Variety (Feb 1931)

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)»VAfllEfy*S*^ PARIS OFFICE 12 PariB Buildinii, 15 Boulevard des Italieiis Cabli Addresia: VARINEWS, PARIS ■ - Central pl-S7; Louvre, 52-15 - .' ■.^.:>ioiij-\vo(i(V,: :>vi.,: 10.. :A:n};il'' iri:Oi^ l^oni' sho Aiu\ in o'lliX'i" siKit.!;', :iVuf. it Js; )*li<^,\ i il, ;(;> rppiu'teil tlu'owiivi; .tin:.- >)■"■!' the ' :;Si;rpch;: •:'l^l'uii!'): .patrons ovor- Uinlivil' I.e. irtooKiVi sooni ui).;i0 til/- sin piliirO Amojii aiV iirnniit tiiiK.s: ■ . . . hr. -its V X<'W ;' T(VrkV. i'ini-.,'',yni; Viiiili,- sii\lH^Wl^^j >ik1i .:is hvai-il ■from ollifri- viiu^i i^ i'"t>r?'i!'i<'i^ isn't so KircifLMaiij^ i^i 'r..l>l-'-l<1:uiA' ■JUjit. (i.!ii,i:<;ivi i"'>' is niat :Vm''i:'<'a'| vViiiilpnitm- iiV rhV'Hirc'K is iii>t :l'rii«)-: it ilio rr.auUr lsii'.t,ln l>i'linlll;?, .,: , :. JpsoC- ■ viiii ■ ..sVifVuboi:!;- I'Vi*!.'; ■'""^ tnllVoi- 'in iiV/;iMiii.'wv . iIh' foi-;''!?') Sviii Jliivs,. ^^;lUK.\■I■a■ Wlili'M' => li<'H\\v...Kiin)i>l'' t'l\i-;ouprli'. ,0 eiWo" i)ai'riPr r«>i^ Atiivrl'-inv I' lt^^^^ Auslrian Critic Sayis Us But Ms Liille on ON FLAT GUARANTEES; .jiilriv. ;i.iVMliaiiV'-iif ^.i'iir.v,; I'iiHv :.^:uiiiJijtypi; Juts ...i-<i;;r!:<i!'ii' j pii;vi-!^ii'.'<!s not- (•Vivori'il'Jjy j nrtjiisi •>:ii('t:pi-OiiiKiy . ■ ill •Oxi'll'.il^ j Tavoi:;'. :v": ■; V. Vr-' } • 'y\ I.MO. ' fiin'iivo^. i:C)iil rni-l><: ;,\i>.. carrj; , ir(iiirlii;.il-KJ'a''aiMi'''« "I'ly^ aiijl.« Irtrt i KliVi'c-sliil. not ■<:i>^ :'rtil<iiVii.'ii.-i) pa.v.iiioiit. l^v'■.■v^lili'. V't" What They Notice ■■ V ■ : Ut'IVyWp(\(l. Kci); lO; -; ■: Tillri;^'; that -moEl: Ihiprcss thf? ' f<>n li;ir/ jilay.f'iS: ^wlicn^ .the)''; ' iVi-iV-.'.-asp li^i'''' as fotlijxVs:-. - :T!):it ;ih<^y yan' snioliP. 1"' O'^i Rtiuilo.! Siiifiiiiii^t is l)anhcd tn.; . iCiM-«ipoii~i» lliia Bturtlb,!5. ■ ■ i )c-r!.voL-n'i;;,y oh ..Vli* sp.t. : Tlip a.s'<.i.tiV.iTit ;^(lllWl^^man eft'.*.. V-?''- .'in it w'itliniit iipwlht?' f\r/^ti .. .S^'ii'Mtifli! a'rtvsiMr^r'^*'"' -"T jc/iiiipmciit. ; ■ TITLE SUIT LGST IN tiva.ui^' '\ip id. friiaraiiloov w ilJ I"' ■ \; yl(>lina;■J;nil:':^S.■.;- ■•. Vx^at plvtii):ps.! tlic only, iV''"' ..entortalninent vy'cr 'pvo^liicfld oiily ' for profit an'd f!•<;<! fronv aVtli'rK; jrra,- «TI>tbll; nir-(! ail ai^oiirate- rollir'i lf<(i\-of. tho niass 'iiiliul : 6t : Ani<'1''''V I'* ..'thPiiio^Vot .' Xiio 'liirt.Kl'" ^'fV J VhUVe-;' juf;t .piii>ifsli^ siiiyli.iK'Ci-'rnV/ral. ■tlVP- AitfitiiatvVwriiv'iv o:iy JUp H| ,vas. pliriounc'Pii Miiffttrp ■ liiiiV ^iitlu-r >i|ih.i<^i't,v\' 1^ r.r ■ l■'^hb('pi^liiI^i^ ^■' It** • .spz-nt; ;>i>iin' •'months In'TtoilyWi'Oil:; yW.-ir Ipi'tillt li.iait iviiiK;. llis ;'*><*bl^^^^ ; translatpit .iViio.-(CoKilsh. ' ' ; . Thp !i.Ijni;.s:is~s.lhf' \\M-ii<>r..« a.^ ili'-- signed pnjlr.f^'- \vlt1v'aVv>S P46 —'ortiPp-riionsJrtpVaVifnisv.^wVK'-M^ rtriistic tra01*,ir)ii.M;or.i-nii^^^ ' crPatoV.i Wprc' (rpp. f o ;U'< oiiiiui nln 10 i.' tiiemsplvps to- lliP wdliiis of iIik ' .-jiublic/ 'J'lit'y . .VvprP^^ -!V;t\rati;ir.'i1';y. V: llqtlii'itf;, 'i»t; a .Ov-''V<'..,^" • »»V?-V<?:'-.i*''- .niuc^ii; inoiVo.y as' possiliVft- .ai'vl ■'■'-'■If'v , .lihPw Uptter Allan' ifi'try; tV). ni\n;pVit' /by V plMsin!;' vlie iiiiKlibpiwo:^^^ Ifiiop: il.oliliin MttV lh>\poiiuliirily -iiV/;io(/i'I \ ,oUV.stiii'<'-|ir'p :iVi<-'ilio'ii.s.;-, . . ; ' , ; / Wliprpvcr. aiuV; ".wlKMipyrr'^V i)iv ■. masses liavp slunvii that ;'tliry vvvup iSubsidy: $ut\ ■■ • - . -;:'• .'.■ The..ilafti;is. ,i:%>v' l.;■• ;.■ :. /IMip .<,'7ii:iOrt 'VMn also-lipwlilw,) tho '(-!,)ib tlie -lopal ihfiatrio -Tlijis :is'-^t*io ^i>ina1^ bi-iiiB wilarSrcci. 'i*)iP fipw bniliUiig 1 wili i-ost »1 OO.fiOO. is .'(U^"" ..siirm :;fi>r^ sucli. a. srnall , i<Avh.«1irpv; ■ •. l-'.li-sr tbp ;;t6Avn . i;.oun'i:j;l . « as to I'.siibf^irtiy.p.'.ihp; vriit'urp,. biit. (•ItiVplt'O' I 'Wil li li'ts siibsltly wiis, (ii<' .•'fO^-HO 'In plpsliiK.' ii(iirrK.^V^Im>p(; rtiiiMnii ■ 'fi^ [ cii i'o Sf-psoii t li'i; pt'ii b- -iis. opeit tiritll ;thc- WPP li6>n\'<. ;ilTp..;,pollpe woiilii', tiifn Jiayi* fpropci Vh(v Uasinb- to iffosc lioU'ri 'at ('iirrpw lihiP.. So the r-ivib fonnd tiip. money for 0P .eoRllS':F<'b<iji<Uii(ir.' ■ '..;■: ^ V- : :; '.,•;, -; ; /. I..on(lorir!-r!ijv Si): . rrt-nt. 'pt'l4o.(livo.Vjo>' tli*" yV-ar ot be. Stpll; I'll■ tVlrevjlo'\isp;' K in;;3way>, ■iiie 'iif .lb" liVKKCs.t.; I-<)nik>n ibPatre-s ■Vpifatie Illftlircs; ■ JUistnoss nt .the; llipati.c. bail 'iiiiT .n-Wpii ilv!i'li)K:;Chc ■ ypaiv%<lp»l>ii?: tl>o Vip.atHly ln<'l:PVxsin;r (^iV PRINCESS CLIPPED . ■ ■ ■ lipriln^. 1'"(.'.». 1.' ■ :^2jMiP niiii ivi ibtini; Ptim naRy. >ra-i:l<.^ ^;raf; l-'ienV:';?, ■ liivs si/hP 1>:iiO;riipi. Onp-' of. tlic . r^'irtnw'S '■<as, I.ioui<Miant ivbrh:irdt.-, ■Itnuwii :fi'oni lii (■ K a p) )-y I! •. !^<'Jl. Taris, ill' ail Pffort to,dlf' ficuUlPS attpnaant'iipon the circ.u)a Vioiv 6X: s^V^.^a^: 'laneuftge : .tall^e iVill oppn-a'nc'iv theatre li'pro ^eb- * liIpR is: to slipw rt«ncU;>nd''Engll9h" Vprsion.i ♦iimM.lta'ncpusly.. ;.—.v T\VP: scpa»'.?.tp flopr3 cPmprlse .tjtp tivei'tve.:';t;pst^^^ shpwins pt-all- ArnprlrAii. flhPS/- vltii a :,bar dinl .Oariee- flppr ,'';atft:actjlpris' between the ruhiilne pt the!, comic, shorts ;'and - feature; ■ tiilker^. Dpi^n strtlr.s.; French nims.Wnd those made In EnRUsh studipB yijl be rutt, an<i this part. .P( the- theatre;: Is tp . be finnicii the Prince- of TVales. . ,The. pliiPhia .Jioiise- will; be calied-; the \N'ashlnKten Paiacp/; liacked ; by 'ATivcrlpaii- bufilness liien In'..Farts T\v6 of the dIi'ect6rs'lnciu<ie..E.; C BaPot riTid Frederick BIO'S?, ■;'^: " . tlpst Ainerlqan.j talker , is ' an npurice<i «s "Sally," In TeehnlcplPP. ;• . '.'.:./ J.o'mhtiiv Jiin>'3i.: , LPpa) .'a.i'.H'on' H';v.x )).fi.Miniit hprp. by. ilVp: oV\-|iPr>< pf.'tbe''i"opyiM^'bl;.of play, "Thp YpunKPi'; CfMipratlpn,". ■vvri'tlpn' by .\V.uil?inv)6taivr^^^ >Io,itSli- •tpn, .'iyho'aiiihoi'Pd '■11tn(Vie ::N\'^^^^^^ attpiiijitinj; . tiV i psiraUv 'V"l)ni/.P^ Inii OniopsVoC- l^iiKliiiuV froiu ri-lt-a.")-: iiiEi iiiW t'liivPi'sjvli, "bWiiPi-s;' oC. ifi> AiancbP.slpr: tlvpaii'p.i. wh< rp tbp (llnV wi»s.\p)ayPcX friini-.^iiq it-lni.' pt ihp siiitip'nnirio., '■ ^ : ,' Cppyright ii PiOpvs^ al 1 eged the fl 1 m -vi'as'npt nia:dP froni' IIPUKhipii-'s^pia iai)'d the P. r.. 'G, -IntPvef^ts iiad :rio right to Teiease li .Vvlth tliaf title.'■•■ ' ppfensp was .'no ortP Sya.s' dpcelypd; and, anyway, yjniiny 'popple lnid .not; heard; pf the-play,' .• ; . MorPover,tlii;OP jtiliivs ,l>a<l ylously ;'bppn.. rPlpa.sptV ;;.«n(lpi: sarrie.'tltlp;',-, ;The actlPn. \vas'lp.s;t. V V . ■ pre 7 ' tbp ^ARBO; PLEASANTLY SURPRISES SWEDES StPcltholtn.'Jan. 26. ;■ Swpilps wprp pleasantly surprised to leain tbrousii ''Varjcty" ,that oVpw (larhp ln 'V'ATi'iiia ;;'OhHstle" 1^^ at the-.-bPX 'Pfllces ef . all Anie'rloan talbprs.ih .ioSO , ' 'That iiif orhiallori ■ .was- spread i.ttirough''ft IPnaing; daJly, "T'lilnlit' ,! gen," eivlng "Varlpty'a anniversary ■;; .. ' number an extended spcclal-.storj'. JI'p lo'spsv;'Sa(i,.(>Ofl,'. s;i.hi; .tti., have j'Tlip nrlifilp 'dPalt; gcripraliy; bU^^^^^^^ been ViivV's|r,(1.;by hll-s Xvliri-, a' prnirps's.t.paii'pr 'sprrned most, interpste''. In of. lbpv;i fph( n'lohe liiip. . ■. ..;;■ / . r"Vai;ipty'.V.' ;EUmiTiattpn, Pf .the bpst ■'" ' '> —~ ■• — : , V .' ,' pietiirp.".; stars - and dirpctprs' .in PACT .ON TALKEE JOBS ' Amerira la.«t ypar House Mgr^. Eiititled To 3 Mbnths' Notice " ^ ■ V' ■ . Iipndon. t'pl). 1. Gauinont British :l'pst 'a opurt ';a«p of ■ consldprablp luipprtnnep to •thp rank 51 nd ;fllp. wlv-ri- Jacly-.Blnniorc, orie-tiriie; circuit ;.n1ana'Bp'r..for the jpmpany, aue.cPs»fuily.;claInVpd three mp'iithsV salary^ liV lieu- pt hp^ ■ ;■.', . SinnLpre .was disnilssed. by.' Cinu- mpnt,;for; a- number ot rpnspns, one pf them' HilPE*>d 'ilri.subp'rdtnirtiiiin to' Will Ev;ans» Hp was given a tort- nlgiif's 'notlcp <i\hd pay,' when 1ip re- fused, suing for tiirpp months' sal- ary,, at $75 'WceWly.V ^TiiV jndgp;;iip hpld the claliii,' 'ariit . a^^^ $67.5 and- posts.' ;' ' This .castp'- is- hetti- to;;eoi}st i.tntP' a prcpPdpnt. .'., .- ■■' , $10,000. for. » Novel liicpntivo.; for; r.up.wsspapermpti; ■ to ■writp -that- noypl is thP- novel-prize-; cphtesfc iiiaiSK\ir.iteiy.;bi:; the; "Atlan- tic . Monthly'' in. association With Llttlp, Crown, the publishers. Con> test' close.'! next Pobriiar.v, ■ with I $10,000 tP bP . aw-ardtd ,for . the b liovpl submitted.' - ■ .' . Xohdon, -laii ;3i. . . ;3,151' theatres arp ;wlre(i.;';;ii -tijV nrlilsh .lsle,s,,'oj(t^of a'/to.tal ;o'rii.iina 3,000. '' '3,') difrerciu typv.s uf: '.iiker nppiiii'ntus us<:>d.. :;'■'., - , .AVe.-itprn "Fjeetrlc leads wiili '1.239 in.stallatlon.u, Rrlti'sh; Tlii-.ii,soh. .Houston next '.'\yltii 348," foljiiw r-,! by lie A , I'liot'cijilionq^^ w^^^^ . Tlict* two ;t1rni.s .'iu'p: P^v.nPd. by '.;c iicra| ElpPtrli*, b'.it are In opppsitimr. • 'ttii(uiiiont.'jli',ltlslV;>JUbM catiis.-jiiepple, lirltLslv J^!pusiiu<jiivv«:~ Vvl.rpxi.25;; .tlip.Mtrps,; aW^ iO i.r xshlcli arp in thpir own cirpuit.-' . ;.. ■:'; ' .'British :'Tiiii<ihg •'Pk'tth:<^.s ai'iioiiiit.' fpr.' 221,^ 'Kdlljell fPr l&<>, ^'^ Powtia • '■■ Clivpphpne ; 75. . 'About /jC.r .IibMie.; .' -ni.-ide:' ; a;nd- ■mlsPellanepiis;. oiVifltt' Rest made iip'; pf small-tim.-j.eoin-;, paintcs, cav'lKpf a,few Itistaiiiuipiis.. • ' : . In;. Lpndon .iiuV the .suliiii-.ii.s 3S( houses'avp wired, 186 by Wfstern . Elefctrio'aiva "2 by RCA. .' . .^;: ' : Having practlpaliy cxhai'ijiVed^the , film field, "NVeatern EleiUriv; i.« <.'0n« . cpntiatinK on the legltl pai'ltrn'.arly thpsf pYaybPJiPs in the West KmV of .iipndon,.' ;St) far It.h,as wirc'd nine—. ■pavillpn, I'lippnlx, pptiiinipn,; I'lopa* rtiUy, I'rlnep '. iSrtward, Cain 1 it'idfir^v' '! .AltiarivlVi'a {hid iCplise'uiii..; ; Most tbenti-p pwners iii:<he West iSnd liavie displayed. cPnsVtleiwi'lile ln* terest in the ;ldea .pf h^iviJ)),':'their lip'iisps wli'Pd, sbnie iigurlng- on rev- • enup^from trade.-8hpw.s;Pthv;''s- Pn ^ ;tlie!- 'fact- tbey'.cpiild put in jiirturei it a- play flopped euddphly .;\vi(h:;no successor In vlPW. . . : .V.Regulation's.; I ■ Other dinii'villleisi. c.PTifrPTiliriK.lP^^^^ thpacr,c pwiipi-.s wh.p thltik 'of Hii'hlnfe'- k cpin; wfth . iiistal ratus are thP: restrlctlPTis laid: down by thp. T-oii'don County. . (.'i.nniell, : irau'rice ■ lii/b'wnc .'vfjus this; when; lie; thought of av 1 lirig the Qucpns. aiid .tlie ;GlPl«,^^4^ the strui'tiu-al allcration.s deni.-inded by, the Xi. O. C; ma,'l.c..,th.e cpiivei'sioii;,; l.pp cxiipnsrvP. ''..;..' ; ■;;; .^:'- Tlip flvp,'theatres ,:pwtip(l:;i>y the ;Sl'i;uberts; will . prbbabiy :b'c : \vii;ed.;; Jaicy-are;,tlic_Giil(Ux,-,-Hi,s_^^ Sha.ftesbur,\v. A'ppllo^ and Adoltilii, As things are drifting np\y ii lbbk*.;, as though,(ii'iItc a; numbpr PC West ■ - ftnd ;t))pa'tres iiia'y be; pullen^J^^ htjd j-pbuiltJsp as ;td <lPUl)l<i as .Icglt' andfilin,;. , ; . : . ..;:,r^ ; amtispil, all.i-;iclPil': ;.soinf ililvi.!;,' .tl)<\ jiim: niPU riislieU - In . 10 leaiii byw U ivvas dDiio;.';' :■ .. liivtures;/siiys .'Vulpp^ /are .-.nri ! extrpjiii'l.v seii.sltive: i;ns't!'iiriir'nr . - for tiV(j ,i e!;lst!'.il iuiV.iiC;;i'ii^a>*s I'e.TP- tion-^i;.. lip ;>jvel;<. vi .Kcrt of: iSsyphoanalj:''''^; 1 be's: fi-nm . Vienna, home of I:"ieiid) aifil i lalms . that in ihl.s way he li.-i.s ;.a. l;ipve<l an ! fciiaiysi.s';pi' thp Anieri,'aii.Tii:iss inijiil. . ; .Jf .so! he-liils;: jibt :i'Xj'i:es rpsulls (if bis obseryjitiohs in Sliiip.lo ', laiigiiage. The aiiilior rxnlaiiis the. ■' success of TJoyli'. K .ea.i, ,11 ii iic! ('lia ))* lin as: ''. r. '-, ■ ;,•; . ^'Tlipsp ■o<iTiii'(liaii»..:!i.i've a'^hi/'vpfl fhp first artistic stylizaiion. of the .eternal .siriii;.!;!" _ beiW.i-i'n . Ji'.iiiiai) . ijpi'.s'onnlity ami il'io jii"i'h.'mi,'s or Suiilless ' nicill'■•)':" . ,; "J'.hai;. c.xplains .nothing. . \Vltl) the . exi'i n'iicu .,: of'. .i'(;mvily.; . ViilbeprMillirr: i.s jhiiiiitfiil' aboitt; ili'p; ,: ar't.i.M ic ■ POSsiliill.t lv.s..-pf ,.',l lV'r :s.!^i•e.'M^. lie aeUnow lodges Uie wr>rU rti'ii!' "'y ;K(>ytW'al,puiViaiu1|ii,(?.iicVio''.s\ iliiV'''to ■ '■ 'anil dpsisiie'r.s .iind aililii.t.s .liiti'ri',.s(- ' ing: staiip d raw I ng.s' ha viv l.i' 'en .ma de' ' ;tl(e;sr.l'i'i.ii, •i'(;iil:!iii.i;ig lii'W '.idea.s;. „ .fsui-prlsiiig jiii^'li's, .'.perspi'i'tiri' .!)ii;i1 light.i'Ig: lliit. hi-Vsii vs. y i'in vOi/fir' ; .:'Wiiy fi-piii', ■liesl^u'-'-tfV:. i;oi).>|i;ii'.'tii!ii; : 01; tlipse...sellings li>y th< Ir .:, artistii;.;/|ii'aMii<^s\beeaV'=!V' 'be ■ .diil'ers;.iii!Ust iipiiir sti"j''t '.n-iniVillisni ;'n'o ii!Pl.-;l/'iK:e: (>n n.'ifiini.ljsm.'at ..'lU :.'the i)ic-.ini'cs ai;e at.HielrIhes.L.ainsV :.'.:ticiiMyi say's/I'hi' A;nsii'Ia.n;<;i'itl,'i:i>nil ""fie, ■d(':''ni.av'e;s il'ie niijst a''''i'nii'l'''b''d 1 artist, of the Ani(:V'p-,ah;'>'n>'* '''^ ';T>is«eyV. ( retuor pi:,''>tii.'li:''y' Moil«'.»". POLISH FILM IN BERLIN . ■-'i' :..V:! :: • ". " JVl lln. ' Keb. 1. "'. TJio'v PPllsli'-iiinf'<l!iv''i>ii'' [ Gardan is at .tvprk at the :»rni''i ' I.iuet!ibw: Palajit .tlicatre,: xv.lti'/h; J>> ' how -the SPAiiul lilni..:Ht'u;dib.; of the brganpn Co., pn hl.s first .talker ' '''Das 'iler^ a'uf :der .Sti';a.ssn".: (.vThc ■ileart en tlie; Sircpf^; ;Tfift. '"-i'' jl-iifl an other rolpS'i are. hrtPd;,.by v;-;; ■ .. . .Miinicl,'.,.\I l^he;,^i'l)llil•h': oiJi'i'ii li'a.s oijiiiO' to ; agrepiiieiii; with, 'U^ pr mpvoil ; by 't)ifp:ideii aiid'.i>,.r'rlijv bpi?ra's rcg^^ an iiig. flroi-irdui'p; in ;cpiifipi tioii with sound; lllms..; : ■,■ '■:;" ;...';' 'iSirigprs r»f .tlV''se biipra lioii.sps arc not .alioWe.V to lilay in lalkei s .als long as ilipy are wanted by. thpir ■stage. .;... ^.--.;.,;: :,.'.:;.x'■ ;;:;.;■..: .■::.; Sezekler on Home Lot ' ■^■■■'•., Holly wood. Feb. 10. AI Sezekler, .'Universalis ■ fprcign manager. Is due here this week -on a eurypy, • ,>.;-"'.' \"^'' . lie. is slatpd fer an/'Impprtant bertli at the home office, as aide to Scnier Ijacmmle.. .' . .. Radi0 Tongue Slips .(Cpntintipd fr<)iH;.lML^p i>' 1O3.0 ib^ r.p.\.t',ini<riiing mor? 'tian 30,000 burning iiiessai'i-s'c:^ r ,ceJved;frpnv.a;rig,V>-;par^^^^ ■■ ■ ' Biit. tiiprr .ha'^'c : bperi' far woise .•iciiidpntal remarks on the :'«ir no^ bad-epnsp'quencps. ;: ^ . ;.' ■;, SportingSlips ■; . -.One of thp fci'tll.c. lipids, for unlntpntlonal rpmarks ovpr- the air is the running account of games find fights. {Ahnoniicers bftpn gpt sp FRANK TUTTLE :: gpcoiul l.n "Viiripiy'.s" list'«f the si,x ■hp.«.t':b6x:'PfRcp dtrPctpr.'?:of.1330. npiiiK X.v.'tr .strongt r for; .T'.iSV, :,'n-Ith ■ Ol.ara ISo'w'fl "Np Limit" -ai»<J.-"If, ■I'ay.^i to ArtvC);ilst;,::"jj-eud.\-; for rel.p;;, and, ''ljude;Ranclii'';3tarrinis: Jack Oai<ie. :g'ii'i',g into.: prediirt'i'iiil. ■. '■. .. - ' ■-'■'.■;.:::;;■"■,: ' '.. '. ' ; Tiijlip ;is ,b'nP '.''i" iluy .iu'luvli'-y^a '•.liUE'iest 'Knd mbut reliable, dircctprs. excited .' iKaM they fbi'gct what tiiey'ro. saying, and let Ippse an expletive which voeks' the family arpund tlie loud speaker.. ; ■ There's the case pf .iii: aiiii,oiinc<'r at. a :fopiball; g,a'inp. in/tliPS^ last fall who liei'ame .sacrilegl6;us iti Raying that; Ike V'scorP Is Hied. :Tbcy!rp coming ;oui of ihp huddle, tlib ball Is; sttaiipe'il;; the halfbacj>,'» gpt It, It's a pass; no. It's not. —- — '-. there hp goes, he's Ibbse."; Slucilp the : ;tipxt:' :'(iay . .got ' Tfp Sfliiawksj but .'a' cbivplp.'/pf .Itfiter^ .were reeelvtd audressed: tp: tlic. TiariiP UspiV by the aniiPUiieer fer In- npcent pjiiphasis. .;.:;., On'cp at a- basP.^jnii game,,'.when ti cbupl'e pf bad Injurip.'i In a series ruined the clianccs;- bt' one team, the announcer exeitpdiy tpid ■'hts^llfHfemT!>'';tlTat;tiT';^^ "cau^lit with thpir p.-i'iils dbwn."-iCot a .tbmplaitit as tnpst:listeners were prpbably liicn, ''; ;;;>:; , ■ ; ; " . V Cases, pf ' flip Veniai^ks inside..thp; .^.tildiPi;duS, to ignQraiicp pf th" fact' that the. mlkp; \va'H .ailve, 'wa.s for-, mprly; a, fi'partPnt: pau.'ie ot ■ bad breaks bii't has: dWInrtled tp;liislg- nificanee ^Vitli :Bi;'pa ter' ;m'e.-h,anii'al 'prccavilipiis': /.Most V tbdI' .hityp a;■ ' systeny ,j;'n;l>ieh .!.reypnls whplh'cr the inllip is .nii or off, TVhen the light sysipHi wa.s;:flrst Installed.', bnc .aniio'i.ncpr (n tlip: ip- pal JCl'iC sludio'ii, was !«tgnpll';d .by ■fi rpd iiiinp tiiat' tile,Chicago Civic Op'pra was rpa(t y tnr his openIng an noiincpmpnt. Annnun'-pr .forgot -the Ihcariiiig of tbclisht, and hl.s ;first remark i)vol- the ,1 ir '»'as. - ';\Vliii I. th* hell Is this red light for?" ' ; Aii6ther • instance is tha'■,/''' a* . ;intiou(VcP.r :w;Jl,p l,d8!i;;hl!5, head' wlicn; with :gi^'lng! the: coiTPCt time. . InSteaji bt ^ saying, "at. the gong .signal the '• time will be exactly. nliiP p.'i;lopk,";' he said, "spvcji b'eiock'.'' ; CMlii'i; pw^^ .spi'ia ■ in:; the st udlo frantloal) y, slg- nallpd him that It was nlnr n'elppk. Ahnpuncpiviookpd at his wiai h and ■■ .slibuted, ;';]'>ainn'.If ,It a^P'!- .' .' ~ ■ ' Outsider's Question A erai'k.' b.v ah pylsidpr;'j.s einisid'- '. crpii .-i gpiVv Ih; Chicago radio 'I'ii'i-rcs. A nevveoiiii r (p tlip studio eiiiiMoUsly iipioed to a lad .standing iii-.^i. to a. live hiilte aiid hoarsely wJiisix-red, Where:,tlic hell Is the : aronn* tliis:3pliit, buddy?'!; Aild narv. jr.p; frp/ii; iiste»icrs tnnPd ; iir: '■'l- * libbkTUp.; . ' ., At;'pi'Pseiit, 'putside;;pf .s)ii'>.s .of' the tpngiip, tlio Tiipst frequent;.lirpnk« Gpiiie tlirpugii the ;iand. wii'P ,ebn-* ncctiou'.s, running from- t,hp studio to;.the brp.T.di"asling stntlou in the celintt^y, or' from ipeatlpii..tir. the,; utudlp. Oftpn the nvrbng'itai:!!";*? get ;' biv these;'telephone 'wlr<;>'.Vwi0v 'be : j'esultilnt ad libblng addin.g .>;i;eal1y.. ' to the joys p'f ll.steners.; • V Just twii wppk's: ago, in a iiatrbi'ial ' irt-ogrftni-f wm'-t^ie-Paeif^fl''<'«rt^•^tT:^^ brpadeast^ Suddenly In tiM;rin>ieil.. The; neSt nibment ythe cro.'^.sed tcle- phpnc Avirps :sent;;JritP the .air ..ft; plaintive .. plea ' from a ■ linenian perched but in tiiei.fleVds;si.|ni''^vUerej . whpir hp;.nskp.d his. fbrem.a'ii, ''AVnav tlie' hell d.p you.; ''to do, fit, lip. en tliisi,; Ipusy pple; nil, Mj.-ht't That/i^^wel>wc^));^'into;;Ulo^:^ll^•!^;w lionie.s. ;;■-.. r;; '•' ;; ■' ■ ;. A Vlmllar incident, iiit' r:'! i • il.'-w'!''' . a ven- ptiriinnical gu>)d;i:. <>•;'>.''!« . which sudd'-nly ;was\liit<Sia-u.ijteo on ; :tho . r(Ja;y Iia; a ';bbzai!, .;l?^zzi!.'' ;^f^'; soracbnd}' in the Dontrol- ri,(di> 'V?'■9"' 'VCk the;l>eli;bff .{he wli;p.: .Ti'i'' "i^* bplpn.^s to llie X.iJiPiial-.f )'<■•"[;' Ing.: Com)iiiny. :;A'rid thi; tiie Wavt if/ngtii. ; ■;:.: ;;'; lilt;-