Variety (Jan 1931)

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■ -The ballet girls of ;the lyietVojyoli-) tani: Opera cotnpahy are tiiiij slep- childTQii pf, the :oiiera.' Thejr /are ^ th^ •only youiiff bload ahid the only itll- Amoricari element, but if ahyone -thinks being a • ballet- girl has a:i)y ielamor that aTiybodjTr lias 'another 'guess cominer. ; , ; ihere.;are no. stage girlsj, or dancr .(Brs in ;the^ World that d^ iiriihterestirig or i'estricted an ex^^ ;ence asVa/MetroppUfain h^^^^ They : might as well - be .factory wbrkers for . the strict Toutine of their lives.; If! ; they were, they^ would have'niore freedoni and ■more. , opporitunity, ■ for,. • plefisantv a.sSocla- tioris.-/:- ..7--; ■:. •]':' ' , ,. .For. itweiityiifour: weeks ; o? the yeir the ballet girls ar.e iabsolutely; confined tO/ the opera houseii ^Thcy must devote all their tinie. to it and are iibsoluiely; uiia perspnal pinihs for ..any tim<^v^;. They rehearse .vdll, day; iohg: arid: miist punch, a. time clock : mbrning and .high.t. Eveh if an opera, withput a baiiet Is :tp be put on that. Tiighti the girls, niust hang arbund -to punch the time night sp tliat they can .all accoUritM for ahd fpu in. case the illne.qs, of a star or; sud^ den ehsinge pf plans shoulcl necessi- taite" the presentatipn of an opera: with a ballet. ;^ ; : Tlie gh'lg miist do all their own laundry Ayprk af ter eaeh ■ perf pi-m- . anco. Pounds' and piiik .'■ '(Go 'AREYOUATHIEF?'-CHI ;\ ■ ciucago,' Ja'W.;'C..; - 'V^yo, pf Ghic.'iga's leadihg' hanks: . won t hire new help now unless the help agrees to submit to k test un- ■ der the "lyin- machine." a small . gadget, strapped ,tp the .w.rist> which: . :i8 siipposied to i-'-cprd emoU . / ; Oris bank emplpyirig a, hew teller with, pilerity of references claims to .,: have discovered,:, by: aid of: this lying • ^macHiriorAhat .the ;jiie:w man had ..: Iii'ted;|i25;tf00 in bonds ,which his: Old ^. emplbyer^iiever' missedv : ^y;:' -:.<■. { :■ : 9.>'jnie^ d^^ here, ., W.hif.-h''.6wiis the:''maehine, now ,gets ■ ..cfClls fi^oin .Vtii :parts of the. cpiintry. : in g.'oxas a bafnk misled :?!4Q;0dd,, Theyv fitiick ,U ^.the wrijits of, the 40 .employes, discdvei-- /; M the'tivlef ind alsp diig. up three :, otlier: boys. ;Pr.e- who hid ; stolen f .*) . of viiiei banks funds ahqtheir :$V5, I'' and one $i;0,000. ' ., : . This c.i'ime lab.pralw^ is a branch ■ of Nor th wes ter n; .tJ[ hiversity and is ...fVnaviee'a.;by .Burt Mas;:eev-he'g;d of a. ■■ l;ji!v spaij cuniijciiiy; S . . :,;'.: , ' : «Same gi-oup will shbi-tly siiriivg a solution, called .scopalamini. on .the. Nvor]cii,vA' shot of this in . the al'n^ .' dtvtdpris a -nia.h'i;, reasphiiig facililies;' .-. lJut stllj;'allows jus mini-^^ • tion. Tests -.with: it .praye no one can iKU'lc che truth while under the inllu.'n.oe, with the man who has.had •■. .'•■'•ti'il ill him not beih'^- awari- •• i.- .i..liiiiy iiio truth. . :'■ ■ .:-:■:-■ ; ■:' Mbrticiahs* Dramisi ; •■, ;. .BpstonJ:-.Jah^'G...:. ■ '.;'.: I'he Ma'ssaeiiusettS'.-Ii'uneral: , Directors'.,'Associati.on is.:tUrn'r ingfV to. theatrical .riiethods: for ; ian'instruction, program.. ; . ;: " It ■ is proppsed to ■ presen t l!4 . playlets, based pn tlVe businPSf) . procedure of -funeral idlrec'tors, W'ith . a ; -cast, of ' prpfeissidiial .actors and actresses. • ,\ , ' > DIRT CARDS IN 1931 ";'Agirced' .that :;.the'';1930; :or.c»p. of Ghristfrias and New,, Yeai'^s, . c were th^ dirtiest, evep./' .Irt • Chicago, they, were barking; and ; selling ■ etn o.ri i.the ,streets; • the cops: with their npses in"the;; air. understood that- the- ,postal- au- thpiities have • beeii appealed: to. by several organizations, and that the maiL heads /have; : given : .splei,nh promises, that .the holiday., cards of 1931 . will be cdrefully watched and that giich yiolati6h.3: of the .code, will- be prosecuted; .; ': Toothpaste's Air Plugger Becomes Vice-Pres. "ijOh AugeleSi Jan. G. ' Charlie : Hamp, radio entertainer who -recently ifinished witlv NBC in the eaijty returned hete t'6 brbadcas'fe three times Weekly- for .Dr. Strasska toothpaste. ; ,. ' ■ . , • ; Hamp is credited with, ma'iilns ■the paste popular on the Coast. When tiie.. compaiiy started, t^^^^ ex- pand it' heid^ up; its ea.stcrn sale.s: promotion ui^rl .-^^^^^ com- pleted his ■ ?^i3C. contr'a<^tv; pn^^ his re- turh ■ Strasskia" gave him,, a., year's■ contract and made• him. yicc-~presir dent of the coiupaiiy. / • :Lbcal is, pyet/Kl'-I, willi liamp igoing;. tp. ^Chicago ■early-:.-in plug the paste naiionally over CBS. ■ - Paris "Folies Bergere" '. Texas; Fair Prospect . .;. ' : . r)iill;is-,., Ja)1.. 6... ; Texas, stiite/fair /is diokiprlrig. fbr J^'uroiican. shpW^ffc^ Tim- ,vih .hore- last wepk' to peri^t'iaile .di,-;' 'rectors^ for ; "FolIf'S ; iBer^reV from Paris. ■Por: last fli.v Vyears 'fair.:bas boPked : New ■, Y^ ■ musicalfi,- lanl yt^ar paying,; ^s'^.noo -foiv . Vfioii^/o'- OunsV (briglnal ..price, befoi''e ;;JUGk: Ponahue-H'death).. ; , jjri:' nu'JtrUlin''/. li:(j\vpA^v.i'/ vfri ir exucs are: in V/- iii -X('il<,>' iti, some curi'ent, ■-'.r^roaiT^'ay;- :;'.^ 9/ So- far, unci"rt ai 11 • w 1 if1111'r 11)1''.'' Ci.'a will-be available-f(jr a 'lil show, an.a.ciianc'cs dpubtflil. "Gunb". price Wiis higlie.>4' paid y<'l. aiiU,. rc..-iill,-;: tho Vvoirtt. . ' by Npn Marked ■Street : Had Gapaclty—Npi ing f rom Joint to Joint as of Yor,er---Crowdl» Went to Midnight Pictures Chi- cago and L. A. Also ;Off ; CLASS 'SPEAKS* HURTING ■ Broadway's staggering nite .clubs, getting weaker with {jerniciqus ariemia of the couvert, are about preparing for the la$t ga'sj}. That 9s a business th e I ate; p faces noMonger offer former chahCes of profit is almost unanimously admitted by their operators. The. opposition of the class speaWekkSy is the main reason/..;-;';' ... - ■ ' . ■ The few :proprietor.s left are in a mighty struggle to avoid pblTyron. Broadway nite club business is. ad- mittedly shot; The so-called: ''iegitirhiate trade" has. gradually drifted.-frpm the nite clubs to such' an extent that today nP: Substantial - amo.unt - pf . it^ .i;e-. mains; : ''L/egltimate trade" to cafe men. means, the average lay man and ihoderate spender; up tp and in- cluding the wealthier isport and Wine-buying spender. This clientele has been replaced by the' racketeer or out-and-out hoodlum as the nite clubs', chief support. Latter class has the coin "and seerhs the only type willing to drop intb the. Times; Square floor show.piacqs/' The fpriiler paying element-.ha.s (Cpntinued on page 19) . - ' ■' Ilony\yoo(l,- .Tun;: C. . - Tl III t .. C 'oa's.t - to .-Coast- ■ f b\i p ho.i 1 r br6a,(J(>.'(st; on... Js'eW Year's -: eye-' 'b.v. ,' -'• made. a. sap out pC .L.OS Angeles. Coast de-; fenders are beefing. : -V■;';'l . ' l-'uiu" hour.« of radio: fr0m o 11 oyer ihc- country and only' half hour ■ al- li')led to- the; chosen country-. Rven Denver gof a;:'br(?'ak:.;and..:">v,'4s' al.^ lp>vP(l;-. to..,dca.3:t the miiluigUi bells Svhon;"t;he ;iiew • in, -,; . -^Not so yclO\,JjOs'-Ar\^^ whf/n: eyc'rytiii'ng :; w^as,,. gm hot. liere,. ;the, Ijrbridcafit Was awitohed t6,'Sa.n',FFahci.'<co,^j^^ (f ''ii'u.iivU'r'cV on .P.Ik"'5ft) :-'' ; Clamor .-.' '■. : :. ;j'-'.'"-:,.: Chicago, .Tiin: 6.. ; A traycUng press, agent^: in;; this part,of the tail alf.ilfa has .1 VneW gag; tp make up for his. lack of beauty.': ■;■. •-.- ;.-': '' '' When .ap.proachi.ivg;. impres-; siohable. girls, the press agent Offers for exhibition a piece bC white' bacon pickled in alcohol. This he . tells .the. girls:^i none other than the ap;pendix re- cently removed from the gbr•^;.: : goous persb.n. pf . Buddy Roger.';.; and; .sent him after the. opera^ ; tipn. ,'■■.• ■ •■■ ,■.'■■ • r - LEASES FOR THE RICH ;^; Denver, .Tan, 6. AGcOrding to the anntial'report of T.^'Joe CdhilT,.executive 'secretary: of. dude ranches ih'Wyoming arid Mon- ta na,' 1931 will, b^ their best ycai,"'.; Reservations are already ahead of last year.. :'..;;■. '.;\-. ' Fbi'^.'the 90 ranches in the Jissocia-- tion there; were 7,300 registratioris last year. It Is estimated that these resorts spent $207,000 with' the mer- chants in the tWb. states. .;;.; ■:„■ Many rich' easterh families are leasing complete ducie .ranchPK for tiie season; to entertain; guests. Last week Mrs. . Marshall Field, HI, rented;-k complete, rahch for the' coming summer. .-■' .'' Dutch Going Dry? :' ' ;■:;.: ;■ ';';... ^lpttCTdamv::,^an^^^6 ...., A yague im0V'eme'nt tbvvard prolii -• biLion, is gai 11 ing. grouiid in Rotter- dam, Where- the town council has just voted to restrict for (lF,in.l<i;rig.. plac.e.s, .': To start with li- f-enses .will be limited to. 700. • PeiVnits are .i:;e.stHcted tP rene^^^ of. old .'pei-mlta.' arid vt^^ plari- -is to have-,■ each license lapse -with ,th'e death df the holder. At :iirese,nt- thefe are '-S.?;. jie'chse : lipldcr.s . 'who ' have i)'a.s.sod ,-the^ 80-year marie and 179 who;arc mpre than T^*.-: V--.'-" \-' . ; ■.Fp'on. their deaths' that uiany li- f' ■wiil 'tease,--' witli .tlve ..e'ii,n)irta-; tiori, .of ':a siin'ilar hum hy- r of ^pii.biir; cans and .dn.nkiri.g places; ftuch: a .Urealt .for the; reitpri.rier.f; In. ar^rtuslng. Vvid<'bi)rcad connm01it ■ ;i.ri , 1 Jo) 1 ;iii.d,■ wIkt*' '; rcvolu.tibnary tend''Tt(-i«'s are H.Hiiully- frrnvnnd upoti.; , ■,,; •: ' ;■ . .; BIDS FOR CURFEW vU:' ;.'Fail; Riy<'r,. Jfaf5S.,v jan^ 0^ ■ ..'f?tepl;i.'«»ii '■; ., Pr.e.stirj.h, he'^ union .Trin.'<lf;fa7v^^ tp-.t.hf" .ci,ty' -c-.Oiinc 1:1 Jfor' th(!';Jri.b. pf '.mun icipal ciiirne ringer. ;^;;y .ij<-$3'0i0-^yea^^ ... The fhlrner riiiKM 'th'<^ Cilv- ITall l)^l^;iryn.',hplldays.: a : ^'■•■a- I-in IIS, ' ■. ;;: ■' .. :- ..;'. .■>{.-/ • . Qmalxa, Jan. 6, ■ H.iiri'iaon and AddisOii': Atilger ; in their ;50^ ,cellt '• t^^ . stock company - here, ..may be doubling themselves into a hpspital. jn ;ah. eff ort, to beat the picture houses;.-. The yet .showmen accomplished thus far - wore . $1,000. losses each; week, air though the nut is only $.2,500 and the house, wIth a. 2.5 ;ccnt week day mat, is underselling the nearb picr ture ppposition dowrUoWn/^ If things started :tp look a little better thiK week it's only because,: the Aulgcr, not. Algeri boys, toolt on. a little TriOre. work themselves an^l, .sliced ,expenses; heavily. -The piece played; this week:is Addia^^ own composition and that elimin- ates royalties.;-Posting'p notice for six;muslcian.s will lower the exiiense sheet eyen 'more. ' The Aulger boj^V' dutte!? take In, abput everytiring arpiiTid the hou'se. iBecaUse. -''^'^•Sison turned playwright,': thLs: .week,, lire getting "Hell and.; High- Water." : [},^, : , : V - Addifion also blows, the cornet in the pit, attends to advertising, etc., itnd Wi7id,s :up With a role in the last act.. While serying as manager all.. tlie v/hilc,, • Harrison slip.s i.nto the; caist as character lead arid dip^ iritp; the pit- now and then t:o slide the trombpne/ He al^?p '■ takes tickets on the door. ' : -r:'} ' . The doubling idea also goes for three oC the musicians, John Gaylor, stage, manager, and Pat Ashniore, -.. (Con tinucd on • page 73) ; . Texas' SWeet lB's Go For Grandma Stuff as •■ • Dallas; .Jan, -6. : : it'."}' n.l-'f oh jazz.,for Tex er.s.'. .Kec<in.yy; several pf- them ■ or-, ganlzed the "Gully Juml5%rs," of 8O7 : .cial. nature»; purpose—^to'■. fade. the : foxtrot and tin panners-with square danops, .schottlsche and the polka.; , And they; mean it- New. prga.rir izatlpn is a Borta circuit, each ranch' house: pii tehing ai, spree on ' certain' nights, with the public invited. And .hottest for the grandma stuff aire th(f: young ones, . mainy pf whoni .- never V;sa'w: ;a ■ p'Olka .; b..efore.; T1.t<;:. ' Ofitog(-Tm,rians nilx with the sweet ICs-for- real hey-hey. ■.; ./; . *■• ; M;ost of the ,ranchers -have ;plenty •' .of, loose dough and, i.rtpre.'ieivtatlve '.. :pr tiio yi=tatc'.s:;;;hrstprl<; • bacijgroiindi. ai\v juteroste.d -Uri .keeping .iip .pld . traditions. ■;.-,:,', V- BROOKS COSTUMES qf.o>* j4)vd uniforms "143/ ri VMV. NV ■ .TfcL.5560 PENN.