Variety (Feb 1931)

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VARIEfY . .'■ .ThiS' depaptmeii't «6ntajha :rawntlten .theatr{car'neWi items a^ PMb- - ..IIshecj' during th'e WeaK.'i.n 'iKe.. dailx..papers' af '.Naw. Yor^^ San. Francisco,.. Holl^w.o'od ' and' London.' Variety takes' for^ these,^.hews .litems; '^ach'.hji^ b.eehvreWritten .frbn^!' a- dait/ papec,-. iNEW YORK .:;v ■'Witi tw> liowpry/'uneritptoJrSa t^duw. iAvUft ivi)riri)andoa-, ati*':h<rfcr: i;h ',$500 .bft-ll In' 'AlasHt'rate's^- .Coiurt. ■ 0i?. a .■ thfiitfte' uC-/St*ivHnff/,JiiS .aiid ^jeveli'y '.y(ilue4 'at'$3l> from, Alrs.'-14iirfl:,'4Tai--. . v«y.i: vvJio. !lii<i- petniitted I.fnvcJry .to live li) :Woi\'rooming .hqurfe'for tt^ ■-ttme dttftr ' he iOeasod ■ jiaytiik 'rent'-. •Mri;. ■H-air-vp:)-. wliq l)Iiiyed: lhfi.'par:t of.; a. tmp- In- Mlj|arlo,;' -teStiried - tfui.t tli'o .'iiibnipyi . two' - I'lngs' and. a .breastpin dKsapnearo.a.iifter She left .■•.tht-)!!'-!!) a; jmirke near whc'fe l^(»vei'i" Wiis^ .^(Vlhj,<. ' {31m said shi»':seuwho(l . 'jirs!. cii^thos ;lat«fr i.iind fouitd" "'tf 1 tivlssfiVit i<HvpJi'y. vrioNVvry.hi'ifl parrs ■ lii '.'/iMiv Trial .of S^^'r>^■:.l.>u$7Vn'■->nd . .''The J'^ivat: Mrs. Fpiser;';. v-. ' ■' : • ■' .*•■(?ienoi'aj Klcflrfc- Gpiriif>ariy ■l.ihprar ■ tolWes- tr;<iifit\tlttsd'iOli; lniajj,es: ■■ . .reiiMKa'-<l;|;ti(;e': pidii :wllV' go' Irtto "efrof't/iiU 111'* XlrttliU'. Roof .rejj, ■ 21: " l;5cV ■ad1n1^iiJI<^^^,■: " . ' ■' ' 'v:- ^'l^veJlli^fc^.>tbl^»^na!,'^. and- for moi-e-, • tho;iv "ii, year '.the- •■secr6t -'brld4',\'of SllaW. M/' Jfew'tohi vWeal'thy.' oil. inan';-: ■whSsc persontit fdrtune'ls. esHniatt'd-, iif uibi p than $46,600i00&, was gobbed; of $I5','000 ill jowera:,wHlle attending;. i a^sHow •''t'liosday .'ivlt'lU^-tt - MrJiv '..NeWHoit- le knoAVn' a&.-the i;-lchcst. .ra-; : porter'111 iUt ■ . -.Mrs; ;j!thVi'.-Boclmea,^foririer;,sMpW," ' glri," Is aulnK -'iiir..: divorce becaase- {\<ii- -hus)bahd'« "fifahdmQtKsri" ;*1\(}.m.. ilie- 'ylsltJid. frequently iarid , atorte^.- tiirncil villi'^mhUVi^ Y"""'' .Awmai'i;- - lVw'(<:ycar»'iifi'er:tHelr-iriarr; ' riaKW' S^r» 'B.ochiica says;/. AUelarO. .B6.chnea, Jiuu'slcftl .',' oyiliiJed tt svildth Iiiforie'st .In' hla aisrea. grand-' iricitliciri' \v,hO' IlVed' 10 rhllaaelpKia;. ' •.'. Xi I'andrna.,' Abelairdr told, hlii; wife,- had Vdetvlded t<) '/open lifer ^sum .Uu'ngalow Xt^;fi'ft.lnva ^'RlMV/lie iwAM": gdinij do.wh-' .toj .set- v'evdryfhiiij; ■ lii.'re'a.dlnesgs; ■ vitw.^^^B^ /.-chiic'd' aiid" licr- s^st.eti aifrl^t'd at/the: '■,buhBal<*''v' unexpectedly- a.' few' aa'ys. • later;. ■ to. :aiu'prlso ' AbMarit '•and ■''gxa"<li»a''''whoft : llic: plot-, bedaiiie ^:!iv^dcnt^V : A',HKb(jgh '.the» Uiingalpw ■ ''etljsoaS haijjwiica- three' yoai'q. ttgOr. .-.Mrs; 'Bbcliacsi,. whb'i.wajrknovviv- pro-r.'naliYihs.litheV Lotraih^ J-.^ei ' w'lViHagf'i ;has justiiuci'ec.dcd in' , servinir' -.piipprs ' ^'oii'' • tlia' '':olTiKlV.o; ■.-■:'ir'''rn)an. ^^^hMinlinj. ;:ijto'ail:cer;.'.;6f; ■;!'Or«lid:lloti>l," ds.'.a no.xv iuember of:; ■ SainV'i.ti'Oldwynl'a. -■ fljuV; .prb.diiftlon.' ,t h(>>~theatr.o ■ to kvc Jt 411. .X' Tl*■ lib 'ppo- •luri-a .lieXt 'seuiiii'n'- by, the Theatre <;iiai;l.fe ChapilK-sailed, foVvKurope ;S!lllM"<hiy;: . ':■. . ■ ■';•;•■.■;"-:■. .'." :'■''■ "■ ■■ N'Mv, l-'ox-'thoatrc for ilaiikerisack^ r :;''..Vv;;s-'?v 'K. v--' ■ li'rrtrtcea I)e.e.:" rou'mer exjira - Jglrr>; as'^Sondra t>vJIIni', ^'A'nSertcuij'TruK: edi-''*':'■. -r \' ''^'-^.--.•;''-.-:; t)piBh-''^ri«miH"se.d" 1>y the . JiixchjaaUjir -, -WicUlt liavelle.'i.ffrarrestii^^^ t'hkrged;''whe.n sl.ic'iW'a3 going wfth a. Iimde.d iievolver to sltpot itudy lcin'm-' erW.' .'former ■: li'u.ibond 'ypt..-Anita-' Siewurl;'was-acifiviltttid.j^^ ptr'st'c<>iid.'T'di>Kre^:''a'ssidultv^'':?'teaji-. wiwicv,iuVino;t.'i'a^'iiiiipg'i a" c1mV'.'(iH of, viola ti ntf/,tii*!^ ^5^^^^^ . :BfliU(y'3. .cpupVil t'em'itoraTily^^ adidu-4tii^lUa'y'd<i)\v.?j)ldi«' sp^that- the profesnliinv. -Jimy' 'Pr«sei\t' a -ulhited 'fro'l»t-.ln!ftSllffl,U',against.' Icglslatlye 'censPi'shiiv ,'ln geiieral :and: ^the^ piio- ijpsed Mastlck: bUl io pai'tieulap;!; .- ' i'lfleiffltiV ,iannUnl-;''theattlcal .bail T<>>. 'cbm^lpect: '^liieatMcatV ehirit^^^ \vl)l. be held'fn '!Ma'disoh\Square',.Gar- ttcn .Saturday night'\(21). : .' ' ', ; . Jee' 'Ho^vard^. ^recl^^ehtl■y dhd-nielteii aclpr'; and ..sonprwrlter,.! fur'nishlnK show.-bysln^ss jgbsslp. fov AO)yicaL.rHi went ofnciaHy.'"br.olj:e" lor at Vleast'^tlvei- fifth tiinia lasC-fwieek' wlieh' fljlng: a' vpluijtary ..petitl6n'.,ln b'anK.ruptcy, Tlstlhit llaljllltl«|a at ii25,-^ dO.O;dnd'. hot~ 6he' cent Ih/aase^^ present "he islp, vaudeville, with the, Imbit' i'^cent'Mrs.rlloWard and their daughlci'^,. ' His present, debts Incliid.e ■ -'fvxfr' Xtj'vP'Uo hu.' «lKn^a: ii .fl.yc-. y(.pjii ract-'VItiv .SlV'tro. • J11-, ,will. fhilNh • the- Kfiii.son- li/;, ■.'^'he. T.r.uth. «lunt'.^''JilH' bwiv iilii,v. and then iVMivi- for'4Jolly.»'<)'ba to Avi:ll(- .and, sta'i- lit. itirins i>t tl>.<S -tyjie: iu--,w.lUi':h.;'K.onuld .jG0Iinah:.-:al)pear»ii.'.,:\r " ^ ^ ''y nettina ;iiill. 23; iead with "iU-.Ql - My .Slstov," lifts anhouhCed her (>»-: gufc'erticiit'to John (;irptnan,:, 26, for.-; ineriy ' babltone of the- . AniorlCari 6i><*ra: .Co.'iShb ;iij ' a ; jirotege . .pf• \Vlhthvon Aiites; heivfanvlly's nelghr bor at .J^PV.tM I^astPUr AlasB,-. , / ' .CMial'ile. Ma«Arthqr ^viirdo aUtio'st any tiling fbi a' laugh.- Uis.f,tlend..«; aiid tliosc ;t>f:'. Kelea /Hayes,-. MS actress owtfe,' rcc^ntij' received. BtUrtllh^;lnvUatlori;t&:tlirtr.-hbnv<>. to. meet-^'Jtfr. Alphonse Gapbrie/' 6'liarUe OJf]i>)alne<l the (iftaJc list oViiy the thrst. birthdayrpaity be llelen Hayes.Mac-. Arthur, ^^amous'•avtpf-God;.^^l^ The '^7 felty plicated ijii riot at ■;the Itlvolt s^ AV^oks, ago . wore,se!rilence<l, 'with .but. oiie /exc^eptipn- and tliat'J«■ student: wiib'; belonged'to'^'ah'othier; class 'and.' wa» ' fPunVl.-'nbt; gMflty, tb - pliy' Inr,. dividual riricij-o.f , jsr.. br. 10' days in . Jaihv.;; - v; ^.'-"v^if-''^^^\-^;:;,'v - T Sir^^;rHe^ieri-jSohapoir^ slstor. I'ricdir "ileirtiiel, -tor .»10,000 i seeking.'.--to- -recp.tcr.-. the-'■.valo<'\~br leweirj; 'siie:ulleKe'B';thc.-oiier'd-.8.|n'Ber ' :ueid^.'--;' ']/ :':.y-:-''--0:-' ''':-. Gel; . DpCoiifCcy iiro.wri.e-. ■ -■vvlib! swallowed Rplsbn last-'week,' is .iii a' aHplitiy. injprovcd''Bet.Ie--; .vue' h'Pspitnl.;:' In. 4he cptvi'se -tif a «phfei'cnce'with liis; .wlfif,.'the, foiv ttier IjdUIa'Lioiutle.r. .and .lier.'.cou.fisel at' the HoteJ Mbiilolnir, jhurtday (12); GpL ;BrPWrie"(vene ttf tjie tuithr rotoin atid .tlien, annp.uiiii^.d'-'that ,li.f. had .taken' ppi'son;- .''..'■,,-■ tfertbr^ stalks. .i^avlom,. islhpe -~ the pbllo©:. fpund ■- the hodits 6f tliree Kegro woirteni' oiic 'li; liiijh.rycllpw'toe'- 'dahcer':of 19,- sfFahgledHtJthclr.flat.. _ . Belief Is'the .;Vi'binen -iveife the vtci;. Ttire"nin3crTPi«inrei%"::*s;OTrt)Tr^^ Tirre'bfjirriBmiictdTt i -' iiiahia c . t wo^ Coster,-'tS.OOO;.' -Jack' Edwat-ds vand Will Gray, »2,000;; pVlnciiiais.ef "The Tinw, Place and the Cilrl,',' , $3,000, arid $.8.,3i20'' add.Itlp.na1 .critdltprs-i'Jn- cludc^'i Anna ;Cttse,- 6hc'.bf - the Iprmsir Jir's,:..'.Upwards; .'.■.. :'.' ■.•■.-■-"..> ;-.', - Jiia'Ti^a.. ilahsi:^ -.was". ..awarded -l.tbO'.OO.e >dartiii'ges-.;frpim' -. the ' iHbtel r^liiCoTn"'.as'the': ve^t.ult. of aVs'c^ she TCceivjfa ^th"er.e.:Vlh'- 192g;L''whlIe -^t'rtkln^..a,'bat|i.~-AlisS'' Hansen-' had : pr?y.l.ouisiy -beSii -awarded $I67,990'6y a-Juii.v, in>V this'yerd(Ct Was set d^ldc by. iiie.SviHrcme Cbu.rt; Friday (.I3i 'the"--Ai»'p;eirate'.id'ivision- Ih. .'Brooklyn .Jiandcd ,dottlT a"'tur0iTiliPV"s '.de'oIiTOTi'' rey bvsin's' -1 he' (TLHrniss'af and - awar,d- trig' .Miss .Hapsen '$J00',:000. .'' , V ;• '.lf!il.n:y ''tn'. Is-' jivi>'itlnK':vth!e ■'nVusV'? -V1>l:.^,VI^lVlv: Avbirp.e/'^^ .W^ !iA aKi^-'. ;sftMi<'ntiii<W.: IpiM-i^^^ ■-toiv '-'(lays ^p■r,;SI)',..rpmlnl," '-t^ ' '>irt i'\'^1 l^)'uy,:: wlU^ :,at.lliC;'l;'ii«ertyi' ■,'-\'0 :- J^Hl'iel BaVryiiiciT^s-tOitr' iii fh"o-;;re- A^viir-br '^iMie- npyir "Oiiel"^^ . 'srlii .at:' rrinceepti,; .N,;..Ti', March . 2, .I'.'Si ark't >ji.>ilcr.SIary''''oli(sct|. iii .eh|-: ■'.'Cas'ti l'%lj;..i I;.'.j'-vii'Vv :'-^''' .■: ■'■ "^ -': • ..• l)K)i.b'iihCi)lg \ '.the. r j'eiisorsliip.' • of, .'"pU-tiM'<sM • as. "a. hatibiial :,i>'ca!; ■'•J-)r.'•'Ibhii-'l-ii-Nki.iVe'i prcsldent^^oC - the. ...-A:iah't/i\><v(.;iu|). (tGclarp^'.lhat it would '' .he iiniio.-'.'iiori'':. tpt-prpdircc .siiiy ■great -iitmilii'i" .of i-hii-'Sics AviilKiiil sCrlbu.KT. : ly ',<li'lctJ(ig..'tli.Oin.'. • '.•iriulpiv tlie,law's' i»"i'' :-«iVin(!', of .piir - trtajtc." iwd- Could' ^ipt ' tiiji I.iiV^'of Cial.aind tir t vbt ..^is^,.^^a^ly(^y■•pl^ tii'iB\-s<'rc^^^ ■.-fsitiii.;.: ■'./■.;■;'.';■ -\V;:'.- . ,. ':'j:'c.iil.iVi.c6 A\-rry; niecp of: Ihe- fanj-' ;•' i))i.«'.lOlli.-ii.. liaH' liii-si i<uit for ,d(yprC'f. , . fr'rniv' TjV-b.ii;'»rilv:Ajn,ai;',''?ai'lor., ^viion ;'sjii V 111 if r i-ii'il' i I t' 1 jl'4.;'. A n ' ii iinualcil ■ .iVrouflwijy .iHr'ossi,■ '■•TJU'y-|iavt''' lK>eiv ;.' j)V''"''''<;'i ' .?bars.. ■ .;3')el'('CtlVC3 -;.tri' ^^iM■^i ''I'eriiV's ; emplPy;'Hp(Hh'-?d;': cyl-,- . ;d(Ma'(^.ni/ih(i.(iPorgiun .'.IViTac.o ^ i?)''AiUi)ira.''«hc'.-i)ai)crii jsct.Xurth;- .V; ":;."~iNri?' I»iac; dWh'-ftot'-' 'siTCk^'Triiii'ibi^^^^ '' iji^ik.iTcri'y i»sks tiic,cu.-itijily'^.'-ir' ■- i' ■ O- vV'.'ir-ord Sbii. - . MljdiC,; llb^t -' llyjii;? iii-''i"i)'ls'a..<>trtiU-wlll;,li(itS .'.ipsf,, iM'ifyi TPj:i-y i.s •rt'bw. npivoarJng. ' ^>*(-;ir|<^t -t^ijifcr ■^Ial•j•.'^ : -- ' .'. i.bra :'if>oii(ioi-".-i'bti,. t(lr.: lliri>(>;.-year's .'. wire ''of -TUii '-JOaw.H-'rday, ofie'rUriiP. ■■^jii'n I'tivcc at Xiclty.. ArnrUci'ji'. :1s' lincl;.^ .' liiM^ li:iii>h};i'-'Loi;a'.sal<i>" eird v'/of 1 iU" 'Hr.-it d.-iy'ji U':ial>< -Vt Kij-siicViU.v- .and ■ a'.,)i;iIf' dbzen^■o_t)i'c'i'-"< .'S'lvb; :.iitc -'C1i!iI:kci1.- With .mulcting ■'.'R'.s -iii' -;. .'Kciw " Vo|.k',.a)i<l. ii<;arI>y-'.i)i,alCH' '(if ;,..?SJ*^^*o(^ -^'^-^-zV-^j-v^-.;';:.;; -^v -4r-^\-2XC44;--o$j)ei'inienial4-ti^^^^^ station - of - ihc: ip<S;.l':'bi'r?»t ivadlo ; Colirjiijfty riti: I'aSsUi^. N/-Jw went ■ on ' tli:e ruUv'ilbndtiyV.With .Its :irrst tes /•priiKivuivlbf-llIrns.and .dirtet pickops, •■''' -liui't'oi-' 6'>Vi» i^^^ ■t>liiv wiilcli.yi'iil requlre^he audience ,to,s(icii'M tlii'cc tbhuri'e.ic.even - TUP. jue oi' -a iticket specuiator IS hot al( K.yi<;-from', the' tabulati,o>iai pf- a- tyi)ii;al !*'pec.' i-lC' claims: that w-lieii a seiitr'markcd $S,S'p .i9.;s'b:ld by h'lni- f6iv; ?i.Q, i^ip iiVorfit'.?s.;bnly;.^i.^^ ;It wui'InriKit'illcc -tills'! .'■! '^ - v :-!;?pee vpay« ?S.85'at tlie-:l)ox. ntllcc, plus .$^2-;t'q ■sohiebnc'Clse^aS'i;,^ tijv or Pjfpi*.ssioji:. oC: gratitujJC....''. Iii- rt^ i i ' l > <■:. ta ':t7Ti.tie.s-T!:b.vcyn l u g., fejiec^ la^r torj)' pxbvii.le' the brbkbr-'ihust. pay half p.t--what.-lie Charges.Jn .ejccess'bt 'thc'-.libxibiOVcp' pricp: tp the,; govejW ;hipiif.-i£jpp'c..c-liurgcji$ff,15,'In. excess, 'jiiaking bis government:.apflt ^SiOT, Adilcd -1<) the pfiglri!ti.''$5.'frJ t'glvca ,$.s.n2':ai)d.. Icayon $l.08/<;;. i.-..;- .. --. Jfr.-i'. ■-JJorblhy; \^.^.■.,Tl'bJJ)setsbn■; is' «\i|jig; . and ' beli'iii".sitcil'...f j5r, dlvprcc 'frpMt.. hoi: l>iiisl)aiiid Af.teti,-.,Svhp,'-"shc' :ii)i!u.'gp»; vis- !a' .jilght c.lijh 'tK>tha.rlo! ].7oi'o(hy '.Miiys, she is -tlje; fourth JUrs, I|bl>ciM son aivd-d'pi?Miv'l;-really -wnt .divpr,<?e'.biit a 'isep'aralioii,- .Ac'^ iiig lb her attbi-li.o.y.'i{bl)ertsbn.:haa.a Iftrycar-.bjd-daaightCr by' .HIa' IVrit marriage, .which iihVatiiicd- iii^ in- the <l|v6i'ce -Oburt i7!.ycar.s':aKP '-wlieii he ,;(prgot a p^•bn^lse;^tp :be true;. There -wcf'e •twb:.'.cJiildren,;as the result-oC his''aeCSr)jVd 'riini-rlajge, ^yh^ch';ehd;cd Willi?.tUcVdeath of /Iijs 'W'ifei .The. tli.ird^ inurrliigp. \y'as^ll-washed ui> wIicm; ori-Ap'rll. C, .192-1,- his .wife dl .S-oroeir.hrni. , .Tlip iicxt. day he" and Ubrbt|iy,.<()plc.'a'.. ti'li). dpwh' tP 13a uipri- and 'wcix'.-married; ■ • J''i(.Urfli-'ni;ui'i' .went along .fpr- lli'ri'C. yjriars-when JlobCrtson sl'airtcd ■IbWtcihfe-tlt'badwiiyward. Ills, Vvi'fb al Ipjics.'.. -Then Jib ,, wont . ■a'y>-ay .atia dldii't : rclVirti'. for, jl months,'. al'- tiibn'^rhrtvc'iTiiiinrrbx- f^r-nt;.:-."^^^^ i'Ct'.irr|H'.(i:'-iind- ebikCd-'-.for, st- dlvbtcp 'fiiUl XviiPti-.fdip ri'f(iMfd -iip; c-li'r'oate'ned i.o t';ikP'a'W(i,v thVlr iHiliy;-. Latci'- thb' c-l)ljii' dl.s;iiVpparodl'-.' Jlbrbt-I(^^. accuses ■ hifii- br; klilnaphig IJi'c iiJ'Cant. Cas'ea .\ylll. Irtj (rlod iiJ KrboUl j n,'' .V'„.'. youttg'.NetBwes,^cbnnectbd' hy- ttnift- te^ y letters with- the dead -dancer, .were picked-up Alonaay. They -wei-e 'nbt-'-arrested and -their- natnes.. 'were Wlthlicldr Thece 'Vye're iiP' 'signs pi ,'u struggle. \PpMRb hclicvd the woifteh' were ' waylaid oiie at 5i tlme. as they' enter^, the;Upai;tiiient./; ;'. ;'" ■WestcViesler cbuiity' gt:ahd : i'liry has" Indicted- Donald.c;-i^hrlnc^'.fot• abaifdoIl^hg his AVlfe ahd three sniaU children..'Heis reiioi;ted,w-lth:Bl«lia Gray, ji.ictui'e-aqtrjess, - "Wi. .li-erc; happv uiitttl. .DbniiVd . began .,slai'Ing.' but nights,'' Mrs.■«lH-liH'r iftateai VI. Itbrgave lijnl; ills'. JU st In-disCretleh ahd.the ifccoha, but, wlicri'.X loa''"cd thai. 'Miss Gray , had - acopmpiinicd. ftim to the-cttndy cpivvcnUbii: in QIiIt;. cago. and was '■ mtro'aupea .jwiere- as his wlfe l' began:legal action.*'; The - Shi;ih'crs.' j(vci-c dlvbi'ced arid the'.husband':; .ordered.' to • i)a}v■.. ajl mbhy, ■ but. lie. fbrgbt'..: Hc.'spbhl. isilx- -. :?<i'.H-(:l 'niarriuge in 1^29' bt-Udgar ;VlK'icVand:..yalp)ie .llamleV lias' be I 'Vi'iiC kribwii.' -The' fbVjivcr- .show ijir dlil iibt aiiiibuiio'i? .thblr ^.Cddln^r.ilie- .'i\':iusi-- bt' thp-l'vac.hes. IJr.p'wiilnp. poti? ;.',n'i)<-'Mi)i);^ylth..t.lic .(iAtiiP- pC h(vr-lius. biirvi^ :i.iui rtip\y - Uicy Jiavis'^.a i.twb '.ilibiilh-;old; liiihy Jboy;:'"Jtl'S..'uis .'(.'l!'.iye;M'-^br(i'bibiiUP and t-iiC couple JUataiVahc-^nV'lhiAy:*;^^^ ■■ ..;X'.'suit '-lirbupht'.;-hy' KeFprrcst 'Phbnbflliii ■■ of .Giiiia Jav' Ltd,,'; -ftffainsjt ';ifttr.iibus'.riaj|!sn-S-- eanadiiui'-- ttd.,' '^^•h^oh allcKCd'-iiUtf nt itifringe'-^ riiertl. Jii cbriiicciiPTi.with' ;t'alkihgi pictii'rc 'apitai'aitus.: de-''lgtied .'.by the' W.catei iv ;jJ3lebtVlb ',' C.bmpany, >haa IniMilos -allbjied ... .i'ecfIved; Avhon ■H'ruok by ii»miltou's...cai' last pcv t(/l>ei%';::-;-'''''..;i ;.;.''' -. ■'■' .-,, ;;.''"' ■ Ol;tti>Plii»^v/'.i*!i^'CUi^^ Was Cleaned Of.'$;j/i^Vo.iiisL::wik!)5.. ■; '■,. j^:': ■.;.:■' .ira:ri"y .Tsuiwuivii: forlbpr 'CliaifrfMi.r. pt -r-otllb t'lt'kfbr-il, is H rider, ai'rest 1)1 v- ash li'Tanctseo . on' ,cHarK«;s .-p.f riirgtng itiie 'nnui'e. ,bf. MVss PickfW'd Viu ; vai;lbus -jehei^ks/ , -IIIb -'has,' befii wiuglvt fbr'twb'yeurs^ -.'; V iiootbr -Growiey : wa^-:^tre^^^^ .--at the-tlpUy'wbbd ■'e.lvlng.hfls'iiltal fbi': i!tvi>re ,Hca,tlHa<'prationii-srtid: tb h.avc; beetv Inflicted.: by «. helghhpr whea Crowiey' rejM'pVed - Ivlth" "fbi^ cha,.<>ing- tKe guests iiWm.^lils; own ^arfy. ' . ; . iJaltiy.'B>e rVbo,' fo^Cr scCrCta^ .tb; Cianv liow - and.-t'onvlcted ^pf" Jirand theft ■<rom;'vMlsS Bbw- 'whUe.- In. her: pniplbV.' was- sen te'hc'ed- to ,18. month's iii'jail; And five-:yeaye i"rarik. Aib'prtsph, ' jU'venlle; ■ -.Will njarry Virginia " Shieilley,: -.nOn-pyo; abpii't-'March;-!; ■■ '•:i '■;-- .'. -;; cheater After Dlaiia CH'ay -liaa trie« to i)Uv' -him bUlv M.r.*i.,' !>iirihP.r- fused - tP 'accept :.t'hc; ■fn'briey -Sccured- •byr^7htjrs\tcCc3Spi'^n-^Biii^nel''s-.-^^ tibns.'i Now. t-he'c|i'ai'ge^is..ahaiiaoii-' jnent.,- ^ ^i.:^;.:v'■'-'■'^'^'^"•v:' ' -The 'FlKeohth Anniial .^Tiic Bail, for'combined ''^clia'rr ttleSv'wllI'1)'o heUV-at Madlsoii Square lOardeh- on .Feb.' 2i'., S;'1" .Kofhafeli .'•i^o^•j^'■'.^.wjU >aii:ect; .the' -crtto.rta'ln meat; and. fltaglhij': j.<,isei).h tTrbdn :.\\aiI:-,.^iii)'(Srvise.-,,the.: lighlfiig, ■ anil jjtuart Jipbi'rliipn '■\vill', haiidlb.-. tlva accbratln'g.; '; : . •\\-<>r(hwhllc' an; ithcy :,ke^t tiro jvr!ia ' .but;pf .tlic. suitiohs, . ' "'; "'-'■,'', ' ■ Jiondbn'.. Coiuity':"Cotiftcil/iia'R iipi''^^^^ )')i0lnt'ed •'a'.eomnritle'e. to- Iiiafjcct' tiia ' •'Tt.'flilm-.pi'bblem,-'Jf i«ny-j. ' ' - ■■ : ,^kiarjbrle Garr,, 'dahcSr. dcscrlbltig iiCrself' ;as ,a' ;'kls»ldss':;l)rlde.'''' fHeA aUlt / for divorcbl'ifroiiV ■Th'oma'i) -'M. 't'arr.^isahts; Mbiilcii.' ..'Married.ti; >:eaiv-;'''-'-';'^';\>:'':.^'^ .; ':'; .='"■ \, "v-'--':-' -Jbhh-Ma^-ikas, itiSuri^neeKwas.-a rested bn; 1-4 -cbunt's -'of- feVbny- idnd- Hi)erated,'bn $110,000, ball: : He.|e .ac.-J ci!s^d''bf'''hbrrawrng'''mpney,^-9iY.'<l^^^ FcpreHentatioii.^jthat' :iie 'iield. a^ iaOiV .flOOi jibtt! -bnv-AlCJ^niidej' .PalntaijeS. -': •' jilae 'l^luTay.: wtiii' a. .. declslbji bver- MadaWe.-' Sraiices,'loci,' i-ifew /Yjpi'k'' gbwuahepi-lii-a sVilt-brvught ngaiiVst -her .-fpr $J,U6!), pvisr-purChaseH,.'- Miss, iiurriiy edTvv.lheed;tf>e'Coutt that the. ci>ythiijB.,ftia';no)t ilt;)voiV '.^.;^';:':'' ' ■' ';^ Teiitlfylng '.'iter..'huslinnd-. tbid ..her lie . \Vas .tlrc»ir :pf. liei', 'ahd-\lcived' a^i-■ pt-her Avpinah,' FlPi-ehce; '-Lawrencp; pli'iairi'ed- a divbrce ' frojm - Cliarles B. ■AV'opdving, cbsnietic; ,nianufactuj'ei\' rppperty soitle:itient:.'oft«cti5d - put bC- jcpiirt/' A'- '.:.-: ;-'.^-;:'' ,':;. :-:''"--^-''; v-.' '■•: ue .'Ma y.-dahp^.r.'iiMdlpAvu^ ii 'She:,will liecp.ver. ' . ' ' ' (loisbn. ;. Kr-vln''<;b.hnfeiie.y'':reiibrtea.. in. a. crftfcal cohd-itlbp trpih injuries .sufl-'- iain'ed' when'. his ^paf ,went .oyer a, Kt)eep-"g,rade:iri-Kern C^ .CJulIC;. . vHarfy - iaWdph' - aW^^ I';' ;%lfe.: .'riplen,-...we»i»: 'acqultli£id;;bn. a -.jiejtyl t.hett cliargc itist'iyefek.-: -A tlie:^'ame" tW'er they ; were' Sier.\rgd \v'Uh>crs atfachlhg ihelr furWturb,'fbr.:ai'l„al-: ii?ged. ijii'pa;ia-,biii,.ipr .|i^4gS;\'t>pfehd- ants'al^O liv'ia'^u'lt 'fbivcvlelipri.rrbrit' tKeir:'house.^ ^,:,' ;.;.-'; ■''':;'';'';': ;^■;;'': :; A.;3< Btartpd' iiy: an 'e?-' ploslbn',-: feciu^ilitit. rtaiViati<^' ei^tlhiati'd' u't .$15,000, riiii .liyroUfiih". the- 0',!iiilil-, yah'. Ilhn.' laiwr atorlofl lu»t~:, tvcffk,' in -* Wrihft.' j.."j,.''0'»HHivan ana Iit.M cp WPrker,. P.'H-. ..I'bu ng, ;'■ BPUi ■ sUir^^ .seyere;.i)urhii,.'^;^':';'^;C: I'^V:.: ';.;''V'. '.. .it was orily ..trirpi'kh- tlie; lirayej'.v :o;t Xpuhif:','that -'G'-.Siililvun. -e^c'^iiied TiTPT itlWiirt h B A l li i i o i iV'^ait^it^wt-^ -'^°f^"l: L^ b "» £ r<''^-^'*'*^^ fire'rB7JKer^tiJ:.-i-4wcue .Jiia.';.:partn p;^Su1Uv.'ih;ii<: tcny|jpro.rl,ly:bIin(lfeU -«!5 ii -ri?»i)lti.,Pf-'tlie ihlVist;. , :.. .. . '.;',- • ,:': Sirs, • Xaclb^ IfCrli-Bro\\^^ 'lh(rkc{)!npo>pr,, wbn'hei;'. d ivbA'ce. su'i t; was '-a'iVaraifa• '$1,o60. ■ irib'hthij.i aliinphy.-' -ai .'$2;'iiO00• libin'o,:' $20,000 wbrlli pf -:tu'rhiluve, 'a '$lt),000'Iriist '?vmd' -ana $2;-00.0 "for ;h.i5j' "laiwyer-s. • - - Wedding pjC ' Ciiatles'■'FarrcU-'ahd- '\'ir,gihia. ya:ili;- fllm . plaJ-ers, ; at a Yi^iet .ceremb'it'y .tn^ A'oMlioi's,. '^j', .V.,, fs-a'turtiay - .(i'4)" 'w'as: ..dtyuliied.-.t^vb days later. I''uOr<;li booked-re'serya- tibris' on', the. N.' Ci- I. 'WijCr "^-VuguK^ Itts," .schcdulca tb'vsiiil last., nlghl ;(17) fpr Genoa- ahd Kaplos.; ■ lloVi:Haii)h' 51. llbusiph.' b£ Vhj(> tMist iretliodist.Ghurcl^F.-niarrled. tho cpuple -in his 1ibme.'. '\Vit)ve».-<ca, lii.- cludcd.^Mrs: .John J. Jlftgaii. the foi-T ihbr Alice Jb.v'ci?; P.luni-hp -Swcet.^iii'id QavUbn .-Ilocksira:,: .FarreH's' maji-' ager.;;,':- '^ . ■ ■■/ '; .; ' ;-:'' : ."- - •'rnn,-Clnli-b Rt;ilo<l "ilvat ber sei>a'i.':ii;. lioa' frolii-. iTblin.rMilliPrt js,;as .miiolV iiCp. .'fault' 'as .Im'!^- '.'^►',i''amtion -'\y.a!< aS:i'(?'ca npbiV,--W Iiilo'' sJ.iC. w;\.S -. iji t In- -fi^Kf^ii '■■ ■ ■ ''■■ - ;:■: -.' ;: r-Mrs..-=, ii)ii;nfS'*n-"3rieiia-W pj-. 4Viw»»cf, wife ■ .of: Jluucrtrv IWu;'lilfl,' !)lcmi;<<s, ■'wuii"- liw'arded ' Ciiistndy ;-'.ir>t.-:-;. their 4.';i*cai;''j';tlvViii rvpualdpi.a'iiii JuO'i-'iiioikhly. alhifpnyi- .As, .the' dif".^" c!'si«,ij; was- - lv,iiHt<«<l dpiVi'v b.yi. 't-lti,-, court:. Iho- liaiiy ; lirbUo .■ lotisp;,-' nni 1 waddiiiig; .a.<;r'oys:' -t It<^ 'frnnt of' l he. (-•iiuWrbniiv.i .V.-iliiiiKi^d.'';'Attbi-nc^^^^^^ ITcnisiiey .and .armej.rinfttlieir. lilpw at hi« '(alliC.iv ■: iVi.'i's. Jtoiiiilap ;fs'--ul¥b .«uilig; 'Kdvi-lVia -j^jiiith,-,iv*'l"''>'-'''i' -^"f' $»(';00((( .ChargLu,!? a'W'aH"" of a,IT>'.-'-: tiOnSr. .!^hP;Ch'; ^U.H^'' l^|<.bt^•: ■and,. UpilHUh^'livc'''V^>■^>^licr-.a»d'.'..t■•|^^ (ill tllc;lpVe!.'t('Cl)e.'5,'iii '^'I'vaaer tlfiviV" .-woire. jibt'.iiilrel.v^Avlvai ahc: of thc>ifitory;jjtr^ . .Bblti- Zii'ilR.(^ri:-.v.,(iau ,>y,-'^lf^l^-^"a'rry'■l{ .cithiPva'r>iati^".3''cW . iCO ' iti 'Atiiidviv.i; Salii-.'-'^>:V;',:'.:':v . Afarion 'Tiavips .^irid^her "cfTO.V^ff(;'ur■ irrcvd^•ifena^^nlH';.ln; a'-f^iO.O idatuage ,sUlt .(Vlea liy :,Tftck.*!iJvp.i;slinc, '.s;ii:lp.-j7' iiia^ ■ ' I). i ii-fc't'mla..AIimica. tuiL .I1IV4 '•.» ;,iiii-is.Tn*uvi-.i.-i\vi.iiv,. .^itK^.'ST uaii.'whb charge.'i .hb:\va3 r^ijijJC^ ),v.Uip a'cti-ei-sV autbiii«ljllp la Wi " p.iyturt'Sr l^wt ifim'- aii.uif' Jtli'ive; phiii'if TJbbei't Allen K(>ir:iilckoiV 111 .,'1 Uii.iitf: JtHii-n; I biiiith.and. had tb. oali ih'c'ijoluV li* TPlpps? ;Ul.m.'He had ^'p('a.-tUli{iiiK ill .a - pirl -.fiir ..•iCypt-nl 'hbiir.s.,.Vji,nd cW^HAuill.v; fiijiiid "liim.^plf ..-i.i^ iic>i!;,iyhpii iiio.p'i^iji^- -^ycviii (lb ■■ \. A'S'soCljated British- Cinemas,. Brl'i'.:- Ish. Iriternatlohal'4 ciialn,- has''txii(i-(i' byer-thc-Proydbh .II,Ii)ppdrb>iie, .l.'iQi) .BUbui.i)'ah 'seaticiif, V' /''',;■ --' '- , ' - .;■ fSlxteen 'acenes'. arc ".irchcdUlcd Ibr Julian .W-ylie's dr'amatlzatlpti;of j;-^i!. ■ lVlestlcy'8 .'best Seller, .'•-'(Ipod.; <:ou)i^ 'iwhipfts,')'' v-a-''^' recprd ■■'•^ , 'SUal^ht jilayai-'.•.- '.' .-' . ■.''-'■•_- ■ Revivat at thij :piayiipuBe^of ' U.- :'iT''- Harwpod's play,,"The peiicaii," '\^•Uh Gerald -dii . 'Maurler ..;tHid- Glad.v.'i Cbbi)Cr;'ij> the leads.. '. .': '. ■ t'cbi. 17. - Bces '' tiw,'-";bpehlhg .'-^^ "EtiehhblJ, :at -Ist.' James\: with iNiiili- .' olaisjtlann^n: uhd.Mar^ d'ai-e ajuiPHg; -. bth(u^ in a. )3trong;';ca^t/ y':; ,: , IV . "Walter-ikaokett^^s and-Mlch'ail.A ieh's new', pitty, tb .foUbw "The.■>^■fty :. to '.Treat a, :Woniaii;"- at tho-.'WJilte-', nailj is, "Cjood- .I^sefs.'V .F.iij, 14 .js , < th6..opo'hlng:, '-i '-■.■-.'■■"■•,■.■.,'," '>"''-.'• .' Tlie'^mbaafivdprsi \vh.crc.":'.Tb. fJce.-^>'. Ql!^^scIVcs''. i!i:,runniiiK;- rey^rts.^^ ' fbr'ipe'r policy.' pjJ clbBl,n'e-'*h- i\ibTid'fiy:-.'" ;hi(fiits,.'- rV.'l)' '':^;-;. - ■'--; '. v'•/■■'•-■: -:;";.■;■ J. Esme 'i*5rpy; lM;:i>r^ Vbaper'a'...' "lie w . J)lay;v-.^ ,','SbmethiriK':. ' :stra;ige-, - tb • bp' p.resi.eiited by'-tlie:' .' ilciiCrtbry -i.Playe'rs 'at 'tlic '*Phben|x-': v<£b:2i^. : .: ■.'>-- ■":.';< ;••;■ ':;:■ ":...:.'■■ : The'Re'senti .reiiertbry'.tlieatre ju-i't butsiilc -.tlic Wipst find; .belt,'/ after i nearly flyer - years- Iji- .ttfe ..rc)r». field,' .switches bac^ tc Va''l<'t/ this' ji'ibftth,' i'-'v^-^''v'v;CHi!d^^ "Gr'a(iada',';vribr'lh ■ 'siVi*',!-Ayai*- ta1<<-i ';fpt-.<i?d ij^;tyrt banditsy ^,;.;;;'- ■ ...ribui'M,. !l>a,n:ico;r brchcs'ttfi, :ieadei'i •'iirid ■ Ed ward;.Keeyins': of h is . band, ■i^veiiO, r P bb e<t^rjwiliUe^iVrwi.bI r .'A>'a y ( t p tiib'Cantb.ii'Tea.Garden,. :■.,';;' , •'Beatrice -Terryi ^lh .''Scarlet' fSl.Mter; Jilai^-'^'^t the -Harris ;Here,t.Jias illed suit fpridivprcn frbih.'.Lcbliard..Jrlli-,;: dltf,. Acipt.v- Ihfldell.ty^'cha'tg^ ..'.;,-..-. ' .'.Fr.-iiices', -niuslcii,i-cpriip.dy,' ha.s >"dlvprcjed...' David\-:jJbr.tot'i «'''oh- ''clvirgcs ,bt-d9's.e:rtlpn. '..;.■■;: 'v-V ; ■ ■ ;; '\/^: CGon'(inued;trb^ -iC) - f .' dp ''a'::'^'. sight:''6 Chaiile, 'andV -reitieniiieK- Mrsi;;:; Iflcb gU5^: U\u^; :0iaHie;: i ^y, ' :^::,:' ' j:iiv-:giad^y<Wiiam ypu- learn, tt" lpt 'ab,Put;',.shp>y- -.busii- '. 'iness 'sittinf-afbuhd ai\d gabliln!' like.'. this.-:', '.'■^V .;:v<::"-'••;^v .', < yoli;--'maybe.-.. •Anybpdy, Can .icbrtio ■• " ee'that rodrhpaa LONDON .''Oli,- TDiiiiayi'* .fai'i?..p, \viiW I riiiiKrl ■ftn'itprt-' frVmi: ■tlJC.-'Triri'rC^T^^ :'.':A.;.1\ -Hc'rbcjrO ilgUt-'opy-i-a.;."Tan- .tlvy ■ TOwi-'r.M, "'Mibw- in ;:;ii.'fiiiimer-; ..KUiilh.vls iiltef.v lb; gpt .a ,'\yi-st'\ ;ruii,.\lnrgelj'.vtllry.ili;h , thii .autlibr^s Ui(:l'Ca'sliig;ijUllf;;;.; :;:' ': -' -". -'■ - ■.^:] ;..J.Son'ip'rs((t.-.jta:Ugii!'(n)'^^ 'rir- :;mK"= -i!i:)iifi:\ys ' ill!* iatps,t, -iii'a.v, .vtuo .lhSeaii«'-iniier,''. -at.<^."-^•HlKlPvl^c, iir:o.und. :Fo«:, -Sij', -■•C'irCiiV', ■ is ;r,e- :vi\;al;' ^'-V : -■...•;.;:.-'' v'.'y ■:'••;. 'ASIi'i'vi;!.'/.'. ■(!;j:isM'oW,v' ;';^ ;<ii)Vued-'iNLs^Ac'(!pit: ;;M''iij'us..- '.'V' ■ •; Jilp,yd I,W)ullton->;fS'.bC sttofl fili- $30,SBi .by.'liii.'i'bdd-liC.':6ild - D'ii's.t.,-; ];.nii'<ioiv' pci'^fwuiaru'-p'.' pY ( v;,iiu'aii's: j:>f..I rp\nic will 1 o'^ran-li "tjl (U',thii?'PaviIlpir. ' . ' •' , -'^^^: .liuiliiiiil 'Cpi/ui.y- niagislraU-!'. h'iiV.o ri-pfiiScd:. to' :ii{lv(<:',' Sundi'ij'' ■ '.ciheiii.a.- liri''s, ;;dip'si(ilte .R)tBKes<llpn jkiB i.tli,b tifblivb;-. illie-. fJunday-; iliows,' .v'.ert- bvpf..'thelrc,' >,catitig V cakc; Tlvai'a.r ';•TlVe'S^kli■.t•^^eri■■'.'Varies ; pii a diet, :.;• " V ^ -^ ■■ .:'^ ■:•;' ^ I ''.y. ^^T^TJd'^bn.tljrp^ .s'lic-^b. bri^'vV'arlety"',?;^ i ' '!ra)ie!T ya^tiphs^: 'V ;■ i Wliat's:-.slipVdping^'. iicre^ , - "'; i: : ' / / .'-rWgnliip;che"ok's',:;'. V" ... - ;. ,; ,' -."H6\v..x'o,rac?.-: ;'.-■ .:,' ;■;' ■,■■ ,' "■.: .--::. ;;' Slie "has;i<iddr'd''.Gei;i'bi<.'inl*>^y^^ ilrlving '^h'e 'di-n wn} buHl.iiP?"- • ..:,'':.' , ..I '.Diies .(iiu-? , • '■; ■';.'• '; -. -i.' .';.- '•' X ., : '."'t-.slii-'? ■. sii'P 'diii'ws--1iPrscti'. • Helle; That's' Giairk aiid B<>rglnan: r-l)layoiI oil ihc'. ijiir \\ ill.i-tlvci>v>yiicri.. ilicy• \Vbrii" tH'.?;Tlief ':<;iirsps:'; .:l'Mi'kJ:'.; p"^vripd^ Itv ilie'.saroTJ %:uy ^thiiV'is.: '■■ :lhci')U-lurO'ivi^ktf no,\\V 1 guess hc'-^.'V. in.akrii'; '^nibre moiic^.^ - vi^vf. tlii'iiVi'"' - did ti>"(in-'prpdupin' acis,. bift:'a.v..U>ii't'. ; tlic-: I'lictifiie 'racket. Is. tbi'r!g;li,.: : 'V<}<?. : -lua/ny.'gii-ys 'in' itj' ,;':. ;,,. .. 'ioi..V^ /^: ■ ' ^VherCIa" -Frceniart ' A'oiidim'^: , 'spp'hl'in'-anywhei'cs", .do' ypu.: .■..'■.>.- ': .,: .Xo, I^-e':'bCcn ; jcpklrl'.; ai;biin.d, hyt ' ■a\^p:U. stick jt.r^uti'd 'a litile- j<ll#''"-:' "-' ; :.;;^.-- -> Ahbtlier-Freierriati^, 7'■' r ■^Voiu-wo .can't- stall; 'niiic'h'.iiViiKpr:' , ;'i"ir,it .wry'.is;,ii)Pl?lu'iiit us'.as;.HlC hc!s '■; jKbt -this, table- rcservcdv for rsoiut*-:' iipiiy;^',. :^/-'':'- "; ; y.':-r'--C ' ■ ■■r.TUs^'ack at .h(m;'a.«, i,f;'NVi\'"'-;: vepulai: Custbii.itr.ii.' I; iyendi'V if. .''"A'); gTuj;.'t^'Tpniaii'"i,** •-C«m1a':\l,n''lodjiy :,1 Hst-'biii''. Uir-k .iijai W');!"t ■■ fio"' iici'e.;: Walt 'tiit;;!-/ask;;thb^'cashipv-:J^ .!>p(»n- iiii.ypi ■ m-' .Vri,i<Vn'|thpy :iii))ri'.:':.:-\;;:'..■;.;';,'..:■';.;.'■."■ -. ..■- \ J'. ". i^i-(:<pliaii)'f;. fpi^ .4>ijUjiiiPc' wlii);^ .v.pu'i'c';..'ili.i^rp; '■!*o.:.^\yo ^dnii 'iciiye.';i'';^ rucKs'/fiir ,t.hfi-<tlp.' \ ' .' ,; :-- ()l>^ij':^^\;Riiy,':iaViy/:pifM yoii ')<h^^>V. •:tcii. jiip:; ir /iM;;ii;uv:.'.Vs;,-i;--i'd; iVi^^ifii-f: ■ .;tbijay;?r..'; ■■ \, ^.^'l:-.;',; ; .'Si. " ';' " 'v ■;;v ■;■ •---T}i(yt-^..Fi'0'^^.ii!ii: 'ii^> rVj iTt-.lli'o-lU^Xy;; tari'|[iv.iVi'..wh('i'p. yi'u'i'P-sii't < ;(ipk'- i'diilii-t rPP^tferiikc'-'hlin;''!'". .inliinlev- Ilc.krnda got.-a funny.i*'.'-!'?:- SU)itb..i'-Sa^t.liim:i<ist..'::';S's Krcei.n.aii:ther,C,-. V ; - : ■ . '..^ • -: ' liviiiWty.C'hariio i-'rcenvan?: .;■' ... ;' ;. ■ 'i^ur^, i'.d . k,ribw -him .a '-:'; 't ; '-;bPg ; y^j.i'ir-'^ pai''l<'n£'- pefl'J'''"''''' tli.ifs Fi'penvan jBo'hslelit. - -'„;■} , - (Tfh. ych?,-' ' • ■ . . .-^' v-,; .■■";•; ;;^cpiriC;^)U,;l.ei'ri: scraiiK . ';:/