Variety (Mar 1931)

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ijl^ctio^sdajr, Mardi- 25j 1931 VAlMTY 47 - WitK Charlee Collin» : ', ^inglrtOi Dancino V , > Palace (St. V.) . '' ■TKe^harmlnft ylyaclpua daijghtci; if rrcW Stoh«i 4ha; a:^P vauilfl" a P'**^'"^ ; .s/riEli)£r,: ,.an:nc<5• - c«erln^ • nleely.rojilined "and ;put ;»dcros9;- ' While It's, whftt^ri^ ca led; ftn . outstatiHnff ploaser, act not golnS to tie up aiiy slio\ys vli'v isccurcily. At the Palace, where .Miss Slorie'ffDt a ble hand, s.li6 was. ^ot torcea to'a.n..oncoi:e.: thouglv With the younB Stone Is'.Charles Collins P"-'"'"*""' '^^^ iloes' a BbngV ana 'danc<y -.routine. -Pianist; Kalpli TomllnHOfi; l3,:alstf . limlor- tho head, of . spccl.-vlty ' as^;- • arstanCQ. aplhe most 6f ..a .couple of sbnea in which Mlhs/ Stone takes ■ •narf.' inclurtln? "Because ' y.'ou're; ■'■ Tbu " anrioiuicpd .as one that ■Ijcf mothcJ' useci; - To but .down that \i ■ nilriiitba runnliipr Hlijie,. a little JbniT tor thct acti tlte ^'Lilza" number cpuld, ' either be ihlnlmizcd . further ■ or dropped ^Itpsrethcir. without ..Untoi'^; feriiife. '" , OjicTflhe as. a; male hoofer Jn thlls,, - Miss Stone. Idoes a fast number that's, topped by. Collins' sptrlalty, • Theii back with a .igypsy routine liv w^Ich. the ■ ta'mboarlho .'is most- libly haiidled for Effect and fla^h. This riirta Into tt ddubjo and ;lromr hero - on tHe net moves-foster. , Single by,. ' eolUns; fair, and ih6A "'Pou"'run's - Into another .double., that, wtrising - Into a waltz. for the vflnlish.;, C7»a»y.. .(4>:: MME. £LL;E QRADNA Equeatrisnne ; -.^ : 10 Mina.; Full lr(ipi>odl;6rneV'-'■ . with .'contents vClianped .and.' Im-. proved, 'Aime. Ella Brad'na's ah^ii.dl and. ' ciryus ■ turn . remtitna .a ' goijil- lqo"kiiig ti6veUy opener. ;M6st.. Imr portant 'addltlon is a'jumping police. dog, contributing the strongest llii^ ish - ever' possessed: hy ■ a yradna ;turn,■ ■ / . ■ Mijio. .Bradna opens ^vlth;hp^ cus» t dm arjri well - scMboled eq ue's t rlcn nb 'Work on- .a AvhUe horse'; • eiir suing'i'lctlbri. with' dbi?S: and pigeons .'ind- support' .of(brlS; by two cWwnS arid .'a gU-r In. ballet ■slUrt.alsb taking' plaoe inside the eli'cus ring; .: . Flpelc, otiijIgeohsi.ljrrKhtly; dyed In cblor.i; iranglng' from; Usht .green to. orbhld are. a 'strong pirt Pf the flash; asl- boni). ■ At .the Hip .upon, the.pigeorfs". ■ uppoaranebi'.q,' murmur.of comment :ront,.tliro\i'gh the auiliehce; ' ' - PoUc'b dog accbmpllslics' iiti ll'r-; foot olliribing lipp'.over-Jt'■R^ill tar. tho climax.- ^- TliiS^ white.^cart carrj'-- ing. tho Bradiia. blrd.s.'and; dogs in' :iiev:olving wheels. '.fprmorly :the:f^^^ l(?her, ls,now'spottbd inidway "as the <!lilet sight; Item. . - \ mge, • Joe SMITH - and;CViarlea DALE . '"Sv S.':.Malaria'; ..-i:^ • 18 MihSij Two and Full (Special) :''Palae;e'|8i.;y.),;,..;-,^.-;'',';.;,''; ':.-;.^ Surefire act; OS might be 'expected • ifro»n this. pairV but. its strength Is tn the- lirst half and Sveaknbsj In , the'.Secohd;' whlbh-: is', wrong. , Not .'Sii ■wcak,. how<5ver, that 4t w.lU.liavo' to be 'entirely -rewrittciii. ., All; that's' lieedqd'.'are a iew-ihore ' fltrpjig 'gaga tp.: be spbttbd" toward '.'tlje end' -of the deck scene . .and Jn . 'tke'staterbom,-: Or some of ,.the ma-' .terlal ' can.--be 'cut* toS .'strerigtheri ■ toward the. .ilrilSh :w Ith! thb weaker stuff Vculled out.- .Trouble:-\vIfh: the. offering-starting out.; punphlly . aiid- • Blbwihg' dbwh' on iaUghs 'is .'th'at. of . that , proverbial last impression, y . - - - Opening . bcfoi'e' the .hbUSe drop Ih!""tw'oV revbals; a .cbuplb of 'gold- '" diggers.' getting passports' tbjp . the ., run around'Pari3,.-Smlth arid Dale >n ; ;the usuali^Yidr moan^'abbut-bad busI-' • ncas, •' doctor'.B •.orders Ho';jio' to Eu,r.ope,"etCi - When , they learn -the , gals are, gbirig to. -Pavls.- they jilclv tliat as thcU' ..deatlriatlun. attd the. . act^^gbes . to full. fpr ' the .; ','piakeV .' '.scfctiOi- . Albrig abbut the- f-rid^ pf Uiat,' -ithe material. [Starts, to : sllpi; - ' J . ■ 'Last.isceri© ;ls rbriilriis.cerit b£-. '."Dr. '. Kronkhelt"\ in- "sonio. rqispccts, -Grio :«t the sea^'going playboys is plenty, sick and- a' doctor's :called .in , to .^ex- amlne,..hiirii-;pronbuiiciri'g h'ii'n-'hope- -.. leSs;. - Then the; two boys, ■pa»'tnerS, . . begin to con'fcsSi the~ dying -tourist saying he's:-.been, chicating'On'; tiie '• other's wife.' .For thb tag, whpii. the ' Other starts to" cbrtfess. It's"i hope, ' you'll-forgive . top, .'but yo-ti're . dying because I pblSohed you." It's ; an .bid - gag' handled'"'somewhat dlf-'' Iprently hero, but still good.; ' Act was written, by: Harry .T?. . .Conn and Max: Hayes.' liatter, who stagca It, is a dialog director, at the Paramburit Long Islari<l studjois, biit , ^ravlbiialy a prpducer-agcht; .. Itobcrt Pitkin doubles f^ir pas.'? . ' .port man,, waiter on ship's dick anil ^.dortbr,- while Jean; Mann -and. Adcle . .C.oiplos arti the glrls; Uotli lookers - and okay. , tViar. HON. MR. WU (7) - "Chineao Wbbers" (Flaali) f 16 .Mins.';. Full (Special)- HIpppdrpifie ^'.^'i "' . Wu's.'ncW one Is more' cborioifilciil invtaSt and -appareritly' also, la -pro^, auction','^ ■with, physical ..:effort -liow -stre.sS(\d .'ovei' ./flash; ' ,;. of the specialties-is .exceptional in a-.talSnt way, - but ■ umisual-in .thb 'Afnerlijart Style/of. the;- Chinese;' players: ^ That .noyeltj^.; should Sell this, .one aa It; lids sbKl AVu',s;;turris,;,whllo Wu helps .-with, liis pcrsbriablo pacb- making.;; / -= ;■ ■:; .■.» ' -. ;-■■."'.,. .; -.-^ITnless: .chopped, at. the Hip for. runninB;; ;-tlme, . 'the 'ending, seemed; ■abrupt-i-withoijtWu; taking; part tt cbmp^ny rbund-up.- for a dahcjng nriish after-.-ritoii.t .of; the .six. Ih; sup-. ;port had dancea in.Bficclaltles ahead. Best -oi the lot;were, an- eccentric -by cine, of the. tht'ee bpysv.arid i. mlxca team's ■w.alfz..' ..-.;■.~' . -.■';-.,. ';■'-'-,;" ''.^'- Chinese. 'irit(jrlpr ;is the :.brie fgll stagb' set and an eyeful at., flrst; but, when'they switch to 'Itwo" and then hack tb.'fulii'. the latter: set lbscis - Its scenic. kick,.wlth the Vetvrrt to eamtf s'ct alSo tending to cheapen general' appearance.;'W;onid ■ have cost more Ujj.t-. might; have; been.■■\yorth ;ii-~fbr the prbau.ccr'. to ;drop.;the'iinale;ltitb new surrbundingis.-; • ■ "■ - . Wii'lias eliminated his former fnt- Itatiohs'. but;;one,.- ttie Joe - £'risc6 dance. ,. His . chief item this time lb an Im'preisSioh; of the cbbjl.e In the Guild's 'IRoar.'.Chlna," a twister .for Unknowing. aiidibnccs':but 'as modi-, fle.d and;played :by;Wul havinglr^8bme dramatic' value. ■ Doubtful whether 'anj'th'lhg. but ;'th6 .;actuai:: playfng carries' slghlflchncovfor ■the.'a:vcraEC v.aude'ville'andierice. ;.>-.'' Big'e. - • (3) . Pancmg . .8 Mins.i One Hippodrome'' . -: ':j :.-' ■«.*^'- ;''^*^'«B ihotviuclr down attcr' 2! unison 'tap routine to reveal her sex Is this trio;8 Solo dc- . Parturev.frem sti-aight dancing, bu t no great departOre ■ since that she's Si.e'''' Is easily discernible thrbuSh the male;: attire. . It serves best to . .*f«f ."tj|ate :her alVllity tO: follow the mRsculine^ncing style, '^hat, In taps. Is dlmcUlt for a femmeV i^;^"?^^^'"!'''^'''*' •i'ioffng- is scrammed into this brief elght-mlnuto bircring.. . AWst-strenuous; pbrtibn dui'ihg the -Challenge work by; the two lk)ys as; .uie;.second nuniber'and.-during:;the f„i.^ ■ ^'"^"Sb to . shorts. .-T>att*r ^"PPlne. ability, be- .»ro .the unisbn finish. -• . .. ii«^i";u*l ?Wcer. cost^pics are ;nc!lt ana that besides- the dancing makes ;"'''turn'playable .on any bill. Style ?iA'"'?^,'P''^^^'*>'^Vlll:ir nowadays but Iv^ s.««i'ls it,ahead of thb-ay^r- HARRY LANGDON (3) Comedy 14 M1 ns;;.Onet-.Thr^e, Full ..(Special) 86th St. ;;,;•':'';';,:■ ■'■'.■•4.:- ;: Harry £,'angdon returns to vaude -W'lth a sure-tiro offerfng. His new act .gives, the comedian :ample scope for his pantomime. ,;.;.: .:. Carrying- quite an expensive abt,: from the scenery angle. Four scenes,' first In .'"one," representing a, golf course, sccbna -In "full," club house, third a street ^cene in front .0^ a hospital and'.closing before-the repulation !'one." : • . •;; v . ' ■ . .^Two girls and a man, latter Eddie jSliubcrt, ' support. Opening scene has Langdoh spearing gO^' balls and hiding theih, with the three assists wo'ndering -what became of them. 'Secona: scene, has one of - the. girl's breaking the wlnaows of the club- hbuse. whilb .attempting to tee' oft, with thb. bl^me throsyh oh:Xianga6n. lie: monkie.s arotind a stalled prop autO'ih tho third scene. Through it all Lahgdon weAvcSln lils- familiiar. dumb, gestures arid fix- prc.°slOns. He does more talking in tills act than hb's- dgne in sbnib o'£ Ills' talkers. JUS; patter;-.with, the support Is of the nut- viarlety. For flhlsh Langdon does a short comedy dance. ^■''.';:, '■ ^i;.: \ -,- "' ;;■;, .VINCENT llOPEZ Orcheetrn (23) Music, Dancing, Theremin 33 Mins.j Full (Special) ; .,; Palace .(St. V.) :'" . ' This Is lees of a-Xew -Act' doturilly: than when last caught in 1929, but ^v)^^o;.thb same: St..Kegi3,orcljcStrai I-ope/. has brought along with him :frbtW-' that swajiky ' Fifth . avenue hciiel a ;dancc trio, iTheodbre, linrica, ji'nd :?s'0vend, .besides lulding a Thc'r-; emln (ether Instrument) and some now lilaterlal for the band and its: singing quarttft. .,: .";;. ''j.,- J;'lpneer. band: leader, ^'topez. still features his band arid himself more :tliari 'spebially artists: ofvmuslclans aoubllris fbr ;vbeal or ather-blts; IJe- ponaiiig on backgrounds and eltoCts for ;novelty 'valuo;- in building - up ;some of-the numbers played, Lopez .r.rst" ;huS. :theHav(ina harborvand "Morr.d .Castle -dt tho: rear ;as atmos- phere; A battleship is'seoii' going Up: the harbor. ^^vhUc la'ibr oii'for the. number Inspired by .New;.-York's'. ;SkyIIjie and;along; the lines;pf the, hiochanitjuc niiriibe'r. - ROxy onfc scored On heavily^: there's a repro- duction -of the Emph'e State build- ing, witli a zep pulling up to it. A Theremin -;number, with; ; player plenty nervous, was also-for novelty, but ;not^gO:excitirig. :'iV • ; : ; '.This is all new .material., fOr, the bhnd/.plua ther eracefully 'excqu.ted, 'but' pot. outstanding ■waltz :pt'~ the triOi spotted about the jriiddie. LpuiS Cireen, - pHinlst, dobS ii .«ong', and daijce near liere, too, but minor in entertainmeiit importance. : ■ ■ - Medley .of three pops, «ou^Ip piano solos by Otxipei, , which, got over strong and: the band's Own Idea of ''St, Louis Pliics,":-havc; been Bliown before. Lope?/ quartet. In tho orchestra near the back, doe* ;hic6l"y, when called ypbn. . ■ Band got over here at the' llrst show,, but it .Bbertied heaviest reglsr terlhg -was: tjy'Lopez, hinisell .^i.t.'the ^-Q'jfat iTiclijdca :;hl3 Nola." Sbmoohe hollered ,for.:;lt: Jitter Lopez had finished WUlylt tts an encore. ■ ;■ ;,;' ' ; EODIE STANUEY (2) With Virginia Ra/ . / ; ;; Talk, baheihg,;Mu8icaI .'. 13--Mihs.;; One.-. :..■..■■ ' -■ '...■ . ''•. .■..• 86th St. ;■,■/.■■":'::';•■- ■;:"■■;:■;..■ Eddie Stanley Js' now wor.UIng with Virginia Ray, little ingenue looker who both feeds foir gaLgs and dances. Since last reviewed as a new act, Stanley's; material nor ability haa; not: .Tlseh Above tta nclghb rating; as a combination house attraction;: It's still.; Just a fair act aiid here, where spotted third, ^ only got over to that kirid. of. returns at the'Thursday night show; Stanley might permit Miss Bay to de'v'clop beyond her .present :assign-: ment.arid give her; more of an op- portunity at the cute singing type of numbers.: The ;ohe she' does abo.ut lit© nilddie of. the .turn is abcom- panied hy a Ibt-of panto; by Staiir ley,: appar«ntly for: laughs, :S , - His femnio; assistant proves an able ^^eedi but Outride .of . th'e" letter, from- home for laughs,; there iaren't many In Stanley's Offering. .Tho imitation of the slot piano a clever bit tjiat. whips: ujp some interest, but on whole. the Stanley act ;needs 'strengthening,, nibstly wlth ihaterla.1, And Stanley might have the ability, to sell. Char. , . Hand-Balancing ..- ,. ' "': ■ ?Mjns.,THree > - ; : yw;or;flyrne":hn:nartn:'iiarid' bhl- : f']'';^.'".'^ • .with; an undecst.anrtpr fm . Btation.-try ; woinc.; Family styK: ■ :SPJ;nv»'.-::Tho-.a.ot. wa.s- ln t)oor con:. oiti^h liel-o :.becausc of tii.o imdi'-r- ...8t<irid(,i.-f. weakness;- Maybe it's'this Clini.ifo. : ; ■ '■;■>■ '". ; ' ;■' ■■•' ' ;;.A;<i:ria-foTiian'a featcli -fro'm 'sriiail ;v'''in-<>;''')0 to; ptirlner.lying on the ,nooe -is the: act's'big :riiomorit. BaJii/. BURNS ANO ALLEN "Diziy" • ',' ;, 17 Mins.; One' ..-. •'■■ ;:■; -< ' Palace (St. V.) ■..;•,:;■'■; ■:■.;■.-. .;% For : Several years' this standard fehtii has been:doing.yi.^mb;Ghbp.s", by 'AI Boasiberg, which .ailways cllcUoa.: . The 'ne%v.".bftcring,- -prev sentca iUoiig • simll.i'r; lines, wHlv' Grace Alleh tha aiiinib-abra, is,'hows- over, without any props.butsti'ongcr th'aw-'tlie .prev'iotis. act. MateriaLls acain by; Bb.isberg aria bristles; with ■pvlnchin.ess as sold' t)y this: show manlike pair. - ; ;' " ; .. . Without the Material: they have Biivns aria .Allen ', would; .-p'robably «*.'farther than otlii-i-.-? cbi.iUl, 'v.Mili: s.!inib; 'material, ::i^»it .AVUlibut th:il a.nmfji.sli ppr.sOJiality: a.nd-' avyln^- p( tirar© .'Allcri'S, i pliiS tho, vbico; tl)f;y. wouidn't, gb- niu>h 'fa'rfhOr..y'.wlifU K»o has to sell Mi.'ss: Alii-n si'lls for :tnp ■ vitli'ib ana- tliat'-^flOTo, - fioori-'O ynrris ri)brf-hn,nai.«cs lil.s .(-ria .f-'ilttiJli;- as. vviiW as a.foil.aria counter wl.-c- crrt'.kor'.- ::'■'■ :. ■ •,.;::;;■ :; .:;;"' ■':■ Play-a; fourth at th«i a Ibnti. bill Willi .Sriiiclv and ].)iilc liv-vt-: .'to-'i'lo.«lrip; '.'.' 'and,: j^^I.ori' - cm Jjoia; .down that, bc.'it, Kpot^ a'nytliii?. ; ,<':',; ■"■'';. ;,:■;- 'V'^-.' :. ■■;:v';'-': Chaf*. JEFFERSON /'. ;(Cbntinuea .frbni :'. ;• . a chain and tho diiigs: and ini'ukbys are well trained to pot .vonu-.ay, ;o.ut of their meeting 'wiilV the :"liiny," VCentcring the Uve-aet layout iyvre Richar.stnd CJra-y, vclnrlU>ciU,i.l leairi. \yhbso; work Is slmilur .-to-'that Of VOX ' nnd . AValters. ' .•With', ;:lioit,<'r diali)g- and 'more; rcaHstii" .auiiinil.*!^ this pair: wotjia ■ r.-inli .AV'lih' the; bcsi ttOts of their type.. -.: ; :•.-.;,.'■;::, , : Harry-.IJelriuir-s.'l'tev.iCi.e.closed .aiul Scorea.'- After; 45 riilnutes :n£ .gli'l'iv BorifiS;-•d.'in.cos' Arid: .g;tKS Vhe- biis,- teriiers pllll waptba. riiorc.- The en- tertainment. ::V(iluo is . spnioilnie-s: hard tP find- but the-Hash, olject' Is always, thevc'j ; ,. - ' - - Overture, "From the Orlojit,"- by uriibiliea. lcader,;..des.erves' mention. \'-;-- :.: ■'R-K-b, .7 ' ■,' ■.:'. •- ijos Angel^^s.-'Afiirbh 1.9.- ■ - -PibrieeVlng tho revival •.of::'.cbast' yaude on a largo:'sc'alc, wltli, a cou- ple' of,dozen we^f;terri h'ovisos, already cbnVertea,'tli'e' ItKQ deserves', a tes.- llir.onlal placqiio from fortnor.'lay- orrs ■ who ~ have been ..rescued. frOuv the igrioriilny of npplo .Uoxes: TJic roK vivlJled. spirit of vau'dc horeabouis FEATS OF FOUR; '■ -. :" '..:* .'.-:;■'■ Dancing 11'Mins.; One (Special) : 68th St. ,■;■'■. :.;■■■'-^■:' Name Is a tickler and maybe ad- vlsahle to -change. Otherwiae this (tuartct- of mixed: couples pops to a flying -finish in. ah interchange of Wing steps that will take any audl- erice for ah opening, spbt; Snappy work all .tHo way, alid. fist - Speed, makes the foursome's straight rou- tine receptive., :.Bo'me'. stuff" looked stiff,' but added weeks should take out the kiriks. '. - ; ; :. , Opened here on a flve-sLct bill for good reception. ' Lighting, however, is iff.- With; 4 tinted drop toVphade thO'. ;\)lue . and: white troijSer: legs worn by all fptir, that-faint white spot, looked: weak and bod for -cuS- •tomers' eye's besides. .: -. : ,' ; ; . ' -Girls are good dancers but too tcbhnical; • A llttjq mbro ^fenllhlriity- tn- stylo would shade them off for deeper personality reaction.. jSha'n, CONSTANCE EVANS (3)::- ; ; f, Song and Dance . 12. Mins;;. On*'(Special)'; S8th St. :. - '-■•';.:.■:■ ; Miss Evans, assisted by two men, unbilled, one a. plan 1st and the other singing,-, is ;a good-looking, blonde -who ■practjudlly sclls' the act :-.albhe. ai)bdbe's;sbv.e.rai: routines,, ihciuairig a fast ftctObatlb in whith .she kicks -tiip; back -of her-; htad:'easily ■with bbtli feet, arid a. fast high kibk .niim,-; bor In long; skiri.y.; ,':; ■ ' '-; ' ;• . SIrgor is';sb-,flb,and: p,larii;s't plays n: i-'ol!)-•B'ltlibilt'l(5oklri»r at hlS.audlr "Tuoe for stlllrig an'glf!.«!-,':' X'rbljabl'y -neo'^lisnrj;'. for. tho girl's tchip'q,; btit 'Hirp.; solO' is: 1920 vaude and." only ijiic-sup'^imci.•' -;'':-::;;'-'>•, ; ' .-''■Kijlr as-It, Stands,-with -cbnIpclU tion. - :". '-?.. .,.:■■ ■'-, .-..'; ..; -. - ■..:, Eatz Not' Gding Sain>katis, lias f:aHrt.a off the" trip hti. iila'r;f.o>l njAi'iv" :''o Lo.^ AriS'ry.-^-' ,]T'h©-rubHx''6p^r!(tdr; ha^ going :but.;the ,la.«:t,6C-th a couple flf^jrefUfc'.'stflyi;- V- ..;■ ;;■;: Is'as refi-Sshing as.a Oarb'o klss ..-Gazing;,SVith; ;neces.sarIly-.'l^;hlbnt, eye' upon'tho local booking oltlce s Sincero . '\''euturo ih :.cbllectirig '^tour e.xlra acts each; week; for tlio UKO on a -rostricled ■buaget;;'tho iriipres- siou is that the job is being handled Quito 'ca^falply. . .Eight'acts .(four of them comprising. tJic regular: RKO unit frohi, ^the -.east),; plus • a talker are being sola as, low'aS' 30c.,;ana, hot more- thin .$5c, FurOver,,; the .augnientca policy has been prollt- ablc.: .- .'-"' :;Thlrd eight-act - bill had a; few giddy moments, but progres.sed with niorc than sulllcient prbfessionallsm to Satisfy a.western audience. Spot^ booked acta : were \ St. Jblin Trio (Kcw Acts)? hahd-to'-hahd balanc- ers.and- tumblers; Davey Jariilospn, -dancer; .Hugh''Johnston, :i;ard"and .rings manipulator, ana the itarigeir-s, cowboy vocal sextet. They worked •in that order,'With ;tlie regular.^unit of, Mellno and iDayls, -UaUb and, Tlsen, Joe JJrosvnlng, .'and .Sensa- tional ;klkutas followinsi . " -'-; Understander of St;: John Trld was . hot- in the -best ;bf; condition, arid' abandoned . a: couple > of; feats.- but the. hdnd-to-hah4 ;^vork of his partners entirely . satisfactory. Davey- JarivlcSbn,; deu'clng with -fee-,- centric taps and-an.-embHonaUym- ti-cduced'-:':iriipresslbn of: itli'e" .Gepi-ge Prlmi'ose technique, paid ;no „a.ttch-- tlon, to, hiakeup ' .npr .dress on.. Uie nr'st sho'iv, but this was-later cor- rected His material has hot been carefully prepared. Hugh Jbhnston,- carrying an. at- tractive , girl assistant,: went no fartheir, than-; tho -^ave'rage ' In . card and Intcrlbclccd rihg tricks, but sold .everything very.ii'Oll. in; :ciith.UsIte 'tic,'b'rcezy-stylo,' "■'. -:.'■-'■ '/.'-i -'.■,;■ ;V- ;-An act ecirta'lh to get .warm recep- tiohs- ih- t he west, is : the Kangera male sextet In cowboy. 6utnts,--wlth.. a penchant .for ; the. bar.ber Ishop cycle- of songs. -Voices are ■well- mated and healthy; .Their: reception • ijere was very, warrii. . ■ .. ■' ' Mellno and Davis, uhderslzed comic with equally small and dizzy fcmme partner,- were a;.hit ln';lllth,- spot for ho>nbtico'able: reason- aside from 'the mail's Jirhriiy Savo .cps.- tumihg; Maybe It's a lessOn In.the; neophytic.' attitude of audiences where vaude had been neglected for long.'; ■ ■.-':"...-.' .. '-.■ ■-:'■";" ■:'-;\;:' Korma Gallo wl th Paul Ti.Scn and hiis Gypsy Ensemble (string quar- tet) did well bh the girl's: moaei ato dancing ability arid Tlsert'.s; sonie- tlmcs ■ excellent ;muslo.., A > young hbck-hoofer: .was- used-to blnc.h the, ckit. • Folibwea by the stanaai-a Joe JBrbwhing- and. his sureilre but fa- miliar routine. - ;-:.'■; '., Sensational. Kikiltas,;' seven "men and; three girls, -1 ri. J^■ risley, Ju'ggU'ng and tumbling, closea.': A 'bad' print .of "Lonely Wives" (RKD-Pathe) gi-eeted the - heavy flrstvshow auajencb., • , ■ Sang. CONGRESS, CHICAGO .' ■.': ' ' ; '.Chicago, March 18. Here is another housb oil th'c Publlx-B, & K. neighborhood list that has been sehafrig out. hurry cklls'Recently for-'hiy'p; with .the home brace ins'w'eririg:with a; pnf e weekly aisplay of unclaSsillcd vaua<i acts. ■:t.:.-r .' ;;/.-'.'■-..:'::;::'.''v-'. ' ;Vauab'"ha3 aCcbniplIlslted thln^.s at tiie':box Oflloo' hc're; It has boo.iteil -the 'take on. the days it sbbv^s.: .'I'lils ih; spite ot.'-tlVb. toi-rilic . JiaiidJf-.Tli.s, liripo.sed- by the aINknowIn-.,' >»(l,l'-^ Variety ;p<;r,fbrrti'a'n'?e,; l.s plMflod iii- ;tl)is. houso.■^at- thoi., vr-ri^ .blbsV; uf- a' fouiva.-iy run of a f'l'Jturf'. :' , ■ ; -; .; It rriean.s that a:i>li;lui'<!':lia.s''|i!'iV'v'. -Sk'tiLii:aay>-!iu:rid.-i!y, :ai oriduy■ 'slid'; a H but thf; lust-Bho-\v'on ;Xir'..siiiiy. wUc)) tlfc :vanOo guns'lii. Jii fp'll/' ofl.tlili:'.' tlie '/' -slio\vs ;I'ruve- "'ins!si'-iitl.\; (loUv^T'ia ihe best;^.-/!^ t'cie-W^vk. It li!i.s :<it'iiii>'. Uio AriJ-K ,lii: Wift^f^ thf." p'oOri-r fbctjiiris' of; tHC cLfy:: - In. a, -liouti^ ll'Ot *catS~3,'MiU:;; With ,l%-1pu;of. -tborso . i;h:iirs on the, main floor. G'ivcn. d' 'dfiiifint -broakj: the; viiudcr. vilio ' hilgh't ; tncolh ; -much .-at: this th'..'ilre. ;; '. - ' ■ . -' ,.'• .',:,..-■.■, : La-ot .Tu(!fefl;iy tlii-y wont. barU to Sarii-ilonhiin's luVrii.'the tlieap ^imati.<ur.,rihQw, -They/rut from Jive Ui'ts, io Uixir, and ■ siibstitutod Jlvo amateur b'it.s. for the iinalo..: . - ' AdJfiittea- tho - housb '.app'.ared' to erijby' '.tliD aniatcur ■ try..-olit;. idea: Maybe they'll like It next week, arid sevoral aaaltlbniil i ,w(?cUs. ..Rut ;thcr.c"s: h'b , doubt: that-within -ci'Kht .. weeks ihoy'll be paBSIng U by. .?sb'- hbusb yet hns,-:ever:;bfillc' a steady, patronage, oh amateur-shoWiS.-. _ TKpre's : Onb tlilh'gi' thoAiplV, " th.n't.-: gives the Congress a chance to-ponie'.. -throtigli okay - with - the .n.iu.ifeur.. idea. ; Aha ■ th.-tt's.- 'i'l-**,: faot ...t.liat :; thoyVe giving four .-xcts of !<iralglit. Vj-ii-iPty anyhow., Ahd iivb iioi^ossary thtpg here i8-.(p Increaise the staridr:'-., nrd : of lilO' turns and. hokfl.;Aii) the:, api.Tiiniv .perforiniince. V>no ptralght: ; aor 01" iiiorif is; suillclcrit ih ;fiv.e -bit. ; itriiatow'Ilno-up^ '.::■•; ■: :, :, -- ". ^A'lillieiion'w.ihted to- laiifJh at thb' . - tvy-bitt: cruwd, <i,nd f:i-i'\spoil . oycry ;;. cliani'P; TKoy: want ;i.o: fnit .hiii-lr':to :'. liciw: romwly.laugh's aiid t))b;!ihrat^ur; ' id6a give's 'en'V.the bppnviiiri.iV.v.' ; '13ut:aihate«r nlglits-nri'' ;itrlv>tjy a rarb novelt'y arid-.canii.ot'bc eouritec^: .hpbn'fbf'return' ria troria'g/; :jOVor .any ,^ ;length Of tiriic'.' ,lIcvo':thc ).lVo.;:bIls.V ran;'a'ecordlng'-to ihrcrcaenl;:- a'ViO- Unlst, - a,- girl bb,bf>-ard<(o:per, colored: liOofer, comedy singer, arid girl es- - ; ca-pO artist.,; 'If. Ilernian liad irlod fpiv: the prize, 'fib.could have; .won; :but :; 'tiie: audience, went mbst'flb.r his .m.c. -'' clowning. :,. ; ■-:■.': '-: ,',■:.'■';: - As • for the regular. vahdc.': stiow,-.r- :'tho. best that. can be- said is. that it : will do.'. Mary Delight, aecordionist;; ■ Raymiond and Ann-, ventrllonuists: .■ Three Gobs, warblers; Donahue and , La Sollo. 'n'O^velty tumbling, with'the',.: man doing -some excellent in-and- . outr-bt; barrel': Jumps. Nothing to stir 'ehii ' ALCpustid bf .-lhls audlto-. : .rlum; too gbpa; with several . ■Voice's hilting:the air as if lt-wero ;: an cmpty :barn. . ' v "No Llinit" (Par) fcattire. Since it ■i\''a^3 St. JPatrlck's day, Publix-B. &'K. ,'ga\-e-.'ehi ;an,-organ;st to; help ,', celebrate' the'; bcca-slon, . and the . homefolks niade their own vaude- ■'exercisihg.tivo-.plp.eSj . . ;.; ; • S8TH STREET Four acts headbd by the bid mlns- -: tiel, Eddie Leonard, sl'ieilea over an Hour of entertainment, considering . that the picture, "The Last Paraae" (CoO, played the- Hip laijeiy : arid" r probably drew plenty from the. 68th; street district,'as. gobd. -. -. • Lepnard and his comlpany of nine bbysi all ih - blackface, got .'0.' rcfeep-,'• tibu and flnlshedvw.ltlr lO miriutes of'. encbrcs ih, "one,", including "Roly - Bbly'^-and '"Ida;" ; They were rather,:- rclucta-nt tb let Eddie go and, a.s lisiial, he hated tb lcayei ,;Eddfe now;, takes Just :bno long bow but there. ,, - Constance Evans ;■ (New Acts): : deuced and practically slnglo-liand'- ed,; thoUgh, assisted by tWo unbilled men, 'worked, through scveiral rou-,: tines to a nice finish; '• ■ : > , Th<5,Kltarb3, two:men and a wom- an, Jalis, have an offering built -.up ' from! barrel Juggling to a -class nov- elty. - They hanaio the; barrels;'difr, . ferently than' seen' before and do It to music especially sot, - which 'cht hances the- tricks. ' They flnlSh. up : ■with risley. ; •■; .' . .: ; ' ' pick Hcndcrsoh with his trlcK orit'rAnce arid gags, soriae hew, landed.'. Ills nut delivery and quaint diction are' the factors. .Sings well In a, robust - tehbr',' ahd^ landed, a few laughs In : '"Tip: Toe; Thrbugli the Tulips.", -which he 'sang find; danced to in cjcphahtlne style.: Coiild have , encOred, but-' made a speech.; FISHER, DETROIT ■ . :'(Continued from page 46) .■ a break.. .tftlng a larger than stand- ard ; size screen but not as' large as ■ tho'.Magnascreen it obtained a very good effect with tho medium larger scj-een. "Wliy • this -lSn!t trlea in other houses Is unknown'. As used hei-e easily notJcod; -Ploturb ' fSO' WiUlon' Frenchmen'' . I fWU)..- :,Business fair;" : , ; Ltd.: ^'^DENVER'-': ; '. . Denver,Mnrcii 19. ; '- : ;For: tivb-'.ou'rrerit-'week a' bang-jip; itOKfi .show, ana overture. . Pr'iil;; .Schmitt and orchestra ' are in far -:. bettor form than .in a lorig time; . ftaria :s.kip;s :from: orio', snappy selec--', tion to another and various of tho ,,.; musicians are featured in the nuui-' bors. . .; ''■ ■■ ; ■■ ■ Ori tlio Blago rnboldes'.''k.ept ^th'o. ' :firbwd in", good hunibr 'most '^bf . tho" :; lirii'''.' With 'tlio laff^'^t llrib i": Tpc'^ ' .cent'hibntjis, tlio-i'uUI.V'sl!iM;e.-'H>o:vv; ;Ktartfta with;.'- cl'^ye.rly ...;'C'A<:!;'i''i!l ' attn';fs rbyliws' in'liie milJ(;i'ri-.fa:s-li-- .: Ion; :'K-.iri j)'inc ,Tt)jr.'' :r..>>i'g'' )v.';:A,r-; .. 'irii:i!"',jiiit. Oj-ir 'imlf -li.jzi n; ri).^kt(sH \^^\•|.n:■W t)|..-ii''; f""h,-^h .. jwic'ts ;anil:; ^ W .veil !-..< <.|v<-a. ■ i ., ..,'■'. Ti:'!-1"<'.->1 r>i.;c.,--nave"Craig, re-. vi-ivi-i l.' y<:t Willi "Would, T<^u. I.;lk';'iii Take a- \Vfl)k" aria,;a choru.s ; . ; fr.jiiV ' '^J<irii{''s -Hblrses.'''^^ ft '—(ii-'viJsed, like a' aukc:^riiionoi;le and • iill-^-ana ,singing the, ta?<c-pft on llio roj'al pontes. ; .: >: '•::;^:'. ■ ';' ;,'.-.;: :•': ,'-;. lilrfib-.arid-. Harrison,, in hlaekf.aoOi ,"■ encffrtainod vVlth';lr chutt'er.:;arid.',, ;; <-'roH;;?itmei-; .Two,,; bf - tho -;rinfvppiest ; - tap a.-i-nc'ers s^cn lifir,^ Ih s'bmc tlmb -', iu'il JV>I;ana.Zplla S'oiHi'l',' •Who^ncarly :; stoppta "the show. • . ;' ■::"- . .- ' , Thb •sla*-''i: band .wofkeiT; oht front, for .a'whilo and then wmt to tlib ', hack, of thn .stoge for the'bia'iKoiit. . ' Daho::ana : Artiiur ';ite»isuscd^-;'witli.; '-. ehatlor.. ■; ■, '- ;•;:■:' ::.:■"■ ,/lIonor ;AriVong,Lovprs'." ,wa,s tlio ,-. feature aria tL news, coniedy ahd a ; cbupto of :OLd.s, -conjplc-tc'i.,; ■ ■; " ° liuslhcb8;'£ubd:'oh fli-st 'evening X-^ showi - • -• : v,;v ■ ;: :,;•;•::' ,'r