Variety (Feb 1931)

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60 yARIETT GANG'S ALL HERE ' ai ili>> liiiiici liil" Keli,-, JB )>y . srbrrlK . uci;i'ir an-i l>i>ifl!<:M'i»«ri'r; "''nrii liy (ifiisli-r; coiuv iiil.'U' ^rt' lUDwoll I'l^UHO. i.iKiajr JlHimoVr- ' i'ti; litiif ^Vorrli) Uyaklha-,' iJTlcs ~liy. ■ (hv u. M«r|>hy: nii<r. Uol(pri-. A, 'Sl;ii'>ii;' l/ii"!; V iim-i-i .l>y ■ i'^rarik Mel.'fiy; iliinci'^ il)r'">L'.>'il ■ liy." Iiiivi' lioulil ajiil Itbols SIcKi'jiriaivtftlloi. . Iiy 't'llty - iVosi'ti; ,TOiV llc-Slj;'. »»iirrol ll\ir.i.-<\'Wlnii!rl>iitl\)ni.; . ■'Jti r.i- AV IhtorVigi kom. .v. ' :>vViHii: .,..i.^-i:Tv . -.V Wohibn',;. . ,C i.ilrl. . . . .v.. A "Vi.unK, M»n...;,....r A.U(<;hor' Woman, i- i* •.■■AiJi'iln'r- MAit'.-. .>v. Hts AV^Ifp.. . . . .. ■njihy Piu'e"' MiirtliiK A ml\' .'I.fliin"X.'i'.. -;i i . illiiJ r.ft^ljoy,......... -..r ■' .■ .,i'ri*»r<*y^ or' ('vo n.'iuRh-.. ■'i.'« lii'lly,.; .' I Sii'Vlfiii.'. ! ■• ; 'lllK .(.'ailho'.^i. :.liHil('(.n.Mi.\i>^.. ':. J.rr 'Jiir.Rl<'i.r, .-> .■> . ..■r ivviyi liflLltlnKer;.;.-; ^ T-.^-y ^Ji .Iho ;AI:(ler.v.,. ^ r ; .r.i-sibe'r h swrpic; . , l.i>n({f*lto.vv > . , . >■.• ••.i. . iriKHl MivniiKfr; - ■. •■ Willy." WUioii......'. II .'cror ■ Wliit*rl)ot(o.n lloiiairo pu 111'' >!0"t Ci-C'i;iii'iill>'. hv . t ilt 4oHsy. silK-dorWert KttUb'-- si,'t>i',s; ■■. ilo\v;iril ■ wo.rljs t'uUrtly itfV- ^•ov.lliifto to Uii' .i)iip1f -,ir.l;^, <1ry typo. iir.Tiiironr 'svris' I'oinijiy •iiaiipt'iMf ^!l^lli^^P^•^ ■ Kiitiri^dl style; ii is fn' the ilowiiVd' scoiioS' cut-, liiilf shouUl be made.; Tliul tiroes ./t».r ilK- hotel .siiltti HCi'iiP. iinil o.-<ppclp,lls- ~liV till? hiiWiti'fl lii^u.%)S. ;.Th.(!; Vl.-ilt ot- (i -Kliost iifid .entrance of -ft ju-o .pi-otty an^^i^■i^ti.•.. , , , ^ ^Shaw- iuiil -U'C al,-o - iN'.QrltCiV Into, the." jifiniKiilcr .sclicnie -aV Initlor.-* ti). tlie rlclt nuan. :•. Tlvcy.', arc .it - crtnilc.: pair, vpt,^. were ■ calleil aw to use their roiitihie, d.s Avas. Healy, 3.'t>.« teiuiv wa?.. -^spotted'■. dQWii - ne.1t' bloslnis . wlUv twlsti'd. armif lidhsuilac, much: tuo hvte tor thirt. .Undeislood; the miinagers sbught anotheti .■jtona-, .out ttft Wr the si>6t, .but failed.ta L'Dicfc' 'ii#^iin*;Ueoiire-07)e irC- the': last-roinute..rii8l.i; f.vr^pSri ■ Amonp the vu^deVlllluns njrc.sent VMbn^iif m^^W were p.T Pont. aRple.eattng .Jugs er ,. ;-, ,*r)r. Kau« (anr/ttici:'" aiiple-eatinK ' bit in - the ; t aoiifini» Iwr* siiow)- n.K KauRty with. SWls.a bells -'''1h««^^;fid xSi. Verdl ^Clark an Verdi* (tVP«sh;^m. .. . . . uii'vy; w^^^ statuca -,( ,.ii.. in»t^ ?o»ter jjgj^iy's:;^giey; aad:. nert Fay, with zinSftO^S h^ap-silkies ■ ■ :johrcpiiaUdu I.: Daiicintr asslsnments. ijro;npt .all .,,.. .■'■tllil MVlW , rt". ..fiirkHriins. .. . Anllil Avirtl I'hylllH ,<"'Airii'n'n :-.,,: IIHI Mi'fiun . .■Klf iv """/ .Marry AlidfriiriU v..Kihp| Hrliii'ii .i Jmik; .McCbiuley .i.:31ick;JUlirk«r , i . . .n.-iJ ho HmV . ..KdillO ; . . . . .Tiki HfHiy ,(I'aUl Oamfr. THE tONEJLT^ WAY sours' onflUM. own, unpleasiitri; -.sort: J of Ciith.bllelalM,. An Ipiase of- Christ :■ I>nltli<iore,.Fjji); iiO. .lojirtivo lif VlAlhli^ froni hohlhd^ 'mBl-obhicJy.. In iivo 'nFts^ _by 'Vlj""" the fsavilen' wall ^and tWIfr tile mot If- iailiiryn March. jiih,...V..i.. .II' Diniii'y. iViw'IfJ' itiHhiiri .' ■.■...i..:.,...'....,.V.^..MMiflltoii kH tl^;:V: ■ I:;;l' ^""",;- . Ann.V, uvv-r« .St.. Ho niirVl' M. rilRrkwiifKl-vChiiNl'* r"*.'.'"." Wiilf^rt': vyiii bm.rn, 1 tlh-.;. ...OhiiV, CiowlnK. l'i\'s>!jli: JtiiriliiKUmV jaili; .Kilnuniil i.t'pl-Kti, Aimui'^M^ lt:in inVl"i(^. .vV. ^N'Hiutlc^Ji'hH^^^^^^ , _.. , • - j'i<:MiiMi«*-'Vkal>*!WM ''Ji.ii.:ni!i«3v«B««tw'.-.:...--^J'-i^W"";.!^ nvcraKo AnjerlcaiV vlowpoini siiVb^' rhr«^^r.''r/;:-vr:c?-;'.^f$5^^^ l^ri^•<cs>lt.l!n^rlIigtrtn. •iK.t.'.,...; vO^^^ j,-nin7.neiiniwnn..'.:..:,3i)jyph.dlnily-relt-.■ antl hhPVV,f<^9tly. ■pani^crH^ ■Clil -r-ot Police. Sirvtt.Venubr; A. '.«iillnr. .,'..Ob(ii» .onir'VVIn>lia Tjiei'C is'.a crttck ballrooni VVInMia LGioy'6. . VKurt Glibertvl team;; Obmei! and 'VVlnona. on twlc^ . •^iJi;^CT.ahd. Wcd::'twlciy:>^ • Vi„i.ii J.,'c'wi*\w' ':7JMwei. aidiyihoriic aci^obatlc;lioofers, ,wero. calted, lw*t . ' tKimi ?oii'l.'<i.-G'^^^.^^^ last niomcnti Ijut :.not . pro^ *: ' ' -, - ■: '; .'• ■. : 'L' r^i-ameil." ji: ballietr of ;■Which, tlieiro I'l emlere" of "The Ganfe'a.. All could have; been more-wSfl stajred by. ' .Here" pxlled at iiudhJBhi:; At Ihnt Tilly liosch. Particularly pretty toe limn it 'wai.bvldeht ,there; wals too KvovK by Gertrude: Staunton. ■ ■ ■ v ' much .show. Properly .sliced and. re- I dovo Ciould ah<l Boots M^Kenna i. urriiniied It shtiuld land; . ■ :.'.'•■ : '• -worked some effective'.. eiismnbllnKi AHvealtli ol talent;; bu.t what tp. dct hj'sliifc' jjtrls ahd boyS for a gangBler , .n lih it' whs the pi'6blo)n . of -the ,^^riU>eiV in "vsOilc'i^ latter carrlpd: yoimB liroducera, Mdrrls Gfeeu and prop: suh-riiuoljlne Buns/; ^•on:,si)me- 'Loiils Genalcr. That : .task . was- thiiijif., Also-, the :iilgHt. :clu,U.. evolur .btfti ted ln. Phlladelphiiii, where the ■ . Bh'ow raBeed -It laid off for '-^ and took 'chaiises. :Marc ,Goii:-.. - nellv, oiie of the original iaiuth0!:.s, took air, but Russell Crouse stuck, . ' ftldliie 6'Scar .^Hamm^erstelrt. ..and Morrie^ Bys'''"^" *'*<> >'^'^® called i" . Show' l.f. a niasterpiiece coniparpdi to ilie Philly. 4isplay;; • , : Ciensler'.'j scp?o lav surely melodl'r '' Otis. There; are .Several . standrout jieiTorihances,' but th» shqvy needed : Ifctce, It startiadrUke.a. sprint . and Hone. .. . , . . . . , : Gensler'fc iscore Is. pracccl with bllBht - lyi'ics. f rbiri Ow.en -.Alurphy and. Robert A.':SlmQn.. ■ ' . ^ "The GanB:3 AH ilere" can Tie I made to be. there. v the Tnieeded cuttinq and ro.utiulh.B Weren't: .•.aTce;oml'llshed ■ befbfe--, the preriilerie(;::.];2- . .■ , , >■,■;-' :>:■' : HEATWAVE The Great Bi^ .ii^iiiKi i.t Uio: Avon, /Ki>b.: 10. l>y onyei Itulltsy. - VVrliica by l.-ninltUn: ltu»*ll... l-lp. .-. ■ .- -v . , .-. I'hiii liii..,..'.... .1... i, l>rc»)'bu' IJurtinstoii, .■^eiiiiiiziM-^iioUiiB. vfi-siort }!>• iniljip Mi«'ii<<r. I of fhb . pl:(y .raplet<i with -fijro'to^^^ L'uini;.<i'lu M'lieilYe 1 liVird'a, F.obruury, 10. ■» ■'Guliiit . im>.,; linti. j«ivii>i>-riii.. <>• llio. hereattor, .<)ln, niid ..whatnou-; .: ; ,- Fpbruiii-y 10;. '^: ': ; ' ■ \. '. , r • l it - Ciiiinot UiJ.-rtBurdc^d . friim; ari: r. . *t.-ili-ii|m l)unh .;.;T, .Ui;bfBci ,l.nniur ,.,„.,,,,„,,, ,„., „„ rlMgtrtn. .l*.t.'...,..;,,tni? K>-iwr ..;......, .t.i<irK* l/«ljfri ,,„brioilo' Wwrat.... prb,ypp%l, even ItJ.t lias its o$ca:slbnal moirtenlfi. r The :flrtit .two nets are oxtrcnvelv slow moving .and tliprfi is practically hb acttoii untll.tlve third: unci ■ iii-st act; Tlie, thlnii . .mpve.* rapidly lifter the llrat 20 jiilnute.i ftf tiip final .:stanzaV . only to end .Jti a n\mi and unMtisfactpiry llnale. ' . Play has to do with a farrltctchCil Ide.T. abbut'bne's.ancestbrs Hultx! au:tlic dfescondiiiitf) slWs; Sri causie and effect . . . by -siaei'' i. c,, tlie; ancestorsf and tlie: ] nieth{>d more ro'iyeii to sttihd; unnatiiralj^ , Th<> enli'iv^tt. Jrtuslc' proBTiinv t^^^ tKis pn'soi^tiitioii was made pp bt Of .iic-tloh there la a mlnlrniim.' Ago '- waltz nVelddles:by vort^iippc, Wald;-i hiuat be added to: the youthful: jRcr-; ' touCel And' Johahn Strauss. . The sona ot the (jjwdmaiittps by the un- - iiopea they, klndlea'^hi a -ia'^^^ nhd buvt'»'4ct<>n' .trickery, o^^ expcctkiit i audiehw - wero . quickly bo^. ,A glow ^of . sirfrxthood symr a iar-ie«-.,v<. I dashed,: itbr tht.H. i.lay.; Tpi»K balled bpllxed^^^b^^^ a . sp.ottlght^^^suBg^^^^^^^^ b^rs not being u.^ t .e;'major. b<.u,s ot. t!ip Uotbin<f a>»it,. theatrical nrftfioo, ?S Jbuld^dc^ 'Herr- .I'rbfcBsor C^^^ rAiithUr-h ■ A. :Verj'^ sertoUs^^^^^ thAt^s. wry Ct Stride side SclVnll'^loiv ■ is: Iti botli inood arid lliai d-to tak^^ lantt. .; v iikln tb,-t>"'. .COp'Mi .Icaceriric/ilflVeach In theJr bwri Mmes h^^^ Qf yHenrlk Ibsen.than the yl- u?Kr m^oU^ (H^ga. Mntll the:plcike ot Uiinh 'of Anatm,^h<i: prosb m Spliiy. It's: like an overlonR pro- and tho tragic heroine of ,."I.1ebeTy lol tlc'a n'A^^^^^^ tosM : cbtildn't be ::ai.j;thliiB . but:Ithat, thc. shc^ not thoie., :^ . , Most ot thb dlalw :l9 -ai»lV and;tlje dent ^6f >arly vi(lUv■ cen^ dniin^i iiOKTilor comes; wlien it does cOnip. the praflUclfon ol •'Tlio..i:^nej>-'W:a.y^^. f?bm some lhc6nBruouft^.»^ Ah,; an' ontortalnment to lauBh:at' him Instead of wHl» .hln>.' : His iiaiifie is Oku.and he hivfl a yen HILDA CASSIDY ^ ; ' Atinntic ■city;'t:ej):;24^ '-': '■UUda':c.'i.<sldy.'\'a tnclo.driiiu'a- on .. tlie.n'iotrior-Jo:vc theiiie-.'li'obppnra the Apollo last, night: (2S). ' Wllllant - .Toiirdiiii .Kiipp.a.iid irehry .and Siylviv LI jTcr-i'i'it ha:vo .:}iud, i; li'and-.;li);:tlils .. - plriy, its threo'ucls.covcrliiig a .pe)-16d: of eo. ycurs:..iii .itlie Hf6\bc'.i ^fumlly;- ,:. ,Tlio:'.'Vut'h.ors 'have:sbt- their-'iVU'vO lii'. ..' a' MiUihailaii teheinenl'i^ '.Hilda 'Casiitly'.a parc'h-is' turn over. . th'eir.::lUtl(!: tobitccb shop : to': Ih.elp - • dauglite'r. :'Htl"da ■ .Vv.hc>ti'':i!he jimrrles:. A: yajTu«*, ftnd.,'li)b.seT401htt!d^ drtinra, ills naitie is Oku and he Kivs a yen | cbhsiiriictcd oir tiift Obsolete llvt;-: W .A. White swcetheivt.v^^^rt^^^^^ ... . ^ iTFlef sDCoches like "Ogit want :'-Mbnth in :the:. Cou>itry.' lacks a- *i^om Caaaldy. .The young hhshand i'hVebe"'' ■ The iflrst pronou^icb cbirii»i?lllng :chiuiiclerlzati(.>ii , spends Ills tiitfc ln;dreanlit jyhlltvthe of t hat' phrase by the IniUhn occa-; a ;di»hniiv Of , themo riiihei' thaiT /B business goeshang x .. . .. slbiied oiiiv-- mild nierrlrncht, Wi^ -iiluy of;, a pflrsbnivlU.vv..: Thut t^enip biislnea's ■ goes iiaiiB.',,:; Fir..)! .its.; ai" kame;ih. the bai'rk vobni.' X pobli clbsf't with ailbthe-r -mard^rcd', soul.;; ; ceodii in WhW:e thev'remalri SttihSing up. for i jfliiiioB/, whi femrivliie ••Ivara.;-:h.Oap.os with tlic Jai 30li yeir-<" • - ' . : .: •: I tersi'are lightly'KkelHicd:arfd wholly; Hilda; l»o\yever, The murdei-br. ot both was'SIr.::?^^ hjetiondaryi 'v- '■;v.^ ll-H- abJe.^t^ managi |^>5.eii?waa:inaiht^ln.«i?untC bbo'k tstarted to--Intrude .some:-45 1 '•<« .''.''"?!!. t.»..»...x.-. -n(.iiii ' .niliivutes later. -B;i!<ll- Rull>l)on« ..irenryUanlel .'; ;f!e'lenii.-H<>ylf ;.BtltyI,»wforil. i'roauctton arid costumes suit: the .1 uiVil«" And "S^nw' l3anl«^ KalureOV «l«gcO .15.50 scale. wUlCh meina aomethlng. by.fcw . ; The producers; dldv plenty pf WorK g,";^e°JuJrih\\\V:^ and worryiris'^and desierve ai.break; phiiippa Mnrch, iir». i»-ir<;. .- A«y new firmrthiit stages t^j^ Mm. "Wtyamltli.-..hi». wife. -HHiift, Plawrlghi Mttfncehu;; l-bmPPa :Ma!:ct..» ^ >b„^»-, Evorara',.. ;v;. -. . ji;;; .'-Firank ;Hcnrti!tion. ,S«rkw«t«:'-.•• ■ • ■ ■• • • • .,Sten»ta« :>lulH.aur.,-Hu6h Da>.llryrj, ^^J^^ ; musicals within, bIr mohths have :: :;that . .cbming. to , them. :!;t?lne -and - .Uaiidy":.'!!!-theirs; iBnfl'th(>-fltst .mu ' ■ :;Blcar hlt of the'season.;: ■' - :' • . ■: ■ -'GiEirig's All :Here'!<. Is . not based. , piv the rowdy; lyric with tliat Una. . it has .to do With present-aay gang- ' :. stecs- and '.racketeers, who are satire : lzed;.and ,apecial emphasis glVeii the 1. '.«jjeat Wave'' i? not hot. Just . Valle* type of .crooning throiigh. a h^pp^„jj to be spotted in a tropical :' : .megaphone;. O'ite character.uses the h;ou,itry ; where.' ■ Khgllsltmen - grow ViiVeg thiovghout. / There ttre vai'louM, weary or' iro^itine, 'becoming, too :;: phases arid sizes Of the c^^^^ or ' snobbish. , Thafa tlie ■ Bpeukcr. -It's rather;u.t.tract,lve.-. — kyay riudl''hahly look iit; . •: Ted Hgaly Is sta.rred and Is"funny.' n ; tob. : Wbn't:: lasi over Another ' \ Not -air thb gags , are ne.w:^ T^^^^ .'Ktboges arc billed'th'at way,_^wh.ethef.l ..-The Stratford Productions ns j)re- - the liveragc--patron .knows thb: term jeritod *-is . reputed to/.halve .War'nei ■ - or not; It Is .the .-:flrst time Heavy' • ■• ■ • : lias'wbrked With'-a libuk.. Mos^tly be. Vtb'sises it' aside to tackle .his: ntoro unkempt'ai^.slstimtii. ^^He -startsviis Ike Kelly, li ■ mcdlcirie^- riiaii. wltlv. a; . jilicli oil the: Bohr/l\Valk. Atlantic - C-;(ty, ;: The -place' is libWlhg .a pane .. i!l('r-s:convcntiorir and Kelly'Is luls' , ~ tuUtri' 'fbl?- ''the; .Svestot'ricr'' -.who ■ .• .ha.'<-';9rdered Horace >S"iulorholtpin l-. a : cOiplc mllllbualre - bootlegger, ' liiiiiiped off. Wlriierbottoin .thinks he' U..a psyclib.-anal.vst, arid so ; it gbrt.'j froiii the: oxcellcrit\ scene in. : fi bni; oi: the UftS! to Nantuclvet,:wllb ' Qthor scenes nil'xbd In and cpnclud ' 'Oig in an eltibovAte nlgh^ ■ -: ' H^aiy 'bowed tb; tlie.youth of.-.lXal ~ • Iit?rO>v- who stopped the show with : V, ■ hiVi Glirirlbston t-ap;; ricarcit:;tliihe' ;to .: a comblriiitlori : of .. Winging"; .and : -,.niHltlplo: tapping.. .Ted■pplned: that l;oi-oy was a qbmer uiid.-referred to ■ ' .hiiiiselt: .iis I'.'oljl rpiin IIeal.v.."- Tlio ': • :iad/ l>i-. iald ■ to be tiu'lte . a ' juvenile,' In' ■ ' addition' to his' rerijiirkable liortlirtg-; •.,It lii.iy: :not jjo Ibp^.-rhefbre. Iicroy 'v'^-iiiis Uffh!s,;-:\;':v . ,. - - Ruth; a'e.<!tcr crime through, .and. with JackvMcCiiulcy, who :iead.i! thb Brothers hacking, If not-cbritrol. '\t has Holiirid' l'*enwco under contract and fbcre' fa probably ;,a ,provision caDliig- for "Ileiit ^VVitVc's'.': prodiic-. H'pn prior to its. iHclurlzatlon; Dbubtr loss, will malic a. bettor illhi tliah a, play, thbvVgh not smartly wrlttpn. ■ .Jn-'a 'Plaiita'tloh :.settlt-ment some wlibrn ln: :J<i'ltairi's. FjiV : Kaitt: pb.s: seiasloiis;. Hu^h iiiiwUry doesn't stand well-with the mcrii /.They talk ahoiit' hliii (it the club'whcr.e lie rcg- 'tilarly laps-lip :iriorb booze than is gbod for; him;.' .Gebrgo March.- .his pet, aboinlnat'iori. speaks .o>Eu/diVorce mess- :liivdlvlng : ljaw.Ui\v...-who 1 tliorcfoi'e uhwelcbine tb miiiglc with Hils-wife, I'hllUpa, arid his sister. Iri-ric.: .Irbnb is attriieted to tlio soU eiiiri ,r>awlti:y -.aild yisi.t.^Milin/ at lils buhgalbw, : : v:\. -/ ^'V : i'hat:'diy'i\\^s riiUllpa to, 'when Ii'ene Is .sbntiliohie site tiiriia to: b,iwl Dawltry,/ brily Ib^ learn . the truth of the-dlvofbe; story. , hlso. to roaliiie that-.Bhe iTiiirflod'the; wrong .man .and /lbvcfe :i>awlti-y,: .Who liUd ador(!(i:iier back'In Lpiidbn; . . . : Mar.c]i,.'fliidlii'g lils wife ;iii.l)4wl _ I try\s-,/p1at'ei shbo^a liUri.;' .^Ithbiuih • - - :gai)gsters. : Kive3 ,t|i:b: lorigpst titled tiierc 'was nolliing wrong;: / I'hillip.a :,: hit song' bt the' .season/ ."liy'tipeoial . pUcka libir things and I<)avei4:Jlarcli. ;i''eli)ii«slon ,bf the Copyright Own- l)awltO^^ who. had rfccclvcd <t,:n<^s*b^ er.v 1 I'ove roti,'.' It Wais.'re^^^^ ... -- . ^ -at the sUii't; cOt the . seoond.v aci. • where, <iui"lou)3ly ,eubuglv;:itr is^; njadc: ia'n' e'xtomlnd ensemble number.: Glria.:M!Vlb. wli'o cariie baclj. from / J'.'ii'l.v to play the .I'".rott.(',h .. glrl. /in .:!'f5iins "o"/ /Cluns,":' iiiid- .IVas- ejitii'.oly Jdncy .lady;:: : X // >r, sti^ugglc.a on. .She . • riiahiigo/tluv ..little.-atbrb.;. Sarrtriftton7the i'lf .St, in early New |: i<foi; does the' pjrodu<:lloh ibrlngr but: | auijces.sfillly ,(h4vihff csbaiped the / YOi'k settler;": lib's ii 'betr*ypr' of tlic best In the.: pliiy. .Jijocllcr hii^ rcliitchcfl -of the /law. throijgh. the.r women -wife stealer, a, thief and'xl ori iritei/ibV for tlie llrst ;nhd 1 kindness: bfv h. sleuth, she knew^r' other bdds arid endS bcifldes a mur-.l fifth acts instead bf the garden set I reared a;pretty daughter of her own, deref to top it all M's not reaWy l^iiiipa tbr jri the /BJbi-kntian tra^ bnly to have; her . take thc./8(imb> . a B.Yrrlngton. Thafa the central latloh., but his "actirig : version" qoui-Se shte her.self tpbk ao.ycara l>e- ideii for the authby tb proVe to the apepis lto adhere rather eloseli--: to fore, despite ;.tll her pleading with. iiibdeirri generaUoh :bf ,,Barrlrigton» the brlKlnai'tfext; The castlng; with; tb'e gb l:a about-to that thoy ar«i: fObllslj tb worship, the exception: of Johanna; .Rpo.1.. is | elope wltb; . .. / , . ;.: thei^ anebstPrs in social .vanity, •: I ado<iiiate riither than.dlstlhgutshed:; 'W'llijanV A.> Bi adyV who pioducfts / :;The dcnbiieriient is offered.for the Miss -Roes, in tlve jrjtther lndistlhct the play with: A."H. Wpbrta; seem- very -feebly ipreaented" reason that r„lo of an adolescent: dlslni'bed by 1 irig1y'8cerit.<i another VStrcet'Scerie.!*: the i{arrlnKton::nap- wilrtta tb/Wed **• U'reudlari fires and' .flrially'silorincc.d 'The'present fab'le;"howover,':i3;crue),'" cbmrnort: brldi;e/ engineer btit her. ^li the a;ltn:r of tinreqViltejd; l<>ve„,1 ^rostle:and: well Iriteritlbned./eyen If' fariilly objects be'ciiusfi .lil6-n^rne: is turns in 'a' pjbrtraytil,/ chariicte'rlzefl :[ -crude; - -,Except for Knt.he.rlnj> /Alex-;; /Jpries.." "'TJie- fariiily ---wlslves; her ,tO' j,^. pbetlc- reati-alrit. :': - /.; I arider. -Who plays 'thei'iiamti part, It:: wbd a: Doom, desce.iident of an early - The rather cn'sual::jjlot cbriceVns,: la well acted;.:- Mlsis'. Alexander, dp^a ; settler also. . -:But'the,.ahce^tor <of , deViiatatlori wrecked on -; the'I ;a fine Jbb In her rol6. Wctntroiifr. l/born.' aOO years back, wai quite hg^yjp^^ - ~ , . :, bluriily :pi'tsentfid as./th.e .possible.! j^j^p^. hy -twb.: malb -'acijiifilntahces.- J pater of tlie entire Barrln,gton,claji; Tl,e moire Imriprtanl b£ thbse. Jullaii Hls iUegitimato sbn.Teally/;w48,'be ; ^,,^1,^^^, t^,^. jathbr of the sbh of :| iiecon'd I^-vrrington-in./the Anierlc.anj.j,^;^ \Vcgri\t: lipusehbid by the pro^. line. A'ny-way^ tlie .Barrington'a..are; ^^^^3^,^;.^ ^jfg_ Learning:, of his piir proved to hp Higgln'B :and/nlit Bar- terhityi' the son turns his/back oil ringlbn'svafter iill;- -.J'-: //;•;:"-. :,/ Fjchtrier, :■ ills •halt7Sl(<ler,:l« ' the :Vlt lp:K>ks like orte of those .'experl-: :jj,^Pgj, pf ,^^ h inoiitM" liy an itjtra soinethlng. or: jj^-^^^ij^,,^.;^,;. -^^^^ suia. drbwris/her-, btliOi- group-::: The tUalog often dldli t . i„. gardeit pobT,' Flehincr fit thc/ptripd.'pr the persona. /.•May(>e Ui;j^ -^,Q„ gj^]j^ hiivc valued free:- the' aui-h'pr himself got cpnfvise<y be--1!^^^^^^. j^^j-^,^-: joui^ey tv\-een ihc two plots,and the: uirec- ohwiird to the -iricvifablc: tomb ton whoever he. wiis,. didnt help '.VP /t.readiiig the liinelv w-ay BARRETT TREES Tall Put mu^h..; ,^ :..., . - r„ : .1 -vpr : the ;otto. Krngbr is Iho besL;:of ^the storehouse oast; altliouifh ho: c'an't kcomi to forr- ,j get "The Kbyal' Kamlly." -'Hei'c ^b.* '' , / is IX'St as the swashbubkler progen-:I ; --.-i- A-77'AiliA Uov -Pf-tlie falKelyS n.-iniOdj,Bar*^lng- -• , -: .: -;, , L./VZ<*.«I\V tons ;vvbcii )ib;!u:irries'0.n' lils.amproii*-: - :=, ; ',' , ,,:., / * '(qi',icag'o;// i-'eb: .IS' ..aftliii'S-.-. '."•■ . :•)'■ -"-:' -^j-; -. .1 .:',j\'riic'rl\)nn--.prchil*'fp:- lit 'UooOman . iU'iicr, : ':Kallu-yn,: Jlareh .'Jiad thb- ncarcst i tori- ilie'uiro.: oiiicuKOi ot/ a r"if<;i'>.uH-iilay tiling, to .'ji/ good role, but /even, she ) liy .i.uIri- :i'lr,i-ncti'ii»; sl.iifca-lij .. .iilialvt>n- :-.-that - de.qciviiig-. dial<ic'l. ': •" (iKured' '111-two-more;niimbers bf tlib ■eic'ce'ileiU-CiOnsJeV\sroi'e. ''VVh'iU tla,ve You pontti^b :M e ?"- Wi,tll ;1 oUn lUrl; v r and "Adoralde Jnli)-:" / -ill:<s. -^bil," : / l(i(ikcd:\'i M'fec blt Ovorwelght. ...iU'i.".' php'nev ^tagc' hdriie i-'ctualiis; JSelni;i: ; : '■: XX'Neai, ./ /back froin - the :^.<Mi!is:l;„ ; aid, well wltiv .Vlt ,:.4lways/ .T.lkcs ' - two;''' ducttediwlth J.Phn tiallaUdet ■ / thb. Of ii.lss : O'Neal bas .ciit .the RtCiniping dance /: busiricsa thit; wbri bbr: attention; .in r«obd^^^ews.•• "''Bye Bye" niimbfr - -.-/'alsb^feood..''.'■'■;'■ ■■'' : ■■ -. ,;■:'/•;/'. / .'/ ' .T.oiu Howard : is tl»c ,£jCPlcli nulr wound, jfirbfnlsL's'Jtur'ch tb ^t:cni. tb BOWe, boat and/io'i'ib at/Plillllpa' Kidb until she divoixcs and tiKinioH him:' -: ■■:: "■:',- ^/. -' -'v::.-:,:•■:■;"' : .Hiitiief .;a; .stiitry. iilfty witbout /liiugii, : -ii'mi^ orily i-iip :: 5.-l)'><'ill>k .,lo: eriueezb -lit: driiiiiji. - of dialog is Of the fiysljriuin type; S(li»Vc\'BOud .Jictors:- prcstfnt;: .Willi, B;isll-.l{!itlil)one Uie le;id-ai'id.'!lii'rred ri isulio sbuoiid t.lirte, foiVbiin at l-iilioli vhis «cU'.''Pb,'llt'stvlicln^ iri :''iV i\ Isa /pt .:I(ii.po'rfahtf»;.f/ Whiyh; - iloiip«d.: ■ .ScU-na Rbyle i!>-;.:iil altr.v- Ch'o : JMiililpa, . Belly;LawfOrd ■ also good,:iis: IlM'i'it'.'but; stipppsed tp:"be. a ifbild inirius .w<i'r,ldly. Ivivowl- edgi'; >!crl|)t ;inalsts, blV tbitt; biU H Is. not h)bllev;il>ie,: -iloiii-y Daniel- as fiilliipu^s. siioliliish jiusband i* fea:; tiirod, albiig.Witlr Ilif 'feminineie,iids ,^ ■ ' "Jlei'it' VVave'". is Av'ithoiil a' (■li;ini,'('::i I.-. '■ ;:-',:^/l/i:p;;--,i /(Theatr* Mart) -'-.. ■:■'.- '■LbsiAri^dies, yeK/SOi';-;; V Anbuicr fjfom the peh .bt .ArW'of ; LC.rbgor, ,who ima .beeii trying for a Ion/.; :tlme:'lo pii.t brie. over. ':Barren iTroes" is nbt-'the\bne. ' ■:/ :' , A diatribe; oh tiio soul of a;«car« ;: let wbhikn; It makes/Uttlp headway... Other-: tiian; thej / proniiiicmtlori of ,....».« V,,,,. .. . .-some ^^sirprig'' llnbs;/a'b^^fV.C"'"^ silbsc'flbeis, :thcn the, i'f(isonahlo in,.,tho- plot,. tlie,v forgot-her Dutch Vewt fpi- an-lrlsh brogue bccaslprialiy. In live last-act she. is provided wlth.;iiic;/b.e<it ;ihp,. inent of the .play 'and' a';<:liaiice,for serillmcnt.; Itht ilgiilnst tlic ton.fu's.ed background oC the' twb ;plol.s wfirk ■ Oiborite. ■ got; liirilsel C '/at: tlme.s' arid , lieeiuiv.-? li'iieertitin in bis ajiprbprintf dletiPn Natalle 'Sciiatcr lilckod - cv.erythlne but :eloeulibn. ': '.^ ,>5>:«a7J; Venetian/Gla:»ii^ : illnialuro op'fra Pfca'^iilfi^. thP^-'VSinO'ir;- I'lill Ji'ob. ■-.';i l»y-: W:ilter (Src-pi^ouKli;. foiirc by l-:uii'i n(> l!oii>'i>r; 'l>oiJk niliininfl £r<>m Jill- nrpr Wyllo^•;:nB\*l liy-Jliitli HhIc. ■ ,. ^ . ri-if-r ;ii"i<A">*«i-'. ;-•'...' • • • ■;"<'ii'i sicna « ^Ufisilllii- licriils.;;. . : ;. . . .;;.•:.'^l'l^^• f llvtlri'- Chpviillcr; lie. .Chnmolncut, ,c;«.or«i' ■ ueunt.'i'i Vlrjjitiiii. Alvlsi.-; I.nti*; ;,..:>. .:'. Aiiei-n> -Uiiviliii.v.J;.. ijiiiAt .iVii-i«-<ii«.>.f.;.i Mi'iriji J';<ii^'.wI«D-. lir.-ini'ii: i.'<jniriv)n1:..... i(';iiiiiiil-|f>'vii',lM>iiiin'.\. l.-ililu'll;! .M- iir<«ili^o;. .ZM-bliiouii ■ .'t'l-An. 'I.'o.lniliivo ;./iir«i;;, i .' ,;vi-:i*»i*1iIn('<;.U<'iiO.'**'; !?o:i^.iln'iiccIii.: Ita'bl... t.-piiln yiii.-<-k'il- .,;;.'v..Ki1ft<ir Klt-.lill ;.iUi'i>iii"hil ;Iiiinil"y- .'.;,..:. ;.-.<iH(!i-;(M;.irWo, . . .l^-c IiiirK-CH" ,li)Hij- CaftPr-WiiJcl,;'.!! ;';..'■;I»iir'(it1i.v. .Iblillh.jn, .. -^.'.'.f-',rixH-lrf:iV''Uwll.>\r: ,;. ;'.'Aii''li''-: i^iin'l<»t-!»on /,-.;;;'. l."l<'ir..iu-.. iriiu;! i,iVvy-M;iiV ;.;;i'..Ni'im:iii;t>w,iTrf travefsoa three ict.s -of/;iieKati,ve actlbh ; yitli; notlilnir. to distinguish.. - It ti-om manlj othcics;, ■ ,:-:;' ri-eserited'' al th6-~Theiitre":MiiVt ■ - for a', six -day 'liiin. ..ff regor-s;. serlpt . :l:wati/ necessarily baridicapped by';a . •- .I mediocre, . cast; / :sbriieihlng , that Hubert couldifi't be avoided. I'ut lo^etbef ^ ' oil a shoest/clngi riioal of-.the iJayers work' for, riolhlng /here; Accpraiiig , , , . -,, ; „.„_^,.,ito reoerit reorgaiilzatlon.-Mrs;,Allcp . . .1 bis . la suppose^ .tP be •, «'Kn'»i/ :i?^ii>e 'k irriey^'T "Iheatre irrt'imo" S Plraiidellp's/;ilrst etf,«:t. ftL..»)akinK; hiii..^el£:.<iuite clear. Cril kc-lila <i#-Uttl 1 * Mart X?rm.fIaHOl- prpyokingdiscuisslPnjjl^j^SJ^y.ibat ihQv — ': j,!a)'riey .do- ; . j'r: jinote /?lie, -,, I'tiire tbe I"'?* ^ _ _ Ki-iini ii.iw prt; siio; Is .'ciilJriK^: for :sunPb>'tei',^ subscripliOirli.liiS;: ;, ■ /.;': •, /,; ',' ,Whi<:li all hn.s nptblrig-to dp with Gregbr^.S ■VB.'irreri Trees" e^?oopt.tnal„-, It Wfis;t6u!;li nridlng m»inoy„tb -gi^^. .the ■ play-, ample • pi bdiietibii.v - pn'y one t, but with: a cast of T7;,:Peo- . pie. r,oc.aIc of story li^ in i;»>>''h'^^, tpWni civpltal . -bt - Hirltlsiy... ^•''I'^S. ; wUeip -ArabeUe Greene follows t in nge-bld proft'SKloii.'-.alded. by ,a. (,">. friend;- - yhov hiansiiBes ;ao save up eriPiigli ;tb biiy .H/eomelery 'plot herself but itiv.e.s it >UP IQ ?: - 'Si iiiider the .skiif vVlio.' conjmlls : eldeVand Mcave?< .Arabellc'WitlV. b*^t child:'■■/.;/■/ >/..,■:■; ./■:■ :-..-'\:^--;'/, ^,: .fit iiiifch-': bongrbgiitioii ^ V^^«';?;^;i?- rl^lrilillsiovc•^^'lhe rhihi's pWsf-"!^;/^ the hoiiso'bf ;sin a»>d .tries lp_taK" IKivllilli' iiirl away: /AratH-n/-/'''^''^'' for; the ,,Uld'- I'iJt t" :'?'" ;a\ail. , ,- Gpi>'pc't.t5i lb ■ .1 ;:i7SQ jlselIlii^r; iTiiglit ili.'i vo (-ha ini ;i'or IbVt^rs oi; cli.'imbiT: music, -but u*f a'-Broadway li'isslbil- Itv :it is' a bu.*. . -Xiif -t-bat'tliero la /not guj'M-y 111 '"'i'ln'/ :V'enel (.'.lass' /.Voplii'Wi'' Tht'v slioiild; li.'ive- pul ;i,t down:,!ri;: the■:Vlllage; -wllero:."'Flre^- ; ^: (^f'ontlrii!<''d/pn;'liajL^Z/t^^^^ / bn'e biil' a'tva'lhcd Qbs,cii'rlst ,oi':ri;:re .a:e.'<UiciC!: .'cbiild:'squeeze :'any sci^sc from'. it; '. '-.' /"" -;: ;■.•'/;-' • •: -. l>i.r:.iridelU>'.s-'';As .'i'au; Desire; Me is;on6 bi; the ."c.urreiit; season's .Itops. It / resei'ved //for /iioxl;: so.isbu /ebni .iiierolal pi'eaentatlon'/'''I.ii;z'/ia:i'ji)'' -liiay bo /i-eoly^offiT.ed in /prei\ietloii: as a ('e,rtii:in, ?iiil( k fpUk'r. .Tliis ;:typ.fc'- of; riiiiiititl Cttllstli^riles \vlH iievcr, at tract; tiic sporiduUcks otsariy (ixtefti Si ye 'l>prt iPn of the, i?re;it Aiiiorlcah; l«>pidacc;.;/.-: ';/;':';--,■;'; '• / :.:/^-',/-//- /v ' ■J^herp, IS;, be cbijl'se, for/a tli'eati^o like /the (ibodniari' soHUi -i/filue .iinil solue' lijtei-ost. in .sUch; fi i*la y witb lts,ariisiiV','.;ili(l-'(>.;*bteric/iii\'leii.<l^ l':s)i«('lilil.v;. •>iince -tUfr iirescriitatiori iKiil' -iyliat,; luster ■Ibert': is /l'S ;'l')Ciiifi a^i- Aiiieri(;aii' 'prL'iiiiei;eV At^vii .seiril s,ii|isitUze:d;eiiier.i)i'.i'V(e wjintii'iii 'on^^ lol -pay .:fj)i'; it.seic. and ::wiiii;:ticiors. uf.'.v'jivi- gi-i (Itvi? iiiori.'.'lluii'i .5T."rSs'eel*!yj 51 repifr.tiii}'/jjroiip c;aii :>'iffi>i-d "tiiz- '/iiro.;'':, .-ai.itr'p'; nn'<i)oy,-,griibb(>rs'; will luiiyily'' .IJieii- .■n!''ji\oy ip,, tore: dpbiiied i!s;p:oiiimei>t,-;- /. . '■■' ■>■. />:; , ■ Jt!s -a :tbri'-':-^,wiridirfi.r..'id.o: iilioui "falllj: a.:nd; loss -(>K taith; ab.irtit-'ii.: ri'>'i;ii-i>;r Uri.-ilber>^t ll.vViig.Jas ■ilii>:V»vasiiiil wifi>. lif a'former/Vii'i/vanl «-l)ilt< ,her Cjjr- ' iuoT' ■•irll'^focraCii' llliysbiiiitl si.illts jilid cveii:; wVt.'ii ahb dlsco.vor,s-;tliat /tb" , >rmrt'-ut'tbe::<;oVoiiy;: wlv■^:p!;dt^,•;' "^^^^ deported., uMii: tuan _ w-bo' l^ei' ■ ^ •'pUiy be tViiii(;,:aiipeur!j/tti: conie -back." ; / ■ ' - ', 1 ' / ilewvjlinij ^ii"VtUihji;.JtC: th>i^ 7 f j iiikiit-db-,4jpn,ie ero.>fi-."i>,iii?d'^-WVSr. r<)l"' -iiiclur{-s,:-i(ny,wii" iiif- ihehie. :. , ; /li.'-i'-av""'