Variety (Jan 1931)

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;.; I'ri'.^ou.tailon.' cuin'ffiitVaL. Ui^j'i • ■ slart;,,'.. jt, alvould., be i^tfcpriltHi;. tliat it- ii?^ the'lseGoail unit slfigoiT. iVy -Ilaiiry- , CrouvfaXn -and -no \V-«>11' tlip\ti)tlit .■^...of. tlVat.'lt; hoUtS: :6:i^\r\t<ix^ ■ti-:^(:f>i\(\:. ■Vwie^^k;,: :^/...''feVhodule;c'allii^ .f(?r,■ma^i.s^:I)r6{UVc-. , t'ioh of these' stag'g ;ii,hit$>suks''*^ • tlie wisdom ' of' .'a- large •.prQi.lufi'ni^! ; stafiL out of •:vyhiclvv'may-;%v. f^x))6■<^toii. , .*,;desira])|e'varieti'^ . :o.f Jt.Ue-ar'aSv.ljftck's ito'itho; ruvajiiiniViV.' 'seriesi. of'faQles-. lias ; T/een, tl»}u tUc^y ran; 'to. 'fy-i><:v. dnil ; iCoriitvijay.' \ ■;. V•■.•:;;■^■.'> •:■ - . •, - Th'ls. one/.calie'd "^M in ial'u re.'^/V.ipre'tJi: •' aw'ay frqini' tlie st^hcUl iiV a niuulv'ir ■■ ;bC '\vay5 ' ancl-- c6m"es ' .-a's- 'fi ivi'oK'O'm'V •.. VKi'latipn,' ■ ,";.ls'bt' (iip."-.. loast .•, of ■. 'itj^ agreeable d^PJvHures. Ik;, tlie • a.b-'jCivo.' ' of a. fluale ,iu;^\5^^ ■ ■; uig glit^tbr:oiE electric ])ih V'h.eplfi iintj '.ijesffwiciiiig /iai-pps-:. aiid ■ .'^^^^^ : ' cpiippire to/ aphteyp'' a. sort -of^^^^^^^ . .liijiat'od. Coney island Ud^^ sTvow .e.fV ''sx^ti,■>■■■■. ■ V[ . ■^■:-/ -y'\-::-y:Q-:_. . • .^^bst■ liotablc pf the' CJoui-faiii pi'b^ ■ du'c-iiig:' ideas, is' tlib ffl;bupiii& of- iiis. ■' \vhole presentf^fioir.' arPtind; ^ . ,talki,%" pbinedjans; in f^^^^^ ■SifiA .lErnip,; S taritpii;.; ••Jt \iH ■'■ a;,db vj ce that tan .I>e •brpadlyr rccphunended; • hilth'b.ugb in - flii.s.-.iiistalicc it •■■Sbryes nirely .due tb .shrewd. manafelE'ritentv . Tlie two- iVmbVi^ . woi;k: .: p.nlj;: in SA\utt and fragmentiiry b'itS^J. . They are oni ./dbliver tiibli'- or •.ivjisb:.- crabk,'aiid;': 'are awayv :pn . '.'a: ; ;prohTii>t,.;:laugli-, ■ ■ neVer. rgiying . ,t.h;e .'crowd-, a; .'cliapce • fb; tirov .Eyen' ^foi' .• th^'ir.; specialty v...'COntrn)iitipvi they. .■ giye onl jv; a ■ shprt ■ ci^oas septipn, of '■tl>err,;rcgu'ldr;,-^uri:t^ . I'lptv-tlie'■ i^e'3t:',^iey.- .'scabte^^ -bits- /froni their' 'roiitjrie' Ibrbugliput the' •'iralf JibuivsiibSv, ^^everal. of • tilxen'it- in the .form.b'f; blackouts. . Onb of tlvem. • l^ .thb amusing 'h^ tele-, .. Ynhbrie, 'iriyblving a series of. cryptic ,lihe3^dellybr(?d..lntb;,:t transmitter, ajid. ■ Climaxiivg when tli^ bbinedian;- bangs ■ini , with . th ■ tiQi),-. ..''Wrong; number'.*' •■.'.'■■ .', Thie ^tant;bn;3 are;?5urrpunded". with " a' bri^.k.and .^aiainty. stase;:siTPii\^ .we ■brpk.en. up witli;.. .eiiKej-iVbie .nuinbers ,iahd, ispecialtj''. bit4 and. all ..wdi'lving- put iiuo = a.; diffbrenV en ■; S4)ecialtie;&...'.are' .nibbly •■ chose'ii f for : V^T:i-ibty . .and, tlVe 'blending .: is . first ^ '. TiLte.:- v!/; . .. <■•:.■•■:■••.';:■; ■ ' V' .Oiye ricat■ idea is: a trlclv Mi.frbdiicj-; .; tl.bii' of - -iVib.. double ; v'blce .- singei:. .Julia -Curtia' to work uj^ puz'isled' in-r t.erest; until ..tlve. -.dlsblbs'ure/ - Franlc. . .'Jenks.,'who:.- f iihc.tions.' - as leider!'. of . the stage •.ba.n'd;.lntrp4.ilee.s tl've-$I^ as'.a,. miinib; and annbuhbbs tbiat' be . alsb-fis an impersopatof.: o£> tiie ,. bandsnien'- cr'ashea. intor..the'.:ac,t Con ; ;Bame. ba^iS:..' With. £be two men ' pretending, tpi:-singj 'Jeiikk iji>^ lilgh sppraup and the bandsmen lii cbn- tralto', . MisSv Gtlrti'sachieves, a . niystifyin'g' trick of . rentrilbquism ItVis' .• minute ;br ;tw.b - befpre 'tlib. -browdr iS: wise to. the. ti\i.bkv' the. twb ,sl:opgeR retiring at the .finisit^t ; .mil the .girl to do a straight sblb, a. • brilliant high, jibte performance that ':.maiies; a.- sma|iliirig cllniax ..'to her ■■'cpntribiitibn/-..• ■ • \ ^Anb ep.ecla.lI y ■.; is"; the.:.'-Thrbp ■ > Jfjcks, trio of nioin tap dancers.', dbf. -ing intrlca,te .-buclc and .wing: stef)^! ■ get into, acrobatics with ' tbb : . flashy ■ "work niadek even' nTibr«'. ihi - : pressivb :by. a ' ftiturifitic - costume . with wide', light!blue .&i?tlr« trbusers. . sl.if<hed.: with vivid' yellOAir ■ at- the -. dhklefc."":'-^-..-. j./-^ .. ^■ . Blanche and.Elliott ha-i'c^^ gl'dcer ■ : flii" Spanish tahgo.. diincp"tWrn, . backed, by the mixed choiuis . of six ^' i)bys arid six: girls, i>leiiding..iriinlS: into; .a .sprightly ensenTble. Group is. described a,$ the, Ebbbi . Sanford .J'Jnsenible'. and' tjlie .usb of .'boys and girls ;alsp .wpirRs'a.-.varlritiPii^on tho; lUb^jaiJ presentatlbn fprihula. Girl is "a.• sliin; iijgure •vvearirtg a: full .length ' ilress :of white .fcbuched with '.bright , 2''ed. and her .tangb. takes on feat vires .of adas^io-feats.-V--v;:' .-^ Set is a :f uti'trisstlc yilla)?e idea, ;thb. .background ma'de .up mostly oi:;' a .' -riiot'uresciue that miglit. have ,cpme but q{ Haiis; the ..rpl.orS' .being-J'leutra and: talis . w'blch': g-Lve -sitrikihg back'- . erbuhd fbi*. .cplorf ul. icbstumiiig;;•. arid .: -inaUes ..a.hptlier ■ agreeable- .vavi.atib.u ■iftoni tlye iisiittl pi^P.beduve -whicb ;ls , tb Ibakt. ti'p.ria; backgro^iii.d . with- y.ix'ii . tiine^i ' that kill off 'ajiy' iciii,d .pf-'cbTb)"' : veirbct tbat .Gpmea befpre- it; v '." - " :;ljnit::-lias e'xjbelleht cbiiiftdy,,: gortrl . \"5pectarle 'arid it ne'e.(i<5-^l).> liK/vt. fitird ■''b'hberrul- l.puoh'-tp .lial.'Oi.ce. .tlif- f£i.t,'her . s ombre -. tit inbspheire of.' tb:e. wpek'f- :. ^'?croe^^ff;.atur^^.;■''Tlib.. •liiBhl.t'b.Titvye'.:'..';' .. -'. Jesse; ''ri%'iA\*f.p.rd\«f;,--coTyl;'tni)v\tj^o^ '. is' .t. iveat'.;lyrical".and.. niu'si:val IliiiTpy '. J^'eW- .'Yrar :\titiv' a.n'iiab.le ;V.efe.iVrtoo •'.-'to'..tixe.-, Mis'su^^^ • tlie..:bai>y, -liotlK .-. ,o'f-.-- wlidni;..' ' i'vg.iil'(Uv-..nTf'ri.ibbr^. 0:1' ■ ■:;lhe.. '■ Para.mpi.tnt';'''.'tradition-' .''an;!. :,i»nu^ed .by.audie.i^bp . ..vcf^'!l-.sipn,'•'.r<^j?a^^lbd;'in;^ -V>y- .;,;t.hi?s-'bi»slbm<>r$^ \\-\'.~ .■ ■.■' .:■( iJ^''!^^'- - ' f^;;5pES''MiR^ . t.l>eiied .Uec. 23, " It has bee.n b.u i 11 iv.v ■ • :Lebii .Bailbyi b>vner pf-..tbe.: "iiiti-'a.tiT. / slg-eant,** at: the' back bC iris; .liewsr- - ■ iwper,bfficesv. on 'file «,i)afe;;pcciipibd iiuriirg: tile'middlja.laige.s by a ))ubni' . sf(Uave, •where allv tho .bogsrars iusr-.d '. i-.v- ooiii?re<?;Vte, cat,l'etl,;(N.M"n^^^ il.lV.-. i!L<>!e.:>',.V:'I.KMtc.e ■ tbb t'rte''.p;ii-'- 'turb'hoUiiP,;;.;.--''.:;^.--" /.'y- .: ';.: ' --..^V.'.- : Tht^' .tbea't'ro ■ fjC'atij' -S^O,.-. jn.(;'iti.dinifi oKB 11 OKX-ra 5>'bia K ti tid Vorio«.' bu im ii.V, ..•.It 6ir.iiii.pp.o'd.')\ iili'; .\\\'.sii.<(-h. 1,0)i.'Ctrip, and ■ itt:/Htii '^.I'x ;.av Itli: '1 .Ji^nliting -oq.ui)iiVM\rrt; Vis.•.; -fr>r p-i-esopta.-^ tiohs; lit'UiitsI. fully bi'iViul to.-tbb bos.t .l.'aris. 'lipusb'^-!-. '.''-'l''he/ u.H.*^^ of.' lighting i'lot pn"i.y. for;; p'tvi:s(.MU.'i't .lij.iif', lu.i.t''alfiSp /V4i)' • ylviiig -" vl'i''^ ".t.i.i"''' !'•'(»; a|;iiipKi)h;e:re 'i'i.. 'a.^'.'^^i^i'jiWbV' etTi<>»i:- yi.t'V-hp 'r^iUv^.ijh.f 'vy'atfs;. i!:i\'i •j\':-h"iuro .pf^^^ ■ lip(-a i. t r,. sj z<v.!(lid: t y p<»: -oi)ti >b,. h.p u se> ni>ik'e..i t >;-|HM;:ia lTy;'s'.vutai)le 'foiv-ii ;iJ.i!i-^jil;ns■-■.\vlilv;;ti-;Lfsj^ ;. V [' ■;':.'-j\.H;'i'i(-uicrir-'.ii'^if.iitf^^^^ .nii'iiiaijer^ -.Vlb'f>rij Jbii-'i;TlU-.: it'-lia-.s\bli't'iv-i)?;.itx»^ niuUUr.': :i I'v*-'" ;''r(^ai.- ni;v.lia'ffb.nsc*nt - -of 'IU»?Tj'.v. I;a'ri.:ftiiM;' PL.t'bt' Larj..ikii.C.'<S: .:i''i.s(>io'r iif^'noy.y;. ;•....';.-;;; ■ •'; ; ;;■. r ^;-; :, .. rVP^-nin^-'■■ ;iu''pgrani.:'. inxiluded';..-; >. Wric's;:.'b|-'shbi;^ sp'■.a's't^^^^^ foptage'; of .as hiany. Ibpa;! distributors : as~ libs-' .'s'lblb;:. w;itli ;~.:np\'\\sretn.V;; j-taVtly ■ froin J^uth e^ >ia ta'n-.aijid' par^^^ '. 'i^ia^e' 'presenta.tiQn' Trt\as -strictly :a: diapltij' of ;t'li'e:ii:giitiug o'ffec.t^i,. :wiilpb ■ cpiVjititiite tii'e Wieatre-s .strong^^^j^^^^ .Vffebr.;a fi]iPrt-daiice iiy Gab" S'biiete in tbe X'"' styie^ /the .rest; pf ..the . p.res,oi\tatibVt ":';ed : of ari iinitatlbri of .;torig.ues; ,bf :flanie ' and an iinitatib.n. of seas :uiider- rnboii.- ligbt; . .:T;be - pi'.esehta.tibn-' enjoye,d Pun'sitlf'.val»le.;''. sAicpesSi-fbat.uri;h^- Metvb's. ''Hallelujah,'* shown^ .with- PU t/.diaips', with / inserted. li ties/ and a .meclianica] music acboinpaniinent. / ilHoweyer iinpi^esSivb tlib ifibn may ■h^- iii ,tlie/origlriai:.yersipii. it . :io.s con si durable . pu n civ wi'tlitlie • d ial o^ out. .'especially ii'v'a; obiiixtry not fa-' miliSr . .with,:. the' iiabit.s : of - colored people,. It dpei^in't lopk- like a .long, run;-;'; ■;-■..'. .'v/:-;''/^:: .':-'.■ ''./ .■■//'-;"-;'^ ... iNin^i'Mae apCTvinneyj,; whb/stat's irv, '•Hallelujah,'', -'made, a peaifanbp, at flic- ^rala openirrer' and &ot/a .pa^rlsi'^olcAy,. ,■ / V:- ';;- ^-Ta^M'' ■. '/I:'^:;v:'-^:;-r-'''.i^ ■-;'/ .' :/• '="/ ■ ;K'New-yb'ric^;, jan;--2/-.-;. \ :., .The. Tlpxy tit its' • -iSleaning tliat' t.hey-.liaventt 'fried' top ■h.:ira tp be impressive ^ii'd. As/a result .-iiave' achieved; sxW artless, and' cliarming *iite.rtali»inent., irinb.ceiit pf ;Tabbi-.ed effects ancl:;rich :irt. cplorflil sta^e/ pictured .and. casua;! 'surprises, itiis bnly /when, the s6ts/put self T coaisic io.usly;-to. b;e/over^^^^ tha't : it'. dpfeati?;.; its. own /''purpbse'.; ;-When : it/.goes ,< its nonchdiarit' way/ the -■ou;t'b:bri[vb..f is. a /."l^his- 'we.elV is:•'&,' 'succession, -of Very; agiieeable intei^ludes.'. . /&tai-ts witfr. an Indian.;jiifimbier. :i)rop flies bn:'a;fi:bn.t illuminated .iserim to' the arcbn>i>animent. of / rhj'thmic , fbot bbats.-. siiigge'sting. :;an ; .iTi;(liah //war da'neb. " "Ligbts -.GoriVe up, ;dis<'clbsing a redskin wairribiv outliiied against a;n/enormous red. mPoii,: and the da.iVclng: ensenibte'v disposed aboiit .the stage, jirilliaiit in/Iixdiarl; dress be red; blaclc ,jXiid ' glit£ering tinsel, .To /siJbdiieji -terioi'/./sblo they 'do a .sightly ' i:ou tine. jbf - steps'. with. ': em - plja'si's; bn tbe/tonV torn rhythpi'; / ' '\!S^edgewopd". j$ a. dance ■ cbmpbr \sitibn staged - befpre ' a . reminis.pent /setting: veprbspntini?- that- s.tyle. 6V blue/' pbiryawai-e; which /forms - the, / I>acivg.rbiind'.. Baiicirig; girl's -:are; iiv classic flpwiivg- i'obes/of; w'-hiie .aiid the steps are mostly -g-racofiir.pos- : ings: / "Pplka",> 13- .'a livelier huhiber jnvplvMng .biily Patricia :Bpwinaivand.' Lepnide Massine, dressed in fu,- -;risf ip .Ri\J(Sian. iibasant/ garb, ariia• dbingv a" coiinc ■\'crsibri pf. tlie j.erKy ■ darire;';;..-" •'•..■■-■-''•/■■■.:'/•-./'■.■;••■/' :•;''Ga■i^pt^6.V- is rather' nibre.:' clab^: prale; .witli a• • Ijac.kgrou nd of the choral, assembly/ailcL' t;hr6e- pairs' of. , bbys: and/ girls in; French Einpirp :,P0.stUni©.;dblhg- thb u-siial;semi.-iiunr: tiet ihaneuve'r.-s; pre.ttily;.:' ; •." .' 'vTaiigVv riuinbbr is a- bi-isk reprer seritatibri; of; that ..sityle ;-with sc neUt. infrodiictiPn . / of>tiie - priiicipal datipers; Capertoir arid BiddlPi Htngti is.bun!?' In a sombre droi->, lobped in tlib^middlp arid''desigived as a .Spah- .ish sh;awii- /Frpm; baph :3ide/:hiang ' enbriiibu^J 'isiiver .."taspe f i-pin.. tlib dj-b.oping; 'silrer -sf rand/s bf ;lhesb: ofiid.n'ici.its that/t pair./ suddf^ply . a ppbar,. JBottbm^ pf tbe sha.'virL drpiv is a 'seiiiif trAiispat':-; erit; "fi"in;ge ;thrbvig;h wliich. there is a coiorfvil • babkgro'ui'id/ of . .the - eii- .sbmble'in appropriate, cb^tuhie; ./ Itathbr a?: .let.> down/ in . the .licxt i)ujnber .wineh --.has .a cjiiartet; pif coi-; prbd tap. d'rmc'ers dping'i intrii 'catb routines \)Ii.^•;a. dancing '-niati- r^uinV);ei'f :-bb.\veve.Vf; is . merely' : trpduivtipii: tb the., featurp; of;' the- sh:»>,w;:,4s giii;ls dressed in -yiyiH grben; lofty liea<j;dresscs;:of 'deep:;gi'e'en; /fading;: into ■ paleV' /shades/ aiVd-Zan .'wprtuu.g:th'i'bughAintrioatc pvebisibn- lapnian'piivci\s, > /()ne /.of /;^lifi;' best.' .'^i^^l.^;l>^P -liils -the •girls'-:>/iav<>/.'dpiie in ; iyi ■'(,> k;s a n d n j ei- i.t in< ;t lib - si n o pre '-a ti r it''.e.vpkKl.-'.aj' tlTii,a-Vpe4!fbi-ui ii^U'f•■.■ ,-, ■ ■;'; "' ■ ^'/■/■'■ /; /i'<eatvii-b' -.'ii;)- •'/i^faii;;., 'Vyhb./.; Cani^r, .Buck'' /(FoxV-, • inariOiiK.' the i\'t'u'ni or- ;,i;i..ti(.'t; Guyn'pr :iu.d'.'(?liurl.o.s': Viir- .; a' sent ii.iiental spr.t-jS.Xpf '-111^; : f!.'.»p.s'i. .I?rb5<en ta ti (Vp ;trbps...1 inpi-b-;t hah • half aiv -hbur. an'd\tlie -i>Iolii're'^i-nii.s: •j'isi s;bf>i"t'or .'in ; irf>i:ii> ..and "a.:.;half! ;lej-iyii.ig'. fi|<i:y'■.-ti.n.iip'.:fui-;;tlib' brierbf^.t Vti.'-wsroi'l ;iniT.t'I.M>/oyivt'tiire;.: a-spii'it.'o •rjtiVdprj'itQ-.'tiiv- tjy/f;iti.^tiij«U''-f|0j:ijfr<ow^".^? >'v\(;is. t")i.'i"-;.'t hi'.-.'iii'^nse --this: "'iv eek.-'-'- :J>ii;lsiz'rt'/l/2.''. / iriVi!, i.ft;' tlu'i. 'iiit-: 'UJidi»r ; PviiiK-t'..: • Ci^ew .lilWin;t/--'look/>j:ual ;; f ro.ivt [iijfi, lioTmai. '\s ebit ly'.- ovi t ft t, - but 'iC. /so,/Wliy■;^'''t.>r])i^(»us*;'. 'tbr; livi iheii: tTiiib' :sNvpivl/b.'ii\d.« b.r ft'oni/l 1) pityes -\iif ;ii^■>:^•)•; fu. •'hj-^i,'i^ittVi)^ /'• ^iibis/Aiigeteat jxtii i.'- : "Titlb of ilxis .I'ancliofi. <i: /ivrnrcb unit, '"i?i'b.^perity/' -ifi -.a/, hvlshohibr. it's • about the '/; ■lobltUig': pVbsPiUa.tiba F, M> i»ave;/se^it;:but iiv :kpmb time/ but is' o.kay. on. talent,. ' ; ■ PrtriPipais :ar0 . liubtt Lavior .ahd' Danity Beolf; A' line of seven boys'ttiid/'fjbyen girlVJ-h;blj); ti-ti tbe .stage- " Gue ttbste.r. .siagbd it .Opening 'ba's : tiie •lin.e •.di'Pi^jsed; in What ;hascbmb to ;;be ,accepted .as tire unifbrin pf ifleidelburg ;stuid,ents. -spated. :at'. .isi. tiable;. •v\':Ilh;'.«ii)'le, spots playing on. thpir face^ . as the,Only lightiii^. . .. liihe.;/; gbps ' tfirpugb.., a series ..of! -rbAitihps -with'/: drinkiTig jfirlassbsi••k.iiives and 'fpirks and .Syliite hvegaplibnes,- ;■;■;:. ; .-Entire fbutina was- used/ WiirV. lag's Pehnsylvariiaris in": ''Rah\ Daze,", iocal;; legit .•.^rpdubtipri Ive're last/year, and" isvbbing lised by the Warin^s in ^•Th.e New^.;Ybi'k.ei's,'';c.u^ rbiit lrt/;New. YprJc. -Qhly difference is, ;:thkt/F;^&: M. uaje /Ri-oisp.e.rit'y' lyrics' ^P-'iJpp.:tiines*'-; •;■:•■';:i""'-" ' ■-..^■■y-. ; . Miss ..Page/ on for; at ai>ecialty;. tap With giriis; behind her. fbr. the /hhish;: Danny. riBepk, aringer'.. for /iHarty". Xiatii^dPiii follow^ in pnb.with ttU the; liangdpn'-ntahiieriams, Incliiding the )iipse:''wipihg.:/ ;Piixi3hed itrick' drumming'bit; which; gbt-lViin off tP gbod-Zretu'rns;'/.; .-. i'.Jd; ■ •;•,- .'-" -;■ ■ Miss ;Page ;;)>ao!c. agiuh. for a fast acrobatip; diince./; Girl . is . ■ pke : ; bih lopKs^.aiid an:: ace /dahC!Er when it; comes -to Gohtbrtions.. "i^ali; tor 'a da;nber;..6.f-this, type, her splits frbitri a; cirtwheel' .Ipplc sen'satibivalv .. .. . •'. ; Line :pn:agAih for a tiap datio.e with the bbyis drbssbd ;la.'glopmy /blac^ aiild the girls.. thb' bi)pb£iit:e. :■.Givl^ chase: th© g'lbQin and; the.; boys peel off the. long black ci^iits; tb;:j:«ve;al yeUbw :a^<'eatbra■-ahd/ved;.$i^Spe^^de ppeniiig . show '"i-byeale'd;' "that /you; cahnot haye top mhph 'ponftdehbe ;ih .suspenders, as a Qbiipile./pf /the boyi Wejit pff/ holding- hp'/ theit xJahts> Which good piece, of. busi'^ hes:S.', .'/':-^'.--.-.-■;'^' • ;■ "■'/:>:' '. ■- '/ ■■;■-'"'' JTack La'ir.iier followed with; a bar act; .JiTo . tricKs; ./excejpt-.. baifinbiiig , the: rbPklirtg: (chaii',, but. .hb has k shiarf liirtib. pf 'chatter.;:; ^ Miss- .P»tg©. agacih/ tbr; a slow: acrb daflce tiiat slows up the ; prbceedings,..Diahce:- sho.uld; . be spotted .earlier,. o.r ^put.;: ' Line ' trips, on/ for; the ;flnale,.: doinig; a :group' 'adagio 'whic.h\siiaps' .things'^iip. again,/ but .dbesn't i>aee .tast bn'ough fpr a snapi)j^ pyirtiEtinv-/■^ •'.'; : . Orchestra,; on stage^ wltlv exqeptioi'i: pf• thei bpenihg/,/ Und<gh' the •lea<l^r^'.• £|.hip;■ pf \ .Efert ..HipilP'wrell' the • hbuse baiid/ ia shp%\ring : a bettev: brand /pf •music..--"■•'-■.:■■. ::■'■■■:"■■:.}\ ••''''..';/ ■■ -/ • ' fTkci' Tlm^e.; Wife'^:; (Fox) ' .the .fbai- turc; With a dbg/comedy and fiearst news clips ;fillingK ; Capacity; for/tlie first. shbw;/New ;Teir's :day., ;;... <aiANAPA, CHICAGO -•/'-■•..'/- ; '.V- /••;■;'CHic8i;gb;;j8Lh.-.:3'.-';/ .;;; Af tbr ^drpiipin.g ' irtage slipw/ soihb hibhthsf . ii^o, ihial hbuae has/. been added to/the.; u'He;e.rtain;:;iist aniong the B. & iKi .bti^nfir. An but^tahding' Picture brought it a gppd/ grps/s, ■ biit Other ; weeks /of rhipdipGre pict,Ui-es sent the Gash;/register iitto ; the I'edv /b.; / K.. : la : sib-wiy reverting 'pnce /rrvote to- the flesh idea'v .."While the bbyW have . been / loyally .';t)icttire.- /ttiihded,". they also . admit tliat tb« h'eighborhppd 'ispptg' ai;e hot holding up as they should'. . ; .. ; When the' Marks Bro;?), ; . operated the Granada and the Marbro,- they were /stuck: for ; siiitatble i)r6durct/. B:.jk'Kyhad th'e:tbwii'3;;films^';t^ sewed lip/ Yet; .the Marks bbyi' werp able; tp; assure tlibmsclves .of ^ steady biz 'by splurgfng on stagb fare/; "rhey spent time, / effort.: oiii.d ; beaiicpuiii: caslv ;pii: .the stages;/, if /they, stinte'd oh ; iierspiiat/ salaries aiid ;-:hag"ffle(i ever picture prices, they, bpened wide, the. Wallet; when the prPductibn men- askbdi':•/;•'■•'./■./ ;•■..•■".■ ■-■''■/';• .; B,: ;& . it; remeinbers; this/: and" i.i piice more stjt; fpr flesh, not pnly at the Granada, bht also at the;Marbrb/ which lost; its ...stage ppjicy. in' the rush ;..t(> /s.tra;ight: ...pictuires //four ■mpijths ag-p/.';/■■/"-.i'.•'. ■-• //. Thia.Week bbtlv.- thri? .'spo.t' a^^ ;th.e .Slarbrb: gav* 'em ;a" tasitb. pf .'preficn-: .tatl»h. "^At •: the-Granada ./:ii: ./.was :nierely ai 'tiste. Usbd Marx Fishpr, th?! ;m; c..v-vbGaH8t,' tpgethei' witiV the Ipcaifav iKylpphohist, JackVPeacopk".. Kellyi ; and'.i ;pi?^hi3t, .Harry Biicli4 Walter.. .Just a- 15-miiiu'tb driterl'ude :bn; tlie; elevator pit .platfbrin, .;.' / ,'As- faf/'jis-- it•->Went/ :it was".-g.6b'd'/ Fisher sang "e.fcPe-lleiitly. as/ ■iisiiai;- po'ii tuties and ,ovet easiiy> /lie hai» a/likeahle ttti c/l perspnality, deiiotiiiR' art" air' pf mpdesty. that's a relief;' ."Ppaqock" Kelly iratiled bfe a cpupilb ,pf jielectiphs vpU >;the. tu.hed .Micivs/ bpth;'iibp and cl'aaBii'al, win walter.'was:: saitislied' to Uvxil as^. aiC-' <?pmpahimbivt;:i;/■"'■; .:.. .It:- wis^ ;ta.sty,'.- sab.r.t-.-'an;i.l s'n.'it'p'py.- 11.was/ flesh; a'rt J,-plugged .liv.a-v'i tlie ad.^i. ;Other shnilair iVevlis;getting :spacb in the /d aiUcs -Jvaj? t li e' .brgun ;- isti'/.Lbp Tebi<j:%, -wiiP ;.-rii;ibag;ed . tp ;Ub,eD : time .while-•■/-the ; audience ;*b.lea.';; Fact/ ihat. th'c/. sllutbtest Ipi^esehbe';; Of .'-in-person-: ..ehtpr'/Ji'-ihT- ;inbht, sXich as' in.' siiivgle/ br'tra.i^ist.i is. .ifhtpn / uivtisiiviilly:. /-large. -' ty.i)b' / 'a'iid. .space in /:the,, ads,- Would' iiidlofite' .that;• P'^'bh .the'':bo-ys-'who.-insist :it'g..''uUvayi!,the/picture''.^^di'iii tlwre' are;.exce:ptibh'si'.'t'b •ti'i.e"-r'i;l.e;.- ' •';.; •■■:,/-■ -/Hpwe'v'er, . ■s/hetiier'. ■ tlti.? / fle^l*' :.iipvplfjr--'-.hiit'/''-:-ij>'-.'nitm ."vt-.a-s -Wl'b.lly., sviH.s!'-\p':Ai<y,'/-n':/ spj'* .-•.' ui- •fUv't ;iM,i.'-U' Mah'- :''«'3CPjf!-«.*'h'' '-dMs^x is ;qiiPi5tlon-tvble iii a house witich :i..s; acciistpnied /id: rbgulatlon sfcagb prp:- ducfibn^.; 'How mahjr pcpple; get the fjame". iriipressioh' 4s the lady: who .sat ' back r pf/' -the'tevibwcv • 4hd' •chirped: . VThtnga/..must,;be;tpugh; they're. eiitUhg dpWh.Y .;.;;/:/./ . / / Sla Was" veipy. fi^bd ' Pridfliy 'night. ;Downatairs • fxill / and •:.;the bat.npriy mbr,e than - three^rqhariteivS. • Fllpker ^'Uw the: .Kiypr'^ '(Fdx)..: .'Fo'x and 'Uhiv.brsal/neWg'/pliiia, ^a Marion Harris sUoft and '-Qur Gang" (MrXir). 'cpmbdy, gave tli'e. heiglvbors .pl'eiity pf:thln!5s-;;t^'see,:■;;.•".--.V i ;;•';; ^ ■■v':/^;-;A'' /.';;■ ;Lof(,:A.ngeles,--Jah;-':^^^ . An/-eveiv; jsitrbrtgei'/;;- arid ;:':bbti;er t(tiigi?d .presehtiEttioii than' the fti'st Week > pi ''Right ; to/;;'r XPar): bombs in /f br the ' . bf ,th^^ pitture... It's: a^ uhit,' / !'aiac.k^. and Silver Pveviie,"; with; lWp:;is'iife-fire act? .in thejiiheup,: l^eed /and Austin,' cohied^y tpaui,' 'and: Mulrpy,: M.cNeicb .aiid; P>idge, '.pvapk sliatihg. ttic%^ ;;•■■;.■.■-'/-"•;''/■' y jW- ;Busines3 /ifbr: the, /Week'"shpuld justify- the hbidbvet'. Pf ..';R»gbt to Love;"; iarst- film-tw; efet/a; secol^^ week, sinde tlie' ,de lux!ei ;stdge shoMV policy was ;reihsta.ted liere- last /sinrtT mer;./^'. ''' ...-•'/ ,y^.', y:..]'},^ ■.."■./4-^:'-; ^■':'^'- /iBesi\jesi.; the.' jreEruiav;. unit;., .frbhv^ here / Will . juhvl) .to ^eil>^eI^ under iieW imputing,, house., rb^^ins. the efte'ctive' orchestra prespntatiph/ s'A :Y.uietid'e.;Faiitasy.';r "ThLV ruiis lO minuted? and- emplpysi a.liirge/singittg PnSemble pri ..the .stage. • .Jack., part•;• ihg ten has': dli'bbted the : pr6sei> tioh; o;bly in'. tWp;.diC£erent .scbnes. With; good., liijhtihg. ~eiilvah<^ih°,/^t*^^ value. .Dscai' Baum - is a hew. .cpn.;- ductbr, / here' who ./: already has wlviijpbd / the pl.t brGhes.ti-a ,intb;..the, ;bPi3t/iiv''itowh;;' /••'/.^'■/.••..."; .-.■','/•.-;:./' ... Besides' .ISeedf 'a;tvd.: 'Aiiis.tin, ./'who;, click-' with -.their /clbwiiihar/ and bliackbiit; materiaJi and / ,tbb -roller. skatiitgi trip,/.''Blaciv arid /Silver Re V vde'C has/Rbsemary, bolb'ratiira.lobk-/ er who's liked; and /the' Glupk'^Sandbr Girls..; Latter dp: aji: iUusion' hpyel ty number; .. .whibh .acophipU'shes:.' its triPkery: by el.e'\rer .lighting.. Line- is. pnb of: the, best to Gome; from the, ;East.- '■ ;■'/'• .■:'.;:.;.;;■■■ ; ■//; ': }.'.y]y-,--y -i-y . ; Working.-/with . Seed ; and: Austin; /Bleeta Havel builds up / the./ laughia neatly'./ •with : / cloWning- trnit' ruhi ^3 minutes,. ishpvtbiv'tb'aii average, . and is''.Bp;eed • •: thiib.ii ghout. Flash..finale .shf!.aks'/ti)j>' .quickiy.and thrbugh clever 'itaghig/beppmes -the $prt of -; finish/ these^ shpWs .•BhPul'd- .haye.,- -', A 'feW .'yebeiit .fifiaies: .ha tried tbr use' ut> much - time .de- cidirtg When W ,c^ • •, This.-^is/ ijarl" Abel's ;iltsl./WeeU • ;at the organ: li,erfe;:,/He,i-ep'btited itiuch of" his, p'revious.;'We'ek's material,::but went bybr better; thau; .When, yiewbd: /the.. ^ebk bef oire-; Gbmmuii.i ty iilngr ihg/idea is beginhine to .;take'' hold 'sloWly'ilJht-^suiTielyf/'-:; v/./'•.,-./^ /'-Z " -. Sudden; rain/: bbritirtiiing . tbrbugh late /afternbbh' arid early - eve^hlng ; put ■/ a . slight:,; criihp in business. Thursdiy ait thb flrst eve de Ihxe sh'Ow. ••/Parah-tbuht..News' onlv; .fl.ner/ -••..•■'/', •- - ■•/■/■.'•/.•■'.•■■••-•■-"■■'.efc-uv;/ ^>:/vC.,.-;tHlCA<i^ .,-/. '■"■ ' :■. ■. vChicajs;i),:''Jan;': 2./..: Ahtlcipating;:^' the /./i>bst;-hoiidJiy biujineij.^ Publix-'^/ &-.K. his relied; oh flash Instead Pf talbiit foi' '-Hplly Days," tlip nanie of this :Webk's bf.- ferlng. The; 45 .mihutes, 'ivhile .gp.r/ ihg .s;trohg and/ With, plenty of.'shb.W:,v :co.'»tuines,, was / sbn-iething. ..piEi a /let - down from the $hoWs. xyhicii. ho;ve come, to be; expected- rih this ■spot. E^'eh : Spitalny's boys sceihed to have tumbled into the "getrby!' rut. A ; tO; find;?; & K. pluggl'jvg i/adlp ..statiph.s and products'via this /.pvche.str.'i.. and a sliU;.gl-ea;t ;see thb plug on/the. stage/ fpt'::a Well; ; knpwiv make oif .radlb, / Chief critl- "bisni hatviraUy. i^ that/the. interlude ..Was indiffeVently ;dpiie./;and; .a bore;' . Opehlhg/ a; trifle: ■ differbht than; other Paul .bacard offerings../ -Con-. s:t.sf^. pf. the .. Lambert ;Ballet ■ (l^X Working'^before a balcbny set j^lus a. .'singiiig gi-piip of aijc ; gals and three, 'inen. • :Dainty,' and handled, a la musipal/pomedy, thb opehi^ .ser:ved-:,pi:e^it>; ■ ;y: '; '■ - ./ ../PetiPihg'; Werei two :<:blpr.<|d' lads, oh0:/dragging .wsh /a/sihvall ihelpdopjr and one a fiddle. Pafter, a; .bit -pf; ;i)laying,.-. ■vvhich.;. didn't/ ciickj arid, f^bmp hoofi ntf. Turn i-sn't inpntibiie.d ;.i.rL./the. ;:ads-. 'lipl'; -l>.y' Al: ..llvans, .".-m',; c: . Gay hoi*, /and ByrOri, skating • now /elty^-- held - thu-d- phuse/ ;l'he /.bbys, ; Wbrlcing bii ;■ a.' shiail/ plattprm',- /are ; good :lor; pleriFty. bf thrills 4<:ith.. iheir Wbrk - beiiig :hkPd.: 'Pre;Geding .them, .the 1 >allbt/-did' "a roljor.' skate ' tu'ni.. •>rovcl.:--.-V;; vy'-'y-: '/./ ■/■■^y'y-:':^.^- • r.6.« ■!i,rvd-.C!ai-.-i'b;ni VWp; ■pVesbrit-, •ablp'-.bby liPbters;' biiSt'd- ^tu'-rbaS- in Crst.'i)labb' in the .Wil—^lf thpfe^ b ,any -in-' this- ^pffering..-. They ha'\;e. .a/method ^ of. praakiiijir -a'/dahpo ro.H- -tine, iri;'the; middle^ to vr.bund/^but d giig/ all. of: jvhich: •.S).ii)pUe,d Ivplidtvv luushs;;- The fight bit, .thsy way tlu' lads - handle;it,-is; p.: k. f-nt^r(ainineri.t. -''J''ilc-tiuts> C'art'ix'r; ■wiil/ .his .body: paititedv-Zhelped^ rbv.jiii - but' •,e,,; ;(-^a'j/ti'o'r •ilid -aij, ijidi^Ti'' : dance; 'nvhiirb pli<'kbd; • 'liuliviiliiiiUj- : .JT'ioant- sometli'inf?.: / '■'•'' ' •• / .,; "Rlgh^ •tp:' 'Lbve''; ^ (Pai-. ; fb/ittu'«. The'.j^ipture .is a :!)lnk . her-:', / TA'hiU- .it;.kV>pt.'o.ut :,the;,ki!l,'i> ir iiVrj(V<>:7).p -wt- ■fi^Wnpp), t<y: th.e . Ihv(». .wid«v<t /''.vAi^to.t: G^Pi'TpL, NEW^^^t^ ■ Capitol has a better than Qrdiii.irr stage "Sfcreen balahce -thi& ■wssek/ I'i.-,;.,' ;tui:e.'j3:^^P^iid'r(M'^G>v^ dlP^i'eht'. stage" iinit;ls--^ PMiet^ -. end,' ;-;'.;■•; ':.-'--; / '/./• .::"';;■ .,;:'■•/:- ■^-;''/-'::';-. /;':: trnit;.-';i^cfcets/-b^ :pf ho.; Gpnoorn;; is diiterbnt/ ft'Om: tii;^': / ee'rieral run by delibbrate intwril 'or the .prbdiicbr, .'That fact Was^ /ait^' ■ :nouriced at the' ah'm/p; ,T,ri(i ■ It .stayed dlPfe'reht most pf th'e v.-ay Iiripres'-sed as wovth .mprp/ -ejcporl^' ' mehtatipn.- .Through this .way/.-,umi>. ' one m.ay; Strike .a ;3ubstitute: fbr .iU'* s,lb'reptyped:.bahd-.i>r • ;. \ :' ;ih ;thi3. c'aae .a/staiidatd/^^^^ 'iiia / ■ reyue ^ team, Jahs-'. and; .WhabMi..- m-'. ' used, -tb op.en,.; cjarry the pace' -m'f' then:, riext-tp.-'clpse ■w-ith its own- specialty .^tuVn,.. ..'The pit' oreheMra afier stayirig. in the pit 'tlra't ^> ' becanic .u ^tage l)aird fpr the finait - bu t /without sppnihs. thp. iirtit'^. pi-fc,'. :. • vipusly '- gained- . ini'pr.essiuh.^-' T :blbWers,weire'elevated V* fiji .th,^. :.. s;cuge 'aiid ' .flash •efft-e'.tfj-;.-.; ;, iai'is and'/;Wh{\len '.worked - Vv it ti, i ' .plaihclpthes istpogp fpr;i;lV imp'iiiti V- spckihg thfe.feUOw oh the head, wilfi, ■a cloth^;as/he ,.W^a:s abbut ' ,to inake; his. aiinbuhcem.eiit.s. Otii:: -. ;each. i-'ptiimrthe- stooge/w-Pve; ai\btluT ' bahdagbi/,' That/left, the' straight 'in - ' trbdiictibns'-:. tp^ .fahiv ' .Hp ; liijed " :- p.uh.Ph]lue. ph/babh apiibariuice^ tU;ic Waai isupposed to builil- ihtb; sotni'i ■ thihjg.; but/ didii'ti.: Funny, a few -, /but In. the' attbinpted'bib-ofi'' ' it feii'bdrd;"^/-^-'.^■ •./' ' -.'.As':';..'!!!- yhude- and- ,eisbwh'p;re;' 'tiiA-'' ; ■ brbei;}', intlilhate: nibthbd ::^^mployea . by ; Juris .. and;.. Whaleh /carried 'fheia' ' along.: wheh/th.e;..s<ags /didn't. \Som.?; ; -; bf. the gags they .tj'ied ..b,n;-..the: .Cai)i- ..;- tol stage: couldn't carry., a --f^^ather; ■ : Biit .tliat dld.h't: chill the'audience,; 1; hpi: -did •thb'.'fact tliht ;the:boyi(.dPn't / shoW''ii .bit. or favor itisip, ' Witli/Jfiiiis ;; • and />Vlial6ri; it doe's n't. sebrh, cii 'iijalt - -''i ter of iwhpse stuff it liappetts to .l)>.v but. li PW / i fs done. ; Th is teani ;!d.oVi* / everything .'yvxdl, and/ when nPt/prit;'- '. inal :.they: are;, an. ;iihpro.4'bmeiu on' . ■ ;the prigihal. That> hs ^bbd^^^P^^^^^ . .ter-ih;:audience .esFtiniatibn/^';; ./. ■//; ; 'WJtiiout'. Jaiis'.:st;unt singirig/ anH.' the team's /comedy,. is. • alIi : d;ancing.; ...;If3 ■ run - in -.ya'ude/. styli?;, /• With, each'turn .before a'-new dropor-' '.seti .The; bnly .Wihb ^'UfTerpa.frohi. Ibnelineas . was/ the/ acrobatic •Afid/. ' :cbhtortlbiiistic. dahcirtg: girl;:- l"'bn<-j.' • Genatb; -'M^yio ;^!rb'einpd.: lost 'ill alb.(i<^ •; '; in the: C.apitpl's la.rg;c /'^:thi;:eP.'';:; tit* - ' solo is- okay .as/suchCspeciaitifejS^^^^^^^ but'ppssible/thaf-:she/ W'tish't. a^^^ fPi-ih-iierp'A\i;tKbut ba'cji-grpiinding: ;<>p, / .bther,.:ptjs.tbma.ry',pi.ct.ia*e house jju^ ^pbrjt. ''.. / '^-'^■'./../-";/-.'/.:.\:■',■■••■..■::/-•■./';.:;/•/.,;'' ; /;Rbsetl'e/- iind' LUttma'it; biiiy: /.aii^f girl, /had .tlie'^rChester/:ij-Albs • -bphind / ' ..theriV. fpr ctheip. j.azii //dawe.' : -let/ / thib/ number Speed ah,d .■.wstumii\ii'.;:. ;ppuntbd. • ,All. werp l.tU-e^sed /in. Wh ».t , :iaippeared ;.tb .be^ oilskin ih reds diid : Jl>lues. .Qn/<^ne leg tlib. girl: pf -tlVp. team . used- -the. :Marlene /DjptribtV . Cbhiiiiehtal. idead' 'Of ..stocking atwi .- .truiiksi /qind it helped,.; Thiat's goiii^ - to., be hsPd" -plenty oVe'r, herb, fro:a ■' hbw oh uhtil hiui'deredv; . /:• ■ Second appearance, of'Rpsettp ai^.i. ■Lii..ttman/ . .Was fpr-;.-a:h. adag|0 ./.by . : thprnselVe^,: weir ii6"hte,d/ in: blue ahii . nicely' "set...-. As /a . danpb;^ it' - seeni.b'.t. - just il - dpuble ; ada/jip/- /j^y. iier.seif earlier; and; apparently Jibt mindlri'/;-/;' ther splp- 3potting^ ■vC'as . Betsy- .Rees'f.^,. : standard ..picture hPii^e. ■bhe- numbbi;' / girl, • who does. it Jazz dance pin; hbr; tbes.Shp might, add spmething to; .make . her -: 'presbirt ■ .Specialty. . sti^phger/by/cbnlraati' /- ■;';; - :/.' .. Irt the/.ollskiri' huniiycr/^he Tlale ; forte wats ifast, simple stiepping. ' 'In: .. the flaish .closer:their roain; duty wj.ii tp carry , "clothing ijri/. tribk. lig.btiui;; /idea; : Thp gi-een.-tb-=ved' color «hii't.->::; . ;used. .;,liere'/'tjfefbVe,; led . iiito. i. // phbfjp'iiorus . co-itume"^^ th..f.. - /tririimed moit - ol'' the • Cflpifol'?</ r>: \ "cent finales: in. 'effectiyeitib5?s.. ■ • Qn.''"^; hecbssa'i'y with ' lines bvr.i.. ■ from the ; bbx-"'otn'ce': in. -fJ^' fi ..... .-(lii-ections - alone; p;vo.:t d syii .:.^at!t'. • lday;.n.igUt;-';/ /:-. ;/; ;-; '/.:''^fifV/^,/ -;; ; ;/\^'';'';.'''^^''t^ ■r-'^(N'Ew'skeEt:)^;/ 'ir-[.~y-^- ;Nbw Yprk/^Jan/.^^..// ■-■ : /--'■•Fi.^^ti'enVe.'/shorta'ge Of hews'-malf''' -'-; rial,; 'spot ' or ptherwisp; forces :-.the ; PurreiTt /■Kin.b'aasy'; 46.-'mih.ut<^ bill ;t.* / . <Jbpeiiid. almost" entirely ' bh-^ iibybit/ shots" for interiest .and .amu.seihi?;';-^" / It. seems the Embassy's lowest y.-eefe .." thus far7.fbr 'actvihl heW.s, ./ ;.' ; '/ ./• .;;/Mpst. cohitpeiiihg. .ot 'the ; ■.&cAio'y'- ;; vieWs'^i.s/•thb :Muriim"er'.'>'; parade.-i.'i. - I^liilly.; but..:that-s -ah ;.a'!inual P!i{* rTw.P;:i>blati'n-g- tp/ thf^-: ■b'ite.-.,M;'),i;sl'-'>.f- ;-. J.pfEfe:■ are ^i-.eviV:a,is.. of .'bis'-'l.-.x'?t.-'iw!'M./...:' ;1ic'.appeiiran<;;eg.- '/ y-;'-'. ', ■ ■:/.//• 04v.; Tip6sPv'.elL'.s:ac'i't.'.pl.'.inoc- ;-^P;'-''''^. '.••. on ;N-eW-^Year*s Dayiat.Albixny:'li>:'>'>''' /^ . abry..-'thb '.mp'sV ;rbcp^^^^ ;i)ri>si'anv,-' but'.\,T.'s a' spi^beh- iv.Tt:s.> ;b'-/: grpssirig.- / .j'ai'//moi'e i'niprvsTi'rri,' ','.f.? ■-' the talk o'f Seni-Novt-TS. of Xebrr^^*;-!/ and''';5ilT;:-Flliar Hnihe ;>VUU;>?hsw pai/tisansliip' .and. tlie'- divbrob '!>?:•'""-/ /lem,-' ref)pertiv>ly; .-/Ahbthbr. ViU;,--'-' ■,• „Piiil ;:.i/,aFbllbttp, :;S-JTyb!ii"'^i^^ ''^Z*?' • - 'erno.v. pf -•iiV?:iiic(jn=iih. ;'.sa'id-/ Jt. '-!."',.-'■'/<-'• •. Words'.that. ci'trriP.d/little meanf.'Vi;/;.; ^/"/ 'J'l>ti;ps^;*bpt^^^'.Hi'b/'■?h '\o^t<:n\'ii::r. ; : ;/i\virris;:;p'n'.iVpvfc . iA/^ii-ir^. //I'Hm^t •■•> :/' /.■; '-riniiVl'y;/ ■:' '/:;'\..;:Z"^;. ::■/;/;'. ;"..: V'//'/ '^. :Fh'j?'i-'/•'soivjid ■ .:fiii.n>;' . '^i^'c^r:- . *i'//.^i - a'bo:i:rd. .■ the' G.i.'fi;f .iipn. «|'e'- '.vr^)/* ■';'';; •in frohi'/in 'thp sb^^hiivil;;;.' tlvi^ "•'■^' .• • If'light/takes; the.-aiidie:U*e' yv^'!' "; . ./?wi^.s.'alp.s-; ■.•• pnb.'/'^V^'St.';=?-'*''V'''^^^^^^^ ; wiVy j^badoW;pf-;h>f 'Ke-;)/.bu:; JC;.;^^^^^