Variety (Jan 1931)

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A: 46 VARIETV REVIEWS -.of .<ii*< tiloalv<^^lil<i.>V^rlv licv Uiisb.aiviJ- . atii'ocVH- lo thj' busl.Mi'ss. \ >'• ; • ■ .UMib sta^ Is a rtliulriutlv.e tthd- un- prctchtloiis nftalr wJtlioiitiii-dpci' • :e(iiil|)iueivl.: II Is^of -.Iho. niost-iiiliu- ,, toui'lsli- (U'Scrli)liim; Program :c-pn-, . slsls "noriiiaUy of vaXido: acts,.,Plnftr- . <;t's or (tunc'orii!. ■ Thpro aro^from lO to li) • acta >h;.:a- 'blir.,. linygtiliirly WW dUvs;- a weok or.'a. (ortiiviRlil; ' • ThPre ■ is' rid .cirrln.-irtra lilt. MusIia ., ■"co'h.sfel'.s- of a piano : 6'iv ,,t(i? stuBi:. . MjifjitliiB not Sv«rth..rooi»Ooii|^in!f. ". ; ■ i)espil^;\thrtt :llv<>>>i>nli>on^ '■ tvbm 32. oeiifs to 4S renUMi.ovvJJi!;;!" ' t)>b -slumpi--^l>e; allow .would-V.'' '!".\ : tniicVv of .a "flop; a!j..any. o.thcr slml.j: , Ijir. i'avis: liou^fc af:;ilie. iivon>.-'nt, ic the. inii,na"Ktriie;it Irndn-1 reytved tin' . : oTd aiKateur .nfglit. ■,'.riil«:.nviis:,;.toiv •;. TO or -IB- .nuni1)er:!j ' bt'ginnliiH; : 11 fsn ,T>.. m, - Tilt? tryout; irtya. :«:u^: ,;.used once abbUt lO years ilBo iifirt ' -h4» never been. revlvea>' li-."*:; ciii:- ;■; rent: success is tremciVdoHS. . .- . , v ■ -vPTOCesslbnal- .taliint isv ot '.wldf-ly. ' Viirylnir- quality. . ::.Sue!v . popiilur ■ ; :nanios as ; Trelil appe'ai;., /Cwl th;' ' - real fun- is •"tlie ;,audione.c.. eltiipr. " shouting "CroclietV tthe liovK); or : "KiiKiiBe" Cslsn).' Air ^iat|ati^:ctor.\^ .. aroaU-ura' Ai-e imniedrately Biy ,u ' (iiiaiKio during the .ne,vt fortniglit as •• riPBular 'perforiucrs.- . Anvtl.e.uvs .;flie intrbducied . to tlie public liy ,a r Ki •. ' gantic "nilisler. of . cereriionles, but ■ " acewiisUcs- of •. the;ro6m, • and .the public rtiakes .such a jvoisi?. ■ tliat .even the: lit. a . .caa Only ; be ' l,eai-d witii dimculty,; It take.-j an .. fesoeptiohal .ict/ or. a .'Ver^ . girl; to gret a chance of beinfe hcjird. ;; a'lU beyond tlie ,,flrst. rows.-.: • Urtioh d6s Artlstes-f >Yeneh cqiiivailent 6t Eclnity, has;.Issued . a ■ BteonR ; protest agivinst ; tt^esc get- . ' ■the-hoDk shows. -Klelc: .waS; sUp- ' pose^ to fed that these shows low.- ^' ^ered the, standard iof tlie prbfesdipn - and induced the , pubUd to .get Into ■: . the habit of -raz?Ins .artists.- atap- agement .elalnvs thilt lib prOfessioji- - :als ai-e aliowed to^ take part in the ' . .amateur program, .and to, co'unter- ' - • act the claim of Equity J>as posted ■ huge notices in the theatre reqveHt- .'. f Ihg ti>e public to be especially ciitlot "-rdurirife'the profcsslonal.ivi^pearHOocA- ' r/:'"'-':':'.' '-'::^ ';-.'i»erUi'Ind:/Jiin: 14.:^ ' '- v This town's 2,715 seat'srare^^ '■. bcWcen . thtce.; .hoaHe.s, ;Wljh : the 'i -Kox-iy- leading wlth l.'^lS pews. 'Tlve.^ ■ . .• atve Is' one. of the moat mpaerh;.",! ■" Indiana, t»nd^ ••right :.-n.6w • the .nmn .ageiVBaie loomls, is trying to flg: ■ in'd ■■(iri angle - to ' stop;';th"d.-.JSng.ll3lv - theatre'at Indlanapolia. frotiiVcomlnB: ■ ■' «iver;-and:; VUlinsr the town, whicji ;■ .It .does each' we.ek<. 'V; ',, - V lioomia not .only; Uai io .fle\it'.^h ^^ ^•• d^alSap61IS, •.;but .also. .the; .'R ■ .■' clrcuM Winter quarters^ at Perui w 11 n : all tlw natlves liv llie vicinity beifiB ■■: '■ rabid', circus fSins. At S5 .cenls- a ■visit to Hve.\vlriter.<i"uart,iers any ol^y. . aiiU oihcfr, near-by; towns, coming-in' , " : ajid also ■blUIilie Peru, for their. i)lc- ■ ' turc . shows/\ eeUlhff 'ijUip^ '..' tiic'; noxy is a man's,sized job.- ■'., _ " LPvui ■oppbsUibh to. the, Rox^'■ is -T -. tiio, >V!illi\ce, of i;oOO scats,, pow dc- ■ : votccV to'jn-lze .ll&ht's^'thc. e^olpnlal; . ^' oC-: 246.. runlUhB s.llo'nt. pictures oiily, . dnii iKo, Orand. of; 200,' wl th disk ....sound. Tfl". these ■lpcaV.olVo,i)??.cs.' ^'t- . < •» Lbiiniis' iioo.'ji't ;glva i.nuch .tho'ufjht.i ' '.'}lt's ■ tlie' ■ nclgliborlii^: i't'owrta ' C,T,nd; . . ; th'rh-' cj'OAV of mert-iless that ' ^' he' h:is to flfrht.. They ma-j' 'and- do . ' drtfi) 111 nhy; nlBhti the .tp.wn.. .>' jtnd, hvfikc the - liatlvcs, thl"k . the .. ojil.v'^ libuse. in, Ih'dlaha .lies 20 mOcs. ■ '. :SL\^::iv from' Peru, ■■'r^.' . • '. ;'.-'.'-'' '. ■ ■ ' To : otCset' this-' oiiposltioh .: lyfr.- ' tootiiis ;recently ; took a . two'-dhy- - ■■ flypr' wUh "Jtcd"^ .Crange- Hi' person , - . 'ju^d; iits. Hiio\v ptvi'i jicirtpie. ■ orettitig. ■tojtotheir'ew of idle, cirr . : ■ ciis . hrili),eri3; ! Mr, . Lobiiils 'Ac-. -.' •scei'idnl on the t;m(iit.rj''elde fOr' a ■ :,22-uin<> .radius; and posted, every. : ■ ■ '15(irn and feticc and outlio»)se.', .'- ■.■■'. -..Show yas.'brlglnally .billed, a-s- the : ^'Spirit . .of.;. Miivafrelsy" ; 'wHen-. ; it '■ ' .' 'Btnrlcir three Aveek's ago, vbut ^thlu' • ' title iW beipg" di'ofippd) .;a.<j Itv has- .'been ' discovered''' ml.nstrels'. .don't :menii hiuch today.' .'Jh.e;Htle is iiOM- ..',•.■. v *liP(i: r,vanpe.' in -Person. with aii; - EnXcrt.-eiiiipg'. company of ,20^ Peib-- -v-V:pii.^;,:- ■ : l'i-ic>'was. Jacked JO cents,, jivith . otliills s^-tting m for 40. cent.s ijv the; ■ ' P. - M, .andv6d cents at nlglif;.. <:lVl\r . ■ 'diTii' a dliiie any tinle.' Efesplfe this. • ■'bitslia'jss didn't ellniH-to the hefBhts ; dcHircii:.- Spnie of . th*: ;housc~ iier7 ': ' ' ; sbP'^cl. wore indlficd'to'-blamCi lt o.n ; : „ - the'-'extra dime ■ on, the .adirils.'finn, :* -.' !!<onic on the: siiow-rahd sortjo on '-11.1.6 ■,>oKi \vi'atlier,: In niiy wse, ;th:e.'evp- ' iiinK slio\v onVtlic 13tli, .-thpTirst.'oj:: -■ th'o.(;niiif;6'5-.t\vo-fl:i,y slibws,"\v,-i,sn't ■ so- 'jiiiirir. .- CbinfoirtiililP, : hl|L .. iiiM\'.:-' •; .-i thfnB. hilt <>"nobu^.^l!^i]rB; for ilc.sli ..aiiil ' its "('..viSiuioiUs,". - ■ '- ;', ■ "■ "" -.- . . Jlr. .(Irangi?, -tis sobn. ns lic-.gbl: Di. IpAvMi; usceh'dod'. to.-tlR''root ^b, ■ of xlM'- 'dally jvapcf. l^iflldlnB.'iV'lihd,, '• ~'- tbii.<:i*tl (ipivn tp a.-M-.tltlnB-crowd ' kW.s--. two alUo.craphfd >fo,.b.lti:'i1I«, ■• • ■ A-Cioiv- wliK'h' he - desi'cii.diMl , lo , the .;• 'liasto'Ti^'Mt oC ,l.lie. iioxy-a.n.ti.tO.blt. H^ 0^ hearfii^ ' ' .. . .: ' v.; ■■ . Tr)iii-J'oweir, hijilsolC .'uV old:OV':" ' " ^ . slWl lilaii, . w'ho is!-. hiilniiBihg- t-lus '... tiDuii"' iHiJ 1>"'*>"'^ ownn:. :iako.?. tlie . . f pllis over'.the road. In -trucks, .wiili - . dftoii '■iU'd'V ■ -•■ aloDs ' llie . country .-r6.ids,-\.:<!raii'-- ,pts. a pci'ccnlnisrV.;of -lliV'^shVw As \\%i|l'.as'.a'-ii;;iiiu'y;:'. .. ,-■; i / iiiKiini's realises - th;aV'<'vOi->vfiiin IKiHslblo hits bobii, d<me.:tM ect- busi- ness:, hut he is still a .disappointed. initiV,- and it will'jii'"!''''''.''' b<' .'»oine lm^ lii^forc^a ilrsli .show'. agiOlh'uses lie <rro'sslnB' r<)W\ili ';U. tlie Roxy/^ ; RIfi-lU now, ,iitcbrdlrig',- to : Sir. r'o\vi'lli.'lii<"' "Rpd": C!rnni;c::(r<rnpe',Js- asl^. fic':i.'liiij{ -for; lu'luw lliii: Jluspn- (hio. ' 'Ki-bni ; Jinutlitr'n (>iisi>." ATi-; s row-oir l)us' had i nauy brlns .11(;r.s, . ri'ijiivrntinB vlie : brms .fhV: |i(iih;VKi player for.' a .personal.ap- ^i^p|frun<'•l^-■/^i^^ ..ViiMc' 'the- Kol^ .:"!;' ii-(>st;nt -,i.s -'Jiist nottlne: • vliV niil, it ocs,':l>!'>k. ri>sj' for the^ future.-. Ciianfic' .iHi .hibst .aW 'stands, visits ic Ibfiil isclibolis and. lellB: about- his. iii'el'r>rs-'a tool bailr stiXi-;. He is re..- porieii as Ubfiii?.' anji;lhiiiff. as^ki.'il to U'ip'.inako lii.s ■.shovv'':wi^i livbiiey. In. liddltioti.- to 'C!rah.Bi''s ' lie>Ro,\.y;' ."A Lady's-.Albi'uls"' (iietr •o):Avas g)v,eit; along wUh' the.rcsfu- Xr: sllbrts. ; Pew.M; In the ■Roxy .-arc com.fbrtable,!; - and : tlii-y.;' have... a Hn'api>y; buucli oC. uiiirbriried Msli.ei'Si' :.\J"hen the hbuse. was erovteO;: Iioxvt' ever, ■ they:. h'lado ■ no' prbvJsioii | for. those; rbonis ■.. called' ' ;'.\I,en";. and Wbmeii.'i '. i'uatb.niers 'Vviijt' iiv line tb gctr iiV- b»Ui, oftpii .liaviiig to sec t\yb sli' r bceaLUsb ,:(hey. lost'.so iiiiich time waltiiiif 'to 'get' Jn the :ctli'lhg rboips,' .■..'.:• '. •, . : SistSTREET I'wh the Ulz'th «. SIh: gtreotrdjd Saturdhy afterjipftii^' .the', bld'.^einiij* HIPPODROME . rugel.: 4ii(|.V ' Iloblcs.. jnay, liavo surih'ised llienis.eb^es:^^ w they cinl, Is their punch;; Furtlier,:: ItJ j?lv.i<s llUs bill a c.p»i<Ji1J" sl-ahip froni- iliut polili,.:^ C',' ' ■ ■'. ; ; • , ■ iSdgdr Itergen's' talkln dumm^ : n ^'evS, : nior6;: pbw<rtur: blicn^^ U.rh. -O^liir a^do^j;n^nd™i^r^^^^ libusfi Jop'tili- on that ..jtiatlne'c day' ihln'ff;-'has ,lleen .licked. ' .' . .'' ' i V ;>f.oth|rigVaway^ frbhi; the trodden path of .vaiide;, but. what'was. offered, rAn' imor^ tb comedy tiian anythihg', and. this \vent also for. the feature, Chirley;s Aunt" .(CoO; , ■:: Jiltne. - Everest's hipnkeys-'opened; Although' thl^ act' has been firoiipd for!a.:Iorig tlme, it'cbiitiniies 't<t: hbVd ther kld Interest/'sVlth the-adults get- ting a klck:but of: thai .iffying- trar peze:-mpnkey. -That trick alpiic'holds: tip thl^,.'turn. ' ;:Sc>plb bablcgroiihd: might Vs.ta'nd ': a', little: ref urbishing, ijono vap. iQlrrs and Bishop were Sec- ond; scoring,. nicely- wl'tiv theli; song routine. 'The!-:c.oiivbP:'fa:red far better hpro'' tl>an;"precei»tly In the:., huge State. , , Their :,voc<ji;l 'Uarih.ohj:; :w:as noticeably ~mbre effective,and - the trio' seemed , to:, sense the; dlftereVtce,' with less'atrairt'on 'thelr vblces, ^.Oeo.rge ^Bea'tty has.-gained avlot-bf vaiide oi- sta'^e. kiiowled'ge in the last''threc^years-; hols his' talK.,un<ler better control and working stronger for salieht . comedy' pPlhts.. \yltli ,the laugfhs niore. sblidly - built up'.as # result. .' He: retains hlSf bld. kppcker, : the' Vt'rlglduire Mai?:"-He; got away, slowly; bpt. was goiiig strong at the (ihlMh.:; - ; ;'..'■:": ." ■;":'':> ::;"v:-':V"-'i '. Hon,ora!)l« iVii .'arid' his; .Chinese CoilCgiana were hxost isffectlv.e. Neat, cl.e'an "lUtl^. 'siibiytiiah, Mr. "Vyu.-ahd !he can show "others a: few -tricks on how, to 'build tip ari,aiUr'P for. ihdl'- vidtitil-'spcclalties.-' T.lic-present vVu aytercgatlbn, appears - to - hi t tt\ mubh fasttr pac^ than the. former layout; it is inoi-e typical.of yaude-ahd siiin- cl.erttly ;dlveralllcd: to, p'reyen't .skid- ding. T^-:''"'-; -. :l ' ■ "'- "/-', ■'.. -' Bon. Blue -w.ha.nimed : *em,-: This .oh'rip. with the- deild liari-, droll; unc> tiioiis hoke- mannerisms, and. inlhil- table.iinl'mlcr'y , a.nd' luiwr ,feet' had- yyoiiyChlhg, . his Own':. Way;. ,.T'h,at. ,neWest..; of .impressions,.; 'Upc a l)a'ncc,'';'i.s e.asy-meat for'New Tbi'kr' era.ahd a.comedy gem. Cilving liliic .flvst 'tfld'.fla 'an; attrac-.tlvo. blonde;: Lyhh'i'brc.'^vho helpa;i>lhvmake the (la'uc'o: nnlsh. a- corking .bit'- of .legit cpniedy. ^ .;. -.' Mark^ bul'ln'oi^'flt^. .:iooWng^up4 | : , .(qbnUnyed;?rpm p^^^ ; ; - , eiKht-ilicf prbKruiii Monday - night billcit i;ir\assl.sUnRi i^itts the lull be- .jj,-. » . jutio back looni, that ■a u" sooted tlio^hlt-or their llve.s. .for^ ^l^hesP . lioys liave/cltfur iinij^ii .Mimv. fpr >J"Sl'« ,J\^'^^J«l^S\^in^ »« the. wrong foot,/ : ■ :>.i«i viiciirf iKiWerful enougU to IH, quontly slow .material. ana. .ino , . . . .. . • r ,t-' , o^on ti m house^^ - . ambunt garnered .is'cnpUph -tpL; .Men and.TVomen, yAupg aiul mr ■ ^ ^,]^^\^oTtr«n Rubvatle did a \M this ■by- in lntermedlaie;,cbm- broken and iJecreptt-r-but .all at ow; . . .>Vhen Hee ee^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ••?''&^*^mV^^lb'S^-S tn-e ,3bft;;i)0dal: wots jUonp, t^e;Uh(j:.boards:arPitnd the;cbrh^r^-nbW. . " - ' ' ■• rating..' .' WHS-'. K.:. .':'■-,.,:...;-'.-: ^ ly .o.f.-fbuif: .vTlte 2a>f a.^weoH'entUlcs.dliOm ;to. - , , .-'^u.vw of hisl ">e. «"»K"'B " SMPi'ly .» llsteii . ti>; ,a liatteriMi pldv*^^^^ ^'>^V)v;::^'«^d ^o .WU«:^ ^n> .ismHsKlnff ; i:4:inlnute . Jlnlsh;^ ■ Thcktell;as wlUlP.-ttway ;their 'time la ' :. h^JJ um^ a te^ye^s^B^ ^rJb^: 'r'^irj''*'''^^ .>V"^M*'''-<'«' gives. tlieiS ^ V&^i^^^ -^^ ^''^'te^tSXSLtllS^i^^stt^ ev. ii his :f:umbles, which arfe few, r^"><^^^^^^ THe-phone ls,-Vla lp<.k ^hterttipnal^ ; Pressle^ KlalS8..^3i»Ptted third. ^i^.y. gmging dhd doing a snatch, of P-lac©, is colled a club, thp. Vilm need ot ntatferlat: ft""*: (lahclntr, arid ' the boy- in his excel.- Players'. Gliib.: It libyer.ialls to rlrtg; -. thiued use 9f f^»iV t L!w stooge, 'charivcterlzatlbn and but that bid and yoiing tlmdls qiit ;n(ft . enhanced , thplr value. 1^^^^^ attehtioh; But ,■ ^a^fely: a; Job/that tjiikles^^^^ o^^^ thQ^e;:<canfleId >ires; •';; ;; ; ;; . , , .,.^»^,»v».-vv... ..v-ti,,. >^v..-w.<.., Old-'McIhtyrei a; brterUmei'sup^^ slioirt ga'gglngiSlniglriK.oct, the^^^^ Chafleatph lih't dancing as riumerary^i^ to^ Into; the afterpiece wWch con^ formerly, tlibuish she clijlii who Beta paid-.for .-hdngrng. ; oC::ft|^cia! glrU^ ; ; ; -; ftro^hd. ' He^ ''cltambbrmaW^ una; |nterspei;sed pomccly bS^^ the, I^^^^ '>■ llbpe.Vel'rion lias a highlight, her good with - about '- three-quarterfi .«,o,75 ,„'^epi. :. : ; . • . voeal . iinitalloij of a- vloli.n.; ; Not doWiistairs and better in the bal- ' .' '' , - :.'; ; . , - ~ liarticuiaVly deteptlVe hut It serves cony on a cold night (ThursdayV Theresa Kloeshas^^^re ■ns .v. ncai walk rbrt . Jn .the .deiice with VBi;o,tlior8'';;cebl)': aR tho feo-V owii and. she; .yoliinteorft as tr. as-; - ^spot'.^■'tucky;;striko Marlri)lja. Orv: tju'S,.' .. ;■ -': ', -: ,B.i(7.e, . u'rcr, Tiie:tqnt!s a o.bhtiiry a niDnth,, -; lohfetra :(NW;Apts).proited^^^:a ■:;,.;';-/: ^ ' i''^'". '' - .-'■' .:- : ;,- ,;^^^^•.. ■ E lthPck;-,off ■ ot -;■ ^ asfi..;' y'i. '-' '';-'''.;;:'r-.-: - . •; ' v': '; 17 «*D A e O'ir " $37.50; •whlclV the ian^(lord':cbnccded ' •\VUU tlio ' aid oC a llttlo ti' l mmln; .' , . ElVlPASaY. :'. ' ; ' untlt better tlriica. the wPekts layout is,one of^the fast- ,;:^i,,i,,-,,^if^f^^^^ .v-^.-; . L ; ;, Cao'i Pay:25e Dues sst-^n a lbng time.; mvp I^v<vai<A ; ' Th*re are bhly 70 h,ale and fpw^^^. ^ His RiK-Olians liave^ an. pvortur? e,yer, mrty have been rriade-as. spcr ; members paying in ilio»» in rHa;tS" that should be passed pials,, only for the Ertvbassy. ; ;. . I^?^^~?*^t'^^^^^ '- along to other leaders on . the clr-, :;Presldent Hpbvpr opening the Bed MlM^'.'li^'.s. n'0.<,ent, '^y'^T^^ ^'l^jm -. biiU; It's a muslcai;|ashlon parad early. . That's; pther^ whaJ.avpn V ivith the bby^ Ift the- pit; ehanglrig necessary bh; all prbgraftjs- Biit hprc. f mpnthsv • although still. listen as to vafWus types-bi: headsear;d'ur;ihg the' Pi-esldent' is .photographed on.rtnembera; .v'T-wienty^flvp' timesv -TO Ijri&f; biackputs, . VGriinihal: e and lie never .looks at the [ tlihes '4, gives an Idea: of howm (Cbl) ;;'and I'Pathe 'Ke\vs. on thelaudiehw.v Poor stajKlrigfc.aga money; ;Thfete3a- Tias. tp. .me(f.t;'tho' : screen. ■; ■ '; ; !: '. v; '- ^ ^ . . looks at an angle,; as; ifv trying: to Knortth-a bills with,; ^ - ; ;' ^.. ' ; . ■ - , ". —; • :, " , read;ivls speech.from spmo;place. in if, bet^Veen,. with the light, snap ■^''iio^MA CTOCtt-f^'- ' t>«'"*«<?i?<>f'I result :wn cards now ^ihd; ^ ; . ^ < ;:DO 1X1 ilvlLIil; . ■: ;' 1 "iiii^i;;' o.^;Vi.iyaA.2oi,A^ «f minnli then, tlierc'sl ;u death .;ahd'.:flo\vei;s.. ^ :Keatlyibalihcea;andinterla^^ bill that sent them away,.8atlsflcd, l.,„jipg : good noYelty clip,: by every - funfral. Its the only: way. CoiUitibla'a ."Gharley'A A''"*'" ^""^-; .Hearst.. OneM>y, i'oix bh. sbnve klind that; the boys and girls cait go oiv ... tiire,' drew- a bigger :thah brUljvary^^ ,^ ■Abvsslhlan- .gent la'moaiilhg;-r i-ec.brd -jiist/ 'no.w sfor -a acpart^d : mat,auUiehco, Saturday. , '. .y-. lcs,'<. He t'alksi too long arid Pn nothr' niemjier. 'liurlng wocUsv ■ ^Supposedly . Imprpmptii - bit - by j^j^, j^ijjjg pi,pney. ' : sli active members aeparicd. That's: -. Glenn and^^enk ns .after their i^^^^^ :Plaqld,; by, Ln exfra $S0 - for. the pnet jViohtiu lar..comedj:..routlne, gave.t,holnvptrcs^. Hearst, is. spmething; unusual /In ?!h6'cliib iiev^r seVds a wreath cost- slou. of -something: e.xtra. -It - was ,a k\,tdooi; riewsi-eel ^photbsraphV. It; ^vT<y,^lTo'v^'t5 ' ^ " - revival of ."The Wager.", .- v . ; .tviii:brinii intereatf.^'Backcro'urids^<^ Ing. u.ndei pi j)Yer »o. . , , .. ^ .Gr^cblla.,and.Theodor opened TN'lth P'^^^^^^^ classical and, adaglo -danccs.; First.l^^^.'J do^rplrillnK'a s^^^^^^ ,w'lthlii, the; vclub, ;pairt; do set. is a, classy piece fbr: vaude, a ^j"," ' ■ /"^v- ' . anything;.more to hglp: its, .vn?i«- medieval affair Avlth^ ornate tppes-; : There's a clip, of a style show on ployed than to keep-th^fm^ warm. At tries. Serves as thp -backgroM^ | a Swedish . steamer that's foolish that.; enough was scraped tbgother '- nh a I lected. Staged caT'elesslyv and .none W^i,,. n tiiVrtiiTi Thoir ^'^W»<ers-t,r^wlth-ybipe9^putrit--bff^tderdrPJ>^^ berS the ieSt-Ol-th^jiaSt:. ^ , i iT,nK^m-,",.;.--r-.,i.i-.v-u... . - , . cemody operatic :spng.,.^ .:_;^^^^ . 7^ : - Cook .Sisters deuced. .One girl at ".^^^^n be used on pouity aione, 1 draw^ and. Vrought; the llif.W^'^l^'h.tu^iiMuon <Jool Kcathcr gavThouse goPd-bii .Beltoi^ Business Bureau up to the. :bftiJShlpS^i^1^^v^^vP^k^?: n«e^^^^ S' thS'rSt'S^^ Ju^t^'daSaS^"^ I?t<5esn't make iyblcos, but that didn't, niatter.^ An;; .registered, strpiigcsf In ofncUil, Te- : ilia ,i«nvei-? nn^^^^ •<ihbttef "^ 3u^l btlver-Staged ;cllp on-a,..>$liow style horig ; , : '. . .. ^lit^'si^arl'^Sb^l^ tp'get hlthselt a tew good gag3. ,v Thpse. ca^^^^^^ he's using aren't.^ ^''"^f !;^^i^^V^^^n'^^'^ ^1 Ing. Cooperation; Tliev Iptters are ia laughsvhevc waS;Fabet'S:assistant, :%hut«,^ - . ■ .V^""":. -• i^^J^,&'fi,„, :T!,,t:u.1,eh :in^ laugh . , Uavc Tthy,;:\vlth-'his eoinedy danc- Ing. Xiorolhy. Casey Sings pke and look? '.w-ell in; the- ,: short, dttricing, ;dress... . . . ;. i :; ■;, ''''',.' .0^<'ph-;McGivchey .follo\vod. for lii minutes of-his quick-change work ; (Coiitirilkid rronv Paga '..5). f. the club's flies. ;,P.tit- \N;3ieh: 'lnvj?stl.ea- tprs did'further-ihlcrrPgatlnB, niost: ptthc bigrni.ohey-rnakers'^enlctVvthy kripwlc'dge; of;; the'''existen ^^anfle^d;fShaml)lck■^ ;';^^ ■ ■■ ■ Daddy Struck JEFFERSON ciopd.' vaude sliow this ,' half, tliotiKh:iLl&aus:'strpiigl.V tO';i»ien wUh jy against four "Vvpinon,;- Allle Koif.s aiul Ills -:Gpiihie9' liin- Band, (New Acts) ''were ; the riipst , butstahdihg offering, and clpsed the bill In a. blaze of pep aiid color. ': , : ; .. Next )ri .line for hPnprs was JPc Terniinl, whose showmanship Is a pleasure. He received a nice. re-; o'eptlori - on; his ontrahce,' werked -ea'slly and finally.had. the boys: but. front wliistllnB' fPi* him. Shey say tlint Termini: Is a: hit in .England, lie dppan't have, to' drift that far away'. Snilth; Strong and Lee, the bid liucpllc fav.<5 frbni -rpway,: Sverc sppttcd .much -tpp- 'early ;for;, thblr- lype o£;.h'okuiTi arid suftorcd.' Tiicy ,iriana'g^(l. to svciire a Bpod tofal-.Kif lairelvs iiiidc'i; the handicap, , ' : Hce ',Iung opened the show - Nvith her.|al;wi>rk., - Always iritorcst- liiBi., -iUai-ry itolbropk- and his '-'Sbri's b; Guns" (.SVw Acts):. illled, .tlio stage -with-.; jiiai-inos,. sin.stng,- arid; one: Ibnesome little miild. They were oke with the biirich-.there; and-, kept Xh'e.siio.w. .mpvlilg/In .tompp,. . '; Chas. T.. Alilrlch arid his leaping 'ih^ou,sta't•ilV>^>■ aiiil :('hiir.'ri-to.r .ciirtnECCs hpld -inter't^st all the. \vay.'. The nci"- voi(s;,bf>;ards crying -foi- lialrvteiii.c. !;> IX funny bit and his final Impcr.spna- ttori (if: t'lic' 1(1 tc^l.oli-1"I'i.Tiiey • as tlit- ;iiu!icli1)ai;k' (pOk;;l<liii:;olT hlg^ ~no^iiy.'Kai!(y iiiid :i)l^fc i.aji6a s't.'u;lcrt; ^fC ;Wlilv'wluit;Hl'riwst Ipp'ked . ■ijko : a; nc'w , act; hut; sPoii. sol Vied- dbwri;'t(i'.their Ciiixllii.-ir rcs-taurcln^ sccni',' .\VIiiv' tlf(Mr 'rpiig1| house .tlvoy cojipi'd |>Uaily ■ of Jiiiigiir* -ti'oriv his liolio-boiod .lorCin aun iuph, -' ., '.: V' '|(:h.ivlvy's Aunt" fCp|.\ feature; Ihisinrfs. ciil.'.'ii'liy c downslirli-s .with iv- few. ciii|Vi1'-s; (ip.^ ;■:'; ■'' -.; '-." ' Vlieh^i^uS^tu^.^dtiS:":.u»np^^^^^ then usual cpiueay .v . , . . ir.atlng certain scenes, but will allow : ^'Daddy" Bfownlng.; Np, one cari .say. ,- the passage' of SOX: dialpg ^vhlch . a word . against hiriv or wpuld, be pvcl- the heail^'^f: the wliljb ; In;; the; .Film; Pla.vers .Club., youngstovs. : " ; "Daddy" bobight and gave all tho Tlie local ccrisors iiic s'tlll- find- prizes to-the drvhGO.:W the. ing feun-play. In.all its form, th^ir .clivb' 0c'ceritberv:Thfe y.oa* ace bbbgey;;and.few Jllms.:wit1i cVcn bpfore ;he d a touch bt musketryJoKpufside-tliev eup: t^ girl y/\\p yon tho l9-» ,. taw stult get by without cuts or waltz. , • : ; - -, . piriits. ■: Sex iA ;a poor: secbha, with . . For t^iese folk, most of wlwtnyare, only the more otiWbtis , free; ; ibveitpb^ f^^^^^ xt.- . l'atlbriB' ;ducSi .Theresa., and ./Harry HprnlcTt, the president, a ypung . flickers getting the axe Hard it Fight ^"a.ciiawftprizatipns;^ hand.. Olcrin' and , jenKins .cipseu i -^^ .= ;' . v.^.,,... ^ :1 k« v>io intfnr Thai s \*lth their usiiUI-cbmedy--turn,-dra.w-: Ing giggles- easily..; the afterpiece Ihatjfolloivl'd 'was'lone' of- the jnPst. ■cnlerlalrilng bits on- the bill. .;.:' ' ; R-K-O ' (CHESTER, NEW YORK) . Few R-K-0 linits have started as- IriausplciouSly as this one,' but npift>' has vet woi'nid up with such a hang. Xbtlilng riiuch tip ahead and. holes herd arid there", that aren't;lmm<>-, dlateiy.f bvered, huli. the intact, has a 'wlrider-iupper' 1h;'K0n.-:»Iiirray,;'. Flnisli'ls.'sb strong arid,the::build- up'ofteh 80 bad'-aridiA'reaUvthat, tlie (irialo ; makes tlie early pan look wbi-se tlmn it Is.- Willie; the big finish Is ;consldci''cd about the most rie(icSi3(t'i;y part of. these brief fourr act ithit l>llis,. much Of what pre-" codos can't be. passed or Just tossed off as '.sallsfying vaude. ■ -. ' JBopker's problem 710)^0 .was spucei:^: lriB:in t.ilont for shbrt coin after tlio big CMurrayV sllcic. : Altho.u:gh tlib- No, . 2: act',- Foster,- Frigan and Cox; gpes/wlth'Vthe Murray ;ijoo.k:i~ Ing (ivorywhere, and perhaiVs :is 'in- chul'cd-' jn .that ' saltir.v, thei-o- jc^ ni.'ilricd two other, spots';tb-cbriHi<lpr. T'hO'sc wi're;iHJed .by TlieTahzobi.s; icr)! .trio.-nrid Edgav.Bergen and. Co.,. ;y(>-nirilofnilal; team. '■: Trio, iwp- gl.rls ariU';:i ..Ji.i.-in",. dp' :a^ 'fiilrly. ploiu^i.riK oivoriliis irct\for- this.^iypo of show, cw'tUrlluuing: .a- favbiVble a'tii'rliii.!; phic^s riiorf :tha;n anything <^l«e.'• I'or sUiiLs'. not -.IVarxV: tb '')(ollow;. fbi' tho :Yocal.,deuwr. -. •'. rp.stor;; faga'li and (•Px\v;fii)i)a>crtt1y ',jint)rovc ,; at.''e.(vch vlowJiiyr.' Tli'Qy'ro npw;^' c4i)ai)lo ■, oii thclt- ow'ri' 'vi-illv. straight sbng.^:. for tlib-second- sppt arid wpitld rate that ;.Tny'where ■ \<Mthout the; cb-biiokihg iiVi-angoirioril,: While Ihe.v . slnff everythlhglyoll in t-ljeir-ro'ufine/har.- piNfiy riiiiilnori ..Ihti hoxt-tb-rl.Psliii; •('oinerty- 'l,vi'.lc, souttdlng'. qrilic.. spo la the cases Vwhei^e^ the censors |tc!lo>>:>htf ;ls;ln; the; swirii pulsid?, and ■ dxchingcs .can' t g^t .tbgether istage,tummago sales at; every op^ bithcr on -the,:out8». plhk(iig Pi^ he-; P<i!tlun^^^^ Tliertfs a., chronic, sa e , caiistf thfe censors have flatly barred In a llltle' walled off section In u e the liim, the exchanges have been main rppm .which; Is allPttcd to ti^; hlttini? tiie.cburts as their only. re- women. v,All HIi>ds, of, attire tjom course.: some pictures: wei'e played Lbaby'a romperS and .ftpeks to. giii? under injunction ruling. ; But . Ave ;and;;Avpriion!}'' gow pn ine ; nionths ago •: the Illinois Siipreme; wa'lS; pf :thisM;pom. / ,, _ „ ;; Court threv out the: Injiinetlbri ori •.J^«''y:nnre''n;a}Vhlle O '. (UmW - arid th^ ^'exch'angfe m;inagc'rs L pennlts tlVo , Club .jnembei-s, to. !«cas«. Tushed: to their, law bboki;;:ahd;cariie a darico.Pn Its preniisos, Ihe but with another exit, the manda- diie ,.abon and tip.kds to, oujsiji?" mus,' .' Is; a writ forcing tlib' are.; $2,50,: .This ;llme; the club 's,"'/: police tb' lssXib a .pertnlt,;.; Biut the Kblng.;ta .use a high P.r^^^ mandamus is; rather a weak stick, H Was li<^ and .hl!J pressure-that siiice if the city; Svtints to get tough the pluh;;lri :wrbrig.; dow titowii -r e it. need, only lappeal the.; waiiilairius last tlriiiv ;:no:also' g<»f ;.;'i!;^ .. (focislpn" tp .'i-.hlgjier court, anti: the take,.. - . ' . . ■. ' .-.^^.; pislupo hihst be imiri<;diaiely;:inilleid - Tills llniC lhe-.clrib,!>^ K<'J'i«;f'":^^^^^^^ from the .screen until thd'appellate own, Thorp;ni5iy-'.be (iO."t)jr'iv«<'^^ courtihandg dowiva riillng. :':';; ;;i ne)ct„-wc<ik/;possibly. two. ^i}'' ^" :. :; In; the/piUt; thrcia ;,mpnlth«.: Uicse plpttircs- 'arp Iricluded 'iriY catpgory aml cburt fight iKst'i VGorii--; . ... , . - . , .- moiv.Clay,'!'''Pald,'' VTbday," ''Czar (banrtcd);;",Gostpll^ ol Bi-oadway''; ; (QS-leihftll.v: flitly .'lng . foti'ght iri c^iurts); . "^'';' ■ ".ii" barred),:"ScarK«t tages.". '.lunp and Code": (heaylly sliishecl),, „ . ;i>aycPck," "Free Love," "Doorway-tb; (permit rc'vokod). "'Madani-^ Hell" (opei atlrig tiiuier hiandarnits), 1 "Easit 19 West." . "E.vlr:iv:".u-.i" . ''I^dy; Siirrendci-8;V "Prlnirosfe path".l "Brijle of t)ic ntglihciu.:; . ■