Variety (Dec 1930)

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fo ‘Hollywood, ‘Dée. Qt EM ‘f. oLParamoune’ ‘and Metro+Goldwyn|pa @ “. Mayer are, “50/50: on: shonors. forthe | SN. a «1980's : : stare, ||' pic a ae “Metro's: ‘store’ on emme tare: ‘is. Pa 4/2: ‘against: Paramount. holdirig. th . |-majority. -of the Big. Six “box: office | 7. magnets in: Norma. ‘Shearer, ‘Greta |.) -Garbo;: Joan. Crawford -and.. ‘Marie || Dressler, : ‘as. -against: Par's: feel: Hollywood, ‘Det ‘Rox .* aM: organize. an: -extensive’ ‘exhibitors’ service to ‘lend. direct aid. |} ‘to. ‘all percentage accounts: similar, to}. ‘that :uséd | “bY, “Warners : ‘and.F, : “Ne Ly "Service -is’.to not” only” “-build:-up.] “grosses ‘on ‘its: pictures: for”. exhibs,.}. *. “put: ‘through: percentage: bookings -to increase Ats: shat: on those engageénts. : : ae “Department: “wit: . function ‘ag’. “as J ieénts' ‘admisaton’ with’ -tackle > part. of -distribution® under. ‘diréet |: furnished): ‘and. a tout. for, $4. ~ supervision: of .James -R.” Grainger} = ote ‘with, Roger * ‘Ferri, in. ‘charge::. a hyps 6 Grainger, ‘now: here: on-a: product} ‘visit, is:also. Hning. “plans® forthe |’ service: with. Perri... Latter, » ‘hore | 2 several “months, . ~ ledivés: ‘for. New | o) -¥ork Janz 6: to‘further organize: the: department, dining: up: 2 athe, staf, : he} ae ‘Pinancia ‘observers: are Que ‘in turn: “js: bullish: on.t''>io thority’ for the’ indication that .|-|anales® “with | Maurice Chevalier, | ADS we ee. aE Nika Seas |'George.Bancroft, William ‘Powell ||. “Ward revision :in: Alm D608 ao and «Jack Oakie,.-ds . against. Metro |]: mission:-scales: ’ Dhis piice cut’, [ie 000;000.:. phiey ‘base this ‘on! 2 eel aan ae “WAIL. be“ widely . and’ -quietly:, ling: the’: ‘picture. In: the. States. -On, a. : : | sina Revell Goinee ne | ‘sprung,’ according: to: ‘the: pro-.:':[) 38, 000,000. duota,::. $1, 500, 000. more 7 21) posed, intention..” a 1)'than : originally. figured;.and $: 2,000, ; Conversely Metro; takes: tl the one | «It: does: not -mean a drastic’ 2]. 000. from foreign: countries, | we : ors. hake t ie “year's, money. picll" istishing of prices. -The ‘niethod’.|]. “TE; those . figures’ are reached..‘on.: 2 if flicks. ‘Bherase MiMnna Christie’ | “Nn be aimiply te eee the: | sales, Lights” “will, ‘be thé top. te “nights fig wnirte +]: “0 ri -hours ‘dtir ng which. the’c eaper. py cue et or ‘the ecice ‘ e Eee | sae Brides)” Caught Short” prices exist. It’may mean that. [fa total distribution around, . “for, “| ‘some: houses--will.’ ‘open -earlier, » |} ‘Birth. of | a. 1 Nation’ di | and ‘Divorcee," ".. ‘as against . Fox’s.| : This: extension ‘of. cheap ‘price*. an Paramount's |]. icing 41 chours”| is.. alréady: “in uae, BY. mh J some. theatres. « . ys. ~ Te indicates. dn-inner: thought |] from the’ financial. men. ‘that ~ ayy 1931 will. not, bring” any’. quick: -Yellef: in: ‘conditions for. the “ints.” . “mediate: .future” “Phey .don't:,’ fateh ‘| Took: for the: ‘commercial ‘turns.~ , Métro’. Scores: a: “technical: point |. » ing point, how: until late. mext,. by: “haviing. ‘its: “entries, . -Leonard |} fall.: poe | and,” Brown, tate: Nos.1” ‘and. No. 3) among” “the Big: Six: directors.’ Lae pa The.’ stars, : like’ the " following . “money”: directors; .are /rated® -by.|-/M Y. [quanity: and: quality: this. ‘past : -year.. |. The, bulked ‘product. -of : ‘certain: ‘gatelites’. coutput ‘in: 1930, “as. against “perhaps ‘some. Jone outstanding: con-f |tiibution, figur es in'the. rating; with’ . the’ Bross. Y venue. and box-office. re-.]. .tutns/as the. rimar basis’ for ‘com::' putation, . “Ite is. for. this -réason: Lewis Milestone;for. aniple,” with * : SCAN. ‘Quiet: on. the: Western. Eront, “ “despite! ‘its’ “signal. .box-office: ais~ ‘tinction ‘plus the. géneral. tecogni= . ae. highest e ever set on-any. single. : |. picture.” “before Felease: An: the his‘|| tory: of. : pictures. « ~ Chaplin: is: de‘mariding’. figures... £08 : ‘foreign: “couns': "|| tries “that areproportionately”. 88 ‘highs’ Neutral’ ‘picture: mén don't:see ; “| how: the ‘theatres; here : JOr ‘abroad ae [caine ‘stand: the rate?" are Tf AN ‘Offers .so far have’ ‘been. turned” a os down’ because. Chaplin ‘wants. double: ‘ \or--more, Germany,’ “which: has ‘re-.”. ‘qtiested: the picture ‘stri¢tly as-a-si-" “. ent,, offered -:$150;000 “for ‘Tights to." | distribution in‘that country. ‘Chap-" oy Mids ‘asking $250, 0.00... * Russia ° ‘ofe "| fered ‘the.. Small * figure: of $16,000, -: ~ |: whereas: the “comedian: As. insisting ‘Ton: $150,000; 2 So.fat “ag” England: and: British possessions _ are’ :concerned, “no .ne<: -..| gotiations ‘on distribution. rights.cani “/-be. entered. under ‘British laws. until.“ the picture ‘has..been., displayed” on,’ “| English’. Soll-ata, trade Showing or.’ ; otherwise. ‘Thig cmay’ reguit in. Chap‘lin; himself . giving: “Lights” ‘a first’. run.-in London: through; leasing 7 ar jousé: ‘thére’.on* his: own: hook,. ‘the 0) same: ashe. is” doing in New’ York ::*.and: which hé -alsoplans: to:do/in iy ‘other: ‘key. cities: whére possible, te “While : ‘it ja: stated that: the. at: |: “Chaplin's” ‘Angle: te tt kee ‘dialog: a Wn: is. dn BN mp 6. D: 0B. do A Clinpiin: is: ‘reported entlcely: ‘con. Tine wi th: market* ‘insistence. for’ ‘more . -[-viniced of: the distribution: possgibilipantomime,.: no. producer as. ‘yet has tles on: his. picturé.:. “So. ‘much 30, offically. issued’ orders;, Where the ‘gay: solirces: ‘close: ‘to. “Chaplin, . that . ; . <«] while: he may | direst: a’ talker: ‘with [with action ‘taking the." place. of: other. players; ‘ashe’ did ‘on. Words, scripts: are being: ‘altered that Womah -of :Paris;": years ‘ag, he’ is “way... Studio” exeés' “are! sending |. : ‘scripts. back | ‘to! -the’ writers, sc |e himoette to: appear: dn, A wo ‘tinies;: “if. necessary, to get.the. dialog . home: “offices.: ee : “Partner” ‘With: “Exhi ii i ‘. As"' explained,” the; promotional a Sls gtunt® with: “Fox's: “percentage | ace | oo _ -eounts *. outside. of Ji1ts-."6 My. ‘chain |. “theatres, ° “virtually”: ‘makes ?Fox:.'a.}. ‘partner ‘of, the. exhib in. “latter's. ' ‘playing’ of. a: ‘picture: . “Up. . distribs: have sold ‘exhibs: ‘pictures. on: pér centage, ‘gambling ‘so ‘far’ as: its}: er \ oncerned: : by: “leaving : everything: to; ‘the: ‘account in’.the way. of exploiting: and selling’ products.” * Where.: the: ‘distrib has. been’ dubious:’ what. the ‘exhib. might -Go -on’ a’ picture,-” “gufflcient . ‘guar-; antees: ’ “agaitist ‘percentage | have. ‘been’. demanded, . : : J “Clarence. ‘{ Py Ds laying his. retiEn: ei, ‘ta’ “Ene: land” a. few days,” Ralph: J. ‘Pugh, English | ‘representative’ ‘of . the -. in-teirests ‘back: of Wembley: Trust: and: rAnglo-Anier ican: Tr ‘ing; | : continued: ‘bis negotiations forthe-services :of. +] | Harold. B. Franklin, formet Head of: : Fox: “West” ‘Const... ; : ‘Pugh sailed: ‘Saturday. on. the: Lee: ‘Viathan. after: ‘signing « M. “NEL Hoft-. man; iow head :ofLiberty. Pictures, ‘an. indie’ outfit, ‘as, general manager of: production: for. ‘AngloAmerican:‘Hottman,,. “prior ‘to. branching” out -as: ae producer on his.’ “own, “Was . con-. -{rected: with: Paramount, ‘Universal: and. Tiffany in: “exeéutive ‘capacities. ‘Hoffman. “plans: to”: ‘wind: up. his: current -productions.; ‘in: ‘Hollyw ood | within’ the: next: few: weeks: and. will” Wan to. Examine Schenck 1:Z0. to. ‘London ea ly. in. Webruary.” to i] Brice Rose Fil, Suits) ‘supervise the. consti ‘na | cauipment.‘of the: “Anglo” “American Film studios:at Wembley: Six: sound: Ba es. are. no ve being. built: there, x many: ‘angles ; ‘in’ ‘direct ‘aia] * ‘to’ exhib. accounts:: .In-:. addition-to.| betting: ‘behind. ‘every. picture,, com: ||. ‘pany -will’ undertake. Special “cams -paigns to build up: riewer: “personali=; “ties. at? the. studio, and ‘if key cities: J pA, handle Spécial promotion: stunts. “ine co“operation” with, ‘the ‘local ex= : Holly wa 0; Deg, 27; 3° L “raking. the: ‘tip: from. ‘distributors ; -and. from: exhibitor. demands: around: Lee; with. his-‘trio of’ ‘serviceable: the “country: “who! ‘are: -demariding, ! “The Return: ‘of: more action. in ‘pictures, studios. .are trying: 'to..cut®. down: ‘on. dialog. In] rf some: instances: they’ re. ‘chopping: the or. ‘spoken: word to the bone, +: - "the ‘Big, “Six. “Instead. ‘Rowland: Wi “It. ‘is’ ‘on Hs” ‘privdiple: of: rods: ‘revenue. that, ‘the. ‘Big. Six: among: the: = directors « ‘Sees “the: ‘following: prank Tuttle " Clarengé. ‘Brown.. . Sitly: Boas are -prepar ing: -action; to. ‘sécure: an. order | > "for. the examination, of: Joe Schenck, : (Nas, head: ‘of-Art-Cinema Corporation, only ‘Want: ‘Dreiser’: Ss: Idea in “suits... totaling’ $180,000: “against | eee 7; ” " “Art-Cinema:: : ‘Absles’, &:“Greén, ‘atoF “Tragedy” as. Film| . Hollywood, ‘Dees: 27... “torneys.. ‘for: both: (Miss: Brice, and} : Rose, have: prepared’ a plea. for. the -“-PAkaniount. doesn’t, want: Theodore’ . examination: of: Schenck: which, ‘will | Dreiser’. ‘to. work. ® ‘on? “A meridan: “be submitted, to: the. New. ‘York, Su: |-Pragedy” | ‘but.. does. “warit: his ideas on:-the;” story’ as. a? ‘picture.. Author: : spreme: ‘Court. ‘Schenck: is. now cin’ ‘New Y¥ dw have supervisor's: job: while the. “Miss. :Brice’> (Mrs: “Rosey” is. , suing yarn. isin: preparation; either. here. “Art-Cingma: on ‘two,'actions, ‘one for | or in. New: ‘York, +. -‘bréach.:: ‘Of: gontract. for. $125, 000: over.|=: Final “papers, ; giving “Bap ‘dialog ‘an: unmade ‘second. ‘picture,: and. the | rights). . are: about. to: ‘be signed... ae ‘other. for: back: ‘salary: of $30, 000, (on. : -her’ ‘fitst UA’ film... +: a . Rose's." ‘sult ‘for. $25 000° ‘Ie, also.4 ‘or reach. 6f : contract, ide alleges’ that:|: was. to: write miisic. “ang. ‘dialog or. thie tWo“Art: Cinerna: prodiictions| no ‘in. which Miss Brice: ‘was, to. star, “| extent: for” “tte miusteal. ‘Score rere . y "| those, spots. here sound effects ‘are wl absolutely. essentialto. _dramatié.-or.” -| comedy.” highlights, There. will. “be.” ‘one scene with ‘sound effécts where Charlie. swallows “awhistle,” “But. ‘such-“strect,: sounds as. auto | “horns | j and “other Tholsés will. ‘hot be. TE-".05-, corded:-. There; “will. notibe-a single. we ‘Spoken: word‘ inthe: ‘picture by anys -. Fone, Advance: ‘tip 4s: that the picture: ‘ta’: partly. ‘a, ‘satire .on ‘talkers,2:" | ‘The ‘only’; reason. picture: dis-. being “ ‘synced. atiall, it. is -said,:is -becalise.: |’: So-maniy. theatres., now, do. ‘not have: m ofckéstras: ‘or organs... . tele 8 : y Cece PoE oe Shot 425,000 Feet» orp “Ghaplin ! shot' 125,000: feet: of: fil Biog: ‘on’ ‘Doc. ‘DeForest “J+ and) will-gut : that to around. sin. of ‘Will: ‘Cost’ $52. 50: a ‘Copy | ‘for: ‘rélease,.” ‘or, slightly * ‘over’: eight. . ‘reals, :It's -the. only, picture of: im: é Dr.’ Lee, ‘der orest “will: ‘be: the: gubportance’ that will not’ get ‘a. preview. ect: ‘of ‘one.’ ‘of :the “:highest-pricéd:} ‘out ‘hére-or. anywhere. else, except: -blographies « ever. “Tesued:: An’ this: ‘InEngland where” trade Showing for: country. .C.-S.. Thompson: 18 weit< exhibs, ip: Mecessary. oa _ Ang’ ity. to. “be. called: ‘The Life and) “Following the. focal ‘premiere,’ an Works‘of: Dr. ‘Lee: 'deForeat,":, It will: Chaplin” goes -east. ‘to. attend” :the..2.Sell for. $52: 50... : There: wil, ‘be only, 150. ‘copied: and: | New., York. -opening;. ‘galling: immedi: ‘atéely~: theréafter. ‘for’, London; Ac--. ftw. make itsappearance to co-|¢ mpanying him will Ke-Carl Robin=" ‘incide. with: the. 2pth Jintiversda ry ° of |Son.: Planning. 'to_remaln. iway. for. th ‘ in| ‘frortt .six™ months! ‘to ‘a. “year; the | .comedlan wilt. “visit” France, ° Gers: ‘many: ‘Russia, Spain. (where. Charlie’. Spacer” an | wants to > 8 a. Bul fight), Chingy” Bette Carneal, ..a{ 20d. Japan, * 3: os . oy _bublished | ‘On. returning. to “Héllywoud: ‘Chap-" 7 : Vn intends to‘either. direct a. talker: oT oF: start: on-another. lent.” ea, ‘| sequence ‘above, . isa Inost. ébyviously “ . explained by’ a: ‘recapitulation ‘of. | AW awe oe obs -éach ‘of their. 1930": ‘product. -which. “Ag Clots follows: below tht nn : Robert. -Z.. “Leonard. “(Metro),.. ail: o rected “Th: Divoréeé”, and “et/Us]. 5. Vr. Ringling Contract| | Be Gay," two: Norma: Shearer’ ‘stnash | ° vs ; ‘starring ” pictures, “and. “In: Old] -* “Chicago, Dee. ‘ot | Madrid,”“relatively weak, but*hold|: on Mix’ has: reached a ‘new five ma ing. an ‘undeniabls. boxoffice, ‘lodes= iyear’ agreement, with. John’ ‘Ringling, stone, .. “Ramon -: “Novarro.: Léonard | the. contract: ‘being: closed. last’ week. 1 “HARRY WARNER STILL, HOME ‘| ike the-other Metro or: ‘Paramount:|--.Pr obable that Mix. will go “out |: re. : Harry. “ Varner: was. stu: ‘confined, directors ‘has’: ‘the ‘added: ‘advantage with’. the: ‘Sélls~ ‘Floto: or. “one of the: ‘to: his “home. in Westchester--at’ they of certain. gudranteed. key: city-out= |: Smaller. circuses: In. ‘th ‘4 end: of * last; ‘week. “It: is: -expected,: -lets: for: phis: product; “channels: string: where . ‘he: Swit: “be: heavily ‘however, that he will’return, to -his “which. are :denied to Universal, tor [pilled. a pe : office before: ‘the. eurrent’ week AAs. examiple-even “All Quiét.”] : ‘overs | eronk Tuttle rarer. we pte ie ee Ee Ne ae ie WB “head “pebéived : 2. paintul “te ree. Wrage ows rue oO e. Ah ‘Eytras Work | -<:linjury. whan-hia: horse’ tell with-nim| Navy,” “Love: Among “the: : Million: 4,000 Extras Work 7 car oaees his: estate two, Weeks: aires’”. and Her: “Weddin: Night’); as : i. ne -|plus Benson’ Murdér:Cage,” “Only: “yl the: /Brave": and» “Men Are” Like: That, "speaks. for: ‘himgelt. with, his’ Guantity. output, a: ins “one years ; _ Hollywood, Deo: 2. oboe ; features in: “production 7 during: : Christmas: week furnished : 4,000: extras: ‘checks for “five. work=| Ang days.:On | Monday: 2) 1,400 . xtfas' ‘worked; ’ _ a 2) Frank: ‘Lloyd. was: the. “weeks &. mob “pittg,: the. Par’ gales’ “departinent, hag. its: “contract with “Jeaiictte. Mace Ia’ series. :of Bows <all, -sold up in: Donald, Would: Tike: ‘to 2 now “her. advanée and doesn’t have ‘to ‘work. “master, ‘using .600".in-a’Irrench: -vil|! i be: sf hard’. getting: Mer ane or amin | “Jape shot ‘for: "East Ly myre"at {cont rad 7 |-circulatea: That's -anather’ element. nd: thee -aimalier: “groups. “enree| ‘Par. wants” the. : “pula. “opposite: |avhich’ figured: In. these. ratings ‘other : days... ~ "| Maur ice, Chevalicr. again. ‘in Another : ay odin ati and Algtribution. organi: Only’ 26: features’ were ‘earvled over musleal “romance, « Picture-ds dé, fe ES ' ‘to. the! next week: 4 E ‘| tor’ eastern: “production . “whien: : thi in foes Frenchman, returns, ‘from. abroad, GERMANS RAP. FRENCH “Veiris,! Pee, OT, Mutchangiy. “nitree: 1s. taken: here’ -\of. a. ‘story: published ina. ef trade « “Paper, _deeryttas ‘CROMWELLS BARGING:. : oN ‘Hollywvaod;: Dee. 97, vi . Johr romiwel!, Te director, anit] his" avite,”‘Kay: “Johnson; : le tocher “Friday "S (26). . for: “Haya. via “Panania, . ce ba mo After sa. week t. thie. races: im. “thre: ¥ “Cuban. City : iney’ iW barge. north. for. Ja. sojourn, in. New You's. before ree : turnings: ve Lt ter ‘RUMOR ¢ ‘ON D. Wee Tp : “ Hollywood,’ Degese7, eo tench. ry fl ae ‘Heport “ot. aeurrent .call for: “oly a ‘serviceable. "Pokurk comedy: ate fashioned : arama. typed. spread “thee on vin HL rumor:.that. Di" W,Gritfith was) . “Idon”: and’. Sap” ao ‘Syracuse, ‘planning.’ "a talkek vevsion. of! “it AY ay.| | IBS “sueniinsy ue Be nt 80. _Ampres: | Down Kast’. with: as mony: : Lo original ‘silent Cast, ae oul il l rector, ‘His two-Jdack Oakles, “Soclal en “edition. “OL: ‘Variety? “f ; went 16: ‘presa Sunday: after... ene Capethe' fe Foam Dees " ArtiCle. says . ‘there Be ino Aheve, and:that Tielth groups, of : men en 5