Variety (Jan 1931)

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Paris Building, 1$ Bdirievard/des Itatliens 6ibleAd4r«fisVVARINEWS^ PARIS : : Central 01-57; Louvre, ; M-$^M INiSWITZERLANPr •'r/Britisliv -Gaui^lopt has ; ^stsirteti: l)6c)kinpV .fiilkt'r/' {>rd^^ ■..oh fi-. flat ■'arran'^meht;;/-: Gaiiiifipnt rtficert tooH- aVstfUirt for. ■ ■. nfia-iimum '..payitiertt .df -i.S.Te', 64^^?--. fintee aiid Bo.'b^y:(.j.ilicl;iha.t ^iihiit; tli<>..:oriip 'pxi?oi)tion;vb('i)V in.vthf;- > .'ftasc -.df ••'';a?afn<ii^V^-(N^>Sy.; ^.fho:: j^^w^':'^ jf'ioi?iii .Miolic^ •, I.^.%t.KRf'iT 'lO''ca5it Ci'-'g^ • ofvda'uihdjii^to,,. refa;s^^ to.;- piiy^gurt^-s •' iviitees'"-Jji'^^Pn i\: ii- -. waxi hi \im '■ of'-i -'r'Tc.• ■ c^xoept. oir- ic)n'!r ■fi'.atnres,; . ^ ■; V. .• A.r.-.tljc- -^nmft >«tiW tlio;iaati'motlt- ■ ori:\hesti:a(3':;:.ftn<ll-.' ■>!tarJlihS,-.-;V;'Ulr;;-tit? ■ • .end; . o.f. Jan.jLiai'y■■ .iH'P'sejnta.tion$r ;a ; jsiage ■ slio.v'a. '.oi ..Oih^y '.- kin^k, ;.\\vili:-)ie ' ■ eiimihatcdi'.. ■'.^: --:v '•• ■ \ "VVlie^n^'iihe. circuit fii-j^t :weiit.ip.; the, : jallie^r-vpolicy' liiVe-.-m^^ ..Ui?l)eJ.isod .\\itlv/.V;).ut the;pitin reiin^taicvJl. jn ; ^rai^^ iyji^n?' preserita- tipjisf and . S^pec-ialti ..■.^verc r',add.ed. ,' Experiortce. of. eifirht..,m6.nt}ig': has in-., dicated. to the nVianiagemciit thai t added.- show nVeans ■npthih& to ^the. •hoxpfnc'e. : >ThiVt<;en..vhdus^?ij rai^, i teoted^iri.; iHevncw-Ptder;^^^ Sues Gerjnaiti: ;.Ber.Ji.h, Jan-.;:t5, :■ ■ PoUd^vinjy the bahpinff''^ol. iilch.iV^ dsWald's'hexy jlit>v,<^^ th,e)-t^tate' .^pcnspr in«i>H(ed ..•h.y-'-thfi' 'lj;oi-(>.ii^iv\ Offle?,,' C)P.>'i^ald;-has '.'•jj^oUsl^t s u It;;: age i n s t;, th e. ■; ■ H o<?V(i t i^'Jv;- ^ ■'I'.lVe' viplot.xn.:«>. •ha9.;lo.;: 5'^J' .Avl^ .t.luv iiriffiii' ''Of-, .wsi??'. a mlV.te. • G|a'.i ui c'd; y- hv' aiviL-vi-hr pmpapandal...' ' :• ;.;f;rQ^ihd ;;bl;..'''the: ■;.pi:pduce^r^ is. tha;t\ h'e\vui«uitted.i'ho'-; film vtp>tlj')ij • F<^;^^^^ Ollfce• umV; hacl ■ coniplied . : t\^i th all''; obiectio'iia ; }■■>};•■ ultoriTig-tho'':nia,tnj:iai; ■• • '•' ^; :v.'"^V:!. fox IJSES CADTIORIH Reiborted ; $idjiing for; . Holdings ■ .J- -'-J '-Fr^ch'. Cfihto'hs.;:;-/' . in .;• ;' ." '-., -'-^ '-':;;\ ■■:0'<^u(Tva,,:-Jan.;.:6..-^;-,': .; .^lClo.lj;6>(ipldwy n;!s;/is\v^isii; ox<;hahi^^ l■cVrn'rt'^^ly-•■ .-nuinniCPil.' f^^ \iCiiyy's- h.e.a(l4uai;(.oi'.si' :.ih. Paria,-. has i\o\Y : b<?(>omp .an •iricleporiderit .'entity. (^uy(ei'ih'g^'.its^fi^Vl^■;tei^^ ■ ;' \ -CpiHOi.d.p.nt-;- .\\<itly.y.tliisd-hange,;.in niauagcraent tlie. story, i.^j.^abpiit tiiut 'tiie Am.(^iri.c'ah..c;bni]^^ jiiiVdhrtVe^^ ■. ih^ th« Fi'C'UH^i ;Sp'^ak'lnfC: cornrhunitics,'linVuis.lVPd - . fi'oin';-..llie •Gah.tons Avhc*n'i^Vcv^rniah--is :$ip6J^o ;' ■;;.: '.:..;; ■..-';-;'■ - Biida:pe!5t,:'peG;' 2Ti...' :■• '■ :' •':';■.'v'tondoTiy';-JaH^ :■6^■.. ;Tlie lilm' censpr. lias 'Corbidden exr. hlbiticin of., tl'ie picture, .•''Out\Va;rd ■■13P;und''-;.(\VB):;':'x'; ''r-'"^-.-':- " : ■ ■. '-i:-^ .^The .ah'thqiv SuttPn. \>hCi.'t'nt'ered': a;:pii;ptei!t(.;arguing'^ verWipn cpnttiins;;Tio hifxt^riai cYi&ne^ •from thi^ -stag^.; pl^y/-. but', his plea >vag 'ignpfed. • .Genspr even: de;eliTfed. .W. malce kn Bbjc'ctiph^.;':;'-.-:-..:;^.''-.• ;;.•.' ;; .At' 'thfe: sam^.;time- the .plEiy 'ceftsP.r :~ba;rined; ''Th'e- Last. jMile,': but it Will ' be''produced for one ...;pe;r£6rma;nc^' ] ; by; .t-h.e Ali^htxirer's' -.Society.;.;at;;t|ie ; Phoenix theatre;! Ja;h. .18 (Sundaiy) ' /• -r-,-: •. ; .•^•.■;' ;. .,'•;'■;'-..-l?ai:ls',;-^aui;",6;' .' .' 'F6'x-lf?' pr.o;c.e;e'ding.>wi;tli .cautip.h in. hisii.i.ivg.- .■^Pnijhitrae.hU^^ piaV e.r,k-:'.' ies'ts' ar^^ he^fhg . niade!; .'6C'; a;c.tiirsp. ,:b'vt. budgip,t- l'imi't& vmake.; 'it hece>fea.ry.'to .sfet itipderate' s.£i.iai:ie^. !A;g:ai'Ust tiae' .iowef llg i$\th.e ;adv;antagi^ bf-'^^^^^ :hiiig--six 'ri)Pl1t,hs^^,....'--';;..'-.■^v^' Situation-; lea.ves.;:'perfprm'Grs; .'uij.-. certain lij. hV^^^ MCanwhiWi Johh^ Stone' .arid .~"Max:-^^ Goiifstant.. 'will.- shprfly - .pro^c'eed '.'to'. JgGrtln<ati(i"tp iiadi^id;,. pfferin^^^^ tp: chpsea -iJlayers; Tliey .-svill: thejr return to: the . home office:' in ; New Yorfe.■:-•:•:■'■"''■ ■'"■:-/]'■. ^■■'■:\ -^'\ KtAtON SILENT RAZZED Pari.s Faps',fte'sent;^"Free;;and Easy." '-^ \'>-v iyi1huS;.:Dia.log;'.'. ^\-' ' :'■ ■ ";■•'..'; 7-;;'"'.^Beriiii,'.'iJar).;-'©;: ;. UniVeriKaVs-..E^rlilV P^^ plan . nihg tP.^ha'nffe ..'.^4l,l. :Quiet"'Vt6 hiakO ■ it; .siiitabi.^ ' i;6r .coh^ ■■'.mahy^ •/' :; •■■: 0. y '■■'■■.:■ '''<. . /S^y«'ral :vj^'' :: .C'S .iVViU:^ go , put^^ahd . :.pthers ;.ed:itc> ,. llTe.'hlin">heii; r'esuhmi'tted -.the ■censor board. T^hejr hopp to:' show- it .ag;jii:n ..early: • ■iri-:'Ma,rcl^..''.;.- - :•;■;"■.-•:-.'. .'•- ' •■;;:■•,\Paris, Jfui;-,-is. t'l'o's tiiker, ^'Fr^e. sJind-. Easy,V- retiticd' .^^The;' pirector^' ;';.(:yiileXteti^ eiv.:Scene'')' was-'shown, .a^^ the Madv |~elctine . sileiit'.foiw.f Bu'ster Ivc'a- .,ton!'s. - Tiaihe; constituted. :a d^rtw -:.fpr thfe. .French ..f^^ri^ the. i'.ilent yersrp'n. ' RazzVh'g. of •.tiio hictur!^' .started in, |. Seycral' i>art's. '6t '^th'e -hpus.o'''ah.d'; it .bc;cGwe..,hoce.i5S!^^^^ to '.summ6h;,.'thc ripljccVto :calm tlii.e distiivbancie.. -- '.l ',A;s'';'a;'Cim.pi^ rut; 0It a -.grhi i: - seh.edui e -in.s f cad > ot sep.9<rat'^; afte.r.noon :ii:nd cvenihg :i)ei- fpi\pi'u)iice5J -''■•.':/;^'\ ^- : ■;■-•■:'. ■ An^St^?!" da mJan. .(5; Vwill. 'be .shp.wh. hero, censors,^.' tp^ ^the^vgi'cat surprise, . of.- the-;"lpcai. •ne^v.slia^yer.s Who vexpCct'ed authorities Up .brdVi; cutting because bf. .the; .Gerhian, riots. . vv '^All .'Qiuet"^ tmc'iit'-ihy'lthe i?.ri IIg t-rte' -F^ t'st; S ijeht .Fi 1 ni;" reads, jt paper'.'itdv.erti.s'eriient-hci'^.'roi''' 'i'iz-.i^xlu>^;v;.\'.^ ;■;^.'v^.V;■.;^V:-•^;:■'•-^'■■'' ■; 'The ,adv.eVt•''•^lii.oivt-. h{i;.4-. -.rt tirac fed; bi}j, 'au.\lie)ice.^', 't(}f-, .^'uddcjh'ry' evcrj'.- bpdy- 's.e'omsy.-. dead.^' 'aga'iiTS't i .thikei?.s ■■ %nd':a.jj 'sjfriehp hize;d:pi\bdbct;^ jNIctro's; Budapest hpusei. K;^^^ thc^ flr,^t.. orchestra 'pfay-^evoh '^pir- t'he -nights; /Wlic'ri;.. talkpi;s: are' . pre-- • ;'seht'ed.,; -' Up .hll'np-w, exhibitbi's- hierp':- saved; oii .oirchiestrAs; ^liit't -they. .ifJiTd tp... 'spend ;on. --Sviring, ."b.ut. tiiei*;. .arc fln^iiig •.ou;'at'-ft: ^^^^ They'have.; to- gefc.b ■.■■ .':' -. ' For ;fhe. niDineiit: Hungavian .audiT; enccs ;seehv to . haVe-.-^ tired ;pf. lie^aaung .talk', in. lahgo^ges.. hpt th PWriiv' PaV's; second. Hiing.arih.h • ver siph,; -^he. .Woman; Who. Lavighed,"; ha:s. just heeh:priesehted.' . it i&;;bettc.r than t^Vfii;st,; ^\T1^^^^^^ hu't ;t.hei'e, is ■shiaiil, ciiihce. of a rea,! su;cceBs:- '6116 ' flx'^i-wback, -to: Iluii •gariaTa.^ piciu'res:' "is '/that a-; story. Nvhi.cli; mi^htvipj^ss mtislex: .in ;aL silent, or. foreigh pictiir.e .'g.ets .muc.h rnpi:e; ^e.vcrely. i.pi'itlcizcd, ■ .if; it '■. lia's d:;ial6gu6 ;iftv iliingarianv. ;. tibh's; are fob. higiily. s^^^^ sp- f-iir lib 'Hungai-ian-. vei-.sion;. jiicttire ha^-satisfieid'-tlT'^rii'^^>'^-' ' t. Metrp'&; hp.usej leased. particularly withV ;a ;yiew to presentihg; Metr<i pictiireS iih 'Budapest,^ two bid qopsi,;: '^Th.under?.- a^ ■ :"..Their '. Own posii'e.'V ••.■Bpth ■ rail ,-Pniy' for, aboiit .a' week;. ;..They: .are .'now, ^play-iug; a Fpx pietui"S,;,''H^^^^ Society Bluies ' it is just ' ;*r-he-f oreigu ve'r,sibh ^hpwn hei"e has iO.^'p^^ /ia. logiie '.but .put.;; ..Lip.^ -.mpve; .arid', na 'spfeech cpmcs.':. bf- eo.urse this .ihalt^s the pi'ctuv'o'veryviphg. .and tiresSrtie ~T-he;r.e- se*^n!iS.'tP b'e; sbmethmg. wrong about. mps.t- foreighi ^ ■yfersions, apy ^vay^■■ :;/'V ;'/.•; f;•'.;.[:- ■ Cr^rmah;' pictures. kl'e ;np, .:h6tter,- Of "Peer Gjmt" Inspires Peeve of Norwegians : ;. ■'; ";;sto<;kktj-ln),.- P;eC,"-27.'.. .. - NcRotiatio.hs;.for • ■the, .fllmins:-.-bf.; :"Poer ;(;!i-r(;t,;>: with: th<V <3Vi'ee.;niUSic, have jieeii- g^oihg iOh fbr .som.e tlnie ; In ;Os.lo,V. a m\ npW... s'ooh'i; tP. .h£);ve.' ijeeif 'br6.ygh.t ;tb 'iin v'.cijd. ..Present Indications'at'cl that .the- picture will .be . niAde ; without .d yvii}i Grieg-'s nivt.slx: : as ;the; :jnairi faotdr; . The prodjUctioW. cost is cstirnated a.t; ; .3.060,960 .'..' '• Grbwns , (^ii56-;Q.60>; \.Ori-.''accPtf^ . pf 'the iiniit- • ■eld jiybdiTctipn .facilities.'; in , Npi-way . the i>ictili:e.':;w.lil be hi^do'.at;• ii^ilinih'd'usti4^s'stii'iii^^^^^^ 'SVv;edetii;;vvifh-.I^ iahdif.orTOor iietr.p .plixyor, in .t^ pE;i>ecf Gy;htV: and \l^\inina': Horhi; ■G;orma;n' 'a<!tresf^V {^h--.;i?olv(;.ig'^^^ i.No./dir'eetoi.". has. aii; yet biffen phpseh, bub -Gustaf ,'Mpiand.CV,,>; '$W'(e;de;-...,wili, :pi'blj^jtbiy-be ;,^hga^ '",}'■:[[: ;.,-'. ;1n^i'C;';?s'or\y'e^.'ian's.'.-lm the. news' whh,-hTix-C'd f;e.elins-s; inashiu(rh ais ..Peer "Gynt; is; the' niost; XorWegia^^. p£ -all -^yp.iy''%iah• playKir'arid^the '.iiict' that' tiic .'nuxiii'-':part; of. .the - pVpduc tibn ■ mbiiey i.'W^^ rais'edi'.ln -. iN'orr .Way .has, arb^iseiV: v^tron'ff'.pppos^it^ ; aijaihst . .placing . the.;^^ :>Jb,rw.CgIah'.Jcfw.el: in RSypdi,sh- ha,hds, \yith;: Swedish\ aik n the ■ pt'ihciptti ;\charaete,i.';s. ; . ' •; - '^Sydney,'jan.-.C. , vFxhilyi\!i:Jii-s-..;pi:;;isrew..!ZcA^ pi^vxi' tukch. up a .n.A-hrp'n..the 3b-cl«y 'C<>P; ■cxJllatjoiv clffM^'^^ wljU'U^ vcohtraets. ' y.; ■ V "•"■■■ ■ : .•:-igiil^jt-IUU'tdPSvsay.-vtJw , i)ri»v.iMl<).n. 18 '-made'^ias; a^;^pr6tect^ori. '^igainst. .thc; ' re'tu rn 61.-1hp- -govci-viimcnt- .tp; i ts, pre • .. vipxis .rex-treme >.iux'' bm;d«^ti.v. /'SlibW- '■■xrien;-, ho\veve^v'Uircaten:;;to refuse;.to - sign any,x^.b^^ .carried-. .' their :coin'p.l.aint....t.o thd govcrjitn.orit. ; Appeal;- tp - rtliVj- aVi'thp'ritiQS ; is. - re,- ' fe'ai'ded. hcrc a's ;a',tii<:'iical .Tjlunde'r. v;.;.;:tetiyE'.TiiLM.;OPENI^^ ■ ;," ■■'■■ .■^ ■•■- ; ::;;Aii)sterihiiri,; Jan; ()■. .:.;N' ''^rijjrni'h/^-i'oiygnn.':!^^ dirccicd -.- by- -Jiut.' .Mn-sCni,.. ■.\ / giv.i.'ti-..;i iho.rjiirife-, 'rti'a.tinop- pron>iprp'.-n : ^.Crricmh;^ Rpyhl.^ -,. tiiiyof aniiivt'i-sary.^ol thc :Cpm;hin<»d ^H<iiinnd''Tria;(lc 'l'moii^| •■\ {tt.'^v.oolo'" In'ntcci ■on-;tho. .R!;ime.;;day; ..'rTri- :'.\iiiipli.*.'::dejvLc.ts- ifh.P--lite•rtf-.ropeirvri.k- ■^ era"- and,: ';w'(i'iivei-S:..:-ahd ' shnWs.' :thc .' •P.lfe.hft Mr %litss*'lowers -.'iind. -docH.- ' \ work6r!?,; Avi^.P..'AVPHi'' v:*'ry :hii i'driflnd .^■ttibh7w{i;itc.-i;:lmii';'W^^ liquor.-i^ ■; '■ ■'^'''o.^.'' ■:;'••;.'.;■■. ■ ••";;'/,,',•• -.vMexicP.'.Clty,?-..Jin...;6;..; .3jiii;pita'; ;Tova'r| i'hive.rsars 'M<?x ^ican•:Star,;.•^vili.;hlari^y {Pfiul iyoh'piip.v the ;.sanie'-.. con.ilJaiiy's foreign- .niit'''' ager,-, ';;ac.cov<3ihg^^^^ ' 'ft V' .:.(:reditCd .■■to..'h'er '.by^ corr';ci;i;j6h<'le.nt ..;0^;' tlie-'^^lexicp ; Gity .''Jpxcel.siori'^.\ an^^^. madp. While : she .\ through• that. City, on:tlie. .was; ;back..;tp HbllySvopd.'., ■ iStar; wa's'.i'n ^Icxicpv'Gity .-reccn hut said npthing of :iier..cnsagenicnt. :Lo.c£X1 'hic\S:spifipers .''..are ' all..excntefS. ■atQUt-tlife 'story; -.' ..'■■;:.../;'•'.■ ;.;;!" :'Ufd;.wifh :its tlirieie;Jibuse.^^ very , bad y f3.iedspn'.'.ahd.: r.iimors are afoo.f that they■ .^want to.' sell their, lately accluircd.'.and: expensively re decorated: iioiise,Urania, . to. Metro. 'Gpldv^ri.;';-' .'j. ■.'; >.. '^/z : ; .tjfa.^s:import's :>^^efe. yCTy :bad this year.-i)ecsi. -Iloiise - is' n.ow ',piayin.g '• Waiz«?rkoni,Ef.'^ahptiier' . pf ' thbsc Viennese': p,ictures: .'ti^]c^^^^^ frpm . the life- of: Jphann ■ Strauss* ■ the . waitz: king,-arid it-is. dUlh.'- \ ■ . ■; ■;. ' '/ ...- '.^.' ' /: -;' . Milah,'-:Jahi-B; .'. ■ The FairhAriiiS-Pickfprd. ."Taming ot ;the Bhi-^wy\(t*A);,;' did fairly horpy Italiahs' arc.'-pr :.well;.a.c-. .nuiiiptcd;.- with .S.haikeispc.a're is^^^ the: Atheri-Cans. - .■-;-.■:'; \--':^\:).:/ ;: . ; . Dialpg;-was ;6ut, Jhut spund^'<f!*e.otS Wcr'e . retain cd-. • ^'tws, _'^j*ur<?Jt-V%u''si-c. and: old ; Knglisix '; songs' wcrei' '^n-- JtO'cd- .;CpmhV<;'hf.;W<a.s' that' the.:,pic.T ;tu.rcr'as screened, iior.e'- '-'was-.alni.p'st'.afr- (jfoiid :'as'-.a;- silent'^'.;' ^yraVV:;; Pix;;kf(),j;4 was- lUvod. lK'inp', onc ixif the countij-y...'^' .^lr:i.m<'':-fivy'-'>'it''i?i':■^ ■■ Despite Dull Busiiiess -';;^:'-.''; :-'-'Kphie,'-'Jah.,..6'..';--^ ]5xh;ibit,o'i's kvo '• coni'piainihe -tiiat b;usihes.s'- 'ijjEis -.heeh.;; iainriihsl;' .at;.-;lp\y lievehs, altlrpugh'- •fliere .'wjLs'^^ brisk spurt-during-' the'hpliday.s';'-■,'::..'.' ' Nevertheless; :- rho'rb . "arid ; -more hbuses .are . belri;g. .;wii;e;ci; thr'buglibht the-tferri'tpr.'y';;. .::Tp^ .equipped' has . hp w .r.eached.^ 200,: and :.t: is - priedic.ted ;.that-7at ; th.6 end - of i9'3 i' the. nu m ber: will, h av'e: reached 4Qtf.-'--^ v ,.^:: -v';---'; "■■ ■.'■'•'. .;-'';■■ -yiei)hji,-'--jan;"6i . . Austrian; jfllni 'trad^^ leaders..-hav^.; refused ' to'. join ,AyUh .; the. Ger-iroan'! traide Iii ■ahi.sttternpt. tby;r -^ hy ;eliinina,tihg .the.:star 'si'sf'e'm • ih. faiyor.. pf 'nd. -stars;'; artistie:ieybl.oi pr-pduc;t.^ -..\ ■ Rfepiy; ip- teea;! 'froVi-t ;.\Ue.nna.;-waa -;' th at. tb<^ ^.fihEr . want: to ' s(Ce stars ; ariS '\ .are- .r.^'a<ly'!-to. -pay; ''fpv ' :t'he.,^ ;i)'r.iv:itip'ge,;: G.urio'ii.'^iy., th;e. Austiuans^' p a! few i rweeks. ago''exiire fa\-o'r pf - tiie. nPitnStatTiii:«pdsai,' but" s'witclied.: when,- the -ic.ierin'aiiis siijtight' to: ge.t tiieir..,co-oRera.t^ ;. ': ' ■■■'[■['[y': ' - ' -:''^-'-';---'Kbme;-;ja;m^ ,;.:'MKcde-hu>i^W^ liro.ved a.' drisv,at the CPrso,.Cihe.rna,; ; :wh ile' .the .F'o?v-",; V'Happy. dpaysi"';'. f ired; indiitVreht'iy. a.t Barbarini;;- . ' -. ,Gontr.ib\iting tp the ;i*e.Ccption :6f ■ .- "the.latter featurfe n^^ hive been the,, fact th>iit it fbIlowe,d,.^'Parah^punt' ot^ r - ParatTej','.>\ feature.; pfiV .simijir type; -. .llQ>\';eVei',;;• the .repoptio'n. .of ;-;i;*.ec'cnt -. l?ict« se^;ms to inake'.-it: plain that the Latin, .publie ..prefers /straight ., .'drcahiatic' subjects;, -to ' the' '.mii'sital:-'; ;typ«^--;.;;; •■ ';-. ": :,\ ■ .>.■•■; .;■' y.-. ;':Vr;' -. •';;-.^': ;:''■: ■ r An hp ti hc(>rii en t "J.s p.ii t th ai t Fox.'wi H-' irelbase/VThe-Big^^T bf . jiihuaryV iilSp . putting: . piit-"'Men Withput ,!\VoTnt'n''. u\ th.c no t ctistant . i'llturei '-' ■"■ ■:•' '■ $65 FEB ^EAT PER YEAR Pans Average" ya^'iiis!--^Par. Figuris, h ■ V- : - Highest at;#560 ' '-■ Ed ifQiS ExH^ SwitcOb; ,;. ;:../•:- --'v.-'-.tVtiidah/ jam^ P;it ^•)i^^linih■a■V.l•'^^ /Uii'vOditqi'sTiip - hr>; ei rtri i.ia Ii'liraplivTi \)Sf»Z . /'.ill-Ciii 1', i r.ffan. (>r t-1 i •[ --xi 1 IVm l.<.»r«.': ;a.s.sp.O )h; li. -. ij,ud;. ji'.S0s ;l';Uhv^'^-^X^'Ayiu^^^ (l.^'ii'ig: •.-<';'()ii.t'r.aiH..(-'rjs-'..;-lp; :.'t l^rjii-oi: titi":tUr\<}i;;'; ■■■■■''^■■r':- ... ' . - '-M.'' V..t^yd'-A^c'SiVl;u^'l•i^,:f'>l^ni i>i; ,t:l>cy,f|5J,'.otiish ;i);'aii(.;h;' pf;';i:hc-.:'^vx;;:^ '.ass(k;i!/tii>ni:^thkei5'.. -.(•lirtir. with; j.aihOS' •VWoo.d ii,S; Viii.slivc.-sU ivvaiuvgor bl the i)xit)lJ;cafi''-)ii.: N^yy Italian jPicttiire > /; ; ;•.; '-> -. ; ,■;; '•-.'-•ililah, .Jan;--d ; "7|/iie :., .native '. m'ade';'productipn •"Gpi'ie-. di .. Assise;""- att'ractdd ;;ihtcr .cfjt. 1) e re- ';a s.., ;a,:;' hpj-l day:' h p-v el t y . a net pro'vQ,d'- ;to . be-. .h^'arly" perfect in .''m:c-; ch'a.nicai; tifciinifiuej - hut hiarrc.d by ;extremGly^;bad.'"acting;'- ;:\ -:; ; ':.-.- - " .- .:- . - /riip - 'actors'; ;a'r.6; - '■.all.. .-l:ogitim;Vt{> .i")iuyCi:3.:-Whb/.faii cojiiplctoly, to. a'.a- Just-thehiselves, to; tlie in.cdi.iim; Ono 'acircss takes iip^^a^^^ of; tiin e :ih .:a'., 3 bng/.'spee'cli and- jji-; a ;cburt-rpbm. sben© "'.uses up -:.e;nbi'igh ipotage 'i.n-.'iv.alk.ihg from' one.s^ ..aj.iothe'r to stiJiioe^fbr ;.,a 'sliprt.'-.s.ub- ;jc.c:t.: ; .Everybody. .Ls.;nUCr'ophbn^ a'n'd' (•amo.ra .con'sciotis.'-.;'. '••' '; . ...; .-.- ' .,. -' ; {4.ti'rry is'.'an.;u;n(ler.w-b.ivld! i)\6i .ilong'; -'.t^dgar-''-^VnJl'acO■ .■tijics';''stnd:. is-, .o.xcdl-;. i.t''Ut,'''althbu.'fj:h:"its value-i■s^^iPt colh-^. .r>ifti}|y;- rcit;ii'zed.V-- l*ictuv6:. did lvKct;:s;t;i;f)«ij]!y:/"t;h&^ ;i)W)i.\alily;: -st iit-- r.ernc)hfcorihg^-"t^^ '■■ -■;''-■• ■v'-'-^. ^v.■■'.'■.: ',Paris; .Dec. ;S7.;..'v ;' V!iSurV«y.^pC .:the\i)|lctuTe-: -:thcatr6s' shows''that.. enciirnip.lLis .. differences <;x'i'st"';..t-he^y 'Ceifit 'iieufe,.for-."bne seat.;: .S'pr Paris' this' averages, ab.buf '$65..a yeay. ' • eohfirmihg .^-the-.v^'r^ staite- 'mertt .' that',, .i^arai-houht--'- ancV ■ Haik.'.s. .ichkih are .^est- mahafeed, ;Pai;ambu.nt-; tops: the ' jtptaV' ye;ariy irt!C, ;s.e.a;t - - Avith .,~$56QV'"'.0^ which bpcTicd- less tlia'n.'a :y.eai; ago, '- s.hb.W-.; ;Ing • '.fPi.*.. ;th'at:: .pei'i.pil;' ?L-ri average' cioSely-.;.!follp'Win,cr;-,.:;^ ■-;--Metro's.; Miadolcihc shPW.s abb'vit $36;a pcir; seat' per'year.;::' -;.,•'.:; -5.•';.: ■; >- ;.;'./; V' --/^'V:- ! ■ ; Iio'\v'est- 'reye.1jUe,.;:;iii "PiitriS; is tliut; :af . the Pullaciiivni;-; k- .neiglibbrhbbd; , house. ;gro.s«inj?: a:i)pui:- .$iO per. seat. pcriycar. . Gu't pf; figures aboiiV .30%. 'is. ".to;: be jdoducted for-., .taxes. .Special lnterc..«it' of - .figures lies;©.'--hit(it''"'''0t- ,iirp^pe6t'ive .buil(^- ei's^ accprdi"^^g::to. niahage ca'tion'-.khd; t'j-pe 'able .to ;e".stim;'itc;-rP.ushlj^;;hb'w: 'rtliicij can .be "paixl for; rent a,n(i.amprtiza-. tion aceoi^cling! to Cap' " ; :/./\.- ;.ftr£!>cicb'.;;city,.->)anj;"6;■-v;'•;•■ • Art. Acbrdi'foym "\Y:&sterh .picture'Sk .eon"iihi,ttcd sUic •.' at; a. hotel i.h Chihuaihua City, ac* ... ;cQrding;ip. kdviCe.s recei^ •.Was: foiled;' .in ; a;-- hptol. I'poht^ ■ djfiti.g'' . ;fi.bni .."ah; QVcrdpse''o ai*sohi.c; .; ' -;■..-: ;Iniprhiatioh".availa^ pear, that' Acbrd . had, been ' in Ghi-^ . huaBua;ipr some tinie iand .liad; niado;': unfbr.tuhatc ,irtvestments;in minlhg'*.' .properti'cs.'-\..:^'-:,;.' these .tl^ahsaetionsL^ ar.(i-''rep'pi4^ ^ h'av^: • left'. him in. 'a';bd -cbn• - ditlbn..y-;--".;;.--'-'.-.' ■ .\ ■ "';,-...;/'^;'"-..".- AcPrd:'; .was ipppvil.a i*,/. ■ iii •. Mexico,!' ;t)otii ;: throtv0r.'/ his;, j^ictut thrpugh tile rodeo:.;sh6>Vis:"-h'c.: .staged ; in . this .-City.-a^ 't^cRubliCi.■;;■', '.'':--'• '; : ;jy':- ■ /,\ "\.yy'' to Hell" Gut -- V.^ -■'. H-iizeh'--lri.'.;B;erli:n;;.'./- ;y. •', .•:' .;.;-,'.';; -;;.' ■• - .;;'--;,;'Berii!iAiraTi;--; c.; .',; ;'v Jo6 ' Haibn;: Warnbi^ - ait:bri)ci^,-, :?H ; ■ hcrf}' to^ dii;lie;r W:itjv 0fii'l'AV<>ill; cpim; : - pci'ser,; x^i-ho; recently . wp'n- k V ./^l'ga:^h^!t the''Wariiors/ ^^bgalu^inl;:.;tho.• ^^' talkt-v-rights- :lP ■■Woill's :"Bbgi{ar'ti li.i!nl<.rs!. fdiiori^il ■'V- :'-: ;y■arh-b■'^o^.;Golclvyyri-.^^; • -: •'..;' .,;.-AmstPrdiVih;-"^';"^^ ^'-i ' ; ■ :T^iilaiid. vi!Vnib;;paiii^d Si-turiflay on -the -Bi'binVm^;fbr;jioliy'^i^ ; ; \*a.ri)o; la i\^.i-Mui\g;p\\t(:^\ fllni • 'actby; Vi(>.\v'.; ■-'- ii.ivde:r; ' . toiitrrict -to;. .SsOm. ■Goidwyhi':■-;;; .- '■' ;;-".-',;'","' y. '■ :.;.[:^ rv^ay . ; V'- ■ :' .; ■ -. ; ;.-;.T.Qhdbri; 'j;an;-;6 ; ;-Fii'st.T!s*a-tionaV.s'!^Pporway tP. ilcll-' '.wais. ■Sey,ci*cly.;''cyh sored .. . -.- .phjc'ctiohs were' so h.i.imemus'tliat ;(lrkHtic. -[cuttnitj .; Ivccaiirie ' necessary -before lire pieliirc"' coviid. ho shd'vyh •heret;-' '- ■' ;:.-''": .'-.'r..^'^^- \.. '■• '..■■;;-„ [y ,:-'-A]y:] -'I^orjliii-.Jan.- 6': : ' Pr.esiiic'ivt' ; .^7oh;; .];i.jndc'hhei;g:- -and lvis.:frfmil;^'-atfencli^^^^ ;.th.c ^ of • ''-Fl\ite-licrinrevf; ;(kf ,Sun'Ps.bubi;" 'ha :{ionai jstii'!:,;r I'^^r,,taiWci\>at; the. -Goh •>s6.i'-.ijpa.i"i"i.-f<; o.ijh^p;-""; -'-.-;' ;■■: -..'- '■; - ;-: r.:- ..■; ;;-v';;-^ - i':;;-".;-;'..^'-.-':';-. ^:-'?tiiiah,v.JdhV.' '-•', : -:--qMw'i-i.liso-Ji^illh ;iik;cd'as'.a sii'l'Vp.^'W lojjr -gut-^only- -hools^'jfr(-niv:'.'thc.'Ta-h-?C; :(.')lt;:a'^TS(.\h6.(;bwa-a^ i-I.anS ;SohlctOW ;ctrijl'd:;: t)6 ;^*!C^t;-:,-tp^'.-hibuOi ;ytei;ia 'w':brd«. ill; .Iit.iJisia.n . \y )il 16 the d i^l fig .wa's\aiUclil;ile:-in istf,si-i;liSiii',"'.'. l'.ii>^tnro;;has. .ilnc^ pluU'ogrf^ kn'(1 its; nViisicai- sy'hvhi'onizatloji.' islir'f t. yato..-""'-.'..^■:-.,.":-■. '.--^ -.-;; wy-: y ':^fiENNEsii^^'^ci,osii^t^. ; .. ..:.; - .' .-'::•.': iv.;'^tiaiidpn,' J'iii.i;- -0, ; ■.n'i«.»i:i'j>«.''fc xiirhts'/ ■■i.\yB>Vcio»i.\'^.^^ tliC" liijiii't'Sti'r l>rt.iii.H\<V^^ '; .;• ii;.;\yiii' Kip;;(1pd'' .iiib'^ivijlo-winw eV(-.nih.£);^'' ;lt.y .'-.the ^sanic '• cbtnp.aityl.S' !'ivisraf>t;'---■ •'-.' '::• :'/-:'-'- /i : .'■; .Rehame .Aiist'p'al.ia .Cehsors .. .-/-•■■:'';.;..-■;; ,'"^'-'-'V.-.-;.'''■:Sjidncj'yv..'jan._.v;6;" ' ; Thc..0oVcnhubiyt ;ha.s:-,jtis.t; ri'>,.'l'p- ;po,iht'edvGJCs^^•cil-P'lVeiliy^^^ cen'^ i'or,y'\v'jth..l^;i,yivch ^ Prof;. Gay'iirivnipn and Gil more, arc ..return'cd to the' blllccs; .bf appeals Aipa'iid.' ;'•; .;; . ■ ;; "- iPat ; Tiding: Qrigiiial ^^^^ .^^^^ V in SpaiiisK; ;.- .'.;;A-:'-: •".;;.;.-IIbliyw;opll, -Jap/ '$:■-■ ' A^:tBr; .'haV-irig Put -/ the;;; sciFip'ts 'on fblTigh.'^•oriiiiprts'^'b^^ airead y . pr od u c'cd p ic t u res,- Pdra.'* hipuht has. .decided ■ Ph ^ .aii., pri'gihal; s;tbry ,: as ^-it-fi n-ex-t. .S'paiii.s-h:. effort,- -. The. pictiJye is 'to, be a;Tn;Vi5ucal. .; ; Fi]m^:^s..h^l.t^.t^cd.; aiid' ^yiil-.hb df-."- rce.t,e(J •Uy>EdwjaiHl.\ych'ti4.ri:ni ni-st; of sevenv's'peclai.< -' All.-btliei: • Pnr..Spanish.; will bri sho't -at j.bin.villc, ivra'nr'ci, ■' .:.-^ '; v - ■ ;;.; ''• . .;. ^23;000 ill Lipjii . i ':;.-.-'>:;/. I'^Londpn, Jan; 6^ ,;-'-• ''Manslaughter'' ' ■: fPar). • :grpsRe3;; $iS,006.;jn its hrstweck; at '' tlic:pia^a, and- .hpid.s ; oyer ':fby.:' fi; Wet^lc: ■--:.-.- .;;•:. - "-,..;. ;.; '; '' . ;.-,;"'; ■.:-. :< -: j^vj5th;.;:Lv I;^.Stfig^;^ -:Pai-!,i-mb.u]it.^-;: JVbJ^g;;^'^ :.Stydlo ;i-8; ;t,b■ Kle't;■:a,n<>.t.^^^fy•^inK.e£■•.•^'VV•;^tJ^ iM. la'tpst/'artditibh ..thr-' tbta ^wiil-Vjb" i^iXr ■'.'- 'Par .:.%Ul/;tuyn ...;ou t^l7^;' piCtu'rys ;{it; t)ic?;Ij.-T.: plaiit. this .yci^l^^,..*■' '/- v- >■;•■:' ■: ^ : ".-.- ; ;"- ;: . ;V;T-(hlituiv.J'iiilv' ;l'.iiite.d;-'^\i5bUist's^ ^h*iM^^ ' G.a'un'iont T'Jri'ti.Hh -/fo'r "a .v.ii.i.i; fil lumbia's:'!Aii)ii'ft;'l:?pi:cn^^ :(|iillc'yy;.starfihg'J'a'i'y.'':?.. Tjict'uiv "wlU.-■ to]llbW:'Myhat;:a-;.AV)db.\v.'';'^:;.':■ ■ ■ -':.":' ,. - 'A-in''afv'u;.r>;ii.ieut is. tlvr ifi.r;";-! h n"i]'''V; t.!.i6 : 'tT;j\vr;i'o;]uhi-ijih;!.:j;o-ri'^ cii'^ir^'!'')^'-''^!^ ;; t- •;; $YDimX :;WMKp^ BRE AlC •'-:-; ■; '-: " ^1.' ■: ■;-;■. " ..,!^ydhey-, n. ';<'• •':\Arrival 'pf -'n;^7?ttvt>tc:h' <^f:''.»;Nid.;:^'^_ :Wcai.her ^fivc. local'shbSvdbih a ;h.reak ;pv<>r,;'"Ui^-hbi^dAy!«.'-. ' ■',^';-.-. : ■ ; u "'■ ' i-All;. ^he'atfes •• .cnj-pyo'ii good i-ltilf.!* ■lie'ga, .both - .pl'(:t;.u'i;(,^s' .»aivl::iegiLi'nia^^