Variety (Mar 1931)

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imiETY r icTii II ci Wednesdayv i^ai'ch 4y 19;{I •! ■ :i''<i;i.i W'voi)pi'atio» of- tho^ riin>.. iiV .dusti y ,\Yill, iKivo: to. Tje niusieved iC : tl^e pr^pyscd oUang^.'jlv the Y. P- BuiUTliiK ,C«iic iK'. to got br^ivlf tinil : ■ iipriiilt, tiie vr^c^uiv -oi' Ktin ■ 0\»<>r tlieatre aiulitorlmnPi VCc:'"'!'.'"- ' IkkIc intei'estfl ow.niiis .nia . hinlpps '-In and - (ii'innut >'<'>V; \'o'"'>- •:: have intprnoxca' opiiosltlViii io llw V 'Tli^«e. same lo^H ini(?i'Piits:: are' /;thrt> rtlur; vviirW, v"^ ; thi-y' ;.' Bt'iiiid' lioiii. siinilai' :|ii>ucliis.:(i-oi)v . tlio propO'sVd vliai'>i;« tlii-y ol'il"!' <-l.>is , Vbenptle is ■•oniy ; iVi'ooretlcai since. . iiith-Vhoiiscs \voi-o tjpnsjtiiticlecV ii'mlor : ;\,tIio (jxlstlng hiitioiiig coilc wltli :iio ' . i'esevv.atipn' fov fiiturov liulwing ex- 0 ■ pa ivsloii. luis ivhlle.many ^ idln.) , Jio|6ses. . lwvc. 7>«e)vv's0;^ c , tijat. suiyplejiieiitary 'bulhllngfl inigjit : be ereoteiVovor thfe flluv au(lJ"t6iluY«Si ■:' the nVajorjiy of leelt Rouses are .not. ■; tiii>is. -s.lluated.- ' ■' ■, : ■ -'; , " ■,- i . ' ■ ■;■ boxyriiowiv 'sourcps iiiJieaW Hiat' • tKO/liiqljp^QU.I'harige has ilie £ull kcr '• . : '4:oi'd: »>t.-t)ic biiiUlJn^ com.iViiMCie. oC '■i. tire: clt>- :\vlilCb- must: iivst p^^^ .on ' Bucii iH'OPosed-. chanfecs. ; Owing to , powei's, lio\v,evor, it UaiS, been .' inO^r ■ ; cafi^a ;triatvtho'^onimlUte'ij -rCcomr ; ..menaa.tjoiis' riiay• not.voaciv. .the ,A1-. " <lccmani6 Boaid.■ ■ . . The gliangfe. as -pvoposed .\v6yld '^fvmit' the constractlpn oiC. varied •.'buiuiliigs bvciv thcitre'::tu<Utpriunis ; iiiid as tall'is,':20.^stories: above tlie" ■il ti'ieatries.' .These': sni^plementary ■ sitrueturea might.. b.6 : "apartment •,.ofllce buildings or .shbps; but : ' tliey" wonld tlirouglr tlielr hicrcased \-eai-estate 'potenUalli^^ .. -muLli. b. .6. -pi-essure oiiii conipajiy ' grosses .In'vdoubttul .exhibhibn .pe- v."i-iiids; \. : xi--- .. ■ ■■ ■■;} Jncome'-' IncreasV^ ;■' .\.'-<' ■ . VaricJiiis ;liguve3 gathere^^ 'indicate that, siioh Ihcpme .i^s, lie' derived, frpm; }. -wbuld iieli) relieve opera-ting .cdst^ ■ oh. theatres Iif .this' territory, i'rpm • ■ ■. id fp] :00.%V .ac.cpraing .tp: .tlVeatre y-: iijid ihp IpyUtlph tlierebti.' -'- ' \ . ■ Tlie. mpye, to change .the ppclie 'fpr • ^ . tills • pvirpCisci'.^^ i dowiUo.NVh,, -Avna^'-i^ -by .the ■ ' ■ new. nianagcment; of FoJc Theatres " ■ thr.biigh ;ilVe cpniiyaiiy^s':public: vela . .tlbns , counseUo.r, '. FranK Penderr : . griist; :S6! far tls knpwnpVvhllc th^ ■; nii?asurc wouW e^eatly aid Ihpr^the- \ '" atre ln.dii!itrj-;as a .whole .and gen-. : ..• erally so,- Fox Is'.Uio 'only. cpip'lVany, ■ ;a^^^^^^ .'cftpj-t ! for, . the change. ' ' .^■■ JHe Albert Wartwr^Jby^ To Miami in 28 Hoiirs Press Gppy^^ ■: ; ixls. An^olM^^ ftjart^i. 3,' ;' : I-os^AhRele?t^^^^ be,- ". ■ giiMiiiig lp :R";t cdcU ih'cati'os, ptittlng: thtimbs dbwn. on'pulilii-itjv.cppy, aboiit f>Pinli)g ■ (ittrar>;l<r;is If they ai'e ti-iiiler-y \lz('d • in : advahre with dates . /(jlVpn. V . • . .' '■ '■■„■ ■., ;, .vVitltVi'le pf; (lie- shpets'jieoVhi*, •tp : ■ be^ • ao.oordlng' to ■ tluVatre nvpn. that; whori .d theatre ail- : vftrtlsrs a plrturo. witli th,o diite, Rlveii It Is taUlng: certain '•iiuws- yriliie"-, ' of -the htprlbs; away ifrohv the iilip^rs. v v • : Miami;Ben;eli;: Mafcli: 3, • Mr. and Strs, Albert: y\%irner -ar-- Iveii; ivcjpc: Mpiiday (?), .cbmlnij frorn. lips.; Angi-les; by; piane'. • TheiyV left- inimedlatel^', to 'be .at ' thie bedside of iewis Warner, ill!, Syitli blood ppl- spnihg' In the . Il^yaria , Htb^pltal, Harry -, 'AVarner/ . fs^^^^ of v . the Striclten yputli, Is. nc(w Avith ljijrn;; Time;; c;pnsunved in .the fllgh t frpm LPS Angele.e/ niad.e'; in a. clinrtpred F.ofeker, was- S8 hours.;' Lbcfil avla-^ tlPii pfllclals estlnifite; :tl,>e ::ipst of the tran;sconfinbntai- air, ■ tflp, • at iio.qob.' ';,;' - ;■ v'y■•, ;.:,;■ :: SurilCient ; ;recpvcry :. foV ; young Warntr to peniiit, hl/s.,return- home to New; Ybi'k, ;. is .reported :eise\ylver'c, in thi^ issue. : :' \ [. , , ' DRESSUR'S THREE Seriog* Yiirn, '.'RiflhteV and "tbaat'l Have :M-G $ciribe* Hustling , ... /■ . : Hollywppd, ,JIarcli' Si- .Metrb lias tiirc'e stprics In prp'oicss of, ilcvolppnient for Marls t)rb>!Slcr. One is ;a HM-lbtis yarn on ,Vhfoh Franocs-.jrnHpn is vvprl<l;i;ij., : , Starting. withljt .twp; /.weeks fpr Miss ; Uressler, ,\viU; be - "IVVdmori's Illgh'ts/'"in: brigjnal by C.. GardnW" siiyiv-nn laml .Wolls' Rootr base on an idea by KbherV-Hopklnsr - . ' i ^ A" third.; ^hftplng. up. .for Ivei'; is -'.'Tbast':of -tho Tpwh,'' wlilo'.h Sixni -MarkS; ,liaa • sliitted./around. tc^ writers an(i;;UP\\-;, tli^ iviiiuVs: of: Al Cohrt io'r-flnal trj%; •: . ; > \ .Sllii Oiltib-shakyi;frpnt hbr re- cent )v«ar^atlVci{..;Miss.])r^^^ left iaifltiVveek for. .Sarttii Barba.i-.x tb rest beforeygping In agiftlnj . . . ■ - : Birmliighanl,. Mai'oh 3;; ; Ai^m'a n Jiv; the Alabuniia. .,\then;; tlie cqinmerpial lllni l)ut out.J)y ■ Clvif-stcrncld w^s flaslied .sbrooa .|;oi i.Mv; and .walked but; , U r(?mlnde;d IVlni h .,to.'.sn)bi<e.. , WB-FN WttL STORIED BUT FOR CHAnERTON ;; :' V; - VliiUywoortV itprf-hrs: ; : ■Wai'l'ior : Bi'bihers and Fii'st Na- tibnal .li'p pretty;'weVl '^bt On :slbry; ; ,)ii.'vii»ria;l rbr the : iVotiilng /season, but are expf^rtjng , (ioiVsld<;i-o,i))e. ! in ; tbp- way .of 'pilglnats fi\(>m; writers , pldbed. uivdef vpnti'act specifically for that purnp-!&i . ' /: ; ' Xeedeiil. It is said, 's':To.r ■■■ stories ;; t'la.t slinp.c up .i-i^Iiti tor. ■■■ linth C'halierloiV \vlion .roniliig pvtr lii - bctPber, Xpthjng ,(okayed, yet ■ f<AvtlilsWar.-. ■ ■ ■,■ ,- ' : , ■■ yv i t ii Jak e: AVil It i v u 1 !• II i I! s .• t b. Xow ■ Y.prk alPne instead yf -Svilli jack and. ifajbr A Ibert; Wai'iwr, \vho> i p6!5tpoi)ins;'thefr. irfp: uritir lateiv^^.h^^^ : wjll be; iili tlie; IpPlr fiibni timt end jcbr •Clial.Cei'ibii els' well ii.s ^rpwoll /■ material., ..■ : -'.y' ■ . : ■ ' WB' Hnd/ P-V .'stoiy dciJarlnients • liero aj'C, npw in. <;tt:i rgj pf Hbwar<l .Sm it Ii ra rid Ma li ri y Aybl ^ \rcspc,ot 1 re- ly, with "fbrinbr, dirocUy' under, or,- ,dpi s tp Dai-ryl Zanuclc;^ C\ ;.Grah(im liaker.. . . . ;' , V M-G Set pri ''Cherries'' ' • • ^ ' iriji.lywppdr Mivrol) .3,v;, Moti'o, ■iv1)'i<';i- ,l)a.'< tlio. jninp on ■ ptlier .studios for•'')Bl;i'i.k';.Steiumed ■ ciiei-riesr' ; Ir-git • bit r iiv Budapest; throuigh;«i 30-day, is'i'eji.dy to buy ;tb,e pieciB toV early pr(idjii<U'i"u: : -. <*: brdPi.i Kalin ;iuis' .siii i'ted d'ia i»t;' Ing It ior the scvflfn. ■ Boyd^airlbwJor In U's Borneo Footage :'' : '■;;: .;.;;IIoilywpbd. March sr . 'V' vtirilVersal" has' a:\incilev ;y'irn ' tP. ht ' into ■'■.White ■ Captive'- ^ siibts taken invBpi:nep;;an^^ ujj -the:; Cast. v BiU..^^^^ under; contra'ct ,tO l*aranioiV)Vt; vis Wanted /.for one ■ par^/; and;-, either AVarner pi.T.nd or Clustavc .vPiv Sey-; f6rt,itz ,foi;;;ariplliei:. •, ■ O.irl' wi 11 probdbly. be Jenn. IJai-jbw,. (^.eprKC ■.M'olfp>-(|v -whb . wilt/ .0 Is ■ already df. work;';jirbpai'iiiii fbr edrly.'.«hpbtln'g! . ..Story 'yur^^^ l.vliV)', was . turned, out by ;Dale; Van. 'Every.'-'-.'/,/ ■■' '[''"'':,.-"■''■. ' : \1 spent-:$lSl'l,yOfl:-on^- lh<? Eorrieb (iliorls. -,■ /-V . •[■ '/■■. '■'■'■' : ./: >. Ti;entbn/N,; J.,;jaa^^ 3^ ,; ,/Agbiits .of vihe, allefeed fraudulei^ Btbclt :'enterprise, known as Diyieriil- fled'. Pro d u c i; a. '.CprpbratiPrt .arc claimed to' h'ayc -mui.cte.d scpreg~,;pf' residents ih / Trenten.^^^'a^^ ibwns of many thbusanda of dollar^i, it, becanie kn,bwh .\ylth the Jmllct- nie'ht- of / seven pei'sbna ;by ,;ihe; Fed- eral', Grand Jury.,:';,'Twp.of thpse. in- dicted ,wprkedvin 1rre»itpn a."? sales- mcn fo«; the corporation. .ThSy In- cluded, ambng tiieir. yictlhis-'cle irien ant! laymen ofthe Gdtliollc Cib^ ^ese pf. Trentbii, in a, .reputed ..effbrt tb clean up inoylnjg.pictureWi r: ■; . rndlctmenV9 ;r'CtuVned ;against tlic ring cbntalri the charge, tbtit the cpr- porktibn 'talsely, .'repreBentbd ; that /John; Pi-. iDuliard,; presideht of ;the •Trentbii .Board- of. Educatlpn, -w'as; ^. membbr; of the ■ corppratipb's .a.dvis r , pry bpard. "■':'■ ' ' ; ' One investbr, of - St. Mary's parish,, is reputed to have lost his life's sav- ings of $5.000;by seillng his holdings 'in a legitimate, enterprise, and buy- ing/.'stpck'ill the allbgert Blni swindle. ' A cler0:inan :ber€ :was:/alsb, rcpoi't- 'ed tP h6ve $10,000. . - All' putcbasers'of s'tpcK here .said fh'ey bellevbd' the picttii-e jprpinotibn a' legitiiriateN cbncerit;- Tbe chletsaJe'B talk ■ of the;, agents -was based Ph' .a prpmlscd production of ii' superfilni tb be known as "Mary,, the Virgin." s $350,000 Deposit As Option in Boston Forfeited by Coort -, y:.': , Boston, March 3.. .JTox theatre pi;oJect' involving, a WO.OOO.OOO ■ biilldiiiff l)ropp3lt^^ tlid Kite . pt the Hotel Tpuraln'e bobbed up in tlie cpurt.<; again; Judge Whiting- rilled the $353,000 held lii escrow to guarantee options on the property merger be given to the property pwners irifplved. Tho Ipscr la the Bpylstpn Trehipnt- Corpora- tion, representing Fox. Theatre in-' terests. ■.■■-':,..■:;.-/.. ■■-'■-:/;'■■■■.':'':- Dates back to. 'Wilitahv, Fps day pf cpnti'ol of Fox. 01ca8oii Weakens ; • , V' ■ ' - . ' Hbllywbod. Man.h ,1. .'. ■James Gljeasbri, \vho/ left Pailu; re- cently to become-jt-free lanbe,- la how ' talking contract with RKO-ratlie.. I}« may do a part l.ii" "Bebouncl." ;: Actoi* 19 set -to -.nppenr / iii "Free ; 'Soul,V j^ornia filidatcr film at Metro. Fox Buys "Sovel" ' ,'';'. Hollywood. March. 3.- Fb.V; lias !:i..i-bc-n 'i-iglits to -■■Sovel," llV,^liill)'ed fiilman. . /; ■/. • ■ iramiitbn :.Mai;l'\addon iivay. direct; ParamonntVTwin'Bny Aigauist WB in Newark / . ''.} I;'; J^e'n-ark, X,'J., March 3. . Paramount. has taken over the Xowark and the t'nlted States In Pat^r.soh from. tiio-iVdanV.s Brptliers,. Jndeiieiident'Kbu'se bf dpy Jm- pbrtance In ^ tlie' 'downtown district. .Tcrnis of tho deal: sire hbt;'publle as; ..Adam A. Adams, active p.irtner'liere, says they mu.xt come ft'ohri .the Skou- rases.: It Is understood th'at Par. management gojes'in; almost imme- diately. /■■.v-':;./'/;;v,;"'".';v -yi ■For iiiany years the rumor that' Par.; wpuld.tak'e"thb:ip't'ar.ho'ii.«ie has persisted, it jibpiit 2,300 and. is within a'few doors,of Broad and Market, but/ iiri.s-gfilned .tVe'roputiiT tlbn of being in n bad ibcdiioh. Many Ippk/ujipn tlic mevc./as thc first giin' ef, a :\var ■against ■ Ayarneirs. ' .Paris' p\vh unltij playing tiib, near-by WB: Bradford; V "■ sy ■ ;..;.';//./ Sy/' Report'strbiig.tiidt'ti^^^ arc gbihg;tp a(id/sp,rte nelghbbviiPPd.s tP their string. \ yy^' / '. . 'yr nScenl Increase In tiie.'iire' rob. berlpa ift various'iiarts of tlicHPun, :■■ try is arouaing theatre pperatprs to demand collective Industry pibtec; tlbrt frpm the- Haya bdlce/; The ;rbni, - paiiles dre'alike in a move, tp bring pressure; -on everywhere'fpr added li.o. piotPction / .add - thft .mPre... Importdnt Viteid of / ■ lives. y- '-'y^ "'■'-,;■"■.'\-'' ':' '/'■-;";'' •'.. The bigger tiioatre.heads arc par-- ticularly plqticd becauiso;\yhilc nieaa-' . ■ urcs such as sex ddvertjRlng/ hav© ■been-t«ndertak'en ^W,biie:bde''that ion. ' perns tlic gppd win of all theuti-ea and / the well-being of theatre pa- « trQns and emplbyeesi is; being bvor.^ ' looked by Induatry heads. : ; From bno soiu-cc there was offered a -inoyembnt of d; general industry protection unit that could- police all ■ money collection and call for merely expanding the present b. bi checking ' systcin. Its feasibility has liof been gone; Into, deeply. , Sev<;rdi' surfacft . objections were readily seen. ' '. Another plan was for the Indue, try as,a,.whole to employ-a;'special - dct'etflve fotce that AVouid. work; for ■ '': thea.tre protQctlbn,. wOnie d- thlrd la - to li.a.Ye- a; central lnd,ustry collec- tion br'gjinhidtlonj, tliafc would- dial;*, all hotises with armored cars slmllar .' to those u'sod, by/banking housc.-i. ; ■■ ■ ■. All the big circuits have becn'suf. . ferera. Incldain^ ItKO, ;Fpx /aiid ; Publlx. At Publix, not. so long ago, an armed :but'glar waiUpd.-bft with. ,som.ctblng .dfbu'nd $1.0,0.00 from .tha , ; Paramount,!; Broadvvay,;, RKo'smb^^^ recent expei-'icncc was the-alugglhg pf - a 'tiiedtrc/ mdnaKer . ;ii) 'Chicago;- while Fox has had .to /suffer, frdni-,/ the rebbery' pf sovcrdi. ni'ighb hbuses - in New Yprk; - ■' '•;- Origiiiai for Astor ,;..-'. Hpllywood, March i. First starring picture for 'Mary AStbr at Radio will bo.-an ori^nal, how being written at the' James Whittakcr. ..;-:; ..Tenta'tH;ely ;the yard Is called "The Dove," just for ide.ntllloatibn RUBEff WEST - ,J. Robert Rublni . vice-iiresldont ;\vhb dabbles in -'niany :brancli<?s Pf- Jleti-o, left for <" '' ."Saturday (28). He will be gpne about two weelss."; , i;^' '•' ,/' ; /..■;:"', .^ '.'.' Ti'ip Is :iri;the nature; of one bt hi semi-annual .visits tp the stUdlb. . Laemmles East in April . .Hollywpcdi March 3.! _Carl T>aeu.imle and Lacmmle, Jr.. ■togeihrr//with .Ddye.;Bader, w'lil not go east fintil April. , Meanwhile, pi-pduct|ori. Plans are; being fpi-my-' latcd. fpr the W31-32 season and re ppening pf -thb ;Urilver.sal; studlp arpund April 1. - , The I.aem'mles -ivllV .be ea^t, -In time for.- the. ea.stern -annual . sales convention to be held In 'April or 'JJiVy';,', ;,„:'-;.,;;; ■"■'',:■.:/:>.-', ' : - tj c.vocs- seem to bo set on d iprb- ■■ii'AW- pC'.JC; fpr.ncsit^year. 28 Indie Features for 6,000 Houses Mohosrrain Pictures Organized gat Meeting in A. C—20 Present—W. ft. Johnson, Pres. --;;■'' ^''^-:.--/.';- -'' -' "'li /--■/, ,',: /:■•" ;♦ "." ,,'.'; ".;'.;'."'; " '.. — ' -.'" .';;"' ■■/■('■" Atl.nutlc City,-March 3. .Twe'n^y/.lndependent-\distribtitpr8; iinO producers gathered at the,Ani-/ bassadpr. Ivot^.^librii: 'rivur.sday//(2S^ organizing tlie Ivlonpgram pictures prgaiUy.diibn •; which will, 'pi/b'ducc ■westerns-and melodramas. . Program ;for next season,-is set:Jlbi:-, 23 pictures, ;- Six thPuVaiid' ;lndc,- pendent picture liouses In tho cibtin- try'.will use liio productibnB.'. it, was' siild. '■:;/ ;:'■;/,■■;;- :.■ . Andbnni'Od;a 'studl».,has been pur-, (•based; blV'S.tinset-'bpuie''\;aV^ liolly-, wppd,' where three soundproof ;s.tage.S;\vlll' bo: erpptexV/With-^^^ cording apparatus for. .sound. '• ' ' U'iio plbcers are W. Rdy Joiiiispn, ))re.sident; Trehi ,Ca;rr, vice-pres,, in cliargb, pf ' productlpn;" ; Harry Thonid.'), ylce-pres.. In charge oit ex- changeS,^ and Albert Fiedler, ■ treii,?- urer. ■ • . ':y/^'\-- 10 DELAY FOR "REBOUND" . Days Behind, Owing ^CJaire's Tests to- Ina llollywppd, March 3. •;Pathb'fl ' VRebbund,'! s'd ',(o get ;ui)de.i'' way tlity .wC(^ :ddy-s away frpin /starting, d.atcr ^■, ■ / .- Ind naire,. .starred; • will . spend most- pf the week stibmlttlng ' to iitake-up te.stsr.• Keither illss ;ClaIrc nbr;■ the studio . bas'. been sntisn'',Mi with earl lei' test's.' . ' - ;•'::'.■• Keichenbach Away , Tn aboiit, liu'ee weeks Harry Uolclienbach, wllh '1)1** wi I'.e, expects JO Ioa,'\-o Js'ew .York i'o'i'' Phoe'iiix, Arii:'' '.The; will re-, in.nin in that c4^>^ or od^an; A^^^^^ dude ra nch fPr'a; nibnth or So.' ./,■ ; Jreainvliilc IIarry;;is:dgdin /bonie, i-esling, .after; Ills recent operation. ■ Ed Schiilcr is doubling 6n tishing . IripS;'/: back frimVFlprldii ilpn*'; . day; hc.i'eaye^ Fi-lday foiVtonv. don, as the tirst- slop . bn, a vi.slt ta . .South Africa. . . ;; "/..-;' [ ;' ■ Jn Klbrlda, Se'hillor went lishiiie / fbr lish; in Africa; it will; /be the-' , aires. .' .' " '■ ;■'.'" ..'_';, -.;/ :y'[ 'Lodka- like Suhies.sln^rcr\ trouble, again ivlth Mcti-b; In; ,ilie~ '-trader,; .Horn'tropicus. Happened ;d- '() ago, too, but; 'befpi-b ;Lpew's' -jveiit . Ihrpugh with their purpose tirat lims of erecting- aW .oiipPsi lioii to' Sthli>sai '/ ilygers.'' African . TIicdtrc TrH'sti th* 'SclVicssingei%..cavcd in/ to thorn.. .'-. '. ;^-Sihce;then the 'l\incmas 'I'licatres Corp. . has . erected Itself ,jrt / thb;.. Svhiessingbrs' territory, . witii tlis chances Col,- SChlller -\vpd't, havp-to-. "ddlly top. ipng'.in waiting for a bit* vvlien landing lii .Capc .Tbwn. . ; In Florida, and. Hd swears it, He; caught- a !)3Tlb. tarppn. 'it 'wfi-s/sb. big, says ;i:d, .that,'when lie pulled tiie giant, out d£ the water, da? turned Into night and he almost lost. / the tarp in the d.-irkness, . iJut Etf hung pu: foj'\.iOminutes. When ths phbtograpHer' iinisiics the back view, • .then it will convince you, but by llibn, lid ncKlect'f'rf iii'say, hc/\vill b8 on his way to lOurope. ; ' /■': '; The;Lpew tlie.1tre chief sonic yoats ;ai;p; wcnt to' Lbudoii tp rirgPlliiif^ tpr tlie Oainnont Ibeatrc circuit,' so he;. Knows ail aiio.ut li-iyvcllii.!; — and llshing. •'/ ■.;.;■;■ ■.^/;'.:''/;/'. ',-/';'; ■; -' y':.' :■ Radio Sets two '■ / liollywbod, .March 3. , ■ nb d Ip ' ha s two bWgjhalu. w ri tic ti by /John/ Howard/ liawson pn bis Uadib contract. "Kvcry (^)rl" add VlJaus/liic-rs, Pf Joy;"'■; ■: ' I ''''tin," , with ^lary Astor, will probably go. ;iir.'it,; a\ itli "Joy" Kid;;-! ,rin^ Irenc 1 >unnc foliowldg. ■ / . .Roesner Back on Coast ; ' ' ; y^'y. Hollywood, March ' 3'. '; George Rosener, who left here for N^w- York'dft«;r; dtaglng:: "Db, Su- zanna," * musical, is cpmln'B' bark.; He now, iios-.a Path'b cbhtracti - DIETEICEC m APKH -J. . ';■ iro1ly,wood;-;jViai'c'h 3. ; ,>i.rtrl<'nb plctrlch Is due-back bcri; in, Aiiril. JJow/ ihat "IDlshonoreil'' luts hecn shiijppd .caflt, Paramount- Is looking around for d story )"or'the Orrnidtv girl.,.! .-.i :'. ■'' ' \'. yy Jpsei: .vpir Sterdbei-g ,\vlll7direC't. •! ; WBITERS IN, OUT . ■ lioUywppd, Mai'cb ft. John . V. A. Weaver Is. leaving Piiriimount and Arthur kober,; here on. sp.eCi,.i;as /ft ;contradlt.' Both ard writers. • y.-'':''y'\. ■■■y-.y- Weaver;htifl otiif^^ ' ' "Gangster's Girl" Film ';■ V - : iipTiyivpod, March 3. . . JUCO-iPalhe; be'lieycs it iwlll ipsii^ a new style of underworld picture'id the;rewritten/Ktory from 'JacJf Lait's novel,."On the Spot.'' : Z; ' ; ;! ; ,'>■, It -will star a;. jirbbahiy; llelcn : Twelvctroes, and um.v ^ »-Jilled /"A Cia.uBSter".s. Olrl;" • WUBTZEL'S EUROPEAN TKff ■ Hollywood, MiUTb-3. / ■ Pol- Wtiri'/.c; i.s-, jiiauiiluP;- io..lea\:o here in .Jiinu for lp/;Sveclis abrw^ 'Strictly .d'vacation.- - • / - ' ;. - '/,".. Lc Roy East ■ '■■ „■-■"' ■'.'-. .. ; : ltoIl.vwpod,: M<>rch 3. - ■ . / With : the i^ompiotion oi:'::"l?>'Wl'- .minded" at First /Ndtional ne^c ill';' week, Mei-.vln, I> lloy, dirfccor, Icavb^ -fpr //NeW York to ;.look . ;'irive;' Star "Flnal.'^ illV ''*'''^ '"■ ' ansignnient. : .'/./'. ^: '- .' ,'. ;: t^f /; /Roy/will rcdiain In the e«sf.rpr: two' wcck.s.' . ; . . '■/■;"■-