Variety (Jan 1931)

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10 VARIETY: P I C T U R^ C <■>.■ ;, 'r:-/ V ■ -T.iiRV-Ans'olr^s; .Jan.. I b,raVv|ri^JFVppuiati:6 J,5pO,dQP) % ^- :-l'T<)lU>\yins a-' pbior^\'i)o'iMl.<:wiJ6l<;. :<biicsinV't<s»S<i)\ji*i;bd; su;i).ng:l.y:;iii.ll pvx'i; ;■ TowHi hclpVfl •■fjiMW'l'HlLv .•.•b3:.::the-25l<A\y.^- Yvai-'s ; Kx.iy: oXtra 'sliinVs. •-pUlfS; - tP^ ■•■'' yyi «)'( mh ■'' . ^A.'l. ■ IV-"^' . slvowoil l)(;Vti>r ^lg^^^^it^s ;^ll;ul^^^ ^\w;Qi5iiJ;J'.,-;'-,, :: ' ■^r/V--^-''-.: ^' ■ ••■UKlitiiiji- '^'^: rtijioii.O(l;>sinti;r(liy; :f^(?t!- tins.-$'.l'3^(i00-'t)n .k,!S' 'ri.rst'..louV diiy.^- iv'omnipaciiii;--':-N cnv : . Y t^U-'ls. nisyX l.nco aHdjal-^VH-'HKing/ wiUi .t;lif^. $aicalchirriiji vsvt tlKii rarthay?.- '*:':l.'an:' \\:ii:e;'', •«! Statli;-bii $a7;-000, is: Justy;' as. . ifj Slfi.OOQ f6r "(.*ohvns aii;a. K*>Hy-.s iiy ■ jvfrii^ia". -at tii(V .K-k-0../ Tlv6v SlsteP-. OiirplieuriV/;' with', "froojc, i4tip...:aria . -Sinkeiv"'-.'tiri its ihial' ■ wo^lc; topped tlic '^pi-opc'clirifir staiiza;. aiaft.'i6' tUr-ee; e,\tra An tho holiday-pve... }AU lious.cs. :hau njade'iiisHtfitip.nat^ dViy. ovie. pah'o^apje'^.-witlT.' tiNail^ far ; in- pLdyahcej.'ia-rid- they bcntfited acr' ,cor(iiiis:ljr.- .:-.Incli.catod tjic revelevsV. desij\6,foi; iiop:U;larr)H*ieed WhQop^ei,. . The ;rc,coyc.l-y,'of •"Mpi'iOccOi" Jielpf d. : o£ odurse;by ■the extra holiday frol-- los, t(i ..lik^ewlse no'toworUiy/'.'inN that ,it', almost': dbtibledv tlip .preeedlng- : week's gross-clocking oVor" $2,0,0.0.0; ' This meafis .that "T:ra,der Horn". Ls eVen' / more • irideflnite; : d(?.pe.n.dlrig. stvicUy' iipori'.whaif '. the; Parambuht. ..I)JCture';does../^^'■'.'^;•:^-J V.'. 'Estifn'iate's ■far'-Laisi-'WeiBk::' ■ '■ V C^rthiy: Circle ': iV^^llA^tii^: AvJt.)/ ,T';nd(?r $13,000 ni>st.four days'; ,.-oki(i;y .-^j'tart. ' i'i ' ry:.:'. .•':•'■■:,■;.■ -'";"■-V- ;C Kinase (a5'G3i);r-^^^ (Par).: ', (■S.oa-S; ,;50-.$l.$0). .'(6th wk).C■.■ Over. $21,00:0,, big.; .fifth -Aveeli • wa53. only.. r?j:W<)'0/-- '•:■•:;;";■.■ .;.;;'.; ''Critieri6h^.<Foi;) -^^viPaid"'..: (M^(3)\ v;Ya.60Q;:;:25W75) .;(4th-nnal.;wk)v ..Tustv • $8;Sb6 "oh the bJo\vofC.,.w'ePl,t> . Who. 'Carne. - .Back;: >. .(FoxX , '.'Jan.;. 7J-^'■■•;'-■ "^ ■■';'.•■■■;■•;,/'."••■ ;■:'./.•.;■.■ . Egy lit fa nilU^ A^'Fox)^-^'.T^et; Fir s.t^ ^Par): (iv800; ;-20'-fi5)v: M <>kay .. here; .a.bOYfS recent .ay«^ ;^^Man- ;et'ai^ts .•. ■ $t£te .. (Loew-Fox) :'!PaYt "VV-ife". :(Fox^ ' {2.024.;.;:;25,-$.1). ^fvonff,-;at $ir(i0Q0.:.:: ■ - • • ^Opph^Um^-IXOpk; Iji .and, ;er* TiniQ: V0i^y ..Sirikr v'\ (.Radio) .f 2,270;:' 50-75) ..,(^d/ . ttriaV)!-.-.'l^«L*-^'^' *a.i»^i ^$15,00;0;:.v.. ; :'• Pairttages^■^(.Fox);e^*!Sin•■'TaUe^R,;^^ . ^Oliday''^■i r*athe) (2;700.; -20.-4.0-65-.^ ■' 90).-' On fl.TiODO- much. b:«'tter : ,thaTi.; :. hoUiSe has; .;:beeny dolnff 'tor-: weeks; .'. jiicture (lisd'p'pbintf'd Ayheh, lOvsti' jun. dQ\vhto-\yii, sp .stisc.-: s^^^ .^-sbine 'Credit;,;• ^. ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ -V ^: '.■'^ '5 i*ararhiut: ^tPuWix) -^;^Tti^h:t-. to 1;()V(!'V (Par.). (3;59'r);- 25.-75)v,(2d-:.flnal ' - .\vk). ■ jield ovjfer a.n<] Rpo.d at $22,000.' . ' B -K -.0'-—-'Coheiis' and'.. KelJys in •:Ai:r.iea'^ tu). :C.2,9.5P; 30:^65); ^ Big; at .116,000/ijoHsjideritig .no cxtria shp\vs.',. any -Gbheh. and, Kelly cpmbihation ;a,I\vayR o.b.V locally...: ."Madpnne .^f :the. ■ tati^bets'.'.. (Cbl). -estirnated; lHat ty-eeW at b^^ $14,000,;\vbu.n4.up. >V.?t)^ - ovp.i: $17,fl0a,/iholtidinfr Ji show Vyhich xs'ai) tacked on New 'Year-s Eve, . . .UnitedV'Artists ■ :'(Pub-TI^ 1-Jea:venly ' Xlghi:' (UA) (2,10.0; - 25- $1 y ■(2d wk). - around' $8,000,. . Downtown • , -(WB)irr;"The .TJ.asH" .(FN) • (i;800; . '50-75X WdVfirial wk). . Just $13,000; picture, is- hot a. . .' fbr .'a h'o\isc 'lilvC thi-s. "Hollywood IWB) --'^%hG^ T^ash'; . (FN) . (2.756; 25r7.5) •(2d-nhal w.k)-. • - At $7.50:0 not. bad. for .* here;: finjuro is for .three'and a half day.*'.• \ !'OUt\vai-d- Bound" - (Wfi). / opbned -'. ;' o;nt $2' rip.'iorved;«bats ahd grind W 11/tiays; Avhen^ I^CJbirig Wild", diiy/ ail-<;bath:'>yarjit:»:r.-Jioiises< •;.' ;. ;.'; ' ■.-'■■. ■Pf>Hlanii:,;;C)'r^ .iiisi , \v<H;iv' of■ thoi 'old' yeav^^jbc ire-;,'; Vsuff.s, ■•^ahd; ilb.t '.'nl'aybb.-/'TVvd^''lrpu';s^ \v:;'v.iib('i; fbtr- ■UxO:}, lipn.icis:tro';ti'h: .before; L-h;ilki)i£,': up.-thei.r'iiop. •sO'0r;t'S^^^ -Ftix, i I I'.oa.d \vay, 'el io]:*?'d. av i t h .''Hi jih t .h in.'';!''. i.^fctl)^:. bi{;\v,eek bf .-tluiit .yptuv.-.. ■:'' .T.'nited ."A'rfi^'.t's' ■ raij-'' '' .Xe'\y . "y;oar.\<5:.] Ic)li(lbj'it'« .f bvi'rt'H '^v.o(*k of •'Ileir^','' and' rf^ffistered biR-^'bre.vvith..that.. lUct.ure for ifiny ;Sl.ib\vri','lil'.:.]1).3Cl.^ .• OiiTiht.'urir -.piuir'sed' .''.Hbpk,. jj}ne..aii(l ;^|'rik'ci'''-anil .scpi-ed- :a -V)if?: week' for itl|e'.h6.1ida'y-:'t-i:..'i'cl'p.: . '■ . piihii.x:'..;i?ai'anvoVht.'■find. Hialt'o list-.; ;ed only a;-,0ve!^.dayjAv,ciek as the-ta'i'l. end ,oC- .•Pii'blix VibrthNvest ;^^^^ ope 'and wSfaVf the . np.\\'- y^ar; u'ncler; the: i^ox. •:b'ahrte'rf,-;:witlV^ ''F,--::&--.M;-- ^stii&b' .shbws'gpi'rip ;fritb; the.Pru'aih'p^ •.' F.ox' ' bpbiratipri .of ■ ;Parip:piodnti; Rial 1 0 ;: .s tar ted trembh fl bu si y>v. Rec -: ords likely.:lib 'go;:thiS.Ayee'K.',;i- ' ■■.■.,. '••. 6pbadway ■• <.pa . (2^066; .25-60)—''Lighltnirii'.'' (Fox).;. 'Clicked; for; bigsojst ■ Ayeek ' ofyea:r; :$23:,00P' just avhder-towh. rebbrd. ;•',.. • ". .',, :'vPa.ramc»unt rPiiblix) (3.500; '25-50^ --''Albng Cariio'^ (Par).... 'tUd- poo.riy ; latst . fly,^ . daji^^s of PyMis operation; '$5',5i60. ' •. './ ..V • . .- . . Orph'eum - (RrKrG) .r2;000;^ 25-60); T^"Pibofc; Lihe. aihd Sinker''. (Radio).. AVell exploited, and'liad great-week; alsoyvaude; '$19,00.6;:. .":/..■. .'; . .■ -Uriited Artistfe (Par.ker'Fbx.). (1;-, 20.0;- -20-60) .(.4th week)^"Heir!3 .An^^. . gels'' (UA).. Did weU.: longest ruh- ^of year. afid-.olos.ed; ,$.7,000. .;. '• (Publix) : (2,000;.' .2»-50)-e "Going; Wild!' (F>i;).: :Prbi.'ram. iom:^ edv iri.:nye .days b'njiy $2,6.00,' badv . - Music. Bojic vcj;lamric'k) .:<-2i0a0; 15> 35)'—'.'eai>tain^^ ..'^^^^^ BeitOr explOltbd than .hsual, a.hd.;bi2 imprpydd-'some:; .$'4,5op.. -'.. ..: Diifwin iDuirivlri Co,); (1";.400;' 25- :$t.2r>)-^tegit -stobk did "SheAVaikcd 'in Ileii: .iSilept),'' '>and ^po.d.; enough •arbii:nd $6,000;, .;'.; ■■■ ■;'■.:';•;."• •.;.>;. :' 1st Ruiis dir Ri^adp? (Subject,: to Change) -,bf .Jan.'.9-•'•.•■ ,' ■■ Papa'rTi.op:nt H*--"Ciang '.I3'iiis't.e,i-";: ;:.(.i*ai:)\'. '■ ■■■■f '■> ' ''.■■ ■ , ' Rp^y J'.^ . •'MaJl.^"Wi,IO .Cuibb. . > ;GI<^be-T;'!M£ih- ProTHf, <:^hi(?agb'-: ^(ii'T;p;-cbi)[;.;"^-..C-^ ■• ^ ::•■•'s. .;. .Capitof-^^'iPaiia:'', ;(.Mf C^M). .: R i:vbli: '.- '.■rr^' 'IRoyal.'.Fainily." . ; •■ •Strari.d; ::.--:v/<]ilttIe: /.(.■'^i(^sal'''■ .^;w■J^)■; ■': :^..'^ .;. ■';•■.:-.':"■■:■■■ : Winter : Ciar,den^;"The Xash^' .(^WB)';.:;.,-:':'.:- • ■':>;■■:■ ■:] Riahbf-:*:Blue ;■ Angel" .^^■t^^a),^ Mayfai'r >^ '!Grirriihij.:eode:-'. .;cC()i)V': --'. :y-y.:-^: ■ ■; Cohkh' •^.:'''t .ii^ -Uonoy- ■:iT]Oon''. (B.i:Pv).,Vv.:: ...v ' .:■ ;■'■.'-,':■ '•; v '■'../.::, Weekv^Jani.;116'Y/:. -^ Pa ra tifi o u nt t:^^ i>s a- "I-i iij iti^':: /■(■Par),'-'-.;-'; '/■■' y : 'R^>xy-^:'ljracula"^ <-U)>'s';'/,' ■.-":' ^. ..:.CapUo)T--.''RedOcinfe:'i>.--(M^ sM);::';.-^ .=;.■■./:-'■'^■ .■.:■/.■\;-r.-: ;'.;•>;•■'•:" ;;^;Rivoli.. -^.;'':"Rb'yal. \l<':um!^,'■ -. :'.tPar)■.■'•';'.^ '. \'v.''. •.'.'';"''^\.:.^ I sVStriar>d^VK:itof?.^i;>\-l?)..:.. r ; ■■■'• Wiri'te'r ..aar'<Jehr^''The''i>as''hV'.: ,'t:wB),' vRiialtb.^ ^^^^^ Night'' (^A) ; .Mayfair — ■'•<Moi).;';;.;.::\:, "One- lieaveiily- (i6^>;:- ; .■-,:^^: 'Cimhuvr.bfi"^^^^ ■■.:.■ ;;1 •'.;'■ $2 -'Picturels ; ' ;•^.'::; :'v'kiss\'-: "Mis^^^iAsrain'^'-^-'lWB)/.. ■ XWiarneps)^ ■:' ''>' '' . • .^'Klcivy. Mbbri*V (^M^CV-M^;' (As^; ;tbr);'. :>:■ ■:.■; ■.■■.■'..> ..^:.'^>*'DeVil tb^ Pay^-(U:A)v(;'Gai- ; ■■fity^.^-- •- '.r,:.'.':■■.::.■.■.:;..'. ■■■•'•.'; :'--.h':'^:" : vrteaohmg. for Mobn'';.(l^A) \-. (Criteripii);'--.: ' :■:■. . Table of jgro§s,es -dui-intl December;:for.tbWhs arid houses listed, as. pre. viously reported weekly. Where title and. gi'oss of picture omitted;^ quehtly Is Wsex" film dr. picture played in "sex'^.filnl style for that weeki NEW YORK CAPITOL : High.,$;i09,286 Lbw'.:.. .3o;ooo ■ ■,..;. pyj^.p ■. .' ;:XMbUNt: ■ High. .$95,000 Lovv ; V,; 49>100 : ROXY 'Krgh.$:i73,'658 Low , . 59,800 STRAND High.;:$81j200 Low... 15,000 ."■■■:p^c.':-6.':-:' r/^f.Min and • Biir' .:-;..:$:G'2,5o6^ ; (.5d.-.w,b'ek) ' 'Sta fre.$ ho.\v.. ■ 'tPastand -v-Xooise'V.: ■' .. ::;.i$52,i:or ^ ..'Sta.g.c_Sh;ow; -7,1 ■* tn^h'.'.^ ;;.t94,7oo;';'.: . -(■l&t:'\ybpk). .S'ta'pe i^how- ;"CoHe9e . • Lovers',' . ■ nc.o.oo ' \ .Air..S?ound ■;:pec./;ia,/; ;"Rerhote. Control" ;$64,:t(l0'' "Follow the . ":'Leader'':^ r ;.: .■$5S;o0'O ■; .': f'Li^htiliri".': :;-$()i;.b()6:..v •/ (2d. . -vve'ek), T^'^^'-Scarietr"'. '•■/ .■'■Pa:ges"'/:' ..$22,0^)0' De c . 20 .v>-Sai:ror"'. ^ j.-iO.OOO'' Saps:; ■■' .. .Wor-k" .■' . . ;; $:66i400, ■ ITprce LoVe'^ ..:,;■$" i,7(f0;::' '^Truth About Youth". ' ; :$2.V,i00 . <- _^ po c . 27 ."Passion- ■■ 'Plowe'p.":. ...;. $r)(;;oi)o • ."Torn . ,\ Sa.wyfer.'.' : .;$.G7;;iod ' ."Middle^ ■ Watch" : • \ • $36,700 ;•'>;: ^^;T5.vnflys) "Widow ;from ; Chicago'' \'-. $26,000 - .• CHIGAGO ). (CbntiriUbd fromlp^ Con; ^taffle/■ from the . Portlah'd,, teplapes.^■ ^^ike Marco.V-Will stick 'on. : the Coast . tintit S." lj: .'.ROtha£.el; : takes aefirtite. leave of the Rbxy.; :^. Dec. 20 "Paid" :,:$."> 4,0.00; . "Min and Bill*' '. ;;.'•lj:2^,5po.'; ; (2d. week.) "Wedding Night" ; ' : .$3,.300.: . .VP.assiori ■ -Flbwer". :-. $25^300 ■ «A Lady's, . Morals" :$20;250- ,:(lst; week). "Hep Mart" ; $18,000 ; ■;■;;.: ■Pec;;.;27:.:.';;-, .:"Parf:Time-v ■;■■■■■■"'Wife"-, . $3'0.P00 .V (6, days) : •: ;.; (riOWV. y. "Miri and : ■': Biir : • ■' ;.. $i9.r,flo: ■ f3d W;eok) "i2a~t Creeps"; •-: •.j;?v7o6. .. .' ; (6 da.vs) ' .: ■ .v(T^ow) ; / "U^'Paid" : ; $32,300 • "A Lady's Morals". •'■ ; .$10,600 • (2d week) "Free , VHell's V : Angels" , ' .'..$2o;iop'. (4 th week) Love*' • .$15.260' (New lb%y) ;. , "HeM's . Angels"; . $18,000 ., (Othi.week) LOS ANGELES Frank • Klbbee,. \who.;. played thi* ;iea' ^tage: ''Toi-(Sh' Sbng,"..^^^^ dupiicate the . job;: foiv Ilenvy PufCy here. Currently, he is in "Cayalipr bf, tlie ' Streets", for - Par; : - Jle -w ill also lead in' th!B.;;piOt.ure xersion. of ■^'Tbi-cH Sbng''-for:M^trb;.:.: ..." S'''•■: t'?».lun}l.»us,'.--'-0-.»;. J.iOv, 0;.,.-;. tD>awihg'. population, ;4Z5,D0b);. . -. : .Weathe'r .:G6bd. V-;: . ■:;-N^e^v; '^t'b.'t.r' hoWday/.;. witSi ' :\yay.:.ov.e.r. the top-'d\(spite .-that, -tht.'' l7;6pP- .Mtudent - ; pOp(ilati().iV : ' froni ;city,-'f^' GolK'ge'.s'' was ab.o.eri.t;. :'■:■• :(''.o'ine(ly.';gQt-'tlie,..:VfigK'eK;t.' oallr^ylth' : :bo't;h..tiib Broad and .PalaVre ;g<'ttln'-^ '■■■.b<TKt^iihiy,.'in:wb'efe v-y : C: Estimates for' Last; Week ;: ;;. vP'aiaceV rKrvitlo; ;;''i^(fV)kf': lii'n : Sinkrr" ;(Jta:dio) 13,0l')p'.; 25-30)..T(K..k. . $i I'.0O'oi- -.' Nvliieh-':," sliotl.ld be,. .-ha.vU.: -ib -bbJit;"-/: ' /. ;•;■.'..'■• ■:''■- :■:';'■..' .v:' ';■:"■. ■' ■ - B:irbacl.':-Xr-o''w'.<;■)';:. "Alin and..Bill'' a't 4li'n(i0.::; - .:' ''; .:'.;:•; ':: -phio^ ' ^T^oe^v^•^.).. "Biii^ari-.^ V.'/ainl". stago -siipwi ; (;oo(i ;;di ffi^.niip;'. ' ■ "GHand'.;(j^eiW's).- -."Suniiy" '<r>^A' '(l,100;.i^ ^25^DP;). - Bb.ttef.: - .tlKn-i;. -./.'i-ir . with $4<o6o.;'-V,:; ..".'■ :.-.:;.;'.■;■:.■;:'■'-'• •i"- ■Maje8iic'--(K-»4rti'R>-,:'-'a3aw^^ • 'arid. VBrn)d<;lr: JMplonia;!";.(:TT): isplil; wock.) ; (1.,T0D.;. :i'j-3l»>, - tvith $3,706. .- ';:.■" .1 ■ :'.' .'.Kansas City, ■■Jaii.'',6. ■ Witii;. all:, theati-es playing Santa :ClatJ^^ to''lhei},-tho 'er5!: -Vetirrned • the;:'cbhip]lnrieht.-."and • gUVe.. the, -hianilge rs. -iieavy; atterid anbp. ■/ .-';■■■'.■■- '- ":■■■'••■ •■■ •■■, >■-. •. '■ :■; .,wlth..;'IIook; Line, ^nd ;Sinker." and... ^ '■ fast-moviii^ - stage •show wa.«5 ;bat5acity ; a:t- .mo'st- .bf^ shovv's;. a nd .wioun.d tip ;'t;hc year •in grand style. Jjbew'i^ Mid land, had ;'P.aid.'-^ yv'itli: Kan^:rts,;; City's ' .JOaii .Cl-awfQrd"^;a.nd • how;; the;" ■^customers flbekbdr ' The .Roi'al-> offered .a Ibcal. jfav,. Buddy "Rogers, in' "Along Came youth." . ' ;\''. ' : At- the other PubVix. the .Newman, "The Right ip .Love." did wcli," The Rby'aV was the of the down7 towners to: pa's.s'.up: the.New Yegir's ^Eye':extra'sh'o'iv....;''..;:,.;.:;...'. I ■ ■:•' .■.. EsUmate^vforvLast .Week'.',. •Loew's ; Midland.4- ••.P#d'*: <M-C) (4i000 ^;-25-.50).. 'Given nice pu.blicVty; and :with ''star perfbrme.r. :Ka.hsas.: City'girly it ail heipb.d; ..schedulc-ac^ ■ fangbd foi" isix sh ows daily,- aijid re;- ; «5XiU3 were, gi'ieat; ;$:22,060v v •: Mai,nstreet:4e- ''Hook, ; .:Lih.e arid Sinjfcr'' (R'adio): (3;2b6; :25-35-56':60);.', headed. by. Jack. Oster. inani' biit;:.local act, ^I:{i^le JveHey K rdd ie Rcvde aided,- too;. $28.20P..'. : . NeWriianV-T''Right .tb .Love" . (Par) (1 .S9P;.. ' ;.'25-3'5-36'r6P>..,,; .'.Starti-rig Cli.ri:Ht-iriris;:i).ay/. pi(;tuV.e .:go.t^ br:<vik - and'. tuXMied..;'ih .t^^^^^ $i:5'rO06.■:,;-.- • ■■.■;•'...''= ■ .■■■y.- ' .' Royil- .'"Along Tahvft .Yoiith" .(.Par,). ;i 8 4 OV - .2.') - 5 «).'; ?PiVblix', u s'nal 1 y-'. g.i.-ye.s' Buddy :I{bgo'rs: picture ib:-.Ne.\vtna bu.sii.ips!;i Wa-s'a;(;tovy V lik(j: tire xV'Avniarii T- -..Vouened.: .. pie.turo, (;:hri^tnvas-..Ua'j\'.'.?i.n(lfthiit,helped; $3;ii.0o;.-. • :.-:' -.'"-:: s'':::'v.-^". ;:: Paritages--;:"RGno'r. (2.20P;'. 25-^!>0)- ;W(>ir .: n'<:vtvDd, ■ "w^ith:v-^.(lvb'.: a('liii.v $iil;(t.66,-;.'' y-y ^'-'- .ISoclety of'; MOtiori,. picture ;.; ^*n.- girieers ■Will- hold its spring cohven- tioh here May '25-28i' :'rlie Academy has been asked to .loin the. cbriyen-^. tiori" ind: hiake It tt, jbint^ affali*; . ~ :; Jaok ..Rahtz', former diyisioh^man ctgei- -at. feahta. Aria< "wilj: return tp.. that orgariizatibti: scb'- riianager : Of thft'.Wcstlake,,'L... A. ' R; Newman, formerly at: :th,e Westlbkei . repia.cies. Fred Campbell kt the' JJptown. - ; .'pix.ira ;gobd: / -.:.'. ■;':;:'■■• . ■• :Otttvv\;a,,:^oiii;6.y: -•■ .:i^tartirig; •\?>illr-t.^l.(v.;^lil(^^v ;ybar;:iiin:i i;^'hNtn\<5h:ip;'ij^es .\\;<;v Vd-i|..;<»a.'.'for. th<\:-l)i<:vtuVb- bx';'iinngi?s"of. ,';i.'tJ:i«'>: .liint''-by' .tlip. ■i^'oveKiririont^th.a^^ ''•/Mifii5^{p.9'V)iuyId--'.U«?.---li;i^ oh ;.tb .the r>x;hlbi'toi'S,; - '. ■ ." ■. .'.; :■ '■../.■■/ .' iChi'tVg.i":: vJ'bi'.. .'<'cnisbi.iri',C-; ...^t^VtP$ ' hlms ;'\vi\>i redu'ce'd./fV^bn'i - $10 to! $G ..'ii^^r■;i:vv^l,' vi:^^ 'Bntish; ii'rits -aro J)(niTg.-'p>H|:riii)>od fbi:, f3 .p«!r.-;'r-bbi> fti?. .(^b'mp.'ii'od:'Asitl^ tlio.'provions '.i'a.tC of •$Gv'.;'^-':'':- :'.:■; .•''./. ■•"■-':'■■'';.v Oliver Mbrosco'jg : ^'Between ihe' Covers" folded at the BiltnioTe. aftbi" bne: .week:, drig'l.hal. pi arts-'to take the piece, to New.'Xprli are off, "WB .rebp:eh's : the.-E.niba^sy,;:vSa.n FrarioiscD,,. with :;the'-world preiniere br"IIIicit.'?- ..', ..•.■■;.'^.. ■■.:-- ;^;;." - .:.;•-.-. .1--.: N«W' vr€ar''s' ; shbw^ ? at Paramount. 'alinbst;^^^^ ip a (^ ..When; av drunVc ...slipt, p.ff a. ybl.ver. three, .times,. ■'-■.: tilt? riot". Metrb:.lg , blaming.' )t,s;;'v\-i'itc'^^^^ l;.or t'hft news leaks; .around t.ii.e;'Ud:ip Nfaiy; put :a'^::;c.lause ih .cpntr.T.ct'ii.''as 'a pveyentatiye, ■•.;■'■';: .':.;.'■■'; ■' .: ::',.'.■;':'■ Wri.ters-'' arb' .a joint ..frpl.ip fbr. s.ome.tinib .i.n^^ ?\ry»::.:'.'^ ;."•:;'"• ■^ '■^■ '.;-■■'^.■^''^";'■::' :■'' .:'? .cbntrict pl.ayev.s^ ,a^^^ Ihe rriajbr^^tudibg,'slg.ned oh the ohariro that they, might develpij... are;:b<?ing .sho'ved ' iiito .mob seenb.s %Vitli .:tli•> hbpe that/they'll .sauawk;:v;.Thon::}t :t)TC..dbbr;; 'v^ $AN FRANClSeO s.: :,'■;■'.;.:; •';■;:;;:/.;.'■ ■..^^;■ pa;ns^..~b»)^.'?7.".:'"^ :;. .Qssci's ;.flrsl; ijrbdU(*t.iQri- 'V^jrthttt^^^ 'vva;S.'''trad6.. shbwh .: a.t- thbt:;.^.tb:u.lin'-^ .Rpuge; ^a; ■ pdnsider^able. nuhi'bcr. o(. rion-professlbiiala attendi'ng,;. eri'ix-; bi^riff .a;' faiir' .estlinatioh bf • piiblii:: re* aciipm;;- ^BibtijrCi;': duo-; 'tp:::,^gopd; /scenario and good ^acting,- bf ; the, -po'pu-iar, star, Boubot;; sur^ tb,"gr.f|.ss.' . ■ '.Ossb'S::' .^ijrbdJtiction;' 's(\horiiil.ei;.: is :.l){iscdy.oi». the'::ldea' ;oi\>riaking;:'flliTir IzivtiVn ; Df litctary 'a^ stago.'hii>j :iM\d.()rsbd. :by:;.:ibbav.i^ 4-«;0oasc.s'..';'rtdvan:ce..'p.iiij.ll('ity'.^ .',:.- SEATTLE ■ \v ':■':,':'■;';Bcltorie.'':Bankruptcy; :;;...':.;'- [■'■ '■' .. '1 lollyvvoo(1i. J\i\n.:-(\, «:j. ;; 'i^.v''BeltbrieV ,Cbri).,. -1^ .sound' '•. e'qniprii'r.n.'t ' ri'iairiifiirlOr^'rs; has; ;'f:onserited; tc)^ bo,. throAyn . iiita bankrv'i'ptcir '.^by ...^thre^^^^^ ; .ciTriitoris: 'i'iiitrn)fri"g'.$8s;0M in^loanii, ', ■; '; ' ..•;;/;.".: : , PAR- AMOUNT ■Hig.hi:$26,000 Low-v.; 5,950 Mu^ic~b6^ High.. $1.7,000 JLbw.;..;i.; 3y50O; F^-r+TAVl'E; Hriah.,..$26;(}00 LOW... :8,500 -■' . '■ Pec:i; p_ .; '^ISe^'Legs^' ;;,'$o;4po ■ Stage, show'; .V'':,:;'BLU £■.'■'; ;MOUSE H ig h , ; $.1.6,000 .Low.;.. :3,000 ORPHEUM' . High; .$32i000:' LowV .: 6,500 , ■■;VBa;t'::v^ '.- ;:W:hispers'' .^.;$(i;50o';.;.^ "■■•>'Ji^si';?;v ..•imagi.riie ■•'::; .•,.:$.1.7,4(iO,.'.:; ?it'-;tgo:;shnSv. ■-•'TOr%'-; : .;";$:{i666 ^ : ./'Pay-Off :. ,$'jp.i:uo.,,..; ; 'Vaiirlp :■, -::;.'Pec^3;-.;.' ~'Mbr6cc'b'"' '.■ '»;$T.J)i)0; ':■ ■j;^ Pee. .,^0 ■ >'Perej:ict''" V ' $5.95i0 :;:;: •(■SJew. . Angels". . ' ; ..;,;$«'.l)OQ .:. \ ■■ f^i^st^vpHc);; '-.,-^a'n''-;.v-', ;:;;-^'j;2.,.86pv.\;- ■y- $:i.0.0«';;- "Sih Takcs;'.a Holiday!' ; .^..$io.;<)Ot)'..; "'r'Hell's'•■■:,■' ■:;->ngels'^:;"-; •I--; ; $4.000'.: •:' : •I.; i;2 d .:w:eek V ; MPr.ihc.ess;an'd X: Plomber" . :f,,..$11.660,■^:,.;. ; i _- \\ V.:'-'^'Ma^i/tO' ■! '';v.^: Wan!!,: •('.;' '■ -^ifonor ■;' ^; .[.-; ■,: i'3yd?vy>i);v -'' ■'!East--U' .;■; ; West". . .: •- ;'$«^600'. ■■;:' bee..-27;^' .^^'(^f),l^t riiyifd' oir i.ibtf(?^r2),;