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VAXIETY 49 .Co.rnedy\;.^:> -.^-v. -- '.^K: • • 34 Miris.jVTvyp (Special) . , v . ■ Jefierson :•V-''■ ■ ' vnybo<ly\Hh<t ■ qrtn keep^^^ a house ■ laughing ilbntlrtiiousVyJtpr/. 34 win.-.. ■U.10S.-ahft ex^^ with. :a.'qxiiet finiKh tp; a nil}? hana -.mVist. fa.e. a;. comet!iiia.ni: ' "sit.ctcli. by X>K R(i;clovell; wlilcb ^he' i§ ' cJiiriise'.of-.cast..; : '■ V; - ■ : :■ • ■ iiQciTkwc'n ■ IvKs pLtigged. this ' eftoVt -■f ull of &ouT>le entendres; while a-<5.-; .^taUi'iris Conley'.s. better ..k.nbwn nj\i^-- ■noi-isms .;ana- .a; few- o£ -his . ear.).I(?V: •:'-n'jise cracks. '' ■V^s: ..'th6 . ISryearTold ■ ■ baVber's V sort ';,Qf Ithaca." FftJlf^ ' ^'l^o : has stayed : oiit i aiW .ni^t- ahd .re>i .'turns to fac^i. papa, Cbnley-is naivcr. Jy-"' puRffe^JtlVe to .the, extremi?.-'. His eiibtletV'is safel^. over the cMiiidr^ri's •:hpncls. and- \vo>v,s. 0^ ■. ..- .; ;. T^h^ vah-ip, a -loolierv c<im'C3.'6ri'lor. jM)hff. and -after- i;rt!entv At ' i'^vte; ■ :paVaver;.^heavMy veiled;; •.Cohloy.'afe.ks hot ,to-. hiarr:y - .hlrii;.;rtna.- t^ to' cet-'his'par.' *heh the hlack-oiit and, .the fanill'iar.-.ffVii-h'k.ht-of. the-.autp-.. : in"oi)ilc as it'' trA.vc'ls - iip -tJlv<J., rriairi • V <^ti'o(>t. of til 0 Itha'ca.- Fal Is' stt, -.stdps -. 'Wij^ily M the-church'and:.on tiai thfe : . taije .a vounCl tho .-.Vend.. where th^ v'-lifiiitW^.go 'oh' juid^'tijien- ate-.'e.Stliir. - ^K^Ushfid. :cvn6 -.ljy "onfi ;\^f.th '.a..;s.hade>: •' ti'ing.,slttwiy ;.nu^^Ue(V'do^^^^ ;,';etaixV^window;-' i- \ : .:■ -^'-^^ : ■:/ . .Thii'd hilemb.er pf ,3tjk^^ ' sirppoi*t.':.is ;.'«, ioy 'Svho •loung'ps ■arpuald flie .bar-, ■ Ipe'r :-iShof> ..ahd' Vconveriie^^^ . play.sv ... 'jfli'st' a. K»!it«r Arid, tlieh ;a;- banjo its ..'. iici'b.inpariinioiitvtp -dialogue ; - . - • LUIS RUSSeiL AND SAHATbGA CLUB OftphlEStRA ^- v Band-R^yu'e S9 1^\riS.r Full-- Stage^v;^- 'Sinie:-:-[}--^^}^:.\f '•';/; .' Alivcblbi'edi, iay.(put;> a hoi . band. that^s • fihe . and..: fancy iiii: :i6\yd.bwn' sync.opatfto^n..; : Sipme.... 'entertaining slhgihg- arid hppting; by .aifi ai^ay of talent; including I).e\vey iBrown, Roy Atkins,;Edith- Wil sori.■^aivd the .t.livee: ■.I3i:pwn.i)pt^. ■■-.y.ij;:/ C ■•^ .V ■■'■'.';.':^'-'/'' X- .S^ralb'ga' ■ Oliife. appj>ila'tibri ,n>ight mean , the Caspepv Hol.steln ,vpto\yri ;IIaiO<ini night--filui), '■.w-hii're .tiie . Rus-; sell ;. tiuisickeiNs' - h r.been,', doing' their . situff ^ witfibut.. ariy ., biifside ba,'Hyhob that cat*riediVsnchV, bands, as. i:itike :Killng.tbri's^.a^^ to dpwntbwii Pfay'suobe ■ thie;;: State. .debut the .RuSsell■ 'otiff if: pari -Stand cbmpar.isbn; it has ey^ryr thing ; n>odei'n iibt • niusic. pjlce.', de-, niaridfj.--' ■H^-.'.;. ■ ■';. ■ ;^•!.V'^■ •■■'■^■[y For -:vaude" ' thpi'O-. is Hoy: . Atkins (iplrig a- iilt -. bf i' i^gmi'inia thait lia^ ririade ji'ijn-;^ standPiit uptown; .Edith- .Wjisoh,-"; ;.s'lrig'irig. - ii!lorig-.', the. . lines- ihat^Vlas hel'ped? h^J^.Qjish.-iri/bn tht? ppp. recoi>'(isr' 'l)'o\v'oy -l-Viioivi'ri' and" hi>> Johririir. .Hiidgin,4'- Inliiaiion,. .p.t the vwah- walV'! sorig -jvi'ded and abetted by . a Ivot.': iin.iniiDet' -:pl.ay;eiV-..: Three •lilrQwn i)o.ts oil -individ^ial; arid .cbl-, ePtive ta'piJing -iiv^ ariiOng. -the best tliat;' Xiarl^in. can .spot- in',downtown- t'heatrfe's''-.lPdai<;-V - -' Mdcrjc.: ■ GREGORY ANP RAVMON ' ^■'-InstrJumeWtali^ts.- ' '-'^ v:;-12 .Winis;;■-.<>ne.-;'';;:,,...■..•':;-.':'•- -:^■.:^Rt)'yai V;'..-,'.' •'■ ^■■r-'^"'. .; .-•Hrirtobthrrhririiiig^^: rputii.Te of • tri.Cjk •' triilsicaj •. .'instruriii?nt' inHriipiilafipn, • tione- .with real - al?i}ity and ;:A.,.g6pd ^ sen^5e ;bf comedy stamps^ this colle- '. :;giatc-ippklrig: .team •, Ss . anipng: the ■ ■■:-l3(»st.-pr>ts kind.;v ,^h. '^■■ -l; ' . : ;T4bj^^bp.eri!.-w we -.Wili ■ . entortain yPviV sbng;: which, could; be .' fbrpoite.n, ,bu t (Vo<!^n't seriously, hiift, . arid' titerii Into.: Sbvi'sa^ai: ".Stars:-, and . ■ Sti-tpes;?' played-,' bri an' inner,, tube ■;'.by tiregbry while Rayjrnbrid. pUhipfe -thfe air/ -' iSJext .is..''IiIS3^^ ,W V. .with . the :rieck >bf a rubbpr ;glpye rV .Raymori appareri^tly ■ pb.f'aitis /; -'■.gl!tf!sfur.bf milk from brie;of th6-.ex- ':. le-^^ded -flngers ■ ; l' a h So. arid; iniisical ' saw ja re ii ffed . arid 'a .vacuum clejinei', operated by .-' . elbfctricity; trorii off stage, is made ';th^ - in'strunl^nt for. .a Herbert .nuri.i,- . .i)<?rv..- Viblirt -:arid :.;tehoT - ultul'elb- 'ori ia*!t-• • selec'tjori;, P .spb.t's > A. , /<?b'tilile "oif sh'iprt: dances - tov' t •:bohlpariiriiP'rit'-^'--'..'*;--V' .-;.'v:.^ -.v-^ V pQiNoyAN sr$TE:R3 A ialsHo^^ !':':Songs:-''~ >■>'.' ' ■ ■ '1?'r.M ini.;'^One ■-'^.-■; :\'• ■ • • ^:',-.^tat^/-:;;: ; v ;:• .'■■fly': :. .;: -lipiVo^Nah.'Sristers arid--BishbP. itiiye • .-one • thing. decideftJy- in' their■ fayoiv '. in ..their.. pi^eseTit'. vaucle. .cbni.biri.£t-;: .'-..tlon 6rid that ii3\a-liavi^^^ '-'. of 'v.vbicesv ; The.. girlii : ha-ye ;' been , -' war.lVli'npr '^together- -fbiv" .sbnieVHime. , Affuvisitibh: 'Of: .the-., bby, -. Ri'shpp, :,'br|i,i.£,':.s a .pieaRing -.tetio.i; yoirc',.'. - ;!'" .. ■. : T.hei-C'pnoyah; '.felrls of'; i)Te.n§; ::',- Ing, {ip'pcarance - and cbndnj.'t;...t!!oni- ■ ; selves as • sefispried- ■U'o.x.iijfvs;: ' one: .'Vplays', the .piano .as .\weU. as doing - ihf^r:share of. girigfng and the other : • . Ro'os- in f oE /a- daribe specialiy2^Iade. -' it . sppni^id: i inipression -'in - ,a ' big ■:.:lToirxo'-'t.hat. 'Prdlnar.ily..-Pivf-'llf;.fllsastei.;: '- .to:.hin,-k!-i)'iVy--.sitVjj! I'.i'J.'f*-' ^If^Xh': "^-^'CLypk-'HA/s'tir;;;;-^ :■'.,;'■•:':'."■'.■ r.v.■-.^^1Q^Mirts;^''■'.0n■e■■v-'•"'::■'^-•. ■;.'■"-■ '■' '. ...-./seth' st. --'z .. ■'•.■:■:...:■■';.: :^.-:" ;V ' ■■ '; Tlio';i'i("uH'.;h!f^i^ns'.ti>e ^>V^^^^^ ■:. -■•..■s)iiti)ivi('i';Vliiip of' saies -'l-aik. for- .t,l'ijs , .,■ ^^;l.-rVj(>t-.v'o-iUU'r'^W"it'li..^t^^^^ :; ; .^n«:■:t(^-^t'c\lim,a\^.'^^i!^ s>)Wt-.l!ix> a'ct; - a,K'.!'i.'.'.'sfifP' ..iSt-b'; -^.i ' vAk lit stiiLatds'rit- is: V ..,\vpak :and the-few'ba^^''of :)ri.e.t.iritiyg'^. .; Jiisii'V- song:: .-a,t ■ ■ the - end- ■-ii.hp-vi-l.d > be:' .d-viipptd.:-'.;'. r ■■ ■ ■■ ■ . f '-'i-ii'ifjer bc>^^^^^^ .'. -.the.'lrghts g6.-;put:-..ivi.ul bbiiiipis-dpwri • . '>n''nifilo' ,f.o:r . (On; Ktfige . "....:.h<?'. (^irl'S; - MP.'', ii- ■t)-ian'gie',^a'nd': finva 11' • :i!^)Ji,ti'ia,sp'. .and.' s'tart>s -<'x-:pla'j.ri ing- ,.tl.ib^^ -. - iri(?r:I:t,s' of '.his.'.'''^pxitft.tc> puc.U-r.-"- : Ad-r ■ -V ■•:?'llrMs.ses-: the. arfdierie.e as'- oplookfrs. >■ -.-.and inse.s - all :.the. !>isuai ■•li"'w ViVitoh-- j. ■|mp^(--tj:;;pfrcvt;t:-a ■ "v-\ ;!:-' .;'^'^''',>R.Ep"'HAR^iR:ianjcl'X5o; (.8K-'-':''.\ Cpmedy-;a'ri'cl,,Dan'ces ■' -- ■18.M:ins/;;Fulp(S'peci3l);::^^^ . ' ' ,j., -^-.Rpyal: -:v'.'_," '. ' .■ - ■.:''•'■ -■;• ' .:--.Cpm'eaian'::''h-'(n^V .^ie;gi.U 'ihiis- ..-si'i.r-;. '-i;uu i.i'd eiV-b^'u.st'l :a^^^^^ '; ■. 'Jiii''a. .hf.'l'vvjv''ii-n<l"f6'iir Jja\v'aifi.iii.S; -': ,.■ .''"/.■»! .thi^vll;^..".^put■J.tc'»Kf jhi.:i':.^fi . ■,ri;i'ir y - v/j. j: {iL-,1)ir'-.sLr('n)i,i-l'i; «')'(:.Ihn-i- ■,■:''.'•',»\>^':'!lrit>fV,;'.a)id'.^ -rivugkiiW--. vAliJdlA^ -. ,-:irrii-u.slng ,'arid v«colv'(.'(i.'f!au-ly:-.:li(.':'r*'-..-; /^^-;.;:)j;n,Jirt)V:iii:a..^ biil-•■ ', \'" -';''.^' ■'{;•.: .y vii'jHjriri; cin - oui''-.' Pf-.' I.l.ii-^ .--'vv.riiiari. -Tslands;;-.;;:] 1 awrr -.JwoKs:' [ i\hn,'liviixy. j;!i :v<'\v:i:U-t\ a:■i>1'^^'■'■.t'■l■- •; f'..0-)ri'-,th|i..-na\\v;' urid.':&i.v(^^^ - ':'• to ;--t-):M,»;- '■-(■oyijifv, 'in'r U'li' '^'-jutla. ; <l;.in.r'oi«s;' .to :ktf('p: fm^ br iiijr -t'urn.<'i) / ' 'vM'-\:--l<iV^f.-ijiiilp:.l'iir()Ufi.i;. .;iV.if-I 'iI■ .'.'> • .- ■■'••-•v!-'- iru:wxfii:t,ri!^':fivr-^^^^ ii)i;''j<'::= W AJF?ion , NOFF.M A.N arid Gir| . ■:-' .Fri'ends:Xt'')-^'^''^'''.,.-.\ ^''i 'v: Band . arid- Specialty V. v. - .^ . ; ?52';-M:ins.;;-Ful^' iCSlpec.ial) -'f-r-.- ^ ( Audut^p.n.^'■'■.'.;^-:!^.^;■,.-'.■■.'-.• 'J '.'' Bdrid. of-to. pieces :'J6d': .by.: the^ yier.r' sbnabi^.' .Mai'ion ;'HPffriia-ri ..;\.rid'.; fea- ..tair!iiig..'i -rbriiai kable--.Oriental, da.n, .^3<!r, hks class ;-Ui,at'.'..slvpurd;, take.'the ■ act iri'tb .1 he ' beat:.' cbriipiany,.;.- Be- sides, "doubliiig pii- a riu'm.ber of in- struritierit«thie girls-;-siiciir; with -. rtea,l abiiity,:arid PMt b\'^r .several, vticaljs Vlthbnt ariy of the- we^kriess: .that ••night b.e'kexi>eot^d .ti'Orix; supJfi puv ' l-eyor|.^f i^iythriv-'^ - .#611 . Arranged - on '. ?i • twbMe'<'el jilatfbrrii; each ..- of - ;;tne vgirla - is i?pbtted . with, a baby lamp; from their.. *ipebia) !y. built floor; They wear .yellbw blouses;: [trimmed \,ln: ■prarifeei and . green' .Veiyet trousers .Miss • Hbffriiian dressieSi- In a silver jacket' arid acco'rdiori.:pl.e^ted- Iro.u- sers 'bf-.'.Gr.ep.4 -de chine. •. •-. •; ,- > p.arioer' .is. on, for .two^ voUtines. Bi-bN DES AN D BR tiN EttES- (9) ^Ti^i6h-Act:-^ •.':.'::..-:,^">:. -.;V;.':.-^-:' 18 Mfrts;;. ftfllv.(Spietial|;- ■ . . .jM^ahklJ'n'.:■-:";; :: ■;'',-.'-:'^:"'. ■ ..Billed - ont xrorit • as 'ia. .::'Rbvue: ,p :N*g'w G(>'nu)]c',vjpri'i/ ;with Al and J.aek jSdwa^diA ftaturedi.. and . giving';hpn- orabie mention' to a .six-^girl' chorus -clalnt'ed jto' be; vsix /^ririze- Wiririlrtg. il?e?luties - Rbcbiatiy/ Fjeatured ..WltU ;'Eairl-' Carr p:1)' 6. -vVari i 11es,.'!- this ttsish apt;.'buffiide of a girl"0,rierit.al..aero . batib - (Tan.ce'v;': .shows ;notl)ing new ..ri'o'v^l-br .unai4:,Ual;tp;; Vaude;. .. '•-'Xhe- featur.ed: Ed\\\'irds. -boys ' a.r ffliiaiglit h'Poferi^/ r Aorbha;trc .^dirice^• ;^vPrkbd riirbly. a,ri"d i-ei-^bived t solid . applause. - \^ChGrui3 :.is.:- pre.tty. hilt bkdl.j'.drilled ^irid'.tlie co.stumihsj- ;dqll,-.-V;;- • ■ -'^ ^■ '.■■■■\ y /.- ■ ' - Act ■ ijt''^i:iHplp{e' '^^^^^^ Giop(l li)bKing kids .-wHh ^^i'^. tlrrf/ctibri.;':/^. ■ ,- MAXIiyiO (1) . -Wire-Walker - ':.. '•- :;.'■ ■;-/• ■:,.':■" 7;.''Miris|.--Fatl.:- (Specjaly . :; .-■:;: :, :, ;; , :Jif[er;$ofy. : ■■ -.V-'-'; ■. ■ •J?'6rfK''c'tiy. sit-:iibi1ie.. on'.'the' -wii-t;. this -rt:',c'i-ul-t'.'..Vrorii' tli'e:'."t;ircus ijieltl- :'i.rips- .-the -Hgbt •' fivntii'stic - withput -■I iio aid' of ■a,-.p.Ura.'?;<.d -in .a..way that. -■t-.hpu|d-k'«^'cp hi'rii .WHrking'..;. -y j.,- . 'y. Xeat:^ Appe,aranc(/ .in'-.full dress on; .:a; wire' madf» alnipst.irivi.sible. 'byrt-ho- atti^iitfyi; -'siieyreel Pilk .:droii;'■ L.a(vlry}< 'the ijenshtiorial 'sq'irix-rKuult- teats, bl; .btUers',; -b'ut:'' -rie<\^rrt.li<^i^;.ss. ;;e.xPoll.<.>nt in ' 'ilKV -ppGriin'g- sppt.' here,';' iLatLrii- ty Pc'; awMisiaivt ,hvLri (Iji .-f 1 le^'prp^ '° j j,a ii(•.('• . CpiVi.pci r'i.spris'.(.o), • ..ila,^h...; -..:'. 'v.: Tim • ii:rid, -KiltyVO'^rbifir ■:. : :: ^:' ■''Burke/T?lpyd- arid"'Kauri.. -.' -' • ■'-:. ,' - '-J^nrig Bi^os^ Q-rid'-^o.\'{'l'J:);,;fl4'^'t^.i:'.-- . •.M.bNviiit;'..^ttillf ri 'and • T?o.han,/- jn Kiing:-.:''^-:--;,';-' :■;./■-',.':";. ': -Haul jTet'di-ing; '■,> ;..;■ ■:' .■■/. : ..' ■ ;<Jay:.:;A-ajie ■;aaid'-.Cu.,-,«^^^^ Sti/l •^fiianbf ".'::V ';,:.. :■ ■■ '• ' ;.:\-iTea ri-;.' jybpk,;' :f pr ni frrly-': ;eppkK ■: .ari tV i\^^i?ribni-^'ih^i'lev'-' :, ■,'...;'■ '; ■■' ■ 'HftWc-U /rirowcW hnd Dabbs)',. an.'l .l^Wifly- ..(-l^Karty-' an;! Ma:h.<)riffyJ>,.''twG- ■act.'Av:',^:^ ■ v'...--. .'--■ •''^'■ /■■■'.■'"'-''■'■ ;'';--Kja]:^u;Tid:;' AV [RifeitJiS-; cinriedy,. ,.>^i;ng;r \ing>-imx'i^'<(lA)M^ ! ;:'■;;'^ PALACE (St. Vaude) '■"'.-' /.",:.•-. ;/-.' : After' last ■w<5ek'a>shp\v,'.headed b^, .Eddie Cantor, broke the palace, bpx- biflcia record, thie iarst matinee, priish to sefe the ■cbniic biird. of inusipal comedy 'foi* tlie- second .' Weiek - iritli-.. ciited . another - sky gross. They' pbu I.d easily libliiJ :CantQB bv^r ^y^^^'^': '■■ k^aritor,.'"working aimbst. tiirbrigli-, oiit- the- jieriorjrtia.ncel pat in as- fuM an 'afteirnobri as .-h« ''^ver:-.' did-, in. •'Whobpee" or the -.'^Fblliesi'l..Arid iic had .sureW-lire 'Skits I'rbhi.' the- hiiajoi' .revues of other seaSpns,/workiiig- iri: Mherii. -: Sbine..came at. 'the:;-:cl'o.se,,- wbeii: Caritbr.'s .o>yn'^actr\Vas - biV;': ■. .. ji,..real pbmedi*^ show.'.ii.iffe.r .riirinbier. fiiree %as stpw.ed away; ,The^Hon'e!y ti'bup^, .?frPiri the. cir.bus',, .witii thrtiP. stiirdjf .wQiriep* finiB. aerial .^onvpl'- saii 1 ting kid, and- '--Tii rn&n,. deliv6r,<d soineth ingVof. :clst.*is .;ln. acrobatic roiiT-' tineas; : 'AslViey PAige;.a hobiinfi- xyio.^^ phonist^'.gpt. Away.: \vith the- -difeuc'e.-. T-lieri'.-came ■■Ijiarla.ii-. X)ixbn>,\-T>vith;.^^^^ darieirig girl .-chorus ; of 12,; I'liey. .wiere pbli'te to ,Dixoh Aijd: appjaiided his expejptiPrial tapping/ Gfrls diHn'i looko so..;; ii:d^^^ -^aritU thia^t counted against.Seem^fed .to have tb.P ■ m,ufU- be0i|jpr steppers;. :.0bt.-b'y:-lnva.riiodi|- lied...waj".:^:.' •''•;:.:'!;• '.':y,-:,''. .-■ ::\':'-;:;'-.'-^.'-/--^' ■': (;;£>:iitbr^; lia..l)ebn...,.pir yyiilx • CJ racc'<; Allen/M'hpse dizzy' type.'^^^^ .t^^lls. .<rracle,.: iieagPri^ . "B.uriis.. and' A,lien-<'. holdirig ibVer 'f rbrii -lais.t . week., waltzed off fourth With the Jirst -real' hit. v Firii;sh .;0f .this iict ainipst iijs.ur* dnee to cliek.'^ Mbst bf their materia): pakses ' /without - :qji,estipn>.' .-tbough Uieife: i^ orife gag .about- "'I -expect:a jWadache" "that:.was. subtle, ,"except tb^' tire girl'section but l^i'ont. :' .eibsing intel'iTit^H^ori:fpurid. Gantpr in real. action.;^ it .Vv-As ti.i*^.buriesqiitv tailor, shop/- price ustd /by,- h'iiji: .arid the ,lat€f, Qieorgp LeMair*.' . --Bi 1 ling' merely -.wa,^ thiat-of J-ew Hearn'.' .b.iit he,.ls .■ just bnfe: of the- thr;e;e-: leads' \\Uth .Cantor -'as;.th^ .-excitable.:pav rief Wo'rking- sb . hard .th'at' he -.Ayas steamiri'g at'-thp liriish.: ''-'v.- • ■.J^urri.'\yas\-hi.ll.ed .'•U.u^^ Ribbeit Leonard,, who used to : i>)?Ly ;jE^ptasK and .Berlmutt^i;, parta.iaiyirbad, the .'othbr - player, .skye ifpt' a •.stboge bit. . Act'can be: identified, lirider the name;of ''A B^lt iri theLBabk.*'.'- Jipw: that,-'. Sattirijay '!-.itta;tih(ee:..',.crbwa: of regular^ and,wise-guys lAverit .for it !- It is honest, .rough .^omedyr. -and' one caught -the idea .;that . Oaritpt, .>v'a^ havinig .'some';' itup. playing :.itl. He didn't mention the. sfcitv wa^s .<)rib.e. in; a .."Follies" anii . a Ipllpw-up on the chiropractic nbri.^ense. Heai:.^ got; hiririself w:eU-shaken ..up'^when: first falling, off the irolllns fitting block. \ , •intetiriissibnj Pathe,News;:and thb sh'p,vv .w'ias off for more. laughs: A B^jiv Blue, took t-he :bixenitig int€rniissibri spot, ■ .h^eld Ijy: Marion Ha'r'i-is . (al.sb hpid i ng; over) last' -we'ek* .Blue,, was as- fTurc- of topping, -.as: >v€ir-..: .Ha.s; Lyirin, pore,'a taiffy-hnire(l -girl;.; wlip he said, was new tp the act.,. The P.aLvlpwa bit.' brPtight-a fuil. .sbarfe .of gi ggies,'- artd lie.' Co u'ld 1) aiJ^e■.-.cP^isted thereaftbr, but didn't., Mis.i5 -.Di6re .fs .sirigiirg :the.-hlt of ^thei cuirfent "Sweet aricl/Low," ."Cheerfiij Little:^Jarjfui;" • ■ Miss-. Harri's sjeemed .-to.' have.; An easipp'ti'me'<: .'of it . this ■ .week, with. CWitbr W'iikirig' in to:join- in.th<^-laKt third ; pif'. Iter v-perfprniance. Aflor. 'singing ."Blub, A^ii>;'.V a .bwte- lyi'ic-,, and-"That "Way Abbut riife/';' she :re'- p'qa'ted theV.^'Clariary" .ditty .of l^st webk'.:: 'Ori waik*^^ bIue:.oPai' and e^riiei'.is .iiaii^ pants.. : He-;flirle(t. >vith, the. blonde warbler.,tor,ju.st-a ,pQirit that,he yelled ,but-tb Ida CMi:.s;: C-ai.i to r). In .A. b b* th at .It wSas only: kiddirig;.: It wJi-s Tda'.^'. secbnii :Siitui'- -jay;'.view./bf- 'JEdcJiq 'from' .a.'.box/.' ;■ Cajitbr . wPrit.: intp- his- myn j<pe- oialty,;which-:did-, npt stop until', .^?ig■:: itaied.frbni back .stage tliat the .ci'i-'W wo.uTd yfiU. jfoi:. overtime;, . -That:wai? i>\i^b pieat^ed; witlv ypcal iiav-iubiiy.; •jliffoVd- -and ' r;ro>^hani tliird; Th.o>' ivave- rt;. few gags that .Vo:rg!> on . tluv blue aiid ' onlx one that sbempd '.in ^favpr here. .• :(inoe into: flip -sn.ijaigl)[t hoke-.they. did miirii bpttwv. - '... 'v-Tane^si:''arid • tfip,'. foiir. ^iiiriitnii' .a nd. (lariblng- hoys- in w,i)nxvrt;'-:gaV.e; .tliP fOVQW'.-;-its .rflri^t-vhig, -swinsj;,'. Vanps.<5i.'has. plenty of. pby.six^al at^ 'traction --.firid.^ knP.sv.s Iniw, tb-. it^io,' .it b)it-tnaUiitg .tiToin appniu* too.cpof-io:-.. Th 'P'-; f b Ir'r - in*y's- s i's 11 rig .. a.r e r. h tU-.o _ Work or R,: (1 o i n g.. wpl 1 w It H': t;he i t - ri. 1 tP ifitib - vopaii?.ing:a'ri'd' wllepUVPvb*'ot' ':ing.v-.'Entire, act plo^ .".'Eniile TSprbP ,s'(*vi)pfd 'into:.a■.-.sbft-: sprit '.>iarid-niai.lb'-'t.h'e- riiost'pf- itv, ^He, stuck.. in --tive - :ri\ain'-t;t>- the^'''.char.."vcT- tbrJ.^tlc ' stage 'In'ti^ 'that .jriade- hirii pbpuHr'-i.ri- tl.-te; f^.tH^iN- 'wlviph. pra'yed-/sbv'praj.:.tiri^^^ '/- .' -■ '- ■:-:■'./■- -','' . Borbo sopnjb<l iiv .^'form.^ ail while there ' 'hiiay ". ha've- .beeri; . ;i>Ay.- In -1^ hplistf, who. .ever 'sa\vr Sai-fth ■B,ei'»-t.r hardt: .tio: her ,celebrated .: fipldif i' clVaVil^t^rii'iatibri. Bbvep. t!teppc.d:,aTito it^anicl-;gpi;t plprity ;pf;Jlpptaysp.; : -In- Ploaing. spot re -liuis: B:ArPSPM, arid■ Saratbp,a . Band.,--;(-.vrow,;,. Ao.ts),;., ■polorGd- - :furn' /.which , did. "Ot fall: down ori;;.tins; • assigriiri<-iit; Afixi^k' ':' ';-,.R.-K'--Oj---Il<» .A'i,: '-,-.:'..-".:' ';-:;: j\iii^li^f^mri?p;;jff ^ pai>acHy-.iJ«trpriage -Ni^ yearvs'day; at thb^-RvKir'iii-sVnd it^ft.;tbe; city.'j>f.; 'A>)gfels' '■:/ male''\.-r^^W"f\spntiatl^ /asi, tired, of ^lk^ii(^F!:>nV3''. it^-^ill'./fivpr.' be. KPi-ty-fiye ■ oi". riiore'.-.nrin.vUes,- of - Ihc^ ,lri'g^ritie:s, girl ban^lv,;in;'; closing , spot is-.-tpb - riiuc.h ■■ics- '.fy^^.^^^ y- -^^ - - : •- ;V': ' ■ The / maratho'n'. rurinirig tiipe. -isr: ' clVe in' -pdrt ' ,to. .presence : pf ,: only three ■ acts. in tlie ;;unit: Hariirir-and SbaiVutti, .- girt . tninblbrs;;; RiU-l), .For«i.. in imp'ersbnftti'bnhS'.Jind tl.ic .1^ ■np^prid,;:; A:.ciat;-is. riibst'rdpsiwvble.; -ilairum'and- ^barivri-i, laldng: spores ■ of- prattf^tns "in-tlie -interest, of coin- fedy, kre>Ji' novelty.'because ..thcy^r^^^ ladies. .They, cbuld ^bp'. riipre.:.tl)a:ri-a riovelty jf 'they tpo'k,. off. 'the.:tlghts and':- donnfed. :?ori>ething rpsemUIing street-, ciothcs,. ehaiiged the: hokey billing-arid ndovetl frori-i ':f«n.s^t.age tp. "pn.e''' va la. iNiitcTiell-, arid . JEWraht..:^:.. Ruth- 'i?^brd-iB - special .irii;prcssibn.s, dealing with:- .ribthial Ities rather -than - celebi'itics, arp cleverly, done, ^arid- dpi m\ich^ fpr-^tbe: uriit,^:: A ;pa:li; -pf ' bali-beariri-g. hips .double in.;coTn> ■;edy a;nd:'.s#> a/' .without; Pha,rifeirlg^ .piabe;'■•;:",'' ^>\:''''. ' r '■■'■■■y •''';,'>■. ■--'-'.'.:''■ - ^ #iieri'^ thb ; Tiii^Wnii^s/ 2.0. . girl niu:-' iiciaris in: fuil.stage with: more: -in.-, sirumehts • than : have' b^-er . .befpre been ,disiilay.ed": .by : .a' .iglrj.:,- band. There ' are . copiplpte. -; viplin • ;en-- sfembies; bahio,. ukelelp..;.: pMoP^V'J? arid Spanish guitars:: .thesfe in addi- tibn^ to triueh dPublirig in the" regu- lar.: Jnstruriieritatlori..; The.: apt - U^n flash and interriiittcnt...im.pressivte- ries'.<3' 'ajs '. to .- .tfuality. • :The- -^viipl.e trotible -xvas" that"; the; thing, AS'a."i, .strPtched tp; breaking li;p;ilit tp; but'.thictt running ..time iNoti'ced V that', ' the ;- Vui-rertt '■ -yppp furies earr'y. riuicli .b'cttpr orchestra t iloris than -the (>l(;i:er-'.oriPs,.,..im'd:-in- a-smuch' its ■ the' .latter ^arb- ..spotted ea'rly'^in 'the. apfa. r-c\v r<M>iaccmpnt:s siipuid be made. ^ Thc^opcri 1 ng ,riu).n.- bor'V-'and '-it's^•.m^tp^v-'u,p,•■ especially-, a;re:strict]y;coi-ri.fcd.-.-/.-,.:;..-r, S TTeaturc^^-'-Uobcnjf:' aivil-;i"t(^liys- ;lri Afi'ica^^ ■.(i:H '^rwi'. ratf(L\,ii/, sti;»''ig booking-'jby'-any .rii(;an.s.---^,.-.-'^^^ PAL ACE^ t me^to , v_ ■ . '": ;--;'Chti':i,ia)j^ a;.'-,.. -;:., v:^S5hpWvgetk-a\\;ay/^tb a.sriiooflv.'f^tart. \vi;(l-v''- tiitk"--'Chri-^tbriseri .--itws.' '. Co,... ',- M11 I'd a.thp;.4<^our ^SWrals. with 'tw»,V;;; ' ir|:i)'in'es iTi ,'-at,li.letio' tWii'llns -alid'bp.V.!*, v '.-., in --f»ivblv'i'ng gyra'tion^!.; .- Opi'niniri-^ ;.- well, done ..irid-'bring.s out, the hea,uiy-. of thP'otd-ffiivp .daricp^5^as;; agiii;n}*!,;: ;:;■ tl,i.p .'niP.dorri; :A f.ow,V<liri;o.i>>ri't -tVii - ;-- .i^io'iis liy tlvp:girls,-arid f;irim^ 'dizzy. - .• :w^v'ivllrig :l)y- tVie.'bbyV all iria^^^^ gpvi'l..: .pritrrtairiinb'iit... \ ,T.bb'-- foui>.; -'liaTi:-. -:.., .'^lay.c-d'-away .frbni the.-.!uli»gio, stipK-; . ,. • irig - clPso .--to -.tiiP .art'"- of'-d:u.i('inj?,-'.':, \vher'e'.griioe '-o'f. .th<?.--bod;i,- Sirid n.ini.- Iilp;n"eKs'" of ;th P; 'fopt- cpnrit. -.'.;.•.-'■'-.'--:■ . - .'.,';jo.^- i'lulilps -a-ritt -.Co>, ;PrJ.gii.ial1,y-..'»p't; ■ - ; -for. the; trby:>pot;-'-'\Vas ;pu>iibd 'tloWn '. .to- :-derit>e.-' - -Turn -.i?pris.i,s.t«\---:oT :' two ; ffirljerry Blanchiard an4 ..D fani?-'lye; ; . "Shay,.. ^Vith .Phil.iips: in a cpnipljoa'- . .. :tioii:'i?ktt; 'plenty of r.bng^hv.sll.U)'s'tii-.k ;- ' i'n.;tive'--e'arTv -p.i-rf to. warin.t i>hilltlSs' gin drinkirig.-.bit ':l.s.^^^^^^^^^ . . . 'of;-.rtiPdehi day aGtlng. .:.all. itH, own..; . .t'Mp's?b.'=?- ';wrth , .a rather,' fitiggpstive: , -, w.rp.«;tjirig -'iriat-ch.-' bet'^veeri Joe .ran<! ^ - a partner..VSbrigs arid;dances: by; the;.. . (.\V:o..'girl 'partriprs, help . -rpiiiid bin ;. - ' •-th'e i-tiPce;'-' It .cWc,kC!d> ' ■-, '.. .' ■ • Oracie Barrie,' :a ./single ..nuuilveK v.. . Jfiss -Barrie'-hh.-sri't' ap^pearod " oii the- •• ;Pala>p \stagfe. tbr .■son>b--t-i.riie..- She / i."*; -nipt only .i)b.5se.s^.ed~- pf a -riibsi't . . .pie.T!:'ing y-**'ice, .but;, rid.ds; tp:-,.it ;-thjit-.: -. -eUisivb 'iVersfibri'nlity':: ,.. [ .iH-er:".tlVe;vap:rpri" -to', makiv. ai•):^ylaus^^.- .-. ' irpr--filngii-ig-i.V-iriai-ke;d. with j>e.rfe^ • . dl('>tipu. .. She- stic.ks.:to pop l.)ail4tlS: : ' Wcavpi: Bros, "arid; Elv,!ry.,liiid the• • . • '<ibsirig:- .s'pbt^ : AV;,iew -riiovb rStbpgp.s .., and -thus; turn'hjaa tlVe .:n.UcleUs.-;bf .a- / niiisipri.l-.. -cbmedy. ;. Qpbninipr -. i.s. • the.., • .s.'vlrie, with; thP:>uusIcar .saw. gpt-ting. ■: •;thp thrrig 'started.. From;.then -pn ' ■ it.^<? a.-^.ca^!0. of' itXtrpd:upiiVg .Ai'ifi»-ri;saL.s - :r<'.la-tives;. al,l. of -Whbrii idp. Spnvethi.rig>'. ■• ' .:Ther.e:. :if5 a:: 1.0 ii^epe. lUtc.h^en . banxT. .-. • '■u:!th- Elvlry'!^. chorus, of vsix'. jielping,.; 'iV---.'.:-'/c.--:. '■■•■./':-.- -v'-;./^'--. -;' ..A.«? :i).§ijal ;tb.e turn.-w-hariiri-ipd '^inV; jf.s the'ori.ly ia.Pt-'of-it9;kiri^i.tn..vfii'it'i'b . alrid-: its.'/CjVfca'gp- visits . {irp-,.al.ways^:.^ - , lier.T.ld;ed:.'.w ith: - joy' by .riiariy w hjo .^p>.' .- ■ .pifiUd when the purtaini^gQes-hipi on ; ; .the... beginning; ' ,'Fprty-five .nii.nu.tes ; . . fbir f lie .'whole:: to unreel.-'^^ ; ' ' ■ ... V.f?ba; tjeg-s", .'(Par), feature'.ftlcturji^,-; Liriea >:in the r.lobby^-. wltb^'eve'ry Jff* d ication th is. week's;.'btsi;, wjIV: hpi<1 ,ui>'-well.';'-'.,■'■■.' ■■- ■--■;'■': .■--^■^■'■■y ^"-y.''. close to 5: 3:5. . Captor slipped in ,t^ shpi-tet-'-skit.s- but of Jiis- f oi'iiripr .«hbw'.'?..' First., w'iis- ''.Throw you-*. tP the -dbg.*?,'.' -with'; Miss ;Harris',;:as.siKt- - irig; other . .'that; funny ; idea ':;iri •^^'.^kctch Bbpk,!'.: Avith: -Miss Alleri playing tlip.Svife.:. Hii'sbapd (Can- ibr)-:-comes, hick (hprric /suddcrili'. .lK'man,ds tiie sailor in.'tliP;riext.'r^^ f.-orito' but,- - wlii.^^h-; start.«? a-.parado.-:of t i-a!(1.epmen/. s61dier,< and Isb ■ fb'r.th; firiis-hed'-up -by. irfrfHc ..t'Op wttja---,his .iipi-sp'..- -;-:-:^'-.'v.■■;,.■'.■ ': Cantbr b'pcrieil .with a ; mPOlriy- '■of; .'past turip.^.,;.rile, sppkp.:of riot; h ftving a- son;. ','i!o'',.gat ''Vf(l-- of a- -j.'anHiy; .b'.ri VHpi'C. .CPriip..« .Sixri." ■\vith. a - lipp. P.r^- t'\vb ;rei5ln.r-c'abi.o', fie -..black.ed;.lip -bpfoi:e • the" .aufli-f "f^p for - flip -firia;)'''. ari!d''-'al'toge'.fh'lr-.' Riiiiplied: . an-. '^tll'-^ jir.o.urid- .rTfiplc, ■ pprforriiaripe;'-fb-;-,'\n fl r!?,.l- tiriie..- -. 'Hi.n t taM.nP.d' l>ru ri'pt. vvlip. ■clari'f'P.i;Ti't,'.the.' olbsp 'is .'sopip J6bky';i;, T-hp: fifopj^p,'-Svhb..';i!'/.f<i.iir)io.''p'^T to, Ix ari -"jishpr. -wa>5' railed-,, to -'the st'n:K-e ■for.' I'l ■f.arive.h'^-pfirig .biti :: ..^Vith'.Cairit'pr;' i rparh:: Pt;: al..- (loin the. tail.b.c-.shpp~ .'^iRit."-tl,ip tP'tal ririt- .pri thp bill may- hatvp ;bppn reducpd.fro-rfi' la.st ;7ivePk..- :■■ ^Show ->.ari't;" niiss ^-'-Nvltii «u'(!li\ a-' h'ir'l^'<*''9i'kfrig -.pbrnp-O ian-fjlai;- 'a-s' ;-.C'.aritp.i\.- ^.Tift! \«:."ur'o'-'woijld h'av' .<-a%-?>d at i<*a.s.t onp'b/ tho«p flop .run ^sip'als. bri:. >afl way .if h-i« ..ijpai;Mri '■■ .: ;v-. ;:.-./ -.-r:-^ -..,.:;..■; I.brry. '■ -■ XtV-'. ria-inp,: bri-wtlie -•' v.aiidf... .lli^f .'{(/ 31'j.ir.t • atit.-.rill 1 i'fiiia 1.- crow<>, - Viu t,1 hv ■ vvi-,^:i-fh-:'Tr»id)r-v artor -i.^-'lri^.-fht'' ');'!-':>i"'^:' '''^l^ : Yo'rkville'.ilk'. #oi.),ig ,>-l,r('iiig :.l'.',)r :! 1 <>htPr't,airim'cnt h'pi-e.'.. X^arftt?:,ijei'i-oiitr age 6t :-(:liildrf*ii-on-:.liarid >>>at,"rda-y,--- iriany- of. thcni - i^ark(\d-. b''^f^^^ Wliibri: - -'-^Jaurripy's .;■■)::nfl'^•/t:Ti^T!ln.y j .wVis' .s«^j'»'-en.e(l a s; ihP :.Sa-iurd;i;y l)^^ll:n.- ih.g extr.t; feature/-: • Then .foIloWfd Hook;: Linn and- .iS.iaU-u: ' :;i Uadjd,! Pat he r J»(>\v'.s - and- ■';'l-h«' ..Clor.y. {-ij/ainV';;■( Vii.n ^ ;7;c-(in;n ■iravMpguoj. :ind/liVc-'a<-t'>!. ■ ;f v: ' -/'Jpdri(^tt('>:il)t.'-l<*'tt^-'^"l^^;i^v^^ '^^'f'] ;i ivp • ('(ird.ov':- wi th ',one ' i>.£- -. -tlw. ;)ii.()Ki'v i)i-etP'ntious': sorig- and:' :di-<ii/--p--; 'fiVvi-:' 1 ng s .' a:r.b VI1 i ci;:.-..pa i-i\v i n^ 'rt'nd-fbriy.: spbpifii;'^'-^^^^ ; ; ^" - ^Cick■ L-uc^i k,:: :f:ipif;i;rig,:-^waikind-: ;prf aftPr' ■■"s^lam.mipg:"J^p'i:bss "n;- j>,air-;>>f- -snrig's,-nnakirig,.: t h-p - rif-.x t .-.tw-'p /.look. IMvP eri:c:p'i'''ps... . jcy^hwl-'w-it-1 v. Ii'is-stbog''.' playing.-'n'p^-'tlip -,ia:ughs; fbu ijip-" cphi'r Pdy- '.touch;-: ■ W-'lyde '.IJa'gpr. :{N'o-^.v,: .Vct-s) -w-fi.K ,s<r'C(jrid .^v^lll,..;•'(•;-.f^^lir llivt iW'..a. iVilthfril ..portrait-'>>fV the iiyt-r-. ,'iij^p> istveet -,'havvkPr; 't^lift:y'pb.--. tli'it fold's ■ .Uji. his ;ii!;t.fII'-f.-'-.'a rid.-'tl-ii'.-'kS:--at., ,IJl->■ fii'pproa.bh --.Vj f 'n. f.-.p..- 'I':?! i rl .v -d. h.'niMil 1 f ;. rtvp.ri.ol.o.gtu; -;lriit; -U.u-Iarig -a '.i.u.U^^ .trip fiVl;i^J)^y■o^\a^s1^^ng^ '.j-'ri'V ■:';-'I'r-iiivcp,'^, a'luX XVally; -,ii:<: :< t„vip .jv'.'!---'.:-. iirVK.-.; .-li>i .sii' I'ls't i »''k :)) < -) -'.i ri. .'sy.l-ri.f.l 1 a'V|-y;tliing- V^ari'/r ; p-vf);y-thJi*g' ..• 'g.g' 'Ofwiihig: ljil-=j.li!ts - i\\r.in, - .fiiHirig-:' wyv-i; ■i'-;i'c'.h .i-6! )Vf-r- -vv.ith --'i-''y.i-i"jT?< .' 'ii'i'ir'h jriv ■w " ' ■'"■ ■ '■■■■■ '' i" Itjg Foui'.of thevkp.yfen-.acts,, per a sspvted f br th is h.elghh; sold < -.pm ed j .. cih;,.a". ^bill- tlia;t: .Was- strong aft the : .vvay.; with the .i'xce'ptibri;-pf ■ one ;.tur n - -. " Stevens;- V Brothers:;:-.',and -'Nelsbn,,.': ioPkcd: .som^w-hat -■ like an: ..anti-:,;.. .:rllmas; in the final Sfipt w^lth, thpfr..: bear Whd' ' iphbny • .^restllrif?..- •- Boys; ,- .woitld .he:'jjett:er -a«: an - opener and,.:.. should db; well when..ript-. having to toilbw:/6pm&thirigv too 'sfrbng,'; Tylei V; ' .Mason, nojtt' to: shutr.;wprks in. ,tln; . Hpneybpy Evans? mahner,. -and has:.. fopsisteptly..' iriiprpyed- ;'dX!ririg., tJie. I'aWi. -fe.\y: yi'ars; .;pDW^.i*fril:-tenor: . voice • stbppeid . tlib -snow ;in . spite, pt ., -jii-etCv':weak -iitlk between n.umberi^i- ..< .'/Tarn o', Slia-riter". Girls,-, fpmme... ,ha nd <if. :U i .a.s'si.stedby; three gi'iM.. ;ho'b£''^r.s', is' a ;-p'ea;ch for: ariy..; spot. -' This aggi'o-n'atiPii has'.eve.iTtl.i,i,rig exr : <'ept.a -wpinhy' (irb.p<;-. All bE;th'(.'. .gii;li- • • .aiv> ver.'jatile,.' arid for- -vpliuriiP aiu.-..; ■ ibn e V tlipy. are i.i;ird: to., p q li'aV.,;Ha\ ' ■ 'liib riiitis; cailbused; a^ finish am lobkod^ too s'ti'prig-;-fpi'''the nvi.ddlp />. ■'.} «r>.V.en ,trii-ns..' .i'^icld.s'ami ;'BeU; .a;brp ■■. , i);.ii ii-v .sti'ii-iii.ilors, :--vv-hb lia'VV • wt-.'t b'-'.i '■ '■ . '■■ ,'.i|-if:ks to dariiie'jitbl^i^.;:;bi!.tnp(V'<VM'f'':^^ ..p'Htpr td'-'fi- <J.|^l;^v• lir.thP/-.se,'«iil<-i -fi'airi^ '^arid " W**nt:.-pir&-to .-■apprV'Piu.t.iVo iipy.-' Vnjiu-s'P .a fU-r a: i>ri(»f; eric:p)*p,: ;::'. -.. ; - iVrpakirig-: iri'''thr.cP .hpipprs. -'I,Ia^.^'^:■ -j.',(^()-ni(^>y,, :< -N*'.w'. Apt-s)-(U.spJf'i yf'd -lil'f -. ;'Li-.4'i 1,'il. aj)l' tinb-:j'ri.-'a -Cvitty'a-'rid ;siiggp.'^ ;:- :--li'vP-; piV.--i'<t.-"..Irpi:'c;'.is:--s.t)(i.iL. -in. .llu,- .; ni'hp inariner w-ii'h 'f'hp.-.fjri(.f.HNAbi)h'i..«^^ -.■ti^-''a t-'pfi .:(;*(>nlpy: jpiittlng,;ft'^ ..' ii;kI i s ''■ \v') t h ;.a.'ppiiVpr'it .. iiI'niricreiI'ci; '(>ri ilftli. -. it' h)(<kod -nkjiy a fr* )• - ■ , llihhif t- anrt .Iiiii-t-mHri,--.{ hi;rd, -haA.',-.. ; a ,pbW(ly routiric t^^^^ ' 'nhouid --'(i'l: ; '- Mii'.'f'l'y iii-t'o'/ a'.ii . K-lizCX .iVo;!!! :-.:ShV)\v'/- •- ■•';i'i>Ksra*«' -p.ittf'r.'. wi.tii-.oj'lgiual. MrW-s ; .«ir-|fs.;;;t hp :!:?•«in ilk eX:pPrip.f)c:f«xl ■:i«M;.r;.A fovnu-.t-fi .wiip can- K;e -roiip'ii ..iipon' :*--i:t'ady. tIm'a'VPragc layout; -..Nlaxirii''' (New': Acts) .oi3encd.' with; an pxcci- ; I m.i I.'brarid 0f; wii-c-wjilking.•;: 'VVlti \-: . . 'oiit.a.. pa'r'aspi.iie '.stands, -'kricPl.S. ajn; rtancps .ori ;thp..: pa\)lr, .':s'w .. ■ rfi--i>idT;y -fVOTri -'Aidjri;; tp 'sl'lp- :a-n.d- :on,'!'.: w itil. -a- - dr-u.nk-'- imlatiori /'S.lia:!;'s; ;«a 1"; ' .rVir,-a;.har)d. ••' ,;:■•-■"-.. ■ ': ■■■■'r-^: ' .f)it:.-t-),);p, sc-ri^en, '-'',]l^ookv:-l-,./np-.;ii'ii-.'', ssinitpi^-':: ilH^idipy .aTvd-':Ifa;tli-i'. Nf^^^•^.;.i: ". \\' ►-•'11 -tli v'c'i-.sil fled - lay I i'ji f bX-. ■ ':■ :t,,-i : :-}j.f;;»(l^(i;;-.iiy -Jim - ^TpWilliiti?;:;:-,. .|Jil«^^\^.v'■^u:•f■ri,^,'-'in•.^ ri-t, t'hf'-''lilg-Ili;r).!' :,Plj-viV.riVi.i.i->-*r'.:y>>.4ng^ ('lpsp ,t('>, i;u'jMi'<\i'f^ , ■ ,-\-s"h''n •;:th'fv:'fi-i-st: ■,f^atlir(h^ .' -i 111 i.i ' s t ri (11 ■,., ■ S''.'i'( M-'ri' f Pat-li r'v i' i'''' - - (rOi i:.- ■ . ■ '-y-. y}. .'. .■ >>U: \'\;ril i}i ii 1'^; ,1 a'-li-is 'f.i\ iii.iI Ui:i:; V'^/ ;.-(■);;'(■ I If 11V':: ■-:i ii'j' <-t.J.-.ii; Jilr'M'ify .■>}-. jjp. |i':l'i;.! c.'; .-'U.irii'-l. J-'j'X-i-; ,- ;/i'<b'ij'^n.iat. ;Hitp,;af <-id<Mit,.la^t ^^^^lM./^w^t;;•^^■d;a jjriiiiiiing;'^ :^'«n;t'ihK*^nt..' ";ort<-r..'vO a:ijd,'.-, :'pVJi Ip^ . W'.'ill.npS; ,'jriiiijii'rig'.'-^'M'^n-'irig'-nj;, MI j'..;: a-( '-j: -, :■ b f! s' >^jh.i ' i'i* I Fi'I (y '■. -1:1; Ir-Ks t '1 -I . '«-..«■) 1 p..w-r >y'ksl'o Ii ''it.. 1 iViK; V- 1 >I'Ji ' .Vl:'.- i' iif.- ',n.-,. iJ<.-i»W>n.i'|il.i-'. ,h-.i l pi i;',' u- lib.; y. ;^ ii i-^- irt'-i'^'p : (•p>-r) 11 ri• '- ..dui'i-ii-<j;..'.-;/i')ic ;'.■ J 1 :r:i-1iif^ r*l ■-, 'ii'f'K-".M^bOv spri'ti -li-if u\ >; ,\iAyi\ (in in.''^.i:>?id 'i.'iijst Ir"..t;v.;'i>:t -.t,i.i-.,i'iiV'- rra:.i:t.Ori:d,:jJiW-- -fi^fidv-f'.v.lp.^wuiilirts;^ ,-!>iBi,y-..;i;i;l'-»^- 't^'^'^'''-i/''^^,*'''!''^^' .^^'-i'••'''v^:V^'^•^^^ ^f'^'V^ -h'r- ^va''^::tM^;*;n^"«o^a^}:.•^•;vJ;^|t■^^! .ji;i,'Vii;''- ■•^.•:;'...v '\i:,.r;..---rl>iipw.<:d-l.y-'vliP )')<^u^^^^^ -s.-^yrl- i;v..:■^ ■• --v „: ;:: • ,;.';i.;. !> - n-'UiM-. 1-, .. K.. i hO^^\■■■■^^.i<iL • -'-". /- - ■- -•'. '■.- :•:' " ■'::[ S:.:f i;i:v. -:a-ifn--UiS^bop - r^..;ilV:- .:^A ' ^^i, -tlil-t Kuiiri(I{W-ri.r,).»i:<'i. iV- .rr;i;:ilvi N-ri.'.'.;-;l. :■ - -,.::,<;< VIM iiMH:(1: </n Jij^vi^r^ . ;