Variety (Jan 1931)

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VARWtY '■' ■'■■' ■'K ■gbod.'-Btory. Is" ■n'ev'et :.tpo Old ::it;o . ., tie retpid. rtJif adame X"; a,hd MCom-: :',-!'tvifhinxHie'.'T^^ yery. litt added \ to . eood - iold plots:to tiVm^ jnt6,.iijr!PSe.:ni'. • V drfy. - iJifctiirQ^suiji^ssies... VA. vtoiiMiof; '•';^Qpniistica'tiQn:,:her^i' modqrn:. setr■ ■ ^ iiiifj;.'tlter<?," >:;sc»til;e.riii^.. 6t ■. smart .SP^vrisV■ and any.' talievi'iirpyided; iVl? -:\>v!eH Hnlt aiwl; swittty" tpld/ wiu. hpld; .;■ ainy-.•■^udlehq^;, ;..A'. ;.h.eTplne/.^ inpre . iSitincd >galnst^:^ ' ' tp.-iiP.r - sorry .p^ . by^ Jt;'icir^el; spGiixi ■codJi. 'ahpeair^- to' tie' tliie.. cpnter- o^^^^^ •;, !.bi>x-^plllcp, ;fpi'nilild: ftiatVdrinnpt-.; fai!'.. ' \ ". ":. Henam'ed "PaW".- for its -^'ci'ifeert' • ■ifi^a.l, • "^'ithlri the taw" prbv«s. that •-: the (^ustorn^ ofv.'hisis^m ■ ptirished.^ ~:''i'aid^Vothr^ its: • v/synipidthies::,y^^ ithe'■heroinevShe .■ Is ;sp' -lilVtrfeatod that;, no' 'a ^ caiii .resist,1ai - 'demphsttitiph ' .iii hei; jjayor . w^^ thah ■. a. 'giillei-y.ofi ^ ^^d.'- ypiih'es cah;.. 'fpthQar. .^jf).-. . ■ piii.ud at the'; adVont of the: Un itp<i; :'■■■•St'atps' "^firine's: ■•, Her'.^siilfiitjes t • 'it ri^' ■.;:u.n.ViyK-.l.s,.a,flip^ ■:''d^^ in -hferi. firstssbr-^^ ... lj)t\rt:-tp dematj.dvrnPre thkn • ■; Kctorii^atlon; of . 011^^ ,pf those'j)riffii f; •: young :.pje<?ple on ;:C;bc^lct.itlTs' ^\ ^^hd^ .caVW« -As .Mary ';TiiiMiPn.''siic^ ■;;bnl.liant'an>l-.cyri.Iciil pirl' yy hofje urifprtijiiitatC''p<'rie^fces' ^t)WTl. , lior ■■ into..., a- sviperyt-pmair . wild' fiffhf^ ., Ctric.k'^ry''"pr' 'th.i^'v.liMr:'./Nv^^^^ • itS.;,bS!i'iTL; ... statute^s.: It's a.h.fexy part- fpr hpy-day' j.Jpan ;ahd: wiil: ^prbbfihiy.' .he.- a • ste'p't ■ l.^plhgffelpnevt^ iblei.\'.y<rsdti)^ -^(itrliesss. / . .•' .'Jleiy costumes ...are idiffcr r ; .en^Jfrpm -thie Itsiial dr!^-wt6i:fl::wai:d^; , .robe 'bf - giddy Spqijihcd g:pW:ns fitted. :; vwlth. isrtug bad^^ ■f .and;, drab-; black sillc - clothe /fier ih .^ ■■ ;liable lesspriv^-.r- leariifed \ .prispVi ■ brin'^°!W;ealth, the-.fl de- l-Vcidedly... Swahspnes.<jue;/.fla^^^^ . .. ■; . '-'.An' ^l.ngeriue.-. ■p6.€S.''Vyrpng^ ... ■; -..ppar, deiajy ilttle . Jainet -Gay^iiop'; ..:' .islip of -, the; .•c.hnd--likp.. . |voice|i^^' : . ^.ipler-n'al :.,^it'IVsc:p,ut,^ ■■the ;,; •• ;tareafh ,bf bjtosspin/. gentlen.css' ^sp^.a : ;' ;'ttM.iuutbd.that she'cbuidh't Mjdge .ri . liibst. .scrisitiye... .s.eipjnpgi^ktihrT-^}?^^^^ ' y.'Cia-y.nori, .theysTyjoiiId ■.have .iyou , be- , • Ji^evp;, • "vyent, to .helIVIn. i^hangliai.v'Ou .t /'■ 5of, a ■ the Carbary •■.Coast, . s.traijght t.b.' !^n;■ pji'lynli :joint, in ■.Chlrtar ^Wcairirig :■ ..shabby. ■ .;kirhohoft;. • eveni: " • .^The ;Man.. ^hp':Canrt^ :;Baek'?;^-PUtl! ■ tjife %tpeiV:S :■ most :.he.lDles& .iemihr: .::. /ine; wisjp';sni:S,clc--^iri 4he' mi.d^t .■. ■s^(-h" e.nylrdnr^^^^ .would .havfr ■.^^u^b^eye.■^^,^■;:■■.•^;■::V•^.•^■•^^^ : ■ Anyhpdjr Ayii6'can .'b'ciley<e :this tn'aA ./ .jor ■ -poi h t '■■ in ■ t Jtiei^tbry^. ■ .Wi.! r ■ bel i oy o. : the rest ;bie^'it>.'- :Get' bver ^theVflrst" ;-hui-dle;; aiM; .all .the faiUdjit^^^^^^ ■ '.atipn -.that lGlip\vs Will /faeebm'e -l^^^^ •.. oah ■■ • a?hpre's ia; citch,' hP\veV€r.: • i t ^.; . is sheer saci-Iiegei b^'sei'treiachdry "to • janet Gaynb tor, id ; '..-let: thi^ •.-...T^^^ for the: purity of ■Ahic|^if^£vn wo .. that--.^'very . one - is, going tp^^ raOy ?;Vpun^^^ ; O.^'ipw-she is only pretending: $lie- ■'■v ■ *5prno ithingk, a'rx!.':saciTrf! Of '.: course;,..Miss.^-,0 : hpi\C!C:lf,' ribsc^ -Gharlps.' Fair^ /from the l.bwest;..degra'datibn -by- her^ •. everlasting faith, thoUgh^sbmc riido •.... PCQiJle Iti: the. audl.ciicc .attribii it .to ..h^rr'iclumbness;" •.She'.i^ alhvas's . .S-binx off ;..i|itb corners,' thirikii^g "up put him:;through; 4n(l' .he, . Vthe. nick-■ of time ..that; iii6r6 wprb •■■."'j'J^t^^sts.^..^^ of ■the east has hJi -oivn. rodd' litilb ; i^^3^^of;spettkin&.: .^iV^'iinam V ; -as Parrnirs "tathfer;^:.shbtits^.:;^likb H- ■^f!turp,. itibuse : bairyhdp^ir.<v -i^iary :^prbos.:^..his ;£VUri,t, ^ses-a/voiic^^. so ..|w^r;t .and.hpjiied.;.;that. ir Wiouid' ^^^r^ his. Hhmjisi^hdd -utteraifGOK^ - ^V'^riss Gt»ynot--.flp^ks.: ;..- ;^e; i:,ady:. IVIacbeth-,;tajltitig • her' • .V ^'f^P. varied with .Opheila after $he ■• •itK^- '^^*^'^' :3Perhap^,ihe .iiiani^- ..:.. .P£- the dialpg,. thcy....yirefb ■cn]H(f ■ -nS^^^^- -^^ ^ - Rot.^^hbin/. .^a.^h -hi:,:a v:-:-.-:V- ;;\-.,;Ki<l.-and"i^ijp^ y:^. ■ ■ ■bdy.^iid ;^;f?adMbpJi'iHKV '■■ ■ V ^'Shppper^j^tjWfoiindcr; - • ?^^'^a'^;v(!;ry .•BppcV.aQtbr;: Wt' :; 1^^^]'-"^^^^: .<^htirmi;- ;;ah;d • to/'sparc.' y^^T •P^c^eubqviii..{lie- -picture- •' - i^adlince -^pf ■ !^.miiathy • • -. ^i^-.^^y i?iehibe^.\bf:^:the;- cast^ ■■■ "■■ :t^^°^.-^\^^:^oT^l<^^ ; ^V^te-faced. ;iri^h ■ hrbKUexi:^^ ■}y^'^^. :«ndothe :pi}p ^lfivt;'hamplori;;:a vy•r ^ rn ixttire- of :bi'<ied^r, and' the dicarest,; ini';'. amniai.. . that : "eVei- csraii.e.d the- dbpf-.eiU('-ho'rs; • ;■ "W-pmon .will^ founder^'' iVot •prily^ bpcaxisx>' ,b£': tht- b:py .and;.^the-• dbp; .■•Vbp.ijfrh .'it ■wb'uld fatib .ail extrertle].^^■hear.ti<>^s fehialo io;;r<>Ki:^t eitheiS;'' Th^vWris^'a.^iniiiipy.^- .jrritiiblp ;• husband.- vilip ::isiip.w3 .\iv:;hiit friaortyts; ..wbm'pH ..•.readily ;^.a^^^^ ah'd ..\vjip3eVre/brn}ktii:)n ^ci)nies .not .tpb, •late. ip •; riiake ':th.$... liklit^s;. likb' .hina,': ;iip\^. ;^rJdmund; l:jONi^b'--^,^y-..thcy.'d /Jlke Jliinii n\\yyi^3i}rf^-i..'-]T''''~^ '. '■' teil.a Hyams-p^^.>•s'^ >viif.e .Tyho. .discovbrs. .'that; '.whe-ti.'.-gbif.. fli<e^. iii fUe: ;w;iridp\v!;; lbve..hi'!&S: pvit^the;'dpbr ^and.- d'pfsh.-.t: r'eiHrn--:-'bn;bl;':^rf." ji'hd .Mr&;^ib.e.conie.^ eiiuaUv.'exp^rt^ on' thi? ;iinj<s,;-\>.•;.;: ;/ '\V'-\i 'J\'y:-'^.'-\ . .^K.yeryhpdy^; has:, at.:^Qh^»'e'" timpv^pr .bt)i^' - rei'blted/': ajfainsl . pictuir^; IjioUso, •units, against eiiipopially .^:trltt e{fec.tSv-'aii:d.tpo.<ga,iiay^^ it .ls. prarhcally-m^^^^ ■i.risulfrrjg .-y^ ■ eye.-aChlng" flha in .wh i Oh:g:.iJ t ;an'gels; rise pii 'el;eyatb\:' .pcd,os;<}.ils Xp .mt-et a Tnyriad' of rdo.-. .•^{Con'ditTg- v<vicctji"lc','.sta.v.\s;.^^^-. B .. the '\i'bndbr'.pf■ • pypdiipfibna^^ that, ,groun.dvi put iWyebic;. ac^erweiRk; to ■n.ifeet >; an^'. .ipxci'ctfpg ; tini'p schedule, they pajv. i)p.sjiihly-;Cpn'S,'fiih '.aiiythink .priginah ■/.Vyi^hdn:;;.:.a^-4)ibtUV^ hbUso^ 'staff...•achfc.yea...a/-c .deserves; ^t\^ice■:'■th^^^ of any bthey ■:.: plH;>daK .• brga'hizatibri^.. for 'hfuvaiig .'.beeh ••; tO'-.•dp...a' gpod ;ithlng: in -Ute; mid^t; pf./ted.ipus;-riie::-'. qhahic.iit^'^ind;;: :. ■ :•■''' ■.■•;. ' .'w '■ '/ • ..ThP. Ca)i)iroV th'(^^^ is 'npw :,an;d ;th'bn/.'-the: Svbrst;■'■ qfl"^v''a£f^ f as flittering ■;'c.N<''e|3S . ij* ■ coijcWrh.ed; ;ca^n.;'ncv,Prthplcs.s' be ■ (^^pu'.ntdd' o.h fbr w:6rth3f.. hpyelt'ibs;:-.': Occa :it tlir.bA\\s.: .a'.gppd :idba .a'yS'-ay, ijossibiy ; -pf' in'sufTicient' time 'to Pei*^- .feet ;it. .; Eutf enoViglt .WifieS;; during the ,■ year •■-■'to. •giyb' • it -a' ■..respbctfiblc irocovd; . it.. accbmplisheig. cleyeir. a^^^^ ^ajjnijshig.-tj^ .V;/,■• ',.''■'•. '. ;.•' The. Irans^iarejit'',' rubberlz;e:d';^ .siik. CGStumes.. -- us.ed • .111 ' ;the : ./.curr'en.t V^papkpls : pf';.1'331/'Vneb^ neath' ^thb.' attbntibi^i. ;bf ■tlie ^nipst Jii'gh-hat^ 'bj[; prodtic^ -ThQy'rb .sp- phlfiiticated and bhic-'aha,'^ smart .backgi'ouhd'for: the. mbdeiriv-' .istic.ioroutiheipf .p-osbtte aiid'. Ti.utt- n>an.'-.Three ' 'Jiha^^ .ada^ip:''.toe-number,' by'...::the..> same „tbiain-» , .iises . three gradiiated. Mspp.t- l.ights ^in: a ,:thpi'pvghly. .original-^yaiy: aild ^ suggests.'all interest- ing .ideas,..f^ ,.v.Thb lAi"gpst ;SpolUght picks .up; d on -a- plain. ;blue' drpi>j thpi .nejct;>lh; isize jias atrifle rtipre.; briliiaiib*.- as. thp-; smallest pne/.an 'intense, whit^^^^^ ..iight, fpllbws' the. hiovbmehl- of . the :dainccr.s^^clothedV^rf •Black'..^slippers.:' o'ri ^ the .;m'an v,arijd; •pirik bh tli© ;.girl. are .tb.b only; dis- :^oprdant ;'nPtes;; ':;;/7.-. -'->:;';. V ;'■'•'i; , ■),:/'. .jans; and . \Vhaleri hoid ,'th.e. :iJni.t tpgej.)tcr ^yit•h ga-gaTie int.rpdu.ctipnls.; an.d bprtversatipn,?Bet I^cek offers hep trim tbe-strut.'.class.i'3 and .Q!!.b'ma ;G€;naro,'" a. tJill', siiiii ; contpirtipni'st, ■ roiinages,. t.b :hoid ■her..' head.' jpn; ofie spot -ort; the; slag-e. and. ruh ' all arolmd'^it^.'.: . ' ' l^;;.- up fastening' a: necklace 'oTn- anpthei" eharacitt'r-^alsb played by herself— but that one acti-ess ^ iis'; so clever • that..>he . pan;;'appe'a.r in : tlie snujb. scenb:. a$: . two • enfirbly;.-; different: people,'' a • ■iv'prn'Vffust^ andyhbi''.%rbpingi.;^ . aiiss. C;hatte.rtpn •.ls.;a]:vVexport; u.ot,-. re!ssf,'.:all the technique, pf. her ai".t^ ;at ", her lingbr .tips. .' i^ut s:Ke.ha's..npt;y.e reachba. live.' .o'f. the:~ 1 Juh':-. 'jiliig •pi-pce.sSi, 'The nWphanies;of ..hti' perforniande;; shpSTv (it, dyery ;;'( ;She-.-i.s''.aiwaj:s '.an' :a^^ iii;.';t-iiisv •t-ase.. t>ya >yx)hveii:i' who- are {ibbvp all' .c.o.n,5ci<iua- pf; "b.eihg tragic ladies piit. of•■W;sfpry^■.i3opkv'•!^';•.•■-■ .■.•;•; .:■:•:;•.;■:;••.;. ;■^;''Rh;lVt■■•tp ,tpyb".:' is ^-swdil ;.:biiter--' itaihhibrj.t .•forVapyGne .who enjoys; a . gopd Gi'j';; 'Wpipoin pa.rUpula:rly .^Yii^;\beeavjBe;'of sihd .mptlier .ainigle*;.^^!^ .:ha"s^ .two ^ pbrfeb.tly. .gr^^ Pavid ; Mannbrs.. .has:' -.neArfeWsoMned xnote '• at'tfabtiYd..-• than.- j^sV'the ;ldOiS.' sweetheart,. .An^^^ a.. ;>ery bi^ie£;.irdie,,V:hiahag^^^ to. .iket'ch!; i,h;' a. bphvp^ic.te.~ .babk^rourjd.: for.: his;; .ob.araGtejTi'zittlpn. Hr. .liukas .has., the ai)pea Fa'pcp/bf a hea-^y> Wi. thp voioe Pf'--a':he'rd.'.::'^..'" .''; .;; ' ■ ■■. -'V' .'•■■';• •/ -Nite' :CliU}V .a'nd.'.'-bresVn'g ■••■ •■''.'.■• '.; .yaiiessij.. 4t '. tlie . St'atei. shbvild: do, sblrieth ihgr abd.Ujtv^^^^^ --'A' nba-tiy riui:iliifed i)rb;d'iibtipn;.'vvith.-OHU*: well groomod boys, orirryinjj on while VarjerfSi ■ makes c.t>^tiiine' .changl\^,^ dbbfl's .. .one. i,si«as.ii'. Spbeialty.' '.to : ^iye' ,'rt, tlib ihipbrtairc.e, it;desbrvb::?'...,Iri. iti^ [■(re.ieil't;;s.tate, 'it iHea'sb'sbt'.t.-dpbsTi't ■m-a^e. enough of .aji Jiiiik-G^si^^ tp' 'lialV-fpr ;iiTiany';bpNysi^)V; < .'. ■■ ■-''''/[' ■rhe'abt.-is \ybU: .bac:lf^.rb\in'dedVvpa tifiiila' -..for'' -a -•-Hhuhiba'-- ftiuiibbr,-' wiiieh lias: .Ibngv yellc.w .fringp Pbn.- dai>^ ;ft*pin the' edfib • of. a.'iSpah^^ sh;a-\vli'.;.f)'atel^^ =.VlS;lbl'd :''f roin. .thp^^fiids. '..\\a'i-ibsfji.'.'.is ./.chi6-'-..aivd-.' ■!!'l<J"d^ ,;.ibiUty-''. to';^:-weai:..;.s'ba .a,t-;; tributecl to •<?4buk g^i-ace, is.' iUi'.iji'-a; udbyi.ile.' pbribd.; se?rns-tb;be going, Wjre.^;h'/'-'T .Bhumha' rp.*itume has practically, np: bodice. and;traUingVleiigths pf;:ch'aiv ;treu*bruffle's:";tippbd.:' :with.. sbarlet,:- and a /whi to dh i ff oh:' h a;s. tyards . and; yards .bf;'ciingiftg.; ijjbat's. that s'vdrl'fiuiy;: arid.'; m Tiigh, .■ki,d:ks .sben■^^t•V;dh■')ligher;■'.^ .^.V; ■':.' ■':; ' ■'. ::K(lith; Wiisdh. dU!5iky^..Ringoi^',with lAiis .Russel's .^aratb^a.' -Ghvi). • Of-: cliifistra,>. chposbHiVii ..sw ■pale ihnbbeht blue to deiiybr. :Iiar.^. ■ ..':'. ci^'ntihiie.d ^bn' page •58) '-^ •: ;'' ';• . ^<^ rime's tlest jrt - break Her* • ^;,. . The pi'ddycbrs:• must.: htCve. -hefeA ■plimnlng tp break; thb • hbai'ts; pf the f.e\v wpiiien. ;drawn i'h; to .isde .:!''T.he Grirhin'ai: •;epde":;''\o.thdr-w^ ' iR'piTld . ;nbf • have: sbferled • Philip: Hplmds ;tb: play.; the -iuybTJil© lead.' Iloi ihes ihandsoriie;and;-apipcaj i'ng- ly yotrhg, lie is ,t.he ■;pdrf ept chplqb ,fbiv the 26 -year-old boy sentbijibed tb te.nyears . injprisb n;' .for. ah ,'act, pf: ,;p:allant/inRanSty..-.J; ' ■; . >,:',■.•■■■ :.'=-. \ ':; ••-; T h -pui:'pGse •■ d c ~t'h;e.v pr ig.inaj-. s to i>y' ^tp' .ihpw-;:.hp^. a -Iruildrbftjs';^ ■can ■ .be'. tTirn;ed ■ intc'i.a^rbal.' klHer .by ■ the. prison, 'systern-^has • bbe'n ■ destrbycxl. in .'th:eviilhi'!?:nfgbl;la^^^^^ ■dhding; • Bitt.j there -vis ' st-ill. .bnoXigh, 'gppd '.strphg.''^viff' .to .m^^^ .^a grip.^: P.i ii.g .,P i b'tudfe, •.:' Wai te^V;, Jill's tori,, - u ri .t 11^• the^ ('•.hnhge sfd.ry .i.Urfe ;' a -"'sdfty/'-';^ \clip!EPd-spdk'en .,,"\vard en .•.\\rhb-'^^^ no .■•B'i'ble ;,'but.the'; Bbn'a'l .'-Cpddr;Cpi).- stanide .'Cumm^^^ davVgh'.tpr, vSfv'??'\''".^ei'gbt',-'" td; every. . niiuutd^ybr;h!i:".r sriTall .lUtrt;:. ^h.e plays •sincer.eiy;';.\'\Vifh.: a^^^^ vdf. '"inRdn'ii.d'.\.>->yff(i ,-"Wauld ;,havb :lift/Oi :hiii:/X-^iQ-:tfi;fe. i.h'.a ipr.iii.bM; .tRtn;..v''V..-. ij.^'"^.' h'.'■ .•• Dunn in g,;''.,P't*.G cess ;'Tr.uirnp,h5 ' .' •\ ihv^f-Wght^Hp-.Lo^^^.^. M .\v}/i:i-3n'. lyiudi \(J:h;Ulefton;v,pWys.- .•itv.Wotlier ^jjd- daiis.ht6r,'''.'thb, r>ii..nilihg ' prOfH'^i'; .Is': usc.c|.:'->«a •■.e:i'p>'rf ly .• tiiiaW-aftbjt'-thyi fi rHt; fd.w; .n 1 iii uto , of ,\Vdn .• the |.ib.rfcQtibh.vbt-:: the; d.V)Uble-:bxppSiJ^.p',. it. sinks in to un ihi pq'i;t!a.ncp, •'and . be ^. :cdhi^(>^.<5;' a. .1</'rJ(I.rn'a^^^ - A f f r-v ..tb.f.-'ii''^^t^:'' 1 ./n-i.'it' -ift.. ribt• .so -ibip.pi Uint- ih'-ii dihir;;^chd.'ra'f'ibi';,i'V ( .' • ::'.(eo ntintied from' page . 1) ! . . .;.• tights arid- iskirti arc washed ;.inoji£h ■ly by th-e girls. ''They ^ are ■:not ^al- lovi^ied. to -..hayp,' their'^v plc.ture's;, or .'.nariids. ..■.in ., th©., 'papers. "'.;Must.' not 8pbak:;tb .a: nian while In^thp -opera' . hpuse'/V.Ifc. a get a . 'w^prd. in with, .a - man .she. :con^id;cvs .'it: ..anivef^caLpadb.;. They -are. «p.t.' al-; .ibwed i wbrd ;.eyen: .anibrig - them-. : ablyes'. • 'Qnce ' a,;. .'rp.ertprrnah.ce'; •' has; atatted.^ •''v.-;-.-^. ■ :'''■'.■. '•'•.•.■.'•:•• . .■ ^"f .;;.. • r^t»diM8;';''Poh»i'^>^^ :- In'vtbblr; cbiiti-adt they, are-fpt.'bidV ■den, fp. .smbke': br;rp]ay • cajF^sv The .confined fiuarters ba and; thd npise' preyjents. any chance ;fpr fead- iT):^i tnoiii^pt' the; timp .fhby;sit hud-i-: di^d: discbiisoiatbly: in -J^^ :'tlielr: turn'.'to ;ga-;bh.f'; •;■;;; ;: ''■.'■'.X'^ ■ The^ extent, to whibh the:"gi rls a r e phaiierpn.ed;' is:, .terriffl c •. ^a ■'yisl'o ^ grows . stricterpaph.■ sbas'Pn The ■.bMjet .mistrigis^ /al'^rays haS ' her. dyo ...upph. t'liem -.and. ndt;-pply, aVe they fbrbidden -tp talk tb: ihon/i^ they ..are; haorb; orleSs Se.gregatd^- frbin .all plhdi^;.pdrf5b'ijs^ i ppora. <:dhipany., ;^Whbn they :takb trips put of - tpvyh, •rt'lfh thd'. compaTiy, ;;they arp herded together ■ ^and. watched • like.' 'Kc'hGdl' ^ bhildreriv;; :So ■ ii; td.iir they, d b -get a bhand b -for;- .'a. intlb frebdonx.. I'^'prmerly •th,e\gi.r?9 led', a. siiglitiy -freer' eXlstenGe. iliey dpiJ^d^. «rb; 'tbV va^ .rjind' fprrii.' a«>;bbi^^^ Ij.bts-pf :thb' cpnipanS%';buat prb.'Jd.rit'' ^ivfe '-iiallct . 'mlfjtrps.s: iia|S , .fpriiiddoh': '.);-vdn./that;.V..,. •:!!^. ''",:' .'•.: " ■•^■■\-'' ■,-. 'Thb_ ;j)aiidit. mifttress, .is .^a ;i.iarii .task-. niaster;'io the gfrls; .-Thby do', iidt;-fbcl ithaLt;;.-c^h'troil.iirs. .■i-h'«'Mn\.-!fv:ith' the iippp pf mak^irg- th^i-n^ great: danWoi^'ja,^ .;b.ri.iigiTiig: •.the .ou.t arid. giyihg>:tlif-m. bp.poi-lnnl.tics,' ixi\i, ■cotise .ii!divfd'uality:..iT!'' nibre' dr -lesK. • (•'rt;. th<^.'f'ii«'bh'il.ile .Is. i:('al;ly^.. -(•,.'.KVi"iye.n';f^ An-d:'s'pt-r.-^ ".'spiKiiity'^^i.s ibst -j^rj'ml; ■iind:- in. thd';'<'bi'.d■•]rniK--'r.«b alrnps^ • r>.i.ievd'pf.' thb opera -ihpu s&\ • .(.lirli^' wltli •^ro.u t •.an)hitif'n'-'4 an'd:.'e,ay.fTndsK: ,.t>c'c'c>'irib; t)Tr>r'e. ■I'lnits'. I.n.'thc •'c.b'mpan.v, .'I'lwi'i* DrrsniiUUty!;:,di(;.s.:.; .-"Arid' lu.-J'.i"/ frbr».l;;tli1.'S'.-yt,hifj.;';ip'P^^^ |'jaiV'.t'.'fio'|'-.s;.';i..iii.t PTfj;!;. the; op''S^.'it.' bh,bb,' 'iid; ,-Npt,; many'. '.bpera;^.':'.\vi.ih;:' 'b(^^^^i^ti^i^vi^ ■givbri..aTi'y mbtb.- ..To.:b;e a.''' ^giri;. indi'Rs .'li'll.b. or :,ft'fit-)!g.^' ''"'E^^^^^ tlib'' ((rAniirrb'. dfVn«A'V«b- '. ..of .; <'br;-;. ■/i^ in 1 1« n y a.",. a ,pf • ('!>'■• oy. pf mi j^,d r; i ni jH^r,ta.lvt>o',; while .:iii'fdrmpr.. da.ys.^'sli'i''. was an 'inipbriaiit. apd H: gla.iiiurp'iis. ppfson;. 'i^bw- .-shc ;'hn,.«i. fcMV•.;o'l.^lHil''•^li^-: nitie*!..''-:V. i{-- ''\ ''■^^■/■J'- .' 'v- .:'; • .;}■- ;'' ';NoCRieconiimehdatiprt;-,.^;:; :■•'• '-, ;•!•.And • \\'hbn it-: ('bu)b>j..;tp .ieax^.'ing;.•! i.'rb ■^baViH.'nd -. s.o.bk Ip >yhbi>e'-;^;i;j> a..-'tli\ti!.;.b.r.- l>a)id.^;;;(rnii:u'ng. l;s ;isf/•i-iille'-iisc;;.:tny^^ i)ii^lrUivc:.b:.',:tif-tlibj^ball^ Vthb'-xia^-u;'-../ 'eiirs^a'rb; ia'iiKhtS'.tp:.tur'ri ■itlipir -t pps. 'i'»}. AVliiVb illl di'ji.roitife. 'partieulariy the~.jaij;5; dah^;' of 'tpdhy:', ..dcppnits.' ph;' ia. 'cpnti-ary.' t'echriirri^e^f :''thb'..tob.<5 ;are:: turned ;du't: aji.d- entirely difrbvent.. type :,p'f -.'rhtisouin .rtdcdedv Aftt'r^yba^r^^^^^^^ tfaih-,; ih^; -^ -.gii:!' ha'S-• a:.vmV>i*o :'M fitn'i'i.t. "I ^tai'b.'; .tea'rnlnjg othdr typds,Pf ilaiicinji thati • if- i5he;'.w.e'r.b-.a;\ra^^'-' -b*' •■In'.'iver. virbvy;-'.,.-:.sprtib .!tdVlf?^ 'ba antVLinan-; r^?ed;;1b;;gbt^■■ahpad:;^ .\. ' ■■ itJviodiVib;. yiiiuii. w.a;s pric.<>;^^: dahiSGu.s.e ;t)f:-.the'.;M^^^ panyv a.pd.l^yd.nne; Gtby and Dpr.itthy jci.bpd; .Zibgf eld 0 -Svove :onc.b.; bal'j'., •let •j^ii;ls'-..a'l.: fiib opera •hoiisbi Arid' np\y '• the.' -y oilhgbj" ,ge.ridiNTiti'pri .'pf bal - .; jet ..girls;, aire, becominsj^ iW.lsbn..: ■ Tht^V; i'ef(i,S'e::.l.pbe' •fpst Jn the .'a)aUet;an£l,: ■.ifieali2;in-gr.y .. thaty ^ tli^ ;'..arp'-.. fb'wp.v .chancefj''a- • .Ka'iiot: 'j?.iri"; .an.;-t'fid: tim,e and. tlVai ;th.o • pros.tig-e- is' van.-; .-irihiiigi: liiajjy -Of. theiii' arb'^-lbavinff.: .At;'least-:'.a,:ddze.ii .girisii';- drdp.'; oiit;'pf. ■jthe ^ ballpt. eachy.isca.sbh, .Svhl'cti- ;Svas a' .most- ,t]iihcai'<i 'thing in; diy^S Pfxst.. ^^'■'••;..^/:Hil^terlanc^^;he<^pm^ .-; :"■ -r^-, ; ..aTo!?.t'''pf.-tlioVgirl.s ..iji •tb'e bailf't'' iii'Vi; ifrpiin; put ''.-bt .t0'\vn,',-; ;;I<\'>V^ Nlny'..'i'brl.c; giris .ti-y fpr 'th;e' baiib.t-, because ii 'fti: no't a ii'vii(.k..eiid.u}j:h. i'dad tp;!a:.eii,r.(i'erV ;H;p.wbYer-, • to - .g^irls ,frpin^■othe^- K^iti thb- .Metr.ppbiitan 'ballpt.ystil.t■ has!, ita; glajnpr; and ^hcy .-^joia the',- balVot 'i-p- liie' hpp'b'.;df-.attaip.lp'g.;:a .career.:..^ ;;•;';' -.■;.-Re;cti'pbrate-. iri';-Vacation'.'.;-'-''-,. ; ; The; tdrrifi.e [ sti-pifri.' P.r '.twen ty -f our .wbbks ' in . the;. bahot^.baroly^. niado up, -by the fi.vb rhpi-ith.s' vabatipii tliat thb;.g.ii:Isgot.. ''lt-t'akcs''-t iinio .lo-:i.ealiy rb^^^ iip; -'They never, .thhilt of tryiiig'to ge t; dahb in'g. j bb s;.. d U i;iii g, ■ th is •-. ■\-'acaf tibny"^-.,:.-'""y;-r - '■...•-■ '.' ;••./■.;'■'•':'•': :. tn;'fa.ct',- tlve-grimV .aiid:;sU chapr ibronage 'they \ihderg^^ liv -thb •btiJlict takes mpst'. of: thd.';pep pyit" ot .Uierrt.' Fe.W: pf;"theni'.bbih'br ■0Vely:bi?'smartly, a nd-(^ydri- sh'l.s thbmaeives ^^iay that they'^^^^ Ijice sprub' ]eaying;the -theatre than. - like ■ lialiet g ir^ .-wji p: are. :ati p pbsba. to-- be ypU.fhf ul.'a^^^ There ^is no- such .t.hihg.' ^.< :jph^ihibs : :thb. bpbra hbiisb.v; ' Thie .girls ■ripvcr.yhayetheih.b We ndycr. iibard . of. or .seeiis' npr, al-'. Ip-wbd-tb iTiedt They selddm .byen have, date's latter the ;shpw, !be- -cause ,thgy. don't knd.w ahy men and''p.:: top '.-'•tired, .tb-ud-o y.any thing•■. bu t. •tiriidge;'iipme,iy .'v'y'y'^^ V . ;v;'-:■:;'•'• :■ And .yet tjid': giris pn'jpy;; .anytliih^ .but-..yiily ...whU the other.- hjbmb'bra ; bf;-.t^^ .bpbra ' dohi-■ pahy.-;:.' .Thb . chpruW, .in. pap tic which', is: h^adb V'J.P pf .inVP.h oldeiT forblgn :Vi-'.bmbii, cd'nsidciv gli"ls.'.. -^viUV suspicidn, ;a,h -'attitpdb; .that ariseR: rna:inly .'^.'^'^ni; the- jealpiisy. ;bf .older. wonie:n.'.'-.f.'-v^^'^:,ri.i:mifiuridei'-' ata-ndihg of; Ainoi'jx';a]i;-K'irls',;by. fbr-'- ■pighbr's; :;; '■'-;.- ••^'.'- •■'•'. '^:\->^ ■" ■"■ ,;; '.'. ,.' 'Sc,andalo:us;.,Chi.ffp.n '. / •'•''• :.,'Oho ..girt .:whp . wna': sed .chiffon iinddrwear.;ha^^^'h^ 'ireputaT libri::i'iii-no(l.; fbr life'. '-.Arid if ..a-girl; is' .^speri. .-Speaking, .to a nian > she' i.s;im- 'hi.edi%a'toly'.bran(led^^ a hdssy; .At :ariy ra.te',;' there is ..-a: censfant. find Jjlttbr : filed ;gping •;pii'. bct'\\'.ecji,: thd choriis ami t.hb;bailbt v : .inbidentaily;- the bajldt hpn-.tinlQ.n: gro"u.p in. . tho; opera, opri'i.- .painy,'anfd . ihpy; areythp' ;f!(:.',ap<''H; 'fd'r. •.'jpos.fc. ki, ;'ih;fti.-;tl'rf'h^'^. '.t iia..t' • Jf appbn,. if the -choriis' Jjings^ off--key,'.it, be.-., cause-t'hb- haTlpt. iv .sla.nfling ip. front , bf. -tiibiTri 'if. any th i:ng; 'ha'rypdO!?'; • [tip V[\r} p!)(\\i^Vpi Ui^^ y.'- : •.'•.•Iti'.'.pp'ritras't-.-/to .th'b;s'uppr:bR,srid; exir. i<itenPe..-- pf. -th d.^• hal If• t ••• pr] s y ai-e'; 1th tonipdramc'ri.tu'l. dt-yminxli^ :p'f.;t'h'd s'tarK, \v-hp. ; arc.' ap-- k^xti'Virno' ipaiu'-rln'^'thoi-. nc<?ky-ta- thb'■bali<^t'giysv o'rip- 'dres.fii ng' .rbdrii w.if-h'.;:.) y,} iti fi.ovv • i.ri. |t ;fpt". thb ■vvi'trp^ah;^t'ar;.'aryfT.A;'ic.h.'o'n;f'. pf 't'itbm .■vv^.ari-ts t^ifv'-ii.s.i'of -1 rrj'.im.' HdxW'Vdry.'ndt. .-.opV: ' or^.t.|.lV7ri.'. i'J.yb.| ;th.'b-, w.i,hVr;-:riigs'i:pi;l]ty\r..'-\'; b:Vt')-t/i';i;Vi:;.•'('>}■:. ^ii^;i.T|^^c;s.'^■t;i1ilt.,;^hr^ Ai nrif^i r!s *;t;i!fl,.' l/4]>tl;-:;''-hi.:i'>'<5:.( li'-K- jr]id,^rialla;.-bf'--Ui'i- ^\v<};-^[uirr-vi,C)Th . I'oi-'-wlilrv■vvbo -iNyi'-Il' |i."'^'n'p;,"v. it -i'br--.^'l.i.ut .poriVjri:r(n[rirvr-;>.: 6J)' f^r-vi-v-ij:'fir'':i'^':r>nff:, Jr. d}y/t ', wh(h\ ^(-ii[-Uii, ■!> f ^'r^r^jjf/fjiV. ;j";'i-fo)-n).n.ti'-|'- 1^'i.k'^ -i-'-'-iT. -f-.titi'-i;S-i'iyi/li. ■ rr:io'nds'.in-';r,hf>'.'.-drfv^^^^^^ '■ r'ai,-) i.--\\' , liib ..^'WJW■'a'rid...1.1.;^ :out /tp-^Ir-'t;' ?irip;th<vr-d pnt.iip' tn^t' ';ljahj;iin'c:cs find .:.p)>;);;^^•^■'s-■'-;l^•|.'dr^Cl^^lr•i;■:. ;«'|vrr" :r>n:iiV.c>.:f1'/'" t^<'t-h':y. 1>':V'\ t;i)):ri')ai.f:^'-t))'u:i\!t!iK.t!t; i"!'.::--' ,•;.•'' :.,:; . ;-'- ■ ■l-fi>liy\ypv>(i,^.;';jan.-ft;; V ■: !\VIiil<'v'/'Kiin'i;b. 'thb {Vi'Oirt -a...^ .•Wt.;.4iiSi.ny;.j Vork> \h«^i;*'•:,\i.iL "' tlio • .-.lil' '.Oilpitaii i•^ -i'bi\t.;ti' j- ysh'iiul.l -pn'i'k .'blu" :' ■;i n ;■ •'•' r"ut tiia- .:.; 11^ .-.;ci 1 W<'.; or..!; riv';'l40.ji'{ ■' lig h't: . 'i-:iuii'pdy-''Ki'i.i>\vfi. n '.,ill JU^liy w pmi' iii ;v^^. '-sMltl ;.tl]4^^ ■Piyb-;..y'bis ;.llrs6'-.' • stPivd' tM'f(Vrt;.iiV throe >"<''arij^ , ■■ •^-;Tii©^-''»iupptii;'ti'r{g ;-..oast': ;."v\.Us- !yial>ib.'; .• ••KOpd-.'.- .-rai--ti(;;htiu'fy ':iikoV'AV«Vr^'=-w-a.Sv'. ;dbue^by''l':pibi:sbii;'Trca;oy a:s^:t:iie k'id .-' ^;l«-pther; .,lituilv>fktt'eS<iiT,''tivK^ vhertrt; . 'was;:' •l)d:tliy-;^iiariniii!^,y.yafl4 sriiar it I jr;-0 I p thbrt ;.'.->'s.peV^^^^ fnavy 'biub-SjLVs;Pohdel>-;.dref!s,'.^vrUi Xii^-^. 'V inatohing; rapb.IO't .atvd';licna ■•.vi'itJv :. .^\yhichy;-a^ 'siiaiiliiiigy J:>dtp^-l^i^>i^-(^^ J •1 a rod; :b|b ti se)ya;s. wb i- ri ^ V:Aiiatli or ■:" ciup-'frb'ck;: of l>iack.ici«pe;^dd;rbhinb,:''. laopd-.;do\yn. '; five: hips,.;: aiul .-.witV ' i^loeS^ds yvv'iih streaihers- pf • \yh 11ev.AVas-:y^ bhpsbjv. .liy' -^ijl^a: ;Marvln^^^. ifpr : black. :.' felt.'hjit.-:w.'is' .^p :tur.hed pff ;tiie;.-,-' '".I', jand• hadi^a'.;wli ile .bd.w . under!.tii^::brii(nv■<'•■•.•■: ■ ^'l-;'. ■;■;■;■;;■:: . '• liy Xow'i'e'Klc :dne. n.eybr'-hbAr.s of- a.y . .'plirj-;. pt-Pihibre'. dh,.a.^Suiiday-.;i)ight,. : :m ti oJi 1 Gs.s'a ..Sii nda y .:'a f t or h dpri / ah iV .ev.t'p.:il)piiglv'/t.-;\\'as' a:.!gibf)oo's' "iitin-' sliindy - attbrnpph^ •tlib- beacB: \vould::hfiyc ilJbj^h irr^brder;: ,. thb -'.-lil:-.'..Gsyita.n^ .'•Was - p.acikiki ■ .by.'.'ail-. ■' bit tji u si.astio.'.n lid-.ii.ilaW 'ap(,l- a gppd .time Was .iiad by all. : :■'"' '. ■K ;->.'H.rgH-''Bpbw//u' Liipvv:-pbwh;'.■;■■;'•.'.■.^•' . •Ktiiiidth.;i|arla:h's is 'nbithbi?. =h;pre i rioiv'iiibfe.".-. -XfiKy >'• y':-' piyd-.M.iiiiv.' pop'iilar;; :.s'biTpn^ pbr'spn . ■• ysslio'Uld'..ildnd; )Vis namH '.a.n<'l.,''V\''a!>'fb' lilS:,'..'"''. ;time;;:.iny;ah "■entbiviyrisb ;.-hV>^'^p-viderit}y': I;mnvs;pat-hipg. al)but..^'a:ix-t ■ lie jfatlik-;.': -.onxb^;'.^- A'y'^r^ With., a' -, ■ bQ.tter-7kiibw.lodgd, '-^bf ■'jipu'trming y:a'y; .-y; •fl'por. .sho.w: -oou'ld - ipdri^aps;- lili t. tiiis' •■.■.. place, ovbriy biit :;it/M^Qflld.'ihayo-. t<)'bb.^ Vi'' A';h'bt^y>;tbtsy. jpint''and^ ^the'^yr:;" '• :,bridyitv'isvppvi\\y vyii i te'' pn.tbn-t: 1 oat bpiy/d dd b'rri ti dfi s 'xir p .':':-■ ijiiiit . -ihe;. .thi•n'g^ .fpi! •; k •■'^^Ii^vrdd^v'I^i^''■..- .-. pradp;.:'^''v.'-';.'.;'...''■..■■ - JV.^"-;.;--^.'--^ t^'i'^--' ' v;. ■'', ]M:ifiii'SViq'ir/R\hJrk^ :tiie'..:g-irl..s'. ' nrb'Jppkeys'bM't fbw:, with rbfi;i; abil:-.' i'v i.ty. ■ ..(yu-isUindTiig.;wasi'jd^^^ ^y•lip Is 'ah-s. a'.'br. ahd'a. gopd ldancer;. .•\ Shp- ■lb'pked-.-.p\ytp • liii^ ' hiadk:^satlri--:!.-- pahli.cs' 'and. \vith-; fii 11 ^ilpbveis' ; i7Y5hIabk.\anrt:::\\diitb --'J^ '■'i. .'..■Anpt'her. dupnirig tiick:.wiis'. Do;^'Or'-.?'.. thy:.Xyi'id.. .-yC;iib...tpe'-daiibbi^'.; beaut'i-'-;' fulij'-.j' ■.ITe^r'.'^ r.hiiiesi:onb..'y ;r.0Mipdrs'; .{;bi^;. lieiv iuitite:: ^ixvm ;nicely;--- .'J: ; • That- .a'lp'/^tcur^' .cpmed'ipjtnp;^^ Who. . pbr'slstdd-; ih ;-!;N\;i.iig ,igh"¥, pastel' 'Chiffop' .•frobks. ..'-iUtStdadiv of /- g -tl)iviij;'gh:.'yhei\::attemp.ta:'.a^ • even '-untb-.'coKtiimes, ■ shb,uld'" be ;:putI in .. .a ZOO '.'vi'^hbrb ' she .^'can't' -icai'd. : • babies,, -: '..■"'■/'■'. ''■^ 'I ' ■ .Eiijpyjiig . thb; .dehc-ipUa'; Germ.ari-.' fP"pd --at;Hld'rk's,:- the^ chrtrhii tig Max^^-^ jorie;.yi)aviry:;( Sir<j.^'' .abijinickx ■ Ifipkdd ':.;ipvdiy. :!iri.:. ■ a :. iiimpie'. .'blabk frpdk ;.tyitH. white' .'cplhVr';*)and • cu'ffs": ;Her;\,.fcpat,y:pf-;vfijKbdn■•■with''^a- ■'shaW) • '^^ .dollar.,■'of•^'..bLack ,fox:-.-y^^ 'tractiyp;"; Aty'thp >sajne ■!'tahib-' wai??;'^ ■ T^Ady: JnVdrdlydpj ^ nee;: Junb,: thb vi-tvii iHiTdwri::;]3n^ ca^ie.' :- dli't.•herc bn;'a;^shprtvj.sii:.,: She^^ :toPi •; •word a .^tuhnlrigy'coat lav/iiihly'band^- ■p4 with red'fbxv; ;.■ ;"::-'.-^- ■;"'.!'.-..'!'. : ^>\l-:::EyaiW ::ah^;- .T>orothy J yf n/jri. ;pr6', ■ fiffrii^;.- 20. ■ fiv'-. .Chiruku:. ' ■■ CironmyiH m, it 'the >J''!i'f)ii.v-'.i} ^ .- •Ivl-rbi^-apVi.-';,'..'■■■■ ■•;'..■■■.; ■■ y\ .^,'' . .. vVn'n.;^'riflf'r.''.rp' .T,oii-i-.'j. jfJiV-btt.- .■.■'. ..Hpari.-.Oi.ari. .1, in Ji^ps Ajlg«•ii■^sv Rride ' la.' o.nd'pr itbd .;Arex4n'dfl^t•."s*i;^V^i•.s'•■•iT^ ■< ;ya:u/ld;: • v< iroo.fti:-'' ii^^^ ''.J^i)'V'';bf-;:,^a-; ^' • •': riety;s Hpn;yv\'0P(r stnit.-: •'> •:\': .-•'•^ih'r.rlt-;',.- sj-'C'rdtiry -to■l-Jack.■ • ' Cfrp'ss,; dist'r:lV;t'.-nia'njigdr::.fpr'.iiL-:K-.p •• In ; Siih;-.^l<''rahcis'c^^^^ '''Bo'i^t ■S'^Qtifi:'' /pph 4lirb), in-^fi ri;.Kran H jjp-p ;''.J>i>ci,' 2 ?v -^y; ; nHz,ab>>tli'''^^^ •:fp-t^i;)verly i' ■ pf. .'C^Wcagbvclvid,;opVTa:.-,:bai!bt,-^' tp^-.--": 7-''rahk',T*d.rowyki /tnpri^pff^^ H'^iV-iS't-' 'i ma!i':nijfl)£;■■.-;;'.■ ■'.; ■■■ 'r-fifroni -'T.. TJurp'ps's, n'.\'.i;ng :<!r.airir'' • /••i-tunijn ; for .'. Pa;r'amoun.t '^ip '.. jis'Vvy..:'. ,Kn)<fa7in,.'.tp; jtdha '-Alan'''Ciihnp^l ro- '•/•lptly.;in.yi::^lf;\'V7land/;.'..l:^... : '■''■'■'■[ ■'■■'. '' ;;• ■:•'VfV^ G/ -' Pay'jid,- ■ .-rnanagdr' ' Pf'; tliji-f - •Av-«?.XV?!-a: ..'Tlfeitris••.•••C^^'^'.v-'.Ji mV .[KVAYh-l 'Kit^'-t: Bv ('>'f'^nni,'aimb.uhi-r-d'''th.f'ii^^ i-';\.iif-ny-i\y: h.i:st':\v«-<:'k iri? AiiLrii>-!.;i,;'M<iv^.^'; BIRTHS -:\-'>ri'';. ^ and, -'.M .'.-jod^^v/i'dv .' I-V^fVrVi •Sf;ir»;...f».<:.<i>:»;l;.;j-'lii:tbt^^ Iz-J-'iVtlif.i'.-i!^ ;iUin«ij;*iu':^.pf;'; il-K^:<i -•F^i•|:^^^^p^r ■•lihr;;< li•^'; j. •' " .'■• ;■■ ■ '■ :■ -Sri:; •ilnd■"^^i•;y^;t;tPU.'^;l^'W!i^ ^•;;;i;j;ij;;: Wt'i;-; _;i7y.~a:t ■ il;t/lj[;. \v;itic.i',f. f.;^ -A^i i-hrr«pli;'i)^ ^J-Vi.!ri;f:r-':'r?.:.->;oiu;(.f'*ihi:in.^ |.'r-ii.v/-i:«!ir>;t'fiiji().-'!' .v: :'; -.'' .;.: ':•• '■..; '.•■:^.i.|^y:aD!^'y^f^,: :>fy J..;;,':^Tr>;;iij>rv.!'i]t.v . vi-i.; ;faii.'-;'f; ■ir!.--^(Av:^v^i:;i;k;;;:'Ai^v!S'iU!y i^>'.it 'VAvide': \\'<:r.' :'-■ !