Variety (Feb 1931)

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'Tlioali-lpal agcnts-rtre tho frroritcsi : ■ Bports in tiio wbi'l(i. Thoy -wa ii t io! ■ feel tliat they^ tiiUIng .a ;i>iiVoly' Bpbvtih'e, chance. ari(V any one' spc-liT , in'sf ■ tliolr fcackliiK: niHsit .jiijvi.)cftl .t" ■■'tljeh; .ffaihbleM Tlioy cati't ■ be' ,sold at; all by titeiiiff':^!^ t''?'. ■ thifii-jVnon'ey Is.pping Itilo ;nv iiiyost: ■ incnt. : U'he ilyait li ia ail . oiit -and-but spcculatloiV and '. It is. 'only upon this.iprinolpl? tliat ■•■ tiiphi can. )jc:.aj)i>i>aled .to.' ■ .A; iirodueer wlio poe.s. fiUojit ,;t;ct -, tlriB tyack^lnff -In; tlib. CiisieVt, way- Va.Vs, '•" yoiuv moiicy to tlii"Q«" ftwiiy; : this, is. 'purely a { speculative: ' pifd'positlon; Chahccs '.are ■ .you'll never see your' money again, iJHit possiWy .Volr inay iftaU Want the Qamblef: Such ■• a formula- woi-ksf''oK«ne ,: than any other. .It is.: felt.' tiien tliat.. , the person -niaklnB the lU'apbslUcin: :. Is i>ot attempting' .1,0 ^get nibn'ey 'bii ■fais^- lyrprriises. ; l!t Is-an -honest. ■ downrlb'ht ,. propositlpiv .apncill'iK' . purely - to t. backer's sporAshian'shlp , and -d^spfnding entirely ,pn -luck, •iikt the turn ora card.;.; - ; , , ; . matter, what hft^^ their ■ .rbbheyi ntf matter: how: bjii5..a flop is the: shoy^ anBela .almost ne.ver get •. -fiore. They Syouldn't hive goivc. Into . . the : thing 1£ they; had not; been B'pbrts,' ahd. liothing" thisit,. hai>penS ,' 'feazes them..; It the ,show;,is a greut: '■ \BUCCCS8. , they five . iar, ' more oyer t ' 'joyed--than if they'hftd made a su.c- : cess by sbnje'Clever bvsinesa .deal; . .because , .inereiy cViance ■.erairtbling Instinct have-won.put..; : In ariy cvent;;most.;:pl' - the men '. Av'ho -arieiet^ shPwavB thriila ': for 'the/.money; used, In. this way • - than i£ -.they enterei Into anjr otliet , : Bciveniei- ,^MpBt pfltherh ai-e nieri whe •Ibol^uppn tliiai venture;as a isbrt: oC dl-v^ei-'siph; Thpy like" to be: involved • ; in ihc eolprfut life 61- the. theatre, ' iBbii>etIrtiea . attend/ rehearsals,' like ' -.tP know'the! basts and; feel tliat they : arc liistrumentai in giving'jobs .to • • tiieati;lcal fplk •who: ;are; really- bo ■. 'eeparated .frpni their, owi*. Hves and Intcibata. .There is a yitdUzIng ex* ;•;.-; citomehtalw lit; th :f/:' thcm<'^ / . ■ ' : ■' c '■;■''' ■, Ang«l»V:-Bi8;'_Mom,i»nt...; ITli st ; liights ;'ar9»; thrilling, ' and t\'hen babklniff ,a-'8^i6^v,thb'fl^3t night .;is the imcker'.s. first .night,' tboV an^' .:, in a big way. : Many of them have; ■■; alNvaya'-had; an Urge to, dp sPniethtng —--ln-t1i«ht-heatTe-:or-had-an^iiteUeGtuiil ,-Interest in It wiilcli- has ;nevcr beeri .. givtrt cxpresslppi, iind -wi-ich ln . ,a flriandial;. pp.sltlbn -■fp. do / as they ■ .jplettsei tlie tliclUrc IUrc$'- ■ Angels .are no.t so liard- tb fl.nd.'as ■ / -thorb- .ave^ spbrts'and/S'vmblers in all'. . iyalka oii'lifei, and tliis does ribt .ex- /' cludp'ln any way: weaUfiy men,w;hp .: Jhavp; .been. Jntelllg^ cnbbgh; to ■ turiaSs. fortunes. Tticse can ,befound ;• . In :ali busiriessbsi Many , men; who . have iirofltatile-l^UsineaSes.l)ut'ccr .;' ' trtin proflts ■ or y>.^tra; niofhcy, .into ■; flpccwlallvo /schenvea-. .eacli' year. • These niight. lie: In ven tlon^,; wild -bat business BChemes or thb/theatre, '' -whicii; in the .end /gives niore kick for'tlve/iiioney Chan .A good many phiselers ,around' the: tlieiitre dbnlt-uhderfitand; the/back-; : evs'- bsycUpiogy. / They- will''go to ■ theiti 'seeking.'inonoy- :.w|tli.;-SP]id ' : / promises p£ this or thivt, or assur- ances tliat their ;inpney is: to be in- • ,. vested tp'.make a fprtunb-: They arc : niisreprcspritlng iand; baclccrs .won't ,,. ' ipU(\h thphiv-■'.such 'prbducors, by ' / trying ^avbld / pr •' cover lip the ■ things that tbey thinlc will spell .their bhahccjs,/are db,|ng; cxacU opposite. :/,;.■. /;//;:/:■ ; Shp'Wrs: ip /Rehearsal ;/ /'Atin'Virable' feriishton'^ :Xllc- / viVnl,;..-.- Tyler & ; Ki-liiiifrorii); .N'(>w Anistorduin.. ,. ' ,.//"Mvry Widow'' : (Nbwiitric; Stcick. , Solilcsinkbi'/ . AiVora)./ ^'cbmody.-/-■'.-:-. - ■■■///■ /■■■■- '/■■ . "Groy ^hadbw'V (Ed ward Ti'rf>iVn> Tihies .Square. ; "The VVbHd«i:;/,eai-V /(Shit.-.• ■ IjCi'tsV J3(iyCs! / / ■ : ■ ^ : ' /./ ■ ; ."The : / ./Hbiise-: .Beautif ul"/ i :(0'ro,s1)y'«(;aige) Apollo, -' /; .;; ; ''America n, • .Tragedy" (.Tiiics Lcvenflial) ■^'aidorf.. . '~'?Napi;V(Jj. Ij^ •^•cbeiO .Long-V aove. ■/■ //-/ ■-/,: : ,/^'Maki^n?; ;MapyV-;/(roj>c;; & ' Clprdoii) -Ke.Vv. Vprker.;. : /., "Torch Sbiig" (Chicago com - /; I'Vany, Laiira Wllck): Krlahgcr. .'/' ""f he ■ W iser./'they. Are" (Ded jla iTis)' Morpsco. ,/ ''tile: /. J.udfle'i. ' Seeretary": / ■(■XValtcr NIewnian) Iiitflo.'. "Lady in P«wn*V (R ; T.' Kct- tci:lng) -A-Vbn.-/ •;/ : V '''My vMi|(ylahd''f:(Sliuberts) ;Am-^iassartbr.';.,// /-,:■ ■ .;/■ /:/ / ''Ppivijege 'Car" (Abraham / & 'Fieids) 48ti> Street, . • ; ."iSueeeiV' (Ciiarles HopkinsX IJopkiiia.--.. ■ .-■/ / "Paging DarioeK' (Staten & McKay) 'Liberty. ' ,■ "Venetian G|assi.' Nephew'' ' CW^alter Grecnpugh) A'ander- bilt. </''v ;■;-;■/.-'/;,■: • "Miracle at Vefdun" (Guild) Guild. ;■- •/■■../:■■-•■;■■.■ ■ By SalUe • ISulilnstcin Cliib liad its third iiiuslcalc ht tho Plaza. . .Rose Ton- tbiii. di\'imatic/S6praho-:aJid winner of , the Atwater-ZlCcnt auditien' in. NoW 'Voik City, sang tlie aria frpm :'A.trJcana/' "X-'ipllb del Sol;"- ; Shf has a! voice of wide range, good dic- tion an4 sings with mucii/feeling, but this aria is rather 'ai diiflcuU one for her just lioW, Her singing of ■■'•Facb!//I'ace"!>f rbm - the ''Forza del Dpstlnp" .•B-as In a lighter vein and better suited to, her yputliful vpice, '•:;;■-; '.' ■■ ■:■•.■- ■■'■-■',{..■ ■ ■. ■; Klsa \Ioeple did three harp solos, and. looked, very'pretty, in a froclc of ruby Billc. '-/ /.' /,, ■ Frank .Klcclardl, ./lyric baritone, ha.s an. even,: well-balanced voice and-his; ','0 Castb Fibr,", ViLe /Elpy de tahorb" revealed splendid phrasing. The program ended with Gounod's "Ave .^laria"; ensemble, with: prahb, 'cello and iiarp.'. : . / .,;' . / Ermine. Wraps Showing VVaar / • James i5lllbtt-present.efl/''Hobp;'? a play m' Jl scenes, at the- Morpsco. Paul Keliy as tlie Ilpbo Is true tb type, believing .whether in churcii or jail.he is master of his life. . / Valerie Bjergere. was corking as the /in.lstress of . tlie'disbrderly house and iiad her avordupbts wrapped In a black chiffon with huge red tulips, . An evangelist meeting outstand- ing, but was broken up by the Hobo. It a;ll; seems to be a good effort, but >rith ho;message. ' / / / / ■Usual .nrst-nlght- audiehcb/waa In attendance, ' M. ."well as thb iisual much overworn white erihtho wraps. as Two Shows Going Out ■ Two shows arc. off the .Broadway list but/ Saturday generally;:, brings additions to tlie. scheduled. \yilh- drawala. ■/ ;/:-, "Hobo," presented Independently (James^'W./ EU lbt0; at/t^ was taken off. Iiiist Saturday after playing six performnncea ■ (four days). Show was touted' a gbod thing put pf tpwn. ■. ■ It .drew Unfa-, vprable nbtices arid jittlc trade after, the premiere. :./^ -//;,/:^/ '-' ^'Ariatbl,'' iircschted ■ Inflependontly (fiela Bfau), is advertised in Its last week ai; the Booth Svlicre it moybd. from . the • Lyceum. Aijout WTORE^yiYS CLASSIC THEATRE BLOOEY Another Shubert Legit Idea Blows ■■■■ After, Stalling /'.' I'roppscd'Classic Th'.catre, tp: haYti ::.becn ■produced. fbr:,tlic; wii,u ' tiie ,Aclor /ardnagprs, has fallen through. ■;,:■;'■-,'; -■ ; /.//:. ,/./, '-/■ . /:' ' i'(iea cahie .frbm-Loc/ Shitiierli'w'hp coiled» /ilek'rt Anliur 'oC -Aclor :Man,ager,s to handle; it,. -Ml.«s Ar^ - thiir Is a •forra'er'l^lVtibert.'.ol'iinlbyed; Dragged aloiig from July, l*4?0,i tb -■IDbcomberr-wlth-vyesscs..-until; Jast /jiiontiiV Announcement of the "The atre" was made by Miss.-Arthur on Xee'a nuthorlty. Scheme was .to ./present .classics, :pltlier. nt the Cbrticay-br Atnttassa^- /•apr, pn^a sub.scrliition basis. - ' "Singing the Bluest musical wltlv book by John MacGowan will be produced by Aarons and I'reedley as til at team's second. Piece tp open in Atlantic City .around April C. - '.'L'ady ln Pawn," by Henry Kpsen- dale, haa : gone liitp rehearsal for K, T. Kettering, with Guy Bates Ppst cast lead 'and directing. "Lady" will ppen: March 4/at- Powers the- atre, (Srand; Rapids, and la due March 8 at the Adelphl, Clilcago. ■ Kettering;/ expects to :keep the show, out until, Sei>tember, opening on Broadway titen. 'x- .'.'/ ,v "Mitt./ /Gulliver's - Travels,"// by Kiihel Taylor, which collapsed after tw;p weeks put bf tPwn earlier this seaspn, will shortly start up again, witii Gebrge Ford again producing. ■Xovel / bt tlv«r6tfrire"TiJnne7"a"a"(ri)Tfd- fi'om the play, Is due for ;publica- liun within the next month; / /•- ''Mary Ellen," Irish mxislcal by E fj'. ;: Rose/- aild/ 'Augustus Earlrctt, due. for Kprlnff.tryput. Ilelen Ford wife, bt the/preduccrj .-vvili. head: tiie casL ;:;/. ';■ ;. /,;/ "Iron -Widow," by ilarrj- Hcrvcy and Carlton Hildreth, and produced hy/ ■.Robert; jiilfprd/ ,'arid - /Irving Lande, is /expected .to go ipto re hedrsal Monday (23) with an open ing one month later at the Broad Street, Newark. Ara Gerald and Clyde l-'iimore are the only engage- ments thus far. ; ; • .''Driven,!; by. .'Roy bavidspn, iivlll be/ produced ■ by the au tlipr, slated to go Into rehearsal this /week Cast, reported co-op, includes. Char lotte ,.Granvllle,' klafa K^val,; ft Ilolden. - ;-:,. "The Wiser They, Are," by Sheri- dan Cibnoy, . has gone into reliearsai for: Jed /Harris.' - Osgobd Perkiiis- ln lead; " ' "Lonely Way," newest Theatre Cliiiid bffortV : operictt In B^^^ Mpnday-(IC). dnd will be -Pit ,titc rpad Ihvep pr four weeks before coming ./tp .Js*ew Yorlf. .Ncw"iforli -date not yet 'set '■ Play Is' by Scliiiif/.ler; ni.ak 111,5 the second play this season from .Uve- pe ll /of tlio Victinoae playwrlgfit rithor being '''Ahalbl," prbiliiccd / by Uclii Biau. ■ ■ ■ /, ■:; ■." -■ ,/ ' AHEAD AND feACK ■ nbbert Edgar Long, p.; a. for "Grey Slsudbw." ' '. / ' - Mpnip/Proser/ riow','p;a,. for Jack Liiider. , "/" :, .. ■■.:'.. : Tom Van p.vke, .new p.- a. for '■^(!'i<iiiii|rl,'v >Ta'rtiiv Jbiie3.-i)rbd«,ctipn, with JIary lla.v.. / /■/■-■■■ Fame - - •. '■■■/'■■' -■■-,/.; Altoona, Nov. 17 - The newly organized Negro dra -iiiatio, club here iias , been ; named after Blehard B/ ilari-ispivplj ''Gveeh I'a.slHiea." ^■:./'-;-■•;. .:;."■;■ '/,, ,' Dorothy Gordon Unepmmeh; Dpfbthy Gordon /gsn-e her ' ustiaf season's only, recital' at T.o,wn Hall She' comeS back in alrtipst an /en" tirely new.program,' as well as cos- tumea.. Aa an Interpreter- of folk songs Miss Gordon always nrnks. Her third .; group, . "Romance Period," songs, of Mozart, Schubert, Schumann and .Brahma, was un-. usual/ She sang with her customary intelligbnce, and most attractive in a Marie Antoinette frock of white organdie, .with- sash of baby/ blue. In: her group of southerd.; folk sbngs" Miss (Gordon was- In a crino- line -with a scarf 6f /pate green taffeta i^nd a/ deli^httiil/ little hat. In the "CpntlnentaX", grpup/ ' «he changed on {th» stage frpra the Spanish peasant to tlie Italian and Russian. Children In tb« audience always sing the chorus of many of the sengs-wlth- Mlss'Gordon, , •She -has; tiip uncommon knack of making her cpricert liour 'an. Intlrbate aftalt', and the toiieh by the> children singing is a big mark to this singular Artiste, 100-Year-Old Opera Still Young Tho_nlnth and final perfprmance of "Boccaccio" at: the lyiet proved the iip'pularlty of this 100-year-old bS?ra, ; In. the flfst act the male chorus of 40 Is a/featuro, ■ Jeritza .In her white jewelled out- lit of tights and to-ihe-hip jacket with a bando of brilliants, as /well as a garter, is a stage picture. Nina. Morgana and Mme. Telva seemed to be in excellent voice this season Tho "VVaitz Song, done by Jcrltza :and-;Mme/ Telva, ia a': faabln'ating nuihijer, as well as tuneful; Since no - repeats /seem to be - tiie rule, U is the audience's loss. :. An overcrpwded hpuse.. / "SadkoV First Time .'Rlmsky-Korsakpfrs/"Sadko^'. had lis Jirst appearance at the Met Sat urday afternoon. . . - ' / Tho opera' is In three acts and seven B.ceric,s,/all,inbst allyrliig..Bot-' torn of the sea with tho palace of tiic Iting Is fantastic. Tcdesco sing ing;:."i-lindo , Love,, Song" Is, brio of the bright monients/ Edward John son 'US Sadko was not in his-usual good voice -but did tho character very well. Gladys/ Swarthout' its ;.^fiejata made a lovely- boy. In; her blonde wig, beige colored cape- and /cap Hor iiiuslcal technic, can be admired Tlic outstanding artist of this opera is- Mme. Bourskayo.. Sha ..has ' luscious voice 'and uses it . well /never overacts \ot. pversliigs arid Is gbbd.' to look ' nt. '-^Mme. / niolsoher - also splendid and-her vpice has an appealing not*. Overflew,Pianisie's Audience As a .woman pianist Myra Hess stands high,'. She is' dl-Ways greeted by an audtenoe that, pverilbws Onto HOBO Opened ' Feb. 11. . "Pretty 'nearly no gbod at. all," Gabriel/ (American) ■' / "Episbd ic, biit / often ■ oritertaining," '■. Brown (Post). "Robust and vig- orous and afliusing," Seldes; (Graphic). ■ /,. / ■.;.;: ■ : / ,"Mbyes cumb'ersomoly": and . arrives no place," ■ Maritie (News). / ■/'';:/::■./.'•'/ /./-.:/./. AMATOL Opened Jan. 16. "One of the 'distinct novelties of the. Itho;- atre," Darnion- (Eve! World), "Heavy and tiresome," Ander-. ' son /(Journal). ' "Makeshift tfi^ t o r t a i n m e n t," Atkinson (Times). ' "Variety" (tbee); "Precar- ious prospect.' / ProtesUng ■ the ollcffort'iy iir(,i,ji,i; tlve cost, of truclving .•iccncvy lu 'New. Vprki Sbhwab & Maniloi tic, iClftiicd: tijey >yp\ild not vlay tUc sirlj. . . way V Clrbiii't/" liiilejis the 'trimsfor : rates : were reduced. : Laurorice: Schwab stated ho .wpiiUl pntUavor. to liavo fellow producers fdlloiy. in passing up nei(5hbbriiobrt the. itres.. >V/tlentiPn ' of the ; Theatre League has alsp been bulled to the triattbr. / . ;'- ";:" /!: ■ /'■-:/•,/' ' Schwab made knpwn tb the Allied Theatrical- - Association,, which la comprised of bwners pt tran.ster ' trucks and which makes the i-.'ttos,: the position of 'his (Irnd- as - the .re. ' suit of the cpst of. trucking ■■'Amcf.. lea's Sweetheart" from Nowavk lo New York lust weeic. The i)ill wns $1,036. ■ . ; ;/■'.;■'/■/';'■ , Equal tb Pittsburgh Trip -' The manager pointed out that' the cost of/trftrispbrtliig/by -'raii-/ road/ the; etitiro company or- more - tiian 100. people and the same scenery and baggage' frbni New , Ypric tp Plttsburgh/luui bec'ii $liC8!i.- : The cost pf hauling' the-production . frpfri the ti'ain to the 'theatre arid- back to the cars in Pittsburgh was $387,50. or about;20 per cent of the liaiil tb the'froin New-, ark. The letter of protest erided with: ''After all there in a /Hriilt- to' nvcrylliing." ■;-.:- .'/;/ •;// :/.:■;■;'-/:":// A representative of tho transfpr men called. on Schwal).The truck- ■ man ^aid tlte:/i>reseiit to les wbrb- based bri the union scale, whitMi has' been raised several 'times in the/ past Ave years. The ti'^^hsfcr organ- ■' izatlon is a small group, setting tlie ;. price per load without conferring with managers. ■/'- ■/.'/.'./' "/ '' -'•':'/-: ' $7,.600 last week. Shew manage- ment stated engagement wpiild. con- tinue - It business Improved: • during this week. . . 2-Fori1 FRAMCES PAINE'S JOB " Salos Kills Party ■;-: Chicago .; In ChicagP, Feb. IT. Cut fates in the' legit tlieatrea hero have banished the psirty bu- reaus from tlie various theatre cen.- ters. /., ':/':;'";''■.';:■; /'../.r/■^'■.■■/•■/•:, Latest to cloap; Is France's Paine, who handled this ond for tho Er- langer. Interests here^ Miss Paine is now teaching' In tho Chicago, pub- llc'Sthpbls. ■-/ ■.-'-:■■',■:'■ ./ - .- Shubert /■ party / bureau, last Iri charge with Harry Rossoagle, has practically :folded .wjth the. party idea being entirely forgotten. Only houso making any efCprt to;secure block ticket sale is the.Adelptil with "Sour' Gripes.'' Tlie/ rest of the town Is ■ depending solely on the two-for-ones. ■'.■ Cast Change^ John Barker. has replaced • Jerry Norris. as.the jiivc/in "The Gang'.s All Here." ■ . Slipw management denies report thait. Mary' Lawlor wbuid withdraw, from "You Said It." Only cast change Bihce openiug at Ciianin's .46th Sti is' tha:t /pf vWaUer Petrlo, replaced by Jerry (Joft. • ' : When players in '"Anatol" were asked to *rtkb a.cut, Miriam Hopkins withdrew from cast, being-replaced by Mildred /rMcClpud.:'' Charlotte ■W'yntord replaced ./Donnic' ^lobrb- in same show. ,/;/'' ■,-■''.■:' ,■/-,.- Engagement . /' Cast pf. Erlcineers and rieorge C. Tyler's , revival / pt;. ."Adriilraijle Chrlchtoh," by . J. M, E.n'rie, in eludes AValtcr liauipdcn, I'ay: Pain- ter, /iih'riest/Cilcndeiinlng|.-Eirre Sliiiri- ,npri, Estclle \V'iriWQod, -Hubert Drucc, with. %Villlani rbslttuce' ill rccting. Piece ppcns cold -at the, Netr Amstorciarti; in ■M.nrcli , ;/ '" Clarence liai'vb'y,;'.l'at!i'v ;C4:>liin.s, Wanda Lyon, Rox O'Mailby, ..Tcan 'Js'e'w.corrib and Ldupa >*lP,rpoiltv Trh)l, 1,00 Hoyt, ''Vi'bridci> Bar.'!/ .the stage /.at, To)vn Hali, That Is going soriie. , /, - -./.- '•': • Miss - Hess 'is / it pcrfarmor 'of rip mean' ability.: ■ Siio was dcllirhtful in licr Mozart. Few. women cbulii lvring put (he feeling nrid riipnd pf Br.ihms as dbes, /As. iisuar/shs had to piny sbycrnl ericbvps. ; The/ trucking cost; assumed ,im- .' pprtance ias an expense ,.Jtcni when It was flgur.ed that It ariiountcd to 6 per cent of, a gross approxi- mately $30,000/ In the of • Sweetheart."' Formerly the cost of .hauling from Newark to New York was. $33t per >lpad. The New : ^ York transfer riien are charged witii / "persuading'':the Ncwar^kers, (b take a charge of $i>0 a load, conforming to the Ne-W .ifprk/to Newark rates. S'tralgiit/ shows have a' lesser haul- ing cost, but tho transfer problem has .l>een/annoy Ing tb showmen for some time. ••Anatol,"- which moved around the corner, to the Booth from tho-Ly-' ceum ■ SatuMay .nigh't, entailed. an ; expenditure; bf over $1,100 in-the op- eratlon. Tho -/hauilrig itself cost $320, the bulk going to stage hands, paid -: overtime' f br wprking Sunday. The .show is exceptionally heavy for a drariia. :■:/'■.;' ATmost ProfcMional:; Columbus," Feb. 17. Scarlet ^asit, dramatic organiia.: tlpn at, .Ohio State University,. iS fabln'g,.bankruptcy precoedlrigs otter a disasti'bus seasbn. Debts bf-the group total IS.921. Only $700 is sbdured-: by the university., Bulk of debta are owing to Ohio trades, men. :- ' .'/, " - ' •./'" . Show did pbpriy on Its road trip this season and -wound'up here with a loss bf $881 for three days stay at the llartman. What disposition university will permit group to make of its indebtedness is still in doubt, •:'■■; Portland Stock $8,000 /.■;:'. '•' Portland, Ore.,. Feb. IJ- Jtlay libbspn: npw ' in hor . thU'o week ^guesting fbr.'the .pufivfn Icglt. stpck arid doing well. ..Has"Makin.g, .t)ver -bf Mrs. Matt" this Avoel,;,. .^nd, looks like $8,000. . - ^ v • . Bill McCurdy. Dufwin manager, ; booking rbdd shPws intb -th'at 'icuse for jjplit weeks, Svlth local troupe , filling in with;'engagement- upstate, -, ppssibly .Tit. Eugpiie* epilog^ Seattle Stock $10,000 // Seattle, t'Vb. IT. / Baiiibi-rdfie Playcrsf, with l^'lorence, . P.eed as guest./arid ''The yiiariKuai Gesture"'e play, did caiiacil>.,: No: fobliri'.v 'Full iip, iiiid: How;- v •; • , ;Mc(O»e/fB6!jt'ick-lJaihbriJf;-nv-.0?>'' r.0-.$J):/ '\<hunKliar Gesture'', (Ha"'" / bridge.' Player.'i),: BoIiik ht-ld PVe(< - Close to $10,000. . ;/. ,/ /; , • ./"/;■ «;iNTERLUDE'S" RECORD' -'//:> /■' '/'Ft.', Intl.,'Fd'' '' /' Airrccoi'da a,t,the^^li^ilmh,.^^^^^ audUoriuni were broken tor a ele night . stand by. t!ie ;';<i"M?^; "Sti'.inge InterUidc-"'/:- ; : '. ' ; Svlvow. niipfoximafcl.v' sro-^-^'^l ?.''".; 000. :■ '•■■'., /:r ;/-.■-:;'/ ■;/■■'