Variety (Jan 1931)

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Wedn^sdayr -January 7^ 1*1 CT IE C Sifts VAlttEtY • -l^e vv- 'Yeai!''s •■wcpk/ Vifaa ' a .'big;: Uu t • x-iip 'A h^:stem;'.EjttLi'tini?; !>©(;.:• 3(1 ai^icl ■ . "But. it. als6. e.;irrioa'o .elii!W;ps;<jyer-.t^^ .'•.' . ■•■ 'r Prafeiicaliy- ■. .jevf.i'y. th.!G:it'.tre ' wa.s.. ■ ' ■ plenty* i ' Tlie. bnl^^ ekijjanativn \tlia^' /v^liovvmorir;:Wh6.'^ :tudje ;^bfr'tiie^rios b(^ine:^advanced-;6rt ■.•'ibQ ;'cii^bi:. iiav:e -t^ Mt^y'lik-: that'Vat :■ ia«t: t1iev^dci>r6ssion . coiir^ .:^gr:at)1ated .rath9 : '-"^a'y. Jiixve; ,been, a-h.d, .probablir ■yi:a.f\ ~ a- tcinp.Ordtry vihRin^ off/Q^^ . GrpisVie's'-yV-ei'e .-ififlatcd . tjo lilglvs .-.of ilbxy. :itrici: tlie; Paiiraimount .wa^^^ also defliii-tpiiy' vi^i':'.■ '-v" • ■ . inp.urit ..brbugh .rp^vard' - in'1^^ .;-crMtmC- PulUtiB. put;.'Tpini: Sa^vyer,r^ .; ,afti'r |t-haTa -^Ke^ ^ <aiiys .Pf Itg secpn^ Veek, *tThe iRleht . Vtp LiPy€i'^:di^/,$46,2iO^ .pri/the-big .ey^ ddy;:alone ihd ;117,50Q .bri^'t^ ' diij^; '.jDa'ttpK^^^ Qfie .of. tltpise!' • 6.hapinp .::AiB .' bi(? . ior . the, 'PUrrpjit \ .-week; doing..-?lGv5D0;- Saturday . and- /.v'^ipu^^^ .•^; .Roxyj. ; marji;cd- the: •.swddeYi , stbjr.ih; . /First sevjen^ dayy g^oit; $a3,8.0'()^' w^^ : -■ the,-iolibwing. 4S :hpui's'. (Dep. 31-. ; • -iran/^^VbPo&teii tli4:.tvt4^ .'; .. The^ ■.Critci'lbn' and • Gaiety, •■■:.aU' sbared. .; ''Fi)'^t twp '\vith. ^'is^eAV. ' Moc ." ■ and ''Reaching for . the. .Jfoon'-' . vi-ere" .ever: :?22,0p0.;.. Col-, itrian's "Devil, to Pay,*' alap tilted the .; Gaiety, to.f $20,66%. going ■ absolutely . ..;.cle;ij.v oh. threes Ne\v Y.eaii'g EveVpef.-: . formaivces at ;8.: ?0, 11. andi one a. hi. ; '.'. Of., the smaller, .grinds, the .G ^.Btand^-. -oxit :■ -Nvith. .■ '$.23,<)06 ' for. ' :.''r)j.arley'is Aunt." v.At $23;,Q0O: "Suh^ ny.''''.-vvas' ..just'- fair -,ttt ^the' Strand, .-but; in. view, of tliie;. "tiike'' .pf the •■: . . bth>ri>-.tlje .figure, was disaiippinting'/ . .. 3yi;ayfi'ilr- alf5P has dphB. better thim : :.,tive $3CiftA0 Viiopl'c,;^ •■' jbr', but: that's, pkay.. V .:'. Ri'v.pli% ^?45,660 -fbr. siiK-..and 'a•.^i■a^£• .. /da'y.Jj of .''Royial. .Faihilyls''; .■•.s(?cbnd /.■\\'^^^ very; gbo'd-' l^icture .Is ' . lVo!di.tijf.-111).. curreritly,:gpttfhg''off to :■ ■ about ?1;7,000 .over;. Sati-and; Sun,. •; JFi^st.. four ' -dixys; of :<*i'he' LashV' ';bVou?rht. the' >VinWr..Crai"dcn!s .week . .- • up''lo .:$34;00 ••iuff...aiLtpr the first, threb •with $10,- ... •.. .600...- "Viennese Nights" ■toPk...;$il,^ /.TOO. ill its. last wei'lc a.t'.the .Wai'ners; . .''JviK^ii .Me : Agfiin''; .opefe-there'. to- ii^«fi:t '(TY^idnesday>^ -. .; •'.:;:: . ;-> •■ ■■ .,. ■. • :. 5ncid6ritally,' the. iPalape.i straight ,; ■ yjiiuloville, . carnp in for an' elcr. ■, .■pliirrU''s,-,:'i;hare'. . .With $45;0OO"' It .•••ln-p!cp'.f)]l,'pre.yioiia highs by.'. $7,00p; K(>w Year's jive erPwds daniiPd fpi- :;t)i(v. inidnite 'films rather than.- liie- ni.(ti; oiubs; ■ ^ -' V-^- . ■'••'■■ '> y\- .': ";Estim'ate$.''ifo"r - Uast''We.e^^ •:, '' - ^.;Ast6rU•!NcW ZVIboTi" (MVG) .(1,120; $1^$.2) :;(2d. wfcek.).. - Big:-at .$22,700., , beatihfr.ilrist iull;wet>k by.:$5'i0P:0. V ;. Caf,it6|r^''-War NurseV^(M^G)^ (4,-, . :,C-0;,. .2u^"85r$lVGO)'.. .IDi'd-'-fairly' at a.L-onnd.. ■$(55iOM. -v ' Over, $40,600 .fpr • 'on- weelc.end. , ■ •• - V ... CHtefion:—VRcaciiing for.: the ;: , iro.M»::,<.tjA)/:(S0Q; .$.l-$2)^(2d ^vc(>k). •.. ,I{r(>.lco.;...rcGOj<ds ' here . Avith- $.22,l)00;- '. ■ V *tOi'',.iii>mos .tluit^slipu^ •• •• .v\-.- v^ V. •Cjbl-ianr-"i;ii'th:'of ia- ifet^^^ •^iJj.iVUi and., -a ., few • huiidi'e'd.- .Ain.d'^r. .j>J»H«-i.-st:dia.>the ^nrst wd'ck-.-iiir-s .... ..^'-Vi"l.>t\l>.ii-UsV: reported, to -Uavo dciiie .• .••'lii.iip.a.--pvpi'' -laSt: M-eek>-:eitdi:;.hik,ii.c<st. -'::.]■:: \i< -■^ r:Gaiety;^ vil. ■.;td ■.}yl': - (i^A^ ;. ?i-..?.2;) .(BO. -ivecrk)'.,'G-icij; iivcnt-'y. ./ Iii.'i'^^ -fni"-::tl.ifs: Ci'iuc- iii Ulic rViii-. w-it'lv. ■■; -S\^!/; .(^^ fuM.-.ri'ui:: ;,; ; ^i-U'-iCt.t'Oyby ijiconung; "X5illt*J<<j5i:>.'";.''^ ■; =;'.■ ■ ■■Globe^'!plii^^y't;.:^':/^l^nt•'^ ^^(^ ■ ."-("iwx ; 2.5-o0VT-ri.).- -^A 'liUlo 'OVPrr ii .^\.y^■\i ..iH .its van.'and $23,<)tt(j:*"r\x«iiy. ■''K';';.':'.. ■': ]'.'■■'■.:■■!:■'. ■ '■ - ■ ■V^-' ;..' • I :Avot^k).;.. JJid. rii'tiuiid-. S.'1,000 .:!". H> vi-r Wn<j 'Avef^k; AvUit^li jsii't blul . .' .<.>'i'i.^Ti|iM'-ifi'^i, .pri'vio'u.'?' 'M'lOoki-iiK.s -. in • :V'^-^-;^.^.lvl>oi'i:hoi.|a(•■ ''.Ta'wS of jlc-ll,"' :i!ri(.i8h ma^O,. .hit va :ro(^ora/Av('(:'U- :.: ; :.V'^^i^;*itii-.;$2;TG0Vy ' ■, .• >.V^'/. '■: .^^V_Ma>faIr^vi:Topk/LiIve..a -f^luker'' •■ ■• ^l^^r''''•■<2;200;';40-$i).." At f3C,60b .■• ..•'Vi^iT'.Pweet.''....;. v-.V' •..■■\..- .^.-i: ' , - ■-Pfranipunt-T^''ToiTi.S<a,wy<ir'!.(Par)' . ■/-W>'} -^$1) • .(2d' - week)..: MbVb|,y. tiian the''-li''ar,amPui'it-.ran ro-. .. -. hif n^bnr is'.thiV $103,366;' fiAre days'. 0f . I •M'(;oncl.;Wcek of "Tpm .Sawycr" got ■ .^:V'-^P^--: while ■;^^;Rlght- ^to . iove'* sOur)<vQ:;in Ne'vv .!'YeaE's vlSve ^ tolled: .. -;5.-f>..:;oo .then aiid lilT.UOO.-tl\e' '^Mo^v-' '^'r .tla'y;^^last'Sa:t...and Suriv Chatter- Aii (Iftod^^h^ ■ \ ' Ban FratVi^^ :One. ro.oprd. and . severat 'hedi' .i^cc-.- oi'ds.' niark^d- the;; w dp^^lrttPwn pi^.tu libus}e:,S: tlie etith^p lot hitting; ^a. ..s^dliRfaitprjv ''money, pace.-.'. G blderi.. Gate;;Svas .ihfc, re.cprd bi-^eivkei' Avitif '.'(^oliehs 'ahd^Keliji^s .in■ ;.Afrie:^■^''p^.^^s., ;ilVfr yaudc- shp\Vv;>- !XTali£prhla; in' the /ilr.s.t W<>«;1* . vndpr Its l<-o"k regime,: cljnibed into, .thp big dough Plasa;with .V:Blu^ ' Not. a, • single: tvoiise '^it: a'' poor ■jgrbssJ'.'•'..■ ■ ■;-,;"'. .-■ '•> \.\ •. .Estima'.tes fop Last :Week -; .V' i^ax.'':-(l);o60;^V e.OiC0-75r^ : "Tiriie,'Wife" : (Fox). :.;; Edmund iL,owe heavily; fieatxvred; iiit-,.^^^ age stride;- but,;-with the X'U.t-down^ in overhead, .4.00- to; the eUhViha..tfbn of . t'anohoji., and ivfareo. units', Sbt ■nice-pi'ont atJ-$40;06o.'' :.•..'...:';'v Warfield.(Foi). (2,672; 50r65^ ;;VLightnin'" (.Fo,x);. .riit..betfet;^t^ antlclpiated; $16',ftff<),; good..; . - , Pariarn6unt (PUblix) (2,698; ,35-00- ^5--$l.)^"Right tP Xpvp". 'C^ar). :...In second .week .^^Lpered : off- to . about, nbrniati elose.tb $J7',.000,'^Yery :3^^ •fdctibry^':■■. ■■;■ .; •. •;■■•.■.■'■..'■-^^r'-'^:' .' , ; California: (l?ublixK <2.206r 35^50^ ■65-$l)-h-''Blue'AnRe:i'^\(Par.)'r fcxtra'lieavy expibitatlpri, and ;heavy, play \bn Marlene . pietrich;:: 'house .AvaS: ;pacli.ed, from .the . start; busl- -xiess consistent; total .arPoind $25> .000.:■'; ■' ■';•:-■•,..;•'.'•,■■ : V . iSt; Frao<ii6. tI»ublTS) <l;;375;:v35-50- 90-^"li Segretp. del., PbttPreV.'.(Par). 'iSlg .Italian pbpulatibh': turned : put fpr, thisvbhe; hfealthy. profit. at $.8,- ooo;-'■ •'■■:.-'n;^-■'.■••.'■■.•V ■■•.■'■.■" 'A Orpheurn (R-KrO) ;(2,270i. 35-50- G50-^.''Hobk, ;Line land Sinker!' (.lU- dib); . Held ovier. fbijii.days on secr. Pnd 't^'eek . and, kept , up pa;c.e with about"$8,600.: '.;:.;,;: '^;.-';.- : .;■;-,.' .■ Golden ;Gate '(R-K-0) .;(2.48f>; 30v 40^56-65).—"Cblvehs bind . Keljys. in •AiVrlca''^.('U). . , T3oX. o fpi* this' hbu'^e; piled them in. a,t.raU ,shQ\vi!*.V.-^-'gai^nbreav:''$24V^^ wbioh .fitahds-aiC. record;. ■■'.{: " ':■ ■■ •.■. .'•■~ ■ • '.'■■'• Boston,\ j{ih. 6. ,. (Drawing P6PMiationf BSO.CKJO) • • .Weiather^Cpbr-J- ; tbew's State furnished the :he:\v.s . with . its :• $20,800.'; "Paid".' w^i;S .the, picture... Bujsinesifj .jumped... ,..;■. .. HetCsliPi^ed tP sin incpnspiciibus .$i30,90.0;:thoug:iv'lt 'led ;tb\yn;.--: 0,the smaller'Publix h'pihes .pa,r;ti.eui^>.rly.; .Xll>to\vh.'and Oiynipia/ playing "Blue Aligei," did remarkal)le business., ; '. :Estimatei;;fbr.-Last Week. ; ;". . ' lylei; > (Pubiix) . ;(4;380:;;' 50^75):^ ♦'Prihcesis and the : Plumber.",. (FPx). ■Ofily .fair^ht $20,ry00.. : > Lbew's: Stater (4,000; .. 36r40-50)-rr ''Paid'^ (5r-<.}t;;- trpnff ^at $26,800. :; ' . Keith's (.RiK-O)' (4,060; . 35:«:50-60) .—"'irook, ..'Line, ■ . Sinker--' - /(lladioi Go(id''for:$58;iOO. ':;...;'■ ;. Keith-Bpstori: (R-K-OJ (5.-00.6; CO. •GO):^,-;Madonna ' of Streets" ; (.iCol)., iuKV vaudeville'.'. OlCci pn-:$23,60,6/-.. ■ .Fenvvay'-'(1,300; .•30r6'0)^"Mother:?' ■ Crvlv xirX^v 'li^jW,.-$4,000;:' ■... U fjtp.W n • (j., 7 6.U3 0- 60 )—! 'BlU'e Ahr - g(-r'';(J'ai;).; 'Very' crooilf $14,000.: ;.- : . ■S'co'Hay-:-"Sin '.Takfj.ti ^a.. IT'oliday." • (i'^i:tht>);-. 'G(M).rt,v$ I'LOOD: .■■'■.^ ■').•■:;... ...:(&lymp.iar-'a>lue. ' .;-Angel.''. ; (Par)'.,. iCJoaO, :ivl':;^ii-X)o.-; • :.(:on:'-^o:t;r-$3i;.26.0'; '-iidit ■ tills,'together fiiKj ivgivi>5t^tHat ■$-i/)3;-3or('.<i- ia')tbf^:;J^nu('^^LnKi«l.f^'(I'fo:)/.(2,00d-;/ 0 .1 - S u~ $ 1X' .'(.o.Ui'-\v(5ek)V .'C p.bU .week ■;v!;'-:;$.ry»00.O.:- :.';p.ue;'l.lA^avcriJy^ Xtehl'" •■;vl'A) '^'Ooniffj. ■jii tlrii'iay... ;■:: '' ■ '•.■.' "'. ■'.Rivb-U-'^'-'-RQ.Val-. ITaniily"! ~(L^Av):.~l%- ■2<fta.r'40--C:5-Sn^lJ :.(;2a '\vvel<').; six. itrnd a •iiair-dAy-s ttiL/ '$4,-),G0U:; - N.Y- •ftve;''" niidnifili t ><»lio\v aiphe -MOiui- :th.i>ni-.-,u]). fpr ^.^^KuO; JiJa't.. and ■.t?'u.ii;. 'rpi!il«-d $ii6.300;. .■ ;••./-■ ; • ^ Roxy T-.'- ••yjiepper .'-.' Nowfou'nd'^i.'' CFuxr tfi.,2fm; :.5;ii-T5;s$U5P^;:; ■ .'':G:l'>ry'' in'rinVy. .'.fb.iv':'l-.luxy:. and:-. "I'a'rt ■.Thix<' :\V.iCe"';:- $10rv;700; in . uiiie dai-.s..'. .' '• . • }. ; ;'\Stra'jrTd^''Siiniiy'^ : ■.(■t:vN';^ ,;jo-5'0r7j>'M ■I)isaitiM'inting;in-v^^ of, t-lie p.tlier streel.iitrvirf^'s;- even bt'lpw• ln•^.v.iPl^:s Av.e6k;'$23,'J')6.- ' ... ■^'Warneri—^'V'ie'nnesV;. XifchtV- (tV'fi^" •(1,100'; /''■■l<iHs;;.v.iyie \A>,^ri'iv''. ' (\V'B>'. .ciomf.'s: :in •:'• tbiJight .' ("V^'odi; IMcttire' lioing;' ou.ti.fulled to )-e«r6nfl.' to,.eiirifitma,s spiHt. bnl.y '$i liTOO.- /Winter ; :Gardeh —'.'.'Tll.e tfish'-. -■{VSriVy (l.<418r 35r8-5-$l)i .;/fhe:$>{4.30.r) represeh't.'j last three days, of .Moth-: era" Or?-;'.' with- $rO;600 'and first four ■•Pf■ the '.'L/ash" ■: a:t; $:23,700;, ;BArthel-. ,n\ess■ plctul:e sh^aping as:a 'bu.ilditr.:. FOX, WASH., SNAPS UP fQR|34pD;|IlWS . vv'; • : ■ Wish ingtrm;.;; Jani;."; 6;.. ■. ••:.'^;'':^^Est.-White >PQR.y'4^^ V ... WeaitHer: coid,v storitiy , . . irbwVi- staged , .JV nice; . com.el>ack; Fox A"Ot,most .of; tlie^loap^^^^^ ;&aAvyei\" . Placi?.. was ;jswamppd Avith kids, .aiTd-more'iuds. .^ A;'s~ blsewhero; nigivt.s 'did--not' .with niati.-! nee-.bu.siiiies.S;. .■ • ■''•'.' 'Iliismet," at;:the Eiirlb-, - did wbll .ivi't'li .. - Va'ud0': f?upiiprtiiifC;;,.-.WiVr. N;ur :-.e.',''.■^^. at'■ the;; PiiVi^ show; ^:.' go t; 'pien ty.' .wl'iilb~' .t.h g: . o.tjii er Lpew' ..h-uuiie;-;.f'oi.inn^ ■with"!tlell'a ATi»Sels,;':.;did;Uke\yis:e!.\ V Estjiiiates fpr Last W,eek' ' CbLumbia ''(Lobw) • i^lv232-.:. 3i3.^td) •'Jljell-rs-'Angels!' <U!A)'../:•..•Jf.i<»p ' week, and jf^ .hplding bverT $16,000. •:>:■ •.: ..Earle (Wariier).- (2,.24^.; ' 2r;>35-40-^ 60 -70). ;^'Ki'smet":. (WB) Vrt-ii d e. ' Wid weli; Roldinjgr .up in. hew hlgh .figures \vith. vaiVde '.polil-y;'.$1 SiGOO, ■' '. ';; '■. ; Fox;- (Fox);J'.'Toin. Saiwyer";'. :;(Par) St.nge; ^ show- ; (3,434; .. 45-55 -?5- 60):. Real money; at $:3,4,806/ : • . ;-..;:.. Palaci^ -(UbeW)'' ''War • T>fuiSse''.. (MG> ^tage show •;(2,3(>3; ■ 25-35A40- 60-^70)... Big Week;for $2G,0()0.. . . ' ;Bialt6^ (U); "(Jbhe'ns-Kelleys In Africa" (TJ). In for. five days only; JtbOUt: $11,000; -. ■ - • '■ =■•-.,■'■:' '; R- k'r.d (.Keith'is)..^'nbok. Line and Sihkei'": '(RadlQ) :a,875;' 35-50). . Did :rrn-Ki-•weii;'.-$i2;(ioo;.-: '-/' -^i'^^-.. :;■■ /;' .•Bctltim.ofc... Jati.v ft;'';'' - ( Pbbulatien; 8OT,P0d) V '•'.- '^W^a^tpepr; Fsiir'::.': .' it. wni^.' i big: -New •'ire beating list; yea'r'3 figures; by^^ B.tantlal ina;rgin. • And ;.de'sipite a ;i3lp\:'ifjg' lip oil; iNew: . Year's; Day;', firpliday iet-up .-blamed • in part; on unprecedeitited litimber of gaa bug^r^: gieg ^without .new:^^^ that • at. least; lOO'.OOb. cars were uh-. able;to leave^garages bh .the>first day::of-vthe-yeah- ;.. ■■ ■■■;';■'';■.■■ ; Ma>-yland theatre; trle^ a. .big tirhc vaude ;biU. as;a- Week's..filler;.i bpokirigs.;. Gbntury; i'g• the only - big mldtpwn , picture house ■ bfCerihg eitage shows.. The Maryland experi- ment gives.. -tbwri f,i,r;St „-straight .vaiide iii ,a, number of seasbns.r '.. Another-;novelty of the; week. Avas; the Shifting of .VBlue ' AngeV' from .Keith's, to ' '■ the heretpf pre .; deluxe Auditorium.;; Ilpuse adopted, a. pop price ! scale ' for .the ,.enga&;em6nt, First; tinie it. has followed any pther :th'e{itre. ; Both ..Sciianberger- bwiied, - Cehtur-y, With :"Pa8sl6h P^lowei:," ,b>ut' "It's a Great. liife," at.traetion fpr .thb .. cpiTe.spohding;.;. w year, while the Stanley, With 'lOne -Heaveriljr;:"N.lght,'r, ■ .iTiatched;;;;"Cpft denincd, which -w-aa ^liie screen .fare last ' New Ycfjtr's. . .Both- of. ...the ■ sri-iaiier . Loe'y^. hPuseg/. .Valencia ;ii.nd Park-way,', ran .■weir ah.ead of liast year. JRiyolr gbt.a v pbt sensatibnai;^ ■ Intake with "Triith 'A:bout..^outh:"'..: ; . •■'''■ ■.-.;- V: .Est|rhates for Last.^Week; ':■ . Century '(Lioew) '.-Passion Flpwerf'* • (M-.G);>.(3:.200; - 25-.ftO)Cbifribination: of fe.atured - ■; players, p.articularly : Ivay, Fran-bis, • liad :bjb.- appeal; . ap- p€;aJe4.. -to;. Jcirime . ran,';; biggest: vvtiek siricei .Thinks^ivliig at abbut $-2G,oo6: ;'.. ^ ■ . . '^ • ."'.;.•;• v;... : Stanley • (LeW'^'StanleyrCrandaiU) .''One. Heavehly Night" CIXA) (3,666i: .25r60),.. Best , -week .in VfoUr;. \;neiat tbthl of about $21,066, good. Valencia (lioew-UA) VGolng Wild" ;(FN)- (1,500; 2Sr35). First;run for thi.s elevator hpuse got good holiday .intia;kb.,-..abPut ;$4;500..: . •.. .;:■ Parkvyiay (Lbew-T'A) "FPllow the Leadbf" (Par) .tl,000,p;25-35).- Got plenty :DiC-^juvenile; mat,tirade;< of «eason at $5)560.'- ' - '" . Rivoli CVVilsbn'-Amu.s.'.Gb.) "Truth About. Youth" (r>ar) •..;(2,.pO,0; 25..i60).; .'CarriPd 'a ;;flapy6r-appeal ahd igot; ■'enii; -."fpr- . tJve; -.inat.s; ■ ^'r-ulitranal-ly tough - 'for • thi-s' pff-^.the-inftirt - stem ;houso; ;about. $8„50"0; Very' gbbd, . ... .. .'-New./. (:^T.■:■irfc■(i^aIilc)^,'VX';u:L;■;':l'irH6■ tVlfp!'-; -fFox)';(l;4ft0;: :::2;o-^50).;..-;^ i.iolid.'iy :tradc;.'- cahie iri; Ch^iKtrha^^, ■ sb;.j^b't -ninfj.'; day. .ruh';^ ^ -.okay:;';-''•■.'■. ':';■•.■ ■.. ;-.:■■; '' '^ . ; .KeitW's.-. f^5cl.ui.n1)f!:rgcr.f)) ."Ilbok, -.Rini; >i;nd . .SiiikfirV (Ra'.dro).. ..foponed; ^>w;:v'y^.^'\■i•'s ;/iJvej; \-.f2;;506v .2.'*-:50 ■"ijl.tie Aivgol'* .mf'ved;.to.-Auditorium. .\\:ei'»iri<'S'l;t^v' find.' fvnynie.;.: ; tm'd|v.:'^\"o'w-, Yqiiv'-s -j'/Vit^ .1.ake..:exce.i-);-'-. ';t i p n.iVi;; i iyii-: i n ■ the 'c011 1'^i' -11'l e -'.daw ri • h.o'iir.s.. .;i ;.i)oHo(>- Tfiscrvos' 'iCiilied; ;$j G;<i.ii.O''■r';i.ior'i('d;.:'uii'd. 'dx-felleiit, ■' • A u-cJ j t o r i- ti'm - .' .(KY.ii.'i nl>oi*grir.i)-. •::'N'j.:r;W.;-f=v ■.-^^Whli^''-'- ■( ^^^^-li- ^il'-t^OO; ■ .'50-.$-li-^.■■• :>fI'lSK'-'il h<>.l:'l..over aitvd.;'biy;- .cryirlinue'l ' prc'tt'.vr ; iCalr;. .s;ty. $^),00.0:. ..^'iF?I;l^e -An,^x-r' (Par),sUcoeC'de'd .on 'i;"Hi:i';fy;.■-...; ' ■' ' .--.v.;- ":;:'■'■' :;:;'.':~ ... TACOMA BRIGHTENS 'Morocco' $i7,600' :at BVay and: t)r- -•'; .-;^'pheurn, 'Hits. :$5,4Q0.; ^^.'v;; ;.'-..TTv" . ."■ !':"T.Jl{?d'iiK'iij' ifun',-vC.-.;, -.■(Drawrn'oi' Popufa^ 'Weather':-..pood. ' / ';:. ;.-dpPd', ';fe^^t;l^l;ei?■.^ ruled' 'ithd:'-..;wlt'Tv town;' .:per.kii-);.g.. up; bn-.;en-ji>U)J: liioiv.t iitWf^V' the Week --?\'a.'< iiv iliiP IpJ'ni.. ;•;;':;. .;''■.!....• .:'Esti'm.a'tes-'fop-.'--L'a-st,''.We^ '■ :■.'B^^oadway ■ '(Fb^ "'x-lf500:' ---25-00) '■>Ibrp'cco"> (Par).. J'iicitvioh. the niaUi il raw and,' 11 li^ d;. ;G le n v- i ?pi)o;. li 'or 0; 'as how ' city 'ihan'np:er ;f6i'; ,Fox.-\V^^ ^7^^a^^t^ $7;'6oa. great:.'.-' - \ "-..;.'v - -Orphe-urn; (V{-1~0> .('1''..".0'0,r'.- 2^^^- .r>0) '•; •■'Line :aiuj .'Wnker'' V(Ra- d.ip^. , Ahnovi.h.ced'.. v^ijitOir -t;!) i^b.turii next- pt-t .■ split 'vVeelc. .■-pVa.n ;;;- A-A--. ■ jie.w ;..-.RrK--0;n'irvnt^fferi, horo:- iliindy vvePk for ..$r».400,,~: . R1altd'- ''(FP5i)---. (:1,'2!>0,;, '■2a-3r;i50) ''.a''pni: -f>aWybr'.' Vd'ar). /Not .slrcnVg- .at';$2,500;'.-'..■ -'V-. -./ ^•.■-■■■:.-.:-.-:- ' .: Comedies as Minn, rs a i;:/Neyir-'' Mr;G- -SeTenraplsts-'"' '.•''/..■.'^ .': .7*.w..o' ;ad d it-ton a \tb" the; •■M;c;t'r|u_'Wfteni 'a;irl<)---staff-in the.''eart AuriiiUa Rouvrdi.^.jilid; Rpger^^^ jPrfe'dinand..,' '. ... Miss 'Rbuyrol. wro . tHb play, VRkldfling.''; : .Fred Inan^ isv a French .'viTitoTi..:'. ■' >-"•:'■-;^.--'- '- ■-;'■;;..-■ ^ '..■■- ';' ■. ; -. ; ■.'•",-' . Minn'ea'po'i'is,-. Jan, .6.',-'. . i(.bravy.|ng Pojiul.atron,. 500,006)' . ;. ;■';•" { -'Weatljer':- .-;.F?iv'orabjle. -- -r^;-: .iK- Buslness, .Moii^ed^vi^ ,vrbbiv i.ri' a;; that, for the .iiipiirent at least; .droye.Vaw.iy ^ a^ fears. . VHjelped by Ne-v? 1reai"-s ~13v.c .and ..the -Jexti-a, libU- day.. efbs3es;:;r^^ : pf. the-^bbd. -old.days;," ■■■■ \v-';;'. / ■ :. -Mpst.. :bf the . ■ 'show.iio.uses.-; .w;et'e. "fbttified' with.;.: st'l'phg:: attractions; with comedies .predomihating, ' but thpjsiHash hit Wii^ madeby a drdma, "Right to Love;? ; This. BaVe the Mtrihesotd one. of: its best" weeks ih - mpn.lh.s/ '.'jus.t Imagine," "HtPblc; Line"and.;Sinker*' 'and.;^'Snhny" ■jtyere pthei' p.ictiirea fb'hive tonic effefcts on ' the • C,eniury,V Or:ph,eu,m and: gtate-;'b^x- o'im-ccs.' .'^^v; ;-'■ - ' ■'.-.•.:•'•;-. " .; ."Ex-Flame,'' ait - • .'the . ■ 'Seventii, Street, .failed to as exiiecteU,. and, after, bhly- a half Aveek,- made: rbbhi. for-- "Man -.tb M.anV"' which inh- ished;: the: wleekv ;-Follbwlng' seven days at \the Oriiheirnj., . *'nopic,' Lthe and .; Sinke.i';" • mbved ••bvt>i'.; to ;;.tlf6 seventh Street ;fbr ano:ther week in ;the loop at: the ^sanie -prices, but ;;6ahs.\vatideyiiie, '-'.^: '■ '•.•■.-■';■. ^;' ..■ '..■■; .'Eit.iiY(ate,s.';fpi''-.-Last Week'-.-., ; ' MirinesbW ; (Plibl^3i)^^ (^^200; • 75> .".Hight ; tp Lpye" :(Ear) and Publix unit'. • .Rijlh ;Cliatter,tbn a., big .'draw here;, cohflictlhg opinions: on ■ .pic- turer^M.iOO^biRv--.: ';'-,-• v.' -;- ..CerituJly v(Publix) . (3,600; ^^.75) ."Just: Imagihb";(Fox)..;.- -Ki .Bliendpl 'Htrohg: magnet'here find, hbiped to keep turnstiles .; clickliig;.; ; around $13-,360. good. " ■' . . A . State' (PuiVlix) (2,20060) "Sunhi^" ^(F'N). :. Picture .failiod to;;; set'town -afire, but. .Mlsi? Miller".is bpx'pincc asset;;.ub£i;r-.$lof,2o6rbk^iy,- - , ',.:;■- • Orpheulfn; . ,(RKO) - \(2,8^90; ' 50) "Ifbok, Line j^nd Sinkcr'^^ CRadib)• and.; vaode; ' Wiieeler ;an;d . Wbolse^ .cards; in. this .-.burg;; ."picture ';iiked. and :;vaude-- satisfied; aroui'id $15/-' 000., bifci. " -;•''■-. ■. '■:,•;.-. ;•>-'■;-•■" : .'.' •Seventh./Street ' 0RKOy\ Cl;460r .50). . raix'-Flame" . (Tiff);. .firs.t half. iJidn't 'show : so ■ much; at- ;aboiit. ;.$2,000;.. .."Man. to .'iCian"; (W^T), last half, and. just ;Rb-^JSo;....ab;o;u'fc $2,560 wi f h m i.d n igh t. sho\<-,.~ .i'a i r. ; Lyric . (Pubiix) ;,(i,30,0:; . 40). "Sea; Legs". (Par), WeW liked :and : .Ttick Oaliie's name, ^.stin1uiated;. nearly $6,000; .;okayv;' ;.■':'■••■ " ••;' : ; - . Aster (Publijt) (O6O; 35). "Lady's Mpval's'- '(-',(>)., ;;i^idi). t- .m}■ fbr tlii« one Very..hard'; 'arbiind ..$2,000, fair.- > . ; ^irand ^ (Publix) (1,100;;; 35)- "Scot- :\»x\a. Yard''-:(l''o;c),. first half;.'."jJig, .'J'rair;' (-Fox),. List .hci.lf. '. Scrcond loop ' ruiis;- about -piSOO;. .big.' -' ; ";\'\;s'.; t>it(sb:iir?lj...vr:lin^ ;•. .0;lpt;a.vv1 ng .Pbpulaj ,0.pO,OC!6):..' .,' ■ ^^:■^^'^.^W•c'athe^^;.,Fia'^*^;■;.^ :■ Siniles ';all Py;Gr..';i(ist '\\}t!t>k-;>.^Xtoli ;ciuy-. g^^<.•piled■.'.up;;^>.r^Vtl W.itiipiit ^i^Sceptioh^^^^ jiliP\vK-.' i'n ;. ti'i.b '; fi.i'.st.. rI'nis;" .■> "ca - . ;|iac'ity ' ipvt^^ywlicre,; ':^thp'ii^h;: -tj;!^ [. 'talals'' ;a'.reh;*'t: . Iheluided' ■■iii ...the'. ft)!--. ibwlng.'-'estimatesv V'^• :\ ■....''■ ' ■■ ■ T>oiin ..led;: the /-towit' .With ';>''3Pttlvi":^ - .a'hd $36;7!)0.:'' ' Joan'.- CriWford ;^';- V^.irikbly. box-Pffice 'here anld-:;this\ one,: despite ^ iulcewarjn '.npticcs,; no. oxx'e'ption. Stanley- jumped- ' back " in'to. big dpiigh.;: with. .'IGoing- Wild:": ; at $.32',600.- and ,'',The, Bat ^Vhisiiors,'* -.. at the.: A,Idine,- 'fjelpe;d. .by ' nice 'ex-. .. pjriitatlon' and' ai big Screen,; .clicked pff- a good"$l6i506i ■" ■-.•;^--: •■■ ;'' •. .-■■.■ '. ; "Tdiii S.awyer,''. at the,Fulton; a:nd Sheridan S'tiuare; ;a liaturai for the . kids; and": holidfiy -tt'ebk .fpunii : the'; ^ .mats;;,capacity from -.'operiing..; Kye-' nines,,libweyer, off a .bit. Enright, ; , in'.' East 'J.iberty, mPpped up 'with , VPrihceis^ and Rlurii^^ $16,06;0, v iftd iHarrls . jumpeij iwlth vaudfllm to; $7,250.-,bnly biff weelc' was ex-, ■ the Warnei' With "Kiis- ; niet," ;; Sklhhe.r: • -ppstumb. ;■ ^i'aina,'. - haiiiajy bettering: $9^000^ ' y .' •' ■V Etiii.niate«. W'La«t>Weel< •''■ ; : Aldiifve (Leew'a) ' (2;(iob; ■35:-.50)\; yBat;'w?^hisi)e^sr' (0A); ijei^ by hice\.explbit$t,tlbn,, ahd , hoVelty .of; big Bcreeh; .slightly : mpre . than.: $10,000/' jijbpij.-;-.'-^- ''•.:' ' : '-.•v•.;^;;. .-;^'.;; Enplght . C^TJ). .:;(3,700;. ■ 25-35>60) > ''J»vlhebss and Plumber'' (Fox). . At . $1(5,000 this' site's . best iri mpnths; figure ';r6)i)res.crit3 ;'pl€nty - pf- doug.h,; even in' this big seater'; .overhead.'is^.:.. lightrv^ .-.r::;. :;;-;■■ Fulton (Shea-Bertham) ;(1;750; 1Q- ; 25-36.-56) ; :"Tom," Sawj'.fer".; CPar); Phenbirienii ; ifternbPhS;: h e a v y splurge in dailies arid raye'.noticesi .-^ 'aliip wbrliod 'up. .. .interest^ • .oyer ;.; $16,661), excellent.7. :' ■. --/.■': i;,' ;. : '■ --Harris ("WB) (1,80.0;; 10r20r36-;40) ' "Seib' ; .America Thirst" (tJ) :^d: . ■ vaude; ;^ , Plenty,. ■ okay,.: at;. $7f266;;.; probably a higlt mark fPr .tliIs stand . . .since its ; ■■recent ;retii.rh V t6 " vaiidr. ' 'filni; .'fi've acts; . .' .' •'. ■; ' • . . ■ . . Penn . (Lbo\v's-UA) ; .(3,306;;:. 25- 35r.60-75). ••Paid" (M-G). ",A-ria'tural,;/ e.sp cicia 11 y with. .Tban, who ; .nieaiis' \bU3lhos3;,-- iri -this';- ;burg; fliiied witiii $37,000,: gredt.'• . ; • .; Sheridan Square. (ij^KO) (1:1,500;. ;i5-25T35-56); .^'"Toni..; Sawyer"^ (PaV).: • Day and, date. witli. dPwntPwa Ful- ' toii .and - turned: in a sliziiig $7,000 • niats. ,alsb "great ;and ■ eviphings ptp* portipnateiy^gPodi. ' ■:; : ; ; : ;; Stanley C;WB) .(5,C60; 25-35.;-e0) "Going .Wild'? ; (FoSf)- arid. Ed~ Lbwry. : bri atage.\'FJne at $32;O00; th,is. sitp. building steadily and. o,ut,Pf the. red. :hbw for wPnib. weeks; healthy sign; ; Warner (WB) . ; (2,000; ,2D-35-56>. .. "'Ki-ii'mbt": ' (WB);. ' IJpli'day .. crowds-^ ;didri-t go fpr. cpstiime; . $9,6.00 just. fair.: ; ■■■.'■'.■>'. ' . '.'■■■ '■. r'^' ' - ' ■•■-■-;rV';:^v^--..^^ewarlC >!"an'/;'6;- '>-, . • ■ .(^,;-. Popula -'i^:.'-'/ - .^Veathe'pr'.Fair"';,:■.;; :::- ''v. ■;.■ ..iroliddy .wc'iik 'm .Ypfu-'i?'' ,1*;; »6W#«,';i^a<"'t<e:d ■; at: v.ti'.y.-. ■inK:;i?'ea.Ti'>^;, LS^'iSvi.i.Ijbrliobd^j. 'aLs'b .did tine''l.>uj;;i'uesiM;'';;';.',.. :■■:', ,- \' ■■;.':..■■•. ■.' •.■■;;;'Es.ttmates .for' Lasf .; VVeek''';.. '; .•;> VBrari.fopd:( V^i)) '(^2:tf:U) 2i)^no;-6:;^.! ■S^.Yj^ 'iH'HU'iily-'.:- (fi^).;''f;\.iiiii.i sluiw;' CibOd erroiigli: at $l'.",0«0, ;- :." , • Ca p 1101 ■ ■ AV i«.; (!, 2)) 0: ■ i:5 -^^jn ^;' .^'.Jukb. ■ir/iagijr(i"...'-(i'"0N).-;;. .i'por ,.at' :$'^Mfii)i:' :'.:■.■.;.(..■ ■.-■'■::-■'. .-•:'.■■■■ :■:;-'-■'■'■,■ ..^-'Lltil«. -f•^W^^'■^•k.■ ' -P/-'-^^iii'M'i . fifiJ);' ;0.:^'^lio):;;''^M('lr ;]fab•..: •Ifc•h.i;<:'^>- IIebt.".■.: : .lifiturned , buc^e '. too-. bfft;ri ? :$;ioO, ;b;ivr;---'. -. V-.:^-;.;' ■.;k-' '' '-■ ;;.... Lbe.w's- ;.^tate (:2.^.60;-■. •J.Tynj-SO',' N. '-.Y..- ■■y,:-. ra-ii j ■■ !;'Min ■ arki -Biii:' f MfG); and 'Vaude;. . Fifie: at $25,000. .e- .'-Moacjue':''(\Vri;i ■. (3,281;" ^u-DO^eii, N..'-:Y//.I<1; $i)-.'. .''•j.iivVirG'ei. ' Among Fri;jn.dH;'. (\\ai):;.;Xjght-at;'$14,D00:: Prbctor's ,(RKO) (2.650.; .25-40-50-; :C6!; H^y;v.K.:.75^$2);:"nc)0k;i;Ltrie aii/l Sinker'.'..T.RA'^l0) «*in'1 vijiiiide. .Broko ■hO:iis'e ;teobrd. ;at. ■$29V0Q6/...'''^'." • '': ''r'.- ,■.;.:'::■";.. De-troit, j'an,'':6.. ;'; • ; Bu.stncsa; for ail; After three; .frail .Week.s it Was like rtioriey from lionib, .. .Standees 'all.-oVpr ho.use.;record ;for attendance; at. .the. '; .Fox.; There niust haVe -been. ; at ■ ioast' ■ $ i56,O0(j •'more . ;theV. ;tpt!U .; grp.'js than any . W.e.bk .since iCabor . ..iJiily-;';-. .'.";'.:'•.>■;■ .■.■ '.-•.' .'■.■.'-•■'. ■■■■/ ■••'.:•■■/:• ':'rii6 M.ii;l.)igari: waii.; up' .'.ih -the ;;. money; - 'again with-.- ,$56,200 - on '' ^^l'aid,v, :,;The :FoxV depended \oh ii . ; .great .show .wi;th. 706 'kids taking .. ;part'. fbf an ■ attVihdaneer'Pf; i55;6i)u>-' ;u;din;isi^l;{;A''°^h(a'. $46;250.-..., •',• -, ' ■ ;v..'v-'....^'--;^stim-aie*.f G;k';..La''st' .Week.. '';-."y' • ■ \lviichigan-r-';Pa;id^;. ;;(Ai-G.) • Cif;^ l^f",-■• . .35-.3:0.-7'n)v; Jcian.:C^^^ •thp .bigg.est.iiatulral :druAv jif 1 {.av.v 'ii.".-',. v^rosH 'ifirtl);'S i;:iiy;- :;'C<:eii; JikeV|■' v^•|lJ■^■^^^ :.; - lirf-;iri.t;-iil.i'i'ily..if;;r'^v<-i^^ $;5ij,.::oii'.■.'': iit.;s''-yf'Ti -''iiii:'7i';)i:;'i;ir.<i;;iiv:<.;;- y ;•'■; -' ■■■ F.ox^'Vvii\()i'^^^ ;-.Pi,inri.b('i:'.'-;';', iVtix); '■(^jimi ■ 4'^'--;;f!-n.o':^T5;.:;.'■ Uifi- •MdMi.: .sl-io'sv.-, with;-7iJ.o .kidd.ieH.;..l'akH)K''r ';; ila!i.iv.l/'n:yi>ri iit ■ uil ;'UiI'Vli 1 tlt-ii,- •;;^SIijtlr ;;.. jii;^ia;>^VAV ''y'<^?ii^'K-^;<V'-^^^^ ;■ ■ . I i( 1 (i i'r j <.i i.i; 11 • riib.n'f'y':a.t'7 H - e^ .t»jt:ir; r''r;'tlie:-Sv'er-k' ;$'}6,250.V • ■ .'v.; ' ':••■.F='isher • -'.'Th I'erfeet Vn<'>r. ,'(I^flr.i: ;;.•: C. '\:>,1 1.0':; ■.;,:'.:) - .V}'--7:7'».',■ 11 '.'IVV' -'u'p -;• Am i' i-i '■ ';-Miii(-)':s■Yij' v'^fiy -fioud.- w.-fk. a-t. .$it;2/)0l ' •R-k-0/ b6wn:tovvh-^';'i:i'ibk,'^^r^^^ ui'id ..J^ltikpf"-..-•(R.lflio)' ■ (2,700; .■15.-.25% '• nin. 1 *l'ay»*-«V.jt,v*-ir.'ilp'•bUHliieiiiB 'M $-i8)> ■.' 5o(iJ.'- .V■'■■'..■"■ v.-.- ::'u'^-'''.'■'■ -' U nited ;'.Artists.--".Orfe. .Ileaveril'y .- • ->;L" M.L'A' :(3,366; .pn'-so^rTSrao) ' Cht'ii.ii- ;-attj-afiti'.)n'■: jtlayfcd' v'-te,'-xilt-.e;' -bij.iiitif'..'?.M,. .liut. riotbing Hp-..warrant.; ■ 'o if-i-r - two .we.cks; ■,?J'4; JOO..- •• ' '■. ;'•:... ';'.; ' '. Pararnouht-T7^'.'M(jt'.occo''.:(Par) (3,-. . .36.') ; • :)-3.-.5.0'-75>;. • Big bully on ;thl3' ■ ..phH: fpt';...fhe. nev/. star; .:$30,800 not .: . eioisptlbnai iri.; lieu;ot holiday.