Variety (Jan 1931)

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« W^dlicisdftji Jaiiiiary 7» rl^>31 Kin-BT Brings . .Eusinei'S- "Avas .,f?bod 3 tlirpufriip.u.t ,';.(Vac ..loop, ;AvithVpniy -a .c'buple oC'- Ox^^^ vcoptionSv- ■ .'V •••■■^ •. '■■ Qriig-';Of .-the ^'hipg^^^^ tHvrlls- -for, Ptibiix-.Br &.-Kv was'.;tive .s\rc-c»s«fi of . •'Min -.. aricl iRili;' : jrtaVraT: 11)$ .. Oriontai ■ after tlircp^S'P.oIfs. ;a.t ,.M'cyic'ker.'.s'.. •.'•^'iVst.. tinie '.■'f!\i(:'h.; U ibooUinff-AVas: ovoivniade. . IloU <li4- an exce^erit■.$36■,-560;^.■ V^'.-^^ v'" . ■ McVlcker.'sV ■ ..-contirinofl -Ifi -tlro; .. motii^'y,: 'with';'"'^'^';^>rpvih.g: a- > winner "in '-:its . first Av'o.f.k/. ' '"Uiprlitnlri'./' also in>its. first week fit; • thA :RooseV.elt,.;^Vas dnly 'fair.;} 'iinr; ociln/.' coirtirtg into the Urivitod'. At-' vtistii -> after ■ .an. 'earjy...:-,ru^^^ ;-.s.oine ti.iontlis. a.6:c>:'at fhfe'^'aTty- I>'utiCl> apd; ■ .Tudyr: cbuldn't /Vasf; oiit the . holiday ^Hvipeiv:'artd- ;>vas^.-yia"nk^«lJ/--;. ■•••x-. . • ■ : ;Eun(*.h'ahd.-J.ud^ lipuis Maohat; tried a. cpniphiiGk iviider .the. .jjuidiance .6f .::\Iax. Aschef. but ..lasted • ioss than .• 'two , daya • with, '• "Silvery \iJorde'^ (l^adibi.v; ' ' x' ■\: . ■ :Sf udt'bdker^.fept 6pm.i2 coin with Its all-f Jerin'an' tiilk'er, 'Two' Hcavts.;?Ti;' ;:\VaItj5:;-Time,-'' vKnd .will:.bol^3;:bn for •tAvo': ,rnore-.. wfieks,A^ain: pi'bvirig:. liiat ithexe's plentyr pif/, the nfidwfest who prefer.: filihsr .from, . their.'- hotne', cburitry.-; ■ ■'' .•■ '. 'i ■■■■ Estimates ^6r .Last Week - ■■■ Castle (:Beck).. ■ ;C299;: .35.5O--60)^ .•■Biliy .the Kid'' {M-^>k;; wide -screen . at Oriental' to' . fair tivad'oi and . same,;goes toi' this tiny ■;Bpptr-'i4,ioa.::-'v ^•■'^"-' .Chicago (J>ubll'x-B:l-&.K.). (4;.000; Fi'0-75;'85;) ''lJash'r(FN).'!'sjipw.. ■ Juiiior Durkln, -Kid ; ifipature,. in. per-' sbri; did ppprly . at^.$ bpenied- and xipsed. on. Thursdaysv.-pr .flielcer, - "Right. to . tbve": <.Pa.r), ex- pected' to bring 'house biack to Fri^ ■ day; opening by lasting; eight .;days.; . •6tarto'd.-,.excpneritly^^^^^ ■.■ . ..McVicker^s (i?ublij5-B;:& . . K.) ■ ('d ,865 .. 50-^5-8'5)'^''Mo^6c.Gp'•, (Par)..- ; T.erriflc weelc. at. $44,40.0 •. .»hbt the ' WPrVis. bii publicity!, : • ' ; ^ rMohroe (Fpx): (liOOOr "Bife :Trail" (Fox) (2nd .lbop run)..- Did : well ■ for feonse/ . picking , it.j lip' a • grand to: gbpd- $-3,7i30.. •'■ ■ , Oriental (Pubiik-B. & K;) ' (3,2Q0i: :vS0-75-,85)' "Min and Biil" (M.r.G).; ■ Stage shb'w>'.f,Plenty,..Gf sniilds, .an a. welbbrhe -charige .after; 'many; uri-i certain- :week'.s; $36,500.. : • Orpheiim' (Warner): ■ (65.0; .4pr;60) ''Divprce .Among.: FHerid^s!' (WB) Not 30 hot: off to -weak $3,100. :: .• -...Paliace <TRlt0) .:(2,30Qr ■ 50-75-85). r-FPilow: tlie leader" ;(Par):; rVaude, :; Hpuse:is ,getting qtiite' a few Parar .' nib uTit pibturbs Pn, turn - dp.\yhg f rp.nV • PUbjix; circuit", ..arid, nipst bf ' these films Ixaye .been bkay; this one bvbr,' w-i'lh Va.ude,. ho.weveiV as .thei. ,.bis: ■ -dMwv 'tb'J^isoo; fine.-.-,: ;■ Vv''> : \ VRbbsevelt.(pubix-B; & Kv) (1,500; V; BOr:75-.85)' ."tightniri:./^' (Fox); ■ Mixed • weicbtrie, • and - just/. slightly>,.better than fair .at the. gate; $24;300 op^n-r ; ing:,;\\:eei;;-.''0.utwqtrd B.ouh (}y!By ' :.^£ibi: ib replace,'- ''::.y\ \ StateVLake CRfcO) : (2,700; 50^75-- ; 85)^!*Hook, Line and Sinker" (Radio); : lasted two. days past 'the hbliday '^veelV and ...r.eboi'tod . $27,00C .:fpr.' the. . stay; iciuicic.. ..switch -bro\igl>t . in : . "•'Oharley's Aunt":.(^Gbl)-:jari;: 3^ '. ■ . .-•Studeb.aker. (.In^uii) (1>200;, 5.a-75-- 85) '^Zwei- llerzon ;:'^h; :% : .Takt^?: . (•Ufa). -. .-First, week .'gobd.;,,- 'all-Ger'.- ■ nian.A^^ill rbuhd. biit 21 days before : ■ .scramming; town apipear.?- :saffe' fq\' dialect flickers;, ^arner.ed^ $9,000. / : United Artists (Publix-B.^ ife-It.) (1,760;- : 50-75-85) \"Lincbi;i" : (U'A). New. row 'at- .$10,-700.;: fbn^ more in -: terestcd lin sex and murder.\ :;; : Woods (Jones) -(1,200; 5Q.:75-85-) - vC'zfar bf, Ki'badway" (U). ; C^PUld . : last- sc(:Pnd w.bek; pulled on'Dec, 31 ;• . at .$0,300;' 'I'^ree Xpye". (Ij)? o.urrent. '. aiTidvWll do. around •:$l6;0'0P-'' ' NEW ORLEANS CLICKS PROVIDENCE JUST FAIR Grdsses . Up, .but-■ Not -by M uch— . $12;60C! for ."Loy.e" and^'*'HQok" - ; ^ ;: ■-\. .f • Providohce;'Jiini "6.\ v. . ■ .■\Vi.lh .-phe' or \tWb; ex.beptlpns. all. Pt'aird-s pUsh'bd' aivead bii :th.'e hbliday v fover. Best, -bet fbr thb': wieek -wa..'?. ".'I'aid,-'. iii'beW.-'s State-; Whi'o.h - did, ;a-. fine. $25,5()0; . - O'the.i-s " didn^.t: . eliiiib.: enpiig-h- to. inrLlte. it' a smash Wei?k.,. . .filni-. hbii(ie.s.-.:.jiad rnidrilght-- shbws;Ne:w. Year!s-Eve ;and all re> . ppr;ted. .exceptlohally'.^ fi for; the^niight;^---': ' 'r^l-'V---' •'' .'•^'..' -:... ■■.Estimates"--f or- -Xasf ■I'W.eeic" "■;■ Lbew's State ('3,500..;''lSr5b); ."Paid"/ i-M-Cr.) :and;.shorts. -Jpari Craw'-fbrd ov'je.r. ;l>ig here; $25,500- "r.epb'rt^d; Vbry'big.'-. ; i ' ;\'--.'■.:'.■--V---- ■■-Majestic- ■■(2;'206|:v'.: 15-50),; }:'\r!4st; Imagine" -(Fpx),. .El ■ Brendei ahr bther . Ipcal .bet. eloge. i& ;.'$ 13,000; bkaly;;."-. ■•'...^'■' c'-.-.- ' ■; -.i V' '.'v..^-'^^ ParWmduHt :(^j2C!Ci;.: IS^Si)),: '-fliglit to li-oVe"'. (Par). V Des^pitie ballyhoo, Ruth^ ■ Ghattertbn^ 5 failed. to: click, as.. she' haS: in; prev-ipus ..feaitu^^ $12,- 50(j\,.just..fairO' '.:■■')■■■- . R-K>;a' .Victory .^ (I'aoO:;' ' 15-50)/ .*<Sea Jje^s" (Par).- ..'g.lifehtly .oyer ^.t;500, -Ibw: ilgurfe. fpr. an Otikie fea^.. tiire. 7: ■; ;-.';■■ ; ' i ,-''-■ : R> l<-Ov ■ /Albee-^ :5(^50;-;. >1B.^500.,'- Hbpk,; Line and 'linker-' (Radio). W.hiib ..$12,000 ia . loWer than other Ceiturcs of th.e.twb; ipprriediahs |i.ere,. fiijjare-ls firood; ■.. , '^\.-'..-1 ;'.: / .F^y's (l,6a0: :i57^6>, : .!'0Devil With Wp.m'eriL' ;(Fbi).; arid vaude..; Plenty of exijloitat'ibn; tp ."boost ;JlcLagIen;, arpurid- $'8,o60,-''fair:;.'.. . ■ ;'NtWspAPER: ■>.H[iAD;tii;r<.e:s ■,- y ili ; ^'B^ege3t Event on Caijeridar of Day - Is;- /jSuppier 'Dance, for,- Miss Marguerite Brbkaw.'*iSibcember 22', RlTZ: eARLTON.; •■ . 2^ : ''Srhuaht Ball tot -Miss Bar* j.ara; Huttbn---l,OOd^^^^ - Present ; a;t Debut—Only .. fhfe " Mpre-. Exclusive Debbies" Were iBldden.V . D^ 23; RITZ GARLTONi ^ Musib for ihfe dancihff by MEY;ER DAVIS* GiUgmented dRGHEST • cinciftnati> .Tafl? 6. (Orawing Population, 700,006) . /Weathers moderaite - .Neyr Ye.atf's-^^w^ the dawrtfpw,n:' picture houses, their cpmb'lned gresises 'Vegiateririg an iiir crease pf nearly $20,000". pv;cr .'the preVipus;,wcek. ■ All.added rriidnight shpws,' New Year'^ Eye' and the Al- bee had !'fbur diily .;I)erfbtrnahces-;. ; Estirrtates for Last .W.eek M bee (i>v-K-0) ' (3,300; . 35-75) "Rompte Cpntrpl" (M-G) arid vaudb t'remeridbu.'j .at $.33j50O.:.. - - . '■ Palace (R-K-O) (2,700; 30-50) VHoPk,,. Linb ^aiid Sinker" (Radio) E.xcellent;on $23,500. .. Capitol (R-KrG) .(2.600; 30-50) 'iRight to . LbveV ;(Par).' . Good at $17,000. -/■ '-■ Lyric (R-K-O) - (1,400; 30,-50) "Kismet". (WB); Good' at '$13;50'();:. . Keitli's (Lisbon) (1.600; 30-50) "Renegades" (Fox). • Around aver age, $5,500. •> - ■ ■-. '•^" ■ ■''■-■■^ Strand (R-K-O) (1.350; 25-50) "Tpp Speed'.' (FN). Ts-ormal,. clbse to $5,000.. -.■ ■ . : '' Family. •(R.-K-O) (1,140; 25-40) V'Fightirig-Thru"' (Tiff) and "Clahc in- wall ■ Stre.etV--<-tnd)'.. : Split'' .^lightly above $3^000. '. . : - '• mmmm STANDS OFF STORM; New Haven GiveB *Pajd' $17,SiO0 arid .^RiSlht to Love' *1830a ■ -.iNew. Ila'ven,. Jan..f. : : (driawing Population, 300,000) Weathers Stormy 'Grp.* slipped a. cpniubaek.. A Rtpriivy,AVobk-ond,-lft thisv villaierG. 3^ tpb bjid as. it cuts pff trade from surrbundinf? siibvn'bnriites'.whb. don.'t get to town other djjy.s, . - " -' • Estiriiates . for Last V/e^k .-. Roger- Sherman -(WB) :. (2;200j --BO): "i^uniiy" (FN)l^ Only fail- at ;$.fi,Opo.. '-■ Fox-Pbli. (FOrX) : (S.049;:- Co) "raid" (M-G) and F; ". &: - H.' -ldea'. Good draw at $17,000.; '.:--".- .-';■'. -' - ';"-:- . Papamount- (PiibUx) :(2,353; 65) "Right- to LbyeV\.( Par) Publlx .unit^ Br:ought.fyiiical Chatterton. gross; good at $18,800.. ;Biiou (Fox^ (1,536! 50) "Princess arid ^-^Itiriiber" (Fb.x), "East ts .West':'' iCtJ) arid "'iJig Money" (Patlie) (2 days). Moderate at $4,400. ..' . , A $21,000 0. K. for Ind. U ,200-^ V ;Iridiajia:pblis, jari/6i (Drawing Population^ 460,000) . Weather: mild Federai, prohibition administr.'itbr here gave pictures . a break bri New Year's, ordering the lid on. tight arid adyised. that <evierybody/gb to. j^^ piO ture show; '; > - - All downtown , houses added ' fea- turbs. arid. aets. .The' Indiana" made a^partlal bphieback with Belle Baker as headilnbr, ■.this, house, .being ) the only '.one boosting'; prices night of Decl 3.1 .'to ;$1.' .Natiyes'^^ wbri;t. pay $1 for , that type ' eiiteHa,irim.erit. "eveia /on; : a . holiday. ; Other hbtises gave. two iihbwa for .one .pricey 'For the first %ime 'in history, the Mutu'al burlieaciue hpuse liad ,the SRO sigri .up.i; :■,;-;- ■;: ■ v.-'!-'/:^-.v-- . The Indiaria' has obtairied Winriie Lightner to open it's . fltage star policy. - Local theatrical circle iS watching the experirbeht .with ni uch skeptlcisril.--. ■'.-.'';--. Estimates for Last Week Indiana- (Publlx) (3,30a; 35-50-65) "(3bing Wild". (FN). Helped by 'perisbhaT app.ea/aiic6obf^ Belle Bak in .stage show; " business gained Oyer recent wbeks but iiot as. hbp^ed^ fah- a,f $21;000. • ; ^'■^■■rv ;: ^ Circle (Publix) (2,000.;.'.2.5-40-50) "Tpm . Savyyer" (Par). . brew kids but ribt. paying at 15 cents edch jerked Wednesday for. "The ' Lash' (FN): as special draw for holidaj- crowd; $11,500". ;.'''v,; Lbew's Palace ' (Loew's). (2;S00 25.-35.^50) "One. Heavenly Night' (UA), ■. Fair , at $12,800 with :"Paid'. (M:-G):a.s preview New Yeir's Eve ■ Apbllp (4th Ave) (1.100; 25.7.35-50) ''Just- Imagine" (Fox). Picked up bver recent Weeks; gbod -at $7,500 Lyric (4th Ave) (2,000; 25-35-50) '.'Part Tlriie - Wife". (Fox), .'^Okai^; Tom Brown's band: held up. nearly as ^yen .asi-previbus;.w;eek-with big name; gobd at $12,060;, -.':. -' h.;.. Ohio (Publix)> (1/400; 15-25) "Half Shot at" (Radip). .Average business at $2;400 . bri. second rml.' EACH $20,000-SEATTLE .;.;;'.'"-^ ■-i;'^-. ;--;-. -. Seattle, Jajiv.. q. ■ . (DraWirig Pdpulatibri; ;4&0i000) J V ,-; ..■.■\:."''Cool-..; ''-.' .;;/;;■. .; bandy . spurt all. arouhd. • Even ;h9 third; week at the Fox, was gobd, an things bbrisidered,- for'/'Min and Bill;"- fiut: ...tho .■-.big • shot- • was VLightnln' " at. tho Fifth', Avenue, whidh also was the closing week' fbr Rube Wolf. \, > , ' Estirnate.s for Last. Vifesk PariirnbUni: - (Pub) , (3,106; 25v35.- 50.) ."Along Gam©: ,Yp.uth" (Par), bull .week; .. holise needs sbiribthing more; than canned Sound; "stage show and . band Opens , next;'. $6,900 poor, ■. ■ :<'■' . Fifth Ave.; (Fox) : (-2,500;. 25-60); "Lightriiriv" rdi'ox)..' ' Great . A\reek ; ^20.000 very big. '-y- ■-'■;-;:-:' Fox (2,500;', -25-CO)V"Min aind Bill" (MrG). ■ Third . week arid fa,ir- at $6,400-; . hou'so'' .gbea . ,iritb , weeltly change with prices reduced', to isik 30-40., . - . ;'.■-.■■ ;;v:.;/ ,■■ :■ ' Blue lyiouse ;(Hamrick) (900; .25. •*'Paid" Runs .tip :$25,000:at~;^ . ..-rSUte. $i 9,000—0r p h' .$13,000 ■■- ■;. is:'o'%v- Orleans, ? ." C;-: -■ ' . (briwing . PppuJatipn,: 500,000) ■ '[ : Weather:- Fair V . '■: - ■Eb'siribss- bart-ie- i'tv-sliing-- liriok ':tu.-<i ■ ;''wet;k. .- -VpiUir^^-^eiwtabliHhca;;: .ii' ■ 12. , '. ritpnths' -re.coi-.d- for tfie.' -Sacri.ii'cr' ami ^ ?MTen;.tj;:A-np;-(>l^ at; tjVc . Staie\<j ^' Viiudb; .ai.«ib b^vbsted ,tp -a.Kblid grqsg.- Estimates.-for List:Week; • • ;■: .^' Lb.evv's .Stkte'-.(;);r2l«.^-'; .00): ..''JteU:s: ;;..; A hfft^ls'!' ; (IT:A).' >. ^ VI deV i jlo;.. to' '■■ iiiipede ' ruinvirig .-.Umc piv' "liio.Ip-V. on' ^ - draw;. $lflrWOv' V:C'i\v;'sobd.;.' '".: .. - : •;. ;Saerige.r;iG;^-^ifiJ<;';.«:^) •'UnUa"^.CM-^^:).- . .Swell-$2p,0oo; :.iribUi!lin.£r^ ^S';l^\v. -Vwi.r'.a. ■ "K've sho\virij;> -'^ilfeht- .t))..-:T.pve''' ■ .xPar).;;'^Ibc's^t .honv in. a ;yco;ri-; •.;. •■ ::Strandr'-;- .(IVSQO;'?-'^JiOXo.-v'^l.^ussLbn; .-^^ ■FlQwer'^-.(.M.^a). Xol vso.Mvpt; -only: ■■".$-:?;3'0[Q.^-"^ '•:-;•:-; ' ■■:-'-.;:^ '; s-: ^ .^^^^ Tudor (.800:;:;50) -.,"<:^unll^••','■ .(F^;)v -<7oi'ildh't fcibt. gbii);t<-:-.ari.d'- pull''d; ,in- -; .:-.;faVibr q£ :"bnJy' .S.T.i)S- Wp.rk'^ (I'.'fr), ,' \vhibh' braeed Avcek.; well, onb.ugh.. lo. .;-.tbtal $-M(>^>r.^£air; • . -; ; ' . ; OrpheMm "lljPbk. . .Lfnf : ..jind \-gjriker'^i;(R^idio).V v .libilf'dinfp^ iilc<.V ■w.eok: .fpr- -$13,000, ..tluVugli-'. fil.m; ,yon-. ;-;•■■-;■...■:;.'■;■■.; V - ■ v't bui syiil o;.. Ja.n.i.; 6;!! ' • ; (Drayvirig.-^'.epuratibri^ SiOOyOOO) : :^Vi(eathe.r r ;.Ffe.ezi ri'jg'-'' While m.pst. bi! the ' hpuse.s/'vv-ere light, -the K)?ri'tuckyj .dpw.ntp'wri..:s .ririd,';ruri,. Kad. rbp^a ■ but. for. !'Tpni Sawyer, -'-Rather''ting -a -the- ^Tilrn .played to;.- an . ordlhary take les,i''than :»:■ riipnt^ - ■ :;'. A11. iri- a-U',-.'a; w.e.ipk' bf . gbqd^eri.ter -.'biinirierit, .' wi.tli :: genera 1'. :iriGrease- slight..:-■',^,,;•.'.:■-. .'.■ ■'•'-.•■-■-■.-■ ■-. Estiniates .for "Last Week; rAlamb;.: (4th .:Ave.-) :(r.ioo>. iSrSC^: 40). .-"j''riri.ress. {ii1(T' PiumlVfet" (Fox).. :Nb-;rh.-v.e. at ,$3,505.;'.' \.:;.;-. :';- V'^' ■ v- . • BroWn ;C13rbW.nV: (.I'/Bfifl;.•15-25r46)-- \".Chari6y*s ;- Attnt" .; (eo'l). ;. .-eii.iriic .Ruj,'Klfs. 'bi:iTimiry;.at:-$3:200.- . y Mary A^nderson CUkQ)".(-).,.1S7> 30--' :nn.). .'"S,o;i;.^LpgKV' (Pa-R):, - . jJaclv Oaicib; •■ ft! way-s': s;i'f p ■ for:-££t;.lf'{i.s(. .a -.Sli'sl i t ii»- - CTriiiiJfb; -^O,!^').!!; -.. ^. .' ■: ■^:'. ' .^ V.; .Natibrial; mass)- (2,3:h;0 ; • 2,7-?.Jrr!50.y^ ^'SiiiM -bl; .C'lviMiTri" -( iVi rU^^^ ing;Vl)pp:bTo''"'.yiriit-. :■ S.lnft-'b. slx-W' .f,'m)d ■'I h d ' f .'I ^. i) V I '(I f) v.c i* - -I'f j 1 f 11; • . 11 p' - -' tit )i ae;-,' .WhrLtio/^ViX/jm.-^ ;• ;... -Riaitb-^ HiCO) '.(iS4A;, !i'0'-56)- :.'.'J:Iio ;r-;ish"v. V1<:X). ; -pi.c«k'.;|)arl hbl'iivirsK• St ill .-a-Hh^lw ■ lloi'V' ;.;'c;u'rlo(l- tu a: f;'uF >i,:ii>0/ ::- ,':.■' ■ ■■:<:;:■'■■''' ■ :fetatb (Loew) (i;2fi2;' ^t^-noy^'/'aid-' ; (.M>n).., - :St p plyoil ■ :t-i;i (V; ;(l'f? \y 1;i(1 c■ :;;i-ud'; liold' to'.; 'ii ' ;i''f ,'i.s(Hi'a>')ly'- /Kl'c'tuly ;;fin/-iDO,; ;v-,- , :x. v'/: -.. ^:v--^: -: Strand--'■("•Ith'' .Avo/j '-..i .l'..«iii'5;.' .35-nO)' -'\Jrij5t:^Jri)nfririM'' .:;i'l'V>\:i:; V KiU^ -^llC^; .) >I'SI- .i n... ti 1.VV \\ \■:■ ?o^2^().',.;■ :-.■;'{■;.: "|'-, 50i),- "Gapt: VTh"undbr''V(WB)v>';Had Soriiei.pqnph:; .a.ppeai in titlb;: $5,000 gbod^. .-''--'■;■-' .■ ./•;.::•: ■■■'•'' ..".'.^V;' Music Box '(Hahiribk) .(l.'OOO; 25' 50>,> "Vieririeise- Nights'^-, ( WK>/ Did vvell oh $0,000. - ■■- ^Liberty. (Jbrisen-vbn"' Hbi'berg) (2,:0ff0; 25:-^35i:50), "Top Speed" - (Fn:). Plerity of 'laughs;' $.7,200. excellorit; :OrpHeum (H^K-O) (2,700; ,25-^0), ."llobk,; Line:. arid Sinker!' , (Radio), Cpriiic: -pair heaViiy billed^! .'"S-i^y children, and. .$20,000 triferiibridnUs.. •ANGELS* HM IIP A 1)RAMA HOPS DENVER UP FOR BIG $27,000 ': :" '.^■;;;:....-.'v-benver;,-JariV; 6.- (p.rawih.g~!Pbpu|atiQn, .400^000)- . ; :Weatber;-..-.$novi/.:'-: ;Sopis;.ls ;:c\',ere. chanfed- 'aw.ay-;.by''t-lie; busin^^ss; last: wbek..^'^^ Nights'' started .libQi'iy^ but,,built n's .?bori asi toriff.ues sta.rted wagging. Supporting ;fl.horfs. cpritributed ..Jh^^ .sViare.- "Paid''.; .-was tr.enicndbxis-' at th.e-. Xieriver.-j; '■.- ;■.-•.;:.. :■'•-;■' -'■;;-■. ; Paramount sriapribd .out oC it With '^Right to l:ibve'.' .bn.:an' .eight day run;:;. Offerings ibf Jfickie' and ..Joan, bri two ..brgarig, arb ; building, 1 endancie: here. : ;..'i'hb Tabbr,'' witIj, ".J.:ust.''lln\lg.ino,''' did a.;Kig- -lca,p,,ib(-).-< ..-.Estimates!;.for._'?Lagt - We'ek;;'•:-.■;■;; • /Huffrrian's Aladd'in '(I'.noO; ;■3n-f;0- 7n.V ..''Vif'vi:iiu''HP.. Xiglits-: .(WB).!.-.-^^ ;itt-.^;9,'00O..*- ;'- •'•■ : ■■ -;".' -: ;V ■ ;.; <:-'A«riy«'p • fPuUiix):-^ :f2;3ao: .: 2.'-=Jiiiv ■fi5).;*'PiiMV■' XU^lCi).'-..Vi^vy^)]AX. ^'17:^ 000.^•■:--' :■ • '■ .'-N '-■•:':'• ^-.-i-^';- : . Pararripiijit. (Pxi 1 ill x") ( 2.00^1.;'■ A .Z'y-hi)) ^:iVigJittp.Lt)vc;'' (.Pai')\ .i'hmiy Riafito.'(Pvii)]lx"y = Cl;OiO;;;;2nril5-v5()j' .."^Jod.- T.oi.t.s":. ('Par).. 'Above' b.V(.*rago ;at.$4.,'tot);;:; v..;-:'- •■ ■■^■■■-..^;-' .--:-:-.i •.' Huffmaiirs-.Tabor- (l.JioO L .'L'n-'aG-riO) V.riist ./Iriiawrift^'-/t.Ii"lc)X:).; V Ti ijijiii.-;rt -.;^i'i;OOio..; V .; ■'- ^' ; ;;; •■■ albntrealii;. ■Jin.'-'fi, ; (Draw irig Populatiohi, 6W),00b) V; ■ .-. . Weather Mild .'; Hbliday Week;'. gave,. t^^ boost, priricess had . the' biggest gross, of the year -with $24,500':.for "Hell's Angels." :: TUrriT.away;.. biz, .riearly' every'- hi^ iriaiitiees capabity. :,Film .is. ;bbirig;hcld a-SjeQ brid:'''wepk:■';■:.■■■ .■■■■■ ■'•.^ '■ PaiaQe tPpk placQ,.grpssing $17>()00 ori "Min and Bill." ; Cajpitol also. up. on- :"Tbm; Sawyer;''.; $.15,000.; r.epi'bT sentihg' a'^^fair total. ..:' • His iMajbsty's ;:;(legit) ;tbpk to flickers'with .;"Vienn'ese ' Night.s' (WB)-, arid, made a fair shbwing;at ' $9,000,: irripe'rial's dpuble'" bill' faded at .$3,500, b|]t :libpe^; -to . pjck; Up.;.ori 'tiew ; pplicy' starting. •Saturday:. (3) .when ;dpaible fii-st.-runs: Will be iri aus;riratcd. !>reighbbrhbods;. had ;;a. gpp.d cbmebacfk aiV bvei'. th.e .city. : , Estimates for Last Week^^^^ " :-His .::Majesty?s <€T)' '(1,600;;^-50 $1.5.0)y -.''VienrieRfe-.; Nig;hts'5-;. (W;b^ :,lji?h ,pvo.s's.'.notice,s iand ;-shai*ed: iti general ;hbliday . . pibkrup; . $9,000 gbod.,^;■. ^ ■'\ y - -Palace. (FP)'-('2i700;- 40-7.5), "Miri and .B^n''..;•(^,T-■G)V ::Stars' big favor- ites and'\$.l7.000.::gppd.-.;. Capitol :(FP,). (2,7.00.;:.;4d-'75), "Tbin Sa'VVyer" (Par). . Wbuld .have be^n . hit:.'of yeaf. but for Cliildr.en's Act barring :n-iiifiQr9;1undPiV .1.6, :cvbn with .'.par'eMs;.- as'. Wa55;' $15,000:''f airi .';. '. Lbew^s. (IrP) .(3.2.PP;-- 4*:Go); '-'Fast and; ;Lpbso'':. (Pair)..-- .Stiappy: .v^V;^dc and. pictin-e fifty-'fiftied for $i6;000, gbod.-'-':. '■■.^:;;-:'^'--v:-.'^"--,.':' ^ry-w. ,-;;- -:. Princess (G'r) (2,30();-.-','35-60). ''Hell'.s::Angol.s:';.;(U4--).':;;.B>.;'gCst jvi't. ;ln rribnilis;- h,('bnd woek ;. ?24',500, .'h'c)use;:ve^brd. '■-■ ;., - " ■;•• '■', -. ^Impepial ; (irp);. ,^(;l.,9o6i: :.2n-4b)V dbitblo' hill>--' I'^idod at-.$3,'{t00;.;---. .', •. .^" 'Flbxyvriiiil)-.((iCia: 56); -'^Tpiiio;f<a Vie" ;..(l.':r.f-iv(-h). :.i 2(1. -/w'eok)': , Quito'$2,()J)(f;.:.:': ' r. :':\: ■■ ::■/■ ; -- .. :; ^.: 'Phiiadoli>hlA, ;ja.n,;fii-V Trade'in..;th3i>& gerieraily'subsii^^^ toiiy: N;eSY ..yefir's week.; One. er, two pictures disjvpppint^ -. b\i;e: .-ino^t. urricd'iri gobdgairi.}3. ' V % ,. ',;; ■: -; • TheV. .Mastbaurii . w.ais' ti-ip- .. ea sy.: ;eader'' riea:r $65,00,t). fbr "Goi.rig->v.iid,'^ j^ilus:. '.'Beriiiy; 'RUbiri.. on.': the'.. Ktage.- (3ross 'Helpbd'.by midriight show :Xe\/: Yeiii-'s Eve. ;.'Fiijure highly satisCic- tqiy; ; but:-: not - sensational.; -: ;Th6 liiarie, -which- , also: had; a. m^^^ sho.w : Nfe'w 'gear's,: tut'ned; in, ;a . fiturd'y'$27,000 .with VDivpi^ce Aniong ;' Friends'- and .an;;-..brdlria.ry: stagb" shb\v."":..':; :v :. ;:: :y ;::':■ ■ : ' ; Fp^- had ,a.; $3f^^^^^^ fiop. ■'Sea Xie'g.s" plus, a "boriv n.tibnal; FsinGhori arid Marco slipw...: Keiih'^s.. got. '$23iO0O '-■with: ;^Sa.\Yj'ev,V. . ivbus© also had ifriidnight; but with differe'rit jiicture,'. "The • Pvight;. .to..; Love.-'; ' "Sawybr" : was scrisati.itiiafi' in, morning- and af terhoPri'b weak a,t^nightig; .as €ixp^tjGtbd; ■.•i/.-\.': ;.'.>:' ' - • .- Stanley .'get. about .$25,000 fbr. '.'Tlie ;- Lash^V^ iarid. tJi6. ;Bbyd ;:$2il.000,: .;dcf-; initely.:.disat)pb.inting .fpr . "Jvfsnlet.'f Latter has . hot ciicked here: ■ HUme, ; „ jes for ."Outward. Bpundi'- ifV■popr. ^hpic6...fPr a. holidaiy bpeningj.. vvhich.:. got": a. .'sba'nt''..$l'2,\at',..the :.AUUae' last-'Svbek .despite'g'girig. ''' ;•: - ' :' ■ The ^Karlteti gpt■•:abb.Ut^$]5j000, ilor •: ''-Captain Thuhdei'" '..and' frfie Aire-.; t di.a, - ■} limbst that^ fbt: ^-liau.ghter.'' .",:•.'-; ^^^•■.'^v.Estirifn^tbs. for L.ast.:'\V>!ei<.,;,-; - Afdiriri' '(M09;-- i$lv50)^''O"t;\vard ' Bb\irid" (WB). Ai-tiStic picture will jUst mariagb. -tp'.limp . thro.u'gh; -two. - weeks- Svhen it is taken off tb /intike .. way tor . "\^i4nriese.:Nights''- Th.ur:S-'.-. day: >rdve: notices '.for "Bound". 'ibUt : fans ; no likec; ..claimed. $.12;000 week ■ ■ with.- help of ,;exti;a-; midiviglit ; .siiovv.;-:^''•;■;' '...•.:.:'; .-■.^.':!' v.,. ' ' -Arcadii -' (eo^iV ^ : CP)-^'aia.uf;htor'V-. (Pai*);. of, the critics', pe.t«.;' .: fair tb. middliri* in second 'db'\Vntb."Vvn siibwing' at this: little. house;, abbut. .$4i5;00V-^ ". • .'..;•■:'"'.;■r;.^";::-c-.'-:. •'..Boyd: (2i4bfl';-i 35-'50^75)VlKi>'mtt''' (-WB);v. ' Otis Skinner ..alSyays ". ii.<)Od for ireal- brisiriess; when "he comes .' here on ^tage;.: bitt. diffbrerit: in. the ;• -fllhis-;' 124,00.0: h.ardiyvri-ierb .than f£!Lir< ';..E-a;r'l e' (2,a00;' •25-85)^'VIiivbrc© ■ ■Amprig.Frierids" .(:WB)'. At;"$2'i(i0.0;.; •very ■: gpod; : sUpw- ; .Sby^;. ifear?s.-ii-.ript;; ■'^.■ ■-■";.' ;':'^--. .r.' ' : '' : ;FexV(3,00'g;:35:^50-75)-T-''Sba tH^-.'. (Par)";. - Jack oakie pb.puia:r:; $3:.y,opo. Karltort; :(l,600v ■..p;0)-r"Ca)vfaiii , Thundbr.".: Pretty rituch ef a wai^li- butr;fa:blidays; helped fbr $5^000/;: '•" KeitiiVv(i.;800;^ 35-,b-7:p)A"Torii'' • Sawyer:' ■ (Par).' V VRiglit ; to^^LoyelV :^Par). .. substituted': at New -~ Ybar's ; 'midnight, shbw and went in .i-ogU» : . iarly ;6: ;o'clpck .Saturd.ay;. $';2:|',000, ■:.: M'as.tb^u'm..-.X4.86.0;' 35-50^To).:t^-'''eib-',.- ing Wild". (FN),- Picture .deeriiied:.. brdlnary 'but trade very hat to ;"tune. Of .;$65;000;, Berihy R:ubin' sfage shew : .'headllrier.....-:'■. \ ,.. ,' :■ : ;;'::■ - ■ Stahle>';-'(3,700-;.^ ■i5^50-75)V-'-'^rii8^ Lash;'-. (FNi).:- Richard :Ba-rthoi)nes3,.-.; picture-dis.'ippoihtbd .a-nd'-lastod.billy , week;: $25,.000; . ■■'.'.::'.-,.;.'- ■ Stanton, (1.7fl0:;-- 25-65)—^'iSpliUor's:.: 'Playthirig": (WB). • Harry'ijan.cfclon; con-tedy not so strong; 'l.u.cky: to get,.- $11,000 and' oiii. ,.\ ; ■ . '. ': ■ - . .: '. °-: TdPEKA TURNS OUT $5,400 in ^^Lightriiri' V—Jayhawk'il P;uo;r Rolls Up $5;jpp0' -./;■ ■;;^'- -': •<•'liH';;»^;^^'^^:a^iV,.6.; .'■ ,■■K^^\\■■■ -Hi'iroiV. ri.'t^brtl . ih ■.blosirig:/a lioriso.- i^vvk 'lo bm, r)j,iiclV.(and. JiKly on\f^rind, li^y.: •;;(Dporibd.a.t.;j;: |>- n-iat .iitid .c.'i:Pseii,-:thb-ioii'b'Sv.- ing ev^riiitig,. :.^'ii^^^^ f hb, foa:tare., ' ■' .-■'' '-'■: ■■ ■ '■v^v : .-•.''■:-■;' '■• ': : ;:;H''t"brid-,ri.i-|-il!''-';;i,|-iviv\^^ ln~ got' the .li01l.^'<V fe'f'l'K-.'rii 'Vl^ lOiit-'jiffvih-G-'Wav: j.?iij.Hfiv■:: ;■'■■,■-■' :■-"; • V'-'V:,'- v:'•:^v. ■ : ■ > . .. : V- .:' ■.-- ..Tppeka,;-^ari;V'6.;,: . ;: - •,(Prjiwirig Population,' 85,000).-; . : ' Weather: ^^arm and. clear ' ; j3fgges.t: .niglvt's-.' 'business.'. ever.';; dbne . in ..Tppblca'-theati'es .-^vas ;.)i)^u;ip'd -, on - .recoi'd.: Kew Y.ear's: :Eve^-. cPouj . theatres: with, a seating .capacjt :4;,300 -wpre bbmpletcljr. filledi ^ siahd- -■ iri«: .'rGpm ..givcri - another ■' f h^'nd-. - with: mprb tlTari. 2-,Q"o6'."tij.i:nf;d ••^away-- by' 'wfiriads -. p.t -; firemen ' arid-i. Pb.lice. :; BiKeef^t -cr.PA\^d3- .'attempted .tP : eet ih,tp.- th.e ; Jayh'aw;k;. and .ilsisl.. wlier,6. ; fie..'?h: only .;Avas"'announced fnv-, t-he : 'bllis;.^-■■:•;•; ■■_ .:' .. ■-' •:.■.■■ :.•" ", Estimate's. for .Last -Week .;: Grand (l.;4o:0;'; nO.):. .ri^rix'i..:^.-l^!^ij? '■. ■|:io(;ked' out. tot "Lishtniri: f.Fox); '. -ijrltic'F^ 'imnribd' .ltbgbr^^^^ for adLiptinB '- voio to -himsel-f " in.stbiid : of .l.'|ay'"S. it as -yi>ri'ttbn.;;;'lotal- $jii>.40p,.:^^^ ' ' ' ."iJayhaWk 'Ci;!r00v-'^.a) :.'(FuN^ ' I.ops"r ■ (Par), ^^.iafk Oakie .friHHl: r>et, \v\Xh Toi)ekaris:.-:whb like-Ij-glvi. fb»l*.. :(Hly;,- an.d the lighC(Vr-Lhe In-tifr:: :$2,5:pi):: Now:.;Yeal^^li■ arid;'"C'h.; i"<>r-?':- M'iVti,'.' -Maat^ Iviilf. ■ ijVougTit • lf^t-<l' ■ : ' ;Nr.>^blty' (i;,2aQ ; : .nO.); (Fbx^V'^rC'^y";';. ..solidly..;Tor Ann .;11ard^-ii./''-''.^J : b)f -the ; Gbmfcn\AVest'' (MMU ^tH'';^ :-$2,400,.-sobdi V •Jsis' ■(6C)(»;' -^iy. :'• ■VTnd) , -v^M.<:^'9":^- MoOVi: presented .-.''Wllil : t'omP^V'vn with " gp'coiai. Vii'ud a;.. .Ijosil. :\v'im.-4v .; '.V :-10 .iit $lilP0;-V. ....;■-■