Variety (Dec 1930)

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Frente ‘Alea: on. Collatera To ; -“follywood, Dee.87." . : “Closed :: Bowie ‘of: Hollywood : ‘for: ‘which: liquldation: was: ordered had Sana outstanding, over: $1, 000,000: in’ ‘mall: . [loans without: security, some. to Jay-. Loft: ‘actors, “writers: and ¢ ae Jothers to: lawyers ‘and: agente‘active| in: ‘show « buasinessand . tenants. in: the Bank. of: Holly wood: building.” = . ere Ga hese dang run: Mp. ‘in: the: thowPa, ee chevay. Dee: er sands,.:’ * “Leans’ Bry a ‘this. “class” ‘on The League’ of” ‘Nationa. ouinell, = which: bank hela: security: “amount quartered « here, "is aindertaking: a": “afte eats of: jaterbal: strife ‘and wees “plekerines the: film industry” 1s ‘con=| DD: “ceeding: ‘the e need: fora: ‘unified: front] | ., “£0. be' devoted: against’ ‘pressure. “from, 5 — “without; stronger. ‘and, more. iny esti-,| 1 gatory, than. it has-ever been and: at, : tracted. “into: “developmen it:.0 Ny. Fils ' ““dom's: ansicty ‘tocnip-it y “go-round ° ‘of. household difieultios. me “Not only producers. at: leatiars: aft: werner rash, BrOups. roneedg.: that ‘campaign. to embrace. the world: and we aimed" to ‘discourage ‘the. making ‘of, War -pictures’ by, all-countries. ““ The: appeal has.” been ‘broadcast over: ‘the: “world: pointing. ‘out: that war: filnis” ‘are. calculated, to. inspire. militaristic ‘sentiments: ‘and may: ‘be: a:source. of ‘international discord. : “ | -Ineident; “of “AV. Quiet”: ‘in’ .Gers Lmany.. ana. other., ‘picture undoubt7G -édly. ‘inspired |. ‘the “move; | .-While it: AS admitted ° ‘that. “AN Quiet”. is (@g-. an, | sentially: a" ‘preachment., against:war,. .”..lit.” farnished’ the’ motive: for, ‘a... | political -uphéayal:: ‘inthe: Fathers‘: {land “Political: .partisans:: sought. ‘to= ‘|; fave it, appear that the version ex tin: amiisement “ais~ hibited. in: ‘Germany: ‘was doctored, . *.. don: Svill’ have: gotten: under while’that:.shoiyn inthe. ‘States; and. woe “by Tebroary” “when . -R-K-0;, in: other.. “countries; contained: many”: “[ehFeugh “its; afiliate, -. Trans-Lux, [anti-German sequences," ° ; ..) openg.. thd first: two. ‘of “its” planned... Whatever. the ‘truth of “200: low’. ‘admission scale: ‘Miniature-| he"pic! Alm, houses. ‘in New York, city? These * font rover In’ Fart. ‘Carroll's assKetch Book”. ‘ |: Mhe -Piltsburgh. Press ‘said; -“Here is: ‘a statoment : whiclt even’ “wher $t]o. oJ | cools, will ‘still -be. true: WillMaz}. my * :| Toney: ig “the: funniest’ man: in’ ‘the |: ‘ ; world:. “Phe funniest. “The seream Me" ‘dia: ‘something last. night “néver’ baw before, ay Rs “Paramount A “WHat Tiaboraterys technicians, and. eben. | ur. | a bis ° perfected: ae shew: color 9 in ‘Sisnplified: rpuotogenph cover at will, {veloping onthe ‘black, and. wi Ave: credited: “de eis: tno llyes, ‘andy’ record, the |: telat “Pe “U: 0d. 7 ‘| mount: ‘does: not’ ‘intend: to keep’ ‘the 7 a pr obess. for. itself, thé: process to: be. «they 1 havee privately: sought infor ma: made: available ” "tor. the: : entire in. Mon” on, the: eee os ‘every. ‘box ef a ‘y. me : One: of the inlntature ‘spots walt be: : A for feature’. projection, .The.-other. [007 5" “Wil ‘be utilized. ag: a‘newsreel | house. } mes “will. bé the. sécona: ‘allsnewsres! | ae ie theatre ‘on’. Br oadway.Courtland] *: -2¢./ Smith, former, Fox exéc, is the.guid-: “[ing: chief. of ‘Trans: sux ‘theatre ‘ae 7 they: fntena” "to. exact” ‘tribute; ‘froriy | experimente ‘on’ -the: 2 every item and phase: contingUniden f‘It. ‘is; algo! -Feported: “that. “Para=:|) othe. heading, of: luxury. By LE «| nrount: has: one. feature « “finished. in’: 5 . ine” | thie new: process. “No ‘extra ‘or: egpefe " | cially. ‘manufactured , seamheras Svar. “AIL ‘of the: *prang:Tuke nowses” ‘wtit | be-ar ound.“ 300 “capacity. ‘and: “built; here, ‘early dn, the’ spring, ‘for: "confer: ee vi dn stores,.. . Beases’ for: the | two. toVences.: on® ‘Tiew. ‘product: for. ing.” eshuntéd in. the, ‘same.-block in |: Season's (1981582): ‘program Lefcourt: building: have. already, |. “According; . been. Signed. and ‘the. -apace: ‘is: be y ‘Metro: will, net inckease its. domestic ; ‘put: into’ ishape: for ‘operation... :-A;|. third’ is; plannied. ‘for ardunda“Mad ‘SOR, ‘avenue an 59th street, 05. Trans: Tux :piéture-’ “projection: ‘on, ‘the,’ ‘ticker + ‘tape ‘angle : -similar » to ‘those ‘aged in‘ brokerage. houses. “It. 1 alldws<for..a:-different: kindof : ‘Any: ‘exhibition.’ where: the™ ‘celluloid ds. }-. run ‘through: the ‘back ‘of: a" “Trans~. 8 Lux ‘machine., and: “projected: ‘for any. | I ‘Sized,, ‘width on. a. regular’ ‘serecn’ ‘through ‘magnityi ing, lenses.” poh adver wtlsing: ‘dir ector, j ‘area ine ‘the: glamour. Of: the’ : . . |: world: with. ‘or’. “without connection. pe ao omicial gnmouncemient. of “ine. color” ‘They: beliéve: in: ‘their, own -somnam: Process. fox the’ ‘trade: is": imminent: bulistic adventures. to" ‘create. ‘an im--| ; a " ‘| pression: of. having. ‘an ‘inside: titack-| “| to. something.‘ It. ‘might’ ‘be .anyc| thingMost of” the’ time: that’s: all: abl . | is—any.thing. eos rents The" barber: who: shaves. the: proe'| | ducer: ‘and: ‘the ‘bootblack. “who: “pol-"' ‘ishes*. the ‘star's. ‘shoes. *’ “The office” “Lstenos and. the ‘office: ‘boys. : ‘The. ‘dast-° ers ‘and‘the ‘chorus: ‘boys.: Af: they. didn't: Have ‘ity. ‘they. ‘heard. of: it, or}: : 4 a 10%, ee tax: ‘from: ‘box, “offices.” AF The ‘United, ‘States ‘Supreme: Cou Et: _ rbling® on: ééntract, and: arbitration, ° 100% ‘the way the “indies. wanted ::it | 7 dss deserving * ‘of : analysis... Few: at |. ~ the.” ‘indices: as what" it-’ sal: fotainar mae “ali: Keliniood: “will cmake cs ‘foreign. “versions, ‘supplying. ‘more! . ig | Productions: “all'. ‘told: in; Spanish, a erman “and” “Htallan. . than tio . a: “aemana: “ngoney _Nanice, "in Meu: of. their inability’. to [:“Mar “Bro or ith *paiamount on enforce Collection, ,. inidies:will’ =: be: MEW: agreement-with-Parami son; , “on. a pre-war. ‘and waitiine, footing | ‘another’ ‘picture,’ “Arrié angemiént ‘calls ae ere oe But. all singer | — as. ‘the: ‘result, oe °F for:..$300,000, for the, boys. ‘against Br * J i” his” $200,000: even When : they: don’ t. actually, kriow’| ° J. “Ten. years ago: and: TeS8)-N6 : ma & we eealnet wis Bias ‘or feel: = , Ty. ‘be. tea’ “in” ‘with: ‘Pathe... Batter’ | we Indie” exhib “Aw as” “fairly : a. power, “tite: They: build’ ‘their: own giaindu: atid,t is’ part: ‘of the: proposed: ; “Re K-0-: Hue’ -and.: ery. at! -eyery-; ;eonventlon | » Deal caries. an. magne Ui on ‘a they! re..colntless. * If: the’ play, com= | Pathe, merger; : ‘No: idea has ‘béen: Was. “Deen with” “adiviande’® deposits.” P + ing, in is. xeported * ‘as ‘a sock’. “over | detailed. ‘as: to” whose: features" will: sg Jimmie Walker}, there: may: be any number claiming ‘be: used. at. the miniature: ‘playhouses; th | tohave, had some contact: with: Atel ‘but. in “aly, Jikelthodd * they. ‘wiil:-be: If. it flops: it. lays.’ : re = second runs’! ‘since .. the’. admission That's : ‘thé. “‘way~ “the. “aiipreagion;. tops Are to: be, ‘basically. Jom. 2 “He's-a‘ smart: kid, ” . happened, “The t. 2 —‘bird. who shoves’ ‘in’ a: flop.. is. ‘dumb, : Tt it“ hits” he's. 2 amait kid,. a ai “AVhat®' ‘the, ‘outside world: doés: ‘not |: know: ard some. of: ‘these. ‘dreamy. |. . = ‘contacters ‘never: ‘realize: thatthe | ~ ee PSame. smart, ‘kid may: have, made: oe ‘Rox: ys ving: tO", “Maureen: 0° Sullivan ‘fron -trip!.to ‘Ireland: to..see 2h ‘1 Studio® execs. ‘have. ‘pointed: “out : to Miss. Of sullivan ’* the’ ‘uncertainty: ‘of. -her: ‘returning in” time to: the: studio in view: of quota. regulations. <:: Miss .Q’ Sullivan: has: been'so ° | ange. ‘in “this: country the“ ipast-. ‘months. on a-special: permit; Ww hich Ww ‘ould © automatically =: be.” rey oked at upon ‘her: departure: this: time wre Bross ‘of ‘the: frst, ‘fln . Negotiations. . naridiea py: ‘Max Gordon: with: “firial~ Signatures” a | attached’ ‘on board: the: “Paris” as: -the. ‘foursome. was: ‘about: to sail: for : .cight : ww eek Of. picture, house dates : ae in “Londone. a he “The brothers’ are: due’ back: in New| pov ‘to. star , the’ Pleture | ine | Aprile | State: Recognition . for. ‘Gibson’s. ‘Rodeos of oo ‘ULloly wood, “Dee. OTs. At the. next California. ‘State. Lege ‘Islattire:’ a: bill will: be offered "to: : ‘make’ thé. annuals rodeo hela: at: ‘Hoot ‘Gibson's ranch; a: ‘state’ ‘affair, oh . able. to: feet! their pic tutes ‘fiviancea | in advance » hecause-. dough-onthe-. ‘as: “well, “recall the. "ainiple. Wout”: . Aine. before : fetivery, “had: ‘been the -incoy ‘potating.. in ‘-gnother . stateand: ee te “system... , i ede ee indie ex ° “Jt ds. the: realization of. this whirl-:|° Dy ‘cash. a! “month:. in “Advance, : ‘and’ | in |: i gig: ‘of the ‘past: 15: -years+-like | ‘the, “gore. Gasés‘Tou months, © . Lhat's: ‘Aesop: fable: of: ‘ine frogs: annoy ing | oné. ef the yéry! reasons why.~tha Jupiter; so: oftei. for: a new, ‘leader, __fly-by-nighter went. by. -the~ board; [iat--he-, finally : sent -asterk: Which,’ regardless ; ‘Of: shouts. Of iistilieas devoured? ‘them—thiat:,. As”: bringing. which’ were ‘soon: to,-follow. het. -only-indlés«.but. aucers “ Then : thie* ‘Wattle ° against: ‘contract ‘a: frame: “of: mind. where.. flareUps" and ‘arbitration started. Tt. dragged: ‘and: ‘hattles..are.; ‘beginhing.. to: react: “on and-on. and’ finally. the’ indfea ‘are |of-. themsélveg aS. adolescent and. Victorigus’ again,. But now, some: ‘Of | CutiTe:: ae the .sancr leaders: ‘are-at ‘last openOne. -vexy De nént ‘Ansle. ‘so ‘far Ang’: thelt: eyes to: the: feet tat, poli= as: producers: ! 's cing: the: Meght": As: Eth, ( fonecrnéd” conies | from: -spok cosmienwho: warns agai { cover’ ie “feantion and’. stringency: ‘on. “the new % i SY. stems. that ‘ihe; sh stem Ahad: . ““Arthougir | _ Universal, “is. reported. . snaking. its --directly {s hot: foreign. :| versions, ‘for. less.;than cany other: ‘large. ‘studio;.. ‘even: U feels that~the. nut: will have’ to: come: down’ to. make’: the: ends meet. beeaine ‘interested: ‘in’ a -Bhiow and “everyone, fn: his: office’ is t¥eading. on: |. ‘air, -iey're: ow the inside; -'If-they:|’ Heretofore a ghooting! ‘schediil ['Ranch, | situated.’ 25.) miles “from aren’ t reading ‘plays they: ; asking: three™ weeks has. been--allowed af hére, has. featured: a roded: veaily: ; for’ “passes, | re “Evérsions:* ’ Starting: with: ‘the: Spanish, 2th ‘Even? the. éasting. aitent. Mclaim'| “Many ‘a: *Slip,;?= ae week wi . the | ‘honoraium: of. fixing 4: hit be-:}¢ 3) “cause’ the. ‘producer: asked: chim’, ‘toy: ‘gét: certain: ‘actors: nd. ‘thie: mani-'| ALLEY BX. ‘eurist. knows. the m« . : hopes: to" Bet under ‘the: $40, 000 mark |. vv » Holly wood,‘Dee. te “In-the ‘Same -way | ‘an’ ome oy. Bex. {by -. oPitst "National: Ras’ recalled 1 “conies. “an. ‘agsistant. ‘to: ‘an “outside |: ‘muna _Breon, “English. actors.” | world: and a. plone’ ‘operator’ a: See=.{2 {London /for a: part -in“Dances; p retary. “The. secretary of, course cis. }s | Doustas. Fair. panks, IT. film, ‘almost: ‘the: boss}. ; the: ‘eouilne | week: len: -. iF “Br : “Of: the: ‘shows. one: ‘hears, thevleast | plans: ‘foi. next. “year, wl ‘he ‘decided. es i . fabout: ‘are: the ‘Shiibert: productions: upon in. confabs: With. Carl Lidemimle. ; ; ‘So: iniany: flops. a "Studio bas ‘Jost its’ “Warmth. toward} n cares: ito ‘tale. Ch ing? ‘multtlinguals “arid.-is! stekingiai..[’ ae “ef siibstitute: ‘” shot: versions. hon || Execs here ‘favor ‘more: ‘Synchronized: oe | versions andthe. ‘plan ‘sifggésted; is |-. an, ‘Tto,” ‘engage,’ former... ‘silent:. “names”. *-FTollywood, Deck, 2 “Tare: dle ody Als oning tothe ‘advise. "Tee, ‘a6 ON be: Tenn -/not“working ‘to make silents: for ret “Toe Donahue ‘ig due here from ‘the, re ak 7 ; 6 iN, we to Bormiiaa), et " ton “markets Belief, J oast Hext, week: to. start” worl” on ‘ of one. of. ‘thet own intermediaries, ‘Nohsow (Britannica: ae ' ' Long. ‘head! ‘Noth? sides: of: the: Hae ‘Dec.: “26: cone 10.3 “Dar ty. Husband” at’ First: National, aW Monee. know’ thatthe. Industiycain | Mord, ‘and “Aldou: He: will. play thé‘part“of the’ drunk’; . = Jiron rit ‘its. present: major: inte inl | Olga.” “Lindo, on 7 |[nusban eppostte: Dorothy: ‘Mackaill, at | difficulties by: agt eoing | to ext hange ; PaWindsor: Castio). m a |x: few. baby. taps-on the.-chin, to. Dea 8%, “New: Yor i a ' “Phe: producers ean ¥élax. a bit-on. a aa gh,. eOREY ad | on an BF | nkotéction, and éliminate’ aL fear zor We. a YOU SS BY: the the advance: dendsit, Ps: ” tL fy |. “whe ‘pwhibitor quit: auibbling: Over ; COSTUMES jepal:: ‘verbiage, » accept ‘voluntarily, 4 SOW NS’ AND .UNIFORMS@ ‘the: new: contre “and ‘arbitration; ['437: SWAY NM a cesruin pete ap PCONH cand pays their ‘pile. ‘when. they! re ; “Jan. Td “(Ne we “York: to: aaton), — 4 £570 RENT ; ' “U's ‘miultis. ave: been. ecsting“beae rat ‘tween: $50, 000° “to * $60,000. “Studio |! St) “Phere: pees He Dey co Uact, “and: Agbitration va “ MMits reflection: AS “dis r= W. ith: what some. indies are ‘planning r | 1 ". “next. ‘line. of, 3 attack+-pro-: , it teetions’ Producers, “gnticipa ing. dt, FO ue Some" w who: ‘point on. New. York's s, chouks 9 »_ Ravana dep : : et fyi “familian “Be Jnot ‘arrogant: “tune: ‘smiles,. ‘noi “When. she’ frowns.” / Hollywood. * ° merchants nave: . J fouiepicce,: fancy: ‘costumes. ‘string. ‘band: which’ wanders. ihe: “neighbor--/ vb hood. as 3 | _ a a ca . el MR, “ANN MRS. JACK Nonwonra. ane :-. 180° West :44thStreet’. tee ' “New. ‘¥or a Gilbert Miller (51