Variety (Jan 1931)

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1;' 66 VARIETY i tip 1*1 i-oii- i^:^ii(V jt/;- Vii^: •iirst'-^v ^ 'tlif' novy;' firm pf' Lou Ilipltx' ftnil j ju'^lv • Vvllo'iiy. is ^shaping.ui) a lift .po.siit■- ../ttci\'\-Aiuil('i!isC>aug.'at-;f^^^ ,•■ ,.. for- type, :iV fallo\v«.'ih tljio f/>ot.-: ■ Steps* d.C. ."Uood;. NeHvs.''.' arid ^'<':Hol^ >, • .Yf».H.i:sel £■ ' ■ a& 'ai, ;cQliefgi,ato f lii i e; Hiw .. with- .':yi^?nty ■■ 6l', ';j.iiz7., yuutb,' .;y|uii, . viRoi-. ari^l'. . vitaHtyv . Cast.. coni;iiiii>' ;: s e v.e ;• i'-iJuth f lil Und- ire^lv"; )ve.i5:?un i'.alities-. as 'well as-.a:. .f<>^\r;''v.hti<; .anvi . riost' alf 'oX .theiiii.:\voi'fe ;iiarJ;;' l-fbit7. ■ .;hims-elf.-'-\\*eiVrs .:V(?i^^ \vell;.lh-,t1^i.'<. thl': ■ .blgKOj.t i>iii't/he' •jvas' eVoV --harl .'in a' mjiiai(>ar. -(^ontiedy; ^ Hv^ ,l)l:ays. i-lie .role /,otv.- ^:I■Mnky':;^.PiJ]^cutf,••: vp*' ■ $nr;u"t -.aud. • :5ln't!vviil-. ^)!<iwif>li Jjioj- '\vUq/. c-ap'iUrtizo-s, ••eS-eVylhijVg!aie' :6rui;''{x^'^a ••stiidein ac; ; d oar Ql d. KOiit6», <:;o Ht'go/ • J'Jxi'o i< t; f . 'Tiihvlidbitiial' ireSourse td pansy' g'aj^s;: . AvlnMv.db upt seei'n to fix in AVilli ili<i .;*sin>-tt (if £his :;clf an. a'rid unfidpliIsti-,■ i cated' ■ sho'ii',.. H^oltz • is; hiimen'sely •'AmUsihff, " : ".'•■. •; ■••';'•' "Inf, inloi.. perliaps .a ijii' tpb f<acclia- ,; U'In (^►^ 1 vu t •• s he •.'dian cies vA^^^^ ■ gracf! aridC\vari5.l^s .Uc'i\,sou:)5;^^ •'.with ; .b,pc6mih6r: ,.' s«J^^^ ..• Franpds -.Upto'iVs nViiin. faVi^ -lies .-in thai .sb.e.-shbuts ev^erythiiig sliq s'aj;s ov sirig'Si^but Heiv.eft'eryes.Gbirt tom.T bo'y.L<5nv fit'^ thb; ^thAfaqt&ivahd .shpAy: ■ Qeoi'se-ila^ffei'ty ptdyjs. a iriile-'siiTii-: ' }ar . tp' tliat •. h« ■ £\s?.uni^ / ih' s ■'Hello- ■ YpUVself," a.'fftfofy- fi-eshitiiin' . who' iis^ . thjj^fnttt^-of •■every.))6dy> • joke;?/, Jle tfeanii? yi) .Avith ^ Uiitp)i, :..;£i'nd-' get■ lils; •cpineil'y- acrpsis' inmiistaH^ ; ■ .Stanley SmiUv ifilm .juve; ;is ;a'gree>. tible. as the.male'-.leftdy^a'nd Hughfe ' Cfai-k jfis .a , jpyial'.; ah(i; "like^.b.1^ ^ fbtriic.;;' :■ V ^. ^ ; - 'pf.. the- .• shp.\V- tUie -first .rilglit lVei*e^aiid .that is riPt .exclijdiJJS; Holtz,' eithei-—rwas Lyaa; Robeiti;. Witlv a S\t-e:4isii axj- , ;ce4t,; a. corking sense of ■cpnieay=;aiid- ': Si, .heM^.a'nd :.bii4Py.ant . , .grfl, > \ybo is iuakiii^ .. fliisi slio\y,; .seiit; tW.. ^\udifeiice iiitb ..cPhyiOsions ill reprise p^^^ of tlie^ , ;.big.. song: - hitSv of - ■ the . piece,- 'ly wee b' apd I^qU"-.. ':. She. isvnga ;it. Att^r 'about , six o.thers .have/sh^keiii the. dayliislxt$ , but . PC - iti -.-aiid .lea\',es:; tlve- audience a'sliihg .for ■ .,tttor«';.. .Tli'af's Het^.-phlj.'' ; .spn^^.^number,^•bu.t: ■'th^;s^ v^^^^^ .fUclcs . m; all.vheV ■ comfedy: .busihfesS .;lil?.6-a 'v;et^;.' ^^'■■■•'':' ■"■■^ ;.' ".y; •';■. ■{■■■r:; , Harold;Arlen:,>^vi5tc 'tlie^^^ Jt eoiUain^. two" or'tlxree bu.tstahdii'i^ ...ppssibil'rties;: \ iJ-Yaii' -^aid- -It'l' iand :■• "Sweet. Valid .Hpt" ,ate:".thj(S leiaa^i-s^ . but ther6-. ar6 several- {iood -i^^^ / production, nurribevs that., help, .erir . H\'crt the pfoc.e^dih^a.- ■ Yellfen qbW ..1 aboi?atea •with S3 id' S ilvers . bn: th^ - book aftd .iilso. wrplfi the lj:i'ics.-' Xlie •■. Stbry is coriventii&'nti|,;witli'ilie lieayj- /: puttihg ihfe herb, ih dutch .6#a-bbbt-. le'B^ charge aiid the herpiiie.belieViiig ... .luin/^g\Hlty,. aiid'.aft the r.est/bjf jt, -but' ... the actioii; is. ilvely; anct -ii^vcr dull = fpr yei^y long. ■at:,a :time: .v;.-^^-; \, ;.pa:njiy: DaVe;jyas -done'a danffy bit , of \\\brl: In .staging /tlVe dahee-.^iauhi.-. bers,, aiid iie :hart aij^agUe and :a >'lilr ta.^fe .ahd'easy to . • Nbthing.- seiiisatiohar al^out '[You ■.-•■■.•.Said -'It,'' .:l)ut it^- slipvld'.rate . as A ; .'inodera.te hit. Mien .tTve ujsuai;i\c'i)air ■ \^\'brk. lias . been cbni pl'oted. Oiie th ihg .■'tlie .niahagemeiit .lm.T.'.gbt to guarc ..•.agiiinst is. lettiiig. M.i:iS' I?ol)e:i>t^i .IoSp .tl^iat iinpi-osslpn, (Xf spont.aii<jity and iiifprniality. slie' hjid.-' the. fivsL' '■night .h'c.rp.'.; eauj!rlit :lo:t,M' i^^the,. fliiis' .PpliKh- : dutiiej. f"" ■•ni.ed. ' Just -a' .lit.tle ^hi.p^• c c0iiscIbus ■ lihd mecha^iiirfli.;. • .''■•■.■••■• '. ■' /;'■.'-' '■■ ■ ■:'■• . '/;■ V - :v'W^(fjicw, DESIRE ME ■.;'••■■' ■ ■-•■■ Chicago;:'Dccv.'20. •■ •' : ?\li.ul)',H-L .; .-.pi'o.'tentaHrtn' y.undcr . naut-.'■ ^ f»f ■ P.iimV!\l;r'\.. TiwiBUo- of • •ClitrftijiS:. a,!:- ir;irKi,s" N^iicirinif' Doe..' ■3}i,:.'a'ii)'eof(ior (iKamn'liy. J'.uiif .ririi'iMfoMo; .n-flatil'cfil fr.oin'.Ttallah liy'r);nlfri-. •; { .ir.ilov.:. Si'lt r.nea. ■•. •))>'■...^t'itson nUrrii'tt V*ui'c»>i-1 - liy '.STQ'iTol - Vpr;tivI'i//.,St'nrrii)'g'. ■Anflors-on.. ■ • Soale.f .to • .■ , in • Ws-. r(ti;»InllyniMivJil : tialian VirlojKlUr'H^iiiiWtl: A\vi>»:;'nTii'ifii.: •to- 'ao-r. H.i;itJ'it:V li'.-nl li'b .f'ir.tU^r .;.i.notr'\-p.-thuH: •ii< >.' viV' .^v»i!i' 'a. h.oi u<>' f p'l' Ms'. own .rutii-oiv .!ili.u^!.. lii.^y.u.adivbrs':\.au*i|ae^-. 'UieiiK;.-;'^'..; ■ ;■ .:;■;.■''• ■■■ 'OS^i:(;r:[ I '-ii' '.'yi'a.r* . a '.'giri ■ .•<vlio. lii\s'. ,..i;\:siX<il-^bj:' -''(iMf I'Ji^^ ,;t)b>j;o(»int.y ' iU:' I!<~''i.'J.i'iI..:;r<?t>i'i*ii'H.•• to ■. tin iy : a;hd. ...r*^ .binn:"h''-!ii(:i'.. i)osjtipn- in i.'aii ./artiHtP' chiMcN-'.vlJIa,- its.' the• y,-i(f>\ b(-'.a;.'-;fpriiier.- .I^u-hiyv; D.ifi('e;i''.";i'i'Oin •.^\^llom.•.,■■'the■. .ex- •tfji'<«jV.f<'S-. of■ IHs'iii^i'fii-i^.:!'l^ixdviplt^ntly' '.■ft('tit'>'d ,;lli;r!;' .Thbi'e exists a'.cjdiibt: •j i>t' t o. IJ■- "ge n ia i li o li.l'S.K p.f.. .hv! i' i il.eti- Ut'y.' -i .Ii^ s.he.:'jt)i" is sixe'iibt rea'H'y •. the ■giI-'ty\.YIf0- :av lio ..disaiii'if.iii-Cd. .'xVith tUfe; LrennaiV.. tro.ops '.' r .Another'^•vvoiivajj;, 'iier~:'iiiiiid.'^blajij^r '} is-1 iro Uglit f rpni' aw •ili'saiiif': asy\um: iir Avieiiija.- and • the' .clitiii^ riis^ inade;.;tha't ..she 'really-is ■ilw. 'h.)U?^iiiS.-.brl-dB.^^^^ '.-'o ■ v'-". ' \' •y.^l't■•'is'..~tiie ' ftinxaibi^ dei'sp'il: as' .tl.i.ct. debauche:^: from •BerT. Ji n ..4;b taiifalizby' .tauii^. conf use . and; u'ltihiately/- •■rewder ■ t h b;r p 1 5': \vretpheU. upt ,onlV'-the hu.sbiin,d\ hut all' :tli6!.. veia'tiyes:-' ;be.tvv«i<?n -'.who'rtx'. tli'brW.; already .^exists: •)it.iga<iQ'ji oyer. 'a'ti-;estat6'. .4\llss-''^i\,iVderiip'Ti;.'sticce adniirabiy in . iin'itatinig? ■ ' fibth..- 'the ' fahuiy •aitd;. th.e audiehcer. who:. .find: •epiAe.' :d')iriciHty' ^ ipi ;, iVppreoiatiii'B Si^jipr. Ki-andelio's Av'iVi.hislca-l -Irpiiy' ai 'tiu:eedoHars ". per. i&n.ted ;pewf. •..' 'As; a. production i*Ak '::!k&w i}t;sire, ilQ".' i§ .'11 eat-'..and abIo.;,.ali the" Avay..; IjE .it) fi>achafe's--' fpV'- ■ar.t •■aiid'. 'proaucesi; mercliy r a-; coivuiVdruni. fbi' a..; cbllege; ilas§- in/.Jpgic .that ijs in.'the. >crii)i: ailssi A;nd<.'i:sb.h,<ah'd-".h wi'n..'pi''bbabiy: neither- gain nor -.lose ^ mtic'h; either- as v to ; i;ep\ita"ti^ i>pGkeU)pok>:'' \'\;;• !yv.;^ •■ ' k . No; gi'ieat..; doiir^ Vis . needed to boldly si:ie;g;est •VAs.-Y.bu;'B >H*.i'l-l".';lie ' Jisi'e.d;; arnbiTg" tiie. .season'iJ Matde in HolljrW^od; ^ ;•>';;■;'". ic-^VPiitsbiivgh,;^^ 'i.'..; .■'BVocic ■.Petnbei^tr.'U'' jjre'sent.ia 'a riow'';C':.)iii^a/ by . p6nUl{>. lia'vlP;: .•..S'tAged. .by . Aiitviivpt.te I'en'y ','(ind '"Alri^ PcniliJiaon.-.;'a Nlx»n f.6i- .:oue Tivaeii, Dw;: SO; r.aV $3 toi>.;.• Mail .."VVitii i. Xtfai-a v..... .".r-i'is^'ion; Oafi(t^iii I»i;ter,l.'oriov-an-.'.vi-..... . ^■.. i-.-... Johii H-.^wlw tiJu'n P.oiie;.•.■,.■;....»'. V; 'i. .•'. •. ■..S?'iivnucl L,ev.ene R.?a .O'Brieiiv...; '^i-,: . . . i . Lynn .Root Reginalit.; ..Swart... . ...'.. ... ...FrqiivQia Ste%s'art Alaii ;Bra'3fbr.d-; > , .\ .•Alan :Brooks Riibei't Caiii'e.i:o.n.... y; V ;•..;.. John -..Westley, Jtiiuny ..MAcDdtKXia; .>-►•■.; .-Cjef^fCrey-. ISryain;. I'l'lxle JjaL'Ufie; . ( (.i ^: ; iJilww.ncetvIiee. Joyoei ■..JlaH>er..-.;..i.;Kiui;y • Jiowrj' Ci.wen, ;15uvv'tf... ',• .u..'..... Doi-ptby-;Day: ■Uli- U^emlaii. ;■....... i.. .i, J»<;i>i?s B.. <nitsoii. ;Jtie(c->tac Vtluir'i. i. '.. V . .VGlra'vles 0;^ Wjlfllsti P6i'cy -!$niiiU..v-,.,.;.:»'.i.^..JUiries..Si)otfswo6a Ituljye Iting.■...-.-..•...•;..•.!... . ..Peimle Moo^^^ Fi^nclile: rui-' Bbia...',.:; :Gevniaine. tie' Rentv Kanhie-.'Blatt,,••'.; .•. .Jaclv^T-brt'lR Gate.-Caj)talh. '. ■, .■«',...,v;. J. Asclier Simtli .S'econil-C'taiemu'ni, . . Judd|l',,. ,•, ... ,.12a»'jii'a. .Qargan iiari'y ^ a'p^e-i. ; .v...*^. ;. .v.-. .J;ack.-.-,Bolin jvi'-ifi.;'..■.'. v.- C'w] KnliPr., .'a-,': .-: .A'^ jV'iiii^j. i'liiio.,..•; ;T-!i>fiM .•; ,.• ■.■...'.. > T/'ii.i. ;f*iir. .«ri ■ .Ilruui).'I.'i(>^l■;.■ ...r..:. . '». ^ ••*.*• f ■ ..-.A' nmiii-; .«•..« t.... .• • Vfr h .'.'5;. V' .Vi'b''l\'>r'. \vo(iiau A... liur.lp .ij'vv'i ,.•.' .•. ... .dih'} -•.-.'i. .'..^'l!l^•y.•■.•^Tii)eI• ,.DoXI■sf) ■PuiTib'rlll?. .';; .'JiTilith. :.\'i.l.)r?oh ■ v. AI;vn,Hi*h.r.aiiioti' .. TI uffli-.- riitrti s.. • Jr. .. . .••, .,.:. v. J.i^t.^'o K.ii)n.ii . •.•.■..-.'.Vi-Tii' (.!■, •.H'uc'il;' .....-. ..rhml>,;.vr..?^^;.)^• :■. , ... ;'Hiuil'^l.'i11 ■• V'o.foi s; .-,: .• .•:,'.:. i it.7i !VriI li I.;. .• v'iT JCi IZfilli .-.1 (ihiiS.)ft .■m.*> 1 1 1 ii)i> r ■ AN^V* .;",■;> :-. '.\ i\\yj' ..lofvi I). ■.".-....iTniuv' 1 j\i: u. . ':: ,y\\'haf;'!. ■fihyMr;l'ni>li&-;:SaTi^sIiV in. 'r ■ A.ct':-.iri .VU.t)e«». it" all niiiaiv?" ••. iB.iinctiv.ely the:' ay.otatcc pei'f*on. AvtlJ: ' «Vl'b'. 'five'' .,n:uP:.'*tii)n.'' ••": .J'^oi' :aveta.icc-. '• "• :t;' VAs lYoii., J)esi.i-^^. i>V -U- ::'e,j;i V '•; tir't'i.vv too. vitgiVe hi cori.C'oliI.iifi.n a-n.d r" .perplexing .-.iiioyeiAipi'Vtonti ": T.liat^ :: :' it'fl .a-iithbiv'.Pirah'doijb,: j.'t .•iildii'.f.i^d -to .''■.•t.Tv'i.s: .sbrt iPf ■.thi.nff.^niwi : iiv .fuc.t .pp'r-- . f."))b..sely:-' stin'V'P.'s.Vt'ti' t'oiifiisv' ";i.iirt "--b'e--. ;' • f tutSi0' h is jftii'd i en oe' in .df d er Xf}. slib .vy. ,..Jio\v. 'frtigile''Lg.' triith' 'oiisi^lv :• w.itl- : IVaVilly ."..seem : sutlloie justilic'.'.Vli.O'V :lk»f^■pltiiiikihg'. : dbmvV ttiVpo; :.;'l'i^^^^^ . ;.v|j>errit'H; si).oaiuivg •■ ■ Again :;toy ;•; ihf\ ■•eiyiMlage 'pefiiPiii • ■ ^'■•'■.■.'- ■\. ••■■': ."..'C)f- course,,thei'e 'are.:ii seVet-.t. fr'^^' 'In .Ki.-'^y; Ybrlc, •aivd ^•.C■lJ^'■ai^b who'. ■'.' li'lif^'li- itbthing:;pb ' ni.upl(;':aH .;«• good. '•ihttyJU^(!tviu:i...-fb8.> Jfy ' tUlH. play: i^e .. tuii' Ls .aS-, tlU.Ok a'.S. . cold .'lW';V "H/nip." '-ISCitriiVdy vlin 'sa.v:' AViih'i.n"uc'Ii'.. i'i' ..■••'lO';. . "rtrftiui-ancii. :^Siyiiar: .iMr.Vii'd.e'llo-; •, Ilbw Bi'rick Pe'mbei"ibnv.picl<e.d thii oxi& to'• follow. ".Strictly-■' l^i^ilvpilOV'r :al)le">ii3 a iiiysteiry. It's.rin obyious attci-iipt tb' cai>italife:e ,bh the. auecess of'"6n,ce in a- Lifetime^'.' but; a;weak a:tteinTO'-: •. .3i).oubtful-:. if > ."\Made i ' In •llpiryAvood," ' \vhi<>h. "vv-as'• tb-■ .Imve been \ "Gbne;,. i-JipUy'w'obdr'; '\Yill'<!vc\i:v-i:ea'cli: jiroadxvsiy.. tt .s.ureiy eaiV't ..s'ta'ud. oi^^ its.:. 6^vrl^ and./ tlie. natural: cbiiipArisbn with" the- Kautv., inan-Hart .piece : \voiuld : sureiy btj- .fataL-.■/.■:.•.,•.:'■ '■]■■■. '■ <■' ■■/■■■. : reijiber.lbn"jj' . .Priginal . intctitioiv .w'aa io b';)en';'; 'Miditi In - Holly \yood" J;ui.. $ at.'.tlie.-Avoii, js'tw York,' but .atte:r^gettiiig..''a^ ibucl, of it. first in .riiilailelpliia .aiid then^ :here,: he: an^; noiinced. that the:..piece ; •would..-}>e .\vithdva\Vn . at the • CPivcUision of . its .ongagonient h^^re fbr.,i'cvis.ipii3, ' ! ■ : ' il.t'sv (ioulVttulj • hQweVer, • if ' tlVe bavl.s iscri:i>t cau :be: .successfully' fie>- yis^ed";, a.'here is.imiiily :".i«ii"f -.a. play'. Ixd'e; ■. If!s ■ a... series" vbe '. character jikct.o.hes. Plays: badly , and. with cLvangus :• bcipiS -itiade: Iveve. d.-xily and' pi'ay^i's: faulty .^vith .•.tKeir . lines'/ :f6rin'an6e.'was ..fialti ■ '"•■ Tli y-oe acts ail.^ih ■"oiie. seene,. 'a ,sec^ tiort. • of .'.tb.e;':.lot- jot./M^ ^iipet-Art Picture . : Cbi^pbyatibjiwhier^j ^-./^'pi'vl 'Gold arid: \RosVr'! .'Is in .:productioi?- Dii-ectbtjv Alan JBfa'dford.. is- having his troubles... Hii^:;aeadi'osviady; -^vM^ U'usi- been" . his .:.-iwi.sti*3?>s5<.,... is ' terrible- iind'Wants to w.alJr oiitvpecail^e she's, lifraid ': he'r -ooiiti;act .-w'-dii.'t.';be'-': re-: ).i.i;>vt'«iv'; .-iV ■xed.:ilcndtd;/-i-nB:e^ il.Vti vlng .a.jV tilTai-i'- .w'ith; ay ai-id. r*i'.fi'ij;o.^, - ■pp 'ob uiil,os'3/her': tbothr. .jiuill.hiif :frii'rid-.;iii' porin.itted-;' to< tiie' •>st'u"d.ibV.:.'■. '^Jtt ^'i*--'^t>irvUff .yoiiiig. •vvri.t.or iiv, li'S.yovi\:iu'Ui--ayvii.'t.i(^ lUi.s.. e;'iirii tirvipg'. -tb.: giVt .:a bVi'iik •4:(vr."-h"J.iii".soH" aiid' lvis;swo.ofl-ioayt.".-T)ie' .gl.i:!' tiilTiljs' slu»''.V(.^ "JiVt" ii, f?h!i:rico...i!f-.s,l4'» :iiVso:s. ■ h.^>i; .V iV'tvi'v^ .'.ti u> I th.t*- b'Py ."f Jjiend' :stiW-nYP"'fii'pui'u ■■fc:l]'i|ij; >'i.oi-:.tln'iV ijfW'.l Viviopss'ai^y/. .■ y. ' '■■ .." \, ■ ; i.-AT t,er a h'it"'bf t ftno- iiv-.wljiGli..'noth t, i i.ii>- ■11.1:1.1 cVi- .."..liai'ip.v-.n'st.,-tljo ■- ..i.]lii',e.ctb.!' ;Jiii;ilK viiiiiv ^'••'rt^i-ng : erying'! rc;al " ttvirs ;intl;:.o.\-o"ttoil.t^^^^^^ apr.eeS: tt.> reiaain ;,\ .,Sup"pr--;Art, t\vi'rtl.iVg.-:^ uthi>v'" 6lYt>r;." ' Vvrit'»^'i*',ffets. .•Vi(fi,'.;',. Iho :.l:<.r(-V':.h.e.'id.ed in-^ ri\&'Av:<}ii:'i'ii^ 'when Mh<=>V-;(t;.t''-j': . .!•:« ; "^itiy. ■ h.(;'i"-- i';i ^; '.'l!'^i;M- '.i't'.b ••''n.'l 1^>-"|i..>. ;:v- :'.^ [■.":■ ■" — •-'• --''T.h'r-V"-''"-^ .'{ill • (r^: >r=.y''<f',-' • -V"'"ny"- \ I'ri'gh iiV A^1^^,;^)'Ji^^;^.l^..^^Vit;.vl^"v;}>':;<^^ ■■Titi.'r»,''V,; j.!>j.r;. ;i ilt-i-'Hii.i't-iV..jri-t'.s im- \ iv t1i*'.Vf"\i>*'l-.-i'''^' ,""i^" pi bS^il^lv .i"i<iV"'! iiiiv\-rMriii- ..>! --i;. '.^•^■i*;!.!!:;.-!;'. niv t-i'-M ".< •.■■;■.:■- ■ ""V : •■ . : ..; ' y:.:i"-i'<v': THE: ::■'- .'WItnitifftori/Del;-Jan.- . i>p.»rna -In fwo- ncU an-t"otw- )ic ?tie, .. P'."9- .icMti-i .It .the Playhimo D>»c. .i You'ig ■,\t\il D"'>l(flen. "."A'ilifteil W Jii.feiihiho. vn;i')r , n>'iil fhiiu the Ooi!t-tV<ui:.W7 I'^-'U- Htetn. .Lh- ■ri'.;.t(id J>y.01ifforii;l'}< • •Hanti.ri.'yi ify t'l'^iiii I'jiriwlcmortbii? frpm tUa StciMnifs; .tyf .,U'V Mitojioi",• ■■•. ;-':• - - . ■; Th< rihili'poc.',»;U«»>..«i i. ■^ ..T>o in. {f>rrui> ! '!\i:l.<.tij)-e-. ■. . *, i.i.,•, . „ i . . r.(\t\.\..'\ tVmetv ,.;,.■<i,,,:.*yi-.;..«*;.>■.•..•..:.M>>iioi"v M"''''. :i'o.i;';.etH:ia,^,«,.i*.i.,«; ,C; ..Ar.Mionj: ,JTiit;ln)'< ■' 'Ak ■»• siar^nve'dumv' f.5;i.-»'.J)lHy-ha'S. 'fUl-lb e^'sticiidard.'reiiuiAltes iiaii- tf'oscei' 'is .without cbavpoti'tjou,; the-, billy■.Avo'nm^r'.in;-the-.'cuijf, audvi'-s.:'pn- '■ i.'ip; y-fit'age thrbug iiQUiv: :.Vnd.^i ..t'li-*''«^. 'Ciro.uhustance^ thoVfitte .o:v':the .;i)l!a'y VouId:.ordli'iarU'y .-idepeivd 'l{it:sely.'on iVeiS. ihit .in this caKe.'iUe .i^ liUndlr cai)peia;by;.'a:.'yr:e:g;Tt?plott ■•:.'. '■. .'."''■■'•:■■.'■.:•. :. •"MfsijV^;I>'ps.teF'3'v'.aietiih's: ■^'iit: liardly ■ be "ekp.e'ct'fi'oL ..ta bvercbhie these'cpiii" ditiojis.: . Sl.Qppy/dlreQtiPn- at.:^X'Uoiui^ ppijits -gbesii't",heip. Intexisiyiis".. .re -••: v\'viling:in- tji'e. isi.ecorV? act. -ahid ' soh.i cuttii>g:.'in the iirsfc would •give-it tv .Oet.t.ev. cUapipe, -bdt '/it '(J.pes.r;not'? jo.ok: like' 3?V.badway, wln^re-'it- is ;dye..viii . iVlt)0ut;.tnFeelAvceka.^.. -/i v.;-. -/.'.< f\ ' -■: : ^Ive. siVigiev'aet vby'"T is', excejle'ii.t. it is" tlie- icibih . of . a'- •barge, ^ • soiiietli'irig- "iike-.vtl);©''"'^"Aniiad Ciirls.tie" : b.ackgi.6!un4v ".. l^l\e!.-."sit^^ l(w?ifcjr .is\w'ident fiit. of'htir ;poiMs;0- :'. :Tl;iie,'..^;bVrg'e- ja"fcted.- up-':A't .a .ijm'.a'lf- tp^ii. ■ <;iirlstin^,/6w fi-piit .T^-pniien,: cohiei in: oivi^, \~ii>ii tb; the iskippei;,:. -A j^vveiei' kno.wri as ai dock charitste/"." lias been jin.urdere.d;.. :p?p.m; ..ybu.thf ill. .liie.n^ weai t^y., f ahii I'j^.. tiH .th&.:'>('Vuue ''vi'lien^^^ ,h"<>; /'•Wu.Ubped. • th'e" jeweler.-; tor.'• 'niajtiiig"' '.-diivfy".' 'c'l^acks: •'ri.^-, :■.•'.■..■-'■.'■.':■. • ';"'•.•. . ^Tp.nlvhas .been iix'.thft habiE .of.^fi's i.ii.g "^ivith the skiptJe'r/ ."Vyhiie ;.Ch.i'i.s-.: in fh© bai-ge he- enters, .ij.eekn-. irig ijefuffev: Gh'i'istini^ ii'as Ibye/i hiiiiV at: 'a-idtStisineei: .for ■yeai's. an.d .:'inoi,kes' this/'knowrt" t.0"-;:jrtnv. - ■'.A";;■'■ fe'cene .winds.-tip/bj:^"Chvisitine~'Q^^ self: and.;:Tpm . lockiiVg;. .hiinself .'in ■anptjher'robrti...,>.'.^ . ..'Her/.attit.ude, tb^wrardi 'i^o'm Angers.- :th6. Bkippjer.'.-.whb. .Igetsi. druhk:',ap(j pulls -St: giih; •: H.e. is .^inoGke j -bpld' ■by Tb'iii "and.; "'duinped.;:.iuto- /his^: biiiik, where h«i; rernains . until litter . .he enTerges ;to aay^.iCHvtstiiie froni sui-. .cide:.-::'■■/;•■."• ' "y-;..r - ■ .'4 •cop " "oh the . wateivfrpht"^^'^^ is "wbykingf;; bri . tftd i hiu.rid^r,. ;an4- • ^s Stfbng .••.for. : Ghtistine.. '.. .Chrisfine learhjj :'froin, hitnt.- that Tbiw -ia iiino*. 'c.enti . In .ah* effort, to. hPld Tom' she li^ts . him cpntinu© '-tb- think he g.iiiity^,' ahd'boiTow^i for a'getr :a.way.. tbgether,; .Biifc. 'slie^ -iis'.. flhaliy forced; to .telI:^Tbrtv:. hie .is ■ i.riripcent:. : .. .T.h© actibn;thrbuglVoiit: i's^iiie.T My. iincxjn^viipcih.s .ai}^^^ they dialpg^ giye| a. vSirojig;., inipressibiv .of , iiisinqcr.ity:; .'^bit»© of :^ the .lines;: s .\^b>'st! fcihd "pf' a'tilt^d vni^'lodi-aniiit. [• '. I>;rjB&rriip'.'ai tviie'';9lcippet' and .C; Anthpny" litighe-^ .^as- .tlie' pop t>bt;lj give rg^bbi iclxaraGtep >j>ei'flf>'rm;aricej3: Miqhaei'r Barr, With: lii -iouglier; as- sigjinieHt, ;as:. Tbih; .waja. -libt sp'.irii- pressiye./.Wliiie tM.iss pc.Oasib"hi,r iaashes ;of: b^pilUaiice/^pairi- •tictii.a;i:iy..iri .the: -^ktyacty as .a rul^' ■she.'wi^s'.i'hclinfe'd.tb 'p-vet^acCi ;,:" Effbrtij tb iiejigKteh^the interest .by tncludliig: •aonie divt tiirbugh ' direct tibH fall. (Shore ,bf • f helt' purpose,.; It :is a.'S.ecVnd^rate-;yeraion'of :tiie. 'Tin .q'uetay'-iAnnaC... <?hri,stie :m6tie', aiid,. it^ will take '.'ihuch irioc© tKaji vt-his.' to 'get. it acrpsiiv :.. ' 'V:-;'■;•'■ .: "-.C'!()7rn;-;.., ; th©^ '^tXii^lo Tbrt^*'; ja'';^:; version: v^a?? cauglit, th©" ilay<ln :'Prip wus being, imperabriated by maiiinikiJW; Qfibpg© Afilss was im; -d bn the .;f*3elittling:' Hpilywood'' .Tcvue; wrhlciit.. was the" d;eiicer^ iipid .thiV(i 'specialty',■ was.., a- Jat'ane.sfe idanb© whefceih a.;'i).uPL^et; irian'ipulatod by iJl .spring:} (accbrd- • ri'g. to 'program ..hbta'tiorij . did vitt? stu'fe,.;'.:'^-•■;...• :':-.•.•:.,■• .::■■•■.■•''.■•■•■■;.'.■ •:Tl.ieii,; ■: .fbUp,We(i . • ♦'UivclO: Tpm's. Heb.i^I'iiV" Jii .!fbui' ..sceues with byot score. Q't Jpuppetij. dwihk.'an: off :tp-: liWf ali> in -the., gf.aiid.. tlhaie. .. \: V... ■ ..Mr;' ...lirown's.'. cle'yer • • in'ies: ' .• an;d:. -lyrics .puitiJtuate :..the cxtra\^gaiiza of - pij( i>i>e.try."j .^x! trip to;^^; M exibaii .Isectitir. is .."as; ,iii;o.e.:a ''way '.tp ikill an' evt'iiiri6--.i'n:- iiolly\rbbd. as ./aiiyflilUfi;' C'Dir'-t^ t'hrfo' aAtS' 'b;.'. -CUvVi-ffO :jvelly'. ■ Sc-V(j«;d • by .^tli^ - jnU'lior.; P..?ttti>Bf.* .lAy-.l'le.niT. I:>veyVusa;". i)r.«)6j)fi>il. J)y.I^itVejice. "RiveM a|t .■roi-d> • iheia(ri?;;;iJalUmpr-.>,. Dei.-;; .'iikV ■■" " ■ Mrn,. RaiHli>li>t\;.\ .;.V(..■. ,•'..'."".Threl<i -I-fwfoii: I'Jilna.jV;;,. . .■tori.aa.'.J'iiH'.iftl'Mip: Ulvihi>i.. r ".". ; ; .•;•*. ...••; .-,:•. •,.;,vi,.. '..U.i!iTy •. Jillo'i'lm •Mt<i. .tMtvef i... .i .V,..... •.". ,;Coi'a!: "tt'ltlwr.tpoiiitf i;\;:i':i(j.iioi&ai •.;.;. .;;;.:.']*huTs.ioi'<..H)ifJv ''"ynUi;-a..,..; .■,:.'.».i:"»;i.>". i..... .-kfttiiflBO.-li'V'aTi.^' Sir., Hiiin^s...,. .. ,; o.. 1»>vv.Iiai-(>i<i'.-v\'<}b!)"i.6ii ;M l(4S .Krdir.".> vv. V.../. .V».. Doiothy-^ Mr; Blirou^: '. ■;■;■..■.•". ■; ";.,.;;•,"■, .•'•."/ll.airrjr (3jiiiiffl^i^0L»jv '■ . :'.■ . ;L"03'.-A.nffele8/."ja'n.'!3i.; . /"This tintisiia;! .group; deri.ving it{> naiii© .fI'bni :Prof,. BakeG^s Wprkishbj) nit.Trai©, .hblds fhe-disjtinbtion pf tlie iohgest run ;pf-.anyystage'.att.ractipn oil ith© doastVhaving :been in b^^ Xmii, fpif two. soltd. yectrs in ifs little' .8.0.-seat^ theatre. at.;.2T Diyera Street in-otoi^ntQwii .iios Angeles, 'This .is on' wiiat ia icnbwh -as 't.lie Mexfcari; Pia^^aii 'ii, i.lVIexfq^e^ '.sf-i^tor 'pf'v.i^ihops:,, bazaars,, eate^'ies," t-auVale enVpbriuiniJ, 'bboU!^h<>i)9!;..-etc.;":'-" .v.: !■' . - ' Harry-' 'Burhett' ■: M ' 't?i|i' '■■ieAdli\g spirit^': sta'iidltig :a^ 'door in: con-. Yeritibhal ;Quartiet :i»a?tfii .cb?'turning ■--rT' "SmOckv .t'pque^ and .all-^l)?*!? iyhpbin6r tH© JlrA^Heaa:,ticket saioS? fbrV ih©:■:-niiife. ':p;- 'in;;■ cq't^tairt..,: whi'c!.v Ppwnqin" Brpv/ri.' ye "iii. hi;" ;adja .cerit .bo6fcs.lfQp'. • ?Brp»vn. i.s. tiie' libi-eti tis.t -qC .the • >ii"bti<)eV fivsiuoninj?': the ! li'nesv'"iyr-ic'3' and v i un'es. ■ which-: .avcr-i .bOLmpany tlie.^ pt3P!)et3.'as the.y a;i^ pa,ced;- 'throii&h ' their . iiigbtly ;iv;b graiiis, . - Bp;J)er£' Brprniey .W: respbii- sible ifbr ' tli© vfiiglvtiiig^; •; lUchard .Brandbrif-. ■btisiness .diiiebtibii.; ■ cbs lumes.yUy .Eddy. :avid' .St.eila 'li.rant is the-^hPstessV:'-.■ •■'.• : ^ ^ ■ 'the'atv^"-Vc'• 1 =;'■ cu ri in- i[:air,'it*..w,aU3..b-?ii;yt'»'d''jy -th'-S. s'itf.h/^.r- itures.:: oC ■. celfebEi-iTieft, i chiitfly:,. cini>-:' /■nmic','' ■vviip .•.i-i-j^:V:e'-'wa'i.oi'-;»;...'l: -tl'iA Yule. .PuppefeetH;-' ■, •.■,'■ •■'•"." ■ "■■ ":•■ -.S'.Oh .■■eoo^- rvr'Qf'-.'is:- •tb*-.'>J?;r'j^i!s-' '-.xk ' firbund;'• $5<>i).' ••..; Tha(.:'•,•...' Vei^y' ^^'b'pii' ■ :e vcryti>iri^;;- m^', ^•r^o ?-e4:, ,;■.'Pi'i-£pj'ni•■ .-aiices ■ six ti'Merf "a-'.we'\k.- <>iinv"]i"i">?,ii'ijr in.g/"<^':ediiiesa4yvi;t!i'-'oi.;slV"s;':!t.t.avday ■■•r^o $!undaj'^..-^iiprid.cii-~^^^^ : 'OXi . 'Wejclne.^daj s .?'Wy: ^Im i 'rtday' ■'i.s-. .'.tho ' ;"b;ilt:;-; 'Tllur''.; ■ th^xi-w^iy- .1 p:IVeviie-;Intinie•' F:vi;ij;^ii 'i^mX r>,a ' nrdays ;^i^i" !''trr^?A'T*'i;,fV 'ji.f\f'y-i\ '': ■] ..!l;l"l.Si'cal'. ■ .C'A.ttVVi 'Mi MiHi --■ '.oTv; ■. ^^ cV '. .^.tbwre, ;.■ ■•^a't.Urd'vv/-: ti'.-*t's. .^'.''itre-y' for ;ciiiidi*'en';'': 'with • the':.- 'v.-?.''i<>rt ' -thj, .•'';ail.i(:l.tfi' ;,ti:-i-v](:Hi;;''T)©: •x:Gi>xt'.i^'-v;v.;'^ii-.^':by :Ghiidr©n,''.- i^t /iii&y't:Q.: -:i<> : be':-.c-ailled ■,3;t-s.>v'■■■■; ..•■:•':.:'I'-.:.- .•■;•':.::'''■•:' .'■:. ■ ^';.. " '■. ■■ i*!'.''''^'^:Vf'^- ■'^ y'i'y. 'ii'' t.'-V"'.■'•- ■•'.■} ! =iiij».u"'. •Here'js .;*;:coii^iedy. tluit. cavt'ies n. ^iPe-ciai..aixp.oai.- to ; : wi)p j'iaye writteji:; a" pUiy, 'atteinplc.d -txj .write. :i>'la'y, -rOr toyed: \v:iLi'i. tiie. -iUea. of ' wi'iting^.bhe. : Aiid' that, 'a-ssures iiii.' eupiuiio.ii.'iviibtei.vtial '^ice^ .., . "Tlx© . ibcaie" is- iC:;ei;ni'an'vtb,wni aiiA Xhfi Pjtiilip-'wlip. febes fwth t'P .dally' with drainaticylkerature .is.. If^ sbiv>pf ^a. -.suCce.Ssf ill .bu«ines.s. iiKlin. • * But .3E*hil,..AViip :iiai* fallen for'/th<fi. insino^re. ilattery. of: the •.gairx>ulo!Us=i, iV^rs; .'blivei'^. -. and'.; the- 'ai'ri(;ei\e|.' i>ut ii«.s6uiVd .;. :advice - - of : her." prettj^ dati^hter^ ..:is ■ ';.x-i&ht -: ;J>y-, the ;strai.ghtrfi''bn'i:7,the'^.S; .r fi-aiikr lieiJs ^.of ;lus landlady; ' i?iie,:; a: bixc^.. time iiegit / 'wlio -yfell for •.'i:h6. amProu^~.:i>romis.e'S:- bE. .a badc/^ who; .xva> goin^ to ;^-write.' a'.'\ play,, is ia disiilMsibned: vv^pniixiv.: aiio now kiip^vvs" "an. attist .when she .sees b7ie. : Pliiiii),; she; iaays, -dpesn't ♦'be-; long;".;:"ire: is; a; btisiness 'nvaiii And-; so'."he 'goes ■ baek; hbnie with: papa and;":bfiys al^platifxuhi .and ;'diaihond. bgiiid for. Mrs. :;"01i"v*er;s. dati^liti$r,. Cyntjiiav■;•, '-;; . ^ ■ . ■ ■ UThe. .Kelly ,wbi'ljL '.:p niidre: . genii ine'e'h,ax'a,6tevizatipn" .ttiaix ; an y Ix.alf ' dozen plays, rtiiiiiing . iti .:^Iarihanan. ;";:. >IoreovexS ': it '* sliAres .\vith /."Petticoat iiiflaenfce"- tiie;. dis-- tinctibh bt - being' the -bfisit /caait. |>laiy- vpf .the yeari '/ ••.••.'••,.*'■ • CbVa^: ■Wifhot^pQon,; a.?'" and slxailow, ?kf^S' rOiiyer; is iiierf:ectf ".but. tliie;:»i©.-.:hojloi's .:au-e'.; split tliree::way3,> ©qu»V laui els: gpihe; to ■ I>P.rpthy •... S.ticJKlftey:. "ijisa-:--.,'d0i*:d$; .pbeiess ,.and ,tb Rtfw'ioii, Barhe^. as^ tlie. .erst^vhirb ..driniatic' Sftai*. iWhbse liu'sbiwid'i i)lay. nevei.v,pi;ogi'esised'b^'': ypnd: tiie . fii'^t .:aotv : Hai-'ry. '.Ellerbe tui'ns iiv.'a.nice job- as .PlVilip, Wiio^i^ pue; and; only -playrSvas .i^egard^d . by :thie. "bhly'inahajjeV .lb: 1-^ad it 'As'V^a" pi^actical^joke;,-,-; .;::. •,':- '-.v ■ • ■'. r : ^ ...^,lCeHy'.s-..pla.y-'li'as-: ever' of-'-a .ivit...: ■^:;-. ■;.;■;'■.y:r. ■;. ^^aJj^V: ■•-••■■!;■ :■'• :■ V• /Los''Angeli?s,::Dec.''-2^ ■ . :aiici Curr'iu present'a. Coa'st pro- O.uctiou of;...tJip...tlVrec-afct xtomodr . Ay Albert Hackett-anil Fi-ancea'•Goodrich; 'Staged by .A.. .I.«sUe Peai;ce^:' .Co/at) iiicIudVij itajiiiisnd ,H.a0kett,- ' John .rArledse, . Esther Howard,' Apn .Teaniaii, .Uex Lindsay,. Helen .OlchsQti; Morrio .Glazer, ' Leyjartd' ifbdggon; ..Mareuer- .'vV* jyarnor,' ;Toin .Turner, Jaifies Adaw.soh. .Iterbei-t. Foi-tiep..^ Alma .Pov^-ell,. ,tac.'Tos."} and Biirdell "Jarolis. At th6 Belusico; JJos. .Vnff^elesi ..siartini?. De<;^^ 25* t'i wi>',' -: 11.03 ..Angeles,, •^h'ich .•soixifrtiiii'C.s' dbesn;t- fjive- a; ixoot if a 'show' Hit; >iii iljfe.'vy . "Ypi-k.; .liai.i evidextcod/^.A liking. :fpi! ;;this -tHVpi'.i^.tejitious little^ conied.y .whlbh-. lias been fiihhing in .".the--:" :siiic"e- .'la.sf .Sep.teiiiber,. liidicatlons are 'that .ttie Corifit 'prP-. djuc'tipn;bf VBevii" . .wili. lastv 'Mk Week's at ■ a .profit/; which is " .Wlia-t local ; theatiical : iinpre.-?an;oi3 . call '.'a viin, :.•■• /;■, ..'.":': : : ■■• ~ .;■v.'vv'.v ' ■ Therc's'/^.sbine'-./ead .:acti'ng'';i>5'... tins Wi?sitex!n ' troupe.: bin'■;the::iiii'o.v as' U- w-hple are.: fpblprpof,. .aiid "permit .an..' enjpyalJile;. eveftiri^;.' regiu-dlesS; Aniojfig'. tho.<5e' who. •krib ' what: it's .ill" ■■KK^..'i..'..-A A ■»Tt~«U.;.i-i.-V'i.i:.^-i.i.^. spil I?a.yh"iond-;;Hia(?kett;,: .bi-bther; <if :ihp pbr.autlibr, • i.'S'; cp:i'ri.ed' .by . tVu" part.; J'bV'!!" "Ai'iedig.e picture :.;.h6use " . producer has tlVc; show's; jn-^.' "/lixies- a.lTd works .witly -;an'. .enthi,isjttsin conceal"'a cai'load. pf: ini-.v-pei'tne.*;':.. .Tlicre.;are..iip .«t.TL3idoiit"s;A^ fro/li tile fi■r^Jt■'two mentipn«?d.'- •'■; ■. .■ '^' • "•, ; .: .■l?ix\"'ClibK... slioW}i;;a" "fjiitlirtrli'iess ■"•to' scri'pt:.;"^ird.: .l.ea-ve;s-' -21'P. ■rtiyk-^vfitvdVy' •.roush:;:^siVots^^'l>ut::"it'"w^y take.;.2b -vyeeks re.'l^.^^.^ll^•^^^^^/pn ■saiii.ry' to:-iiiapij.'e, 'i^riiiW of'tiYl^'piaye'^j^^^^^ ■■ '•'•' : ;- .^"ne^ pnp se t.. a stWio;.ai)a'rt'inf^n^ i*^ e.x'(''eil^Kt; •: iTeye's on>, eon 1; riidin .•rlftix to :tli.T;t'.:blri.. prbvevi* tluitt - p'kty.- "ovs,v.nuilvi^-.tlie ;pl;ty.;:' -' • — •;• Ba»j^;.;:' ^^j^HEAb^Ar^';^^'j>r.trsoiVt';ir5:iv.t5; .■,\s-;i. -.v!';i l . T!|...i^■;i•i- . CAi i;Xf•ivi'i.i'it*,- .N>.'^^. Yi,).:;;:-.. '-'r' •'. • .Ai;:7,t;Uit*«jtv¥^v**«■» :>':X > u6'«;7.^i?v'i-{> ir'jiud'i..'' ;■.'. /■.•";•;:"'.;"■"' ■ ..'.-•'. •,• :■ ''■ "■■' tV>rt|6rriaVir . ■;.-;.; ..■'■> ..."TV7ishlixgton,:'jiirtvi^(j^ At; the end ot: Rlr,; Philip .B.^n y'^ neW: play, •''ToinbTroW tind. Tomork i'ow;^. whiPl* liad, its fir;St . peri ornu ahce'^'on ;an:y': stage. tonight iti Ih©. • BelaiJCo. theatre, ;ix; wbnian..i^i liVii*^* :. ixpdn :tp .ihiike' a- .Pfeat d...'iijA.rlJn,.■ ^MeT^er .kliie niusit .elect .to-;i''i-'nv^iii-i'it -.' hbiive. with. ij0r linslbiaiid iu by.; an..'Jxitorloj)(.'r, Uep"; 16vci",.;.' iJ^itQ: rally/..or: gp. out .into'. :the"Oivbrld' wuu': 'th;e-"l)arty :.of^tlie' •thi':^d. i'*,?iT .:.<^i£«,." 3taya;'at'.hom<'.'';:.Th'e'pe';.iSi't>ie 1^ ,' It'talces •'thi'ee;;.i"c^ niine s^'r-onf?.^.'" 'fo^WPrlc. . up :to':-this ..point, :"^^^^^^^^ ... tiarry, :alpng.. the: .way* v/HstlK-witU .■. mrtri>Va prolilein in piStyohb-analy.^iiH;.. - The' .iiiay. xs.^ beutxtifuliy. writibii,.- .It- stixacits:; .W^piiieMni.os.' p^^^ . Pix^aiiiieUo/" .• '\V.hbse^ tr,ick.':is',tp 'iriy':,barb':''a- li.iiiiiun-.'.; .s<>ul, 'and.. .of • .cyiVexii,- • wh.b^.' re'iid^.- • ■ Jtlp.ud -tlve. Secrets o.f- tfi.e jieart,: .but >iwayfi.: it'jfi jJai-ry,. -ahdjiii' hi.s 'bo^it'. ■ insplVir ,i's : llxe .. wrUiiife ;1 ' Wfve.^i'i'..'^ cxisp -.^dialogue wilC"" daiidc "'aixU-..spiii"kle page; ^ It: .vcei'tfiini}^ de^e'r.A?.esj • a 'iVlace .:: in. tlxe libi'apJv'. r-. .? :•; '»••.•'".'•' :.•-'! • 'Oxi:'tli.o vstafere, liowWer, even wit ft , tlie; .artisttry',.of Zita ;J^iha^xn;^. who: is ' adiixirabJy: oast ..ti\ ij'xb: leadingy rafe,.. ■'TbipbiTpw- Ixiti'ay^ • • its., fi'jtilty • a.s, ■ a. ^vbrking- ' dVAm'-^ .' •xjxQStly;;bfecpiu'SB .:.i't~;is;.'■.to:t>.''d,otit'\ii;t.*"4y.. libn'e;;' :.s',: it- •i^i'»('<.iiv.^; ••...'i'iiisi-'.' p'i'bbaliij- :is;;41i'e.';c.oi:t.'o:f • •iiiftli. ar*:ati agaiiis't itiie.' cbiriinercla:!.' • i^h?; .i?^lm>i .' thenie.. handicd, .or... r.atiieri : raaa-;... ha.xi:dl©.d, fpr ;tlie;.w.ork-a.-''diiy. tireatre' \ \y0uld: ;iindbufet.e.dly . iix'cre -likf*. -. r nxbney.';:i.'/v^''.: ^'..•'V-''''^-'A''^ .;;'i' '-; X-"rJi-' Bavx>y has: ixilehty j;gp,bd;ty: ^'. fPi". '..his, • t.he'ti;ier^tJiiB'^ :v.Fiblei- . .Ht^ :.-. ciaVptes;:. ;'"xt fell ph .jii: ;da'y.":'t.iii?,t .., Eii.Sha'- i>fl.sked.,- to.; Sliu:tiexii> '."vvhe'.ve : : was 'a .gxjeat : ^«rpiii.OLix aiid, ?jh • .Stiuined him tb eat bi'ea.di''". ■ ■ s ,Tiie.;:Sceii'e .'is. a lit'flo ;,tp"wiV- in • in r; diana, ■;the .W.piiian: i3 ;Eye" R?^^^^^^^ ; xna.ri'ied -tb Gail •Re.diiiaii, A.rivali in-;' ttM-ested ;;xn* b^ixfsiixessi - :" Comes ;-iha.fc v way-.a. great ;lec.tur th,© /Ked.hxahs. put, liiixx- iip. ;at;' Uieic:;:;. house,- .TThis scieh tis't: readiiy; re.adii :' .tlx'e ■■y!^.ai''ning' • ..|"' .• EVe,..-; 1*116 •-;•; ibngsr'fpi^/ii sonvv ''[.'■■ '.'r.-:' '"' • T.hat'/tt'iangld: is.;, not,..' ne:w^,.-: bC. ' course,:;xtbr;: are the .typcs-Triledxixan,-- Whb paniibt .jsee. beybhd . iiis iiiq9e.,„ 6(r-. .liiij . no.w.spaper:; the, good' w'ife.'-who! •. peii t s ..■.vip .'Her;': .eiiT.otibn.s.; • t he:'t:i;£iv.o'.lr''" ■' .xixig . niah".: •wiio- ;awake'hs..Miex*. love,":' Barry" ti'fiated;'it. cUre^ .at it - in wiiimsical .fa-shipxx a kid glbves;.; Perhdps Anieric»lii ftudi--: ; .oxxce-i :?ii:e not y;et. attuiied . to subh' poetic flights,. haVixi& seeji so- many ; .3had,y.!' sitiiatip'ris andv s!ceixcS:; where the. 'actib^;,- flits tli^ ,w6x:d3: arid . the . Words- t^ixe. abtibxx.: "•?Here it ift.nxbstjy. : .a ^jiiai(ttet .: of'. beaiitiful :.; . and . .thougixt^;'. and V the- ,.xtxag^ic Mtibm^iits; iii. the i>iay; ai'e hi'ddeix bel.xind'ja.ui'el. •.' jvvKeatlraj;;'^:;;■;''v. ''-/,■ ''■•';■ \■•;,•''•'-.^r •'-.'.■,..:• 'Maybe, these shbrtcbixxixigSi xxxe.i''cljr : frohi the. ktandp^bint bf 4ctioix,'pjf xn^. afctxQXi, will , be . ironed but; itv: th> pibcess 'o£ ..ittalcing: .th 'tlxb fiixxdamehfals.are i-igi^ ©sfabiished."; .I'There: are .do'iirxe' beiatTi.* :tifnl ■ scbTxes; ..iiTid'' three'^ln partiC'ula-r:: ;.'whe.i'e- .Miiss^ • Jbhaixn. -Tises :-io;, th.o; ' heights. pred'icted:,by. thbee •^i'.UP -liayfji iVaLtehed • liet" steady ; -aaqendancy,'... .; •..\Vythoui.': Iver . ".tbhipr*)( .ind ■ Tik- ■ - mbn*bw'.':' •vi^ould cpnx©. oft x-.-itliec . .badiy^-;' '■.::■;■/:',.;••;. ■■.■■;■':.•' .•:• :;■ ;'• •. . (;ilj)ei'.t .jSli'llet^- jxa^: H^rb.e^ • sixail, ah • il.hsllslx ;a<;'tpx\ ;cast.'.'a;S» t'li» ; lbverr'PKbCessbt', and lie; docii: a iuanly ' jpb of ;it,, .•■HaL-v.ey .-Ss th* ; rbWickiiig/. -g^^ : typical:; hjxshand ;. Wixo'; never - J khowsj; yivhat. isrpes ipii iji .his . p.^yn •'ablishiueht^^^ 'i'hese ..three admirably blended tjtj- ; e'nts; 2Cx'e supixbrtod.'by. a- good .east; that ■ has .nbfcixinis:. nxore to do: .tht"t, . hil •xix;-, the ;i5apa', of which ihere iti'* , ixiany;: .OsjBp.od -Perltihs ••is. here - the .. dpc'lle ;secx'6iax.'y to the ;iicientist, ' ptirt. that enaijles. li}m tp '.carry .o'V;- .se.veral.:, of; the' BaVi'yesque..;hu iix6v» •;: ■and;-ji'»)ei3:-^ ■. 'r: " /As .usual,. .BaxTv liias delyed" tlo.wci,:. pretty, deep;' a .long vWay undetj.tlib .s'arfaVe, .aixd' .'so," hlS- .Ura'nia' coinoi*' ;iritb'the .realih of the .3uper.iS<irioua.,: ; a: tragedy.' x.Vb less. Its hest'xxibmenfij;. are itS- .tii-st .-ahd'-i.a'st; .. thb o'peniiiiS-. :scene where a.;^\\:ife .,CQrtiidk;s hvr .sr^-..- cH-et .ye.arxiixigs ■ ' hu3i>a'ixd.,;;faat asleep diii-ins:: ^h'e reci^atibn',.;:rt,iid.' that •hhM :!C:hoiGX\ ' ■■• ' ::'■."'■ i^f/fi/-' ■• .•"■'■'■•'• : :". C'Loa-' Apf;x>i\\^.'.. ij'iiK-'-.- «•')•.•. •'' ■.:p'lay- in- i'jr'^'o-'y.i^'.»''b,v WiiiiUjn..^.. ■JeC'i'in;';; .I'hidiived- and ■• .staged- b.v: . Ohvcr iVioloj.:'.'*- '(iVr •.••iiell-i:er,'... 3,itii;i; • •.'Cast ■•inoId.if>..s. .a-vy--. iiiojid :ilatton.'. Xeitidrril• ito'jui'-K' .4:01110 •ivanginan. . VSihii .: Mursora'j;-,. A»m.. '.•■luttc.v; • JeVonie' .JoWlau, ■ • B;iir.v •.T'. H.-.iHim/ Ann ..R'ti-'k, ■ iViU l>Ci'n'ni' 3>ri-t'ia - ?.l.i-:i'--i!.'«> ■ i-'y.On-rHu.i;') • Borit;;. HonrJ' ■. inoi-tfj.. I.iW.;-Vi.i!^tj(es, 'Ji>ev','.!h». 'i'>y.-J■■•v-'-r**. ;- J •■. ;':-Gliyei''; .Mpi-osxp.'a :c'on.it0acK.;: ,cwi' the. Coast: •Wxtlt .'thi«.'p'i«--''C'?: .--^peiw ^ lio th i |i}r/':\-H a'^'i'n g ■.x'un ■.'^ HxerkCred' ;cai'ex-v.. 'since.: •';-. pC: PftriCdi>jt;:'.<'Aine'i^::irish niy^-y.^/.-^'Vr 'sfaii-^.. aiid: /iibv^^ixiV.- ''IC'^Jvary . .C-ot- ; ttx'ge.": etc.','-.Moi-^o'scc*'^ r^J.--enn">:'V-'** th.e^ ih'bdiiotlon; fiold^at; this..u:^?''r^ .4'tti*a.6.t:soixiy.". attention, b'it ..*'.'•'>.:.'.';■■•'-/ .^^:ph^t, •/"■-■:■'/■:.::•':.• '■ 'r; • .'\'-j' 'i' ■: liyidehf - that'- ^floliVor,;;t-oc; \vh6.m Mtycbst-R iir •aoiingr:?!"!"'--' -' :■'.■''• ■Hjp'iii 6t;^fv^'ijdJ^-:iVl''»i Vi^!-''''^•'■'••■ ■^'^■-' ;.ir- Uhe' pi'''diV':er'> iU>i;Uy ^^■Vli'irv.i'> "'i>"a(Vk; hii!"i"! iirilVU -'.iVi.. tfl'^ ;'Oa.^l • Ulirihw .• >;• fciam RbVlc, ii<>r^ !";ii:li;:'::;.'if:. ii-": ■ ;•. .Fir!st..:.Shf>wiTfe;^ 'iir^l'I^Ct-v.: t'b!^>'c-ir'f^V .-■Waj;;"-thi"r>t'' -jri'.yr.'.''^"-; ."^ ■• . ;;;(;<:VnU-xnevl '^»!«';ii;'5? "'■!.:' : -v! -•'.xi .'■■!' ^.-''•'■;^