Variety (Mar 1931)

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W ■•ti 15 ^ iC-ifvo (iiif. ,cajied-.a- :Aterctd(*.s tak(is ■■ th'- a^'Pertt on. thfe mlUaie .Hyllable'.. : viid :oi\\y ottxet.. <far.:.- that -Is. meh- ' titnt-a'1" Hlifa dbnfliiet'ot the Amor-: . Jcaii heroine -with 'tho "British arlsr. ■". iD^■t•xcys Is . an : lisdtut^cx'cciit' tht' ; liiiii'l i'<»ilo^oyt In 'wliicli.'.the^ h6rolnt>' r :*has'. ii;eii<:fr;ana- jiiipiJh in ^ thf ■ ai'fiis flf.JK't loyCiv v%'l>6' at tiiei.-mO.- /■iriiijic- Is - iV"lvlhg,:a: j''ord;. A '.-ft l^^' a J''<>i'tV.' and that's•..tho,:fli)lrU. ,; bi'.ttie siori-.. v:, :- : - :^ The .nHtr'. waving, I9 grand and teloiioiis; They . have' on^ rlt:h: ilas-' - euBe' In ■ which, the hearthhxoken . ■ liei-ojnc, seeking, to ;drQwri her sorr,.. ■ ■.rou' : In . wild.,, llvlnff .craahos- the, . B\i'uriklest kind pf a;h(BhT.t.bhed narty'. . jii ■Mtiyfalr." lio leSSj; \vlih. two Amer-. ■. -.ican sallova In tow, itnd to. the.'ljca^- ' da I- of tlie. Kaih.ered "eiie'sts. all hahdii. ; ^ero •lniy„a dice, sriinie, oh the- drawing' A roMhV llbOri -, It -that. doesn!t :eef iho ' lowrt.vhteV It'a loo bad.- . - ,. <'' . • '■■ ■ TM .■yvliole- thihp .la dohev-vvl'tli Ifi-: .siinjiVt.lng :cleverness; . .The Bmriil .' ol'iV stiira jvn* ratrlpe's" hdsn't;been . :■. waveU o.ij siiiKe- of sore'eri. wlth\n'iOro eriVfV!flnR ,jsirffht-Of-harid In. . smy^ :hods:'.ii jnoniouy; .■ Arid- llie. whole- ; thli;R-.s ■;a.. roA'tl; In hlgft com#dyvt6 . the .sopiiditloated' .and thrilling ■■ro-"; ' 'n>5in<;(^ W-t|ie;jialve. >. :..< .' .V-Picture gives; Pa^il LUcas onfe of Ivis :i)e.'f't;.6l)port»nltleB'In Amevlcan y>I<^tiire«.; Horie. ls-a roiriahtU; actor ;; oit ItiifiiVlte poise ahd.'a; certalh.'flaybr: . thiii'.<irstlngulshes hinri'.from the.'old ■', fllrii .,tyj>e .6t I'thov; ep.ljar wdverUsf i ' "; i<V<i|it hioile'l, a saiiipie fot. ^ ,.; tielti'V ."t'ei-ni ,ihig,ht Ije qallcd the ac-J . ■ tor' of: i'o.htlnejitdl 'elegancd ,Miere • lio plaVti- U dlrtlStilt pjirt- wlth ap : IsliWg ])la', clinching, a 'role ; • p!iryf-d.,wltii splendid: eftebfiYeiifesB: :: Ijy 'XIIsR t'hUt.lertbh,;These:two domi '•; ihUtei-tlie ph'tiVre, \vlth; a backgrouiid ;' ;6£ aiitheiitio atmospherer etched ' hi ^; ic/.niv.eiitlre oast t^brougWly up' to -, -thV'h; asSitiiimerits. • • ■ ^; . ';■ ^tV(>'. (Mi».s' ChaUertoh), A*"^^ ■ Jifii:«^'s's; iiifirrJesId; young Bicltiah wa*; , .;i\( rni. n>6Kl\popuIar ijiah -In l>it>jid'ohv; :."'iirl-i.l. fiiuiv inohtha, later flhds that" tie ■ l^-ii'iitiiif, to her.- ..ShC'ltian't divorce, * :.hln> ;l>erujis{' the. other woman la htir' . .'towij.'iirbthc-r's'wU'eV: and- the scandal ' ■ -vk-Viill'd wl'iick the Boy'* life..; Instead she i()'eK.In;(or.\vlia.dla8lpatlon;;,-p . -t : ja^iat\'throughV SwUzerlaii 'pl(Miiv*<-j's Cull :ot' eXcSllerit foreign ., nui>Vis)(I>(M;e—she niee.ts Carl, a; poor. ''.:^<fOng ardati and;th'e jpalr ultlnjately' ^ :. ■.o'^.■^vj^.yloI.e.I'l^I.y•...thc familiar pjrelude. ';/to, i-jjiiioi'itlo'. love. :■,.; ; ; OcinVplH*tl6na-are; ey.olved out ot : 't.liir>- ;:»ttmit|6n. that-\^<)ld tension-ti) ■ • v^tlip' riiilsh, with : several ■ '.'of Tinify/rihe th^a;tr'l,cat ert^ , ; Tl'ioro'r one- the Incident where '■.''ilU- ih.rottier^la. oh:the verge for-iiilh tilths:'.oh ■ehd';<>f ;sturiiblln(f; Into :tho .'•Viitlt-or hft.Wife's Ihfldellty with tils . liri>^,lic'r-.lnTla%\'. Another .feplijiode .of •; .ri(.M vuiis-,.piUl '-Where- It Is the' j'bung , ■; rCri itfi;; 'wiVo is about to .blunder .Into: ." . ;v,»l.ii«'lbsu'rfi.;: :■.> ..; ■'■ ' - ■' ; <',ii:1l)'ve ,.h:i'fr'; ,m,a;ny ' other :deta;ils. '..- thii t .u re siireflre. -Such Is. tl\e '-wild. p.'iri>: • bit':,\vheve Ml^". Chatterton^ : ..-.appi-ars in; a .-maiitiueradb- f pai'ty . di-iiss. 'of ' lo><a than! iycry little and ';. <iiie,!:,n. r;ibald aphg, and dance fpr the . .l-ii'vs%><.aeid.:glrla,-!adding the flrtal e.vr^ : ■ (U'iji.'o tliat- Hhe' ha.s . n''fl"8Tire/.t|iat .. ■ w.dii'ni-ni.akf ihe.r'eligible fbr a.blipViisi '-^■• lill^ ;ahll ,^i>uldp if'iicr. destiny :led .licr '; ■ thai.. way-. '^Ive' -coThpetlllbn to''.a , va(><li'vll(e ,tiizi!'singer.: All bit ■whK-li - ir,. liy 'wa\- of,,, noting that she's ah - ; aru'cSiS- whb-knbws'bet- bu^ipcs.<i;v \';-- ''.;-' -'!:;;;'"'%■'• .■::■;• ;■ ;!;' : : .Rii!ih. kpHDES PES HEUB^ ("%ound the Cloclit") ; (F:ReNCH;;MAjEJ; -; ■.;■•:;■;■' . ;'.^-.;;-.;V.;/.-- 'Pafls..^^Vl);■l!t:' .i>i-i)iiUf-ll.iii liitd rftl.ctino. r D ■ rP'-tt-,'l-„-li;v '.\:t'x;imlV(» .'Ilyilpi^. SctMVHrl.o';l>y Y.vr<»Y U^ln ;-'ri. iibyi'l . 'Uy :JU»'ni*y. Full*.;.' K*'.t . L^ip.I-'o ltt.*.A..' J.iuiin»ite''tlmo;- lO'-i'; inlnUiosv ; fil:jiii>iii,,.i;ir,i-l.-<, yH),:ia An.lri* .Krt.'n\i.v-...'.. Mill..', .V-|.-ouV(-.; Yvv- ■Ml. - \-^^-..iui,....;.;.; •:-wiri.(*;uv,.;.u- ;•, •^'ll<»''|-lii':ili-*» |-iir.'l,i»r./ Tl)' Clri u^: D vlou-;. ■.I,'il:iU!ii.-'in-, ;,5..,.;.;, [Mr.. I v'Mn-Will.V.; .'.'. ...'AniJrc nflUff*^ ,.. .I'llule A-ndrftl . .'.I-'niiii"lii<>. MustC'y .,-.. .> .'Oi'ii. 'J'i-)>A-i|l». , . .J.eOKer.lP •Sov.-iry .;,. ,■;.. M; ■ ".'IornlolU■ ^.l.;;..i;^f'.■;^•|<•nlle .:;; I iT.p'on .H.-lllcri* ;.,',.. I'lor,r'^ Stciihcii ,.;l'"oLvAiht'onvinolng atbry ahd;sl6ppy ''; isi^rtl i iiieiita 11 ty.. H^iis.- oh'eiV taltea t ho ^i.>i>f'oiiit. '.i?,^ the-reason wivy l.i - -giiVs;well <vi(Iv Ili*>' masses -andMnokH' bij^: r>.' .(>' Vilnv '- stars . Andre- ^.IV'tlg(!,.,(hp': satno;sing6r wljo' mudP: -;, ,','J .;v It<>atc'- i';.s,t, BcH'o;;'. the . l-'reivcd. pb)iVo(-r -;t:il(?«»r. a- suix-oss of' .\vlil^Iv •■.;pHi-j(lJi'Ve<l- hityily j'oIsbn"s;■ "hiy.r. " SiittrorC ;■ ■ .ireveijtlicl'esSi cbhtvar>• to; . ;>.iabiVAV)iO>i a- KlhgW" 'l.'? ;>UarrInK in -a t |llliu.: :tlif '.xbyry is nVorc .'than an .e><- on.xe.. vb .hiake'- liirii - yodel, . \V.hal\M ; iiif)i-o.;.'i;.(ri'iih)oi)hqhc reeoTd la played ;- in, the IMni. ;;'\vhi*;1i "Is;, not, :aung by liiin'r. lMit; by. iCtivnt.z 01-'tlie Opera:;' wbw'^ie liarne - mohiiohed . In • ih*' - .IMibHrit-yi-.:;; ., -. '-v '..'.': ,; • - :\ >>\<'k'y ifsithal bf ii singcr-whnfihar-: ,. r,lo.s..r( :p|vi: .fi-bhi ,a .rloh .irttmily, .do-^ : J*p;i(o rier.iiaroht.f,-: When 111 and Tok, . iiig liiii. Job. ..I'lO arrahe:<'•'^. >^or '.'>', di-i vtVuri'iv. spit-that her- funjtl}" vy.ill! 'sup- ; . Ptir.i her; .l-Voh'lually lie; beVonje.? a . riivwri.; . - lie iss-.'.tiech . hilt not .TOOOK-' .'jiiK.'il' In; liis- pftoplo,;tnl^oh';lpt6' t1i<> ■ • hiiiis'f - (1,1::hn. aUclltIoT\. and- at'liVsi, ,;,i:CM':ogi|l'/.(:(| by'liisUlttte-girl, • ^ - . -- -IVu'ige -Is; Satl5rnctory as 'd singf-r} . .and - KrantTno' '- Jl uifpoy ,Va.s;, . -y.!tott;e/ ' HH.<4t ;.(>(■-■• (he;; (-ast l ljare ' sdppprt.- _ I>i;ii<)K. iilif if f()(ili>ifi>'l)iit;gr)(ii| -spiln<r . - prt--.V!vts .Viidiy'ncc;fV'6in.'r,oiiii)la(iiJh!^.; I'lfroriijiii'-r-i ir.'.. ' ; , ,-, ,■ , - : l,>Me;^tiV'jlj'p -^fif'o Whl<\ii .d('slrV>>:Od: - Jr,;vl,k^s-,siiidl'bs diu'i-flViK 'tlic hiaklhg of, .1 ho;. filih-; 'M-inio ^otn kei<v had ' ( o' bo ;-h-iad.\.;-tiji'i.<i(|jhiL' a .gobd .dpal-:b'f du'l ■ .Jjijvi;.: , l!.iit,'(l.iiv him ;.is''wl.llu)»rt^ a^iiy- . :»laV!( pru.tcii-tiiina... „ > '-.J/a.w.; : 'f^,Bel;-;-;;ori;,;Wpinrteii';:'^ iPnx .protl^piibn a'ri.i Teloase. ; .-l>lrpclijJ'by Winiiin Kj :Jlovi-(ii-0> Kilintind I>owV/itiil. J<^unett« .Mucl>uiutM co:ft'iiiur<'il. . From o *|i)ry liy >V|llliini Aniliuiiy Mi;(iliir->, ; AUiiiil-'. oif, :by I.ynn :Mar:ini( ,.ahil fiiirilgti. I'liotug^uphcr,. Uui-l.^iit.. Andriai.; -v.U-.' ilia .itiiKv.-N....v., Week' iit ;(i. . .ItumiluB iliiii^.-.Ul -ralnlUvD.- Itogor Fullua.....: lliTbprt JUralii'.... ;■ .Mnt, l>nlli*. t'hlDlHy.D.Un' TallvWh. 'itunern«(ii;v.;.,;.-„ Mm. Dbi-jn Breiii;; , .'.LlMiDiiliil r.oive; ,.... ^H'>li>»>i'^'<>unk .■JOaii"i)o -MiirDuiiald .V:. -..h XI,-:I\.'rrlg«n . .'.riia Merkel »-....',....-Hfinry- Kolkor ,.'.'....iloliMi.e Mlpnrd . Another, polite .^combdy atreichod- thin ;bveT; more; an ;h6'ur of .eel-.; lulpld. ...Thore hive -l)eehTfew- drii'wr Ing-trppni -.opihedy.■ iilnis: that ;have done bett-eir t-hdn. 'nibderatc.bu!»tivessi: and; tliere-' Is .110, .reason ' tP belleve- that tMa -phe >s'lll'- prp-ve an excSp- tiou.- The tea'chpyoonv^jriBatiph'play: doesn't, seem, to have a cinema audi- ' eiice .yetv :.,:;; -^';-.' ■-;. .•,■ ;•-' ■.- ■ liiiis pic.thre-can 'scarcoly flop'oom-: pleteiy , or roholu.Hlvelj' because . the narito^m the, .oast' should- insure; a- moderatii! di^jiw; b-ut tUe.^prPdubtJoh'a sybatance doesn't lopk like a build .by^v^prd- of moutlt bti- week ' stands. All It 'hds,. IvesidcfB; the' playej- ,nahie8. 1.S" a; iri«gnlfl<!ent !'technleal .prbdiic- tlori: and .a; gbod: ijedl -bf amartJitet- ary' qndHty, which are- poor: su^ati'^ tiitea fbr.;entei'talhm^rit •, be lt dfdhia,'romance-or.ylgorbus" comedy^ and 'a'spU>ndid' cast,' : ■' , ■';;-:-..' '-.v'; : "rhi.VauWcetVhas cpm'edj"'i'%ut'Oit ts of a Iclnd ;that ■ dbesri't'-; promise.' the' l ight If Ind of rah reaction.: To lilus- by .a parallel; : The typjcal French'. comeay-jMis' a lilg)] order :of' Taugh ijprovokintr;. i; :substancei '■ :■' ijiit scores, of -Ahierl.cah-■prbducer.'j ho\-ie. niet Pnly grief ; wltK' t hat' kind of i)l.ay In :ttie .litotes. -i-Ainerlean- thed-: tregoers Just wPn.'tgo forilti . . /'Don't Bot bh <S^'bhieh" isn.'t <tu'lte a. Vrehch-; farce; allthbugli, It. lhas d certain teaerilblanrc^e .to that tj-pe In Its cynical.angle on. romance, but lis: Uiihiot* Is' too dii-y; and rpeVt for the -natly^ 'sense of fun.;' .Stbry^ JsiJvery .cbnfliacd. . In ; Intent-; and" 'purpose, He;re'a ^a bbre'd and: eyhlcal- ao'phifltlr bate; in- mattcrs; :of 'loye,'whb; flhds .hiniaelf bommltted; on a' wager tb' klaa. the ii-lfe; ot his ,duhiil>belU;hPst ■withlh; 4S^hbui;3. , .,Th6teu'i)on- there -ehaues a. battle: of ivi'lta. betwe'eh'.the .maii Jahd.the. -woman. ;:It .se^eihs'tb: bp^ fairly 'evldent;:tliat;.tiie -vvpnian. has: fallen Jn:. love 'with the -irnan; - but whether he is-sincerely,, in. (ove With" her b.t; only nianeuvcrlVip is? hof -'at' .nhy:,,tlnie ./evident; ;Ahd - the" ilhliih loaves ;tUe audienO;ii VBuessihg;aS to his; motlVeVihrpughbut, . .. ; •,;,". • ;-'That''s bad- technique.' Jt-nrilght~db tor -d:' selected .-cjlenielei ofl 'an .'inti- 'mato llttle"'theati'e.,but the mds^ of tai,is ire'going :tb -be .pUz'zled anil a. little-: rcse'htfui at the. '.altudtlPn.^ .Suspicion--is that' the brltrihal -'laea has been' ,;dlstprte'd,'.: -The dialog ;jSi .•(parkllhg.-but most of lt';ls too fast and ltitr(<;at,e.fpr-the\'f'an Er.en.erailty. .-' Of .the playirije.there c'd'n.i^o noth Ing - but: p.raii»e!-^a: 'sitiiatfoh; that Is becpriilng -, mbi-b afidi; more >• ti'bmihbn'v' Anbtlier case-bt. an Inept; stoi^' -feii- DerlatiyiEay acted.' ;ThR herb ,-wourd «arli the .re'sbhinieht. of any -feinpie If if Were' played bjtanybbd.v-but'-'the .Insinuating;, LPwe. -' lie;' njahdgres ;SbniehbW, to' make the .soctdl graces of. a':;<iuave leading man discbunt the (ineh'gdging ;pfersb'nallty b£. a: smart 'alec hero.;;/ ;,.;.. ■'■;' ■ .v;'"..;/;;-' ■ .Tb':.atdrt' with, ;u biigftt to have bpen: appatent that: a.amdr.tly; cyhl'.- caMady killor.'c.realed liy;three male dutlibra,;. prp.bably Would ' gb -w-rbng with , the'iehir^e -customers.; Some-' thing like this lids happened' before, • . .Teanettp : .MaoDohald • iMdys-; the heroine charmingly^ ..aUhbugh' . you -vi'Oitidn't c.'cactly say that-a married Wbmari—jind faithfi« to hei^; stupid -riu,8bdhd-7.of[. on- ah .exploratory; in- trigue; oc'her pwh. Avas an. phtirelj-; ettptlva;iing,.'liart for any, Engaging .ybiiug. a'otrflss;. wiiafi 'aiiyliow, air* the; pos.xibllities in a: piillaiid^rlhg, ;b.acheloX''und; ii dumb hu'sband'sr wife' in tUc way:pf' roin'anti.o Jriterest ? ; .; ;TvWp chav'octors .do :a.-gr;oat- deaV to ,!5ave'an aln>o>it;hoiiielpss .sltuatlbii Th thc;i')|oturo. They iire. Ublaiid-'i.'oiung, pla.ving thP ; dumb; Husband;' with that ;rostrahipa\ii-nd';arll9sii/.{)iivo^^^ •that i.s the bsN.eiin.e of hi.s;.owri. spes cial,- iciii.d :b(; liiim'bj',. 'dhd-'tho t'tio; Morkol,' a;,fl.anibbyaht . flapper, type With a -.fasclnailng .sputlxe'rn- di'awt a:hd'- uti .'astunishing fund .;bC lili'ln'i wiadphi.- .Th<fse.- are;the only redlly; undevstapdable -roles in,the;edst aiiil both. playo-a,^fov; aVi tho>- ;ai'o w;6rlh-. A pity they "were, hot: mbro iiapplly ."(ituaifil. ill tholr .surrbuiidlugs. ■. - ■■■^^;;■:;;;'-■;;.'--."^ '".:■■'.; :"'.:/<i^*^;'■.' '-v:-.^'--(^:PANISH^MADE;)i';:-CV-'V-<. . . . • > ;■ -Madrid, Keb. 52.- ' .' Teblinioally 'the; Sp'ojilsh- .sound ninV,'>'PrlnV,". of- the lite ,and tragic, .•death of Cleherai; PHm,' leader /and politician . of . tlie; l^th; century'i' is one. of . the best nihis- ever -hia'de ii.( Spain.:rrodiiced ; by this ,;Span.lsli fllhi jirpduceiv: Jose nucha.' .', -' ; . - . •Its- historlca.l, plbt.-i3, 'mosf,:aecu-; rate an4~ patriotic. •-,; U, ^yas .mddO; with'speclal;;go0d.;taiJte..: ' " T'hP, ko'eno bf tTie:'i!;a.'itillPJps -battlo: WlVbfe; the ,fariibua rgencral' rbise' io famp,; da ;niso' this Incidents; of his: ato'rmy;.;political life; during whlcli his progr^ijslvb f.IdeaS. caused . hlrtii to 5uftOr' pcr!jc'ciitions"an(il exile, and finally; hla death *heh : .'vhot, by uiv- knoyVn assassins while driving.;i7i hls, .coach at night In theX'itlle del; Tufco dt:Maarld.:atQ lalthfully reproduced. An'epllbg.represents; the opcaSlon, bt King A"**^®** hp called to see the Bfenevai:s :cprpae lying ill state dt the Atbchd Church. / The ;jSlnl Is typical: of ./the I9th century'-Madrid. political a-hd literary life., ;• Gaat: cxbluslvely; - Spanish, ^glatafi] , M. ' tib ,- IUibra;- i>lay3 : Prim. Carmen Vl<ince, the young Spanish: illm star) Is; a vdlstlhctiy.e meinber <jt;-tli^ oast. / :;.;'-■- .-;-.■-/;•-: .;.■' -■'.;, .v ,;- •-^ivtlldp BaSfluez,' Crlstbal, Manuel Sdn <3<erttVah and F«llpe Perhansuar db their rbleS with 'ejcqulslte tone,; vprlnv'.' ■ Js the weeli's; success In Madrid dhd shbiild stay the bills very ibnfe. ; ■ ' : / Cationii. .■: ■■;;;;; Teii- Ceri^.;:-a;^Pimce ; .-»--.--|ii*mijHi - pnu1utni.|-n- 'ui-I- 'Vt'lviC-*'',. ■ -'IV'^- iiu<\^|- ' \iy ■■■ Vl':irry ..■v'liriit;'-:,. .•^i.ns . i'.-irl'-.n-i\ >-'t:ni\vxyh.:. IXi-.cijii^l - liy ■.Jil-iitiil.. Tiurryjiuin, IK.- ;.-,ill.v.^r.|;iii-', ..M(i-ii>: i-li.wi i-jt;, -., .^liipyj, iliVi 1, .-•<-\v,.";-lli»»f.- ■ .•^i?\;u»l.". M*i; Ilii'.SIT.iii.V; ,N,;-:\'-.',-..\vv,'.li liin-,;- Unio,' "3 n^iuf,' - ;».(riTir;(..: ..I;..,;:; -.;;. iT.i"i''>ii,.•.;.... -l-:uiM,.;.-;,:,,.v.;.. Si..ny....... v............. ,Mrj^. "I1)un'i.'lttirir. i,...-.. Kiiiiif.;,,;..;'.,;; ■iniiiii. .->'Li.-,..,;. Jiii)».H,'..; ..:;.;...:; I>p,4.-..-;\ vMH''''y;,, I-.-.'.-;'.; i .; i,; .S'nin.y..1-.. ; .. tREASON TRIAL ^i.,rii:'i,-'. i-'vvpi-.;^, . 'Mil',|-|):<H*H .-.-\')|'.--. : c-nni'tum-'y^;. \ty ^l-i. •fl ".M.ilniii'i?!,: ' v .,.tl-.Mii.r,-tn iX\m//. I t-i • i iji 1.»-, I -..uw .\ i'U^ ':. ;/.i.;(,-;nrti.i *i inri,-,;/.' .. .■..Mniil-(^\ ..;:,,;., ^o.^vay-^l'tjrtiu' (vrah-i-»ii''-Krt,V,M:u',i> . ;■, .-.. lMi>--llis".i •.rai.iv' .;,-v-ii-iiir I'oittI ./....;.. wniiiii ......aSlrk Hyiiii! ... : .\., l'.ilt l.lnr.iiK^(i .-;.'•,...;M:-tk-'llm -.iJlvCi't')- ■.■'•'ri.ji h'-t :iJv"'rhi-. i>yi-> jivoh/" Tlvi* I'llrot'' ;titr,:.r.-li(i.s.; ,'o ;,i:il<v'' .Ciir.>^ »\: Oii.s .by • l.-itor- (li.itoi;. bvtwfi'ti/ ilii' ;;4lvl 'aiiJ^ 'K^-iHif aatl tti!< Ufil;i-'i'iiMiit pt; ih«> so'r- . •\<.tiMii( tl);i> Miaxiiiiri'.-Vd.or iliually>s ,iv(^r - . .• ■- -;-; . ;.;; -... ■■■,•' ■.)' '' ■•''' ,.; '.\'-s''\\; ;r'ti;-iii'''Mi-': (•',1",^ ^r'jv^'iI ■.I'l'i ;a', ■|l!^'V ^■,s;■■Vl-'••', -'.ri.i'i A .,•■:•( ;;i:;-ii.vK.i;,ii;'i|'-. a ivij;i-'<.«ii ,>vk;,. lihciy;- t-li^i'i''.'! t-ii>v. ii, ■'!'.)>: ."ii;:-.,,-,.-)l'i's>'-'-? Wii-Xl''!.- -■''■').'.'' ,l.".-!>i-ii,u.. :-;i:iiis .'-'('i 1'-- lilolviv : li,i,';;-;'v sn,;ali /|.M-rj.;,:.:,-:l;_.?il>iv.-i ' ^^niV*^; 'Vi';:iUtiUii;i .M'i.-is !fi<>' siit.lii--'; "I.'i>uii!.i|,..rii,i-.i.'..i;.,..i inisLv • rV-gi^ji'i/;.. y.'S.ii.i .1, ■r<'t,.yi;v' 1 illynt, :iil-i.l liiniiii! ■.I'l'o .11 >f-|: s. .w h I -f., 1 IUiauV-l;ii. riiViiiU; • :i lis i-;;«li-- :-.:.":fRU9SiAN;'''MA0E);:-; I\e<;(>nl(>d l)y Shorln..^ At' the Mil ^l«e! ri,ByJi«u.««,;..-N-^.:^y.,. .-^esinolns M«rcli ,;4 .Ruijhinif, ylme,-^6;Tiilin». ; .• ' , • .v: " ;. : , ''; ; 6ii:Novi 23^ i93()^ttna;fb^: IS day tiiefeafter,: Sbylet Russia brought tp- triaV-eight hien who constituted the cefitral committee; of what ;>was khown in the S.> 3.- R., a« .ths 'Industrial Party,'* ' The>:charg* Was ti-edsbri^and" this;hewsreel te'cbrd of part' pt'the; proceedings:purports to project an historical film dpcjiment of " the ebiirt scene and. the prtnciple characters In - the drama.'; By any bthfer. nanib it's still propaganda;. : Althbirgi) aiiokeh In Biiaslan but sllerttly and saantiy titled in Eng-; Ush It's i bore,: badly photographed .'and Sd-wholly'; iinattractlVe.picture.; ' If the GreekS,\haa a; ,word: for it boloney might; be, iL . It ;wm ;1>b re'r called .'that .oven wHeii tUei wbrldl'a neWspa'pers splurged .SPrlousljr over, the-trldl the sabScq'ueht evehts.that occurred. ■ Indlcjtted,'; an ;; ulterior hibUve ph; the. part bf the. IT.: S; S. R. This :'wa9"»'ho'n' thp eijsht; defendants .%vere :v' cPmhiute,d ;. to:, mlnpr;prison ,terhi9,-■■'; ;:■; . ; : ,'^-.'-':■■ .: :' . ;a.:\' ■ ;; ;. ;'rhb-phbtographlc record''. Vindi'- cdtea . this- • suaplpjbh,. ;. Ev'erythlnS looka; particularly :ihappied .l«i-' clrr bus .-fashion with about , th«; only Idea- that cau]d-l>e:gleaned <i>n.;the' extent ot the'dbfehdant's crime was tliat- the ■ elght ■. men attempted ■ t.9 tliarigb'apme. statistics; oh taw ina- teriai and'produptiph,;; ■ . ; ) ■ ; tourtrodni look's like;aVchaihplon- Shlp flght. nigh t at the .Garden w|tlv dir. the: '',in'ike8'.'''- .Talffng. a-alant ;at tlila, kiinl of guff,; ah.4 'that a .t^b- .atre -' of'/ahy kind 'will riin. lt,.;SivUl .qu'ioltly'- start; the - drtie's to.' their aea'th. .- Kven .;fo;r>tl».e- scant'.nuhiiber •of' Itussia'ns whd paid' to see;tills «ldhgat'ed neis'sreel, only .two ^l^owpii any -ro'actioh. .■tO,:.\vha,t- 'was . trans-' . plrlng on the screen. - Maybe the, bthorfi: didn't nnderstana; or. maylio they did. ■ rather, .-way It's .bdfl. tlic- atre'.sturf,-;- \ ;;;:- :;.. .;■ ;. , ;-;;^ street';; mpb .scones . tcforb; jind after the'trial: for ;accehtuatipn.:: ,'•■ ■ .; kebprcjing, is pdr'ticiilarly. 1)ad and- tlic :;i>hbtpgra;pliy; probably;--couldn't bo h'elpbdi, ;r':ilm meah3 ''nel'thei' good will, n'or:i3;deslroua. ' : ~Shan,' v. - A.s.'a; .Glhdcrpila' .i:aio.. -'1"0n -Coiiis". £i; llunoe"'lacks: tlu-. -nuigtc of.; i";incy: tJuii liiakes :f6r univ'er.-<iii..oi;toi-;t;i-ln- - nieiu; - Put- its-. tltK>'-*itujulil help li ' ;thri>u.Rli:;f6i;-uu)derat^. roiurhs!;.;; Sciiry.-aoosrt'-t lioia; lli^^^ AOtipn - tIidt;'bus.tomer5<. niight b.Mii>oV ;from .tlip tltlp, :takeU; fi-oin: tlVo.; .sohk,. ; 'liVs;;strang«« 'that: .Muhriii,'-'Ovvsfvj- .sliolild. be-Jlere! porirdi-inhr-d .RfhVllar' liii-C to that: he playeil--fii :'-Wbni)r "Ainbng , , 1/Jvers" : :fiir, I'aVaiubuhi;. Cu'stpiiiQvs hiay-,il3ia ■;it -liittic-iii't'. tiV reooncllo . the: ,i)eoalia.r- .virtue ,'<)l';',a d,ah(;ehali;:hp.4tes's a.<<'pr^ented here;: :Stra't\ijPr ihb -sllHiilioil wKoro afttr,: .sh'e ; h'ad': married she : walijsi- nohohalantiy. inlb ;thb ricli- Mia'iVs a))a'rthiciit-and.: falls .,;iHlvep' wdlrUic for .liihr. -jThe - dlaiVv> visnH- I)rlgUt ahd- tlip story, only - simple: :but- hoih arc lveliisitl b.v ther dirooiion bt tiorir>| Jlarryhiore;,"",:" - ;-.'.f-; ;. V,;.-. ';;;' .:v--- ' ;X)iwctori'al hand- -'Is--evldehco.a; Jn ,the aotlixst.;;- iifss 'Stanwyclt! ino-i'^s liiro.ugh; ht-r I'tnes n-iofc easily.;';; :vp'oc. 'ana 'pdhto ftj ambolheu '^Khe :gets ;ho. bttpottuiilty,- hp\vevpi', for dramatic: flares;;: ; Klcai-ab.' Cuirt'es; ;j),lays ;ln.;coh3er\ wiiilo- Sally 'Btane- 1* mbr* ;fliilshed undeV ' tlip'Uarrympre hand; ;; ■;: ,- ; .- '-; . ;'. Miss Stdn^-yck is .th'e. lio'stefis who ^ Is desired, by thP -rich . Cbrtez j)lit; niarriea'a he'r-^dp-well. Owidev,; bply ■ t>) iog^et; . .Owsley steals liis' emT .jiloyev's/.tnoiiey- tp-;pray -the', htarkpt' ana .lospa;; Cprtej;, : Uelng. the: ert r pioyPr;an-d turning SBlnt.ont'bt-love: tor' Alias',Stanwyek> ihdkea good, the IpKS. Then, the o]idii'ig showing the' richilaa;,suggestlnS: a Pdiris trin; for dlvoro6,'-and mari-Iage :'tb- him.'^ : ''. ' IMVibugh-/-the- pictUrb'vthere are. Weil; played ituhea b>;Abe .iSymah's ,6rciye3;tra. ,Lyman,; hlmself,^ la -npt sePn.': Recording Is gbod and the vphptogiuphy: bkay;. ■ . •-;'.'-';; / ■- '.^^■hls- i*. tire','ilrst-' outside' nihf-''t^ play the.'.Strand,;.';Broadway, ■- In drbund twb- .yeara, jexceptihg .'tlie- Cbaplin: featurea. 'RKt); which has -first -,call ;-bh. . Cdlui'nbia. ; flltiia; Is Janip-ied bn release aatfes'-for-Its rfayrairi ahd let.thls-bhe po to War- ■ ners - for .Brbaaway• hoblilhg 'owing ;ib-,;'-Cimarr6rt'9" .abng-,;stay at.- the :GIob6.'^: .: ■ -■-■';;,-;-';■■ ^■: ;;: .;;:■ -. siiiin; ■ i'. a n;.'.i'..v<"rvo,-. ;ii-it'.l»llv i',lii'<'i • :..;■.^: :^lf^;; , liMMliy. l.y .Si'titt l)j,rlintf... I»r.,;..K. \.y >Vi-...^ 'SiHi- t 1 '.Vi'^.li)C.. Ol''t»I- l''ninv:i.;i 'Jiyi vitil. . Ni'W V.'VV. 'N»vw Y^ii^, K'.ir Of. iliiiiV■;^ri:i. ijiinHiH'ii-. , ' trii<iV Tlttrri**-.,.. ;.:,./Jluli.^ri ;KJIiii . iJurrtthy- C'Krlsry'. . .llv'nlici-.Mann! ■ ;"pbrift Bety Oh .Womeh'V" or"'p.'c).'-7;iivit^rlhln,i?; 'iehshajrofJ' .:by -^'^h; eligible l'ac'Iu;lrir. ,i.:|Ciliniriid • h'usBania: ;(Kbland;■;yo.^nB »..,txr»(M;ii)reh(i^ atipulSybrtitn, 'J[rPnlcaI''aii.sweiv;.tb • the. q^^' scjiVicJ--^';•: ■ -:.;:;; ;-. ; :,;• ;, , ; . ;-,' ;-'''':■ :■ ■'- ■", .' : ;/'■••■!- . ■ ; "Unfaiihful": (Tari..-r^Mfiicnoyiir Hntlv f,'li.aU(-vtrtn-.;ls mls'ilhder'stbbd. .and .sUftorlng .b)v.aorV(unl pr.lVor. hpb^^ a/n'dl lfp;p.a tlIiio^ -They' tan!t :Or^^^^, .like ..the l,a,fi>il|" .lijgh' society, ,dptij.i;s,- ;•; . ' ' v,' ', ; ;; -' ',,■;;;; ■/— ' . ,; •, : :,: ;: ,''bi»honored''V.'fi;ar).-^-Marli^np,,"iiioh m'<rmon; : Tj)e'y;d);h oagor to lihil Put. moi-.i' abiiui .Ii<>f ;. the^^^ taniali'/'>d-: by: hoivrpraptoh-e.K'.s. ; Ah 'toi-ps up li.or alf p'( brbotjitig iiiy^ :ei6_lv\ViCfl<\^v'la'«;lf..<'oMc;m X- :';':;'.■ ;:-^':; - y ■•; ;::, ;--;v ";;. ; ■ j: , V '•:' ;.; Wi(,rnflf. Bri>(hi)ra'. ;pro->I.uctl6ii 'aiirt r ldrsro! J-i'nturO/i. XSJiadcii llk-k(6ril :aim -Kvulyfi .-,K^i4|ip. .Qasetl --on--JameH- OUvor.-Cyrw'oou's iil()ry.:of,same nomc A'duiVcitlnn'.aiKI'tlluloi; -by .eiiarlM Kcnypti; ;wirii, .MlrJiacI Ciii-Ui! .JIi-i-ctiiiB. -Caliierani.-in. Kol**!-!' KurrK'i. At.. •Wnriifm; Nci* York;-wcol! -:'iliirch 7. : HKii.i - nlir^.tlme. .'l.mlhs.: - John KetCh . J . v . : > ' • , . PorRt. Connlafon ('.. Miriam V.Toole Co.l.VMtfDowoll. lytulso: ......iV Miclfey-;...^;..,; Marlin:,..i....,, .... ..Clinrlcir Blckforil ., i:.:.,-..Eyp|yii. Kiiai>j>' ;.j; KMrj-ell, MdUonalil .:ii. ..,:.Udvia Torrf'hi^e ,...;i.......^nftu J»lll» ..'... ;s.ijiiilor rXfflilKii .;.v.:.M'alter' Mcurail This feature Is reachihg ^New Tprlt some .12 -or more :>(eeHs J^Itpr - :a .swarni of btlier tow'na havfi-'h'ad a look at It. If aifhe Bbyal;N'orthwest Mouhted, ;That immediately iin. plie,s "B" house; class'lfloatiun aha la pp'sslbly-the re.Tiaoh it's dt 'AVarners pn Broadw;ay.; Picture is that kind- PC nialerlal and can: stdnd'dlon'ci bh ;si>,lit \veel<s. .Otherwise a' vcry weak aovehTday.entry.. ','/ , ; ; -; ; ; .'i'drn is,-perhaps, tlic best luib\vn of; thc'C'urvvooa-stories.; it-was made back Ih;'20 as a silent by yirst Na ttonal with :lie\vis- ston?. Js'ew ver s'ion .l(5.<ieliheatlbh: of; an; adwhture si-ript wlficli; will satl.Mfy .irtiall the- -atro- aiidifenoes,..;princlpatlv.',due .tb tll,e perfbrmdiice pi;:'(.'liUrfo» -B'ickfbrd. and - . rarroll .;MucT)()iiala plus IWIy.ri .Knapi>..s v api>ear.-ii'n<'e.: *he Ipoks-pretty; well -hero.:; To Jiolp it iaVmig a •bit,.ia-ZaijU Pllts'lh dilt^^^^ ro,ot .as the viHaK;'<; talc'ljbircr,; , ; ; .;.'r>'<'hi)(callxHi-c iiiali<g,:s'ta>i(l.s but bocii ii,so 11; b.-j K St f o.r"(1 clear 'of'.ovci;. 1111.| il 1U si a . a jid ' regi s t o r !r;.:a?i' reasi> u - ••ilifir, :-l'.u.rtr!!,:liu'sn'i unOrVvbfed ;any.: J.l.iiirg:siic(:lur in -(liri-oliini lint;iiioro'ii ;i. wiiiobtIS.- .(IfjUble piii»ioijrdriby; .so - irii'Mioc tor l!,if;1<fiirfl In lif.^.dnarroio, iVniia hfgh.:(-c),M - pU'Lifn^ b.n Uuv lioi l:pij obnvlMrl7ig::stiow:iit.uilt.:; . .:; 'I'Jiomov is; prr'^li.v wcjlvkniiwh 'poh- ':ii|?i.iiti.if lho;;s.prg,ira'il ,aii<i' sn'ppo.s*;!'!- .(h/ii-Uoitciv' l<.<''l.tli; ;.wli')- i''rii:t>lr-.'; plio 'uioflior. ... l,!iltor ;f<ir<'s;i kc.-f ;c «ot, i;U .(.,^r to/.s; - -'"-- • - ■ ■• - - -— i. ;'r[nt(• ft- so fif )i:o t;; (Ira ■;ii)itf-vc(;n'. A.Uojiip:".'V::;to';iyi- -liinghtiir-; a»i(i--fi>miiiiho;.(jyriU?;(Ou';.thr.*u^ fr'li;u(S, aiV.-iiullftV'ri'nl-lif-a^^^ .; ;':*.T«n- C.^hu. 'a th'i;iT^irnoi!ti.' -jn'oblt'iiys or .,'1 ;Orthv:o biist(.\-i.s; yivV/:ni'an ■\Uf-iv.-',- ifv^: iiiitti,.; .Olii, swi'-v; ;;i;i.von:.".lirc yy -aii. e''si'A1|''ht .■i'''i-?i,.;'t.h?rti(;-h K t''-;u:^<!i.>^^s<;'^ai.^■ top; gOii'l to Jjia truOi-, :-. '/■,"■-/ v ..-' ! ;- /'-■ '!;'■;. ;• .:.,,;' ■ ■ . , -•.;;:' ;-' ..y , '.'Ptiyijir's .En.d"-; ( \V P,).;-',,liiW,Ivj^ .i;'.n-.\-: Lo/,s:i Vc,: I li'" ii/ 111 - coin: :aii'l, b'lis '«!iiM(s j-r.Ojii- a ,')>.ll,zz,ird; : ;'VV'hi:(r rii,n;uni I'T 'ill"s-,flKv^ijiil(- f•nfnf;(•;iyc.<^:■'.ll^' .i>in^l ■ >ii iTilUldjfiK- K'-lili. itlto lihif^I lii.: .ryiiJ-.csj-.iirM; :/'J-\yas|..:j.s .-Uva-,.tho ;iii<."' I-n-:r--;-(jii;iJ.l|- TulU Ji.r l.'iif , t>i><.ii-riiU\: iri.-ll.ili'l-'s il.-iil^llN-lii .!ilri|: ;t>lO.,-ViVal. ■Miji i'ik; /idii'iiii iiMH<.;';>ii';/\vjng ;;Ui"'' :y.:-(-i'.:.;n/l:;r;;i's-a ;«'il.,:iji .I,'iit;-lij"iiil: * ' :■ ; '(v'»(Oi, ii:is: 10:111 T[('r.:;U!'(vphjwi;/;i r"i'-("'- ■,;'MVvl.V.|^;,lli,'' Kil:^'^ull.^ I'm- tli'l-'- ^iii.K 'i-;v..ii oiJ:.i- .it uL 'lii'.ifilf-. ;ili'i(y rjtir(..- j .M r-';i iv'*/ t li.->. . .<<lia;if".>,;;ii;i-.ii :-i»i)Ii(v too :<:t.ii:: i';i.-;.:tC"rih-ir.i ">;l)I;i:ih.-.fri,ii|. )r(,,>:',. ii-iii'- l.v:':-::^!-^^' nt.-^'hf'ii :ii('^^>t;f'ftf(t(,>.s ■■•■if. )lVlrl•^^i;^•;f•^;^l;^-s. f-otiiVit-voiii : \ ; .:J!i<-.iv.i6i..l ;iian(llr!4 .-(i.v.'.ifjv i,-il.C(Z .'iViStr'i ;i,i);i.M.-;;:tlt.v mU' ' ■ ' I M.V.I Illy.. Uv;}jii».',;:L:,it ,iji>\o-l ;-. Wis';i,icl,iiro;-lobJis;as i\"-;lj.ujlt ;fbr' , a ,-.,(|jfii;,lc ,\;ii<.'i(;hl> ,,(jrliid: -turnDybr. . t\i;vii)i.lil*t- liaivo cpKt iiviii-li -aria do'osii'.t . iii<>iih,;'itai»^h''-PUt'^l":1o^Pf i^Viii'i-;^ diid. Sidney.,'- bo^lv -Of ;>\hoi>i pfVCbrhv In - iiiaiihoi':. ' -Sl.iM'y and the ui.'ilos; ;<iihipl'e ,wlth,ho;?ui->t(015:; .t'hb.»;. - ^c)gi'ai)l),v;,S<;l*>ar: ai'id; rfrbrdln!?;pkajr. ',:■ JIurray .-. and Mldiiey': piay .inho-:: oent ;.ViollihS' of a ganarsie'r ..o.hiot'r -; 'tnfn;s',wi\ailr.J)eo'aii!fe'i:S<iJ'hey had' in- ' ddvc'rl'ei.ill.v plclce'd ; hp' thP;. ohiet's : wjfrb-';fpr.- an auto ; riiio.- ..'white the ' ohiot - wais' ibbklng.'" 'This -leads to ; com'iMlcatlb'n w:fth'rriucli, inch,tio;n-Of;' A\'q-iiien: ahd-,so;mo- show ot bpjo'iey'.', :'- -./■^ -at and - after a inaa-. (lilerddp ;ball tp: •nrhibh Sldhoy.^and.;:; .>rnrra.yi:lHtv«;:been lured, to. be'-put' bn tiio'.spipt. 'Siahey, through capu-;. ally .lnJoct<»d h.ew.spajif'l'"•notoriety, - .haSj evoked'.a-se'obnii gang's adml-.-' ■ratioh; r. In. the:lattiPT's ;ieal tb" pror-' teot Sidney the twp gangs are w.I'ped'; 'piit; in ;a'shoptlhg.h)atc^^^^^^^ DESERT Vengeance .;:;.-;f;:-;-■'■,:'',(Wit;h;SP,ng»^ iPilunilila "iirortilctlon; ajiil Tclcaiie'.,. .Stars Duclc Jonci. Drrf<-V«d - by l.i)iris-. King.- Strtry by ;.Siiiiirt Anilirtny. ; Ailnnlatlotijand illa'.OK l)y,;'.'!Hini'( Anllioi(y..,'.l'liologn«p.her, T. : I»i McCiinl,- -. .At •:l.iv->v's . MeW; -.York, .; N.- ■y.;.-a)i: lm!f or' "louWe bill. .Fob;: St.'-. Riinnlnit (fine/ 02 inlm; , JIM- CarOew..-;.,.;.,•..-;..;-.:;;..MJpck JoiiU. .\nne - . . .,'.; ... . .IJarbiira Bi'Jford : HuKli---..-; .,-i^£-\ ;-..'•, .'.'l>jMigla-!i (;itnioro ' MnBiTdA ::.i.'.i.....,i....W.-.;.i.i.AV Smith- : U<aver::... .v; .v.;,..... ■.. w\-., lj:a ■IJraiJy. ' ; 'Typical.; : Small -;''tb,\vh;' western'.';; V'hile -th.P" sfor'y ' is;- wheezoped- It rides 'sn-i,bo'thly /If- 'a- 'little . slowly.' .Qke fpr .the 'dou'lile 'IjlU.lor 'and grltrds;; ■ Jiist .a.,s1cc1etphV<)T;d; yarn aepo.dd-.. ihg mostly' on ;shpbtiiigi;; ;8uinrlonl ■ montloji;; of desert-aandsv ;Cast acts: (hPre: bi' -lo-jiH; sensibly,'. photography is fair and .recording,.: .p'eai-;- ■;;:-,::■ ;,.... ■; ■"■'■^ .< '.';, - ; ■ : ■ ■■ ■';' ■ ;: Earliara ::13cdf.ord ' will :bo .r ■ =iiiem- . •bereft :; frpin ',^ silent,:. day.s.- - Jones- handle«'';aialpg: clearly. ' •;': )[■ -. .;A-mpdo.rn touch- is (Jh^on the. mlhr,' xxsk to*m;thorhe n'HIbh :Wlli .bb some- ■ ' ■ ~ Incongruplj.s; ;• to " particular . aiialehcesi altliouglv; western: fans won't , -nirnd.; - When-:'tlip : picture? ■open.'' Jo.nfiB i9..on';a, ateahie'r some- where ,put of the'Golden Oatb.; No roaaoh ^exoept; to ' plan ^AlVe -grbu'nd- :f6r his ; being fakijn- "o'ver ■ bv .■ a'; phprioK;' -.Miss. B>dtPra,' plava " the • .sl?t<>r of the clilsoleh; :A Iiap- y end-■: Ing: v/lioh the rival .gang shoots-.'.it - put with Jones'; crb~wd. Tie's- the only one loft Stdnding.'bf hi» • mPb. and the girl gbps dway with hinv to a siipposedcly noV life; ;! if/ian.' THE SPORT OF KINGS (BRITISH IMADE) "./:■-'.;;;■ • - t : ;i,bridon., Feh.^Z4.; .;' ;:- rialD.yb'imiieh pco-lHi-iInn,: tP\fhiu-A ttarougli - •Iilwil.;. .AiJaptcil froni:iilfty .i;f. sa-m'iT'-tiaTiio '.-. I>y ;i<iri .<tay; .i|lr<>(<(iMi by Virt.ij-, Savlllfi. ItMorjIi'.t .oh ; WefCcrn ' Klori rlf. .'*liir3 ' I^e«ll» .0<;n(i6ni. In 'cjasi :. jruish . WokoflsM. . (K)i-Joh: .irarkcr. , IiiH-iiilry ' IjojVI, • Jtnrbara - (iiil.t. IjjiigVh; «;S8.-ii rott. llunnlni; U'mr. 90 • . niln.»:.:a|iririn;v. Oiiftor.-.i ,;r/>rMiirtUi; "U.'" - rtpvlo.wcl .I'ulace.; I.oniJoii. 1C'.-I>. ;!^. ; .'Aho'Hior: -fllrii- from 'the.lOailrhbht British, a nd !i-lllort ..s.t'.'0>l!f>si;: shoXvihg; ' tfii'ij-,. aliubsi .inovifuiiib.pty'-boojf'pa'- .'• ;^l^7^l: wll-li stag'© pla;vS;':.Viut--:p :liPtNMVfhali loiist .tii" tbiMn;- .; ■ :I';6r - thcv jlritish' flHd; thifi .one: I'a '. >)ror a vrtr-;i:;^/-wfth; paiiti'^uiai' dr'avv- :; -;iM''! ' t.l<f 'iKtaV;"aii(i'Hlr<! title,.-; It iiobks -'; ,lil(o, iiii , piy>|)iij^ltii>h; fpr al|''n:-i''''ir.f '; Iti^lvti-v lVhl.<i; iiV'-ahs -h.olliiite, llii>iii,'|i, -., 'Jjgalnst a pi'' tv r.e; wlil.-i|- i.s obi i()U.siy iiiiil ■jtrO'-ivnlpo'rtil.v, Briil.-^ih;-•-,; . -:' • ;;';C'<'eil ;ijv,lttv :l.^os^ ■V. Wdriii. f'.M'm'i:"-; ill!:* : ah ioji|fl'.b,i-'--r;ii;i'?it. •' ,;:t^ \" (ii'st.-l.ajkpi' '.'MO '.vS<.'('illS ;> If 0 w j 'H1 ten Si :r(f: i-iifii ('j-li; tpW-Aitm.. ;i fi'I: "bl-f-;uriii,:'j'>:ir.Vly; la'-.Hiii?; ill'; t'lO :!'A}-o'r; riiilti'M'.-: ' rVi. -;.;'.' . - ■ "■ ' •.;■;/-■, : '- ■'■ .1^')'3 J I:'..'. ■i(,;''ti|:i.v;.- r.\bj>-'i .. iM iif" a i^yiir^.i-^-^-: \u' /i:::s'::'i:t,v;> v:' ^.-..w.,:ai- •'•"M|)l0- /i; ,-;..ii-;';"i,, .IvMiJ.- M i:ir i'lr^J li'iiuo ; ,o,l':;i, iv.J '.I,'-'..'.'-i;, .'.'i' i-'f .:;■ :*'*"'*''l ^n lt,f", -'ii4--,■-;-,'•'.;.■':,•,'•;';■ -..•j-u';'.-:--H-'-^;";,-'>ilii' ;.'i. i.'/'j .:i i.-..f. :!;;r'i;-!.''"): -!-'i.i -;■ i:'.'''''V'''.Vl., ,wi.ii-.. 'IIif.T,::' :•','■ .*,.,;•'' : •,M., I-';.'j,i,'!j':'l.i..4»',ll'.j;,-;.:...:.. '.'■" •-iv. .y. ;;i''i-,if i>v--''i':irv'^;n-hy -iiis ■|.r;.'-Mi(-,.:; -'.i,:;-.,-.ii'',;-.>.i:l,i •> ,-,.'' ;li>:/'rl{.him- . ';[','>i,'.'^;';''., ^..•';,-;-;'v';-.'.'':7''';!".'n!';-'"It^^'os,.;!ind- ■■ ' • -'■ liii-l tji.-.;';(cifi!'hi^,: liii';;-.!; 1')^ .J,t.;. ;:fi,r. 'Wf M .•;,•:': y. ';'|)'^:r''uvl ;fri>iii; i«i'iitr.^J|;