Variety (Jan 1931)

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VARIETY • / .lu'dJcittiO-rts.; arft---t^^ ':iea;5t'; l'i)p ;^^xr)'e(litlipns may f?0 ci.wt'dui'ihf?/VJ!l|, •. combi.iyey .every "-inoo^ tyyid- (i.orhcr. iho. ■ ;;filob6';' ioy ■nt'W'jhato'r'iaT;. f oi- U'aS:clag ■.sUOrts;;';. ^ ■ 'i ^ / ' Almost - -.e-vcryi ^ Vnajoi^.;;-!st\i(Vio;^^^ V finaiicinff otic':; or^;4n6#../'<S(f'::;ttVo_. V.iVendent • . ■•cpirip-i^^^ ■: •I ini&g'. vn '.■sertililig-'oiit .:''roV<>iK OUttlts,;V;;.; • : clogs is ■• the .\i:»irfip<vtV'"i)Ql>"i!-%?lt>7 '.Pi ■•'iwQ^rtie^i■■'j^c^t1n^o■,;^ ■ ■■■liv^/Client •; dai-s llio.-, ti-aveVuKa '':wH<>- : P'oT\cya\]y: .; l()o-kPd' iU>oi>\ asvfli-nersi; .but-; since:; the' ; ahditioiiVoI. istjiinrt^.effottsv'.'.pfe .'.rinl. Ari' ■mttny -^aiands ■ is . ;iyfettirvK liild Other fields the. 'A' shol'i • bottcLV auclienipd-'l^ ^ com'eiclieis;.'. ■ . . ':'v V; . ;'•Among •Jjoiiic'^f'-thq'carly;>t£i^ from hei-o u'ill be, a UniversSal. 'OUt-. ■ fm'ii,. f6' ■ Abc:-■sanve'.••U>rVitbV>'; ■/:PhiT;(JiV .. dlitton. ''h,gn.(l.irig. :'a Unit , fo Qr-i-.; ■tmi/;, an(l/::jainQS --i>^^^^ peditioii' in': Ohii^a;\^<i:hors will 'tiik«i, . ;iri • indi.a;. Africa.. East .iifdie.*j, .iand^ ^^the/ Maifiiy-Staf^.-.:' ; ■.;■■■'■: ■'',•.■?■.■.'.■ /! v Quest':;;.for ncyir.. tailerit' has- AVai^- ners; designati^ neyf-- stock comr^ . ..■■^a.ny . on tliie ..epaijt. ..built: -iaiorig .the .-l'in^,s,;..9f ' 'si..- dramatic;:school! ; The' i huiiding -iJ^ ilr • • barik 'for; the pu ;: .vide';WB Avith.,%-cbmp^ .of ybung.. /players- for; kid 'ehte.rtainment.:,.: .• .i ' lj;hder!?t"anding i^ :tlvat.:anyU ; \Varhera jean .rtcdmrne ■;taient..'- -' 'IJ'',-.I_ . . idea :I.s , to ^ go.'.in- kid . - eiiiteiHitlnniienf. ' The. fli-sV :C<).iopletcd is virathijr's .S.on," .>vith iLieon ianiiej' .,;and • other ypiVthfui; pifiy.ers. . Stori!; ..... is by .sBoot .•' [ 'flgurcs} ian ;iiiVportan^^^^^ to ■\-any.'juv.enileVactivit .■ ■. - ..Ivair Si'mi^On -will have. charg;e; ot ... thc:.sctio:QL: .yiideiv'thC:.plari-the.:kids; appear In .•$if.otchc3 .ami .oiie-acter.s ■ £tt;tlVe studio >as f biitino bcbservatlbri . ifor the exe'c.s,As. the j.uves idevelop : th.ey. will be assigned ploture. Syoj'fc • .: c: Iro 1 • k i US', •;-b r 0 u »,'b t'^ • tr.-1.111 on f'i csVt Q w.ixV il ;.p or t .in|!;- .-.o/:. )){vitui-yf!/ ,'is:'-ha^-nij.- 'its' Vng. 'Ci:(y, :, 'Air kiii'Is^c'f :;sy?'t(fnis. rti-*)'■b^-; ;|jU'.;P'*on:i;ot^d :foiv;.e^^ i;*.. r^og^iptdr^-'d:. byv ;a.n^. :iTi(iie. ■f'xhi I?. ■aboiiit pi^ .indepc^hdi^hce;- .• -jN .'/v.-vv';;. 'I'Fe.d'pra].'. ;Ch^Seking Systcin';/-'Ihi.'.;;' .\>\hich .'slrti'tetl '. o^ity^^ agOj- is. .now .:We,ll" i.n ..thiij lea.d' uii' t.h'is.. fiC'lct;.anji.''lTa /bt-ins" ^efftc'ted," w'iie«eby^\.it- vi-ill.>iyai'. 'fi^ ■ i/iKg6/t'■private'4'^^^^^ ot iifi vyiK;.:. 'L'his. .'.vchecfeiflg.'-• 6r,gah.izati6n,;',' n'r .iHunioed■-.'by 'Siiln'i'y.-'lsyiei.iiit■ -hi '."aif atid iiin.^ . sytjleu-i- at ." a'." iMjc.eut' iUny conclave,..' .and : c'rodiiod .; by,; c.etta in iiliiv i'nt^i-eifts .a)5 /ii^Vriitt^ ■.c-bilrii"'- --iisV^ ^ivlveady- ;- eitendin?;:'?'?»' .4(^'piie/ .tn., yoihe-t--.- in(lii.sti'ies, • x>£irti-tiii - ■ Ikriy. : ■ di-j-:.• gpbds- 'and ■deparUriciit stpr'es..; 'iii-.:.sever'ai jobs.-'.--tQ;''dat.ey, .it;' is:,if'iaiined, F.odej'al .has taUoii. -biils .whi'eii .ordin'ii;:iiy,'. wpiild ;h4>'P ■■•l'>pf'n. divided • bet.ween -pther ';ag&^ • ..T \y 0 ' for me r . Pa raniip.uti t, ; exe c u r ;tiVes,; onc.: them:.jW:a are - iat th o head - .of FiOderal; .'Pia.n.s fPi" .the::iat^r haW./de.y.el^^^^ ■': sinriple vpictjire theatre. .ciieek-lip^ to - .one' >vWoh shprtlyi jtcpordin}? ■ to insiders, \viU' a'moUn't- .to ..a -ll.OOO.Oo.O iorganiiatipn;\-', ;.V,-V ''-^^^ :•••':-; :■■:: :' ' ^; ;. That .fexliibitb bbok pictures on perce;h,tagei ja^^ ly betbine parthep^ with- ;prpd", during the ruii of such pictiires. .\vas tiie .stand, taken Monday by ^several Of :th'e ..cbiintiVs ■ • putstah^^ dnd oldest: independent iea^ei'si. •. I|-idiof^ #lip squawji at any klri(l: of .check-; jrig'are-classi'fled. b^ leadej-s as "ihtlquea .S^'Hpv hiave .not ' kept-, iip wltiv the': trend cif thc- lndiistry,':'.. .'!3?residHit. llobver 'picks, .his oab- inet,:'. ili^'K-p.-. bpokora;. -picle ' .tMr!i^• ac.ta.:\; It's iho • smiiic thing: ..all tliu .t^me,.'^,':^^■;o.■yp .-botfh:' picked' ..for years becU-Usb' 'AS're -aiV'.always, {i kit,'' head-. liTiing . alibWR iahd .rppki;ng;-tiieatrps \Vit;h'-.,laiLig.btf:r. a ' -.^ '■■. y'' I. ^. A::.':';' "The /Qriginators of 'Trnty^^ : YdRiC ana klNfr ■^Vovk!: Jari. ^ 2; v rplieu'mi' •■ Ya nonii yV-r i^KrX> ./jjiiTC-Upn.:' LeC :StEWA-FtT; Briefly ir^^ Ffjpllywbpd Butlrtm^ priht^^ each Saiurd^y in :HolJyyypod/.ahd placed is a wrappep upon the reg^ weekly■~"Variety.'^^'■ ?- '■'.■'■^ ;■."..-'.■■:'.'.:■■"--.:■:; '.''.;- the Bulletih does not circulate other than oh the Pacifi Sloped . : News frpm the Dailies in LPs AnOelet^ yy ir> that pu stbmai-y .department;'-V -.-v. --;:'.,:.- 'v-V;• . -T'JVi'ifi: siriOtor. adliori^hce ;. to. . -tlio ITay'i? co-dc ;is-;'best for the i.nd'ustry, it. was jiKrhod' at a; special • studio ex(H:Utlves'. nieetiiig held '.•uppn;.i-e.- iuiest :;6i:: -Irvljvg : Tluvlberg;' ..VO.he Ihiiig ;tu 'be: cprrec.ted,'. it' wafe- ad- rnititod,- ^is -thb . gonot'kl' .tiTiprOSsipn tha t uriv. play '.in ■ sviititblo. fov-;' pic-: tiiros^if ..its Sc'.i^ee'n'4Veatiiient .eliinl- hiites- the .original: " '' ' ' •'. lihoivey "CJiic'Hgb Kurimen;;". ; wlio; ac;quir<Hi': tiiat' tof.i.fjlv^ look .bVivVeA^^^ iri^.' .gaiiic -stories,;,. ttniiP.Vhig stodioij \viHlV • d»"ni!it)ds; for, jobs;:and ■fav^)ra:;:' •' Some • are: offering . ''pr6- :ti'ciib'n < '■■ for':'.:a.-• price'.;:.' Jlbllyvvpod po-fico:.'sny . that-.75 % . bf;:.;thcisq'. Syn-. tb(,'ti.C''.■...jiingg.'i.- ha.\'0.\ oo.v,'ec.tlb.rt \viih.-any^'.gang.-::; ;■ -''^ -l -. "-.;:-•'•' in: t'Lib, 111 i<Vst;(if -a., crip^ib aye,:" a ivd JlvU.h<?iive/1l»lli''*s';-iiltrytnK'./Mt>^ 'a'- siic-- CosRi'pjv; -of itt.l'aclc-: .'ca.s'ps;, 'noitifhb.oy* huod. pkvtivro^lio'usbK- « ; ..lvi,>^. '.Vito.n iji-y».''n\ 'a npther. kiOk: fii. tho.Rao-ts>' , . ■-'..■..■^■/■■.V;-:^:'- ->-:•■' Oldknow and Ardiur Will Not Exchange .wopdi Jan; C. •:- Gacar: pidknpw cbhtittOe's Hei^^^ as executive yice-presidentjh-;charjje bi;..;J'''9x:- "We^t C^oast^ .-^ ■ ■ -\ \; - ' '.llaa-y- - .Arthiuv.: jr.V; is ■ eist and %ori't -cpme babk: tP .take 'i'ii.-i.rge. as Syas prigini^lly pJaiVned < jj&eh ip See it Jacob ,W. .Lpeb, formei'; partner: 6£: •.IN'lllliam -. .ehtcrprisef?,'. i.^ ",suing^•him -- -^^ih.' Sii-, ■ pi;eme Court for .;an rtccoiintlnff o"C. t\yp yentures.; One is^connectod T\'itl1.> 'groiips.,pf::entcrprisGs: prior ■ and the PtlVet'. stlnce; -tlinc Avliicli ; . vi-ere- generally- -iassociate^^ :w.'ilh pr. ■\-?;on'trblled :.l)y. l^r;--Ii^p^^ .'' • .Juoeb • asserts.. thait^ a i 'r'ust,' -ih-.-'iiis. .fa,vor a^-osp ■ through .ri tl\b- .sale of-. . • stock, in :th^!<e- Gorpbrations iogiethpr. . - ..\yi t h:. pt) K^rs vwii Ich MH'o rnbfged. In .'.tlie. Fqx yi'^llm^^^.^ C ^if.insi^tis-.'ltliat.'.Fbx ag-pbed; ;t-P: proserve - iiis: irit.ffi'bsts ii'e .Syo.uld -vvi.thhpld-.. ■■ .s(>lii|)ig--his:stbck-i^ V^;- ., ^Tr. ;Fpx.Hvas liled <a- Kpri.eiral- dbfiial . Vith .nirie^; ^^.cpa^ate,' deifbnfibs: Ayhich -tlvof"si'a.t.bte ■.()f;--Hh|iti^libns • by. \vhibli [ the •a,f>;-.l;! .bJirred ;bb--. . ^ cause: it,:\v-i]is-: l>r()iig^^^ -. :tlVe^^i\.i:nR -by:' t>oob.- bT a -K^eubrJ^ .: ^.ibapb 'p:f:.'!ill. c^'iims-'fi^ '■i'^<.*^' ', ..latli-^iv.^^^applio.d .■■t to ■ ■ ankw^??/: - tl'ib.-.. -geiiet-a if'.. relea siS' - aivd bt her'.dofopsps,^^ rlbniiindbd '.to .. bo, «UG>v'i.i ii AHipy bf . tl,io,-release; C-:', .. -: Cbur.t-.-,:r'Ui('d:.t.h^^^^^ nuvrtt.- .an ^. ft\ver'-.,thf-lri:altb ;. ;i)i'C-')V--.s;V:OVh only 'it-. V)li;M(Vstiiti.c-^Gppy ..-bf ■.'i/it? -.aH-tJj^-od.v roiba^^ lie :■ :AV;tbt'sv4brse<y'H(he.-:prgi!V^ ^; . ■..:jblin>:J5ani;t:.^bfi;s .i^br;on)i;!:.-^a.-.y.i*^c 'pre?!iden.t: b'f-Ti:aiis-buxi-..;,i:bc,;.'v:-lH i!-(mVpan.y •- fs^'hehxlcdv;-by:--;ebii.rii:b|ih .•. Smith;--1- .< ^ -:'-^-- -■':■■• '. ' A^'-. ,.-.'■-■: ■.' .C.: ^Sanft -ombiaiiy • iolnctj :.thf novy .■ 6rirairiiratipn Jan. aiid. wf 11 ^ . .'tiv^ on ■ tlib ''theatrb. .end,. im>ppsal ..bblttg- tb . string, ,'Kbi:ies' pf ..small ::i;ripa;;- U ,tlieiitre|5; across: ihc tbun ■Uy..-.■..■■■■]}: ■:■■<' ': ''^'-^]':'. /■ - ■ •, ::^ ;::: '■-,V. Actively; jdiijstj \\^m^ \v, ; $^t•--Nlbnoiifvld, l-orinb^^ly finaiiciai k.dvlser, • t.b ••-'\yarn;t!i-s,..>yith ,Gpidm.ari'-,SdcliSi\,l^knkerSi, ; . rc signed.- fVoin the latter, .coiripani* ' to as,; i' direct - pps .witly. the-.- pic vurP ■■.lu;m, ' '; ': -. '.'-. p-;;:' So far. as ki>b.wn-. MeDonaid Syill oG.biipy .an esle post 'in-thbv^V'B .tlibatrie .divisipn • Close..-: .to' .liari-j/: VV-arner and .S.pyrps iSkPu.roSi... bai)iibity. lyill . lie -. pui'ely^, to ac.cprdih^ to infbrmaiiPp/; V / ' . ' Afpppisaid's ..inpye:. ;is,- a' personai One;, aiid. in, no. .way affebts or deals ■yyi tiii': - any.. m^^yorii'eii t by ,Goldiiian Sablis biv bthW -rectlbn/-. ' ; ;^ ■;.:-..- .-: . 5lci:)on.a:i<l's , .go ing .WB, is u nd or st(/bd' ,tp. 'liave. beeii .at 'the . personal; rbq Liviit ofrHarry'W PrC:S- iderit; ■ ^ -'r '^•■,': "■ '-•'-■..:.-':. Although - nbt .deflTiItc,:'digcussiphs an>png hbme, i^roduc'tibh.' arid. dales eic'e'cutivfes . are albiig the ii.nes, tiiat; Badio, win distribute Pathe' prbtlUOt bh :a .sin^lb ■ unit.-stiar. plan similav to. that-' Used. .byUiiitpd •"■ Artists^'.' The plan, hibSvc-vei*,-ji^.: not ."piart 'ot'.-any reeihent . fpr;;, the 'Pa-the-^dib 'merger,.•'-''. -■ '"..■ .,■..':.'■.' ;.;';--■-;.: ■jpveri. if the:, plan, ^irqea; thrpji it will takb .about' fpur '^to . i2: Sycfeks befpre : anyO^iiig.. effebjtuai •.. towards carrying: out. this salps ^ idea . dan ."b.e dpne..: ^'tatiis-. of { the: ;:niergbr j :pre - ceedin^a-; thus. :.far. reypiv.e .vphly arbund, a contract for i>?ithe 'tp sell and fPF- R£idib./tb buy.'- / •;• ,• yhdet'.•the' ; prppbsfed^^^ plan,, .as :mPstiy.: discuss'ed frpm' the Hbliywobic^ erid, Is that nbhe: bf the Piithe .fe?iturev product^^^^^^^^ oyi " block' seiii.hg system.':. Pat.he-s prbsent" exchiangbs and sel.Iiijg: .br^^^^ be-devoted tb .the~ bxc.liisive distrlbtitiprt pf :8hor't siibjects, - .-Radib: taking :dlstrlbUlibn Of the Pa:th€. foatii ; ■ ;An ■ .uhusru'al • t"*^^^ t'P the latter ahglb is that frtim-present talk^^ is pian'ned.' to-'glyo - the. ;featur^.s .key ppot... pteviewig of ^.a:^ sort "befbre il-Ki:o~ rt;ctua)iy: stai'ls;: distvibu It may; ni^sin ;thc system wIII: hG ' on .;a. solo 6tivb- .draft System , in Constance Jibiinett;, AnnV.IIa.rd: Lng; .iand. ■ jleien .3->ye^ .Pathe (ig.iires it; hfV^! s tar . names cpih .able :w.ith pthbr. burrcht. bi^> li by- first'SPbtting. this tr/o's piciu .iii-- tiiie' -kby;; sppts/--a. .fa,ii<br - vie-w. 'bf .prides .to' be charged, geribral dlslri butiort: maf t^. can .'be -ahaiyzedi ac 'cprding'to;-Uie-; Idba.. ■■:[.■/:'■'. . 'Fa jV da iVc'i ng: .is; .1 isi od- iiV. .the' h.eSv. ::'iiiv'(M'sity "hF.: Cv^iliCpi-iiia -ccirrieuiiiiii iS:':u'|naj'r)r'ij,il)tly..':' '; ';:;'Vc'-' V then. Pattl. tukiis. thirti choieO;; - :.Tttle ^alsp-i?: ; 1 : ''ClmmaroTiV CR^iby wlll;pif('iMi at., the :Oirpheiim. at f5.. for a run ,sta;rting''!:;spbn. \-:.: : ■..KdWard.. :M;biit{ighe,'' Par'^ scbnairio - editor,:. fiJirb.ute.- east ..for' n«i'lc;rlal; He.: 1 eft, Sunday: ■(-l^.; : t),: A..i>b.i-an',; ^ of: Par's. :New: -Ybrk:-; bificb,. corii^s 'Nves'V>v.ith'in''(t-.\ve.ek> .::. -.:'.' .-:'■ •-■:•..'-. . :no.ward iliighes: has bought "Hbl-^ l-y\ypbd .. Melody," -M'iiinifrcd'. Heeve,: thi'bugh. ilal;;^ :. is;-about Hbllyw'bbd extras.;. • eblieeri - '^Idore -. 'WarttS:-'$'75,0013 '.to pliiy tlib.^liead.-tit. '^Seed:'-ifpr -U;;.^^^^^^ .ijet-tbijether 'as'yet. •/:-•- v.;;^'^^ ' v.. • \ Millard :AVebb: Avili-^direct -tvvb for; .I3ritish ■-;^Gaumo:it-., .-st.artlhg. Feb.- 1...' Ile!3 - ii) . Lphdon -: ho.\V,,: yv»hb»' ;' Vii's.. wifb,^. 5iiary'';oit; is • doing,.'iv •'show, .\- ..-WarhbrSAvill'split'.intb;-t\yp^-l:'p .' the...wild';. ahiiiifil: '.picturo::: iiri^^d^ .lay'' ircari -' -irrank:. ■ a.iid:', '.rbleasev .'iAji :'.!'A.d.-, • vbrtiuros;-in'-':Ai'i^icii.\ ■--; a' ■.- :Th(fv ciiiv.'s' -.iJ:bito.y-.o't'. a:.w.ard-v Ang .indi-\'UUUil'. trbphips. tp. the :year's '^bc'sts'*: iiV .pictur6s-:.prbi)abl'y ;w:il,t~ be- ar o^ipcir in: fayor Pf: phe large trpphy for:: baclx. class.•Svhlbh never becoines: the 'prbper.ty . of: :the .vi'lriher. ■ in-:: stii'ialv the : victor, will: get; Ivis.-tiamO pngra-ved on it lihd 1)6 perrnitted to ;ipld it; for a • •.Academy mbm.;- liors. ~ believe: -;thc ^ smalt lihdiyldual; trophies air'e hebbmitig tpp- b^OriimPn. Jack: Warner .AvarhedLhls.; dirbctprs and ' -yvriters by;:letter to qiilt prom-' islrtg . jphs to . fenimes. • "^V^e have a casting' Pfhce;V he prpds.,.'.' - ..... . lErlb.:'Vpn:;Strpheini and./ Myron. Seiisrijck went .at. each ' pther .in. the :Ne\v' 'Year .'.festivities: ^at; the -.. exr: cliiisive Malyfaii". :,.I^b .(Sbrl^ .^.pi.m-:: .--.:'-:. '.:-:- v'^': '.'■•- '•;;'•: VI- just told ,hini what I ,thought, of; him " Selsinlck explalhed,;. .''and then'.i't-. started^';' ;'.;.;M-r'.-"; . ..'.;- :\ .Ma;e. .Murray. :vgets ahpther whaCk at- pLctures... !Ra:dlb gdv'e her a'priii.'; Cipal -part in.."Rachelo^ Apfirtmen.t.'' starring* ..diid ;. dir.e.eted. by .tbw'eV fSherman; : : . ■■''.'r" ■.'•-':■.•;';:".r-'V'- Anxious : to:; keep -.its vAmcriG.a.n ^tar.*i -pbpviiav a.brbad.-. Metro .plans i. re.turn: tb .dbbhihg fbr ma for--- eiprn-'^'elea^b's, r'/y' ■.-.•''•;"/-v- '^'- •:':"■, ■. Nbrmn, S?li*'arer '\ "'$trat.Vc:or..s. Wp V kisis"-, will use th.h~ .Amerie,!!.!! ':Gast and ghost S'pic:<;i$ -for iiU V<?i-sibns. ; DoihW. a ■ small, /part, in ' VN's ''Illicvit-'. .and - thert- rotiirhihft: tP stock, v Joah ■ r?lbndf;il; .is^ being .brou.fiht ;back .to- play - ibads .at Bu( bank.; '.-•-.;■ '..■'':-' "'"-' -'. • -'Flying High" is..-' hrpught tn the co'ast in.tact a:TidJ.oP'ens at the .BiUmbre .itan". 26. ' Tfll give Metro .ibok .it oVo;'p.rQUghly - before "filiTiiiig; ' ;->■ V.^ Sigmrtji--'iWa^ iliV^ks'v.^-^ • Iri Advance on Goast ■■■ r'/.;.'' ^'.'-'Hoilj'^vbbdV Jdil. fi;';-. ■'. ,K')i^c6ura.p lvit?.i;e/..acror(l,injj;; i'(V. asbivtW;. - i« Oio:- Signing; ;bi? v:mii:M>.i? .-I.^laycri; - f-bl:;..'pl.ctiirM^^ :S<:l\cV.ltjilb(i tu.str{i.rt'tilV.laUev part vpf'i'bbiMiarJ"^ '.I's^ur'.aifYahiMV v'l^ .iiX ;-lh<:sb ^tl'ayt'i's •i's-iO-di'iyv-ar Agr'nlt's^ 'ti.u\ 'Htii(iibs ■'w.ill -iirvtliVi .-iii-idKt'.\)t iH-a'Vj:: prbdVwli.<iiV: -i-l 'i^iat'-:'i,iin.e'.-;;.'- -''•".;'' "';,. 'i-:/ " \ ', -,o^' V'-'-'/jVbliywbbdi '5J:JlriV>'{i^.;--.. (^a(:I. I.:ae)nnVlo^-:jr;, is .i\bt:;gbi)i!?,. tb ' vi,'. 'V^ork' to r a. nuvntli or ;twaj ^VlibP \i<^ vdbes ..■entrain^ ^f.ce- •naiib; - ed^ ; wili- 'ibobmiSany^ ; -^Jptli seek: iie>y.: s,tpry:-materiaVi;. .. ;• .>. '. ■ \ ^IJaehimlc/: ;Sr:Y v aJ^ ■Coast..-'-'^-V -■>■.-' - :; ,•. -'.-, -':'■ ILAy iOR COAST WORK Parfih^.ount .has l)ought'. the. taiker ritflifs ' to the J.-ibbert. 13, Shcrw.bbd plajv ;:''This-^ls -i^ewi; "iirprk/^/f^^ ;p.rpductibh^•pn the west ;Cp£<P^^^^^ ,;^e s pia>i'' spid:.foi''' w'ithi'h :twb iytfeksr t)ihrr is..;'\\:atcriyp :Br'ld^ iiy'; Universal..'v • ■'■^:'\. ;^;/.,' :..■:--'•'■.',.■:;-.'.V :';"-'T-Tbliywbbtii.^Jah:;'^;^ : :!' A; jiaiviy' ' hi Kbxv bXbbii;.. Ibav-p-. ' fbr iS>>'W-''-Ybi'jy tjiihorrpW;-.(AV^d:^ , :!^Vrty^.^•'bbf^.lpl-•^sc.«) .'-'TSir.. • {\'hd---- .i^.Iirs; JilnTbs-.i;^i'<'r^-'M Jfoi^ri- ;Al-;i^.'\vi!?w.5>^^ Vic-iitiaplMbv:-- \ ^';V'(>yi\: ami; j^ha'pirp Will ;.rbnVai'|i. i:.i .tfe^»^a;st': six \m.«>!i'Ui>5i :;:tlicir; i'::<':vi'M .bbj'K-'':;r -.- ::\^' .■-'>:>■;■.- •;'---. -.''■ y:':. ; hie I^>y^ oh Own ;- -N"-!.-':.': ;^Hbiij^wopdV:J^\V''6i . Bryah,: Fpy. is. ;^' Into':.short production : apaih, He's' *haekIng himsolf and has; a noveity Idea, h<> states.-'/.' ■ ,.-•.■-■-''-■■'-'':':; ■'. '-".-'.;:-', :r ;GPc^-iutb wprk ncxit yeck^:; . :. • -^tai-t^ o-f-vVraV'?fcUeij *of.-fhj>..-??-fvo«'ts' wits, delayed : orib day because Will- iam Ppwt'll ' shoAved : up with : a shiner \a.hd .np. expian'atibn.' \ . Lriidy oft. by -'Tiffanjy,- R^ R.arisky and . Sig . i^'eu.fald . .are:. impOt:tinp seyen Chimp's ^ frohi. -'pormairiy- a.hd pl&h ' to i^ut: . up ■:^>bpic ^cbm.pcfitlpn. against. Tiff's. .c.him.p .two.-reeslbrs-,.- Po.gpy '.Itbm'illbrt has hbbh; DiPr jipiiitGd .pfUbiaJv City:-i Ipsfess by the, city'iGoiihcil to;gr'eet.'-livtibiuihg b.Olet)^ rilles.- .This lakes' aj loq.d bfC the studib'si^ -■'•'- :-;-^.-;;. '.:'''--'':^;'- ;';V., - ." •-. • 15xt ra, JTar.i'y. :-T1 erri by..: sbng writer, .hiid. his- option taken:iip by Radio;,' .' -^'V f.^.^;: '-. ^ ■ F!i)y;V.:-;.fcnin'ie;.'.«tcscret;- service ;(.a.U>:. -bj-i ...Rarotipss V'a.rI:\.--,Joi.ih.p^;en liati .bbeir p).iii.H;ha't!cfd:.-by .\'\',p:r;iorso.fbr. li)oi^tliy;'MiW:kjiiIl,;; ' .^^ ;'. ' ;'.'iriawatha.'• .-ri-i.adb'. 'by. TTnlve.i' ill'.:,-] <K)«]; .-ia; \i p,-. for a; tfi' .rprn.aIce O.n.l'y. pxistihg> prinL.'is: ihv tlVie Tj ' (icb .-ii>;;:0.('rm'aiyy; ; -;;' ,-'^ .:':' /IiV'-an■'.■ofr..()r.t .-■to .^'-lil ^lnwiv prbnilf t i()n 'cp^fj's. -M'ci ro- .-i.s* [ tr.yinjtj rto .get .i'(-»1;fMWi ■'liis-^;("lpwii .tp .twb:.'W--«>el.vS ur-' -' ibi5,s.-. '..(if ■'K>.ti(i'g-. .ttn-i'e,''.: .Fif'i-' tln-biighjs: Spanish'''-AI;a<Ianic^->^^^ ,i;r:,days.Vv;--_y::.---V''■.•■'■■:'• ■■■. '■■■-Xr,' Fa iUhg';to got iiarbara .Stahwyb Ghalrlie:- Rogei-s - is ' lobki'ni^v- for-, girl f or/ ■^'.i'hb Registered: ;AVOtiii^^^^^^^ s<j^hcduied.-tP star.t,ian..:.aQJ,'-;^.^-V ' Edha.'R_est,-,i.egi^^^^ been signed by Metrb; .;■ She. tirvivbs; ' .shPrtly..-'.-'. ■ •-.:•■'■'' -:■-''- '-,-. -i'^:''■'■'-',.•-■'.'.; •Joe Sbhnitzel: and-lice Mai'cus :left • for New 'i*brk .Friday (-2)-. and.;Wil-; Hain.'LieBarpn gets, -away -iSaturdViy. (io)..,' Sdhjiitzer ..Avil^ bo ba.G.k. at tho 'tWo'-wc'eks.'' ^-^V^ ■---v^;./^---',^^ T.hohias rHiMT)de.- Cbrp. .W. siuing^ Edna R;! SCiiley..-for' thb return ..of u"" dozem scrii)t3j- plays;- and .'books- shb;.- jyas.- to seir at' 20% cpmnii.sslpn t.vvp ■ y(iar!3-.;ago.-'-:' ^ .';.•' .'-'-:.-';■' ''' '■•■ ' f "Pbrgy" put'PfC indeflhltc1y.-;at.:th<i .Civic.. Repeftbry; "Inspector <»bn«> eral,? by. Nikolas G6gol>. wttiv: Noel.:,: Madison featured^ opehl^/ instead ' iti--. February^;'; ::■ '"'' ' ;'.. ■■ •--:':'■ M.itiil liajbs ii» here' fPr';<''.Gyr>«y,'*:' by- Myron C. Fagan,>which opens,at: thb ColVmibkti Sah ^Francisco, either.. Jan. 19: or ZQ, :. ■' ?' V :' '-.-• . ;.,'•'^.^:-•:.^ Columbia. will ; ti^lkorlzb: "The.- Midnight Uicpress;" .£prmerl-y itnyde ' silent:; :.-^;;\' ..- ■:',•■ :■.:■>■'■:- ■ ■ :'-.:;,'. ■ ' Verai .Teas'dale replaces Rpl.>erta Arnold .' In ' the .legit. cajBt . ipf- vSidr.: . Graurhan'.f! '!."6nc.6- in ■ a .LifbUme,''.',^ reaiiyihg. fbi' productioh.. jiih her . hMsbai^d, :^John. .Will^^ Miss Arribld 'Cast.i- .;, ' ;Secbnd Frenbli version'at.' liadibi, Will, b6 :''Baehblbr Apartvneht," Avit^ Leon; ■ d' Cssedu... and- Ilarry. d,d. la Faiaise-^cp-direbting.;^;^ ; j':'-v."v.;- . Frahk: Rcicheir, off-./at- M^sti-o^' a^,;; dialog; uirbctpiv .retiirns.'.to Paiiic. ,i6 . Jim .Grawfiu-d,. . steNyar(|> a Masqubr.s, resjgn.s.,: HC's morb.than. :$5,P00: bill' pii. .loans to members;;-It. is..reportCd,-'.; •'-'.;.!'- :';; :,;'--v';.;-, :; Afltn\ a short iuli WBtFN . re- sumes foreign prpductipns . with ,.a Pcrnian edition, of, ''Sacred IManie.'' \ I^opks .-xs if .'A be -Lymah will; l.-ilv'b : over the'MaisCow Inny-. • •:.- ' - . ■Gepi'g.e;. Ai-liss' , ''l^uiing P.afisioii". will get: .V nbw- ha,hdie .iat .Warnbrs fio it woii'si-. conllict -with th 'of .'that--titled ■..''.,■': ^ •-,.■:-;-''•"'..'---. After a .Ghi-i.^tmias- liiybrf .,' Roac1i -• istudlps are. again, active. ; James-Rcrin lb is here ttt 'isp i'Hp . y^B's: ' :'^I*arty;.- i?uBhand;'' . opposite JDpruthy Miackaill.'. ■ '...f .. -. C ■ .' .^' . . Ahbt.her; Pilber.t -BjBeseniyi^r 'IBV'Qj* '- ect w.eiit on. the pa,n this.Ayebk when- •the^ Chi^st'le: i'Ulm' Go/- ffl s'lilt • to pfetain a^clb'arinp of- title ot Its.prop-.' chy on -Which the. Se.nnett, .stands:' ' Th^^';convicted'-, bank. .•:em-;; •Uezzietr wis in .b '•. ''Li'b-Vel'y-''^Jia'dy.''.-i being.'.s^r.fen;.-. '''d::;by'..:"W';il!?o'h -:Ano.--- I'loufjtbh liraiuvh,.' :-/;-.'■'-.."■■'.- ■'';-:.:';■ '-.Adblpli'e -.Mbirjb.u^' Is. iba.ib Ibact'.l^ .Mb.'trb;.ij'. . ''Anvbrig..tlib - ■:' 'Mrirrled,".'-' 'Ucu.^7ir-:;^\j':i\yyriv-(Bi'.bO -.'■.-: Filni .^bl<)ny-s -golf chainj\ .(Teorgb. ■Marsh.dli, .•iviii: -dirbbt . Hobby. :Johcs' gp];f shbrtS./Cor.-'l^arh^^^ i'; ■-' -:-,. P'ar'is:,third choice .o.ppb.^itc Ruth:- GhjittcrtOn In '''.UnfrtUhftii;,'; ,1s. John : I^odbr. ■ Fij'St .it; was ; Gltye Brobk,' . i. M^voTay ..S'uiltii; ,:or(Jhbstrit loader, .at ' the Mohtmartre, - . niakf.!? . -Ji'^ - scrcen- \debut '; in ;.'VVar'ribr's - "The- lJevii-vras'h?k-'k;''';- -;':-■'■-: -:V-^ -:;■-' .-F!oi;wb --;un'ko-\vh-.' iiviigg. . has forgih.g.'..Rill ^.'jPer.l.bC-rg's nah'V?:, ;(1bck p^ ^cl■i'bGkF.:'-. .'.' - :,- . '.-, '; : Itocn :'tbvao^ ■ S(xnv Shiviby, :Metro- districi".man- ager, for |jhi(.-agoi.^'b. :i:pr.ii va- c\(diPii.'.'/';-'V'v .■.;.'--■-■ -''-•'.-..:;'.•:':-.: -\:\--- ''" Karl-vAl)*!. ' Paratripunt .'ori hasTbeen. switched ;tb;;Saii: AntOV,*^; ■ •;..<CPhti.!iued ph'page i'p); :