Variety (Jan 1931)

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VARIETY- 53 ] / MOOT C(|B8QN •n)d H'» : ; " ■ Te«*t R«no«r».- ■ Para'nniounti Toi«ao :; Kaji- 'kltf/6t\ifi,>Ut;h() act loriaho. ■•vDl^^^o 'attenii)t;;;a-S^^^ while ?ticn. SraWiftMc Plietch.. built aro^aiid accisid .by thOr eUetUf.. Shorlfe at- rests GWspxi. Vi^Uo, wUIi a bit of pn\ twlrllntr; e«ts--th« droi> (>n the. ifyv. filbsbft ihows-ho Jand Ills boys aia Sd''ilVerlrt: confesses.. -The, sUtt .Av.ill Slspso; th« . klds^ • a,s evidenced:: by the gl■o^*nupa.lhe. s.exlet ■everal spiiES. ■: Sqerie oijensj.- arpiind -a'campAi'e wltli the Baiis warbling "Sweolheart of >.tho JidcUles/- ; li^d hairiioiiy in; that, but wiJ^serin, the •■ Ev^n VHellO,: -filuebli'd'V pulled ouit cf-,tlie 'Cot*^^KS. V ■ ■ . i ^ vSoveial-solo bits aro oke, . but-atr iemins to htlrmsrlize,; are tor the iSb^t'^part, pretty; tpiTlble^y tilb.; son-twirls a-few ropea to bring dowln- • Oie cui'taln - W llt^^^^^^ Should the^: /gahg leave.; oWthe dranVii nnd > stick, to: warbling thplr act mlgbt do better,' if .morojijne, is ftut on> tlie harnibn.lzing., > ■ KifTY DONE^l W ; V Dancing ' 25 Mine.! One, Two, S|)ec!al,; - Jefferson v-:^^.-''. \ ; ■..Ivltty "Doner;, bne of .vniide's. stixml ai'd irllKt*.' l)(is in ' tJ.Ws- w\v flpt. a TlfTiiny'. ee'tting ...f or ;■ liov: cleverness. Assisted' . by \an : un1>lllfed:. yoimg womaii" . .who '.' Ipoks like ' yirglnla Sulb'iJ and''sliigs. in .a liltablo. yoico Miss Doiicii' :ilsp fl.'jses^ lead- er in' .the -pltirbesldea ;l>er; ever liresr cht'.ciilorcd rtrajtl, JrOnfe. ■ ■ •;. Op.phlitg. ijpforouv-dMp'^w Ihg ■the^.i^ianliatiah skyline,-, MlSs DPner ■ lf5:Vs.een liiv a' -small- 'Set ■. back tfponln'p ;at■ -tiie 'i'lKhti^ It's isho'e .eoliSjlPr's'6pi<: -1"ho' story . .moves riipl,(Uy,iibm hore,-:tAkIng hor aboard 'ft.■;. trniri, • Fhowlrtg., oii' upper ■■ arid •lowpr , bpVth \ Jri ':^vhliJi,. as an . old i-ouo ' cliarhctor,, ;'sho . gfeta laughs inakIrif^; a play .iirst :for this; maid arid fheri^ tlio yo^iiug wpin'an: in; tlie lo<ver;: Miss-Ddrior .:Phangos. .-lo fUlf niale evehinfi" drcBS'. and does- licr ihippi'- sohatlb^ri^ of tlie • hiaii abpxU tovvii. .Kilty: Uoilei: ■ W'.a,. ■<-i))rant vaudp: pe'rsorialify., rpajioe's . with, all' the v.lm .ariil .c-ontaiglous' enthasiasiri shii. always'displaya.': . ". V . : ' ~. '' " Good 'attest. .<ind.?.tui'ni . :',':.' (GRANT-WfTHERS v;-/^^ : ■ ' Talk;;•"■■.■■; ■-:.■. --^ 7 Mina.rvOn'e . '■.:■' ■■...■;• • :..':, -- ■;. Orleht«ti.Chicago ^ ; V ^ -^.j ■ lilke so many : other pictures names who: go- .forvpersopiil appearances Grant, tVlthers piro'bably-re^por.ted tp the B;; &: Ki stagers with i"Well, her©.! iam, V What do yqu want me •'-":-' ■■•: - V '■•V. ■ .' Chatter. Was' probably baited oiit a few hours'bpfoce'the.: first show. .J^IeaiiinglejSS stuft - ■vyith, liiugha .oulv- froni'the'syiripdtlielto. - Idcap£tlies(v treali' :turh3 13 that.Hhe ^audience doesix'f: exjp'eet: tcar^teWterlaiiiijiont from - -'"tlic . :betwocnipiotu,res ,pci'- Cuvnjers.■; '.■'.:-.; ::■-■■'.''.; ■ ■•■■':- .',': :CiiJmedy.ldca behind 'Oiis. cliivttfir :is that the rii." Q..can'.t veirietriber the rstaT'JiTTj^'inei Act. coiislHts .of 'W'itlvera askiriB .who. the. greatest gierio.K'ttl, w/i's .nnd ' nowCL-viip, when it :dles,.^ ■ ■/■s--,'-:: ■ ■' - Jtaybe. :- forttinafP:' tli.e;- -aaidience aabsn^'t ■e:fiiep't,niucli, . . .;'-..: • LUCKV STRIKE MARIflBA; ;: ORCHESTRA (10) : ' 'MUaie, Sonfls and:Danees .: 13 Mina;;, Fiill. ;(8peeia))"- : Hippodt!Om« ■■ .■'•■■■.■.,,.■"-..'::■■:■ ' - A iniid fl'ish with a -viery :doubtful - future as It stands,; This; is. the ' -■eVen-plece .marimba- seetton 'Of'B. • a; Jhdlfe's Lucky Strike radio orr ' chestra„iu6meiitPd by Gelia and ■Martinez, Spanish dahccr.v and ."io • BlPn, 'a ;tenpr. ,a:na rfither:: in§ 'xiuiaite In.Ci.i' - v, ■ •".. -:;..- ■ ■,.'^■ r . . - Aside. froJri the hoofers tlio; talent ■ either cati't or is; tbo IndHtprenti to ; deliver ' in. iriipressiye:performance. ■ ftlPa anhbunees. tfie musfclan* as of .ether fame arid might have sold this: : If iiaivdled:right, but .tt: was alWwe : ■ tP dle, ;as. did,the. "favorite" <^S#? tions that ;folldwed; . . J • \ Bica has on© novelty almost ycry . ;■ good.:; in' -whistling. two, . thve© and .;■ lour tones at tlve sariia: time.bvit, ^un- V V fbrturiatoly, .spm^ of .-the notes wont ■■:V'B.buv ■^Vhe.n ■caught.. - :;. ::\.:.- ..■. ■., --:' - "" ■ ANDY'S FAMOUS BANJO BOYs.;(3)'^^;: '- 'y: > .v- : ■: Instrumerital,- Songs ■.. . ■■.--. 26 Mins.'; :One'; -.• . -.Palace, Los. 'A.ngele.s -.. ..^;^^ ' ; Banjo BoyS are the :see'o,n(J.:raaio hot to jt)iay at the Eox Palace under this thealttels new; policy otbrlnglng^ ;. , in populai- air a;cts a^ flesh support • - lor niirig.' 'Happy Qhapples, thp flrjt, •; ;%ere.;.g9.6d, fol- tliroe;'weel{s-.but the ;.. •ccrind-i.act. getS-only: one.. ..; .. The .Banjo • Boys are heard' (jver ^ .KMTR, - and <iulte. a fcw^ot^'thelr •■ ■ . iriu.slc::,f6llowerp Tvel-e In; tli,e 'audi- .; erice.. - tike .the Chappies, :tUey took . -th'e-''a;ct moi'e as a. personal', apfteai*' -. 'arice ariid hb'emp.t at Stage prps.. .erice;'.. TlVey' iby.'^ aje .Andy- 'T.o.uns.- ^ .Xo'e Chappelle aiid Jlick Brooks. The : -latter «arig^ a :eo16i while Chappelle •v '.contributed a;''solo ori. the banjo. Hoi'io'ps ;;and ■ cffprtis ■. are . e^^^ -:'";dlVi(JcO^-;-'^ .. •■-.v: , - :;■- ,-;;:: ' r' ,: ,::A<-t JSAonly fair: theaifre entertain 'inent. riiostly .because the bPy's forr, Vfiet tho'y-rirc on the stage an,d .,not ,' ^n a radio'Station. .They; are-caipii-!,, ' • ble; banjo ;ahfl -niaridollri artists, bu-t . Allow liie audif nr.e".s iht, to lag: ■. Ibel-iv-'offii' Progtidm Is made :.,- /ujv pr-)ir-)(;.':>v p:iiirtv ':;-;'': ., -^^,; .'.•-: JAMES EVANS.and^Co. (1) ■, Pedal Jugnling - . . . ,. :f ,Mins.;-'Three:.<S'pecial) . ^:ll1st st^.-' . . E,xcepkiorially good : fbotWork . . malies' thi.s ,a jstrorig. bpeher rn spite ::~. of nb attempt at :showmansKlp by - :-^ E.vans; Xvho llcs bii a.rislPy -mat atop .': A .llVo.-iobt porch'. After Juggling. tl>rcc lai'^c"r.ubbei''-:bdlls and aT-barrel ... ,he trle.s^ a'- prop 'bed ^that bring..*: : . laugli'.?; ;As 'HP';balariccs:it Iri varlr. • -ouS; positions tn-o' durinv'cs.-.ln. liight ...- :. (fo-ivhs .ii'e revealed. uhdcV the cover."!.: ; : Latep:he;m'ike3.them sl.t up.. 'Vinifeli : has'ihe bed.-spihrilng -with orie-leg of ., ■. . each d'uriiniy Ijaiigihg ov'cr the .side, .i-; ;:. '■ :Coriipany Ms a; w;bmari 'w^ho.-helps -iritl) tl>e prop."!. .-Evans,co,uld change. '■;: Hie .color scheme of his drop 'tb ad-.: : • •x-aiitagei but fcspe'flftlly th*? bftrfell, I'whish.-is cefLsc and-blackguard.,on ■.-. ■ ;Hic>oyof!.:" . \ ";^■: •;■; biLtmore-tSio- -.f-^' sprigs; I hatriiriientat;:;' S/Mlna;; One arid .Th'Me,.,:. -';. . - • P.aranfieunt,ri-'OB Angeles^.:,;.:. ;':c'' i 'Co'mm^rc,ia\ ''stage ti'ib,. Coining fj'Om'.a P.nfe-flop^. to: the il'nvamo.rtntj Avith a';.local i'adi9,rfcj>,' arid .icbririg ric'atly lri person. ■■ -This is; the trio ■ivliich has''been wlth-;.Earl Burilr; riett's .'.orche.stra, at the .Blltmorpr'Xf.' a;, . for' riiany mori-tlis. arid- whjch',_tn VbcW. srieclaltte>) .:tl3 -IhtprlUdes be^ tween, Burtriett's (larisapatioii,-. at" tractetl - rad(p at'tentJbri:ori Its ow;ri ■ T he.'Pa rahibti'rit .added the.fihythri> Boi:a rro'riv the . .Cbco'ariufc ;Gro.Y,ei?;of the Hotel .'Amb'assadbr In .p'Prsbri a fortnight :afeb' :and .'■is puliirig'-the same iat.utit -. with; this trip.. ■' Bllti riib;i;e.'a, tsi; .a,: lesa volcarilb ; stylo' ,-of ybdal' present'4tion,-!felyirig -riri.:mel odic gniopihriess:t6;iriipr'css. , • , ,Thelr .^(iui^tude ovc^coi1n^e;.' fp^ mari1mbth audleppcs •y-ia.- a riilcrb- phori*!; y siihulatlng the . radio .'Im-; pr'essioTi;; 'They self ^accompany their vbcalizat'lPri: with :«uita:r,-; uke .arid .pliirio.'.:--;~ ..' : ?--'-^, ~ '-Th.e B^ltmpto boys, liavp sUreTflre vo.cad'riuriibprs,: and, ; their ■■SriiP.btiv .s'alesriianship, It's; a cihchij.:.Theh' presentation ,J's-given a : little ' added-■.inipprtance. lrii the, ."Old ;T:a^hloried rGlrl'.' :humber .by Ilayhiff gU'ls, -siiltiably.,-.spotted o,Il .-bveiv: the' darkened iff^'er -floor iintll brought.into the Umellght-uftr der W-'flock ot baby overhead; (IPode. ■;-..;■ ':■; - -t r- :.:■:..•■ :.-;- - : AVei Burt yORKE and BPri MARKS^ C^^^ 'Comedy''- -:■"■: '.;■- ;■':: ■ :"':■.;■ •15 Mihsi', -One (Special) :. -v -81stSt.';.r:,:.;^-,;;V::./ '■.:•;'■■ ■ .>■ ■.,:.'-.■ ., Tiifi^ act cPntftlhs;'thb .\vildest kind o't hpitb.. ■ If lavighs cbiint, lt: shpuld gbt a.rbute a's IPng-as.'thb :bfg. cfgar Marks opens.':wJtl).^^^ -. ; . : . .' l"b¥ke,;lb'rmerly:.'wlHi Allen, 4hcri,-nlth ■ I/prd, hds -lrt-.tlvis; ownbo: 'wltli-'->ra'rks- .what looks . like the .perfcctJow.cbniedjr: hook-up. Aided by; a tall ;gal: wiib takes plenty, bf .puh'ishDJerit frpiri .yprke, and Maj>ks' frrriitfr .vaude .pa:rthcr'!lrid:wlfe, the- 'i'urn i.«;tairti whftrarinn"g .o'vcr .bellleS' at tiib. gbag.. :yorki. is a master •Jibkcster, . Marks .gets'-lils laughg with cbitritle?& nutty looking ovevr coats-aind. liatsi ■. :' ■ . ■ '!. . . :' ^TJrevtall felrl:is .if pip: of; a foil for tlie twbmen. Slip takes a.:push- Ing around .arid the- seltzer;.bottle. Water in h<fr-'face ■iivltri ireltsh.'-Etliel- •^r.-irks ■ looks pi-blty. aritl gives, just ■;i "jKtlb'bit. bf lier-flrio' vbcal' ablliti^, rn.Sftliig ybii :'warit iriore.' -,. . ;AVeak f flrilsh. '.which shPOld .be flxPd' :is' orily dbubtfitl Spot In tliis m-i'derii .'(•aude turn. : ■ .V Wiilii(m and-Elaa-NEVyEl.ll '.(1)^.-' 'Cbmecly 'r.-.']::-.' . One; 17-Mins.. -. ^ ■•;--:": -,';■ -.■■.;~ .:.:-.;;-' \- ■• -^-v.- , An'.ait' thrtt dopsi)'.t .stri-k. to piic. rbutfrie.'fbrv years no .niallcr hpw 'ebbd it lbbki?; - Takes a:)pt bt.'neVyp 10 'Clirt n'gp f i'onv: a:.sureIICo' tu rli 'M febnicthlnig; new ..Wu'jt ll thb.-aomo-. thing" iiow".i>i good they-;-c an - pla y report :dtites that- wore oftpa ■ ai.ia' tiris.iipw .?«'ewoii act. is ;go.od.' :'. '■ Last yeioji' ::th'l3 tcairi;do.irip- a sitlt- ici\r:bit pri 20:y.ears a'gb.: Switch ;ls tb riibdcrri dross .xoincdy- ^sohgrtttlk arid is-Siriari comedy.." 'S'et-Hh'ere are- ■sotrie', tbiigh v'spots which ^ pan . , be amobthed. over. • •'Wllltam bPuld give Plsii more h^lp. Wajbr pabt'of .cbhVT (5dy tests oil' Ker shapely; slipuldtirs and. shei is an adroit cPniPrfienne. ' -, ; :D"u6 riji*. song/krid ta)k.';: Elsa does ri. gag OheviUbr French- riilmbeir.:arid follows If-with'-a lioke liriitaSh of :a prlma- .dbnna' atteriiptirig 'to;. stage a; <:bmebacIt,-> Bill: also -gO^S' In' for. Some gong^ bits .-but' is riiaihly the Iblli ■ IJlHy's- comedy- stabS. ttre'-tpb stralglit-ralmost rltzyi ' Could bend alittlis lov^er for..hoke;lik.e15l8a. ■ ; :. :EISa:.wbr6 a-gb'wn- 'which showed every /ciirve,; perhaps ;a feW:''curyes she'didrft know she had, "and iri- cliided a few: hip 'vvrlg^tleri with her coriicdy .- vbea;i ■worki,.- Ijldn't :liin't any. v-:.^-/: •- ■•■;;:•;■ • .-•■■■ ^..v -- •'■.:■■' ■ 'Male pianist' assists. : :': ' i . J U N E.O'biii>r:aiid Co;^<3);v^^^^ Dancing.' -■.; ''■" ; -i-''-' 14 Mins.; .One and Fiill (Special): 'Hamillbri-'.''-; i- ' -" ■ ' ^".■■ '.:.-;. :: . Opening in "on©",;wIth. a' holdup: .'ide'a which.'resblvps IntOf all dls'cov-. ■eWrig;.they arei out p£ .work • a.otbrs •nrhb Joiri.' :: Fbr; 8.1)1:401, Miss Q'-Elay and twb unbilied boy hoofers ^set the;. :germ ot an ;ideavWhicli takes-;thei|i. into full stage-for soriie dariclhg.roii-. tin©,.: witii; a. -sprig.: by -'the. young, ivoriiaii.: -.:^^ ~. ."''>;•';. . i^he aict 'goes over-solely, through :tnb peraonailty pt-. Wtss. .0'pay.;^^.Hep dariclrig combinedv with a .noyelty .::V^^:::;;fALAGE;;;.;-:-:^-^ ;V.'''-'-v(St.vVaude)' ■'::■ ';:.■■;''■■■ ittbrnecomlrig week tills .'vrecH, the Palace: 'with Phil: Baker, llerjb ■"WUllartis; fiiil Pobirisbn; and Ailccnv Stanley as the Jioadllriine . tiuartct,- Tiiey - all-knpw: the-' 'way ;from, the Palac^: stage tb tllfe dfesging rbems blindfolded. ' :.; , C .■;.;.'.\.: ■•:.>■::'. ■ t'sual big. " crowd Sund.-iy.'. rilgjit- \Vith tlvP -rbiie's .up.,"..Th'A:-rao.b there b.\i}i'tfssly,:t'*.seft''aha nvix xS'ltli leb^i gbt. sPiub"* peeks at-a; few,' but not tlVc-^ -cuistomai-y -.Simday. rilght eyeful of ^ibw':ldlo actors, act *:hile V.atcltliig; wbi^klng'.-tctors wbvl<. K\ith Rbiaiidi Be'ri BaVd.: Odd-. S.K'Intyre, ■:Lbii Hoitz,.'Lbu Hour's .la.wypr,;.arid "iS'aUor' 'W.ljiehcH:: ioblc" bpws. AVih- ■chellis an aptor 'nb\V, tfib.■nls'p- ag.'> lAfter fiiui -Bnkeiv:.spottod:ihe •••Miv- ror'" cbiiimivist. ririd. cvHic. Dp playod lb arid -at \V»iWl)Ml the iro'st^ of alio ipyerijnf. arid orily . iri :a. gbbd. noiJoe.-;pi'iPei ■ -;.--.;■',: V Bard ■ sent"', two ' prijrs:',«ta(ipwiinV.. i'oriv.hl.s:vliWr. jiv the lirsit rnw: .-ind it looked, a.s iVougli. soiivt^ihliig I'erestliig ■>v6tnd liappcri, t)U't':nybody el»-b ..Steppc'di ;ih. ; .. _ ,; . ■ ' ' ■;. ,; ■ ■"';. ■ Oiiter\'tite: 'but' is nlPtvg: regu- la.tlbii :«tralght va;vid'e lines, with, iip rii. <■' this Veck and. Db blax-Uoiil.s, It wiis prbbajjly flguvcd.tuo four .:ibp-.- pers. would takb' ear* of thom.''elvcs nxii\^%\ipiji.\\a^\'': l't>s A denarttn'e that will: hfelp, : the; iiitlmate ni, c. ana make- the'' botweeri-tlie-acts:. stviff soeiri'h'esiierr whe)t-rc'vlved,-:pps.«lbly~ liext week.:. BakPi':ls jibekcd fpp fbire w-eeks-at 14,0dp ier. : - , '.;';-•.'?,; " -. ;"'Bnker"ga'Vo . the-Ijfn -a Rtrbng -flri'-. ish -arid, noljod-y .walked. Ijo had hefty. Humphrey," Muldb*.ney fivlng ansilvers, .ii-oni thC balcbny. box and Miss Staril^y Joined;: hin^, as. usual,: aftpr lietj pwri'irirri but:Baker, niost: of tlie :tlnie, -made it a ;clP£rlng' sin- c'oloredi luriiihous, 'pain'tvd -cbSturiio ddrice'riiinriber .Ini dark-bned 'slage. by all fHiMie does,it "The two boya aro. hai-d: workers, bvit. dp tl\e, .isonyeri-: tlonoi. hbollng .thait riiukfej audiences rio'w; turn tb' looking '.through -Pro:-^ grariiy-.until .oyer. - ■ ; '.' -;' ^ :.';.-'; - ■ ' jEpstumed nicely .but scpnery looks :badi .';',,■; y: ■.:'■ . ■'-; '' :■:-,■' " -'Miss: O^Day: seems:.a : clever girl who .can dP fbeUcr ; in: other tllrec-; tlbns; '. - • .'v;;..-;: ■. '■■rf y 'fi - ■ ■ . THE JA6K WADES (2) : ^^ --■'AcrobStic;-.; ' :-;:V'::::' ■ '10 Mi'ris.-;-.T'iiv« ;.•■':■' - ;'.HatT)iitori :■. ;:;'.'.■'■;•■■.; ;/'^;::: '-.. One' of'tlie, old . type noveljy . acts r-5tIiat ;lbbH.s-goPd;bec.aus6'Of the ybutli ,.- ttf llie;m^in and .Woman doliig-it and Mio-siLi-ed .iiirt:Ki'apc 'ivjtli \vhlclj-thcy ■ -:Mani 'it'ovfji-.:/- ' '■ ^ir-:'. > . ' v.. or A-arioii.s.J'rbri-Ja\).- fe.Tls ^n'^vlllc^i . : liiaii lift.'i tJio wbri-iari .'ln a/.o ': -li.v lils, .l/'Otlf. .'and l\a,s:- foi' ■a;;fi-nish ■ iIh'\ 'iiiviVits . rif- ,thri man. .over fivf ' Hi.-jh>-. Ihnilii'ri-.' on a. t.-ible. with Itis hiKiil.s -I'lnd'"rlsijif; up ,lntb a hand ':■ "it.'vnrU.. l>';i-(;tvtvd:i)lg l>y tit'p i-lariiiKbri ...;.:'il4i :ir;-i-i,.':'^:-; f ,-- ' - V"-'. -'- ■ v-^ ; ., f^cp: ;to,;i./ih(; .iih.« i.lif',kind; ■ ' :' ,'.in,.ii!,r iliii) a-m(Uk'et;.arbtm,d ,; :;;::.^, :r--ik. .oin,.-e}5.. :,; ■:: ■ -'i';- .; ■ MARVEV and FLORENCE (9) Dahcirtg ;'■'':':-.'. 17' Miri*.;. Full, StSge. ' :. Hamiltort■ ":-■ ;■-,:'', ":,:•'.;■.-'. . jfbtWng .Jiew or novel., about Hhl.-s. apt, Tyhioh Jiwludes .the'..featured 'riiari and--wbniani Marimba --coriibl- :riattori of six and .'a: girl .comedy' dancer: unbJUed, .The: woman ap^:: pears top hieCty for the man'tpjihan- alb' in. .the. tpssihg; awurid - taiigo iiuinber '.arid • al>Sb • the finale; . - The •band is just' <tnoth^r; of thofee^Ma-, <'rfiviba;'putiifs. ■':.■ - :,:^ :•:"■";' ,^" ' •yourig. woriia^n.-.comedy' .eccentric daiicev is tHe onl.y-butstaridlng- bit of .critertalnmerit. - Best "iS -iv: nVeslion' pt 'whetWeiv lots bf: >vbrlt:will snai) ;U ihto'-'-sliape;,: .■: :'- :•■'.'-'-.:.'.■:--. ■" •.'■"■::'' '. ' Featiired .coiiple seemffd 5*0)* nw"! vous all. through arid wore ;ipt, .quite .sifrc pf tl.ieriisel.vM.'.at any tinje, :; HOiLedMBE and; LA^^^ '.Songs/Piano ,- '.'' ■..':,,-'. , .'. ':':' ''13 Mins.;'-One; ■ : ■ :HamUtbri. .■-. -.'■: :;-.• ■;;v^ ■:::■;:':;'. . : ' Two ybtirig:women wlio have been around in' vaude. 'witlv.bther comljolj for 'sPhio tiriie. : Ha'rmpny songtf arid wriat sbxrridcd JlRo.ttt-p specials barf- ■died like seasbned trbuijers. :Both pjay: tlie:piaho. ' ' ; ■ :; ; ^ J' ; ; J.oOk oke and'sing jvell together. . Know .the .yx>iu.e...b<. j)Mrich::l!ncs fp.p comedy efCpct and:land. them.. ' ; Should do well-up -early on. most : ;:■any■■biJl;;^.^.■.'■''. ■^■:: '--^ DiMARR: and tESTER J . Songs arid Talk : .-:^. ,:' ■ 11 M1ri8.}.Th>e:e ($pecial) V v 'Llhcprri::Sq. ;-: ^' . • Spriiewhat weath'erbeaten -,stage gag bf a:'Womari; ttying ,to-:mak6 a bashful man , see .that ,she ,is after: him.' Mauling the man good Ibr its .usual'iau'glis Irt tliis hPuse.? Act rUna 'rttuclV'along the eioharige pf talk similar tb turns ,.bf-this type plus a daSh':oiE ■ ebng- arid: sonie stepping,: witri the man partlcitlarly: adept;. The :fliiiBh.seem3, the: a:ct'S- strong ■est play tor:obmedy When a tread .Is used; Mari la chased ^by,tllo. .Woman as a picture bf a strcctJs flashed to -aocchtualc his night.-.Fcmmp flnally reaches hlnV. grdibs lilm by tlio typu scre' ariU Pit triey-'cpmP. ..lis ahvayi .a kick, even back .in the silent, plC; gie after a bili lull, of singles. Herl? WlHlama' • <;bmpariy of three dldn.t takps hliri bilf'.of :tfie« Sblb. category,: nbr '^id; MISS. Stanley's ;plnno" ac- companist riiake :it.' a,-.t\vo-act. Rob'- Iris.Pn also" alone was; the 'flrst part •cibseipV.v •;r: '-"J-- ,■"■'..". : ' ■ -odd-to'see :lhese'-turhs.'repeittjat this house so ; easily 'with material; used many times bel^bre. ;Of Robin', 'sbris two gags brie has been :hiS:pPt fbir years;:: One! reaisbri .why: the gag always- 'goes ma^ ''be.. that; when thhikirig of . Robihsori ;they reriienv bcr his dancing, arid forget his gag- ging. His superrtapplng.:,Sunday night was ' Unforgettable. . Baker mixed "his ancients... with: Somb: new aoundlrig <iuips,-but they laughed at everytrilng. The Palace: .•Vudle.pcp Bjiortad trio flrst paivv of. l;btind heels: and'istill.wea»"s...'orii, .-.:, ' :> ,• , ; ■. : --Jls' the; bliiyraii: bji, a; scycriract laybut it fr'e<rt*rit)y seem'pd, t(T stag- ger. I'ljhat was due to? srfotiing, the nature of the. material Involved ap- pai-entlir ' being a "bar 'to-' smo,oth: plabepieht'. '.-Tlbblnsbri's- -assignment under - Intoi'nilsh, vl'mniediately alter thP WiHlams ;rbugh-;hbusp,.- .was no lily--ibr^ arisonc. - K?rb.. still ta the' water,: dbtislng in, the break- away :. -pl.arib a^riil.i :when drawing :a' beer -front a faucet at- tached to. aholher:. bttby • gcand.-somc of'.the.atids riilsSHhe glass. Betwpcn Williarii;3'arid Ebblrison.bamo a two'; riilnute riibppihg act - by the .back- stage. Th^y wore white shirts on the :dark sta^e"and. it looked like :;a: phoSphbr'us ballet 'from tlje ..Rpxy, ■ ;Th'p aiid, water: mixtorP gave Rbbinspri^ a-,wet stage tb ■:BlldO -,on, nbt sb ipleasaht-^tb -a. gent- who ;can ibo forced into miifflng a' tajj 'only by a -wet. rostrum or^ fin' earthquafce. J-iut'-Rbbih.sbri didn't miss: :-. .'■. Miss■ :i3t'aiilty-: opened ^ after the smbkb ptitise tb give the bill a pb- lltp fiill stag© Item for. tbat- point On a.J)ill with many wpmen .JIlss Stanley-might have ;beeri over Iter head - in tlie second part poslllbn, even thbugh' she aulckly.repeat.^ as Baker's contraStirig-.foil;' This .show has but:rouf (emmf'-* .in« t))rti -.ihi :■ :clb.«e.»t ib '.a sia^r.. adCalV tliif J'tt laic© .can get arid play-safe, ;.'- .■ -: :. ■ ' ^ AVhat the late spqft.. neetTetl wa* 'some"olpthcs tor. the. 'women: tb.ioctt . Kit; ::Wlth Mls8::\StanIoy not :yitude*«(,.. best" drcssop, : things''. eUrrenJly-v-av*;-: ' wrtorlajly dlsappoiritlng." Pentrirlng - tlib ^erilleriiori's':f.av3hlori:,-end::: wast . Williams' '06 laathlnB-'suit,.-, BfiUPP :-' :'ivore: Strlp'cd - •pari:( S- and ^ an .'>'• <'^o'r-r :; - dioji,:::;;'.-: ', :• ■'.;;.,, \ ;• ' ■ -riayjrig -tho -fpin'-;fc,V^^^^ tvi'vi-,s;.';'n'. :. .succession left the'early tln'ev,.si:t,'t»', ,-; to-^-thb IPSse'r. pai-tl'clr'anffl,.''amT'.tl.e-y :■ did .-okay without flje billing: All''/iXT . ; riilliars/'arid prier .Oanliril,' .'i pro.tty -.;; qU'lck:repeat,;c:vori for the -ralaci.; . ::. ': ::'Large',;and' - Jliireiipr, ' the'-.i.os-t;'. irioiiop'edio. tearii -In, vaudP,','\vev,i',.;c:-.. ' called:after the- lf(;lits \vcrif Put;. , dlbitce taking;- lirimpdlat^iy tb . tliei'f* V.'i. rrft^j.'apd; balance' i-ontine arid lik, up ; it all the .way; In -the, douce ;i.s. ; Uracellti' arift-'Thebdorp ^diuiee: Jliish; -: that's 'sb:-aupei'ibr '-tp 'ijie .avwigii,, .Ihtp'h 'ixct Itshatiidii'tije <?ias.«Pd -rin-'t,: . dw tlw. saihb. titl^. ,- •Novelty,- in (hy>. ,' Bleeping:.-princess, operatic 'fiiicei. cat.s; rind' 'g'o.rilia dance, b'esidp.< iho.'; , lead :' ■ cbupie's'.. .excellent':; ad-:! Wp : ■ Stunting..-;. -Phey 'parii'y <thelr bi>:n pit-'';: lortUbi'^:, '■-'.- , : ; .-:^>^',;_..;:.::' ;^/.,;^ • ■ Cardlnl riiparly/r.ulnpd the Siu'rebss-:^^^^^^^^^^ fvij. boay of his .Sleight ofTiaridv.nirri 'with: iV stispieridea' bb'Jppt-trick' triat- - •fooled - nbbpdy. ! H,6'dldri't-rieed";the- "• -j?ncP»\fe-J>ltln:ii<t-ydrildn't If Iti wprb.:^ gbodv ;T:he fboiev -suspended argtass - of riillk ln- the.-air::arid 'tlie'l slring :; held - between ' riis' .arid:: his girl: as-.: ^ sista:nt's,:te"eth.: 'couldn't; have'; been more obyibus,-,":beeri ;j')aiii(ed ; r'Pdl'. .Caiainl ■■;IS ' nbt -.-advinciiig by .;'', going-'frorii:pal,riiing;:\vlilcH he knows-': a.rid does better ;ihan;:.nibst o'triers.' . .;. .'•: - .Williams. Was a liit witiiihls :eiow'ri. "' 'pi(iriolog,-uncliariged since his: last - Palace date arid the.."Vanities" jobi.' T?he :';lngrcdleh.ti3 of'::Wia' '-act -iar^ ;. sourid and: reliable- comedy :Stuff. How. the sanye bill will > far© iwitji ■:' sriiall hbuse', :'ajid" It's likely; tb .see :;,'■ Vfew this week, -la ^q'ueStionalilf; •' :,: ■ •'■ :"-'i-V ■■■':■ ■:■;-• '\ Jiiue. . ture'days. :Sui>i:.flr,e,hcr,o WAN WAN SAN (12) ::;'; :: Chinese Novelty. ' . . ';. 20 MinsiV.FuM, (Special)' :. ,: : . : Hamilton--;':- ,. ■;, ;' .,:...:: ::.; -,': ■' A .stage full of clover h^ird work lrig;: eiiinese , . folks 'wrrip do ' linatiy thliigs WoU, sometimes having: three .separate -idea!?, going- on' .at- brice Iri tli© -:marincr.,ot a .ismTilLthi-bp .ring cireii's, - - .J..;;;- 'i'.; --:.;.,;.^ :.■:'-;:• ■>-, ■ - Set In.tho .-usual.-brrtatp ;(I.rapefr of Scenes, iifi 'tlio ':homeland',-.--lh<j ,-;,act hblds pieniy of riovclty;' color :arid; action;, -A very small girl; shp,w.<i trembriabu's' strensfth ;as, an un'lerr, standpi'; ' ••-i-^- '■ ;. "■.:.;' '::: ' j ' '' MALtV arid SUMiMERS (2): / ;;- Comedy, Singing 12 Mins.j One ' -„'-' 1-lamilton ;- - ■ '---'' ; ■ ■ ,':."■ .'■,-, ' 'This-Is the Dari M.UjIcy :,lo,rnK;i'ly with Ilowland, then::Si.riiicrVind nPyi- a neAVirialb.^pai'lnpr^ .Only .C|ireorir>i<:«. is that a vtijt. , -. ,; '"^Otiisidb of„-thcy aro dolnt'; a Ylock;.P£ bid sttift-Including thc/filng-; Irig pff 'Stage opening: and'-oridlnw Wi th ■ :thei ."Rose'Marie!' song, .inid I'dcltatlbri.," :'llar^ ?•. liopk like good bombb-hut fi*-;'!'! li^w materltil Jt ,gc'ttlris apywhccc. LILLIAN DAWSON Sonds ':' 12 Minis".;' Ori.e .-' State 'V ::'-■. rrescntln'g;a,nice APPf-aianre tin offering a' fast voUtln© of pop- tprc songs, Ijilllari IJawsbri :).s ha-ndit.ip pod by a' lot' of aWkward- i,'cirlurln(,' during lici- song delivery, l^.rcsised iri:" blaclt vclveti- -vvith the infevltaiJle -Avhlte trallltig hanky -.ttickcd : bo ' :jic»lh' Her., ring;- slVe AvarblO-s .'rvvp'ri '!l'Yi(!nfl.s A^,ini,.'-V "I' Mo; or IjcaV' Jlc," ''Jf r C'orild lib; W:iih ,Vp«", and ,".Sttta'n's.lloUda-j'," .With.a,-male.acr cbmjianist jit; the;,ba,by graiid;; ; '■ iviVilb M;iss. Baw.-<oriV .'•nvincln tlbn (s ■ hbttei:.' thari: a: lbt of: (•■ingle wptne^n now in 'vailiJ'p:liei':-.-«biig (Itliyery;ls along :stei'eotypfe.d lines;- one.;>;10w chorus aTid-dpuYile t lih'e -fbi'^ lio (<ec ondV-a.'" sonii sf/Uinf^ -'sfj-le ■■Wa'>ili;ir Jii'cd-by Buth Kttin;,', :■ ,; - .-.• :• ' ■ • ' Act; ■pr', ijna p,<;s' up -: "deHnf'.r :i'r>r'.tliP -iKifeliupriioo'l ;,' -fa :*■)'"' tHR Et RHy.THM GIRLS Tap Daacfng • .:"'::•■,:;■;■■•,;■■;"■, .:•: .;':■ -:.:': 6 Mins;; Ope ■.' , , '::•; " :HiPpodi-Qme " ,: • .'■':.-.-; .. ,., .. Tba.iiii'i''li f!.-iin'-;ii/-ss iiv:i/:'iniv> "V.''- rbuilne iHU'iiUt-lk^j^'t by <,n .sii''-ii'«-'th lt'.s--n6Velty,.- J'.o.'^aUn'l' Kiij;,; .Mtlica , Current bill., of, so-called '"ace"- ■ - toew ftpts at this big ■ Broadwaj" '■; house' looks and- plays like, a:'pnll! - of deiices ^rid treys ,arid a lorie,- ace," • ^ MltchPU nhd Durant, comedy acrbx -. , batlc'exper'ls, stand but more prom,*, 4nenlly 'Iie'ro thiart 'tliey have 'at 'any;- :,. tlttie (iinco they'xvore spotted iri th«l ■ last' "Scandals.". The stirrbuhdine acts seemed either dull or .piedibcr«! ; arid these boys, working In breathe : les.s fashion, proycd the only bright :;: spbt jrithe lineup. , . ;';:>, '.';: .- Fbr.tur© la"ailght ;to liovc-' (Var) ,' wltli th© -fllm albne ,lleiired to -'Oraw,:; the custohiers; •: -'.'' ."': :' '-:' - ;■'■.' • ;; "Wlcst .and Staritbri.' bn third;,,"ivltli a'mliiiafure revue;'are a dlSappAint^'.';. mcnt With' a- sei'les of blackout .skits : .•: authored by Billy Wells,,-'bf .- which liayo been done -to, death. li\ - biirlcsctu'b :and -past Broadway -x'e- ,- yues. Three men arid a,glrl-:ave iri. Riippprt.::-T\yb. or theni jlr©:assl3iiied :, hooting, specialtibs; lacWrig Iri grace arid' ■ distinctiveness;;' dragfelrie.-,th6 -. tiirn but Only item of value Is a ' punchy "flnish in which fotir ,mrri, •;; doing- tramp sttilT,', travesty a'ballet, quartet.. -• ' ''.: ,■.:'': ;:■ :■■: ': Kay, Hanilin arid Kay ; opened wlth' -a tr'ampoliri© tiii'ri to '-tart -' tlviiJS:s :i'i lackluster -fashion;:; ;,Hbrri«i comedy chatter -moaris • nptlilng. Boys ■: flnally, 'display : -rieait:;. 'ja-vittl: - ' tricks after , plenty., of ,'-"stalling,. , working, up to the regulation big ; llnlsh. Jlist the mliaest sbri'ot :art opener -solely; because of a tot 11© atteriipt for comedy by a comic wjth;' big shoes. .-■ ' : XllllaH i)a'w-sbn '(Kow.AetsV'.in th© •. deuce with a pop song routine *-as. . aribtUer mil^ e,htry,, while thc^ "Car-'.. nivai oif Vbijlce",'ll.-»sh apt,;featuring Mme. Dortatelio, i.s dull moat ;o'f. jhp,. way.':''rhb' Madamd's' to:e-wpvR and:, clever tambourine solo alpn<.- are wbrthy bt n'otA: A film'' ,sh'<,\vlng: ■gondola.s.,'' RpceiUng ;', on. :Veiw t ian:,; canals during ;' I vityi .; flashed on a Bprlm: during the act, - fihow.s 'slgris-pf 'hard usage arirt-js pf , •no: value to thp act and.. .sViouVd be;' .shelved. .-vA .;.,'.'"■ • -,;:-;: ■■■ • -:' :'': ':Biz rtt thP first .f<hbw .SatuV(lny.'bff ,- ■wltli'. Ics.^ than three '(luartcrs ja- :, r>af:lty;,dp:\N"nstairR..-' : :; :; ;' : - .::: '■ ■; >ALACE, GHlCAGp ^ ,■>■:<'■-•;■ /:.': '-''-': (;hi<?ago,:j?in, :4')>--;.i.,-. - ACtef niprifh.'r ot c'<'i)isl5st(:nfl,v ki;o(l ' variety biHsi..tii(>-P;iiii(;o fort'i.-t'-y. it-;: :;'.elf' ' !in(l Slides: liar-'K:. . JXbus';' h'ai?: hud a struifgle biiliaiiig Itp. patiolj- jifjfi..; .This wi-'-k; in, spite ;or-; th©'' :iii-e.'^<-ii(.'o ota'i'ouplf' of nam''!'*'; ^ ;KOlivg . til' makri .iiddiflbirial:; ,£r,l'» ndv ' f'fii- lli/i th'^atro'.- ' lf,K ,strlcOy 'uri .tG,'.' .ll)-},, pirlur'o",';"Rbj-}ti:^;Bod,"'-. illH-diC;.) rii.stn'd 'i-m-.avifiiy. ht\\i\iy, : ■ : ■■ ,.;: ■ ~: Opc-ning..: •\ye)'p-.- tlfi : KnfiiiZPW.T.-- •ti-ou)i(?j;-'ri.'<rey: .wbtk^'rs.;- :,!!(>y.---,:v':erii:.' tlirbrigh ; tlie--riibt.ibiis;.Svftli.'.nb arid 'pulliriij'their ^t(^li,IK ^nlO!ili.^ ilVC.-,^; Ingly-',yflri-,tlv(>'y'6,m«'(1.v 1)1!; ; tv iiif h: , i.aV'f)','heti(jmc. .staiViiinitl in :<'.'-'-5 • f>f thi«: j-'.i-i,' )ViI,--',-~-'-(i:.', Uisk-y ■ ,><,"i.tlht, • -i n u (li I Ik rit h -i V:.'i ii- -l- i roMpfs jl- llver;- wlt'li i.'.t -in (<.iit"'*'iundniK p<-iform" .riiake Ihfiiri.'a 'i>i/»;:i.l)i'-..N/j, - . (Contiiiuifd on pa'j^e .'SB),.