Variety (Dec 1930)

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: VARIETY | Bae ree _Meiincay, December 31, 1990" As | 7 a _ WINTERS "= ONE:SEASON ‘Tapes SEASONS ° " \ ..."" Broadmore. Hotel : ; _ mtatlantic City my a “Colorado: ‘Springs. “FIVE. SEASONS. | DS MONTHS”. Westchester. ‘Biltmo es = ae a "Ambassador: Hotel. . “Rye; N.Y: mac . on : ee Angeles, Cal.” Late’ Feat ure: sof Ear Carroll’s “Sketch a a America; WILLIAM MORRIS. “A england, FOSTER’S: AGENCY. oy , AY Continent, HENAL LARTIGUE a eee coe aac as tree iat dee OE eee eres apenas Bo WEP os es Do eae Ee We Ue gE ore ae | Season’ 8 5 Greetings : os Direction: vote — Wee =MORRIS,” CHIGAGO™ oe NOW. ‘PLAYING. PUBLIX’ “THEATRES aes _ CONGRATULATE. “VARIETY”. ON: ITS’ SILVER ‘JUBILEE: BR KALCHEIM. | Personal. ‘Repretentative ets 7 “WM. MORRIS. OFFICE : 5 me Greetings o of t he Season « | : ee Lice Live ee = 2 ne , e ve a = Bo 0B-B0B _to. Al Our: Friends. Ea ao eo o Long Live “Variety” oe Long Live ‘Show ‘Business Tet a : tate : ONAT. ‘KALCHEIM we. MORRIS. OFFICE fgets UNE BEN — | |amexcomancen eas 3 Seg Ue ng od DINTENGTIVELY. DITERENT DALET. “ENSHMIDLES oy, . oo ve eine won mhentre, ‘Omaha, * Neb. = = ='5 Now: me * Maneotn. Tavern Town’ ‘anb; “Chtcoae ne -inettion’ ‘Wilttans 2 Mors Treniriéat Agency, nay of "eben, 2 me. ae . _ GREETINGS |