Variety (Jan 1931)

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VAitiEfr i*:^;t;i*ilf::wii-i:S; jjnVbocV., is .inncfc^nt ? <ihil(rs :;.p : «piriparfid.- ' tbi.Ni^w;.;^)brk^a'. ;vicioii<5: .clvatver'.-' Hbllyy^bo^, iagb ' vhat accepts . iiapplly ijriavried" '. fl^hVi'.-is^rp'v' /aiid- •■you icftri,'. get ■ ^iA\%]iy/ ')^^itii iQyhiff ,yo\ir lirr!?bap<i but tH<?rt?.' But.tJ^y;and^ A<> it .in';:?c<^\v-16i:lt.-.T^c• ■ cyh^ral 'oity/Jri' lihe ;^ id; ■•■loye'sr :^ ' 'tays. • Jo?i.i\ .•XJrawlord;; / v'^-'.-'.• ■' "V-"- ;.■ Miss -Cria^vfor<i.. Ig;^ bloskiii;^ -iii'jito;- ■Vriia.has ven.turp4- ovit cif Hollywood ■ to-yisit >vew;..l^bi:k.i:-- N'p sbori^r .■.liaVi ■. jflie- left ;het ' hbni'e' i^.ifin-..N.e'w;. • yo-rk; ■ had lieiv divorood. or :Sf para frpm .'•K^vLJi'VSband ;«ind: iOelvtlrig'.with his family, ; Arid in -isptte. ot.aH '■ pr^t^aU'. r tlons-f-ifpi' Joan ■vvaa - prepared, f oiv:. .■jui9t"'such'>.byent'ualifies.' .'vv :• " '.' Sh'o ..had. b^en irt6t.ruct€<l 'io. ;'4'^s'? ■ •.■■Coli;imnists'. if ishb niet ■thenj'; in NeW;; '■^ongei:s\b(?ca^ feai'^d : that Nevt^ T'ork-Tsrovild not 'Ibs^'ye. its devPte'dv ypurig ; w^t^ ', 9'^on0,y that'.- she .' canie, to': t.oti'ni .'/.witii-. her': ■ VusbJind.- 'yy-.-'.. : •" vV; ''■v'".. ', *'S6 don't ask" xrie if Of; love tny. hiis.- 'jbarid.v .rsal(t iJpan :.?»Pith. • a cyhical: . .sneer.- "AjVha.teyer i. .say- Will be bb-' loheyTha-t ^ i^st: that's^ what New '■\1fork.Tt^ariSs'eaf.. :■:^■:A-•■■.;•■,■;;^^OanN:vBelleVe; It "''•■x. . It^aeiems -that JHbiiy^^^^^^ ten to tti(& point. wh ei;© ^it wants! to- lekd .a .respectable,nidrt^^ an(r jBo ahead with Its icai-cer in an or- derly fiiid: careful; inahnei',, but Nfe)* .Tork simply!refuses to lie^ It do this . .or recognize the-ft&tV. Hollyvopti Is' ;' fliill ..3,:^pJa'ce \b.f wild- :brgies.vto ^,N«'iiV.: Yorkr^a;.. :niuc^^^ ifaister .place : :thah. '-Manhattaii Itself, : «trid ^anyone vwho : bdm^s" pxU.; bf -li611y\\-bbd is jsubject ^'.fbrVslyindal and must be shPwn up^ . in B'bme-^way^^ As ' a . matter ' p . the bniy married people yclU «€€ to-. gether jn;;N«w Tbrk.'are from pic-: ;^.tureffi';.';:.- ■■,','■;: ., And .'.asifle'from w^ pri- . .yate life, left .undisturbed,/iJpan • !is. very .sieHbus .about her She; . believes it ;ii? t^ Wlio are stiir;' . for. artistic Jpuccess...upo.n the .'scre'eri'. The.'m^n.' have aiV cpnie:.t6 look tipbn - it; asVa. - business prpposition. . ■They :ar.e careless 'atiout their' pu'blici -the,.im- pyessio^is: they, give .people-r-iiil. they want. aT^ .boxpfBcfe retu But the wbmeii sf ill. Ipng. tb he.' artisteE; ..liaVe ;a iglamer -ab therii. .and ' a : great.'fpUpwing..- jibney is not. ail .t VhchV; v-..Th^...^irls .'^i-e . as. ari^^ «yer tb^ -be charming, .to .iiave .ije^ .Arid ithehi ■ .as~: .they • expect, to .find . th^ih.! Ahd the. woriien still m^ a ; gi'^at .effbi't to <io this, but niofet ■of the mejhi in'iplcture^ la;sy \ ahbut; it,- thiiiks - Jpajn*,-. • ■ ; In .fact',, J.ban i^ iso; anxious,;to be ^ri/arti.^te' upon't sive ^ dpeis .nbt^ w tp ibarn to be a gpPd tecb,hiclan.' She- wpuld; rather .woi.'k , Jibrself lip irit^^ feel ' that' sli e, is actinig it,. than tokribw :-.:'ihevtrioks. : ..v. vv.;" \ .. ... Tiiis;is .the real-difCbrence/.betwebn the ;l(Pieit actresses who have cpnve ;; tO;.;tiie..sci'een and vtiie actresses .who- liaye he ver^ had Js.tagb .experience The stage' , actresses don't / waste their ;eniirgies--^they .^dph't^^ to; : Bui Joan/fid^^ r.ather waste hers'hecause 'she is ;doihg it;' Jn the name bf ^rt. ' In ordbr to ;feel • ah artiKte at-heart;.'-■ ' -KrVS-v^S-' '^>>i"ner ^^A-tivs■.(i<^'ik.Monday .•;,Jj[Vjd'.--ij}j.,;wlt^ V-f .- V fi;b many calls.Tnil'^b, ' : ' his Wt. yTprhpn hdme. tha^^ \yar- .. :V;ei\.in6tal]etl;a .^witohbba^^^ ., ..t■\^'p bperatbrs.; He.:iaiso;iwatciied. new' pi'ctures bbm^ ■ York, in prbjeetibn .: Bank^ Hollyw ''■'■■■-•■• ■ '■^■.'^;HpllyWoipd/-Jani.:;6^ ..Cpnim^iicing ..Jah» 2 and ;fpi*^ the n'lKst. four ;mpTiths. d^ In .th'^ Ba;i^k of; Hoilyw doors .Dec; 8, i&.30, ;have. t ■pf time '-.wherein: tp .file, their;, claims.^ .pbprs of. the . bank.- opened fcjr Aiiat .piijrBPse,. ■;. :y '(i' • .V. TThe. Guaranty - Trust frbna- ~ *-hich.$8;d.0p,p0d./'was; xlefai'-: cited ;.by -Gilbejrt, H.- 'Besemy^r,-. its sebretaryz-manager,. aiiid; for Vbibh lie r'was-..giy'en(^^^^^^ 'fco'htiii.Ulng; .finder-a ••.'■ • Th^- /u^^s^.isuiiiding /^'.Lpa;nj.' aiiri: bther Hbliywpodv and. tpsl ' Angeles • .enterprise,-heayiiy;! pi^.bpi!^- Was'ajso- forced .to clPse^ dobrs- tjirpugh a^. .friendly ;yecbivb^. tetter Vis said to ; be in gopd -shape. • ■ The ' 'Bank .of Hollywood /.was iiliaced in ■ liquidation / by "VVili;: '. C. ■VVppd of the State bank- cbmniissibn,;' fpllbwing bffprtsi.':V^^^ falle^d-to /^s-,; tabiish a plan jEpr its/rebpening for the- :bonUnuatioh\ b^ r ; 2in) FOE WABNEES . Barbara Stariwyck/g to War .nefs fpiv ."!Nigiit .Nuree.v'■ toe / di.rected.-. by-' William •-"Wellma'ri" Oliyer//<5.rirrott is on fbi* adaptatiori with .'d iailog by":Charies. Kenyon.. It's ;a. siiowup; /of,, the. quack-riif dicbs; ' .- . Ben Lyon.' Bii'ppprt^ with :J!.oah/;Blphdc-li;. C , Vera. Lewjs, . Jariies' .C^ S^ai'ri.s, B!anriic;Frbdr)>lii,'/ It's jViis.s Bt.ahw.yck\$ ■ROff.pri'tV^^^^^ ■-■/'iiliviV* iibt yet 'relctvsod. - / 7. ' --v EOCKWELt FOE PIC'S -■-/ -. '■ ■/ ■ \jibUVwPod../«Iah,..-0. / -■■ -Dgc,./.hbw ;playii.ig--.Va'\iOe ,-3nv'-.the east,' m^ fiirii . sbPn/ IbiV ■ cire/of-'tiie/m'ajbr'.gtu ■'. ,■..././ •■ :.' J^egotiatjbns- 'are- ..underway'/ ht-ro" thi-p'ugh. Ji^p ..-jiibi'riso'nriagen tTrider- ; pWn,.'. ijo.'C.kwen 'w .yJr-itc ■■iind/'i),fej^vfpr ■•Iil^kor^j^■.■";^■/■^^ .*^VVf>eh: the wbirstjtbrnes ihe. HA; ATIt) MRS. JACK-N.ORWORTH . 130 Wbst 44th. Street .. ; -■• N«w tbrli .-. . . _;./-''.;.-.:;■.'... " :'Hbi|j-wbPd^Jan;^ ■■ "Edwih Justice -Atayer. and his "Wife escaped' iriiury irt: iai bad accident, in. which .one pbrsbi^^ w:a3,. killed , and anbfher perhaps , fatally/. . injuredv Took: . .place : bni'; /the ■ ;'rain-soake'd rnbUiitainpus. Arrpwhea^^^^^ roa,d jsew ..■year's.-day,./;- ■ •The /writer; had - stopped, his -cav to/ assist/a; etalle.djnotbrist. when his - machine . was-.ihit from; behind by. a;; .se;cbnd '^tbi. . JBeibre • the pe b.l«pa;n{s ; of. eifiielp /machine had a chance/.to; alight, they, -werb' crashbd intb by; .aZ/fbUbwing. heavy .^tcuring car. V. -; ■. ■' -;.•■^' ^/v ;-t:--i:'-v//'/; ■■/- .-'■^ ^ILL MAHONET In EarJ Carroll's "Sketch Bopk^' ; ■ The; Oleveijind :,Wews'?.-.said, %ef ^me.ohil/your;atteiition fir^+,: last, and always- to/: Wili .Mahb.nei^i; . if / you never/laxighed .befoifb .or if ybxi - feei; thai ybu never /iaiiched - as. you would likb to. laugh,, go. to see Will.'; 1 have hp hesitancy, in appraising hini one.: of. the very best., funny: inen;; beforb. the Ambiriciah. audience' todi-y^'-'-^ •/■;^-' :■.■.'/:.■■■:; ::;/ .;->/■■-■.? - - ;. /■;•//■ Direction:'-.^^ : ■wjKAIJH/Qv. .FARN vn^^ ■■■j56p,: Broadway-- ■:;-/'■■■'-■■:-■ ■, .Hollywood,-:Jai)..; ■-;.,' - Scen^S: and.- diaibg oVbr the - r;/1iiieads:; of. kids,^.;biiit jinderstandi •..; ■ ^blc. tb thb reist .bf. the audieHj:eV .. / -iriay -sblye thei ,t>rbb.lem - bf ^a;Pr;./ .^/.pealing .tb^^pth/ciasses; otiic^tet .,;buyi&i"s. •-.\- ;/■■'./Thb-!-trick.;..l8- :;to/-:bafitIe :;th6:. ■; juveniles/bn.- thb. .hbt ;in^ff: hXiX •' : k^ep: the - etbry^^ Vtiveni,-' ^■o'•■ './' • -.v Paranilbunt. int^^ ebnietl-iing along;:; this; loi'ne In/ "Ah Amer.i.can -Ti'^'-ged ; -T.he •. same gpfes - tor. tJnivcreal's: "s<ed;'V;';- ..., :::-•;■-.;■;:■:; " Jan. S (l:jcw. York to rarls) 'Jaok Campbell,'.; .Tru<iy'. ;Krieger (lia'l- .ayettby,-;-:-.■ "^r - ■'/■:■:■. ;Jan^'- lO;: <>f:' :T.'tb' W«?t-iWdifs), Mr. ■ and /ili'S. L.ou.- rij;,dell/. ( ivuhS.s- Jioliii);■;/ ' / .';■■-'./ ■■;:.;; .Jan. 7 : (New .York to. Berm.iida)V Herb ''^^^iiIfams, -Mr;. ahU Mrs. ;lJer nia'n /lii-ndbn. ('V.eeridam). / . /^^ . ;. Jan./' - 7'.; (Paris'. tb .:keW'./:Tbrk), Mary tee, Jean Bernar^l (Paris)../ , Jan., f; (.I<Qndon /to. ?JeW Toi'k), 6'Gprinan Bros;. (Aquitariia)C;// Jan;;.5 .(New; Ybrk/H^^^^^ Heleiie'. ^.C^:h.ieii /Vbnmura,.: .G.d.'&tt^-. Mahieu ;.(Berniuda)v'. ; Jan; ,4 (New / Ybrlt.: to (?hic; ;EiidPi',; BiH Manh,.; jinii^ Kern."?,- Saiirimy iFa:iii ;(Brienien).. ; .Jah: .4. (I'airiS to IsJ.ew York) Jbey ■ ■Leveh^-"(Eumpa>v:.;.-^ . y-.-.:.'. , / Jan; . :3.. (Bremen .tb v-N'ew. York);/. :Sigri<l.; Onegin> . .B^ Hiiel-- s<?nbeck;;yEu'ropa);i/.;/^--.., .•";;;!;-■;■ ^ Siizy /'Vernbh - -.(-Bremen);.-'.- ;.':'./ ' . ;,/ :SJ.a-n,-.' 3.; ;,(Ne.w ■.--.Y'bi;k'.-''.tb/' -lioiidbn) - OlaVjk. ahd..Mc<?i)Uoughy Biil^ Cihr<'e /», Buitld y), Bradley •/ (3i4awre.- • ,tahia><';'./ ,.- "■■b .-: ■ -'; . /Jan.'- : 3 -<'B<?VlIn " .tp ' :Ne.w//yofk). Z»;.'jicr .. (--E;iii*opaO^^ ;' /Jan.- ;. i /. <.6apeto'Wn -/to . l-bsicoTt.'- T.hrefe';'f.fiiVf?rteas^, .--Valbiuiric'.-'C-ler.iOw- rfiainxprWi; Gait it^..;; -:,- /■,.-:.■ -■. ;:. ';.'. - /.--iDbcv.. is- ..(Paris-^ -/tP ;N?w/;/:src!:')i), 5tilah' B>*dei'kh;aH-;Vne /iae;;F : Ai.. J[ol$bn ■ iioa.y:;.'db ■-''WundeTb'ar''..; 'for th'6; .fihubertis /.it the:.-. Baybs / on: top.:9f .the 44th Street.' iprbpositioh Is-'now "under dlsbiussibn/ and/^^ -bb/ defelded .■bic>ph,-thie.'webk,--.;.-'•'/ Joison ts ;'ii;nderBtbpd io ihaye bpiight; Bp^^;bf the piece -and/.Wlli,. bf . bburpe, V/lJe fltarred. /. /Main thing- holding : UP ;» seitlembnt is the trbiir bib ^^ehcbuntered. in selecting .a bast, Jolsph was pt'eVib.tisly. reported;-aLS. abb.ut .ip dp a show jfor Max/Gprdbh, Thls; > Vas la.ter : called , off and/ his firist/pictuire for Vnited Artists/wa^ also: postiipne.d. Sin"^ging' cbmediAn is also .listed .■fbi*..a bPhbert; at/ Car^ he;gi.e ..Hall; .next.;.ihpn:th,. 'tbn'tatlVely. •bbokeia ■ Bonib; tini©':ai;o. ■ V Befbrb; the'.feh'ubbrts ;star^^^ ihg; .:tb-. JPla'bn again, Cieorge- J.esse.l and-Harry Blchnian ba^ been hibhi- .tipried • to' iead^."'Wunderbar,'':,: ^^hich is a. play tetklng piace.'bri 'arid'about, a cafe diance/flbpr, Th'bre .is;ho stage,, performers WOrklnig.':.. rijg;ivt ahibngs the'.aiidlenceii'v ■T^hb Shubbr'ts .iridefl-. .h.itejy ■ poslpbhexl;: the/ atteriipt once,* linlil: the: Jblsbn. possibSlity cariie ;to •Tight^-'--■ •.;;.\;; ;-^" // './ ■■v.;/ :Siinny/(palfif, :Wi*iai)p€d.- v; /;V--/y^m6ke;.':Siu^ ■; r.V-;.-' iHpllywoPd, -,Jan.J-<5i v, .-/..Studios-V'hcive . been 'hartdicapped thb/past /few ■ weieks. on .exteriors t'hroi3gh;; fimpke '.dimming -the; eaii> .forjila-.svjn. :Smbke ;baused b'y. -s'mudfe- iijg ;bf; .bj:ange \growbrs 'to - protect ;fruit: frpna frbsif. ';ebme stiiid.ios .;had ;tb po»tpofte.;..putdPpr.'fice // •- "- jrix^ie prbd'ijcers;..;whp w-bfk nii.n.uf* 'liKhts:wherev€'r pbssibie.'were hair'd -est'hit.- ■';■■■'■.;/■■-■//./..■• ■ ■:■-' /- ■'//'/.;;.^"- ,/Hbliywbbd.:.Jari-;iG,' - .- •; 'i'iir'-e" -brotiK:i;s -of ;yictbr /Mcl<afe- If^h '\yill be/ in .llpliy wood- with i'ik -. :t'ui'c-.;' .awjbitiyiis'-..W.Hen .'. iriiffbrd . aVr. ,riyv«.-' -i^'onV :-Ne\v, ■yprk:'' 'th 'wb.^ii.: •l-i.b has/ bciin' playirig.-':iri; logit :.thei-e; ■AleanWlin*>, Vl.clor is fabihg a ;$ 100,- ffOO .^lander/suit 'fll«?d:By, .his-■^birbth-^ er,-: Ij*;bppld,; .Whb. ; cl*u^^^^ -tivat .tho. f;hir-i ot the~ ;, -has :ltcp.i. mhi :p\i\_ -of;'jfK:.iyr<Erj- ' ■' •■' ■■;/:■•' .'■ /.'^^ -.;.•''..'/,''./'- ■':fy ;'tlTJTS/TEIF .SHQEi:/;■:■•/ / ;-')!Car3'he-l' M'ieyerS;; leaves ' .- fbr.;.- .iho epaet ..-' today;- -'(-^Wediieisday) ' after piaylrig;btH, '^a:Vhali Week fbr .; ■ eurt-^ilinerit,; of; jthb .,ya;udb. •bbokT'' irigs.; Was ;nece.isitated by; a- Warri^' cjiH;/-ip ;:Ataft:.b'n' -the Jbhn. - Ba:./i'y- ■■n-)Oyef;:-pi<:5UTb/ ja^.^.'I2..:/:;-. /; : Sch ^.i'txeiT ■ -• iSeieks- ■:''.L€^IiPrbduc'er : - J'p^cph ;;^.ci-iriitzcr. ;is ;iri .Ne'w . -Tprk ;tb;'«T-''*''n(1^-fi'cbupIe 'pt. W.'^f-ks.-pusl^ ''tvlmerpn;•. '(Ttadip). ;3ie /is- also here fq- 'mft>:e;vaiTarigeThe^ ;tb' talte'-a lead^hKiofti|-";it>jfbdi2.c<r- -pti^C .to il;^•■ ;W.iW>'-':33imi;;-.'- -[-j ■./■■/;■' - -■-.'':■ ^ \/-HollyWob.di; Jan.-Ci■':/ The di^y. when pajpei" m^^^^ ie;s bf Venvis arid bad, prints -bf. iSfiPT. tember; •. Morn. ■ went - for ■ *'art" in dressing. pictiire. sets, has / definitely passed;/. '/- .. li^ for thiiS; is ..a; Ibcai dbaieir; wi^ /ari^ :'ax.. to ^ripd, who Werii: iut aiid sbld.all the niajor; studios.; on the idea ;b£ : using, ex^; pensive -originals prbcur hiirii.;'-■ ^,;:--.-v'^ > -;-.: ■ Deiftler had: /the.: bnthusiaistic ttackirig pf directbrs Who were tired bf tryjng to miaice.-a $i copy bf "The Sta^ :at Eye'' look likb the briginal v'^lub.- Boy^'' : Now-; Jriany^'■of them; aaye their Vbt . desig^ dealer .for •; his.. advice ; oil '.giving. tiiin§rs ;"a;*eal::tbnc:h..;.''-; Sonie of . .the; directpi's Who: helped put the thing .oyer have.^private cbl-; lections which they dotiato' towards/ their pictures,, and :bhb Went so fa.r as to strip; hl^, own jivlrig^/rpom bf; hirriiturb tp insure' having ,a .set as. h'e;waY)ie4. it^^//^."''' '.'; ;/.:./;-//-,/. Hlg --■ ■- -Hollywood,- Jan.' .6.. - - : /After'/ipbkirig ■.p;yej*^' Barrlitt ■ Cxir'- riiack's. tvieatineht of '"Front Page,"' tlib: Brays; ofiice,'seht ihb script; -,to Howard : Hughes .heaViiy / emas^^ lated; / ^'Page'.?. is /now being giveri a ; complete V new -and a- . sapbliQed. ti*eatrii<e(it by . Anthohy . iBrbWn, -. /. ■ -'Bi'bw.n- ' .y/'fis '. ■'. tJie.^; '"Wliitby'^•■;'- in; ''Qtieer/: People" and .was put to work. by Hughes, lo .-.iassure ..hiavirig. him';iri./thb film;irig of;*.;PePplf.''^ though hot. set ;fbi'' his bSvn^ acteriz<;»tipni .Brown will: be/ in' the cast of ;.bbtlv .'Tag^ becaii'se.. of-: t-ii;e;; pii bl I c ]!if^tince arid , Clieyaliei^'arid TiHIulali' Barikh.oad are..both; scheduled to arrive;. from London Jan,/13 .for/paramount. Misis Barikhead's first picture/ is ■vitled ;V-N?w- York/Lo'ye.'? ;"■ .-I^xibitscii is- airiiosi ready/ witli . the: adaptjir tlon : b^ the yarn for Chbyalibr' in whi<>h Cia\i<letifi' Colbert /Hppkins ;Wiii;.j\i><o tjikr;; yiuvN;/ -i/--. -' //A.':W!i;iei!t?ift.h.:,cin ..^iCoSst^■■ V;,;-//.: v..'/'..,/ /:-;3ibjly:\ybbf?,. J<vri;.'-."C.;/■ ..- r'aiii; -.-tV.ljiKnvan.'. is.; heve'/fpi*;.--- a •W€ oil's; ■■.vficfitib.ri, with;. no; .bv;si':icss 'isciiedTjied,;'-.' '-:-.;/■/'■- ;-Abcbr/i3.ailg, itp.-V^^ ■j.mrilbdifil-ely;.:. 'Went iivto' •cbnfe3'<'n':C- '■wjib ',f:';^; .rwn.d /Ji^injoy i'L.riCrrjnv^o.' -.^ ; ./- /jibllywbod, Jan, .; ' ■;/. Ralph./SiDonocV'^ 'pf^^^ Writing coVi-- tract' .;wini/;:Ba:dib;- vailSv :;fqi^V$2,5ap^'i-x .mpriths.'- -/ '..-" ■ ■ it.'s an eiboptjcnaiiy'' high^ ; ;;.^;'.;:.-v;;'TTimberg/£ ;'• Hefraiaii' Tini.l/';rj,- :h;as■ "iipsed -With' Jfcietrb'for twoi^hbrts;;;-./ V /:;-/■ ■.:/;'"' /: .Albne; with ;/'rimbe;r^, MV»^tro wiil take Barbara'.B.lajlr./L!^^ a.pd Qliyfiv;,karris'-.Pt^ .;eom.prvny., ;^:'v;'/'J'5w^ :'-■'; .-■ / :f'al'is. Jan; fl. ; .'.i" ha/*/ t;iirried;icbki-' arid dis- agree.a.i iTe,.; -.' -. rCoridi-tio.nifs ..oiiglit; ■-'.' tb di-ivA . ./to-: indoor enteitaini nienr,./i>iii/.bii/sinf---f:s: i*eirja-ii/if; "m.eagr^'v -:;..-; - CMick/W^st's'^ ' ;'■-' ■. '... / ;;- ':-^/..v';;//iiofs'Angti'f'^:,/'Jan/ '; ■ \..;?'Cl>;,iv^iy':/W<'i,t,: jreccntly ;.gi.veri \t c'ojvtra.ot. by Parambunt,,^it; tp; uridcr^ :£b - a -. sV-.ri'ciu?; ;QpC-i"atipri oii .yiiH JkTiee' c^\r'^l•^i^vt''Gbc^^ ./■;, -■.:Bfol)y-WPba.V-J^.n:-: :6.;'/ : ' ;. T) tjb -f rc'o-Ta n ce "' pr,C' ss; a g»; n f.. pegtV ;tpir •lorfg; the; bane;;pf? thb'sttiiljii-iJi/is;; /again bccpniing;. an. iniporta ampng. the studios.'fbr/ cpryeoti vij^^^^a^^^^ /tentloh. .; tlixniriatlbri: bf: the -frieb-c iajicb; p.-aiv,. /y^iib; tieis .up/ cbntv'not ot, .bther desirable. :frbe-laricbv pl.i^ is :t.he immediate. bbjSc^^^^ . •.'. . ;/ .'Tlib : .fi^e.-lancb::.-i>v': .a;/.'ge%.i'aU .speakirig'j ;'higi3-pr,essui;es an actoii .b.i' actress::.iiitb;;;believ'iii^/.th^ o'n.iy.: .sttidip favorites will get the: brf'aicg' on publicity;, t.heii'efbre it Is to .their interest; that- a speciai piihlicity/rep, be retairied. .J)irbct.V,esnlt bf this ife an- .antipatijy ;;by • thb ;;studip$ to /'ipjajy; bali-' wiiii/.Buoii pj.ayers, wiib .niiUlfi^^, the very;purpose foi* WWiftl\.t'bejvara: :paying theiSr special, presis agierit.' ;. It ;;l8;; hpW;. thoroughiy Established :that/With the; picttire^ si.rb ;('wiilch. (ilirio^t^ boi'def'S/ bri- bim<, |:er) for develppirig new ffi*;es,. new persprialities /.arid new; -t^ierit.s, tl^e. .tiriatliiched/ ,p. a. -hbbey about ,rieW: ipebple; liot.. gettihg a/ iiubllciity; ai-i; tentibn/is^slrictly/thb'.buhk ■■.vby..'-:bf' ;ariy/-'fari: -^hriag :: Wili. -'se'e-'/tlVe', prbnilneftce /giyen new; nariies arid people. This indicates an.immeOiai© ■desire: 'b'y the :stu.<libs, reaiiiirig as ■ ihey 'db- that; there-is of riames,^;tb: extend theridselves /more than ever, .in thb prinie .interests of ballyhobirig :riew^^ ; . •-'Ci^atb . bisconter^^ Tfhe /f'ree i.ahce i». a./ crbates «iis» qphtipnt In an byerzealpus.:de;isirb to ihipress. his': custbri^er^ /that he ; or she is earriiri#; ill's or he'r feed. 'TJi,^; blienii-r^be . it Vactpr, . dh;iectbir- / or; -writei:rr^;bBCbrifie8 unhecessariJy "i!ib«< ;bed::up;" :arid -gbes. p.ii. the lot,- reg-^ istering objectipris./witi'^.' -exocuV; tl ve/ who in tur n passes / thb; bucic; to;. tjhe /;piiblicity / department,. •;ai^^ thbugh kiiowiriicr thai; that. .depav.t.*i; ment is mbre than Thb /ialter,; howeyer, iinnbcessaii^ili^; :anrioyed,;..may actually;; /toi'': ,nT|ini:riiize ;any ; ;"break.s'V ;tp - pe.stiferpus: people nntii t.i)by'^faJi in line and .debide; to beiia^;e. ' .: .• .-■ . Onb ;iBtudip has. eprie sb far as .tQ take protective: :Tiiba:sures . • agajrist the ■ free-iance 'p...;a. vby insertirig. ;ii ciatise again^ ;."outside'' piibU'-'ity., .This' elastic but--aims strictly at the. p; a/s Whb..■;in'.the' itaat, have- ap-' nbyed the .studio •bn:l>eiialf pf-.tiieiii olierits. ;; Sttullos' feel,they ca.n bap-; ably take care: of all pub demanils arid, pbyipusly, .ar0 bC'St .bquipped :t<> do. fib;. /Any: press d.ept. .iiasiricionriec- tions^./hpok•-upg;: arid,./tie-^.rips. of ■ all *kirids/.:Which; brily/ tlie. ./prestige bf. :resporisiblb prgariiza;tion' ;with: ;art elastic b.udget-. can ebrirmaucii. lt|Si ■obyipiis then that Iree.Tlaricf?; /p. a. 'could begin .to .rate w.i "knit bief^ leagxib ' Otpt; t-n; aiiy of .-the.studib riots./ /. /■■;. _; :/■.://:;■ -■ So;rif>.etirnes-/a .':Me;na:c;e::/:- /, .'Thb fi-eoT.lance p."' a.-, has : bcocnib: a ;'i)b«jitiye;;'nieria;ce tp- .sprivb'./rHMMWe,' aver /t.'Vb ■ r'studips;/ • In' ;the.ii' : riris- gilidftd: z*^a-ibi|.sne'.ss,; 'Roni;'>ii»nc«^^ an; ultierior . ''.'angle,''; .th«'y: ar- ' ranKed' fbr prbriiiscuoiis :/'VmiorW^ nients''//bf ^ 'ai^rstipm ;Tli,b istar if;; paid-pff ir3/dvi.bioufv;iphbi iicity ari.d -it is.hbt b'iybrid the ayer* age-k-en .to'-:c9n.ceiye itlTat -tiie. ■gpv>ie^ t vvcciii:/iri;. jkiioh-. tie--:i:i'pf!i is ;pnybably -even inore ' s\;ifiliy' -c^^^^ ■satf'd,-';.-; v"- ■ \' y- -': i- ' : .Tlip: ^studios. ■/ alfia-; haVi' : ff^rthcP; liroyies, agajnst 'the,.ulitfidv?/p,..j:,:,tje- '. liig;. • .'ac;tb'rs/^ ■act'r<"iist:.'--.. 'riie/ star/vijui/;aUyay.s p ;p.; a. as ■ a. patsy tb • be. bo thered 'w 1th any arid. all.7)rop.os;itlbns.^Spnietini^ thp star'-s/vjudgm.ent; isv.w thb p; ;a. ..patsy- acts- Without -krib^v.-- ;ing';br;ip; -krfow tlr<' .'clr^^ ciunst;arices...;V-. • ■'...' ■ Th<}s.e p..'a;-'.s ■^.elV'.thcMns*:iv<:-s ori-.a. .bbnxbinatiort. basis, .uiuferaUm /act; a^ a biisiness agent br/ bii^^ines9) xri'ariageri a . booking- ai^brit : < H-heri- ^hb^ei3s^ry)., ;/a ..gipriiie^ ;;T'sooi''<--t3Vy". and -aiKQ: tp: cbriti'ibcitp ^a downtown niaijihg iadilrev5S fbrv^ -the - ;studix>.«.,' as- ;a- .Whole,:; have-' ;eritiy; ^beeri. against^ : tiie ' froo-lance. ;;pre;Ps;- agi^ni/figuring:: thq^ jU!^t.,;S<>: mubb additibrial trbuble. ' Pi.lin corri« / j-ani^'s m.uch;/prefer;..1b ;giiide . ih9. .I.^blibity' cai'Vyc-rK bf: their -oiVir:piay'^: ers.- ;;-pT!EY.:KEiaY--pQNlfEQ^^ -■/ '' /.-;-'- '■. /:., ^'Hollywobii,-:-.!';!'". : ; Likinig;Kiity: K</lloy"i« firs-':a--',v''>^^' ;*^Pj:ivatfi:.iS<^or'/1 n ryi'';-B cri :t5)ib- fbrm'or -lbpit-;:a.n(l. va.'vi':.* ■: ';-bptibnai.-.cbm ■:/'; /-;---; .. Firf^t' -xiildov .-hf'r. 'riipw;, ttt/K'- v * ' j'fli't - in ;"-Bfi(-h>'lbr.-Apfi'vti'^'.'-: