Variety (Feb 1931)

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64 VARIETY son :.}V,..1)by V'.oHnolly.'- D'MiK Uy >lerl)>rt j'l>>'jr. .Mii)*rc' -iind lyrlcs - li'jf. ■Itoilki»r» . And'.- lIUit. .l;r(i>l!\ (llivcio'l • by. >f>inly "XV.Hilloy. ; Ji| i ' .iris (inil li; sc'cno"; iilx In ri(i: muK'!- - 'UiHidrimn'';uro1ii;»traI illrooiiir.' ■.'JutHiitffl alsnoiV li>'. I><iniild;()«ni<laiier. (^oatuni»,< proilUCl . to'.fhurlM- LoM,ilri>: . CJw^.ua. - i;li'l,'.: 'TS ■ lioysi. At thp.. Urou.lhursi. Ne« Wk,. B'.uriliiK Feb,;lO.)it.t;.W um.-,' - • ; . A.- rii>l;lii... ...... :..,Julli(:Sh''i,-ntlli -r.riiTv I>likl)> - ■ .V-.-.: .. .. -.'. l .-■.CJUs ?h,v MH-lgf-r-'um-ll...... • :.Ulez Wenfey. Courtney siiiMftuiPc'rjy.::J«i\it.wji!t.i"tt .t).-nlsc Tur.i;lV> ' ''■Vimliil,.-,..,i.v,i -Dorl.tJi....... I ■ '^ii^ti-ffianii',."., ■ i5ooig«tio..,;' , .vllnrriclfp.Loki- ,.; iJ<>(iiinp Mil)ori ,i, .A'cr.t MKinh ;. . . ;Hori>il)5' D:>r>> ., .T,oul!ii> Foimnh ,. .-M.l.xIWc Forinan ■ ■ A. kiadiiie^ ■ m<islcal bi] ;ir<>Il.vw:oo<l whioh-flKurcs ito. Chjoy a: inoiltvutc ■. Bi-oartwity slay rwlthbut/OireatenliiB, ';'to' inti'ude upon wlmteyer amnshv'S. ' -i'Balcohy■ b^lslness usca .to net as a ^Oierrhoirietcr oh hbW . t.h« varJonst: ■ Icffit - entries were dbing-/ .livt . .n^^ ■ livbreV Sbllcl - lipstalrs attendaiic^ iB' . still pi'etty. fair insuiancc/ thb mb ionger tellls (lie Wliole. tale.;,l>er ' cause the^vleiiaer p'rwed spats are how^selHng■ first. That can be ti-aeed Into a de<);ite .ou the.:,*5,r.p.ana JO-6.0; ^Scftle fpr ato'oiie who:;cavca. to caiTy- ■It tliat far. Tiie fact> remains •best of tlie musicals in. town..are - hnvlhfii a tough ,time sifeUlnff tliclv •back;rbws at-.the high tap... A lot. of. the boys.: aii'e adVbcatliiff $4.i.O, and '■America's rSVeetliearl"- ml»ht be :;: liapiiler under that'scaUngi / F6r thU .caiididate. the ■ ticket ■ brokers have taken ii. 16: week's bijy - ,6£. 500 a liieht. U lobdB as' If th? ' boVs.were-somewhat oyerly i>ptlm-. Istic : on the ^shoW'is .New Tork chahbes; mailiriy becaime of a Becpnd: act^ which folds In the middle, and never r;evtves. Biit that ,tlcket;)touy means ■ this extravaganza.' will -;be VjKeavlly : plugged In the; agenblea 1-which: am''lopg'v:bn its'stubs.. ^ ,: KrJii(9iirf«r^he-^^re<ibrd f / wtatfed that th« book is risported no^ lift bii the. idea ot "Once in. a Llfe- -Vlme;>f ifterb FIcldshavlhg turned t'l's . Script bUt early last summer. Stoty takei a! satirical poke at Hollyw-ood ■ 'a'ni'its -ftlin machination? .under- • written by as sweet a group of topt-.: cal lyrics, A* Larry-Wart has ^vet tiinWd oiit-v M^aybe they're his pest. KUher . -way ■ the flrst-hlght .mob. /•after 'Betting •an earful, of the .first two' humbersiClient:.tUfe rest of; the ev-enlrig listening Ihtoritly: Possibly ~'tiff biily'fain t'Is, that Ttiiernwyjps^ ^ uiiaeclalnied by the e.ira bt the laity. . ^Tlvat's'; dbvibtful,; as • tlie. wording \seems broad eh~ough> foir. everybody. ' •'. weiil'iid •'the vlyrics. ■ arc r twb of • ' Rodtfers': iuri?s Ax^Jilcli listen' .as, - if; - - tliev ii get beybnd - fli-st base; 1 v.e • Got J!-l\'c'Dollars": artd ':We',ll .Be. the ,.Sanvo." ;M:eanwli.lle,-Jack Whltiiig Is lurnlnR In, hls 'best performahde to . dale ijn musical comedy, while the ■ cpmedy -depiirtmcht strikes;* steaciy ' rit-vei-aKe^iiVt-he^lwnds-xttjnez ^ nanrt H'Vihitiiki'- to 1.10 'npt.vd .Jn Ml.'sx Court -Cw u-lionv' tliO ■-'^o'ist' li;i."! "cvl-; ■rlOirily aiiacd -tl(;aX.'ullfoi'nlu. bloom.: .v. smart', .'comifdicnno minus any; sn'iiiblitnte «C,:Vul5ui;ltj- l>(*r work •Driippeftr.incf^shp^ Jibes: hlccly>vllh iSliy;- .wlirt :rpmain.<i -iiin.. e.-fpei't; po.rr ri)r;nic;i:.vlUirr.>ot(e.I..aJ<o, the lngonuc, (li'iirig ,li(?r Vbrjc .show, 15? ;il iniia-jnsihnercd -uivd jileaSiiig m'prsel it .Vbi^i (it'ifny: paVtlciilar ai(im.allori. IXiiiiLihisiVVill UVvl-lbp. J.sJplaUSible'.V;.'; ; .Amoni; 'piliei: :Siic-i-ij>l.i.st8 arc' the .'.three I''()rnian/ Kirls,' \vb(V:;se'efn :an-. other •noil '01 -.the dlrccJLioti' of ,, the. hih-biliy ;interludc!s. ereeijjng . into .Hiusical' cbniedy. "Triq .is :fi'viu tliO i)ict'itre.:hbuisV'^j and also in. a, local .cafe ioi- a tinie, ■ . The girls, .have '-'frortt" and ul po'eullar 'slow of lo'w.Vrfrprijteu. harmony.:ln;- tlic ■native", southern. .dru\vl. .Becej).tlph', was-'nliolly li) tholr.favpr.. • ■' . . TahViliar l^n'dmarijii pn the:,SceHlc ond are'. st-pnes at. .;CAllcnfe, •rtlic •pevorly ■\\'llsl)lre, fimbassy'.Cliib.and. the. .finale;, wliiclv,'Is' an exterior of. ^htr' tjUipcse ih'eiitre'.on ah .'o'peiiing nlgiu; A y'ell bit lor the ti-ade is the hotel iuterludc, during .which tlie: 2.1 choristers, ftittke their e.hlraiice 'pa- • rad^nE: down a fliffht Pi stairs, fbill' abreast, all- (iarbed. eicafetly alike in, 'ermiiie • WKiiVs with orchids strung- from; .shbuldor 'to ajibu1deri;:>- Girls line u;i fl'ci-Psij'the'stage to deliver a lyilc.'which starts ''AVe fj.U got stlnk- Iri' lalst -hiiiht. They could have, hart the ctibrlsters t'lvewlng giim to Aiake it^iooffc;.'. :■-■■■' =r ' ■ ■:: . Show! will hiive-t6-:toucli-.up thott. secbnd act if It's to gp; along at its best gait. A rtai wallop is.lacklngj any \vhere,>.ence'' It's _ .particularly dahgferpusi if nothing- much' happens., ijetweeri l<*-ah.d-'H p'cldcU;;; .'Sitf. ', : -Dronra. .In'.llirecf.'iols prencijlea. bV ' New JCurkJ^>a>-criilata.lieJaL'iUM'o'^' '!''''>>■ I r;-g,tLt- tttn . iiv . ••Riiie- :K:w!i '! :-'«iin!ea' i»y iiiirO! ■.■<lknrf:<l<v. mill lion Mullully...;: ;■ Itli'liaril AVctuiifrc;..;.T,co J. Cobu ■sooko ..:;.. ;^... ■•■.. • VMwiiril j-jsniiif Martfthne , . . .•'.■. ,; ; .'. . .; .l-l*l?i.lrc ..\iiiiiVniV HPcuiia. Sliilil.. . .■-;Kfiicl, Wiiimniv .Mecri W.cliiiurc.'.;;....■,;,.•■...iBiiilly : Vcew licoinc Weiiniirei.Uvo. lleniy .Ur«(voKl..-jr. ■Hob*rl- -WliiitloVi-. i Sonhlu Winitlow,.. .Vllcf AV.»li)i<<re.... . ^ -Feline, -i. . . . . Ml-*;.- Inmi»n--;:....'. ■HHi-y.oy Wouivoro.. FreitV -.;.,!-.... t'li'iirley ....;', .\\ .:Me».-'^iiiccr;.-. ■l)cK-"rdc'"'.'. 7''*''>> ..CNoiBlilwr.....'...'. PW $chwdiclie .Geachlecht , - (THE WEAK SEX) ■ iStiiRR iilny . jn Vtliree arts Vy ' iJilliiiriT'l Dburdot. -fSlaBCd jHira p.rc»oflied by «elr\liiii-<1(; Art dlrpctliin lOrnul. Si'huouo; ■Al •lii' KurtHrsli'nllamnHlirati'ri-; DQrlln.. • I.-tiibcUo IjOroy-(i6i(Vfz^;,..'.Herailne Koernor •.MtiiiifDi;...i. i;..\;,'.. :.vv«<i •nfSmiMieln Plllllp..;; .., ■. .V.i : >... ■,..0'Hi|-((; P..;ni',s. ,Jlniniy:•.-..;•;...r^-..^.vWolfsanB:, l'l<;'*''^."J''- -• V.i.Jglle- Scrdo . r...;: Else KckeiTibi'lTj Hclnz O. Hiililc ,.-. i. .lluiina Jtiilot7,:ik , v. -.^.v!,. .'N'ora 'ilrbBor , i, . ■-,,,Vrauln Gnvliley . ■ -...-..'.... •' .Ciirt llols :.,2ilurl<> ICoiliienhiieter i ..;. .■. .•.OuHtav Aldau ,S(nx. Itaiil-omermann OlnVlM!*!^. t.'i^ciCloiiie'K.. C'liii^tlhc;.i. Miruoliia... vV.:!.^.. LViiltn,... ; ..i Dbrotliy Freeman, XlcolP. Mnrlln... C!iirlO!«Pinln.. ;(.'iiuriiM8'l>alakl.-< > .•. Amnlno.: .... . .WlllUviU ■ Wltiter .■.. follh' FhiniPi: . .MHi^SUcrltt;: Wolil , ;...Aiin' Ortiw ;V".4 :v:(i|jla Bciihani .,. Lovvls- •Mdrrlll J. Morlpl; fon'llt *.. .■..nuin'oji.^.Jy .-.Ol^b . -Harvey ■K«j:«s . - I'MwuiM "I;ln!i ',, ;.. . .l-'rtilII 74ann ■ncy,Gujs'-.- Shy. arii John . ^Sheelian.; ■•For Jiliss Courtney and Shy; it's . a- . U-euiii6iv .-in- playing; opposite .eacli bthei-r ■Slioehdh-is i>lenty funny dcr ' : -spite he- is- iio closely , allied to the, ■.hPok'that his aiiibunts: to tin;, centriil. ;: chjiracier—general • munager. of :.the -■ sCUiiib:? - ,h -■ ' • .: -; • " :-; - ■ -Show' fs welV dressed with ■ some •; '• gbbil -Ib.bklng i*etS: bh vlew.-.v Kcmme .clioriis ot MA Is not overv/iorked. and - ha.s omltted tiie uKiial-and .expected . ' liot iiu'lnbeiv rGbnnQlly ■ ha.s appar-. entlv.Tjeen .paying close atter\t,lbii to ; f;red . A-vtaii-e,- as eVid.eiicea i,n'. -hIs ; trying tb- ihake: his ■ daiipei'.s ''-'feel'" -tiif music iii their rhythm Interpi-e; ' tiitions, and hits' sought to; tie •■the. .' iiiiliirKM'i into the mbod'.^ot. the hook. ■ /'(i-s' thev. occ\i'r. ;-. Re-sult 1;* pleasant ' aria eaiiy wafcli... Dance siager',s t'oriied.v' iiifeh. point Is • a ;.<shotgim • 'ivodrtliig item led by -yera, Mai^slv inid-,-i)brothy Dare, called,' Call-. foi--n'-.i-a." Ml.fs MarSh, long.\ylth ■ '.Harry ..cirvoll's -vaiidoV acts arid- n- ,reviie 'on the codst, rglv.ds; Ihaicatlons ■ bf- developing into a-;cprkihg,:<lcad IKin cbriie'<ilenrie plus a'.load ot .apf tieurancc tp galn instiiiiit atteivtlpn'.: ■ ..■ya'n'i is oi two ■ fllm:-:cra-/,o;a ■ kldA As'iip- crash- a rsludib Just before tlie: • sbiiiVd:: iera, wltli' tl\e. gli i: wacliliii; ■ ■ jitSrdoni 'on her look.'*. A : coiWdy stilll between llie'l>"ir \vin^s 11^ .'.first-' act, - ■•iftfir which the; second ' ■ stanza ti;;ices her dbwn.tull. up On, the . al'rl'val pr . talkers and the bp.v'.s as-; ;..'<;ehdcnce.'V ■' .'..; '■■■^ y■' "Shy ..- .'in:!. Miss' .Courtney. ■ art* . - the: -'suppoxeil . 'two-i>etM : .(;.^^ln^•dy t'eft'iiv Ayho ! clilsel' Hici/ WaS' ,iri and , oi'it: of the- tht-nic, witlv. J.eanrte".Au.-, hert' a«: the,neriipet-amenta 1 fX>r.eIgil : 'ista-r.-fpr. a i'oupU^ bf-ii'ptJclalUes, ohc '■ pf ivhi'olv wi)iil(i prcfliA'bly .be eiiiiiigli. . lUiijilliig' tPo-lpng' oi)t?iHng' niglUi: ; jiliis a-had stage .■wait in the'sccpnd ' ' ict, 'the iiresentallon jieed-s Ihc;i) • triiiimliig.- and as ^regards the seii- : 6h<i ,-li.alf, ^jomb ■ flxing. ■ : Tito., prb- : 'diiccrs n'lav have iivLsfied a'.sUindbut; cohic'dy . bef, .hi' Sp;Jl'gh(ly ■ pa^^^^ •. uvei'' ii. ."iiip'posied 'preview b£ the. Ji.i- li^piu;e', and bad; tinker Vi-ljloh '■• ■sfeal«^';her: flliiv'c^^ tirerb is -iniich: h'bbting about. of pWl - lil.'n.iuxlly,getting. inailbi'S stwlglit-- ■ tnds -^ti (.'■ '• ;.•■.■" .';'. :-,,■ ;; ■ ;■'■ ■■'-.--; v.;' ; -; ; AVliiiing's voice, hda' greatly Im- liri>vj;il,;;iiiil-iii> -is 'i'ibvi* doing:more ■ dam-liidr rhiiiv fbrriierly. hi!; ite:ni.;wlth ' the'^rj Ijo.Vs -bi'lng- a' b.riijtit :.spP.f. in: -'.Ciflinblly'jj ebiiU'ibiiliohs.-'..Tlils juvc N.btTUhg as-had .nor asv.atnatejir^ isli •.li(i!s'' been • dared:.;oii .Brbadwsiy since ' the.' soin I - pi-o grpups ■-■\verc' around.'V TIVey^ sprt iPt .slipped ■■thl!;.' one-- in Saturday .nlgl'it,'allege, at ,$!i, -l)ijt;accbrdlng to plans top .iatbek in tlils spot; bpujions .and 60: cents ■ivill. h'uy .a'.seat.;- Even that is high forj"Saturddiy Morning;'' .V-.. '- ;'An'Ahiorlcnh: Tr aged.V" In .stbck due A. big,-Jmpresslve 'perfprmance. .It marked :the;. bperiln'g - of Ihci .- new RelrjtWd^ theatrei on tho Kiirfurs- tendam'ni, Berlift. A play Which has heeh running fpr nearly::a, year in; Paris, arid staged-here by MaxiRein'- liarat.. The'artistic world of: Berlin is.'it up arid' took .hotic.e. ;• -liit^ratiirey. music. pblltlcs„thedtvejari(l filin were represented 'kt ,'tills - opening: . t,lifc\ •iCiiglls'h:.'. arriba'Ssador, ^ Sir • :llorace RiijinbPld; \tlie Kfench- .am.b.nssadiiv,' %• Margeric^ OermoH nlinlsteirs, Lhe- Ucad of'pbllce Greczlri'skV, :Marle:no. pietWch, Kenny Poi'^ien, J3rlch ;Pohv- mer;: Gi-af Aveb,.,9eyi)ipur is'elienV.iihl, Theodbr. Taggci' (i''ei*dlnand Briitl*-; ;uer); .-13wulti Anilre Dui'Piit^.'.ri slibrt, all . were present. ; : . v . ; ; - , • . Max Jtelrihardt presents a :lalky; play which ut. times ;i.» 'a, little' bpt.-' ing. ' - It :1s Phvlptis . that - Bburdet'*. ,altn^ is to show an 'efteniin.ate;jna1b getie'i'atlbn.' the ri'iaie'golddigger, la7,y and Indolently elegant—an Interests irig plia'se pf our. age. There' is npt- on6:'he-rii.dn-In:th<! 'W'hbje' play;~ Tliis; Jibweyer; :l8 hp moeal .' pl'ay; or ' an irtlilcal drama,- ..but - Simply ,a- wlU and Inlerestlrii^ -i clescrlpitlon -fPr; a :bbuleyard - addlence.- In', many, in- stdiices Ills 'desprlptlPri ■ is -riaurteatr ing,-,arid brily, ihdnke'-to R^inhalrdt, i^i It half-iway dcce^table, • Piece,- ihowbver,, beised ;6n - lust, lazihcss'and Biiperflclal elegaric;e; Is Bl>ten didiy . acted. . There fs''Gu'stav- ''WaraauT't'lie affable . and .disgusted ;.liead.-waiter.-. Tliei'e,l8-.Curt:Bol8i a.^ 'Sputli - American. .gl)^blp, 'Impudent,: '^eritltherital,/'and very funny-iri hi.ii -jllalect. There .is..the very husinesa- llke 'and' smart mpthcr; .W-liO .I'a.'con- stantly-■tell ih'g; her childr<>ii. that w^.prk Is!' degradirig. ; Jull6 sei-da's i'riterjjcetatlPn': pf;- .-the Ariierican -Wbman. is-• a 'grea't,,T>lece bt • acting, rtnd sb ;1SAl'ife. graceful' Else'JEckers- bcrg 'ds^the' funny- little, girl irom Argentiije.' ftlarini Koppptihoefer, the .ma'n-.c'razy old-Pbll8h^courit?83;;-ana Xora Gregol- hs the'young American d'eeply ln.;iovp, as well ajB" Wolfgiing; I..leberi'^lner.;and .tlve theatrlcdl Georg' ;I)eriee;^whp: belongs bn the bperetta ?(tag^y' cbmplele- thb' ipicture . P.einhard<>^. 'preseirit-B iii,'.. "glUteri.'ng beaiitifiil ■cblors.': The. aiidience. wa^ vei-y : ^cnthuslastlb ..and . applaliaert' iiritll the .theatre' was: dat•^cened^ and. tlj'ey ' were;.'fbreed .to leave. .3f«fifntti(. Tiie ShubCrts liave dropped .the argurtiVh paymbnd C!u.Yti.n-;Wht> : left the cast pf ;'roUng;iSirinei's,'V c^^^^ tlio jpesiilt'6f-,thb aHlbn; balling for hls'-bplng Unpekcd dP\V'n' liy-' Lcs8ey;;wlib;'playB the phj-alcai trainer. <3uycn,irf;8jipppsei). tP ve.turiv,;vo^ the-cast-vvhert iarid'^f.'ite;fcel8.-bb.ttbr.-;;;''^'.^^ i^';--- : :-• -; ': ; Biliy .RPac;: wllP pr^^ vswept. o-ridjib^ ,is. leaving tiie caat.arid claims'Jessiel ia^^u V cppy of VvblcU .was, filed- wJUv 'l3qiiity recently.;. ;Jes8el- i .Wbuld- shortly 'Ved-Ve' fpr.,'th!^ cpaist- to.'direct.Iiddie Canifor'S- fbfiiiioinlng ' ■ picture! ^actlv-itiels.: He. ' .'soy's hp: has a; itianager's'. cb^ provides that he; a. i)erc.en'^ge'-!pi Cantbrs'.^earniijgs • Pdul.;kelly ■'and; -D^ i»e'thjj :: ,quiletly-; wed; 'wh^n .''Hblip"- 'waS' ^hp^yirig but br.tpwn. .'-^Kpiiy' l8.:'the lead; '; Iristeadi the>v- dttract^!d -attctit gpttiiig-. a' Iicens§^af::N:ew;'^^^^ bureau,:'"i^S^' ■'::' .•■;■> ■'' ,< -. .';■■:.: -'..'-''■'' / :■ ' ''■'.-' ■■.-: ■: '/ ■ ;v :- V '-':.•.■ " - Retort's'are that wiie,n ji,ewsp^ :he wa'8. bi-usque. Photbgii'piiera dnd-pti^^^ ,' stiperintehdent,.: .R'eacjtlPn in .''b'i\...ii.i"- isvatidtV;-^.^^^ shpw at; the' Hudapri. Js.-being' adve'ttis^ .' ' along lines sPriiewhat shriiidr^; tqvPicturbs.v the. 'ShoW- h billRpsted with • - ;24 sheets^ori';Brpadwoy,.M pehridiUB haiigiiip'i:^ 'wdy;tti^^ldlng^;:;:■ ^■^:'■v■■;■;.; .:',.-■.■. ■';:; ,■:•;•. '^;;- '■>- ..• ,■ / ■■:■•''' - '■ -y. ■ ' : ijfgit slibws.-playing sub-way; clVcuiti '". , ai^e ,.bping...iidycrf is^^^ Jibng. ■Isla-nd-.-KailrPad.;^ ■.;;.■■■';.;■ ■- .': ■■ ■ ■ ; ";:';-■■■--;■;:; ';.-''■":■ K :" ■■! '.^. :' VDr. Xi*;;tb a' general, pdnnirig, liiit. lliiat :didn't stbp the; brbthertf fi-PriT;rtd'v;ertl8ipg;i)e(!pratibri,I>ajv s^^ noitt day. :V '; ; ., '" ■jvitiv hprs!!^ bri thfe. stage in.-'-'S^p;Xiiyed,;Next to the,'' d step'.; .; .t;urther is .heirig taken ijy -Jildward^ Sar^^ pi>ehing "The ,'. Grey Shadb\<',?;l3ngii8h; m S-;One bf'-! 'IShadbw'a'' prppa, Is :an tiiito ■;i)Upw^ ... Brpwn. l3 ' dis'p.; u8lh'g" «i;cemetery -as Set,/th'c. .first .dptt;;takin^^ place In thdt locale. . . ;-;';■' ^■.M:■■ ;■^:; ■'v;'...■ ■■.■■"■•.;; - ■'■ - east of ; .VSliadPW'V Incl udes: - Lewis, Wdlier,' - Clajiide, . Cpppe.(;i: Annabella. ' Mtirjrdy,; Rlchdrd. Nlcho.ilS; Jbe iCeniiedy, :John FblcP; rWtilidm Tpwri'Bhead,'.. : 'Oeprge Williamsi, "Jfaraes: Marr,--libiv■Cartbr/:'.'■;;' ;•.:;';-. {■ , LPuls -.-Man'n',' -who died SuriddV- toprning,?;r.eacH^ of- hlsi ■■ L cwirwr .when past the :pHme : of '■ life.;; It w<is lit.'-Fclendly. ianbinlcs;"' in';' whicii .he waa cb-stdtrBd: with' Sdin'.'Bern •iri. 1918: ■after: Aniericd-entered the. :w^ ing night l.n"V\'aaii!ngtbni A. ■H^■.WPbds7^viu,rie^^ Ete8ldehi_WJisbn4ittbrided:-thei-i>6rf^ 13 - ,due"at ;tlie.,- WuldOrl *'riaay. Seemed to ■the.;-ilttering''aud;ience that should -;Kave boeiv.ithe 'tltl.e, bf the- ;calairiity ; balled.'; '•S'ntiirddy- vSrornihg," ' it's: all .'icbont- as; reilbw wiio' was caught ill-' tiie Stock ifriaf-: Jcet eollapSer BiitVthat.isp''tall. ;Thb lierb IjaiJ ibave' trouble, all sorts oC I'rpuhle. : Jl: .o.nnio.f.'via' callers nri<i pver. the:: tC'Jephone^ : SO orfe-ti;^wa>; the: '■ telepliojie.: usi<(l,' ■'jrislrnil'ient Inigh t luii'i- ' bi-eiv. ';illiv' lead' rather tliiili .the JH'iirr<u'lM,'.f'^tocK. trader. - i>.'0!l ioiiy av.iinnd tfic. ihcatrc ■\*bu1.d^ :,taku "r<ssi)OiislbilUy fpu the ''.iireson-: lallpji.":; -The : author 'irixiilcstly 'hiii 'helfind ;i-l)e inoiilcl;er ot "Itlke Kti's.f.': .In .tiMote's tl.iut.,way, .,;'The' prb^- gi'dm had the niariagertk'iit down as VNew ybrk.Playcrs"of .'•.Lrttle The- at'i-.cs" -w'llaievor- that'niearis. .,; . 'A at-'t.lui cast may divuUSe who' thpso J<i>\v Vork Players' ar;i>. .Upwevor, it. the.->'tpck^show•(ngs,al■.o be.on' iilnneol this iitrbcity It's B^)riig;;ib. bii too. bad /btlt'.,' N<;xt ;t6^ tKe Fu'ehbiise; ' .l-*iir'ro. In'. .t'lirPO-.-aHM.'.iircsfiitcil-- ut .^llit' T.iiiiKn«;;i--l-V'li. iif Uy 1... I-.u-wtpih-i*. Weber; .written li,v AVlilliiCiii-. A; (irew uiid Harry lli'lf:- jttUKi'il i)>- .\\ lltllini 1.1, K|-ic.|l«niler.;' J'ie (.'.tUuiiuti;.;,;..; .I;u\\'ren''e O'Siilllvun Itunki'i' ■■.\.. . .■>:;. .'.;:...'.-.-i.. .-.■.;;";tMirOtvU '- Joi'tes^ Nell J)'f.«:ur>.,.;; . IMif' Voelkel lli.f- Pi'ylon;^ Chilrley 'i*iv<»-e,m'y, i ,^ .';.. v.eiii OrttlPiilonk;^.-".'•■".'.■... llUlill ;.,,.......,., .'.:: , .^iniiky I'-'.lyiiil, ; >ioiIi-.W/in. .:^,.;.;;.-.;,. (;;i|il; V-ti'vi l l'I.r:ii'> ,',,. Mrx. (i'l.<Miry...,... ,.MrH. :('alliilian;-..-.;' ^;.-; .■, ■^Ilu'rliiri i.sii'iTtli. I.leul.' IJurkrlilue..^.,... ; uciii:ih sitifih';... Siir "Hwneh';.v.' '.^. - .Rfiker (Irily ..'. ;:.■:--. ll.i'rry Short . r.'..'»..iDlin-- ilenry . .•, .-. inalph ..ller\-/ .*:llenry Janes ; .(jr-^oruor^Uan'oy. .-.. ..Vlcinr .M6or,e- .. .Irfitln'.iblcuin ;..l'aitrIrla:'0'Ci>nuiir . Wlllllani -Knuvlej' -;.-. \V II iKiiu-.'Clark'ati ,.. .V,.. AiaVtierald . 1 Lois JCJiii^ll ■ • 'A ' good! ffth-e idea that should -liav.c f)eeh \i'o'rked;bn'.ihorci As it b|ieried;at .the.'X.p)iganre it ..was a rougii and,';atr tin'ics,: '.ba'xv.dy 'diT^lr, A iaaigh 3h'o,vv;fbi' the' plit-ratq tradfe,- riieatili^g. liiriitpi'l st.'iy. '• ; .; 'Ai! ;''Tho..G^y-.aoV'^ it'tried out. lii 'XcAvurJ:- -«'lthptit- a -trendriiiij lievlcc : Hsed> for - the flash iflriale,. -wh lch;-h.ns< ■•til - pld-,fii.-<hioitcd\ lire-' englrio_.w:lt_h 'if^'sds'galloii^ng irea(l'-''b audientp; sparks sivbamirig frbin tlVc , sta'-k-. '-^'ol ."jirioc; "The SflJl Alariii" ;J'iu,H' tlte iMlfciit ;b( eri sb;ap'«' liltcabl'r.!'. .Tlii'i-,e; .wi'Vi'.', st.-i'rit'- .Uphiy.'j. 'and the''t^;i.:i'i\k^''l - iiu', Kin UtOtiiigs.t-",)! ri-iil. f!ir'''.'. : ' .'•■ . ; ' ■;: • :.'jrh'e '■:ii(iSi-y ''-ii.4'-li.'':'riilli iii'>ii<. I'"lr;st. .soehc. ;i [I'l -Tisi-.vhbiv •iii«; 6iivri , uient.: -f-»!pnt--bl-4i7-fii*\ib»ise-Tlri^Pn»e-^ipa^^ eastern-- city. ■' THe - old "braas :pole .down whlcl^; the Ifre. ''laddies!'-Bllde, IsJprescnt.;. Half a dozen: men.Pf.■the depai-t.riient - attempt: • tb,' telephone Dplliali Siriith.,.the;w'pnian.:Whp Uv^g next dboi^ •■Her ;hus.bahd is: d trdyj' elihg salesmfi.n and: Isri't hoijie-niuch.; She" with''.lier - sliprt; divided':skirts 'and - bicycle . has '-w-pn the riien and the-^ all are bri -the make', from-('apt. Sieve O'-Lcary ;tiown- to' thc rq'okie .Bunker; :-'■; '--r'- '-^u- . '-v : T,he'i }U'«men' Icnbwvt'hatMh© husr band;ha<3 just'arrlved .l.n town, but; Is leaving ;pri; the C.i'.'O.- . Edch/ one dolls up in^j'the ftinriy- civles.'bf the da.V ;arid lapii^ on IJeillah's door. Ohe after ariptlver •they enter, 'cxpreiss-' Irig passion for the' charmer.. Each Is .jth'oped- plliio. a' task/ln . different ipart be the'house;; whejn a kno.ok- bn .th'e' dobr cues the "eriti'a_nce,pf an- other ■suitbr.":> One ■waslie-s •the dl.slies, - another beats the . nit.s in the :aellari-'a third -pollshOjS'' the,.;8l) ver pfif stage,, -rind the. captain Is. set lb-wprfe knitfing a swedter, ': "W'itii 'all th'e>meii Put'sp.'i.rkiiVg. ail aia'r.m': t-ipgs:''. .How. the .men :are mode, to ren\bve, 'tii'eir clbthe.? arid libw i a; litlle---blazb in- the; : griifth Kltclieri. briiigs.'tllb on iri^ red :flh'tiuel. uri.derwe'ar. and 'p, hpsc Is one bf: the • tilings: tlio .author's-Sveril thrqiiglv: With-whether or -not. so Ipipbsaibie 'that 'lt . ls. 'funny, iri a :wajr/.-'-;:i ' -A Tninch of - I-.ambs,; having noth Ing': better - tb- do. are at- '-work ■ in V'Klr'ehousei"' iVititpr Wbprb--jlirVea'- iiircd/ ■plaj-lng,: Cii-pt.-' CV'fieary, b. to- tuiid.'ilreriliin ' tb be vsure and-iPid know bb-ttei*; >-lliff inneh: tlon-pf d 'flrc'.''piitter-out''''paves the w.-ty for ptie of : the ■unriecess.'irlly dirty jokes,'of; wiiich- there are sev- eral, .Ii,arr.ySivbrti" the. sprtibre bhb. ■pf tliq gay "laughs, WilWa:m' lOrd'ivley ■ la • tfi'e: hu3b'aq4 p.f:ti»e!-giddy Delilah. ' Hei is .a'i'biigh :'guy,.b,ut slVe',liandlea hliiV.' A'ra Ger-; iiM 'play!};35eillali,'remindful'p't the days: -Wheri sliprt "(iltlrts ■. titily went 'with tieyplcs.; . liptta. tin'thlCuVi'- is an:..pld gal,: the tibss ahd. /wire; ot 'OTj!arj"\.^-and"-'sTib-load's'' tlie .'blh'er w^vcs'. In cj.iecklrig .up -biv Iheir, llre'- rilPn'hilsb.'iTlidH.^ : : v;' :..' .\;,:^^^^ ; ; .. ''"^iV.xt -to;; thoVFireiiPu.Wv. fs; -d- filfad.v...jillc: that issa's'.; afta/ ;.a-srtiib I line: of :Uie'.j)la'y.,V:Show^ -iK so b.-id It; . is hii.igli.'ihtc anilj'ili1pross«>(l- as- ha vi Inir.; hciMV r'lit -biV li,*' 'Vlie lire drnurt ■ act,;.Manri Stepped. tP; the ifoPt'^ tp eay a: few wPt"ds>- - -The iPi-ei'ldent's.; response- was', sent 'around the;"cbiihti-y;; ds a; hews.iltbrii..'. V'Eiiemles' then.'^c'nt ;tb' Clilcdgp .'•B'iiere.'it 'pldyed" 34 -' \ycokB, . d.bmi'rig ;tp' New^ Yprk ;it• ha'd;dri 'engagemerit' of :6^^^^ Hudsbri.- . ~ /'..,: ■ '[■- '■';;':..';^ -'V :;'.'^- ■,-.'■■, ■ ■ ' .Thbugli;-.the' star had. :ijeen" seripusly;^ i^few YprJ{.''airice •pecember'I'f -pccdsipried. dceiwst ;regret. ' No •p'tiior 'American' .actpt 'had. bebome as 'picturesque'- aa Xkiiile^ Jisnn;: either bri the .stage bv'pfT;. r'ples he'had- brlglndteid-wltli Iliries that:-were; sppken;; .by him in siicli a .wdy ili'dt toi- yeai^ Uijey :wero aKvaS-s. credited ip;.hinv.; ";,-' ;■";::. -/:.';- -;','':; •;'A!^ :■ ■ ';■■-•'' :■ '- ;.■;-' ■'. ■ ■;-•'; ' ■'■-■ ..■'■■■.'■■: J. As; a,-; cbniedlan -h distinctive; 'quairit'.atjMe;; in;^.^ hSLd;;feW;;.equalS.;.' ■ ; , ;. 'V''-^:.-;'-^ .''- :■.' '', :' ;;.\ ;•:-:-'.''-:,■ - ^'-v-^■ ''-•': "I'' :"' .':'-'; •:;. Adrnlttlng; -Mdrin w'ds - a, -fdrriPu.s .iietoVv; lie -. -w'as'-dlways' the • suWect of -' -gpbd-hatiired -jkiddlng on tJje. big,;;Iobie; collair8 he Club especially, where Miinh; alwiiys''went 'wlieneyer'.lie'left .i»is hptrip pr; ':ilie* theatre,'; Midhn 'was 'always; the',; betitef -pf adrnlrlrig'<frlemis.'' '■ 'Iibule a£ :>ieart. was- a, lii^ ;bby';:.-a:,bp^ lshne3a.'he~neVe ,' .wliich^ 'caime. Put fianilio^a.hlly wfi.e'n.;:each' apx'rn'g' larid -.duinmer-: revived • >as{ii>all;,; ;'-^'; '-:. '.'^ :v' ■■■;■■ ';-,-' ; : ;:'\;'-:^-!'..--;'.' \ ' ■;■'':""■ ■■' ;.;'rhdt' Mann ■ lliced:'children -was. h^ In' NPw •Tpric '.nelgiibpr.' •; dren" (U), In he-; wa-s the;mdiri, priricipdl:;- He. wbiild report;at the theatre ;aheadiPf ttlme^ tp ,greet .the kld^i; '•:.,;/ v,- ■ - ^.;;; ' ■ :' ■ '" • Twp.:infilair)CM, bf; late.'where ^ p inatter'';pf;';';; dlrcctibn, Bo.tli, 'cPncei:il :'m^ Harriff .:.; .dirdc.t/-''Sweet-and; Lpw.'r;r^^^ a iflop^aixd 'lie- then-found out what^^^^ ; tlve nidtter' wa's arid ;Hb-';i"is,' who;' -wda' iieVer betbrc ;ideiitified, .witli riivi- / •sicala,:,passed;;biit of tKc 'p ■Rb.'ie .werit-to TVprk piii-the .^^^^ self~a;nd;it;ifi'nbjv^iri,; ■■' -,':-' -';;: ; ■';; ■ ^ ;; --'; '■ : - Same thing applies- tp'- Green .arid Gensler'ii. .^'tTie; Gang's -All! Here,", r pvig'lnally writUh: by Marbv.Coririelly and' R\isseli ^ literatl -yvas reported all (if sea.; Mprfls Greeri .tpbic cliai;ge/>im • 'calirng ln. bscnr Hamriierstein.: ;Srid,- for.'i>ewrltlng ;and staging, Cbrinell.v-v " duckipg ^buit .to' Florida.' lVpdiicefs:'ot;1)olh. .show's liavb .decided;^ . ;^ry ;any!more;;auch'cxperimerit^ .' : ■. ;V- ';''.;.*.^ V^'■ ; ; Actor: hebding- a Hpllywobd. ieglt': was su'iver-^ dticat.-*?; - 11 Vd particu)(ii;ly:liardbailed-^ nixing;th'e rtudio and bbuievard- crplKd. The agent, whb cost tlie^how spent maiiyVa'. fulile 'hoVir 'ti'iyi talk ■hlm':Put;bf,.it, ■.' :;"';■-'■■;■'; .■'',!<^''."'•■^■.■;^.;;; ": I'he age.ij.t/.jl.hdily .g.' :iip tliat line l>ilt ;a;(lvo'.nced the ftr^ .something:;shbuld he dorip to'i^get the - fihow tBlkbd ab'but. ' .After tllj-ee'', rtoys' ot sdloS - talk the aclbi; Consented to' di'stvibii^ jirnbnj; -bdv)iei"s'-a.nd mdrilcurcii;":: " ;; -'/ ;v-''-'^ ,;'.;•/:';; ';;' '::■;:■; J''; _ ;;■.^;; ; Next evening tiie actbiv .lobbying, gbt' tiic; iiello .r'iWn' b liftb'rv.ati.other -pC the ;lio.ll.vwoo'd, gaiig ;slidihg'/up-to the;ijOv'. KVerybodji- :tli!lt be liaO ■ •turned .dPwn wRs walking lij. that night; on; ■ paper,. •:NbiVe. ibbkcii lik^;; harbcrs' or;martlcure}!; tb hlmj(;8P'h ;:. Pbiite-but .iiltlor ppppn'oiil's; >ia« ',Steuer -arid -Isadbf'TCteS*''!,!;^^^ Whb. flgiire'd.i,ri. tlio;lnve.'itigalibh.p£ the-Barik of the Unltbd Staies/cWxh. ; were dtie.' to hayb ^ciashed dgairi eai;ly'.ia,si - Week when the- Krlarigerl T^""' ca8e;Wrt3 rteflnHeiy .set fp^^ dieted-.43 courise^and airecibivot liie defiirict bdrik, the claim of .Ciiarlbttc ; I/esldy . Filxel. tp liavp:' Keen the; cbpimpn iaW wife ^pf . tlie- idle A^^ ip^ ErtaiigeiV may'iiritll' Kres'cl's Slatus as a- lawye^r- Is defined. : : Stetier-and -iKfcscI hdVb;beeh:,eni;m'les sirice ,1914 when the iSrlanger :; dLvpree ease, w.'i') tried. ; Kresei ; at thp time, was bt tiie ^a^V firm ot; .Teroriie.; Ranij fe' lvi pscl, and it '^os iliv.'ldler whp^ .af^airi?it Steuer' IjcfoVc-' tlie Bar, Assoviatiiiri.: 'tericiing; tii]P.'<e t'it'arges oC , which; he Was cleai od.VSieueiv fclp.3B(^>up;hl.< (imbe and^^^c^^^ hls sbiijh.a^* crpriti-Harvard. The: later is, nbw pn -ihc boncli, '• - - ^ - ; Ettjet Biif rv' reluciantly accepttfd tiie. bn(>'-night. ,toiir .through.ih'' .; .siMitli •W^ith;'rflie-l.ove:i)uel,;'; .Tbe. Gailrs Jbtirneyed to dhleagb. to ^; '.*'Scarlet.;S!5tr'r Iifa,r.y'! and .solirMiss^.' Ba,rrymore Htlic -Dixie idea. ■ Mean' v /While, ,ln; Chieagb,; MIsi) Biirrymoro, hnd. been; ne^pijatiri^^^^ radio- pi:psr)eqtS;;.wivlch' ni , :' ^ .'.•;...'■'.•: ■;.'■...;-•..' ■"" i^Pt'.ii.a V i.ri g't'rpii pe'd'^ ;^gc; bf the;famlly;ndinc, big grps.<^es arc-.nfiticipatiia;.- "tpve Otiuei,'':wlill''. ' -^ ■iluft.v.;and;jiPt niitch fan^^ .' ;pne of tiift tiest pophidr'iJtbeps pf .her recerit career.:;; vV .- : ■: '; ■ ' ':- . '-Scariet Slater Mnry'' ;rtia inbn'ey "fip ,thn. road 'Uniii inUv Ke'^^'_ ; ; ■ \'nri(, .ypbri': Miss'.pd iiVslsfoitji'f.vijind. ORiiinst' tlie ridvlee: oC' h''.i';.; e ci'illes tnre 'lhe :i>i;tiy .'i.b sriri'(l-s.;a.n'1;li! .t'^^"';: ;:(Cori:itlvuea Pn/'ivige: (i^ ' . .':S . ;%