Variety (Feb 1931)

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51 OR. ROCKWELL ^ S Minft; One, •n* Tfir«e • ■>pa:ac!«:(8k..y4 . . J)iiriiiK TUe Merpaitlis'-<la)voo IVU'ii, ■ -S'ana with the sln^ tiVlo In ■ a rbckliif,' blmlr; as :,'Kag": " -cdmroiJntator/. a -woipan:;rlseft ■ Jhe oiario tench. She js larisp blondo . l^h<iv3lio sjngfs: soprano; : Uor B'owiv, • \vur» a"lonB trtliji, iB.ot ;Oie bj-i/;' i,t<;«.i, ' oi^ngo. • WJilIis,^ .Hlnulng, - ,Bh«;., lias /.: ,il-6uble i-UU , the. tral^ ■ ■'^,''hOc?;<voU snoukS' qVw jjliid/pliiH lit), .tho li-iiln,. but It fans bai-;*.:- Tlw So- ■ -iiVana Itf stllHrinSlnB." Rocltwoll re- tuiiifi with ii s<'-l*'«o>'« ^nd -iOlpH ;«>(T, ■ •■■ train'; .He .doesn't,-.:<^,ut . It ovoh;- «6-rcii'pWtHi OS(;vo:rai:cl,li')i)lnBs. later, ' '-wlth^^J^ to yuC It on. ■tlio bias■ and, U»b' prima donria- nnV ' ■ ■Miiccrnoil . in ; ^everylhlni?.but, ' eonfi, the heiii «f the itown ven,rUcn • ■' wpll up to- tlic .wbrnan'^ i^well::iaajUq>aay starred, on- ilio 1ki'« '-'on lior; noeHBO«" when "ilTe M.iiii{~l.s ' end'fd; They , both turn.: «bout! .to • flxit »i;ifita6*. >On- thiB:;woma^^^ Ve ;d..pla<ia.rd bP.arlrii!;. a^idione n'lim .Ki)(>r;. ' V. - '■ ■' Tiiat 'bit laiits 'p^o^dbly-.foiir :ov . *llvo- ininut'fes. ;"It":1s a cbnflnii6\is ' ■ howl. Jlockwj^ll- had. a'dlspiiti' wltb - ithn bobklng.'6fflc& over- thlH.blL 'ohd BC.voral ofhpr? dutilhK ■lils.l)r<>ak-Jn dat*B. 'It'fj a Robd4hl»l& they aBi o lo p^rmlt him to nae. lt, .Kor.Jaugh.'f .it hasn't been <>xccodca by- any- plvt'c - ojf.iVomeciy biislnpss at t'he Va-,l<'i;iV'*^^ -Bonspn.-• ■ - v-'-' .''-i ■ \ , Sor ■ has:. niost/bf.; tho'<[; of '''ibcltwfirs' hcs^^ • -Bensoris'-abaenco hi) rctMrn-s to: vaudp ■ Tvltli •.an alnioist (tU^nc.w .-tiji-n.'.-'-Thi' ' ittJ.k, Tiew,; ifl^i»^la^^ and itnlqiip; • .Still ■ •iiibre novel than . the talk Jrf ^Rock- '-.wpjis ' • i'Oturn . *'Uh- '^ :' when btber» under..tbcij-Baf<\c,. p<)rtdl- •■'OonB ; would-, hnvV.o^..tliou>tU£; .•that '.■chnncInK new »tutt^vas."'nne<p!jfiai-y ■ .cbrtplderlnij tlVo. old. rcll.-iblti ro\itlnc / BilKlit ii6 Jtist' as'-isM^yIceable, . . ; M'Yoni. th^ fornrier banana stalk In . Ills qiiack'. riic'd.-.monolog', RdekwcJl ■ haa /cheineea ;tb:n,-hiltrackj»'lth codt - hane^rs,- arransf dr' to su^BOst 'a. liu-. V man .skeletoiK:, Iland^ are -a' pair of ^- • motorriia'rv's: feet iit-' palr ' l ot sneakers.:' •XieBS. arei.umbreTlas./ . ; .Vronj' the pp.cedy and, f tinii y nion '•■ cl6B^Bodkwi6n.'i9Wltehe8■as; fojrniejiy lirtb:JUSirockln'lT-chalr'for' side' cpin -i meats -on "Th*).' Menoffl.ths'. 'Ballrt>oin ', dariclne. -, HeV avdra-ses .a.Jlaiigli .'pei' V rag.:-;'\> ■■ .1:'. .' -.C; ;:: • 'l'lil(i\l8 a tohie.dy. fllcj;' •' • BWc. . '■,;t6MMY/fcHrt»ST) AN :-' Bind-.; ■ 1 ■■■■ ; '. /» Mint.; Ful) (Sp^ecial) ..r : - v..,MtK:8t.-. Billed .v'Tho Great Radio Stiar, .- ■ Tommy -thrliitJdn. In the jAHce'Bluc : . 4^bwri' ProBram;: with rBbth Challls. -,, ,.JBeih .Challier :ls 'a hlgh spot-and ap- -■ 'plaus^-piillerC- iBbbW-lng;;0f . ;.; ataBe .salesmanship; .' .- ->• !■,'' ."^ , -'■V . . l:hrrstlan.-,/sj'^;-leader: if ?lils; -tcnr . plecei. .b^ii'd,' dotra'-' hbl,- alt'eiiipt. a • • -T'jitaB*' ' .pfer-sohalfty'' ' appjeal;,'' ;HIk ;: . -ialk- wllb' -Miss: Challls. - was ■ hillil; : - .Tho ba^nd, is Just a band';.. Cbmcdy, Is 'atietnpted-"ris-g.Sufii-^ sa-x-and' hofn : play:eVs. with''smaJl res.ult^... .A^'twV.i^ ; , .tUy was -tried.-for.' its 'd :(Vnlsli' In 'brinistpB out,'. a?Vbis ihArmbnibter ♦^hich.- rcsistcrbd. ;tc'mpei;at»Jr* . ■ Iv' tliro. tiihes grew" hbt'ter.V'."Vb'u .kne"w" , .It-syas hbundJto-CKplodc. :■ . V . ' -- ■A3: an air outftC'thls .ls-,okay.:' It- . looks: . like.. Ghrlsfl ^MiSs: Challte ,ar©' roniplne-'aroyrt'd'. yaude -. a'tABCiS jiist -.v^aUlne' Xbr '-Iilllnian to :' ■ <et'.;;,that- Wdlt;" -cohtriict elBiicd ■r-. «ia!n/J;j.:-:;-■: .''■:■.:.; , :■' v- STONE and liEE :• - , Co'mady; Talk, and Sbna*- . - 14: Mins.i'^One -' St.,;,:v•••■;^,:^ ■:■■■:::.. ^ - ■ • Al Stbnb' and.'Ahh 'Leo haye'-a. ^ 'i flrsf. rate rbutlrie'for the Sb;.2.-spbtH -^h^y arc playlhB; ' With .some ispeedr. .:.inB-and.sfrehBtheriiriB jVf .wh*t they- • Kitnln :-thl8 pall"-should. ,wvrk ; IntU ttie .bcttfer BbSltlonsi. ■: " . ';• . -.- -,: ,'. ,>S.tone.;.:drbsscd:' as -a-vprofessor.. .: opens . with : a -paraphrase^ of 'I'j^eji ■■.'■;C<Bnts' a'-' called - ',"rcn ..Cehti: . -i-.tookv.- Which refers, 'to. d;^ ,.:thr.bugh -his tielbscopeJ..: Mlsa^^ ., Walki9 :pn:Vfthd-'tho'.patter,- much, of It briBht and it least-half o,t it JicW; •■ gets un^er . way... :CilrV ,doe9, sbmb, .-mild, hoo.flhs --whlie her ' parth'b'r. , :Jlpws;on' a .tromboijo for a'W-alkrbff. 'v, T"®/ n'«e -,Hand. .: they ;. get la hp't: . -Wholly :Inspired by Uielr o^tit; .Which: :..;», lta'ssabld;.V,•: „ ';• ' .•,:^,.-. The glrr nafi',fbbltti ahd 'ls a-'gobd: : .::foU:;tor;stbn>!,-, a - capabl6vcomI<>' bjf ,■ .th.e, :«iiulet varietyi'- : -'■'. - '.• -, > ' LEATRICE-JOY >2) ■ "^^V;; SofUjsv',:-. ;'':.i:-,",.;: 16-'-Mi'ns;,;' Thr«o ■ '., ' - Ralaee;;(Si;'V.)';.v.. v':. ■ > i":-',' Tli'ls"^ is. . l.;f;\trir<e -. JoV-'s ;-s^^CllHlI .iiid<'''tiini..iiv as.;«ii(i^y-h^liij'oji.V; (ilHiV piai-klriBvJu'r'. xovoniV jjcaion awav fronv-illOTs. : Thb niiit(M'liil: shp: ii.vd ^it Che I'!i1ao« !ri<aili;(1;iy: wns Ssaid ib liiXve;^b^tn -.l)rjikpn'. 5iv':oiiiy 'vhb nlBiii hotci-e^anfivher th'ca'li-<>i' 'Neville- Ji'lrpMpn.ittTid' 'BruXl''let:(^ifii:'; ,Tirf'- j)rb-: (,TUnnritV(i;;ns: (hi> •ifiitliors., if nvlipit MIks '■: JOy.; .ovili'i-iHt !, \<;as .d- : ('lo'siui'j;: ti.uiKhPi'.IIihY -xVouiO ■deiiiojisri'iuii hei- draniailc. Ublliiy; ihiii^s- what .she Kt)U,\.:, ■■ ].,: -: .-..■ v-- "■ -:. ■. -poj^ibl fill.: wliOthfvi? -: u ny ^ sIivbIo- woimt.'i iiiit.oirp ()t .Miss: j-by'-l" h'l'iurty- illid -ti.XSt: iWofuriV-rbji'could -'do- sjipll, \' ivn.whftr - in-ii yuudt'theah 'iny^sui'.fws.- Jt^s ii'heayj- molorfrix,-. inatlo ■rpoitnllbn aboiit a iil'ie.'l'btb ■Jlostoss ■ 'wlibs'p?- .<i\ve'eth);!M't, Is 'svis- po^'TtP<r . of:'lifuiUPlS -.-wOvo js> fr^^^^^ into - Pon'fpss'lMB. ^-hls. Built' aivd -wbo Mll.s^at yi'b. Ilftl'sh: Xrbnv a, ■hSfthe-sjEnri«rs\veetliedrtr^^:s mf|an;'t<( wtiucal—jslib. llivcs lijin so'.';,. : •.X'p:to,,.that ptiiat It-'iillnost' .scij'nied that .^r<•^vll^e WCP.soii I writes' i\s wf II. for 'anypaift ielHb ds^.he- aoos' for-'lils. o,wn: vayilo- ;pii:rCri«!rS. At . tlip'-enil, \Vlth li'jepspn npdt'ort;lii- thi^ nbdl(?h<fo,- SllHs aoy ,.l>l<!w;an.-apprcriallvb' klsii' JitLbljf.: d'luuttlcu:JKxiyJlli'-'..iibbiiid. Imvb- done thb 'kiSslnfe-.foi' lhe'- way: this- .'Bir-i' .j)prTQri.hed::rd. not- 'Very .<;lassy 'ldb.a:'bh .short nbtlbr-. "rhbiiBh ertrn .wljU ^jo. yea'rs.playtnK: that;;nlle~- i-hi I)"., lirt.sip.s^'; nuIhbP.i^: w.o^iiH\rcMn,a lioKf/,. napkKrouhd: ldea' (i/r tlk' sonjif. brst In tbat It-waS tJmtly.' -A sorcptr ihVrOdu.ptlo'iv >vith".hi^\vspd|^er.'..'stiire- hoiids ahout iv niio',ohi'lj.«()(jbtlnB re-: ve'alp(t- 'the dutjibrs'. InKpli'atJ'bn; ■'■ ■'. ' : 'Iff; -l.^ivb- prbvJbji.s-• ninnbel-.s ; .MtsH Joy ■ Struiirt .; iV: lljrlijtiU' .'n»oo(i;'., bdlh: .stiii'y - ,<ton»?s:'dci>\;i,ndlivtr,' Vl^ht ;runi- (.fly 4rllv.err;' At' nb ,:tlihe; '.(lid;. slio inp'jitloh' IJ.ollyxvbbd;. to. .i)tbvp'. iiei"-; '.self : flic llr,st..subtlb>p(ctiirb,:player. In. v.i'uUo. In a.lonsf'.while'; .: ''. JHss joy 'In tw'b ..gowns' AyoS' Ihb. b.est.idros'stiil iwomaij:: at ilie. falaci*, Ih^ ^yeoks', ' AViUcfi : nvridO '.tIfc: . woi-h^r biifr bl'a'rk :.;eyt. Ibblc' worse..' ' GEPRGES CARPENTiER: (4) Cbm'edy, Sbhg4i Dances . 20 Mine.; Full Jefferabn-.'-.v. y'-- ''';^.'':'-'':' :- .'-CariicriUer, P^^encb bb',:;-ls rif-w to .^tbel.Stage;- ; .ln- I'arls lu^ -liarf been aijjiearinjj: inierriUttPoUi-S -•'Sli>t'e! Ills- rmirbmeht 'frbih the;,iihff, :0n ih.i': vorfpty and' mtislcal t'oiHed.v,.'su»;<''V -l.lp:.'\lsb ^nade :oiie-,scei\p fr.oin- V'ar;-' .lier's ".Shbw'bf Shows."' AS..a ,v;nidej. vllllaii, ' and ," with • the '-sh-iinfl p^"T ploitatlon,: pbsaibllitleij .-,whii-h' his'; ManiP-.Thd .career c»ir'rli'.-s, fie -sliiijii-s uiv voo-. w-ell.'^ '.". , ', r ' --- V ile.',looks; Very good' jlioross .-.ili'e fo.blilfflit.^. ' I.9..yputhful,'carrie:^^lo;ids; of p(;V.sondljty' and. maWes;'tt- pprsoji- 'abU' fteui^e.' .The f^mnjos vHi:'jjb- for' IviVu;' strb.rig.i'.'Cliey ';dld':(it .'lhi.s hwiisi"^.-:-': ,-:.,', ;/:: 'y ' ::■ ' ': -.' , AV.hoevjBE 'wrote thb sorlpt foi", t.ii.^ •hot .(Hd, a' i.rl^vcjr:Job.v .thUt i'hV, folks fi-bri) - the • pt'atefl -might:, w.aiit- tb' ^icf :.tlte. boy, whom'.Uempsey kaybed} In his; .ilKhtlne ,.reB'aUa-".a'nd str-vittlhs' lila ^stvifft wag -hot bverlbbHe'd.-- 'TIfni diijilb' Is'tnt'fbduced :neg r' the 'piiid;;cif the t»)rn heatly. niiid -rtot ' bvPrdone.;".' ' ' C?atiiPT>iler . Is. ■ assi'ited : by.' four' girls;; all. Ibbkers. ' 'Orib'- :bf' thel plrls hait',:a letter ,from.fhe.r:riia'.sriyrhB the. .S.'r'PAoh' i'hatnplon. wbuld Ovlslt. thein find that If . they :wbnld''.teaph' hUn lOnRlls'h,' ho .' would •te^^t'l^'' :thenl ."Vto'- bbx;'.'lv'es,-:they.all nv^ike a :l>Jay ',.fbr-'hlm.^biit -he -gocti: i li^rd-tb.-'Ket'gal.-■:,'.:: .-'i' . "!-''•'.-■■''''.' :>Son^s' and ddh'ces fuh throuBh the' aetlbii."- Danc.ea Bre/Siinpie.-: Sbnk.s are. :speclal material; .J-rbwe'x'«\r; -Oai'- nentier is .liVidpr biie KtiBe^ han.dlPdii... a iilnjjlhB?yolce wh.lelv i^S' lioarkp ahi) has . ho -ranBC;. '.i-His,, fllrlBlrig'. 'lends Itself f.tpff 'edsily- t'b' adverse. priilctKin!. ■and--he obiil'd- easily" bmit:'lti IctilhB thp' Blvls db'.all tha.'warbUnB.' ' . '.6'tliPK\Vlse, earpchtlc'r is kurc-fir.i; viudc;.. :. , ■ v^V- draplng-^.tlip !^t-igp' .- ;-v-::;.. : piafi. 'fiiLATE. Broa;-(3X-'.'-' Dil'neinp .a'hd Carne;i(y . ^ ' • v; ':, 1iZ'.Min8.ryOniB-:'.: /,,'■ ■'-'-: : .l.Ti)bn. enti'ani''e, and'-,for"a te\'~mb-: n^lits' 'tlier'eafterV>.the:-Slate- Brbs.. ibbk' rnucli ' like the / several; '.(^Ihcr dance tribs.'now:drourid .and-at '^be- l-?a!dce';.'Jus.t anbtlier" hobfiiiB de'ueer.' .It"doesH',t'iako them, Ibng to .'show they're different - and as -the:. turn prb' :thd '-dfftercn'ce - begombs 'vaat; .;',:Thfi -'Slates. 'depart. from- the present .:vbrieak-arl«g ' -ebhventlbndl .fosli'lbh :,|n ' their.-,dan'clnB. and" th'ey. 'mix' In-, ^sbnie '-'rough; comedy. -';lt amoUiits -. tb ah':: .bxceptlohal. dance act.?- ' , v'^, ^' ■'■ ■■ '^'■y : -. '.';StepplnB ' Is.'•. of •;; tho- . coceniric r'hytlim:variety,' hui -thes$;-!bpys itr<'' i)ot;:i'nicchanical,'d.s-Is'?-thoviverjliiP coih'binn'Uon , bf- 'the' t-yp6, ,: Thcy db their;lap|).lnB Hshtly and when, th'by .Wing -they'wlnB-'.lriostiKr4\ciff<illyi -."; . '- esiriedy, rs,:of' low o.rdcrj but <ilt?. ifoking-' and ".slaripin:^''hvb.stly',' ror mlndjtul - of the •Diu'rtibhd.vbo'ysl'They ■workvbdrd for ;tlielr laushg- and :'it ■seems tb, pay.'. Atrthc'Palace, this AVftCk; the Slatrls areVdoObUng -from tbe: '' jfoti'. Sald;it;''. muslcnl,.- ,'l':hey. have sb)hef hlhp; fOf ya.ude ^vhonevc'r (hey 'wish ',ia.:;i)liiy It.: Uige: -r''HARTWEY'':-ahk^AiiV>iR^ ,-.;Ce»T)«dy,:-Songs ;•:■■.:;";■.: '-.-'i :'.','i3.',Miha.";.,-'0he'•:':' '' v' ''--: --,': ■:-'J)»Werabn; ' ■ji''....;'.v; tSros.sijre; teahi,'wlth'BOQd gii^ 'a'nii handling. ■- •;.':: .'■- ■-.-;■;:■ .. ; '''MIs'.s Alvarez's •delivery^ ; uKlriB 'a .:.'-.fb'r<;lgn: .acccnt.'Ee^ts^ a;i6l' br';l,auBli.s 'by -,the,:acceh't .alop'el... .'' : '-V.V:'. ; ; " ; ■^';-Act imay have. bP'en;i?ldylngarOu!)<l ' ■•{fbi'-isbmc" tlnie/.;--;:;:^ ■■ '"^,'. -, - llaft'iny ':bi>piis- as a :kou V- 'n8.,-lh,.,erbss(i'r.e ■'wlili ilie- pfrl.-' ■ Ptt>\S;'tl)'ft.Oiiiiib.-dor;L, flrinii U niiior '- .ber of- dizzy ,qii<<.<i|i)tis at' hhh,'with .Ihdt btitb decent. 'ai)d:dnssv.eC;ln>t''h;K . nuerlcf with eauullyj dizzy, ansvt'crs. .. - Anything' for- 'a la'ugir aOd .the-'girl: ; B^ts them.'; :§he'8' h,Ii;el'y -dresscOi With; ,jiist'.-thbuBh ei d. to.',help.... .": .^'irjlartl''.-,'--l,n.rludes a ,i5oni;: or.'t*.0, . .'vdoaled In al.rblee.nol uri'eemmon',,' " -DANfeE tales;; (»)■;■■ '■ ■ -D'ance'-'Flash' < ■': '.-'< , . ■■:=*--•,- 10 Mins;; Full CSpiicial): ; - 66ih:St/: ■-■'-;' "■•.;- ; ■: ,: ." The--: old :: ^ylnfe" about bliffiuscs, ■''see bne you s'e(>-;,thbm' all," appllca to . this act. It all .Bum.s :up in the "word :,adaBl.o,;: l'>ald In thl-'bC isccnee, 'two m.vtholeBlcai and: o^io wiedgeditn fbr~. some reason -. or: other, v the. act offers! -the usuar acrbbatlc .'dancing. ;Tho penfiu'lri;puhlber, :dbho::by -four glrlp,-•w'a.'r^a pobr icopy of 'the. 'Ches;- -te'r 'HnTe :n\ithber' done/at the Gapl-^ lbl,-,N.-Vw'spnic .tlihe' aBb. Kvch 'the razzberry lifted'/ The: bird cos' tujhes::were sO-sb.,; , .,'; .' :,-- : ThreP'-plrls:','db - a -tbe '^danbc- In frbht:pf'.a t^brhese temple,: and, after, a." series pf" to.sslngs drbund, In' the nhal aJaBlb; b'y-t^vb-'ifncn,: a. ybiinp blond glii' doe.s; a bdclifral d fall off the top -iof the-: teinpliS ' fpc wbat.^.ls' dcsJBhe''d'! to:■ be' the 'big .flhlsii. . U has-been !ipb)i .so niany tlnio.'t arouhfl -the. vaude hoaso*:'-that..,thc . cilgo 1; ctt. the:.tbPi(l.. :.; .- ;•;'; ' ■;' ' 7''' ' : j,u.5t.a dapre .flrt?-h.: :: ■:. ',;: ,.-.', : .' watts aridl DAY . • ' '■'■: ■ ■,Talk^and: Sonfls ■: ■,;■ •'■ ■ ?. ", ;;:'-■-" .. r7;ttihB,';!'0ri*.::' y ' v'Wv .Hippod'rbrne,'- -,';-. '■■''■>.'' V ^Mlld'-'^^papfflhBJ'r'dhd two , sonps aijlefe:iip.fbFO..tlin one harmony 41- fpmjtt'lbHt lAkPS thl.i'.ml.Aicil- duo off, to- a fijir' -lian'rt. V W'ai lS' ls ah' :bbo,"p -cbrplc wTlh'cldWn'.'ll.lte' tncikb uii of -red cljpp.ft.s-'wliosc priificipsi stbfck. I" ti-ade' ;is iil.s' j^Mn. ' Hi.'i ^voioo. ■ l.s :sb'incwli.^t'-n:V!:!il -ahrt cb^Vt^a^'l^f 'w'itli that;of. '51 iss. 1 Jiiy, «, ti; ;friil■>'< '":r persoriJiiity:-"arrd: a '.Aii^.ellvroXiiftl'vtl ;vbcy.l^(ic!llvf;ry.;,. ": ,f-/V' :.\ '.' , .;' "The ■f!>inn)!s'i«ut . 'llto;-ifMno...:a<^ ;p'anlV'ii :A>'-:itt>H- 'for ,ti ..brappvvf''.l'V .dmjisitiB, lyrii':s /nnrl, afl'i.-r: bis .toU- warbl-»i»' t\v9..:e<,'r<.il-l':li(.«.>ip.«i .ai-l4li;v.-. Ins ^gHo'd • r<-«ii)nfi.'.>! ■: tb thii- .se.oon/I, ,"ICIs5"'Mb Afeitin';"; ;'; IX', sfi'e:; would blril'v: Corrcot-' hS r Htat,',i> T..f,lH'ri.iiwl: hf.-r nialte-tjp,; whl>':)l 'W: KarKjb;:evcn at a-'dl?tan<-e,' -MIps" -Bay 'wbuld.vbo, an.' afti'dctlvp'. bfit- fbr Yttiidie;': ;A6j9,. lli'e ,ti»rh. ^ooto. j^o.'..-2;:'^.;"::: ;'- ,', PHIL-COOK - -, ":. ■-':-"-: y: iCCbmedy, Talk'-and-Sbogs; ; 12 Miiis;} ;T.Wb' :'. . ,-■ ''-; ■;- :', :86tK-;stv;-,;f','.-f V ■■■ ■'-:■-. •:'-■■'.:.'^-v not '- ' I'adlb-. Vnnin*'" ■-. Single .is .a- U'apvi"' InnoviVlioii for : ;i.lip:, -.\\^Ul!i'•■ ,■Il^)U»ps;;: ;iilltle,'ri'in.iln.« rho- old -^Vbok ;> W] i^.vlvla,. Ktii iu),;i nl, iurn'. ot 'lb yp:ij'>i airp. e^eopt"^ th»>'.'<ai)iv. t^lpa.s- Ink :i*'<''-soMVUUy tliiit' -liupi';;uiiriiio-: it- pbKHll)b.> iiU'.JMill'U):i4'b;'ii'^ ii'lojir.;,-, " ■■■■ ■ ,'Jt'lHji ';i;iiolc .niMy he .ilr.ixv ;fu tlip'- -i'Usc Jwa.s' .^suB'fes.lbd ..Kridny,-. wliVn tills thpa'trc - <lro\v',' I'iii'iii'ii-.v.-, oir.-jt- nlBht ^tli.iu i.-*,'>lsu:i)l.V:-sOiin'>:liitf^ t'ook; blip' of .the si;vr. iitO'JX't'biis b't ',illj» *\SlMhibl.l, :l^•,o:^d,|.^^^<^•|l\^';,S.vs,t^!)n'. -wbrlip b.-iPfc frVoi\;'tiio^ footl,lBlrts'';iui^^ delivers lil{i- tlU)b.s. k;'«,s: aniV slo>,tt'-lv iiu-o'uBh :a':.' nii.i:r.oplmiif;:)io'bkoJ iu'>'- wUli..(wb ibird;siH-aki-i-s, 1 [i-; r'j'ni.Tins' iiPiil'pd; -bii:: iV-.(-h.'idi5 j('iVo<i,ii;li.i)in,'ivnd; ri>.i(d.s - Uis . llnAs. .tri>fu ':a -staii\il.,..; l" ' s')>lt,p'bttJiosi<^ liplViri'iU ii'iiiVdloiips hp- iVUK'Kiy wIns -lKc iitidleiu-e. iiU):';<*. wlt:ii' li l.s iliiznn ybpal Kntt.-itions. .-tvliiOiBl i\g frbih' ouc to tho bihet \vlrh:'ea«b- A'hd rypldlfy; . v,-^-',-'--; .-■'■; :,- -T^M'j HH»l>t-;Bol Hg—hvj b.r^rf n y>'y<iO male: iiiipersbiuvtions. \t>oOI< talk'n-iri falsetti?. t'epbtv j>aritbrip aiHi:ba.s.s.-!.ind" .tnbst. bf '.hltf cbarAi"! t.'r's arii. gri'fto'il by. appl^iiisn. aTtei^ the.,-few \vor'ds Identify 1 h'e'ni,- :-.-A iva 1 fihil for- thc Ibpai. .■np.tfeli,bbrhood>., nili'l-. liP'.s- been betlP:rlhB' ilie -i-ei-ent.-eragp, InkPt". After liLs retful.-i'r, farp, t-ook: spTels'.it britt;"5?r\vriftVlnif'"rectrarloiv that takes'Ii'iiii. o(lt''ta,«v:s'trbnS:ili!l.sli;^^^ .'■ -.:.*^.'', -.' ' .' - - . NOBLE iSISSLE an"d BAND. (12) Sbnjjs'.and'.Band.-- .' , '.--. '' ,'v . 22^ MlhB'.:i':--Pull'''Statiis^' :' ' .' Hamilton .- ■' '":'. ' Il's ' Nybjb ,''SL-isJe, Polbt'<-',l: s-ong ■ ■ \vrl<<>'r 'lih'd ,wivrbii'ri l.ia.;k'.-til 'Viuitle' \VJtli i l'iot l..uiid,. aTj'pS'eVr doi'.c^V ;'<lvb liet-hot A'i)d stay. hut:. 'I'bl^ band Is. s'tyitld. 'JiPS'iAnibas.sadi'.-urs-orchp^itiM, a'Hdi.SI^'slp :)>r,(> oA^r frouvvKir- FREb ARDATHanS. pOi, (6)! 'y Comedy ' ' •• ■ i,6-:Mins;;,-:F.uU (S|i«cial)' , :-,/,;'.' Jeffersbh', .'." ;,-:' - .,■': ■.. .' ••'■.'•'■ Another new act. for Fred A iditlh. Tills. one, like .most of his bthei-.s, he's a.«ous-V : Slil.p6tlGk turn^<-r.owd- e.d with iioke- action, and a .good ■bet as .a. laugH-getter. ■ -'. - .'.-,- --'-'.■''': ':-.'': '■' Scene is that of an elegant diiilnR room .with ;thi».-table 'set, Ardath' tirj-lvcis ifor. dinner, .'plbkle'di ..Cibe's Into i-.'stewy' talk'.with' one-,.of, tile iw;b r fj>mmear1nv the^^oom■.'-,-Fpl^owB by- ;(feltintr-Snto- aja atgu'i'iftn^ thb hick .uncle'bf one bf tlw ^bbys.: That'si.where, th.b' *eM action com miencesi - Theiy 'gb Into bile- of those hofced 'nghts- with Ardath gagglnf; ail.-albnei ; Finally .seat .themselves at, tlie: table -Wltfi;.the; hick and Ar- dathV contihlutng their scrap; xvUb the table Implementa,and prop food- stuffB. : FlniBh"l8 one of tljose lauph riots with 'cvbrybody yelUng and throwing thlnga arbuhd. . . In between'the<rslapStlck, for s.hbrl ihonient's at a tlme.' the.-'Buiipbrt gels^ Ih :!a .llttlQ> straight work. 'Two pirls," lookers, .-.duet-4 "pop ballad i*it cr Ovb: boys: lafce;,tb'.the saxrc w(tfi.':.ui4laibn -ho'bflng. ■' J- ■':■■', : .. HARRY FOX and Co, (6) ' :'.. Sdrioi'fihd OanM Revue - ■:.--.: . :• 30 Wins;; On* and FUlt:'(Special) sist St. ',.-. '-r'o':, ',,.' . one of the .first, rahlt •ing cla^s- comics, Harry'Fox;kePl)» hrs nwiteeial up tb dOitt!,- and ih.tlVIs' vehrcVe: ro'rnps, through' a^hiUC. .hour of-, b'nterlalnmeJiit maltlnB . It .seem only, half that long. :0n..third ,ali«l ■fourth ot a flye-act eproad, Harry iKiS' Beatrice'Curtis dnd an upper-^ box BtooBO as Bitpport; In -the iVrst half; a sfnging and clowning- turn in one; --'' ''' '.; ,-■ ,; :;■ - Novelty, in'the first'framo -arb the .Small' Brothers as comlcjs, dW.<?se(I' In shorts and white sweaters b«ar- ilhVr- th'o: InsctliJtloh'-iii ' Idrgo : black, lPtter.'3/.'-''Joke :;Kxplalner.%;' •,: ■tt'li'on llarty{doesn't,g^t a ijulo.k'Tcsponsi! to a gaig-tlie boys run up and down th'6 : alslba- ^loudly, - explaining. tl|<i: joltp.. '; ',- .' ■,^; -:: ,;,:-:' ■^'';- --' .■■^/-i- .Tho transition into full staBo I* .BO: jiaHfr.dl that tlie.audlenee^t know'the fourth act l.s on. unlcsf* Ihpy: look" at .'the enune'laipr.s.' and- hotc: .lho chdhBe -of billing,' wht'e)) ^features'tlje Small Brotlinrs.: Sftt.:f.s "dowii south-','': cx-terlo'c In , HUbdu^d, llBhts. . .Thb brothers, do two. long ■roullnes'bf tapping on a.'inat.^np'l sGbi:b'sbHdly :with,a: challenge danViv -.tliat-h'as'tlicm- hoDflhg at top .spcjvid, A rod-head;rhythm dancer adds'.s.a.. but her steps were too. "Blow io be offpVtlve.. . -•■';'". ,;;'■:::'-■:/■■■■ '' ■ M Us Curtis' (Mrs.-. Fo;i;) cpn tln uCs frbirii::ll!in-y'3.; pr'oi'vlous-att.'And has 'Ittlo'to do' except iiervb as a. ffill' .for ,lils-inijij>aht;rcm,ai:k's-.-an,d .warbli;. one tunn In a small-voice; but -has-';-looks'.' ;''.HdiTyv.-.ds.''UBlfa1, tjj 'a jieai Svo.^!>.l^'g^"Bbpb'l.sUc.ate, ,' HILTON, and GARdN' •.: ,'-,'' Sonfls and Talk . ■ '.'■ . •'' .12 :M i.ns.! One . : .", • •• ,^. ,y ' Au'd'obon . ';.-:". -',',:'■ .■ -,-,-;'"'■.' -. -'-- . -W llh ^ilau'de :Hllta« Is a . tall, brunot- 'whb,; prr'yos'';ahv ar.o.csitabl*' Jtiiil: -ttir ,t;he.-fdmlllar style -ot'.blowriT- Ing Mli-K-'Jillton 8611^1'.,;- ',:•'.,'-■':'' ' , "Hortic of the. gttfes drc not so :ht.w, b''it R'^tt' rbfife!' cohiJidy euibfjllii-ti* rn< tit by "ieach ^-wpnVart. :ilfU'J.'it''-.i;' ili' i.llier 'bn'>he :Bho.uM6^-' Tu'^ b»i,;i'-:.';i iaVKu',<i«tWe 1Sii<itt Ml.,^'<.H.llt';ti.:iia',1 Wi%rf,Ga:rbn sprdwl'e'd oil ilio- tit'JJKi--. :.; •-."rhe BlnRlng Isn't vtry . Fir'-u;;',' •fo.rting i'ljae :;crbEbDrb -tib, 'Jiold ' Ui;; turn up. ■ : --:'- •'. "'-:." ;' ■■./ :'• '■•■' ' It-B wodera'tely-aervtcr-rtHe .'va.wd'-..' ' :.-'.'-'-" '. • -t ■ . •' M>iri<. •■ R-K-O, t. A. . ; ir..i't|i)ii'i;ii'froin piiV''; 5)1) • 'i . • ■ Ai sfiP::h.icl', hot'.ioliitfd, the . .,fo'i'n'-::i>'t^-i^. -: woiild ' hrt< p.; 'ratjsiJ' . the- . ii,v'0.i';i:^i; oiintiig/froni' lOa-sTr ie;,hot.', 'KbttPiv'■;.'■■ 1-:-,■;.',-'; ■ --'...: : ■ ' ■'•'-;■'• -Clibklhir^ ali: tliti' w^y,- .Ates;:ahd Vi'is : l)arfi>pr-^<i:'\\i'B)i'loV',':^- -IVbrbtlSy,.; ' - .iiarliJiB, Uninlipr Jfedst. fOr' py!es. .l.ltj-: v ^ (ri'-.-iily .mopiiod':,. wyii. :at- -''CliilrHdny '■ jil>,';u'i< '!;.Uin<':' '-'rhpy. V^^nt,.1io.'t.v..y', foe ,' .■Vti'ji'"' stutti'iMiifs'. siuft: ..itniV al:so:;fbr .'^ suine. .of '(he BUKS, -'e.vOii tlvtiUiS.h :ai.'-. linnv v;iui>;':..sU\ipfii iin^. .KVph, -thb ' oOniiMl.lrfn's: juiIK'p; (bvg. b^^^^ .aolb' ' I by"- iil.svj!iyinfc '''pi'1m:'-Vi;i-i^ toe : ' h'ltifii,' AiV'.s .Sviiere .iiioirt' •.vni).v^(ian'a:,:. gi't: kit'ketl.- • , ,':,■',-'' ■ :■ V ;\v7i'i<unB : :u j) ;tii<v .n^'Ofiffr ,,> I jib- Kbpr ,\\>v.-Vnayv Jiijlstil' 'ijulorpd-.," groM'p. sj.'oved .xivoni; in n faiii rpu- ; iInvi,. of tei«'^Jl^f;'n>os,t.',pC: Cil.iv;tap ,dnd • lnrfic'-an'd '.u-liiB ;brdi>r.- Ij^'^auty 'of ■ - Cb\\^ii.sVji.(;t,;t;i that It. nevot^'Ajeaeos;': ■ niovinB.:iiUinK- rtt;a';faHt-.C'll;j).-.' ,,.:'' ' " .'"-Itunnln^c .•,ti|no^,of show- '54'; mill- . „ utcs.,-; .Mo.*t; f^^•c^n>.t blllii- go.' ovor , •tlinh / r-J:>.aWiriy-^:''T'^^^ il^athe); Hitli.c ^'ew'a and; o'ri-lies-:; .t.ra'; ovt>r-lare - -U'ltu 'ljetii;..ftiiss'o di* , rectiiiBi. / ■ ';-.; . '-i'. '''-^;-.■■ .nuslness fdlrly Bobfl,.' ThursddY- everilrig^ but no: »t«ndo«^.si -"("fcdr.;-; ' !:}IS(mIp lm)l(Bl-- V- - vbpp',,: 'xvlier.*^ ,)ip> ni'erultofl'' tlii?. ban.d. for hls.'-l'di-is fttity,.-:: . : '^ ', '^ , ■ ";:,-'. • He lis diiliig a .lirst-rn;(.p apt_.u.-^liiB- bi.s old "S'ly lireaih of the Hlg, I'i'i -, ra'de',''hbd It's'.stlil :Rijr('Hr'e, du>;');p4r- li'aii.Vib,'lhi? way -he .di^ps ItV ■.. ' ;.' ,•; ;. ."^msle' Blyes'^ ti\'?):-^ti)p'n'>bv'rs -of-,t)iii» bnhd rt-(^hahpo'-tb.dp' sln^f 1p .si-uff-ihat, dlvorsinVa; .; 'Aiii()hB..'"Sissle.-l<-Individ'-,, liailsolos - >viis .'.'frlVe.tbp .Sbfithlahd- to. iSr^fi'-I-'.'sol'o.; nicely, ~ ^v.Suutliian'd.'' pprinU.s 'tbe bniid'tb -plny'sbft n.i.elpw. die,*! bi; oJd'. sirtVtlipr.'n fav.s. . :,,' .-;.. -,T.urh:as Is clvn' stand' up In y a tide !pifie;.:,i;:£'^:':^^ - TOMMY EVANS and CO. (1);, , Instrunients. Song' , '.'" •' -•' . 9'Minii:'; One ''■.'■..- ' ■ \: ''•"■- statiq '...-vi:':-■':;:-,.■■ "Straight:;' solo ' Instr'unjeAlatibi) frbn»:.Btar.t lo nnlsh. .' jcyahs ;is>. the. instrumentalist,-: using various wind histni'ments and'.orte strlnB.'.tlvc .vlo.- Iln; A ijttlc ■;coloi-fe'ss..a's Ev/ nbw ;'trbe's about It. Needs diyprsl.flp!lti<')a and there arc .sufllolenr.r.spbis: where It .could OASlly be Injected.;; ; -Thb' v'iiiid Co.',',' billed; iiy ,Rv'ans i-s 'the:-f^himb -pJanfste;. , ijiloks -to' .t|>p. fvoi'Ies-'-llirbugliont - pxpeptv for biio bit:rh.\\tilch,;.shC'',voonlly:>a;f"rohi'|KiT;^ nip's -E;Vans,. A' llttle - j'iibr'>:,.s.ln.,'i'if> 'ivith • .spottlrig;!iud.:I)t;tiei^ c))oi'>i; bf->fion>;::n,u'mbers,; would'li'illV. - :: )3'vaiis':,r,ubs-- th'c Ba'tlitit 'of' 'W'i.hd- Irtfjii^nmPntallon, playhiB iPyjTyihliiB: frbnv aiini)yu.suai;lort|<inB' (.i-unip'b't'tb ■ a- Vrpniili" :b'orn,'■: -T'lnLsh'; l.s plaj liiB two «axPs"shnulUineoii.sly.. ■ : - - BQBBY JOYCE and CO. (5) - Dancing. :'..'»', : ., ■ ■' :l5 M:in8.v:FuirXS|jecIal) .' ;'; :;, Jefferson '•■:,--''- -''' ■• ,.;:.;- :- :: 'joycjPi fast -aoi'ob.tlic d.aheer .as- sisted, iiy'it s,l?.tei-Cea'/n-and^a. pair' of. boy.hoofer's,: prespfil jiolblng un- usual, -U)il<i>ie or. eix'trabrdtriarj'.^' J' a .V:-ut and- dried ::d,ari/.;li)B .naslv'w^^^ weak all'fiiiii't-at'.slDBioB liy the two girls whose fon.e-: Is. tbe w^)fkv' ; . Act- l.s- .,t.astpf-)illyi''-'rhpunt.ed. and, jim.uth--i)rp,doi»itn'atp.s. with. spe«s?l- aji the- feature., v'l'l>c> tWi), boys liqoC as d.b. 'a. ■'thbu.'iand:: othc<r.s in Vaude. Tliey\; ,<dolhPS tb. h.mko tliblr' diilK.'p.s dlfffji'>;, Tbb ; iSirlH ;di) piip huiHbct- on their iop!^, a nico .fchfing numbifer. j'oyfte' hops afourid' a^milefa' mimitP,':;doe'.s. leap- up - Hpllls Jind other Rlepiii fatnlliai;. stuff Uouo In ijiundard mnhner;.; : -••-.- : ,;- .:v ,: ^ ' strong :s;biii(idy: t)'arii';'lnjp(:t.pd ihtb this aOt >vbuV(l;lirt''li;.('iut ot Ui":'y ■ <liin',p, ihasb, (;l'asKl(W;:'i.ll'in Into .wbrlll>vbllu'. pnt'^ri-airinient';'. ..; I'ielter.. ;;tjian' a'vcrnfip .liiyout'. .Of;: .' plgl'it :a'pt.<:: nicely■;balanced ■ ' toi:..' ly'lip: an<V. all' weil ..sutteil' rb <ho. .elE<>: ■ • lit: this; hnu.sei • Capacity at the tlrBt .' .showt: .Saftu'ds-y.; prioliably -att^^ibu- ,: labtp. ■ ib-' .tbi? .Tillhi,' "liltlie-; 'Cap.sarH' :i 1>!'X>.'" 'and bu.sih«>sa' shbuJd-'.-hbUl:; Siteillly, Word,Of-mouth on- stogc/^nd ,,;f, turn,^^,:•' V,::.-'j:., \'.':■':','-:,:'-,' li::"''-'' l^uljlt't: SJ.s:<lc apd; .his .Pari!^-.;Am^^^ .' hassa'ili^iVr-'Oi^-hb.'itra hdvp, fbsf tipn'e ot,iiai'lve:;'i-llythin; a's' the ,rcr -: .suit of fb.ur. jVears-'lit Kin>Mj;)e/--Nbbl.e..^^^ 4>(tnducts :,llls. 'dozen - m\tslo|ans .-anil ■ ,• pirtii ovi i'>lv(Ut',thaV: many .humfaers-," with' finesse. His- vocal..effnrts nr'0 ';: Ukpwl.s'e" good dud nil bf ;.tho:-ar-..' .- ,r.f»:ir(B,iE:Jnbnts - tihoyr ' prlpinallty' and; - i>lass. r.nie soiig; Beeniliigjy'hl.s own,.'-' is:, oufstilndlng; and .'lboks'!';llko a-;.', hat\tr'rt'l.:IUfr7-':JnRt-Glve.'.Uie'. .Sbutli-^;^^'^ land;.to -^fp,'!'. . dni/slxtb", this con- - llnBont tlpd (he-lBho'\V' in a Knot. '•s»-^i. Maybe Walter 'Walters tried too l)ai;d , In the big. place:' lie' didn't 'fie^d tp^fbr'hl'S ■y.entrilo.tiUlal elfects - WPire,ia,urtun^ in-'th«^;^lc|St^^b.w ;but'-'H '-W^!i^:«<Vld,Phjr-:tliirtrhl3-^ltp3'^bi^^^^ Well. 1 received,;; hbwever.;-. In.' the 'fbur'fiii frd.ino 'dnd' :wlth hla ■ no'velty encorb of .t\y.o '. dancing '.; marionettes ; which ' ''has nothing' ,\VhatPvp'r to.'db: \yith-Ji'ls';re^ulnr act.; • , 'Bee , -S.lar; .aerlallijtj'': has appeal?- ' apce to match her strength; and; gave Interest to the opining spot by f,:wbrkInB:- In ^N'hltfe'agalnst i: black d'rbp;; ..Jtelles bn -the' ljllllah; telt'zcl.'• ^rnv swlfigs fbr- a hand and g^ts It, - Hal .'?h«frmah and DOrplhjr -Kyiiit ' hai've, ,bei*n'"- plaj'lhg, ,featly-. Spots on iiPlglib.brh'bod: bills; -: Hero.'they, are ^ nex'trtb-iio^lhtf I dn.jj deserve. to - be,, This ai-t l.s an example of what can bp'done with, a little pruning, -ari' • e^Hrit blt of -.l/nlldlng bh olic ^r two nnml)*'rs 'and :att'entlbn' .to i;oa,chlhgi:" ."^hPrhtdri'fi "Cpebfttrlc ' hobilhg '. apd'■ iw'si' A-oJce. ;.T.nd'..>o'ii: thenx-'; xv1thoTi,t;vlKllilrt:. .pffbrt,.- ■'Watt.'j' and v l>a'y': (.N'pw Arts)-,- on- .third,'" are-a m lxejl. ten in :pt w'arblpr.s tlia£ 'work: '", lndly.Idualljr lintll.- 'tfii!:- ;.fast i- so'ng- whiMi they, out good';harmony ffjr'a, \Valfr-plV;..-;,':;;:'- :^ -'■: rj- • ' - ',1 ■ ■ ■ '■'; ; 'A-'- rl<>z<>:n. ■:OrI,i;hiQjs,;>'va^^ at - lea,st '^,'3,0 . years'.In ago' wm'prJs'fr tbo' •Wan;rWd|i .S';ln.-l^hsenible, closing., nvpyi'uperi^wUli some feeble niagl?;. and llffjri -iKo Intf) a' hbdgc-tioilge of plate. twu-llng, ,a(;rbbatlc.s 'and exhl-'. hltlons,;of strengtiN A' pirl pf -abPUt;; .1:2;; -y>:ir.s;; -br less,', balances ' ;thrco , larficiV boys on -her feet'frpm :a;. rc- . Vllnjiig; pbsl.tioh;.-.-Sb.t; Isyd^ vblorfiil nktlyc hd'hglngs;; •:' • .; Jylf'ld.s;, and Be1I,i dcnelng^ 'arf! -a, -. pair pf h'onfers.', Ihlle'ct'ed' - .a' few. 'gbo^: stiint.s aiid. sornb corii-- ■, edy. bu.vlMPss'- Into -the- usual-: roii- : ilin?.s.:. j-;iftii; fiamo held ilie..(;aud- . .smith' ,13i'other'.9;: witli; .'iiai'b'o' and; Hobb'lA,,- theirtwo :' blacik .l^'i'Chch ', poodle.s. T)oI;ng the wrong- thlhg. at - t'Jip'.: rlBlit time is /the 'forin of ,t,hb : .<; ,\\iio Jiro in "for laughs, but'' they aTsb;parll,clpalfi,ln-6n't!, or- two ;■ SM'lous; .stMriOs Just to show thcU: ability. ;: \".- -',' '/r,"':.,:'':; :,,' ':■, • CHANDLER and CLEMONS ' Magic ■.■',■ ■'" 10.. Mini.; -Full'(Spe'eial} .; ; Jefferson ' . llai-'ry, '-iMayo.;; .OtiiPi^s-.wltlv; hi :ir6,,;rbaric.s lli'tj,\\tn;-,.bafltoiieV; ': linj'jrp.ll,: . .svroiid ; t<;hbr,. ;:a;hd -ilan^^ ,, -.Mori'rson^ tf<h'(>r. ; ,::...>" : .-. : • - .ly.vXls^y.') '; oif;.itrlliUli?s.'. giig.s' and 'I-'oiio.wrpB: nlo'rtB' In. the 'Irl'iti n,n(l.i,I!i:<Wn';hiin.ill''>i: Jbo.; lt)^y. ('bihrdy ,tru'p,- priii^s'i^azed ih;-.:\:a^^ufii;-1; rmdko- it-ali' C'1'iiV.lnWliit.'i 'JUi':y -i;li'k>-ij:', v'-rVlly 'i'<><)l: ' ^.NliirVl.snir:,fi'l:!'.'j;)i;is;a; on the ;bno.;lype :bf':'..'r'':t' in .,v:!:i»l(- . t ' V ' so .-ill .iH : >(''<'; a iiOhul-Iu^ ^iip.rb ':("martit6.s!',.^'eVv.<,-i^jj<...v^^^^ ji,ij»|-:,v>).'''..-il,u'B'£;r<-i;..ifi''fbi-; :: ...': So'6d. cU(;rli(Tl ir;buh<: niOS't In; tlVi^ -.svU:. ;5 :;J'"rini-i-o;i>i-; is; ,i i)^ -ihc'>t)\'PF'<-o'f.';- ''■'.■'.,;:,■;: .■ '.■. ;■,• !■.•i'»i(r:-Jii;ri;i^,;' ::'it.'',-1'!',')'^ <i':.*!,<' >' -■.^v.,>-I(m..- '. 'f hViJr .1rli:kv ar'' '.hr- ii<.-i|-,l r^f/M- .•.M'a>o I'jii' .i 0«h' In-, (ho bri^v^. 'it'-oiiiM.AViUf^ ,r,-'>b;-'' diri"i'r> nt:''.-i .b:lisf. '',;', ib'S';; ;1'. ii jjtiitt-; - cai'dv;; ,'i!ik!'ii.i;;.l'.?(v;''ai'''.l' 'i,' Avliiile . i:?j':l ts. 'iji" -j'llnS:Jri>i),r a' f raiM.i^^^ ' ptf'^vTiTl^ij-ii.'l.ariMV'f.i.r<J'';[f>^n;t:;-f'jOv ut,->\-^y .1 ■■[" I'ljJi'ri.-l'lifi, /i.'j.'' Wily ;:; 'EMPIRE•CITY. QUARTET / Sb.n9's,and;-T-all< .:-''-.,'-'; v'".',;.". ; ' 14 Mlns.i One' : .' .-•'-' :-' ',' ':':: ■:"''; Hamilton . -• •:' '-;.' ■ -';.', - ' -;'',';,'-r ,.- ' Il<:r.''i.'.s" :a;^:n.^.xy; vipi?iIii; '■:!/■ ;,..i'i.-i..ii..:; ^^I^^:i: ..'in, i..l(l-itir;irirr ■/Will-''.'."' r*;,;,.:'wi' I IIP. ■'.•Il l'; !■!;'- fjKir .'aii.'l. :• !.'"• •(/' .'■-; •.^■-,i;;r'-(ii".-.''!^i;-- t^'-svjy-'^;;;!!,. lir,i)l'.„ ■ ?-l!t;:' ! ' iii'i--'-'; •1-1 .•; ',•'!■ .•■■);,' :, ■ .'I, -1. :'■■'■>•■■'■ .11- •-, I I.-. til-'- il. :n:.'.ln" , :>i .,i-:.'t;'i;j';,f ' 'lifn-iy '• "•"'"-;-.-' ■ ■ ■ '.\i,':.».'- ..'ia,S',: ' f.ll'y-ri -■■ r .''l-'r.'.'s-', ;lii' 'i- .•.,'.■]'-.'(-' ,1v.K.Ifi-'.-.- ;;'V:,'-,v|';;,_-j;,,•:;,. 1,';^; •:. .!»• • :', •'• . !";' ■•SqoS-/ -Irt !.:.'i;i-.i,' ', :'; -' -t* I" '-f-ilri'-ssijifr ,.sti';i.iv;. Ui«j> ';i!ind' • • i'^,- .:.•';: -:-ii',.:-i V;',i'r:)i, M'.rV'O :d(iInB ' ,:!-,<. :;•v.'l^lVl I.■.0.'">.nj.'ilu-.s'.y.i).ii< .ji'oint' ': V';;,.''r>'i , A'i.i'' WVtife'-J li'-y : Avi-hi ''•ki'.'(ii/d;.: , .'Mark,, -■.