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^edacsday* A^^^ 1951; 19 ^ CjWVCKEP NUTS ; ^; ^;;, (CpnUniicd-frpm- ijiisff 'jlSi). ■■Kul'iiiU" tp a sUootlnff, • ,Up- ■Inali'O: •arr llpn iTiu'Rlri. -' releases , :b6m.bs wliil.e'Jjc'low ■ h'uectatoriiV;ijoot ewrv •♦liiit.'XJiVn 'mlsjjcs .tho.. thi'6n.*^^^ ;Is jV'P^iI' l'^^''*'' KQhe. One. 'KOiiU'l!' liifiL'oduced •bi-:' AVIiccIeri .'- - Ah felTo^v'7up oil.'fClinak'ii'on'V.fQr iMlK'- Oliver; .Svlioin Ua'dld, would like. ■ to ■ .'nViiiio. v- ■Ks- . -Miivla : ■■.-Di-essler.' • ''('j'jiVoU^a'Ifuts" .fsiflat- a .Kirtloulariy; ■iii\l>i>V: <-holc6i \ Dn- lho 0tl)(Sr-Ji.tria. ' 'tlilJi eippiit .comedlciihp .Is.' tl\d; pl.e- ' •tiive's . (Sutstanarnff. liersbiiallti', -rsd ■ ilic- ■ diuivabe isJ iio.t' beyoiidr r.q.ltrlev'V ■ jivi^^' IJo'l'otliy Xop.: !!! .just; ■ tf)p; lriT. ■■"■gMiu(^.-:-.-. :> 'S-'f }■:'■:■>%: ^'^'fr .V .' Slfim pro'Jrtrtfon ■ ntiii rt-lpntio.': flnsiNV in rttiHif fiiVvo; 6t Biimo • niiine hy Cimrlcs' W, Boll' iH(a. : Miirk . Swaii. . StBrrfnlc .U^st<>f• ~' ICwitiiJi: .■ FeAlurcji - ChxHoHf. .Cre'iinwooiil; ■ hcElhoiii T>crins>.- Cllrt Piiw'arrfii. • nir.e*'lei^ by Nl-M«'iiia .SqaBwIok.v. -UlnloR cniiiliiliuj; ■bt; nicliiVfd ■Bohnypry.-.-wltli; niMllttinnb Sv'l^onhnl SmW . Film. ,«<Jllor,..AvilUnm Kvainvjiy.- ■ At ;Cai)lWJ.. NeMf York, . wyok'. . April •nHhnlnB.; .t1mCi ;:72;rt>lni>. o , Jlntrmwtiy. ...vv. .■.ChttrJotlo.Ofwnwqod: Jpffon- liny wodi ..;... ......Ilffj;]nrUiV ncnm-. " Alict^llrn: Kinbrcy .....,• < iUorplby ^ClVfIsly :■. Niin, iWllf' .■...• VJnni)' X'-<^<^ ■ .Vlrclnla .Kinbrey' ;. .SAlly .F.IIoi-<> ■■■.Di-l(rti(ivi»,-..-.■.,, i i.i.^r-- - -V^vinri Bi*li!>y : FrP'lPPldc- LfpUe.'...... ■ Wnltor-. Mpit.III ■Butlt'r ;■.V;.......... ■ .>•■•■• ..;Sidney -..Dr^cy talktrdVof :rtvd;:.nbt ^slio\vn; ^^v:J^^^^ 1119.'iJlcliire. fcom. ■ a,-: Hlu^i^lreO' DointV- lac;kS) cssej.iilul s'orooh enun-tuliunV'Ml:' Ic. .slioiild fit ;iiv iiacin.sllc; isiwis." That liy^Iw llUe iiiv an(;le i,o be'-t■ou'-■ s^UcreJ.t>y;;txh^ljs. ■ ■■:.■/>. /XW'Kills aril ■ i)roii'siit .0II l,- i<vl ihc nim,. Marlon-. {<lilllliis' :aii(l.';IjtnSl lAnia; ■ Xatiof pgi;u-(iya tlie.<irw-jiian .swc-flhvarl arid she sliowii* tli'nt wjtlV ■pi-6pi>.r... iijHidil.ti'B^ .uSi\(:'s ;..iVat(^ iai«ii t .of ; no: .".in tie ■ iibiiny;: >nss .hlilllinff, fiir: .tlie brlW ;spell Vbat alvc'. ,ls.o(ti;.is- nlso'.oW.aj'. . iJcuii, ard- i6ok'- :cv3. Ciorm.'iii'^ls.^pokoii brlelliv Jllss Atna: li^liJlng-grc.aUy.'Oil ttiis: pl^ OI.efl.s6n spots- the cbhiiedyv .e'spc-' Slally:.:^wUlt ■,ZaKvt'^l>lttsi.-Vw^^^^ his nvjfp In .'tli'o; jpre-\vdr scphcs/ .Slib.'a -u.' .knlfo lbi"pwcr". anj bt 'tbe sUttio, H^. s:laya home.' lo Ob the eppkljuft He- eh11'stc-a- Ijeoause h$ .wU.a tlrtd.or b:eli)ff'..t1ie. tarfc'et:^ aioat. pt 0»b: nipv's: Uiiiiior fis here.t.-; .: lloyd.liojj.bls uSiml hcrblc nSsiiBn-: me.nt -atirt' .mbvfi'-- aboiif' like, the sllci)t*..tyi)(6.: he is:'uii\iKll.V ■ ielverif to reveal, ■^■'.'r::.^ :::^^^'' '/Jfhxtn^J: GltlES A)SD YEARS . (RUSIsilAN MADE) ,. 2-'; •':tv;^snent)■ ■' . Soyjiitklno ..pr'o'iluctjdn: .-.'AinUiho releaso. Vrnitt nov^l-rir. thi^ Knwo hninp! by'(i«n- ftnut.lh jyjlh; .: l>lpeclcd , By ■ JJHBlnc'. .Tr.li'prvlaS<n-i. : At O'le :\>anVnci. Ueyr york;: wopic- Aprtl.-.S. KujinlDB tin'ic, 96'mini' ,'4ite8.: " ■ " '< .■■■. • .--<.■ .■ ■ 'Andfcy' .sihtlstcV. i ;ivftn. i'thuvoloj- •Kurt. y«n Startz6v.. . .0, MlcliOrln ^ifnjor 'VortVifcliuhttu; ,> iv1)ccnl(ard Clocizkc. iljiry UllrbitVli. ;■...i; .;,..>'oii)iie: iluVnriil.J Jl^oUhrUntlJ...;.... ...... ... .Davlavttvrt n\div ARi«tt 'DIrinliii::.. . . '. . A, . Kgairlelikin : This. trme 'the Soviet etnergea- to stft^.its .i',ise,'unmlncUieJy..-.;:TI)ls.l!i i>ropaganda>' .■ wlili.out:: color.' ' 'Any itahi-HcclnS,. ~ r.cgai-dles^ how■■■ Slight; with. So.Vlet. siUtiSMnay DWnn .'death. ' A .TiiC' lS-yeiir-old.staKO .fardb. 'dc<n^ . :bv Sietro. aa' silent ;ln lf»2Q^ .Is never' "rlbtous ,- eivtertalnirient' --hut ■gbon'. fiin.- . It's i)osalb|lUlM\are -nir ■ Kb()d'-'as lCeaton's last' t.wb fcatute.s; ' .'VboUSliIioys" :nna '^Frber and 'Kii»y;"i ■' iWiere'. ,ll)€i- piirhes: ot .Kbalbn: and. MJss ' fivcehwobv' • <lb tiot do .their ' dtiiy by ..tlie'at.Vbs 6r' /..where Kditon- '' a^^^/:V Vfbmbrtlan; hiajt'.bo silpplng; If- • '.t^Kifsi ■a)iy'\vh«r.e, a.'^ironir supports • I in.i,' shVw- will ■ bo needed, , to aTOld ■ V t 111 iifr: Below .• hvei-aRC.. ftrbssbs- ■ .. . •.• Jlo.st;. of. ■ "Parlor, .OJeOrbom ■ arid ■' -Bnili". Was made on r ibcai'lpn . In •' iKertton-'S l^everly jllllS home; whierc: :• ■ he- also' did' the. -fbrclgii .verslbjia ot. .tlio 'sanieiilcturb;' ;Sotpe of ..tbe/shptB. ' <)t li1s fliVe place .add-sbnicthlrig -to ■. •the "til<'f»iro' which. "It. w^iild .'liavb^ .• .lacked^ptherwIse'lfVlnCusual: studlb ■ aeillnes. . lt'3 noticeable herb, .glvr' : . 'itip • the. rbinedy■ jirpdVibtlbn value, . . • This old' . ptago . farce Via fibt .as : -,crbaky/as- maiw-tevivodf plaiys,-. but • .ft ./ fan't^. : something. ;frbtnv. ivjilch ■ ViioOovn.-' original ■ lauf5!v,.-slt^^^^ .-. maNr'lic: bxpcctp;d: - AVhllb-tlie hnmor ■ •tliars.' drftwn froiru llje-.play Its^ . ■with .■•tlib n^lnbil idlhlpg.. .mattbi; by ..'vRbbo.tt.JS; Hopkl^ :.: dollvers: noi .but-standins .iiAihcli, -ithc \ .VMuai.panlo.mfni.lb valiio pt -a Jte^toh- ...'. perfbrmaricc,: .partly, iiiakes- . up ' foir . /...othbr Pencils; . .'; ' ,"■ .■ - jC<l\ynLrd, Sedg\vlc|kS whV^fl^^ all ■pt; the: ICeatbn, ;plctiircs,'"pul!? . the : ..oomf^d|aiii through IvIs IalnlllarJpOcb^s '.' ill ail even irfiahriori biit hisvor pOr- ■ nilts .Ji^lsa-. Greenwopd or ■ eild. 'jP-l- .:''..wai'dS' lb. gct'. ne.rtr'to •Steallh'g- .the ■ -y plcl^ire.; . ■ T.hb vforiiicr. jjeyerthcle!** niako^ a big Showirip^ In ytlib cllh.b.lr • .; 'SO.eucs In .thc 'sbasldb llbtti; .bV(t JCd- ; •'wai-(l,s.'.|» practically loft hanging a.s': ■ ■..■tiie./.bbii-hop..-.-:.'-/:;.. . •■'. ■ ■■ OII1C.VR, Jncludlhgi'licphiald Kcriny : lypl-olliyi Christy, /JottiV- rbors .H».id ..• -iSfllly I'Mlers -are .merely arbtiiid- biit :.-^dp. all. tiput \v.llH. .whiit the .script •handed tlibmi" .A--.-.<!niiqLll^ :.rt.ot.OGilvo • .■ T)a\'t. c.ipltiilly • done , \by'MiTwfiril ; . T!rpi>hy/;ia . a •pf.bod '-*?'!'^ wlril<^ It . f Ih.iils; ; J^'orVfarcc!", al'^' Clrii'i' i*-"?. ' ''"v: . bonip. and; pkny-Xbr lhb ki.da;' ■tvlilch ' all ;jCc;(.i-on ' iilclti.l'oj?: .sliPuld' bi!.^:irid. ; tPldiitb hiiA'je -libpii,: ■ ' > Vtotr.-i'. $kYPNR VICTORY v r-''f''C.tirnilirrHon np.I T£Kd-T"n|lip l(>li''i9<>,' J'nil(ij;i,t. hi. K. . i>;-. ncrr. .. Wnturos Jl'H ' 'J<->i.l: .pirc. tcii by ,T..liVr.Il?ilj('Hsiini ;-Sl.iir .■.a-iiM"iatr<iii. ■liy...llorn'rft - ".Tiv^rk^n-. aii'l - JiiiV(;x;i;iM!ii.n;: At Vip''Jill)i>'Hlr' j»ij<.>>fi.V^ ~' S,"'''''' '"'plnnliiff' Aiii-ll' +1 •Itiinnltu: Mmr. ■ •,. T()i n.|ii*.- ■ . ' , .. ■ • ■; ■ f ■. ,. . •, •.. ■•TJiir .yi.,..;....:,;; ;tiiiv- ni.y.i ,-. ,.;, . . . A . , .ZrlKlI . I'Mlrt ■.3-''»' i.^..:.. .t;ow •r'nily- - • ■ !• 1.. .... . .•.-M:uliin- .'SliniiUK 'JJ.'l' ■•..v..iv..•!....;.....•.■.JaihPM'fJl(-:iwn. , .. J^'ill;i;Hni> . . . . . .I,l»Bl .;\Tn.i ;■ J''''J".r. i>'i,'iii»itH. .,i;v.;<Tu>."><irtro' Viin v/xy. .-■ J.'.Jtrtllii'r.. ,,.■, ...;.;. .Mnrv - Ciirr ■■•/?:vv>;- v llJuirpll .illcaiKiif .' :V .^'il'iv'^Viil- vsuitpv'V^ lif-caUS'P .It.9 .acllori fs- ■liicliloriiiii. 10 ..: • .11* -.(Tiuhig;; ;: It'.s .-.(;'.■ fr(»iiji . loctiiVx-'. ;. ft.'faliistijViir .^o.^ trbato'd; iriirririT ■ ^oWe'^'.moii.tly frort . ..llip fbrbl'gn'nei V ;Jt^i-.»-)un('^on. i^jfatcrl.Tl., • ■ '■'.'•vv''';';"'^'.', s.oV<!lev.'*>.t^t'rtlio; .'^ -.^'11. ■.-llifii- • pi-(..\var-' roixitin/ft'V' by; lUiJib.T- \. '.rv'^li-:... ^Alm Koprts; t(i-'li'!i v.o; bpt ii In . - V.rovp tlitiy :wpi-n . w Irt; boj^i.'^liili; .: -. ui:d IniiVBig ; a lovinprr Avuiniin - b^<;k;i)f)ni<.^'. , [:^^■.:■ T^xooo.C^.fOur hipjv'ri.ri.>'-)tllip(^ . ;l v.voiinf;s-.tfr •()*■{. tlit' f.-irhi.v.'.Tjifl 5p''.ond.:lH;Vv g.ij:' pl.Vjinioy; : I'lacli' tplls: ..; Ills. siiii-y Jqst ^lifCorc/iiifkliii- '<)fr;, t':i .; .. {b»Hi-;.irt'p- -Ujoij; ;.l{Hr . !(i,vilv.- Thp; boy. l?ir/ ''ifttlJi-iV'.'tV'l -tjiP ,'>U>ji-r man "■• "f -an ■ il:ri.'<cip;l|^tii'(U^(Vi^'lvl,. ' ; • .j<nd -, .Ol^U.sbn, -thP':-t\Vo rP- ] ^>nKlv'^'ri /.• ni.i i;;|j,jV Tb.-if s: ■••■ Tb^l,; tilft'n, - fiiV.Tar',Jis.^'M iwii: }i|,,j.y' i-^ii^^fjyjns. . (inp,.-tiinr i;brv«,. nii>ai!s.<-trinai\iniijl(i.i<^''fill..lln^ .!l-,'1/('yV "(>n<lVui,r -Ih npf'iihd^-Jn^'tlib ! viun's-'by; ll^V tinipv : f't^i'-nrUt^.illv'/V •'?''?.':•'' ■I'.rt'p.vspiiC;^: bcVuv-i-h- • ■j;iiyii.-.;riiiV{ nit-;ui.'4' '-Pi->~'irtiri.^ '■-• «;,:ftO(ir'iil«l ••, Jllljl T;liat'« tllo.p-iirpbi-t^'d alm ot tlfls:'p(e- turb. i'TJ.i.b iJ.lty. Is thls' corhcs. .Ip:,th€ giiliie Jp.C >ntcrtalhrh'ent;- There cbiild liar.dly be prpjected-^by. aiiy m'btlluiri .a , mbrb . d.labblltal-.. itnd destr)ictlve' liVinlt'pf jiroVagaiida.T^^-.^;.';^ '...' , Yet- it ipeils a grand m'uft-'^^^^^ greatest-ti:iist tiio world liai knoiifii; the S'.;;r, . It wbuld have bt:cn ppmpaiatlvel)r :.ca<!y.' tp: have.' taken FedJii'a-- story , ajii jcshvortcd -.It • In- -lcrost1ngly., ,tb. :tbe';fjcrcbH:;^^^^ ji roi- man'ttc'; story../'.^Che. ^em-i^ai' lesson wbiild h^i'o bbcn' -stlil poin'tod..' -. .■ I'cc.ullarly jchough'' FeSjiV'!^^ irp fn'r^as '.thevstrceh '^llows lt :to. b lUnown, ..Ibbks 'like It waa-'nibainit-'to! iu-eiich u batred of:-jvixr. ana'.its;'at-', tbndant. ;binitale'ty;':aa Vwe^ :as 'iiiV p.onih).itiiil!Stld^ spirit.." 'That Avar-:angli} Is■ iijrpuglit but "jn»; whatrniay .be tenn"b'd ;a ■Kyi'fes.r'^ri tdea.'bdsative ari.d i.vcC. <<vcn'';.hb>(i; .lias: ii.' cpfiitnuhlsln uiiKlbi:•;:■: ; ''^' •■<; ■•■'• > • "-^', ; .\rhat the plV!tur.e.-trli;d.:t& :^toll Jbiiit 'jiiihlilbd: was ■• tlViitva'•Ru'sslan--ovtlst In >.<,lbrmahy b(jforo 'tlib -war- "went •JvC.d af.t(Tw;il'ird.s,-. althbughiJie /did lib llgbljiig nor.^ saw sevvlcc...' Then lie: blimps} up vxi^alnst ■■ tliie. Gbrpifth ' bf-^ .fleer.- who bribe ••boh'^eriab^^- lilm' .arid ■ivho^e vglrl. friend Xflie 'tfrilat^^d iipsed' '•\Vhl.lc thb "G. ■ ^O; .was :h.b-the' .front.' .-.Tlie. .Cipi-inan'. omber,'-.Is 'ic. hiiuvcd tiVart for ;tlie 'Il'edgi''biit' the arljat' bclps' hi^n attempt a- gcta.way.. In. Tppo'lipetlori' ot past ' tiienjlshlp:.. ■lC.or'.iUiut the ■|jirjlHl'"3;..:o\vp- :bi'bliie^' ..'jlioot.'j -ihe- lattbr dbtvri:.coldly. ■> ■ I'.'br ■ Uw..,-.biiin't:ne.ss', 'tlie - ^.^bvlct sboul(l 'Itcj ;npiSlairdp(j,; for' it .'iff Uan- ding' tlre-\ blBScst;' monkey; slap ' In ■yj'ai,;s to thp if;...S. Shown here" In 4s cii-i'jitt; hpii.sb that; mlB'Ht .'.bb .'tn,ken Ui ; l>n/figured .as '. part pX' one .of tlib ;ki:t'atpstf criiiinyprcifti- and' clefcirlcaf :Poinlji.npa li| tbb.^wovldi-ibe' filTi Ot? I"r.s :,iri'li.nv,'vi>d ,srilc)(pr-- >l'lic,jf)lcX'urc tVn.Wlfiiiijriy -takbs a .sly, rap-at'this very-, pVo^P(Hh:(\, . : . ,:' ■ > ^".. J t "s ■ J11 '. a' t! M ph t i'l fie , where" the 'I - \y«i:d>i-^stut0 tliat Iri a wi»r ot cliissbs ;i>i)p can .be. ori,.onp side of . llip fl^'lit only,.'. JJKl'K npiiai'Pnlly: ifi on ;both!' ^Vt ihp snuie,llnip It Is.iirillkply >T^^^ nny. liiit .^6rilnlUni!i^S'rib\l^ .palrnnjKfi cucli" lilina,"'5'lii!s.Qri % .<iliPiild take-Uib (Viins in; but riot Any otbpr. t.vp.f; bf' ..PuSitoiiiPi's; ;.j;.,'iit<rr.;(jilToill.d.bo. ;a.l»i>.oi;ptpd. 1 iat ; tlje,..' ■Ainadtiltpi'iiitcil: .proiiawiida." ..'" •• . . '.^3'b;^t. lr|i-spla 'prpr.oV.si.'t'b shcM', the lujiipy-.:;fiiiiiHv. gii1's(!d; jis /otiLPptiil-n-.. ■tiiriijvicrit -vin-sniid. Ot ; tbnV! fbri.ribr \vlrJ<-h' ihpy.cbui'Vpvpn. labPl aii 'iir'pr- :i>r>i;.'t.iii1u, and- sUl.l' bf^- .f'If'.ai"'. of -yp.-!.- pro.'K'b'. . niay: indlfi.'ifnv. only ■ bnp ( Itiiig'.. i'l'byi.. >'b.v,ipt.. .hiirs ":.lllUb Vto 'fiiipw';;.',. :- : • .;';■"■■;••!- •■. - Mn.yb'p tl'ip : riattp'nril, liiiisf'.i ■five.- .yV'ar T'laii ■w'illtf'lf. ,ll|/rf.dnft;to..cbn1"p-. up for rpfliiajiV-ftifrv. so to. .•ipeaki in'. .l!l!i;-S:^.-'I/ikpTy aTi.nVjl.it. ni'ay'lib t'Jt-: •I Pniied If ■:ii ;l.if .poiisblprijd 'tli.'if. 'atlpr. liv.p yp'ors/bt si-ark; .fserfniia^^ ,K,t'.ibp cii'hfp')i».t'vrtu!jHiai|s.,!ii'crstili ■C'iin;(-iV t'o..i(> .hf fj;)r ^Kuc|u deJlbC'rale. rdhv t br.Prii.^. ■ Tbat/Sfioiiy.^^ "laliuy.;^-.;'--: • ■• ■ • v . 1 ImiiSrbn'Kl.v";; it ■ nilttltl ' be; .atiiit.P.d :fi)nt :ti.it^ Ho.v'fot. Iv . t.MP.;f!iity.. govprnr • iji'.'nt;-, w.ilVi rat;-. .lpa<t ■a:Tilpflri)rp .lilU.ri.; 4".'J"1j pi'P' ,arP h ircrlos>'to'.th.at. ■ I'bo If*.'-; ai)0;oO(t.;,tir. so'at' tlib.ena . ot (lie 'fivcr^;- yvai;.iOiin,^ ■;;/■;. _ V ; Ity; (igrired to. cb^t Russia' aroiiivd- $.10n,0l).O.lfO' s!b:doing. "V\'iter'6 tbc> so.;;- vJpt wlU' gct- .lhat inorieV l.4 li'qiica- tlb», irjc. If; It, Is getting- it. '. Tlirtt's. for. about'..16 :|llm-. protViietioh • uriiisi. arbunu ifi.'f' of ..wliith "are invJtbscow tirid' ihre'o- in iicnlngrad.; As a proty-.. ngiinda.cpst alone lt |3;llrii'nbn50,;,- ;•" •That's ■ iC:vaSitfprbgrajiH. a'n^ .■"iWy.- iribans: that in ;I{ussra 'at' Ica'st • tho. .flInis ■.will;..rcplac*/; thb;.'SchopU Jnrie.arly ©very : tbapdct,'. • 'Russia' proposesv :to / reach ■ .a- ^pl•od'^6liblt schedule of liapo ; feature, .nims 'iu the. n vfe years.. These ","eyiaeiitiy.-"-to be :pUiyed,'bver apd- ovct 'tiS ; prop- jiijauda;-. .Tlio last'yeari'oi ihe; jilaA alb)iip,..ls;ilgnt'ed;f6i!;:35b feati'ires,:■. ;•.". it mVariR tha't; a ;airrereiiit'i^^^ : be^sbpwiv.at.eaQlv'.hbuse .dally In ;tli.c' Spvlet,;wiict1icr;turai::theatre dr.'V^^^ ban.. ■.Whch. one torislderi/.that the 'J llu9!(1an; literates .have to'uthtto 'tills" polsbn-ifrom-. a .triist; that; botitrbls^ 16D,O.00,O00 souls, Iff: a. .sbrry pic-;': tiire.'r. .;";■,;,;■ ;^,;/ ;ciiiiai:eri'.'inay jio Comp'cltea ;t~b lis-'^^ terv,,; biit the, Soviet; with ,lt^;' trc,- mendb^s .iirbpaganaa;miH.: cpstliig rtillUpiis is Pf( bn ;prio leg .if' it thinks: It bap irtake ;ddult minds, \vlth iulf bpdliy senses.: keep ; bbing;-prod<,lbd into Ibokit^g dt' abinber'.warnln^^ iji I' flllris: If uWylhirig, .tf s. fnbribtopnous,; feTCn tor Uho >R;usslan.. peasant, for wliOiiri;i.t'ia 'prlmarily intendbd.^^^;A It's sel<Jbri» :cntertaiririient,-.even for, Russians .or Qoriinnihl'sts. ;oyer' here-. ■ .!wh>re^ Uie- Huaalarii; :fbol' tlie arties :1a Jh ..the /acting arid facial:; etintoialbiis shown'at ;qu66r 'c'ari)eiTL. atiglea .wfhile; the 'babtiohi do . the, talklrigv L:lps .dbri't mbvb .. j,rid . the- pxpresslbna- ar^ '^tlll poses;Jilayb.e-' tlinitis -: ^mbvlri^ ■...■pltcures;- ^b'tit-- it's ;ca.ni'pufia'ged a;rjt.:; -Sbmetlines'herb oven; tHe titles tfre^lnalpid. The pit. tui-e, -witheiit ;tlVPse titles bould li(irdly,..'be . reboentzfti as, ;tiic 'sarinje I PMi)agarida-;iybcei> /v ..''7- '^Tiie itllm' bbgliis; in 1919. and-tlvifri' flashes : back to tSl*.' .Frbrti;^Ihat point it laboriousry details the .rett- sprivfor/tJle first few scbnes-'and 're-' verts, .to -th.ia-first-, with - ti repeating title;. That's, 'to; ;;shp^' ibrier .iitiiofl brother slibpting.;anpther fbf-it-relil-: cOniinuhlstt'c: flriish ,o'C an updl luring picture.;.-,-.;;, .>'-v-.; .^^ i-^'r siiaiW y Lion ;a'pd ;the ."Limb ;iMiiuPii.<^ pli\t. •. l>rb.«ivVcrit.-.o an ;m'l 1 uli'0l1.'o(..'i<i)<;)iMy, luVs two-ddugh1or.<i; ■ :i«i)ii^ - loglt'lh'iati.''/'-. -JJoii't'.liriio'iS^;; cabJ.. .:,H;(vS(l'll't: Il.-is' . i .'...Miinist-'iio 1.-,. Jtltriiinr .. .Oiarli* ■ Wr'il llM . : i.-VVJll .-^Mliliii: v.-..i-|i;irl,o« .\^■■).lll.l.:..■l .-■.■.■.-...-Un-r'ry -..^i^^ni'.t'^^ Vlt>lH>ri,..MJlii)<.'li .-...y-i^rko >*.li<*i'\vi\(i.|; -.';,. ^^1 ilnoy.; 1 (TOCcy; ' t^o'luitibla production., and reliwuov /'/DI- jcclcd by. .William. ;NI)th.'- ;Ad!iptalIoiTi'-and djalbg-. by, Banjr .Earrlnqpc, . -Toddy Tofz-: luft, cii-ncn jnan. : |i'«a(lUri'nir ; Jatn«»' Ifiill ami:.-D<ifofhy -SdiasilBiii. rtlat-;: Includes MTftUer MetPllI,.;>noBert .v irbmin* ;ii'i(d Al- %ttn : J, ■ Simltli. -. At iMCvi'n - .Niewv - Ifork. Ne^V fork, on* 'day, . Man* 30, as-.-lialt double- :;blll.- .aannln« .Umi»r ,03: -fi^nuKs: '■ .;;1(v;'ln(i;nR"' ;oVit-' ;.tb!ir.ria'(-l"n"/'l - r*^ I'l 01 ;; K-l-p •, wrl ■ I igv ^ : .'',;) "i.'i'S :li.\,H,^. gone;:' ftlMli'f;r,''lu' bX^ •■M' ly-tr ' flip 'I'lOlnl-. ibnii ". ;0'tbi-r.ii'.. -<l.v:.r,..j;|v ,l^;<'.Ui)!f ;'fe--jriostiy ,.;..,A, -rdi.lrpcid."-film . patterned, -ailbng: lisu'al.lllne'a, ■ with 'a.,ijovei: twist in-? tro,duced-; here-and there.'.-■'Fbr'..thii Vhal nv't h o,u gh „ -fami I iar- atu ftji.: hel ppd i.out.- .-byj jdriies.;> ^aU ;aa. thb .'herbi; t'lcture; ijlbbks . itll:"'rjgtit;.- for .(isuaL .double feature bill& ; v-.;:. ! .^•■;' ■ S,tbry; "i3''bf th.o ■grayb'ear^^ ;Abput the.;owrier of a-.;:.ralIr.oad;. wlio, Jitcka.; but-"-hl^l':.w^lli arid lazy -Sbij... -Jiatter/decides -1* -make good drid; st.ir'ts tvorlvlng undbr- aribth'er .,riarne ■for. his. dad'a pallrpad.- / ■ ijad:' man; iniprlspncd; by th'e vsori for Stealing/ 'e.sbape's and c'uta ; a- -Irbigjit.' Ipbse. After .ni :snappy-,fl8;h't ,wlth '.t:he. s'bh-,' tlip :wltd^ freight .is side-tracked,, j!; ; Two -good .action- scenes,.- .One Is tlifr'freight /fumhllnB oft the/:traclcsr tho 'o'lliter tlie. "rougU and ;tunible .f^c'Itt.■-.^'■ z^'.:;^" j.' - " I. ' - -; :■'- . li'oj'otlVy Sebds'linri is .suboi-dlfialed, by Hail, .lljobka- fair arid- plcase's .ln. a.-'siriail rple; Ojtei a', •' ;.,. -.■ .' Totilc. .M;iai,-('..-.-v.: . iim. JSuKliIn. . . ... .Vlrpi I.-nwaf,..... Scporid;. L'rUc.it.... -l.pnT. . ....,.> •WlPt^r, . Sta.titun,,-. ...J TX'Uli .V-cast; |lkb'-tbls,':OiVp-p.xi»o.ots ii1iMily. ;,But; that's (ill-.-this .|tpld!!'.;l.s 'uxiiebtdllprii;, ^t.,bts -.^PX'jipPt'cil; in,: ;iCr libri' 'arid tiride'tw'Ajrldi... biit. :<vlia'teyer it-p.b.htaina bt thdt' .lA- backgt'iuiride'd Arid:. seconded ;>>y -^1110 /'ejQjiVfiiy,. .SiVt^ tptif,ibna1: or;btliPv\vitsb..' ;;; ;•; -; ;.;;: . 'Xt;Av'lnds-' tip-vby ' belnp. onb; b£: the diVrjesf- fllrii?. ' aro.u.iiil " 'l.ti ''^birie fime;- :' ' '.■;;';■ ■' " -. .-' '■;'^v/ SbPHO .ia liV :i;..(»ivdPii,:,, -Waller; ■nyroh iiiay.s' • ihe ;;el»np' Itnoiplilrig- arbuitd; the world. ■■'t'pbn' 'r(>turrilriB;. to. ■bbntlon..ii'e':.flhds: 'lihifseU willed' ap' edf.l.idbm.; I.Thrbti.^lv^dii -erroci'vlve; l^pcV^ri^b."! ;:-n,- :inpnibpr.. o •n-fi '■nn'der-- wovid;gfi'rijpi Out to kidnap-:!!- .\i'eal.lhy' ■;tlri. .':Byi^Vn, PKpalips-frorii :the g.^^^^ ar6V:41ien -p1on^<;:Vbv«ng'e..; "3*heri vtjie flU^y^(foes;dl*ii>v-a'jv(!,ivtuiT;:..;Storyj as -iV'rltlbri.' by tK:: rjiilliii's Ohnep?- hplm, wda atraiijlit .sluft .arid; iiliiu-^;, silile'.-\-i?lPture .-.stbr'y; isilly; V - . '.. .';'', '•-Byrbni,-';,t.honish Vpoklng jjbbd-.'and: sfiea'kins; \wnll; ''i.is- ..oritii'oly. -TUhbon:-- yttW.lng." r'MOrita,c''iiP'-T>bvb 'Is- tV|s- siuisbd . bplilnd . ,-.-w1ii.«)<pra' -rta -.tlip: heai-v ,'nHd' Ihb loadbr.'of: .lias-ftang,- CdrnSel". >tyerii I.h- ; tli'b ;-.-'V.airi.pl.'»h feninto-'inenapp,'.; also ,a. :ri'iembbr-.of- thb :gan!r.- .Knymbn'tV. j'lattori. does ;Hie briUtpirinirg' \yoric-:ln light com- edy .rQle-';C"i Ryl'ori's.JpwVu'bw-'buddy, Miss/, - Sbpjtar,; Jii.st .tlic -. 'Iieyolne,- arid -;^itlii:.a:j»lorii(le wlp^ / /' ^ /- / .^GtiRMAN, MAOE) •: . ■ Ccijlvhl .Fllin ; .pWiluclliiil-.iBnd ■ ■pi'oliArd Hlock roleos'e,; DIred'llon Cart Hi'C't'. Clcn- *ral dupervlfilon: Leo 'Mey^r.';. MUxli:, Anton: I'roCco';.- So^narlo^dni'd. dinlof;: Fricdrloli llafl and .Jdllu,". .IYkIsh. .Tholosmph'jV . W.'il'cr •Loch.' ,Tobl8 record!ni;:; At,. jilh St;- l'lri» IjouBO- ;on 'i;rlnd. --run^;,MarchM!8.;;- -Ilunnlng tlmo; DO-ri'.lnS.;.'.j'i,-: . Llvlua IK-lntsse;:. .... .-;r,udw|g ..atocssol rrl'ii'l'la,'. ■ •\vlti.., .MnrKHrolc ' .Kujifer tlcdwlif; .tlieir- ditunhlPr.-.',.; .Mareot W-alltr Seldi; Dealer IK-- flops.. i . i.;.. ; . -..1..Hans.Adolljert .voh/S(-M<>llow Uauroi-l-i. nfewpi'...vi...Jntk 'Myfisirfe^MunJ; Frledn-' I'.ihke. Arll«ti).-i.V.,...' ,i :M.a - Wiist .Hmnili -hdr dnuKhtcr:. i'.".Trudp. Urlrinn'o raesar-riuft.-VjiudcVllJo;A8<!nt...Kurt J.UInh MinUrkc;; J.HfillreB9.-'.-..v.,..>i.uclo Kngelkb Tho 'S'nujireltci .-> .'.. .y- .Getll,; KulschtTti lEccenirtc, ;i)(tilccr.i..:;.. .Fril.z Stcinci' . .. ,,:...: • ronntnn 'urlpae,.. .;- .Tho-bcewcta.-w.v..:<.,; .--(-ficrliant' .Donlmnn , , .iDer Picks -Sterii- .- - • , - ; -, .- '/f .Iiilv. ■;Fal''«"«'e|'>- Tlie; Antl-rrohlbltlonlels.-.l Kucen .Upx ; . -; : :,-- /- .• . (.IPa-,-fictioufuss -. Il 'i''^"j.i.lili /iiVieiinpt':'(o....siMU si-i|iKS~ ilnd ilo:,. <! -Vja-r-i ^■'^^""'y ^^-l'"*"- i'i*' -bid; w-(iH7.: njot'Jf ih.li ;' ■ - ^ - Ulp - .-tu>hriiiii» .;KbiH^ritlly ' ('liiiK-/to, Alislaije - wiVh- thl.5 li'liiir..;of .i)l;ot..v; ',. : I'hp-lograpliy ,-is - ginid - ah'tl laound .; I'khy.--y'xcppt. .£<)r ,n; .;irihiri:tP or.;two.; '. .Acliiiiir Is.-iis' piiiiil: as , eari ■ b',e .iiskt/ri, Jor, :.-vvii;h-:/ ^d.-i .VV'ii.<t, tt; /soi't :,(ii /<.!'er-: ;• io.iiii .;l).i''tyss|pi',. .•iija;:i,.ii(l\viR- StocHsel lvii'riing ;,Iri .AtI:. 'iiprform.itricb.s'.;" /. //. '.- . ■^;-^SEiTENS^RlJ6^GE'(.;/;-^- ■ (ger-man'madei ■-,•■'../;;; ''y /•y -. ■ •• /: v :'-/;.?}prHii;;:;March:;.;2.1.:/.;/^^^ /tii'CroUlitt. priWUcllpn iml ;pi>iiiariie./ I'Mi i.ir^a.liilni .,i'oloi(?n; ■ .■ • I )lr(>ct Itfri, ■ )<r}>C-.i'ii- p-zvke|y. : MnflU!io'rl;it.-I>y- t.iidwlB.rHro;,ftfter..- an .Idea of lllllie Wilder, lllalng by-Bobby. ,' :Lu-clhj?o-:on-d- Kori; SOU;;. I'j'oductlbn,;. J66 > .rastdrnaki . 'ABflBt.mt. dlrbctor,; Frlcdrlcli.. Koliner ■. rhoiOBrapby/ AVi" Kobeit; J.'acli. .' lid('o.riM:.'oia'..Tt.jtilfi.KlnnRnlin. ■"■ Stnpririe: . Gfk:(i" Sln'in.'. Ccrda Muuru!!;-Paul :Vlncfnil. :4iir.julla .^Jdrlon,;■ f|riul -ICenjp, ,Adelc ..Sand- Tiick - rtrid, ■l.l''.selona . Scbnai k-, Kunnjnii;-; 'lime,, TJ"nilntucs. At ':T^.-T. KurWeraioa-; ddiiim, Dorlln. ;. i-..-1:,. . -- - . / Outside; bt tri0;,fact ..that this, film tbrlt'a -llrit Amerlcan'and Xpw* .'Vbrk. iilibwing'.; wlir -rthd bbifipctltlon too to'uglir'it'bqght tb. bb/a' falr irioney- 'rii."\licr. In tfi!e,riei;riian-.Ge'h1'erS...of the ;tiiddle- w-est:; It tHb.-only.Ciennnn filni/.Rbo'wn atr. tlje ';Umc, .should^bo. a'drd-svV '-' ■/■:-•:'- '/ ■■ry"~.■■.■■:'^■-^■.'■■ r': 'It'k ; sheer,- musical -cbroedy - .with; f.hp; 'c'omcdy'part .-okdy,-'but/;tbo njii' -slbaT 'erid-^'straTigcly PribuBh. for tb'p' Gfi-marissT-Xvay .ott'. , Ifrtrriiij. has- jlPd up-Mhreo :bf .the' sbngs/fi-pm the Uni tor- Airipji-liian dj.stdinitlgri,,,Only one .sbik-,, ••'rr 1/ TTfid Afy' Yontb-. Agarn..-"; .riie.'tna ''dnytjvrria,'and. it's.-liut .fair. Sung lirctlll.v by 'ry niiilo .cin.TPtRt .iri 'th;p jQlin; w-Sildi hi.'i'ljps it soiirld oven bbttcr than it is,- - ;-' :;;? ^;- ' :rictaro' ■, lids: a/ • gbpd • mti'slb.al. e . Smirking.fdrid .sii-ilUng arid :knoA«/'=' • .■iiigIy-.under.«!tan'tTlrig- i.h the;.Ufa the'-.-'" atre, /it 'sopined'as;-if. brily. married,:'." • 'ijouplpi-. Avbi'-c'"present; -..-.: -/•;• • ; :^: iria'i-ried: boiiple ' througlj- riiariy,.;.; ;yoUrs .'bC'-triaa'ripd life/ haye /beconve.- -: kb ■ iiO'oii.stpmod ' to/ 6rie;/;unotU'e^; they- / arb iCiiSiity'-dtfiU'd ■ ,by;/^ "^.Qbifpib .of,;.- :<VaripprJiiiY'; Two/ .eloiip'nierits.' \villibut. •/' .oltlier ' / of / thfr.V':n)avrled/';. couple's,; ■■ 'kri<iwliig -,abo.ut'. ihb, ptberr, '■; At/ittt'e .■ pnd..botlv■.^e;^ll•/.e .tbo'/jnlistake in'''a'. new;Partner.'and that ;th"ey;'care for /r 'o'pe/ ■ a.riolhcr- / inSoi'b '; tbati ;.; - 'tlipy '. tlioii'glit.' So;they, recbhbllo,^ . • '-:';' / . Thbsb'; - 'who- saw. ; tho . "firib''/ and cTlarriiilrig/marriage potnedlcsi pn/the /. silerit:;sPi''eie'n;-o,t'.l?'Abbddib ^)'Arrast/.' AviH .regret tiiat hb or ..sbriibonb /ecjual'; to.... Tilin ; had ;;■' not ;prbdtibcd:.; th/ls .:' cJi.-irrting-. 6ubJectv...'Sfefari;,S7..ekely, . ■ <tl.rbctor;.' has dbno. good'. dnd;. neat';. .ivorIt-,, 'bu'f/he/ldcks tha t light'touch-•: - ■arid -.certd!n;.:Kbiriethlnig. ' No;,.dbubt:, f>z(?k'ely i.s .tdierited but l.ila/'talerits • ' speni. .:to: -ile-,tri' '.anotlie.ri Held,, moSt ilkely/ithe/drania; ;;.' '• ■'.••'<-'' ::< '^\notlier faiUt .;ot;.thI.s. picture./ls - that in.nearly, every sbcne'sonie-onb ; 'Is' otttlng /pr ;;drlnkirig with,; photo? grapliictilly; comical :sccrie,s.p,ejieat^d.z • ' 'Tb;ls - -cpnicay, .,'wbfclv;.-iVlil-'.llye/'a: ■gopd/ drawthg 'card,..ahoilld,. not be criticized, loo.-aeverely. 'V' v -;''' -V' .; \ A8= to.'theJ /actprS, ; a-/ .lltUe}:irior6 /; vlh), -a; lllilb; riiore.;.charm'.dnd';ble>/ - jjanbp 'W'Ouid; havb-^ b'beri" .d.<i3cta.'. -Ea-; - ■liceialiy Gordd ;;Mdi^ras,.'■,'T\'h.bbe; act- .'; in^. is. boring and, who lbok.% 'sriidU''::.' • :tow.rilfili.; / /.TbIs / actrcs.s;;'discpver'pd. ■ bv/F.rltz-Jjirig arid:iS'lTb gaVe/grbaV'/ "l-rpml jb;-;-lrt., hlsi If Icture^ * "Spies,"; ia",! ' 'growlrig.■vtor^e;.:!rbm; /ori<j-/picture ;.to:., ;t(nothpr. .Qftkdr../Slma''a3'.'her,..lili!5iv'/ liarid';-Js -ft 'gbod; .cliai'.abtCF: dlthbuirh - he la rallj'er-'hcriirinbd; In by'-thb. dlr Tp'etiori/ / -I»aul;;.'\';inc(!riti', as . OWUlb".; ■Js':,-.smart. ; -Ajs,/ iftiit*!; ;Adcle\ -Saridf ■.. rock "v^'iis splenatd';ns'-tl>p- bid bbuae,- / U.ceper;'-/'- ■\viieiri.':/sli6'Vdpi»ear3 , "tlief ;• libiise: rears.- -,^/;- ■'/;,•■'/ ■ ': .■.,;./ ;■ ; -/•..' ;-/On'^.^■he•;^W;l\b^6,-,-'an.: ;entetta,lnirie.: ;pcl:fo.rmari.cc.; ; - ' •/ . JfoifrittS.i,';.; ("Woman ;ln the Jongle") (Gerrrian: - VersflpriyAmerjeari .Made).: : ;:; ■;;/■■;;- BbHin/ Warbhvzj; /;;/ JMrafHOUtit "p-riMu'cilhn . drtd telcasc. ' I>l- . .r'-c'Cinl l<,v . (ilmUrl --Ha'>ho>vol!'.KI /hfler' .IU« ' novel. V i;:'riii».' r.fiier.:'-'' by - r.^iimiT-ciV, 'JfaOcrliam.- :■ nUtlig, ; iltOrmann : KpslvrlUji/ •IwlrtWI'ih-miiniiK'-nrfoiit; I'nnl nfnn. ,<j;.r- Vliiir -cimri.jtift AYidT. nnii-t / .<ii.'i|ii-Ka>-ir- . Iib-nr, .l.;rlf?h-.l'ontf/.':ItoWt*rt- Tli'rfrr'.n; .<lr,.'ice.; , Jf ilane'.. 'tuch'an'K' ygullliij - nn.i . Ur. PIIHHib- '.M,.-\hiilJic,..; ).t(,.r-.f,rd"d oit VVcBtcrn ;-Klp,i:i'rle und; proK-rt^l by.Klm;:fllnt.'" lljinnlng time -.. iil inlhuiua.; Ai Unlvorfiuin; Iscrlih. : - :~/ ;; .^'Skippy'^; (Par),' Syw polsnaric.v, liuigli.ter / tear.s tjiat Tcviye ,pblld)ibpd''meriibi'lcs; ; .Flfin' sens cu.st/ 'prodiiee'd,/w-Jih: • flii'e' ■cbrlty tb; b'riiig' wbriieh'-arid;"blilldrt ^tlie- pibturb- hpu'ses/vltt loiising! vnumbei:3.-' :■ ':'■.■/;: .-, •';■•.; . :•:;;■; ' -^j^' ' - •:'■ '-';:■■ ■';.' "'■ ;': '^ ^/■;:::C- ■;;;- ■ ■ ■-:-:■ .,. "Tlie Lion.; and' the Lamij'V;:;rC'ol)^IM-ppbstb amp'nte^.d iiiniehbu^ • ' "iillgli'tning.; - Flyer" . CCo),>'-.^l'priiiea :^rl>u^!ellb^d^' ta - tebl■ tii'bpe -'may; ;bb; gbampr; aCtor dlj, /1 ri idphies'tlb-' dr'u(ige,i.y, / but - 1 oi^M'. iciriIri;iM(;-;"liitefe3t- In -4!dc-lrdt-kli.ie' - tlic Ipsx'J.isLbry.';/,.^ / ; ' .'/ ,': ;; ;;/,;-- ■ i','Di.y.o>e« j'Airipng, .-F^^^ cpjhic ■mdrita.l aua;rrbl;i)7ia'6ored; i>l,ct,urb lacks :srnai't; play;lji^^^^^^^ -;eic(;ellent-,;f(;»ntnlno/1^ /;'-■, /.; , ■■ .v.,-/"■/.../ ...^^V/: .'- ^'[^■ }; ■://.-':- ■". . ■_l'C,lti6s.'and.-.:Yea'lps^ ;fjpvle;t'prppa.*? Kg.-hda •jvJipljy .^cklnp/fn; appeal/fo ,tvni'gix.irf;tb/R-r'WMfi(^^ .^j^^ /for; iW ly/iv'k-pps' :ri'lm for .Parlor,,/Bedfpoin./and Bath!' (.^ ,lh'dlf)cririilnai;tng; liot- little draw; ■fpr/ywptde.n;-;lti'^.'a^^^ if^ii ^iage -pldy.';:/^;'; .:./.-/^;•};-X^^^ ;;'• ;::;/r/"'■■ '-.: ;.'/j^;- 'z.','^' ■ •- ?!Crati'i<e'd/'Nut»"; ' ;iiPJlli.pr,. ti;e llirobblng tarld./b'f'-i'o^^^^^ ■;^'-':. : -''Beyond/.'Vietory"; fnitO;tatl,r>'lM^7v^ ii«rt;;i!/utWoiiBh "'-^ i...!;-.::. ;.v;.. ;- iriblp'ripus 'pae«> i-arinpt;'i!;.utVye'l'gh 'd./ d^ iPuS '.pae«> not; abbtlbraie,d;'irr;'.»ipi.sl'i,i/;st , :An' "jjftpptfye,'.; h'eri'iiis .otid; good ; Ih'bni'c. ■ of the . l-Jn'^Ufjh, .aiitjiftr, ^V;/ - D ni f>.r s e t . Maugham,; ■ ahsplutely ,!ipc(llcil througb .Oiift ■:carblpss and-- ■ Old fiiSl^ipriftd; dti;e.ctlori;:1)y Ditfillrl ' iluchbw.pt'iikl,'^ of Ibiig. dl•d^^'n:;out and ■ !-ilTeptMl'/dlaFbg'-drid by>thb .acttbiiii,' ' eiiarloite 'Aridblv --. •;.. . . : ' - - . Sjtrprigly. .reeail.M ;tbe ;10c Wti'l's /fif 13 ■year.'!., ago; .. Today; this'-ind-rincr; fjf :nctiTMr i.4-.if»aib)-oa^.; .;.. ■•■/ • ■ '. ijii.fcii.ow'.'tzki i'las;. / riot;-, -produced,/: pvnn ,dnp/ gfibd ,s'be.rib ;with. auchZ gopd,. nptfij's -vas - iWri-^t ,'Stalil.->rachbauri ■ l:;ri('Vi-;/lrbrito--and fl'hlllpp ->ra:ifinirig, / ; fJb.-rt'-loltb Aluler-"still,dared/vdp-'• -p'.-ar-. .'iml I'l.'i.w iMrfijrb/-dri /laliillcripe ■ li,ijj;-liig'-^')tiid '.liow]in/ij^^ • Sfai/niis': .■ . ■■■■ ■,' ,>>,w/ Tied f«nlAla'•A.pril .T.; '] ' A tlVrriV-y: Albfirf ^^^Gi'ji'ti^^i;l:^^:^P^ ?ipr''ilntp'l^ ;ri(a!'lpt^- /tb:-iif ific .dla''^ ; .'iiiit,e' lavolvlit;;/,tiitv iriln^r^ }l'1 t.dArs. .|/tv-/C.'iVri r^^^^^^ 'dnrllh.c/dlre/)bi/s;.-'i.'I.V;V iriirioi/liy^jit'^. / ;vpfiij^ve4'.:io> iMt]'/iiip. ;"pb^^ .i'tj'ri. <(U'.U',,-,!<ii:H.:i.air'/i/ V-V'-v }<yp' ti4iy: Ihq: 'Gi phj-niit. '-.V|/iii^.;)iri.jitvO^>i'-/;:r.;.«r ;ipii"f rij-''!i ;r'oirV:ivrf spine;:month* /; !i(;'i;''br i'^r. irAii'iy Jjurrip.Sr -d; stof:!;:*. . i.oi.iv-^ " ~ ' " "' ■ •-;f7iji;j,. w!tiT';t}ift. /i'"ilili.n.-ito^ 'tbrfSt. |«s:.several CTUtso.fce/3c.« liiin. fi'u'(i|Vi.:<i''.thfe;--/«iirpi;'li'ir.^ ^1 ;nim'!v!e'iol;ir^';Ky(ri,!;^^^ IF-It aiia italud. (j;i;fiv^^ ;bt/'tliv/!V':^'^^('>'fi^oaVrijn ^^itlariM.y^