Variety (Jan 1931)

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rVABiETY'S" LONDON OFFICE ' 8 iST. Martin's jPl^ce; Trafalgar Square FOlimN FILM NEWS CABtE ACbRESS: VARIETY. LONDON ■. Temple;Bar^:504:1-5042' /';.' :^Tive^.rilin '^|t .'QfiLiet. cm tiie VWe^t-' ■ h >iSDtlt'^;(IJ):i. won ■ a- f)reUnT|iriarj^: '. yictory hecer. alth^^^ • to -an i nyitea ^aiidi^iice i was -tliie. be - ■ 'easion V'ot much v-pul>lic ; disordev; ■ ■ ISVivile tlver'^audience pt . ipurnaiista-; ' /and offlclais -gat iat the AP'Pl'i^ .' theatre tor the' firsit ^riewing. a'm ■ of ; .several . thoiisatid. ^^^atiohaiist . ■ youths . did'' Its : ■Utmost to, ; break ; - throaigli ^.th'e>>Gor;3oh ■ of. 1;500 pblic'e. ^drawn around \ : • ; . .. The police .succeeded, in rcpyisirit? ; • tlte..'rioters, -but ■ oppotifents/ of " the; film, got In il iblpWi' Somehow;, t^^ •" 'had siicicbied^ in ■ introd.ucin^ :fuiiie, ;!:.; li.6mbs. by .'slittinS ' the .cushions;' of ' Jthe.' the'atre scats: and when the 'm'a-. .c'hiaes -exploded -it Ava^ liec'^sSairy. 'to ; ; Glear'.the.houi5e Xor .half an hoiir urif-.• . • til thfe' air had bieien puelfied;;v'--^ , ': iMiertiafter ■ tlie .audl^snce :renia,in-' . . ed. to sit. .through t^he s.c.r<?ening ;in • .quiet ■ althoug^h.':. the ;,brtt^^^^^^^ .•. -.'the .'st\:e?ts a few bldclfs. distant,^ .. ■- The Na.tionalist3 formfed.; :in the: \ waW' of ..:tram ..'cars^ a tried to . . break ■ tiirbiigh . thef p'olide .'liHes by ..s.Urpl'ise . rallies.: Turbd back, by. • the ■ :;.determined,gen(larm .. ed. tile .trams , and; e.v^^ attentibn '■ to .'wredicihR' .'nekrby ■ sh ^Vindows/. Gate owpers in' the ^vi t -.: cinlty hastily put. wp their .iron .sli;ut- ; teVs/ Foot police ■ us^id their'trun* ■ :ciieong whilb. mounted hien/*^ ' ..the crbwdl .'Maiiy shops were; daim- ■ agbd jn. the: i:asliionab)6 Maria;hilfer. ' ■". .strri:sse.; • • ■ • .; ,/.' . r .itiotera-: were, ill; y.oun^. p"olitlc^l zealots who had ne.yer seea the picr. .. '. ture they taged a&alhst,: while,, the :\- audience / in tlie. Apollo %as deeply ;moved by the picture's presentation" horrors, flhdirig i^^ It not the, : : sUehtest ground fOt .oifense to. Ger-^ . man or .Ausitriah priclK . . ~ ; . . Amdhg;: thOse ■ who: have seeh -^'hd ' jtdmired the production.-is Wilhelm .^■Ikliklias,; pi-esident; of, the. Republic, . .. .wlio... left. the: screening arranged ■ especially :f or him deeply , ino^^ ; ; -. Ne-vertKeless.Vsb.^ determined is the . '.bpp'osltioh that a br.owd .:bf siippbsed ' Nationalists la^t night - iatternpted ; V. to set bri V' fir.e' t)bie S-vveden . cinema; . where ahothbr. public pbrforrnanc^ ' Wias about to bb given; Several :susy pectbd cohspirfi,tors wbre artestedi BUENOS AIRES'FAMOUS #HIAG6K^ BAN PRIVATE SHOWING l^aitterciarh: Refuses to I Penroit Medl • ■ '-.d'al ;Filrn:./Be:fbrc .Sojci.ety;: Vi; : \ ■,: • . Rbtterdam, Jah! ■$;: '; ' Pblle^ or; Rotterdam':stb.ppe;d/. the: showing. of .. the;' • filiri; '.'Man . Before Birtl5|j'' .-^b -callbd ■ scientific- - sij.bibbt'.' at tiie ^Gity'theatre..v''';^ ''-C • 'Scree.nijhs was off bred! to tlie.inbm^l- lieris bt. .the. Malthusian soci^ ■was: not . Open, -to, tli.e public, Hp.w - ever,-, the... city's ■.iegaV^. d^^ rtilbd . th at a film ■bannc'd, by. the ; na-; ti.onal,. cbnsbrs, .may : not ; even:.: be ..shoSwiti .privately. .'■ Audiehbe had; jgiif hpVed aiVd a A^^^ with jbuecn,ics-. :was. \^iTl>i5li-° tilted;;;-^'■.'■':■-•::'■'.- ^ /:■..'■: 99 Avtipricikn : 5tar,s; iii :Sile;ints with r 11 Legit Talfent 't Drayf in Own^ try ;Whfiii m Picturei^ : CdAST EXAMPLES BRITISH STUDIO POOli GainsborbugH'!.MiergifS Prodiictvon :.. ; ;Witii BH&ar Waliabe :C(>. ; ; . ; ,'.^'))e. -' ■;'succijss£ui.-'vAmc-r^^^^ ja-vade -ijfcture -vvith .German^^/dialog—^ .the Cham piori ^ dud . promises to- be .''Inx W hichts. I;Ieucs''—may: he : "Anna Christib','■ with Garbo, :current at two- houses :^ selling 'but- foi) all 'performances in .bothv:- V.-:■ ■:■/'"•.■■■'!■'''' :.•.' ■;• ' , Even . the . local r^ quibk- to; resbnt • advbnturea into. Gerihan by the Americans,. agree in deblar- ihg; it a';masterpiece..o£ .writing and acting;.: - .[■/■/ - V "The. otlier ; talkier -sucbess oic ' the week is.'. Ufa's .merry bperbttSL "I?rei ybii: derTankistellei^'; ■ ( . "iTrio ;i:roitiV the Filling,{Slatibn^ which ::hasn.'t - nniuch plot, ''■ but' ;has: plehiy pi iSong. hita and is admirabiy acted by tilliaii. Haryey- and ^illy Friscii.; V;Business has been big* . Showmen of: Vienha •aUvays-praV; f liias; and New Year's/withbut siipyf. A snow,- fail .'.sends . the.' yietthese away tiie .rhbuntaihs . oveil the holidays,.' tvhile .. a.', "grebh" Glirist- ^nas^keeps them; in t!o\Vn/.^^.^ .was a .f'grebn''.,Christ and , the 'exT; hibitors pfoflted- accordingly, ■ ; . • Bivehbs Alres/. Janr 6<' ^: . : -'r:he fampu^ bi^era tli.eatrei; here; scene of>a generation of.noted op-; .eifatib triUmphs, has. jusit gbho, pic- tures as a regular policy and may ;be :denxolish€d' in ;i933.^ -. . '' ' .;, Turning . to- screen entertaihmen.t,: thb hpiise. .Is •seeking to, grab fea^ turesstarring:.all.thb.. Latin; n in pictures and. failihg %iiV.)go attbr ; interriatipnai harhes;;: tiie. list iii- clivdlng: vilches, Del iRio;'Barry ;Nof-: :tpii;and'^ Cheyajler,/y .■- ■;;;:•■/;'-:.J;'... : Naitive-pres's deplpres ,the: passing pt; the old house and points out tliat the disappeararice of .tlie -'lej^itlmatb and ppera: stage i^. due/to the.dearth: bf nativ6':Sputh America^ . conseauehce. of w.hic^^ the iieople are for.ced; to; 'seek .th^ii: enteVta-inment .. |n. tlie .cinetnas..:..;,.^:- :. .0 :■ ;'• 'i^heYpbseryM^^ sjgnincancp. irt yiewVoif .ihe .search, of the rAinerican. producers in 'this :ter- ritory :.for screen talent. . . ' Plugging ^icl^ Scre^^ • : V- Mlnnea^polis, Jan. G; ■■ ; . .S^^ lobial a;a,-' .ym .of ijagna;:hlm, twicie the sixe. . of thb 'ordiriary screen, in conned- tiort ■.Avit)i:;:tlie :sho.wihfe' of. "The Cat . 'V^'hlsper^ (UA), 'this^ ; GERl^N FILM IN EC^T^ ;v • 'U';\"r :' .Cairo,. Jan. 6. ■.. . • .In. rfisfebiise to: the demands of a' local vGerman spbiety, £he: '.Camcb. •L'lhema .is. preSentinis; thb G;erman I9ubjec:l, •"Zapfbnstreich; anv:^;Kiien," talUor-. %.itlv spTigp; • starrinj?. '.-'.C-har-" ^!» susa;.:. ■■ . V:■■.'.-:;:';.■■. ' V.-.-: ■ . London, Jan. 6. VV'^ne'... ■Heavenly ^■;.asright''- iiCTJA) opened at the Tiyoli) Deb': 27, . piling :uip $6,000 -for, the ;hrst day,, within $300 of the hoiise record.: X A^^ pull.' is resardcd as 1 ai-gely dub' tp.. the tvamb P f E vel yn Laye.ih.the;;,basl.•:.'.:■■■•';• -.^ . .:':■:.■:.. Josephine Bak6r Again } Stbrin ;<p€iiter m ...-.,.-.-■;- . Paris; Dec. 27. , . 'Atter-',,pestering. ;;'Ple.h;e ■Meyer, Jb.sephine - . Baiter . lias - haid: rePPrds; .irriade of thb jiumbers she. sings with .hinT.:lrii . thb. Casino do : Paris-.-slib with CahOther actor singing: Meyer's part... .Tb tliig iteyer'tppk; ;exbc)i>tion and. refused itp ai>iyear. thb ^Brtiplrev-w were :bcirig.piayed: and sPl<l.ih the lobby. :-'3Resul.,t.';. i.'?-. :that -Meyer::'-is . np.w 'suing .tlic! ..Gasirib; db Paris' nianagP' ment.for .^4.0,00.0:,' c his. stahding as .ah., artistj ..b.eaides • aiiking- $S,.pO'6';:damagos.- for. unwar-. ■ ranted:.: recbrd.ingof : his..;nil iribGrS' \\-ith srorhebb.dy .f-ls'o sluf^ihg liis:; part: ■ 'Metrp Names.tir^ek Agent .; -:■;:'■.'■'■;.:.parisisjan^ 6:.^;:;'. . ^Albert ..eprnfeld, fprhibr ...elViof • ici r'a'boe.b;. for ilbtrb-Goldwyht- ha9;.been shif ted;: tb . art Vassii?tant;>}6xccutivb ijcrth ;ih tljat ;bpmp.ia.ny's';gbncral. E.u .rppban per.spnnel. headquartcr;s here-; : .^Edward! Harty, /formerly' an as- .sistajit, ih: the: connpany'a • Atlibna; pf- flee; . hka, been, nmrnblod ;to iakf»: :'.^prnf<;J(r:3. ;P;bsu:':;->-- ':; ■;,. •• ■■^■rj.-/ ; :^ '.V^' ^:'-;-.,:--v-XH'bllxwpbdy-;dan:.---6^ ' T« tal aba ndo h mie.nt of mii It i • I i n - duai^ o'h. 'th^ Coasi, vVith thb e.){cep-. tion\,b:f :Spa;nii5h verw not ii Ht li ke ly ^ vvit h I f): the ybar- : TH is; is ac- cprding to vbxecs of ;.8omev olf.;.the iriajbr film i.firrni^ Whb admit: thai foreign prprdMctipn i8.:a .case of .having ; ijjtt:e^h off .more than the. .studios, xian;'niaMicate. :':.;.-.^'.;: . Some recent devel.dpnients ih -^hb foreign : fie|i( ;have; , co'^^i'ioed ^the picture -; ;• that .th.<}y .pluhgecl i htb the yeraions befori?' they realfy krieW- their ;marketi ; NoW^ with huh-, dredis pf. :dollars for which'.they the 'stUdips'are^ (bbkiiig for ah. o . One;bf .the;;b^ pic- ture ;,crpwd:radmits- haaf ibee'n over- emphasis bh . the import talent as draws in ..their ovrp. countriesi.; IPrp- diicers•. hoSy-reallzb that the imipprts might have .been .gbbd ,b.o. in riativb legits,' but they, can't stand,. up against the. teputation Pf Ainei'- ican;pictiire-stars.;.--:-/.;;.' ■■ ■Silents-.Lpiok.>Gbod : ^■.':. :.,;'y There:, is a .ieeling in some ;sec- tipna here tliat 'sil^ andl. :nvbr'ely synchronized ;fo.r .effect pi known §tar$ .will■ draw - beiter than; tliie /vbrsioris. : Fox has already an^ rtbuhc.ed .that it. will go baclc to. thlsi typb ior-the foreign ..rnarket du the baming. year, and others considering tbe step.- ; : .;t,pss .of the. pulling power of stars ia tiib chief sore spot of - the niiultis,.'. In;kee.p:|rtgr .-with this. thobght^ Mbtrb^ is cpnVidcring: Impiorting - youthful unknowns from : JEurppb -v^ spealt; English, putting:, thein: in do^: ihe$tic3 \ ahtj :biiildlhg /: names for. those who can stand 0'V;er. a i)^brlo.d of :,two- years. Ali this befpre Vspot- ting-; them in .native . .tongue. :(fliih^ for. thei'r p'iyri-'cpuntries. , - ;.■;'.■■;:-M'eti^;:Eyes.'Oiibbing^ : Mbtro , also, is. startlrig again to . dabble ■jyltii dubbing .and may sb^^r^^ place some of its versions scheduled with silents. ■:•' '• ■.v'-;.- ':".; "Two incidents within the ■ ■ last mblith showing the .illent. drawing ': <Gbntinubd on page 78). ; ■'..::,;.>: V ^:';Iibndon.^AXan; ;:6; ^ PiansMirp; all set Jbiv ;a...prp.d'ivbi t ion mergci': of , 0 a in sbbrouglvy Pip: tu,rba, Gaujtibnt;. British. .subsidiary, and,JBritish Xiibri Film C^b.rp.; ah' iii -: deperideht, un lieaded ; by - Edgar Wallace/. . r^, ■:::/■:'■' --..V'.". ;:■'■' .•'.:;.:;: - "Tlib; cPml'lnntiPn"will .iise, the; twb studips tiiey ."npW: Contrc(l;'a will wprk.-!bh a bpmb^ived. s^^^ 15 pictures fpr the,. y.eaiv. • First.;, fllpi .wtn. be -"The JRiiigeiS-^ bpLseil\ph, the ^^liace'/play.; !'..-•'-■;"''.;■;;'.!. '::-■.■ ■ ':•.'";,"-''■ Altliough . the,, .prbciuctip.n . p i,s virtiially-: a . certajnty;: it is' beliove.d rib •..iherging .of; ;ffiiuhciai::-bntities. iis; bprit6nVp:iatedi . ■ '/:-:.-::. .'.-^x ■:.';',-; '"' ;■■' ■■.; •. :':: ■'■' ^'■i'ai':is,.-'Ja'hi :..G'. ■ •.■Advvisivb.iHty ..-pf ■. • Amcricari-;:;- inter-.", bsts. -'hplding control.- of. thieir -bwri houses, in . this :-territory is again illustrated .iii.. ..the ■, .inpiden.t" • qt .Charies. ;'.and MetroV:^^^^^/^ Hpuse.'^■.■■.'^'■ '■ - .:■■ ■ r ■ ;:;.- ; :.-T.hc ' FrehcK ; birbuits liavb- . de- clared ; a ; ^boycott ; . .against.:. "Big House*', because Boyei: was engaged to :play. lii lti3:{ Frehph yersibri ;and, ih; order! .to.-.take: the -Metro- engage:-' ment/ he had to. btiy off .cbntracfa with ■natiye. producers. .; ; B.oyeir paid- large .iTide.mriities. .a tiie ■ ■arrarigeinent; \was suppipsed; to be satisfactbry.;. No-w^^ circuits; say .they- .will hot play .the picture-ir:-or anyhoWf if. they ;db- play it >they' . will irisist'' that'^^' I^ nam,e,%be .omitted iirpm the. billihg; . Whole incident illustrates^ the at- titude. of .the ;;Freric.h^p itre bperiatprs towards Arneriban prbdubt and-pi^ducerSi 'Boyer's bn- gagpnient: with' Metro,-by the : way, is at .$1,200 .a .-vVeek/.whlch^fi^ greatly. in ; excess o.f the.; paric'eiled local, contracts.'-. ' ■;-.:V ,. Paris, Jan.. 6:.; ' . , Kc.cbgiil^ level of. the dram^ of flie iibw year in : , vAnriouncerrieht:,. is made, that." ■French ;fcritica; of:: .tSe' stahcling , of .sucti :'nicn aV, T^idpuard -Bburdet arid pf.aul .Rbbpiix .will write'-cbrhmerit on 1) ic.turc>S; fOr p ublicat ipn iji'.th e. -dall^ novspapbrsi:.;■>■'■:.: V'-V--i^.^ ■'';.: .. JA-ading jourhalSf lip-', tP.^, npw' have c-'on i: r> 11LC.' <\ '. 1 .h <■ rn s,bi vcs ; i11 i p'ri iVt in rurirtKl'i>uVUr;ity:;:riptibes/ .. ' > '.■ •:; :•■:■"..'-'"iv'it'hnjv.-;'Jft:n,.:":-5;' :T!i^-'fiI.m; trade, b^ -Austria*.';w'.:\^:; ' slad- to ..see. VSyivestGri'', ipcaiynainp: ..; fbr\;tlib .last; .day bf.; the' ybar.: The' yea;v ;i?3.0 .has;.b.een .the inpst triticivl,:; ' for the trade.: in cburitry. ;, " . ,' fleason; is ti.iat;aitthough.t|ie;iM^'^^^^ ..• b?is . of cb"rtnging::theatres from isi,-^.:: ie^nt to sound;began. iii 1^29/ the-:;bul|tv .; of .payment 'for thp;..change Avas:b.x- . tc.iid.ed pyer ino;^t ;oiC :1930;. . ■■ ':. . Mcthbd' of, 'jjiVebtirig' bill^ 'was to ;'■. r.uh . :up;,; the admi^sloii... aba^s al 1 -rarPund..' which provedV a, -dpjjljtful- |fiy.stem , of, handling., the,, situation^,. Silcht pictures continuedto c'bii>-' ^. maiid 'iarg.e patrQna:ge. bbeause : adT riussions SV.erb. much lower, while .?; the. ^adm^sibris,. to:tallipr ;.-houses' rotie. t<> .the- level'p^ m'edilum. priQ^ legitimate ;liou^es whibii dO - ijusi- V h'bss-Avith - the , pubiic thi'bugh; cii t ■" , rate- 'ag;enpies. . Latter are.-' comhipri,' in-::'V;ibhnaj ■ :•:' :.:'..■:■."-:: :.'-.;•;:■ ■ r '■. As it happened,, the p :t1ie wired. cinemas was; cprniilieated. : by the-ar^^^ crisis nn.d ' the .'reaUlt ,wa^ ;;i;cr-ri.fic ;; lp;ss;es-to tjie sound hoiisbs in imany ^ cases/; it; Ayas ;a tpugb; year' -ifor. the > loan :brokerage':cpncbrns... T cessity for;using'moi"e capit^^ ed .the smaller theatre pperatprs tP; . risk; nearly: .all .their risipney; on a; i .■single tallcbr. If ;it - failed; to - draw .they were uhaltcr'abiy .brbkei: :.'^, ,. .':-^;;The";:6'3:. Prsam' ;.■.;■■: ,'■: .' "Phb , great .dreanr now is ^tlVat-Yi.«:,: „ enna will :becorne the center of Eu i ; ; ropean; prpductibin;- but many ques-'. tioh whether tlie ..Austrian ■ prbduc.-^^ '■- ing industry cp.mrnands' the . teciirii- ' -; .b'ai; ■ kripwledg©.; or .; thb;';Capital to , make th,c drbam ;t)orne trubf partic- . : uiarly: siribe they; will be bailed: lippn. " to compete witii the rich. and-.'bx^ :: ;p'briehced, prbduQCrs. of; America airid , ;;Germariyv.:;■-■;■ }^[ 'v '-V'.'- '' •■ •• !:;. TvVb Austrianstudios h ave,turned., ; P]Jt a; few productions; in 1930, .but . : film. ;ihaking 'is to begin in earhest..: . with Xhe .stai?t of 1931; The industry ; ; -.nbw' has ;high hopes that, triumptis :; bf• 1931 W.iU .brings bbmperisationifor the falliires and heartaches; of 1930V vTlie -public^ .reaction at the mb.-; ;ment is mixed. ; There is a discerrij^,; able revUl.sioh .frPm,talking pictures',:. Jmainiy :b.bcause.. the ;p.e.ople- ai-p not - Jri sympaihy with the .(Sbrrrian. story type and' Ampric.ari product. -Is un-. dbif the handlcaD of ah ;alibh tpngub.:; 'RElillPTlON^Mimif IN SEMi-SILENT FORM JF*ittalug Feature V ; ■ .:'^;'.-■,•■'.;■■. :.-■■' '-liornej'.-jari-.'G,--;.' . ;;3;fiit«luga- is -making,a. dlalbg iilc- f ure p^£ .I^bsko . di . Suh.sp.iorid ■'"Th'e .^Scalit ■ 'f^-tairWayi**' owl'th- Maria 'Jacp.biiii:;a3"Ktar,--':,v.;- ■•.■-.;■: ■•;/■'■ -:':;.;; -. 'Saiise-c.ondb-.: IB - ,tiib:, hewbs^, -play- .wrJght. ■ ot -.the,- -Pirandeliiah ;sciio.ol..; O.n e • b.f. • IVI !i ■ pi ay 3 : -was . .pr o d.u c ed i n, ihe..,S'>at-f'!-' a;fo.w, years' ago.- -, "■ Pa;riai;;-Jari..-.6;'.'■ . ■ Diirinir. .thb:. f.iineral: sein'ices -;£or Marsh'al.: Jpffre ^.to'iribrrbw '(VVedr): perfprmaricpsih.a^^ theatrbs will be interrupted.. :;:■::-.:::: The~ old,'leader's histprie^^^ order; at thb Marhe will .be ;i7ecited-;'arid; llier© will .i>e'.biie mihute of ijllbri.ce heforb./the- perfprrnanceii proceed, /.■ Prospect Mter*Angd^ -.; .,, ;,:; ; IjQridPn,-. jatV ■"■ •U:brahftrii' Lijicpln','/ (TJAy, m'ay modify • p.l.an3' Tor tiie PaYilibn; Oi-igiTial .; intentipti . wa.^-.,- tp • o', G.ochrari'':s; new: .Te'vue,.;. lio-w' :in '-'vc.- hearsal; there in -February ; at; the •:clpsijit ;.gf.'"Hbii'a'C Ah however, prodUcpr is anxipui^ \tp fair •low ';(AngQls'-o !with-; 'U^ ;filjTi.:fPr a.-short-runy^ hiilJ-re-^. - vue. in •-the provlrice» mbanwhile. ■' ■ ; ^a;nctibn- :pf this plan. 1.^.; now be- ing awaited- .by'; ;.b.ochi'ari,. -fr •,J3chV'.ritk..V: ';.', -' l v -.-v : ' Hague Holiday Bills' . ;■ '■■.:;". ::--;'rbe-Wagtif^.-'ja^ ...-j^Av'-biili?; Cor,'the. -New 'Ybar-wee ItGi'b. were-as fQllows:';; ' 'v';-:- ,. ■ - :Asta—?''P'h^ iPpti-pi Pynijp,''';.'Htronk in -its;;sec'pnd;'wccV^.::';; '.;',-;- ,■■. -.> ' ':;■:'-:■ .. ...'Gity-V^ Fox-s. .''Xtigh So- ciety Blubs;";- • ■]': ■' '■.':'■ :':■■■■:■:,,, . ;''■; Odcon r-^/Mctrb rGoldwyn-s'"A :M:anJs' M?bn.'';:■•;.:; ■ '-■ -,. TI;iariPh^(''^'^rrna:n .• ppnr'>>tla. .-filrn:, /-"Frt.t;d'i'i:ikn;";-..-.'.•'■';:'■ ■ - '■ - ' .■■-■-'.' ■.:;. ' ■ '-■;"; .■.■;■;,;. .,Milan, ■Ja.h.;-.c.,: •';' .. .Of three'..; now;. Amcrican jiicturea : • ' offered V to : Milan tans. d.Orlrig the ,.; liolidaySi probably.. Metro's ^ ".lipr -■ :(ipmptlpn," with; -John . Gilbert; and.;' .Renee Ad.oree, ."niade the. best im- : pres$ion, . and; that partly because with • ila Aamall amount :0f ^ dialog- CUrthpr cut down it ; screened al- mOst . like; a;; sUenL';; ■ '; Odd bircumstances; is that as 'a ■; Kilcrit. aiirpad : the picture ■ jjbem.s; likeiy, tp re'dbem; ■ its :mediocricy:; as ; ;;a:. talker : at;..home; Only talk, left . is ■ the wedding scene and Miss. .: Adorec's ;;sPng 'diirihg ■ the:V Gypsy. ., P.evpl. •: Dramatic .elerbent'v-i^ fitoi-y; has ^spbcial ...iappnaj; tb .,';. .tatlns a^nd .thby .reifjpohded. Volubiy. ;;. "Tiger '^tosb'^•(^yB:)^is doing; weli; '; atthe; bbrso Clhetna;, : eapitaiizlng :; tJie".popularity here; of. Liipe Viile'ij; '\ ilbnte Blue a:nd.'-othe;)!S; :0f tJie ;ba»t:; Photography.. i«; great, with.' marij^- ; returriirvg: again ;.ind^again;; to gp;t: \, .th.c ;thTili: ,Pf .the scQuN ;ihg tile-rapids; :..;. i ■} -;; ' ;.•'; •': ' '^RlP: Rita;'' (Rartlp):' ifi.>; flrst- rat^: . : (iriw at-': tfib'Kxbcisipr;;;althpugh th-p;:;;. :r):eP|)ie;;hbrK like: more aption/ln thf^I.r;; ;fl;ra.riia/,:.P.ic-Vuf{e;corn-cs-iaV -;' .[•taiiftn ■tcrritpry. Iti^- obior-^ ;. hiav.o. prpat'ati-raotlbn ahfl,.thc.:.niuaic; - Is w'%ni- -kiiov,^. that-: the ;aiji.(liorrce.; -. ifreailMRl>;jb-ins;i.n ;a^ 'liHim-: bbrs^'-,;:■; ;■:..;;-";.-,•;;;.;•;;,.■;;,.;■ -•.;.,;■;•■■/.-•:'■ :..;'-i. - .:;.;;■:-.'Fatal- Filrn;.E;><ptosipri.-: .'■..;.'; ;■; ..-;;:•.:'- ' ; B«!rlln, Jan. 6., ':'-.■ . ...-A;- {iiri;ti(:M fiim.-{ ;in- tlib-jiibm^ bprp.:; .of ;,a'--rvam'brjiifci:h:^^^^^ • /^xp)paf'dv..-.^<'illli:ig; ■': Ills ;■'wlfp; arid;. !}o.V (-: i--/' ly . in J i.'i r' i.n. ii i ni. ;.'('r.i (1; M M .y o ling;.: 's'o 11. ";'-':■;.•■. ■■• ■/ -;.:'/■.'•-'.