Variety (Jan 1931)

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mRJETY bST.iv '-viiiriety'' in .a^^^^^ i,5lasliod 'a' LbBistcr Alley,"; Gpinns-tb: V:T1^6 ;Bo0lt^ tO make a'cTUzjsr 'p^ '; ,•• vWJllle- >'"y.arfety:v 'iiaiiS geiieirallY..',;rfefral : ffc^in ..r.eiji'Iiiiinir'", stUfC , .on • ou. about- it, 'it ■ c;ann6t..;EiUlPSia^ : here, what: Mr. .^^lutlierWeli, 60 gerierDUSiy • sal;(t...|n' V-Th©' •I^^lijn^^^^^ .T]vi>i .aKiele-'was. : vo'lspaicrewltli; r^eprin:te(ilv• j - l:'-''k:-^y''-: •.. :Tlie .^^^ the persdiial eqtiattbit. of .tfifr ' ^'Eodkman^^ .a^^ left, ihtac^t is. jb^caupe tfte-to now.:Veet..feven ''Qii ia^^l^ Tliij' erttiii*e-^Yarit^^ V}'^ .fov-.-Mr. Mo{h^r\vd who- ■ scen'V'to'.reaa-.'^N^^ .■ ..'\'^'h(;-rcva^ everyone. Icnb;w'Sj ian^ '.pletoly;- .Qf . a?dv f9r; .a' ^^iVfen.^.pc'Pup incbinprth^risiiblc . tp' all. '^^ t::'$9 nqty. bi/cb.ur.ieii:infiiviv ■/diajects/ :i\''i\b in >• peeuliai: ..pyph.und tipii of',or\Yipe-.fJuni.i^^^^ d(!);.:.I' ri(iean sl^ ' V'siung; >i3 a 'Coile^jtipii-.'tif.iisc^^ jjp dead . as Latin: wh.en its ^ :';Use.i\.. ' J:.'a , tlv6.4e. ihanrier.s Gain't See Rushes ,,.'' \ ]ElpUywQ6d, jah;^; '■' bU6 . to too . much . gt.ieE . ;and . tobvmahy cpmpiaints/ res • in .prpdiictibri /delayis, 7Pbx . a,nol\ .iletro. iiaye ;issaed orders prQ>-. . .hibifingfall; p)'; ;frpm. .see -f ing the vdaiiy i'.iisives. .■ .; • . • Attitude .is ;thai; if artiste rdp: . nbt know, hnjxv the work ■ is prb -; . gressihg:. ;untlV ' pictures; are.' cbmpleted,'; tiiat.. ^xiany' studio. h€:.adaclies- wriU .h^^ . ...'-^. • \ :;p.ther.studlbs arfr tb.- : fblip\*' with fi . ^limilar/ general; border..- ^ ^\,<:'::',:y''- ;-w ■.■;'•;;■■';-•'.•■ .' ■ touring.'.prbyjuotio^ a! /re"-;. cent ;.picture one, studio was held u^ .seviieral^houra^^A^^ ■■.star, •.^iewing.', h.aVi ■ fit' of,- tenlperameht b^caii.Se^ cas.t '. members';: ^^ad;. stolen -scene: ;ifrpm,:heit'-:.'''\'■. V: ^^y'' y-yy/-^ vi.liUity and-fidelltj^ wh :~.c6A;!id:'.nbver;*hppb to.a ;'V;'.7V- '"^'-.^V"^.;.. ■■./.^.■. ■ ■.'.■■■"^ ' J '., "••. ■..''b.C . all ■•these. A.m.e,i''ican - iangu ^sviroly jVone is.: ricli^i-. ipiv' Wt^^^^ iflpbnsjve tlian;;tli.a .surpass it-' in .;.thb . aV)'u»dan.ce,. 'a and: tfmbliueKSvbC.^^^ ; and;; aboye all, •ih.. pditoi>ial honesty and ..cbura'po.;^:-..H^ 'ani Wriiiii^. . p^ h'^ws.; but\. afa' .a; croa^ '/lanj^tiage^yos.i.oi of th6 .bc.s.'t .wi^ting- 'in Vfi^rlety. Ih -.liyeratuVe/^'.T^^ '■;tpn^i'pys;■ its . message ; KW^ and coijcisbiy :ih >llviii^.:..wor4Jf.. wliib^^^^^^ ■,^^c^ai''^images and'ijmcfoe ■ :-7.', •.^'.y,.'^ --^' ^ ■ :. ''-i^ut'jhe .who -is jvbt acquainted-^S^ ianijuagb/pt-;Variety is^V '."taip,. ori flirst'.T.eddihK it,, tb: be,.baffiedr-r-Or, tors^^^ accurately,;.to r:gb bTottp:/V'Wi.iat, ,\fpr \bx^ JTfiake . Put'' of, this ;:.;he;t(lllrib;^---''- ■'•-V \ ■■^''V..':'V . ;:.;;'.'' ''"^ : Pash.^ Piaps^.M. 6. .Fan .Cliibs. Rated..W.orthl^ B, O..jGag • .. ''.Trim slated into • Eneilsli,. :tKe sentence^ wbujd read ;&bmewhal;. as fblf. , 'lows: ''it has been iiscei'taineld thai or&anijsed th young .: girlis ^>v:h6. hiaVb^a^^ sentimental' adihiraUo.ii.fpr the -actors whp fiuiction^ as rfgthl.thb it.s .:.stoTy,' ;ilt;f.>\'puld: toquir.e an extbn and; ; .,tp reniW /.the 'pbculia quaUty ;attabh}ng.' toi-.jcertain ,bf the■ iwpi'ds^• Tb, ' explain; the cbn'nota^ : pf tiiQ .'sentence ; to an irjsngii'shmah 1/ should _t>rbb!ibiy;ih!eed^ ^.•;.-''-/ '•■:■'-■■■';•■■■■ •'.■■^ ' . . '';":i'.assibnat,e fla^^^^ dpes . not ■accuriitoly^ > 'pash; ifiaps;^ vThe : phifit of the .letter is -(as yarlety's i'eadef knpAvs .frpm lonig:, acquaints ''; \^ith the ..t>heripixien^>n.) .ith'at; the SqritihVen^al 'adpra.tibrt.i'pf .thousands' .o.f■ ;;^;cl^ooI gli'ls: for ..shp^ys:.has■./be •hinthpdicaily . o^ 'JPan' .hh;s ; passed. :;thrp;ug^^^^ .;;; "ttb'/jen: mutfafIbns s'fnce^^^its. .origin • ih: .the anbibnt .days of bajSJC-ban; ■.;<^ .;takes Its :cit^^re origin frpin'the iprbfesslGiifii ntirhe: for a. yaiide'iille jbke' :; .which .obtains a^ 'ai-jd .certain. i'esi)0nsb mean1.fjg. has., been.' • .broadciiLed -to' IhcUule any type^bf e.ffcctlyb. cpmo-aii,'^ So :ihb,gib,iKs' might .i- ^^Jfr/coiiUhued alrnb^^f Jixdefihilely.;;:-..'\• 0;• ■ .'■■:■..;'■ : ': J • 7-^ ■■■ >.■•■ ■ ^ ;.^it:;j|iiTbuicl be ^cWar tb the /reaiifT tlii*i; .b.:tample'that^yavltty idoe .'lot nffect'. tiyese^ appear'; sihar.t,; .Variety ••is; n^^ .■.striving .tp be clbver; it is .>striviiii?.;;tbv'Gb . .Voii ;AIthbu&^h it cbhitiyohl^^ .\pC the -snialiost legible.'tyt^e;: iV has not an inch of .waste..' Nor ,; hayo it&v;reader.s;any'thhe.;^^^^ and '. ■-. large,; Very- busy; .;but they .are .alAVays, in; a . lun-ryj^ and;.;al>vays ifeagbr tb. ■ .-ieap/^tb a -hew^;^i(;»i)lG^of :ini:er?>?it,::'/' K'.U^-;/ ■ .■■■-. ;;■■:.■':;:.-^v;...--r ' r'^^ . ;■,;:'.' ;• ';Tlia.t c.tpiains /Va'riety^s;;prefcreiib^ ;ab)h*pviiiVibhs ;:tm'd : ;PhVages^. arjd ..i,tJs.;i>ec^ the; .(i(vrihite...'ar.Ucle/ .\ii:br.; .. ;;ejcamriCy;tlus .frp^^^ rei>brtvPn-, a- I'ecent- flh^^ / ^y'^ --^^ ■■'■-■y'-' f^ 'y -.y-y .' ■ .Akiiii.s\< - play Vwr^ :a; iVrbsumij ho.lghbGrbbp.d •. ;. ;) : i^ah grade, of taste/^and. what i screen' .:; v vv prpductlph^^^d ;;]riesiiU ^.i;!< .\5ust'i ptettjr g;obd;'':i^rbgram;- ma.t :; ;;^ •; .;; : toriar..; I.'hysicai; production,-a bpa^^^^^ rate, .-biit conlinui.ty C .\...i\a;Ulty,. i-ri-.^Hiai tlie:-j ■itviririnjr.a- cia.^ '.^ .tuh'i.blp picture; ;haiij; b^chVp6Gl:ly:'dbne.'./;^^ .nia.ny slpxv;.. ■ .■ • wheri*' .glpfy : ;p^^ 'badly ;'Vcom<(dy : iiicidbii.ts---huYO -Ijeen' .in^:^ . expertly;; >vritteh in; rind;; au; tiiaV ••is ..left-;^^^ •:: '^Jl'^'^P^'Vtip episodes- \vvith:a stirring^nstlb:'%ttlie at.ijie^ ' ;;v ^ V ■; '.■ ''/AlV ^xyeirt's report- Avrittie^n. to,-;iran;}:n,iit..'.a jreliable -. estimate• to .111,6;; ;;l>'Vfcs«ioi> in/ihe-'-shbrtcst'-ppssibije- ■ '■, ■ v-;}' . '.Or-.:thls ■s.uinm'fii'y.. .oT., the' .emotional -straii:'^ ; VvPPpular.son;gi:.;.,'■■./.\.:-;^C;.-;^ •';•>■. ;;;;.•; r.:;.:^^-'-: ■ y\ /■ r . Tliesb: sbng .;wHtei's-.^exhl'6it' jn^^ -Into" a>..mania^-^attd^-^^^^ ^ ident.:!; ':^ahd ■ tfrlV a 'Story • •\VA:fe;nijV^.xamitf©. of vlhe.octliuimit:i[ti;^so: of. llyeiy. ima^ ^^!>Up• thb;foiio^u;iig;;,/-- .;■■';■; y. ".■ ■.'■ -y-^^i'A'v ;; ,.: -ir^-yp;u.;can't d;eveiijp a,.pK^^^ y:::':-]^!^^ - ^'^f ^^Si^^Hy- it's'^pt ;tj^t!^.i:aul't -x3f ;s\Va _,^.-.;:«f'ienWsis'^.a!ti!-d_.bUj.fci:s; ■w:hb;,sfil) tiuur.;i^fcturc-p:''liVT(;'a:bbiit.s ;•^•■•.'^''.■'•'*•.•'^^^iW?W.;; ai^aitiidrtiieir.;lu-aas?-:w|tU'9c<ijM>-.Voldn^. ai;■ though, •' ■''<:^yy}f'.^^^\^riy:('i^t••in-lWixry on:tl>c^;biK:"do;ugli:^ ■■■ Ono' I'ldS; tmiU'liiijisblf ^ •. ^"^"■^^•fe retVefU;fpi-;ft0.iuw;^'trs whibh:stH:lihii iiack. H£ilf';;Vhn^:h^ ■■ X • • ifV'vi'?'l?<j^P^'lQ.o%--.\V'^t-h sonio.^of his "foi'nme ..^ollowors^ fijui iVas. lo»t ■ the..;. (y-f^ri^t^n: to }ti,. n:^ll^U^c^^:bf•,irat^v;lul■sl)an4s. •n;;ut.'l.c- strii>-';ai.r'!; bii-ino^s^"/ ■ -. ^'l.• 11 u'. sumo.'spot " ......•: ; \ i •/*);..the: sake bt; br6vi ty. tin(1 xlirprth.f^ss;iVib..ty is. • altvawii'j 1 tiig; -to. .•..^^>i|i ,v.^^^ Iti' i"^rt(Vihb.s'^'tb'.;iuii.o^^^^^ UPv\':.-.yVr,!UsoiV ' i)fin'ii;. imr but ^^p;--^.-t; otstM;5e;'pyeiv■it...- ■■Ah(l -il=i;:i-i(»vH. n(!ur.s .invraMiVI)ly:>;iv^\ i-rjtrr-: ot* iii-^^f^n^ •; Whiph- .oxprcsiiicm:: (.prbvlded ;Tb^ :l:)'ib]rt: •'V^.i^^Jancuapfe)."d^^^ you ■■■ !\'W:ji.- *^at:;g.r.?:tt ■dt'al;/6l. labi-if.y/ .:0j;;.^ (;.(:"bntin>.i('<l• on. H) ; ; lIoV. ;.^Iyrbn'. .Selzn|ck: ;bat^n^ sVay :;t,hrpugh. Ne'vi*7^ liPing 'sio^wly'; pieced .togetiiQr..h Vocal; Goiohy. .Set'/hi<ik!s; party .'went from tjie.^ ejcciusive :Emb^;9'y ;Club; to the , Cbcbahirt .-Grpye' :..fpr ■..lii's. •■.first ■ Qsticuffs*; with- ;Ben-;.;:Frahic, .-: arid; Ccpih tliPfp '■ mbved on. ;lb -the |M.ay.- fiiir,.: where ■ .another: . knuckle idupi. ■\ liSric- yon Stroheim. occurx^ed. -; :• jeaii. Ilarlo^'^ hjam^e ;was .dragged in, but. she fipyired. rembtejy; 'and .ih.npcehtiy ..'thi'piigh^ .sitting, at : a- ;GVj0ve' table,; yirhere .SelzihiGfc; spoke to . hbr 'casuail^^^ -Keict thiiig, d-ny-; •body icnew Selzhick,, w heads; the Joyce., and- Seizhlck,'Ltd;, ; ajid. ;his ©■vv^h ageri0y> .'•was rblling: bh.,,;the; floor .Ayith.'B,efh Fj^.tihk, owner pf. the ;. Ambassador hotel.; '. ; • - ■ ;.: . Just what i^recipitated .this, fracas ;iSi;-uh.establishedL.. .'^:';7----.'.'; •■.^' y^aitk: is. said to;;iater tbid .$.eiznic,k;."ih! the ;iobby. ..that they would; ;qul t; .figlitliigr but :;it; ■ istartbd al,l pyer; :a^ain; with the. .twb^^ rblling. .irohi "JtHb lobby ;; ihtp; .the Grove. ;Pfpp,er7 Owen :.,.Mbbre,:; who was in SelzhlclV thenv/Charti-: pibned. Myron, ahdi'^thb elderly; Abe i'rahk - also Jui^pt;d intb;' jt,-" af^^ : which payid ■r^elK.hick,; :'&iirampunt' exe.ciitiveV' made ;it 'a;^^ .uhtil fWb bops ';quiete'd^the'r^^ .:• ;• I.^at.eir oh' 'in the Tft;brh!hg-: Splzhji'ck and. Eric I;Von . Strp.heim Cianie;; .tb suddeiv, and; tin^uspectpd^. b ;\v;bi'e .'.separate^^ '; those, . hearby;. This' .happened'.'at .the MairCair, in -.t hp;. Biithiprbihotpi. V,-;:- .;;.■•; '.;. To;, S^elziilck,;;therbfpre,.• goes ..the i3istihctiori. of ppdnihg^.-H^ .amatpurj fight touririament for-1931/- 37 :10^ ..Doesn't'. L'ook . As;.if 'Paif-, and - Ba ';■.•■;' ;'•■;' .,;,•;-';. ;'.A.n^feh»s,-.^; jah.-' .■; ; .':?ft .•;iig'; hoiv;' poh!;4i jored.;;dp\ib.tfuji 1 i f-rb. \vjVc'.th'ev; .G,*ybi-rt ».». iSii no'l'xff t' :>viil; ff!i5t ;f,pgbther .vwTi.h;^ Favamoiuht:on. .a; new;; poiVtract,..; Stai^' intvists: on; hipre.. thaiv. |80;b0;0; per^::pi^:^ture^ .a^^ seen\s: to be; tl le; top Pai-a mbujni t of,- ,feri-_ '.-; ■ -.'; ;'■• -;;'-'v.-':-:-'.. .' •. ;-JJancr.iC»f'f ;.wasS ; rc(*PnQy '"iii-; Nifw'k,..;but .fiUrbd-; to .close .with' ex.c:cs th'er.e, .and ';is •how back herb, with npgpfiatlbhs.;. still;..status /lie haS .;bceh-. pff .the .Far payr.pii:: since ■Dbc^'s;- ' - - i.y ...•'•.'.":•-■'■:' New Pahama Prei Wai ;': Two': 'vAyeeks; 'ago"' Ai;ias,- P:Nvhor ,. of';. - tihe-. Tea.trp \Vitriedades,' Ir'anama, Syas in Ncw;'^ :.oyer lladlb .fllni; piH>d'uct to - buy, ., V .'JCbday .he/ is .pr^^ .biE.:'the. Oehr ;trai, American Repub fbrmerly; riiinis.ter , to-:the .It,- /Si.. ^aiid ■sing;.''Dlkiank'';,.;' ■ :./•: ■'■' : . , . .; , - . . -. ^.y^^vpod,'.Jan.-6,.' .. ;• jE-fa'rrjr;; <jha«tVer,. p^^^^ .'of'..; the Lbs A:n?eles V.T ' sU:cce;pd "Ctilbert" Jtte;eSemev: .i4.; prbsii. dbnt ,pt tiie; liPll>:\yood i^^^ hotel.; Becspm.yeiv. is;! the; fprmpr: ;.head b^. the- Guaranty.; Loan /Cohi;-- paiiy ; and ^is .servirig;a - -10 to • 1.00 year', ."^eWteric.b at ;,Sah, Qupptiri .iivr cpnilc'ssed ^ dcfsilpaiibh./of / $8,0fQO;Oji)o/ '■ft'bm^^that ihstitiUIbn/^/^' /'■' -:■;.'; ., Funds/of .the iiotbl iire;.tfp4 iji ;tlrd defunct Bank Kpliy.yvbbd;: but- .are: rpr'btectbd, by. .escrow.. CbnsfrucV. tip'rt, .wbrii is; expected • to ' start! in' March;;.' R will - opeiiatb... • / '-..;;../;;■ -J.: .:'. ;■/ Depositor's Iri thbv;Ban;k•;of Hblly.-: ■ wood havb. a: good/.|chahce; to ; get ;thpiF entire dbppsits Ibapk, -•acctird- . ing tp ; latest...ififorma^^ ;-frbni. t'hb ; i-ecbi v.ei:,; 'iTh? bctriit. .'moves- .biit of •/the •yotlySvocfd./ bu.lldlng-.'.. into .,a- bt\inch o.mce ne^^^^^ Postal ;.Teipgrai>h An;d: th6. C^^ 'bidding ,fp.r .the cbrner; location; ■ Extra Placiements ;.;■;■■:-'■- /.■';; •■/'■- '::JJbiiy>y0pd, ' i'.ive working^ do^^ 'ot/NbW- "year \yepk held only/p,b&8- piacerh bx.ti'as, l,:2^5. .br; those Work Monday..' ■ /ThPrb;. ^i^e AV'ecks,. lini tiie"'preyibus tlw.b." .hibnths/ ;A 'Flgm^es bah ;b.b^r Ppnsidered./bspe-' bially gobd'-vylthrbnly 22 fpiiituf^eSiacr; ;v{vetlast...'week,/';"'";:.■/;■'■•.';. ■"'•;- /': -;--.;■' / ,6'hly: VT/fealUres ;car.ri,ed :p W.bekend 'l!)u.t:V2S''a-re.;i ■this-wecic;.'-. - .V.-'/ ':'■..;...' V Namesi^kes'.'.-■;';/■ -■V--;/v;^ ■-;■. Lbs'-Angbles>; jah./ft;' Gee;-s;ees.;a.t Tijimna; are • Jifiihpd aXtpr ; actpi-s,; ; Writ.Pivs,, a'gPiits ahd pthei's ,. Avhb-; .patrbiiizc ■Vthe .' track heaVily. duflhjg ;seaWr>;^^ .. .. . ■ ; .LatPs't-.-hayihg a' n.t'g'naniofl after >hlni is Kdgap; Aljcii/Wbolf, 'Mt/ tJ^M ••vvri'ter. v;'. ; ■.:•'-": -/^-''■^■ v ' ;' :Meadbw.brppk fitablps,. by,-.nlhg" the boss, is:. pianning;'tb ruri/hiiiri afe'aihst Lbo;;;. Mprrispn.; tlie agent,s"•; nanie- .^ake,:-';':;.-:./; '\ .'•••.•/.' " ions ■ ■'■::[ / ;. /l^bK.:.Ang'ftles,,-jan.;^ /. PiVranVpuiit: iia,^..;(;xPrc ; Sp.vPnU bpti()ns,/Ihciuding .th ; ciilliug;- fbr si x; jnoii ths.Vrn/or'o on/'Julie;ttc Coinp-' ■'ton arid .fadfiib^;f^uthei'Jan^ (lirprtor; ^ .]Par. hfis al^o.; tiikpri/tip, itK piHipn: •on." LollVa't •. Mc'n,(]<i.s : .;dlr;r'<'t;-..'t\v'<)' ■mpi'b ;pi('t'urc's,- .ai/rKl.- ono'. ■; jaOkip,- •j5f^ijcl^^^^^ of jiiS/Qpst-pict-iirf^v/-..-.' : ■ -.;;"/ ;.■'.'; .;•/';.-;';■ v.;. ■':;'./;;;,, • / /HonVwx>od; -s'^n. -sy -j ■/./Bayard'/Venl^r/;art Satr.^- hrday (?);.':;v-'-.- /.;//.,,.//■■9^.'':-^ i ;;;'■'■.'...' •'..A.. doai for ;-the. i^yrljtbr ;t<)' do ::ari.; bripi-iKil, .^.tprji':''for... Metro'..-':-wxis ■.re-/ -beritl'y called pfT.. but'it • is;dndpi:slob.d . t hat .vthe ;fi Irnl.'cprnpauy - Aii ' a gain; nb ^ ;Kbtia,-t/ij^/for ■a;stpry:,/•;• ■ -v ;;^' /-' /; ■/■/•/;.ijEiSEt/-.Cfe$;^^ /;!;■'■.■.; ;.;'■■•'■; / ': ^.; ;.;;iI:bllywop3>'/i;ah;... 6^ ; ..iMvih- G<slsby;. A.|Jrp^ght/"hei^ ; T-; (li'i-^c J f<:j .1;. i 0 .hV;.adv!ili'e story; df-part-; ;'fnr-r;t nf'i; -latP-r • li'iadp' /arias.'i'bciatp. -■prbdu.cV',ri; :.<<Pttlp'cl -•.h'i's;, -witl.i; t lip. Atadlp/yt!3'tei'diiy//(M^ -. ■; .Crtiih-ojit-/had' se-yen* ^'^^^ .. %'rp\il/l.p ;bame over a'iVeiS'pIl .^Inter'V if (-r^niT'e" by. / stu dip ■ bh..' 'VM'issi j>si ppi/" V -.\vvliif'i.r;..'wp.'s.- -..«!>! ♦ ft'I ....^p iprf,':-".. .(i.-if:-<'''as'-h.lK' -:iicx&'.;-: .■.;; ; '' /'/-. ■•- /■.; -. '■w / .;l»ETTjNG-,. /VS.- •. SirNDAtS/.^/^;- '\ ;■/ -/ .. ;/ .-Cbi'tIahdi;':>?,:->^,:Jkn; ^; ■ ••;- C(/'i<tja nd •;. 'Ypfers: • iTictlV: •"liaHot • tfi- i.norrpw CWednp;sday) .ph- the.' q'ties- tIb.n,:.o.f/ .Vu.iiday p'ictiJ.ros, -thb Com-; fnou .vCouncjl;' oi-dbrin^ .the rbCcr'en- duifh fpllf>.\yii|g jEin /app.f-al. l>y/.Cprtr' ran.d;'bu^ihp55Svmc^ii^^ :;;/, ;•:/ • ;.;;,; ,- /•/Kev,;.Di-,: IC'ii{<erie;ti/ U^tddle; prt^tor ■<)f.the,;'l''Irst •;Co;rigr^gaiibnai-;C-iv'Upbii-,; told his.members that th.b; aV^iW'^t^ht ^hat/rypttirig /paftibs ^wiji:-''be'- -If'Sr' spnod-'if .:th;P 'ybuhg.'..Typ"oj)le ' are al- ,i(>w.o'd. -to. ■-SP'O :^iih'(l;t'y. pic.'tivrop -WH" ■-faisr*.;-' /•"./v [■:■■:■ -.•;-./ •//■ ^/./vSTAiR^Sp!P|UiiST/^ CQlSEGtk f: ,■•. •■■ '//: ^/;-./;TiOs;/A-^ifjHo>.,.:irari: 'i>:-':,; ..■;.A.iu"ibl; .:.T;i<^c,/-.h'('rP~.;^ys;. a ;g'iir'';':ii''-f)f l-'tut.b' 'Cfi.''at.b.rt^yri->;;;i(fjl^^ 'lff''<fU;, '-i;j|i.. '.bri thp; J.^i/ra;m.pUnf :piiyi'oir-US . r^;;A^^i:i(i^■^/ ;i:Icr.; flrs.L''a;sKit;hTn^ '.is/\Yi1;h. HM'sii .Van. .J)'r'o;toii-.:1oh- ':Mi.»j:;.!6hattcii':tou*W nT'xt.lncturp,.^-''U;j;ifalth:ful;'';'./.; ;,•■.' Mlk s/IjC e was. .i"b pfjji11 j' q ji • '.i;,ii if;i\ :rr>U{<i(h'tYihl(';:;:m^^^ Bvitl^i; vVi?' .;^;t;^i;^^-M'•■/y/!^^>;•.M|^ ■;;ih9;'.'k.4^;-/ lii^-'ivicr, ■• ; ::. ■:■'.•■■■■:•:. -■■".- ■/..•■ .■.-:.;-., ^.;;^.:-v;.•^;.;■: /■'^'V^ivshiUgio^^^^ /Jail /.C>.''/:;/ /. ■.; ■; ";tc|li'^1i';.. li: - .A.nvenr^b.e'parinieiit /of . ;.;; ''. .lUsti(;p- ;iii\?pi«liiatbr, luvs.;'bo<M). :or;« • ■; dored to.'NbW. :i\>rk intp..'': .. ^ tiit< ..KrK^'d; I^athb;;piirchase, ;fbilbw.-;; v'.'. ; hig. a fere'npe .tVvis . { Tup's-.-)' )ii;6.ifn ->':;' Ihg/bet^woon -J^^^^ p.rpyif'. '•./,' (Ipnce;.' and /Asst/; - Atty>;: t^oh/. .ialui'. v'V--. ;j;;.bfd 'CVBrloh*- libad; ;o£ -Til*?;, Ahii-./ '7'rlist piyisibiii; ot;Uie. dl^attihpnt^ /^.-^ •:^:Am€n : '; is ''.-accbnipah V.Cpn'h-V ' hprtlj- and. the -. t>Yb ; a/pie.. .tp, cbnfeiv . ' with; .Kaijfhiari.arid ;W^aYsh, :n t tpriie>'s : fbi* the Pathe 'in.iiiiorIty..s;tbckhp^ldprs> ,-, ■ ./: AVedhesdayv;^?^^ niprhirig,';^^ ;.;■-;;;■: -;., /-. v- ;;Rr.lC^Q has. ;aG;q ; ing' and dis;tributibn prppertieSv. bf ; ; ' Piithe..; Sales; ii)rioe/;:is;. i4,6j30,()O0i;; . '/ :The; deai; was '■" a'- i(n6e;tihg;. of ;/Pathb . ;^tockhb;ld^.rs : .: / ' held//at the'/cbmpany'e.vbfflc^iS^-^ ■ '/; ' was ,a /tumuttuous ■'se^slon^.-;^.,, V ./• '.; . Jacpb ;Cbnn,' Provide^ .' • aw her of 5;66 8iiares,;:6ffei'M y.-' the .RrKT0 .-iigure [ by'; $.liQfl;d,o"0!O./' He.. / / .offered:.-JSiS.O.qO jsvs.a'^i^ Heavily/ /■;;. a;rmed;;gtiards. bulwarked/^ .Avhlch ;]asted/ arbiind./ $ix/-hburs; ...; • .Vote fo;r iratiflcattbh ^ was .irepprtbd .; ;;.'.• : as vQfi2;.232y fbr'.ahd; ;^,0a^ ;Latter ;ii8"-i;^sa;thah'.i%.;;.-=^V; ■..-■■;>/••'■'--; -/ •. GlHcial; trahsfbr/ of-^the/ .ppppe]^^ tles;inyblyed .\vili be .effQctM; around './' .' Jan. 2B;:;:;'i!his is apparently tp^ per-^;; ^ mit/ present-;bburt actions/ of - whiclV.. ■ there.; are twb;~ bppbsihg/; the, siale.. t.o :: .'. 'n.m-.tiiPir.cburseiiv/;■■■-- ;v';/..;.^v .".•;-/;.^<--'/-^;:-'/ . Stockhpldefs'" .mebtlnj^/jwa^ .'fpa-;'.';. ; tilted by .continubus tirades agal - /; . the Pathe.ahd .ltrK-0 of ;it; liiay Eestilt,.,furtJi;pr;-comp ;.;; tiohs. with ah/arinounoiement hy.Ccr'-^; .lain; mUiority ■stigckholdcrs'^^la'wyers /: v that, an injiihctipri Avbuid be/sought;; . : to-stay/the. deal in the ::TUPSday; ; "(ff):,; V Also '^ Jabob /.Cohh,.- ;/ Providence exhibiibr!^;l^ef t' fpr Was in.gtpn, ; Mon,day (5);, night -for .aii/^..^ ap-pplritmeiht with';;tr/'./S',;/Sen. .Me calf, .of Khbde. Island, and-the^^p / ... partment/of; J.hstlcp. . Cbhn:\ '- make .'a.; cprnplalnt. pharjgfing; ;r .; , s;ti'aint. .of .. trade jaa'aihst ;the; t-v^o /' • cbmpanies' bpaMisVjand bankers^: : / ; •' . / 'V2-.'Rathe./Entrties; ;•/':. . '^-jt~<0, :iby- its/^purchase, takcis; /^^ .pver/a; io^year .lease; pf 'the. hpnife;;:», bllice / building; ,tunning ; to. arptin.d ; - jilOjObO a. year andi-hntil: pther^iilci /'v;;; bbrisldered feasible..; yir^U^^^^^^^ ribt^in :ail /; prbseiit iPa'thb;heli) .ne^Gessa^y.. .;ThIs/ •: includes pfflcer^;/ alth^^ > :■; may still, hold bh\to-..orig^^^^ • /■: "There' resulting from/tills deal .t'ivp . 'Patlie . eptitiedy: pnb..; to., jpetalh : thft.... :ch.pital istbck' of, the.-.'cbmpahy-.and ."; ' the;;othec ntiHzed/:by:.RfK-^Q;-^ f'.% . Of;/the/three featurps included' rn,. ;' the . deal halt of thb hbt.. receipts ;' abo^e .11,000,000 -^bblpnef; tb; Piiflre./■ .;. w^iilch hiay .maiko the .total, pphsidr-; ;../•■, era lion rbcei ypd ';by -. Path e,, a'ccbird- ; - Jng. tb banrcera* • figures; sbmething. ^; . ' iikd .i4,8np,0Ql>.; In/ addition^ H^-KtP .; ; asBUihoiii P.athe.'s.b<intT^^ -R^^A.- IhUii ;e.nabllnff. Pathe^ tb can pel the ■ i;; latttiii .aR;reGment./ The pipney; bb-: ' '.tained. through thP fialp-is ,to go'Torv ' the: funding ot;Pathf''« $5;o6p,ooo .i«4 ■ /;; /; .- (C^ontinUed .oh-page ;42); ; ■ ,. ■;;/ /; Ari:hur;;I.<oewr .Is.rppprtcd''.qiiiU*'^ a nd.. ;.cc>niined to • his .rponi :; in- > Nbw/yprk-'.hotol^ -v ..; ' •*; INDEX :i:.-. Vt- /•i?ioiuros./;v^;.,;, J'T'orpign .vi^^^'^. . Picture l^pyiews/'.i , r;;ilm ;;iio'ufip: ^Jipvit! w ./TSiiidhp;siioi^lii.-/;;-V >Vaudcvf)]o ;';;.i,:\...:.v -;^ravide 'Royipws ' .Tyew,; Acts \ .\ .; /../-^. /Bills - ^,/,; . Tlr^.ibfj.. .. i... -.;T3iritbi/ia;l./ .sy^S; .'y,.;; ■^Vct:nU^ii■'s /Pafitv/ ;-i,''; -;J.f;pfttihiatC!;-...v^v;. M:;rt:pr;iti-/',';" ;,-]yri)'H.i,e'•■;.;-: /■bljjt'iiary-: -ir;.yy^-^,.^J.,- ■f ''(ivt''S)'Oi'ii-lf lif•':/ .• v.,. -;■;>--,::; ;'.-vy. ■]s'iU}ii - C);iibs/;;:v. .■;^-Mitd()(n:.H .:\'.;;-.;. 'v..,.; ■ i';VM-t.t'r; T>i?;t/-.;i/'-.''v/.. '.• • riy^p-^":i'It^ui-i:r- ;,■.'\ ■ ;l:uVl('^)((i;j'fv' .'v "I'-i)■)';(• i;,'-ri' . X .;iMs4<i<'.^-r.pj/ir.;; :i 'j;i;"i'/;-i.V;yi' v^^'-;r.y •-Xp Wf^' j rr^ i! I .;.i|; >>: ■ It, ii' ;.rii>^ if.u'fc';;. ..;>-• '.8ri!''i:t'^:/ 'i'.,'y.:i.-t,^,:J'i. •^;•..<*;^^^'• * • •' s;,. '4« 4.:- ft,» >, .» • • .« 4 ,« *'*. • • ft ■ *> ^ • v». .* ■ ■■■/^!^■^ •■..-«>'/,•, ./'/v^s.;.' •5l^j;'4t': ■;/:vt;2- •■!3;!^wO'v /; -fi'fi ^ -.■'ITT-:- /■ .Tfi;/ .-,:.;.*■.*.. I J ■ .;.- '-7 4:.. /■■■■ TV;" ■■ -/-"Rtv- \"--V4;x ;'■ i.;;:-,'(!/', .■ . ;•■(;)•. -. '-. /^S .; ;. . C'l ' t....