “F Henri: Weasels-; . | Duke. Ellington. ‘Or’ oy EV :‘Patlo :. a Hanion’ ‘& ‘Rosita: “1 Emil. Coleman ‘Oreh Sot Holly wood, an Soa Marfon. Sakic is aliagher, ‘Delysi “ Clara” “Bow: ‘alta her: indicted. secs ‘retary; Daigy . DeVoe; Are Co-de-. ‘ fendants. in. a. -suit® by. a: Beverly Hills. bank over, a Stopped. check . ‘ £ Ro ps: $20. “ Double’ ‘Roome. Three ana’ four: an Soom," single: beéda,$15$16, os . “Vang rolls.” 3 to 10. a ni, Served: in-room: If. desired... nd: Dinner. 8: 130: to" tS Supper. after. -Mheatres “Rody. “of: ‘Diane. Bis; pictures, who died. on her honeymoon-in india,: will |-o 7 ; be: premated there ana’ “the © rashes’ Five. Climias. ‘FEN UT G Rev: “|. Katz Oreh-|. -« 2 Paramount: ‘Grill : ihe . 4 Kay? ‘Lazell * a ‘ ; S Jackie. ‘Maye’ —... | Hal. Leroy. « “A “pedshot: téylinder, falling. from ay Meet ocean oa Frances: F wee ‘disabled | plane, : crashed ‘through -a : oe Sue . 00k ‘at: BE Rt studio, ‘and narrowly . “vinma. -& & “Buddy. 2 -Ebsen -”. ‘FOI A a 18-$20 Double. Ropme,,.. Single: -Beds;. $1 ‘T Chas’ roy ‘Connor’ . a] be bale This: Inejutley mealai: Coffee ond . rol -| Benny .Davis 26 eee wa . * breakfaat,.; :12 aoon,: 5:3 Flo” Richardson or Ann: ' Addros,. ‘Mrs. .Edith’ &: Tile, of dloh Roya | Bijzabeth Welsh | .Kid'Sneeze ‘Opal "“Cooner : ‘| Sammy Richardaon I International ° Orch: 5 ied: up: with: -th Of. the: Sleeveless: Ers ane “suing * “Bawin“Carewe, “dis | rector,: for, $11, 000 “damages. for: late rs ‘failiire: to’ use’ nim in * picture ‘Whi: en. n Sending. ‘tor: Mat). te VARIETY. , Address: ‘Mail Cler POSTCARDS, : ADVERTISING ; ‘OIRCULAR. LE any iniares "offéis ‘out. Tele a, couple. ‘from: ‘the: New. ETTERS WILL NOT. E ‘ADVERTISED ae ‘LETTERS ES. ADVERTISED: mn ONB: 1g80B ONLT ree . “Maniie. Smith: . a Ville, Oe a 1 Bdate. PRéabody..... ol Rudy. . Vallee : ‘Orch Chicago Civic Shakespeare theatre |‘: "yvonne Arnaud: will have: ‘th ailded ‘itself. to the long list of .fecént* theatre robberies. :: Art: spot ‘gave. up $200 to.a: ‘man and ‘women hola-Up ‘team, put is: not es specially. interested. | Par , 1e., dialoe. ‘treat. Heaver’ “TWoliaton BHouston William: : General Outaoor ‘Aavertiging con: ‘pany-must: have got’ soinebody. sore; ecause: the’ ‘pillboard. ‘company drew. ‘bomb ‘at. ts. central: omfivess’ ats ed $2; ‘500: Sonian, ‘against interna onal. _Ginématostaph | Conporation. ; pokes Tinioth yi : “Palma” Jeanne ’ on: for’ the’ winding. cap of'| te ‘Filins, ingle. manutsicturers’. mi to no: tt pete. ‘Simaay * sigke : shaving: plenty’ fun_larguing’ é “42 NAS: SOOM. asone: ‘Judge: gives: van ° ‘okay, . another. court .upsets. the “cart: by ‘ruling “in‘favor of: closed 's 2 Two. weeks: ago i } oP “imihott “ne! ee a ' {Monroe Tack: judge: said: that: the | “@losing -rules were -baSed’: on, Feligions, prejudice “and therefore | ‘not: ‘Valid.’ Last week. somebody. elsé -'said .the:closing | 4) orders avere the gospel “until, -tHe city x council drafts. a new ordinance.» . Varsity: ‘theatre ‘has. been’ -‘sweat‘ing. to‘break ‘the blue law, far. its’. been “largely. : ‘a “waste of 5. ralitical”” : "eam paisn ‘production of : art wi "coast. “production).” founded ° “strictly on ‘the. ‘abstract: : Hollywood . “personalities: ‘to. “Hart | ‘the. average’ easterner:: ‘who. must: necessarily” “meet. and. ‘greet: the: .-. Phey~ are. either: ‘act> |: ‘ing: ag -mhuch ‘off as. they aré-on. ‘Others _ are’. “surprisingly. affable; Others are tod realistically negative: vinducethe.ever-recurrent: mien‘interrogation: “How © did ‘they: er. gét ‘where they | ‘are? “When. Douglas. “Fairbanks,.:" ents’ {6 “Lifetinie® ‘for. ne. “(by -arrangement * ‘aith (Sam. fais) was behested: by. fr ends Martin: Make. Believes! fas. a . is Scheduled , ‘by. “ Reginala . oe Potruska. lub, "defuriet: ‘elite nite: tp Spot, We as ‘sold. for. $2,000, at. a-bank“i. Tuptey: auction: tothe, rm ‘of: Pau) Ginsbur€:: Conipany; h -which will resell the. e another auction: “Club: w bys witiam Mitchell’ Blair, oe ‘Mutual Wheel vf ‘Weeks. of Dee:. 22. ‘and. 29. rington's: ‘Revie—] rie, ‘Bridgeport: a: : Ho. New..York.” ©. Y vue—Hudson, Union city "2, ro. Téledo! Secopa ig. Seoeed Ties ” . -f Told * ‘that. it's: ‘a: Hollywood: -evolu-: : tion, of. an ‘old: ‘Roman: v owae Hart: “Irene. ‘Maurice 3 Chicago Civie ‘Onéra , “prima: ‘donna, claims ‘he. is. ‘broke. in ‘an* ‘answer: to. the. alimony: suit’ filed frances. ‘ bout tg st ‘a: iorning: sheet, oo ‘Another’ SCOOp. for. Woodbury, was, 2 (oP. June. MacCloy;' Toledo: gir), going : Fen! ‘a: Ford: tos a: “studio. ‘and. offered. . | a: more : doggy: ‘conveyance: ‘to’ take} ‘| hing. back: :to: the. Ambassador,.:: ‘Hart’ |.é observed. that. “this ‘is. ‘quite. | ‘an ‘dimP| provement. me _ Genuinely. impress ae “Anthe’ “Kober; “the.exNe y D..a,, now: writing ‘for Paramount,. ig” also’ : J . Conducting: a. ‘Hollywood. column for tel theatres: ab pave a iin ane oT Leblang’ 8: “has *igsue of! “Today's | :Plays;’ Resinara “Saath “chief of: -Pathers’ outlet eras. side, . rates the: R-K-0, “py doer ‘Leblang,, is’ ge for ‘Dee; 29. | “Ptys”" : wi pac plug: for . shows. dharintea by: ‘hen: sad blk Angs'S agenc il | ‘te nieive small Spends has ‘Been: placed on the bo of ‘the, | ‘corporation. inyolved Court” “theatre. “Anhouni “tention. of ‘cutting: seat’ prices. 1 a8 ‘for. : “Business : Marriage," 1 iM Lwestern” production “and ‘thén. “ré I enTrecad re. “sein mia turn: east.” Sinclair; with hig. prac ; ok tear. anowledae ‘of: Bréadway. “share, Thlewnational ‘for. ré