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NEW AClf^REVIEWS VARIETY 47 Louise QROOdY and Hal SKELLY SinBtno a*»d Diancing :,. 17 Mihs.; On« ilia Full (Special). ■ ' -.Thra is- the thlrfl not tor LoXilso Grooily;- lnst::>'^ltl.i. Neville Fl&eson and it's' probahly, the. w.oakest yet,. i wtie.lhcr-the best :.on' api)bai;u,h<'ifs anil production ■ value- .or hot. For Hill- Skclly, another liame; who'is' atso been-'ln -plctuces,. plus IokU, it's fll0 probably the iibore^t. attompt •jic's' madi In- vaudb.; ■ IJoesh't conlT pare with; Skclly's /'Jht, Chump." ■: Vloug'. done In V the. \! wo - and - in ore - a ^ "dftjv : Thcro ; Isn'-t... much talk In 'tUc GrobdyrSkoUy 'act itnd. what ilufi-o ■ is '.is :hahdIed' :mostly ■ In . iV: voeitl; way: ■ ;PWcr openin a JvotrJ entrance .drop ■ In on6-ahd-a<half ■'' ahQw's Skolly- entering,-act golnp: ',tu \;}iillstag-e vi'hipre he la aCdut to?hold- up a' ballot ^(ihcer,'6r, at least, somc- «nc- iiyho's' dre.s?od that .-yvay,' - .Thlfs ■. iotwVs the^^ liiiff 'int<> dlaloii- alonp Kong ■ iineji,' working. Ihta a-daiice, doiibic. .'. ChanBiJiff' Bet to ■wlit^t .appears a ■■ garr*'f .halU'boin,-.SkeUy. Boes\1n- for ■th? cloAVh.- stuff, iloliiff ,ft ,>!pecliil ■, written around .ia, clown's, defeat , by : old'age. .Given his'.TiotiCo aiul «p- ■ jlftrcntly wanted . no\ more,-he turns on the; ^aa and goea intov his: beiit rbutlno;,until floiipliVij: on tlib. Jioor. Idea h.er6M£i novel but>Sk,clly .falls ;tb sive.ii.t anything'in tlie execu^loni- : In', anotliVjf '. aceniis - the' CJrobdyr ' • Rkelly team dbes a nuinbet'inspired by ''Tlio tcanut.'Veridor;'' :closlnB ■ iWltW. a ; .special . 'that liiviikes : tlii» .• ■itmbsphere-:, of' '"preen < r.astur.C3" (IC^tt),, and with MiM Q ; .poj-mitfed; to do:;Cooch. ;,.'.';Hand : 'mcdlqin' ; ait .:.Saturday .'■inatlricfe; - Chai:- ' ..-^■BVhNtS'rfna ■KAY.E'-.;: . Connedyi' Singiiig,' Dancing .. • ;12;Mins:; One'; ■.^ ■86th;St,;-:v:-H ; Only ;.ab.out half . 'as riong ' on ■ c tertainmcnt Value ■ and peirforrtiaii'cei .: as It-sli.o.uld . bb. itor 2'spots in ■ the -better claag ncighborhoous, here ■ or in other! icitlcs; . Ifi^e act (St iBlrhes :yan<l ICfliye'. ia' in ; iVeed. of iinprovc' orient, ■ Main '.pecesslty. is, .material, '■'. ..Team .>emindsi.'of Burns and Al^ :,'len. wllh ^the .Blrl (probably Miss •i. Kaiyt) ; ^^clllnis; -material: siriillar ' tb. . .■•that used by'.the, otlver.cbmedy teanii ; and affifr •the.:mh:nrier. afCectijd ■by' . Oracb Allen. That'.?'; b'kdy ' bitt the matcrlitl isn'tv there for ■the begln^^ :• nlng Of a cohipari9'^nv except at the . butsefi whcre. -JSiirieS. and ~Kayo in- : iJulge.Qbme tialk .that gets bver'suit^ ably. Balancp of tlib. cbmcdy matter '■■-l8..;qulte.--weak. •..,/Rputlhe'■iia .'talk,.: follb'w«d_by song.'and- dance 'ibubib,' more talk : and' agafn:a, song-dance /dotiblo Vfitli- .'the- girl :fbr an'encore' 6/terihg:'a single. Singing ..la 'the least- of ■ .*'hlph . tlie act, cbntal'na 'and . the . dancing is the l^csti .particularly tlie: . work. 'bf . the-girl,, who dlspl.-jya a 'neat, •froe-andTeasy Btyl?;-; ■ > . ,;AJ'Jfh- gags .that got somqwhiroi ^•:«nd.' more: : aaneIng,' AVhcthcr-ex -■ aion of singing .br:-. •ihot, ..the at>t nilglit./ ha've' ^chances' at- 'loa.st' 2!> % ■U'>tter: than ,n6w.' - '.■ - . i'. . ' No.; :2 liere ;a'rid. do'«-n miirtly/;^ ;.' : v; ;':;V:..';^,,' ,.\':■ ;,t'fta(v:V - KEN kENNEDY ' ...;Banjbi»t;:,■ :;'■','■ ,..'.8'Mins.:'One ■■. ;';Rko/;l.; >■ ■ r; ■; :•■ 'Vyhdt: tiils bqy-. bah . jlo' ..with a nanjo is worthy of feature spotting • -ft; crack band, jlo taices .tli'e - .'Pilnk .out of . string . plucking, and ■l'';<>d|ices .adroitly . melodious music -Which cjih challenge any ihstru . -r^^nt. His eycrappeal is an cngag ing person.-illty.' and the': aniazin'g . i-apidlty of, bis handiwork. - ■ As an- exdelient highlight there'.. Ills torrid handling of ".St. IjOuis I^lues,^' ;with weird laughing tones , interpolated, -by pressing' a wil.st •: att,fched'.bar>tb, the string?.' . . Alone.'op stage,: seated on-an ord I nary kitchen chaliS - ho l.-icks , th.. '. proper Rui'rourtdinga. liere's a. pip . solpist.: tor a good band. .Bang. / TRACY 'arid^S/INET'fE'- ^ '---. - S?nBs,j(rttl;:CbiTiedy ' ■ ''. :'"' • ..;■ .:; ■, .■.-■12 ■Mine;-:. v. : :■ Jefferion .-':;';■ , .^ ■.-....^^: This: .team Is n'eiv . to i'\'arloty'f)'' . iilos j3Ut bid in experience. . A liokc act like' so many others in thit th.o m.an;. is diminqtlve ' and' holhoiy; Wille.thie girl is tall, SvlUowy and a •ibpkfir. Thcte" iB . a . siirtt.- for . tliis their persbhalilies linger ; after others on the sanid bill arc forgotten. :■;; ■•.•.-. .. '::.. V: . .:' Tracy. :wcttrs ■ ijilsflt clbtltcSand' ■ ■showjt ability as a, dancer, trbinbbn- . ; 1st and bashful comic: . Mis.s .Vin - . J'tte vocals oke.i wearlng w-hite h^ - black gowns. Svith eijUaliesise. M.-ir t«rlal. cbiil.d;.fi,ta'nd ImproVi'mcnt but .. it's, clean artd■'fainhy ^iriougU to hold ' ■ yI', the.: third'., sjibt' on- a : ic:ven-o ot ;':'iiv>'P)it.-.>-.:■.■■•..■.,..Vv.; ■;■:,. ;V-"::'"'.-'^-'. ;:..5itMs TRia !:^''.'V:K'^.''.';'?'■''■^-■' / -■:P«nce^.M'U8ieal'-..' - V •. RKQ,..L. A.;;;..;i.v ' :Y ,> ■Very 'j'biihg dii6 bf (aii• rindi -tbiv' toi's,. accompanied ■ Uy. al; .i>by VLASKIN-SABOt rIvuE (4): .-^ RusiianAcrobatic. Daiice'8 ' 10 Mins.i; Full (Special) :>,'■•, RKOi t, A. ■■...■V '-,. . SiiUalile , intei'kivediate dahce '.act .worked l)y; tli6';hvb' billed mcii arid: lwt>:.plvls, v .ilp.se.ot the. rbutines nrie of Russian brigiri and familiar, .wlih ,cplbrful cosjiUmcs as' fla-'ih.. ■ 'i\S'0 fciitxirifd perrpdaJare a clover acrbb!ltio '. i>cdc!5tai/ , dance by . brie niarii. 'on; necesiJarHy . llrijlteil 'space,: iihd a. -krilfe dance by; the 'btlVor.. .. .• ;. Hi-ttbr . hri ilEfiritrs :• uirb ' needoa,,:: If 'more' tlmo,.is. supplied' they'll .iprbbr, 'ubiy b.u'y ■'cnv;/ jX;; . .' ; ■;:;iJanj7.':;^ BRAPF^OS^bi CRISHAM and van :^^AL8T^ ■•;;:.-■ ■••,■:■.■■.;.'■;:-'V-- -So.iiga, Dancei.'.' ' ' ^21.VMins.j'TKree ■ ; State,:::;■■;';:; ,• ■•;'■..■ ■: " ';■■■;■.;.■ ;-v'' ';, i''alr' song 'ariA dJiribc : flash. ..that would rank over, fair ,1£ but.-. At.tivis iVpilsp, .'it opened "ari<l was, riiviclv. tpo; ■icriirthy.- fpr an , bp'eribr; No maitor. libw'spotted'In other .iioUses, it silH Avi.U i'Un top long 'as is. .:■ .', -/ .'rivo :bbys'arid. PJtb' girl.. 'Ail:'sing ■ih- some Way. or^'other, .arid. 'danqc. :;iroo,llrig'.t;et!i far , the. b.ett^r .brbuk; Hoys', arc -bkc diintiCrs,; gracefiil :;a;hcl ;;vvith>faii^-.9teps. ;^ ; : 'ttrrl''i3 sHrtpely and 'airilce ■worker: Could '.be ;B.tvbn. it I'i'uie oriiOvc^ <)b.. Sandy lang (4). . •-■■ ■. V .Rotlei'.Skating' .-. ;.:,•' ;■■..- ' 9,Mins>; Full (Special), . ; Palace.-(Sti V.)'..^-. .. 'Jld - tho' cu.stomnry;. speed- of the , Rfliridy. "'L«ng.- skating. acts' has' bcch; added':''some; novel • prodiiotlon. helj). .All; but' thrco,- brief ; Iterris include phospiibrus cbstunies, .btigbtly' coir. ■<jredV forvthe; three,skating girlSi as sLsting; .That;'placbS mu;eli,,depend- 'bnce. bri the-llBhtirig si'.^tQ'nis'of ;thc. ,;vaudevilje; thcalres,■ ;.If,.the.flights: dvin't miss, neither:.will.tliis turn.' r ■ I<Un.pr -keops' in '.thcj. background, coriiing'; under .tl'i^'. glare but, .twieo ..arid l>riony. to.tw,lrl :,orifl.;gU-r.ar<>und;.- -I'^br the flrilslv twitl he's ribt ; visible, bri : the .'dttckcri'ed., stage.. The; girls ■are in thbJr r(ffleclirig, costumes. ': ' Ta|> clanbiB in- skates by,th'ev'blbrido. of the' trlo : Is: 'okay' a§ a-'^aricb, l)u,f. ctiuld'Iopk' better were tlie- girl: riibre favora;bljr;cps,luriied.', :' ;, ' Bffle.' ■ , , :,.; (Cbhtlnucd ;frptri;page 46)^^ ■. cqVially balanced 'prbjectlbn It's BOO?: .■slKhi>and - sou.rid ;frorii iiiny angle. ::; ;.: Qub.stlon pf .product .Is ,stiIl';.seeT ondary in a house: of thlfr, type arid locatlbn.. :Kor ''thb .resljof, this' year tlVe .Nbrtbwri' .will bb iri; the "B'V and "C',' ■'classlfioailpn. Which- means Its ;plct:urib8 *lll..,'be thirdVarid/m fourtli. rttn :6ut: bt.,thii-I.obp. ' B&K plans- fbr.rhcit: year-, are to rate this: site' in the -"B"' class strictly, but that Is' A matter th.bizpnlng po.mmisi 'si;Dn''ivirt/dcclde litter.. '-'^ ' ' : ^ . • - Of'_!>igriifica;n<'ri Is tho liousb .policy.. "\Vlth: three splits a week./SHiiday,; A^'cflriosday vand: Krlday; it'TV ill be it toiigh:, 'iJcrariible : fbr ■product,:;.'and ri-ltlmate doublc'feftuirlrig; is.'nbt uri- -llkeiy Ht; the ' presbnt.'general' attl-' (ude ori "dual liln->s coritlriucis.; : .ThQ- 1 Or'25-4.d 'scale,' InelusiveVof Satur- day arid. Sunday,; Is. nonUnal.lbr this .sefitPr.: ■..•^:..; ■:. •.:' .-.■ '■: "' 'I'ri.a'uBural program \vas tbppbd'rby •!!5tolcn' ■ Heaven" ■ -ti'ar)' :ari.d. .a. riturel- and- Hardy comedy. . ^Added- -•ibbrts .;incUidcd a Cartoon; and. .an '^'Kitstbr Grcbtlrigs" scenib..display. Only: human' in.the theatre la'liddle libui5e,.a B«K standard .or^an .bearr en. -who ' also vocalliics.: 'Whether iioiisc -ivlll reriialn posted here is prdblembtlcfii as- He rahks-as a- flrsit .slririficr. an : any . e:yc,nt thei vorgan stays;-'';'■-"■■:.■:;■':■. .■-.■'. ": ■ -■Manager Is' Jfelvln Murphy ■who appctrs fb be an ofllpial hbuse'opcnr . cr for; U&K. 'iturphyf last ;debuted. the - Gate\t-ay. .'House ser-vlce -If:- typtcall'y B&K) military, male ,us)i^. ers. ctc. - ' : . ; _ '^i>a». LOEW'S STATE, L. A. -: .'T.na. Arigelcsr'April 7. ^ With Glirt , I'^dw'ards brought. fn for this wcel^.tb dr.aw the flaps and -b. ■f,:S.-arirt counterbalance Tlbbett's mbi;e, mature appeal in .''Tlic Prodigal' (Mbtro) Fartchon & Marco came through with a win- ning "Varieties" bill ■ that garnered phmty applause. Led bf£ with the FLving Flemings.; trapeze; act-workiug - 30- :fc.et high -and ca-shlnji-In. on-double aind^trjplo twists, for the.catches.'. Thrce. men and Jlkemiiiiber of girls comprise; the act with thp seixthbldcrs on edge; diiring the double trap w'brk.,.I..bs:^s, llnal punch iri cbiriing . down ; frpm the 'ib.aTS Jfo'rVthb llnal -bb-w- Irislc^id. of a ciirfain;-'bn tfio last trick.' ; ;;,. • -IJiilicr, Dovi; ' arid Allen dcui-^d' Xvlth ':■ ihrtr clol),- -tbsfing and ■ fast pattpri ; ■ivindlrig,-; up' -^wKh'- - swift Ju'pgllnK■tbat ju.st: Wsse.d the, cbm^c between, the twbi • l;Io.u.sc.:wcnt;- fpl" tills big. V ,; -' •'. v'.- .; ■' Ttiri.'ly. act f^.ri'', tf'? >?<>Bll,n ., Kid ^ for their on-the-flopr -coimcdy, dlsh.- Ing. out the -hoke and making the patroris like "It, Didn't forget any- thing, from, the funny hats', to the slapping,bit,-,wliinlv,w:as rio\v- ris' far as most of the house •was concerned. Wound u'p with Jjcst Bit,' a siow-- motion flght.''; .', ': ,. Cliff -Kdwaras.-.^'llh Pavp Snell frprii.:'M-G-M , studios iit tl'ib pit l^ti^nb,. did.'four of lii.s huriiber.s-'wlilv t)iat-uko,: which, must be, frt"0wlrig, pri his- -veRt by ribwi--' KJWards li.as- cut but Ills" "yl-yip": 'and "wah-wri.h" tactlos.; to. conform with pliariging Va-stesi -aini. bats his ' -sbngs but sriipbthly, Gbt -a Utti^q .Jnd.lgo; with' one vrevlval -diaiy'!. number .and " a; gas or so, but cleaned up, both tie- forb .hc llnishod, '.'A;bout 14 nvihutcs: and ln;thc- urilt:'fpr; this'- week brily. Is'orinari 'Tlibinas' Quintet: closed for- sure-fli-'e hot stuff. Du.sky druirimej; st.eal.s evcrythlrig. 'wlth his ■piad pounding.and "leaping all over 'Mio. stage.; Modernistic drop is dis- tlnoilve.. Two' male hoofers arc riea'v and dexterous, while: Thomas does, sonic nitty piitiip tinkling and- sple fcmiiie' opens with li- isong. in, male attire..:■-',.: ■ - . ; ' ,'■.-.'';'' > ■" : Tlcnty. b.f -laughs all' around and not exit '.of',thc - way with the Tib- bett .plctiji'l?; "The Prodigal." Pathc News and Fashion ,clips', -wvltlL apr- prpprlaic riuislc- by, Vic Inccand. the' band. "Stblbn Jools," N-VA short, -went biff-- ' Iric'b;.cbri lined ;1iils[,acli'vl-: ' ties .;tO arinoli'nblng the acts;'. - '■ Pu'slness; J)rBt..iUBht' cajpacity.': STANLEY, PTSBGH. Pittsburgh. April ,s;.- '. Iliiyjng "prcsentatfbn trouble herb lately, wh.at ■ with" Dick Powell, m; p.,; «n and oft the sick list, -Be- ginning, this: week, I'owrell is a. w. 1. for;a month in-an effort to coriic back: fi'om : a- recent- attack 'of -flu. Ilay..:T<?a.l,' well kri'dwn around, here," Is -piricli-hlttlrig. : AiJril 17 Peter lllgglns' cbhies' in - for 'a -fortnight and M':lll .stick ■:untir Pb;well:'retin'ris.; • Management is still •g?blng In for eStra. bolstcHng. of thb l'ubllx Units. This prie, "Drageirig .'in;,the Drigon," which folds, here,: needs plenty. J'eggy :Bei;rirlcr, - getting to -b.e .quite a frequent, visitor at this: site. Is back.again. . She gives the ^bow; a' niiicH needed punch, working in one and; apart frbiri, the urilt-wlin Teal. ,Teal makes a. creditable showing as ni.' c.: FOr-.hls own specialty he offers a couple of Imitations o'ftHudy iVallee and dhcvftller,. both'of .^rhic.'i lie has done Ijcr© before. : Chorus ppenlnB follpSved, by Stetson, )ug- gjing_ cbriiedlan, : preceding- Berhler anil Teal, and .'tlie'ri -a; natty,- produc- tion number with Jolih .Qiiirila'n'arid Ileleri-'Gbrdbri siriglng.and.an adagio by Basfer and Hazelton. . Girl 'in lattpr abt slipped^ bn a diiflcult Jump opening show but got up.inimcdiate- ly. apparently, unhurt, and went through. •. . -, Moss a:nd,-Fry arb'.also 'getting.: to bo ..frequent, visitors; arid-.they still can't -be h'ear'dibc'ybrid the'middle :of ;the; ;i)ou.'5e..', Fry ia doing a''wow. bf an "Old Man Rlyer" for an encore. '- Fbr the . Kastcr overture,: Dave Broudy .'features' SO 6f Father Cox's choir - boys; which' gives the; sym-. phony, leader, sbinelhirig different in addition to .a real nasli: Pl.Cture..'-'Trie Cents/.a. 'Darite'.^ (Col). ■ Cohen.. Denver, April 4. . If ' the -rest' of. the program liad ■been up to ■ ttto stilndard set- by: tlib overture, and thb special , Easter featut-Q,. a children's chonis of 25, It' w^ould hare been a knockout. Fred- Schmitt arid his!'- brclies.tra presented - about 10. minutes of Faster' mu.sic arid played the :ac- companiriiont for the children, .'who sang the-Ku,<!slan- religious chotn.s, "IC.rimennoi Ostrow," in a manner -that, was a revelation, - Chorus was prepared by Ger.'ildine O'Neill,' iotiii- .slcal.director Of thb Denver,"Post'jj" Just Kids; f.'lul). • Church' window bri:<^kdrbp and llllb.s pn the prchcstra Pit.-:'-::- ■;■';■ ■':■-.-. / - .':..;■;■.. , Stage unit "On'With; t1ic Dance'; Is;, iJust that. rDlshonbrcd" • (I^ai-) the screen feJitrire plcto.rc plus the NVA special' i-cbl,- '"The Stolen Jbols," and rieWs.. - ;■; : Radio Engagements , (Cpntinticd from page 46); ■Tlii-ne Cheers VocaliTrjp.'Roi libbpli and his-.lta'w.'tlians, Bobby Gross arid Hazel Warricr with a mixed cliorus directed -' by; lJi-. Carl Oriieron, for .Sunki,«t:Musroai'Co9ktall Hour, ,eijS; (.haIn tvriighl <i) from Los Ang(>lo;s. Nan .' Ilalperin, . Ted' • Huslnc.; RbiiriUlbyiMier's Quartet'and'■ Frefldy' ■l.lich'.s 3.0-pIeco, or(:hc."»tra brii' Vllallty {•orsoiialltles . prograrii, WABC to-, nt'jlit ..(8).' " ■.■ '':-':;. ikOeri: Kbu'cPi'guest speaker; Bon- TietV - Grciri, lonbt; ■ Teddy Ulack'S brrlirStra, on I'etT Pan. hotir tb-^ night f8). ; ■'.-'.- ..'-■;■;'.■„-;:' Frances'tTptorii. Janrt: .Reidft^ M , tap sisters, accompanicu' vy .a; .iioy . ;^'it;lt piano arid accordlbn. ;'Darici'ng IS . abiy.^ execute^' ;:iria;'di'esisirit; 'is Jieat.'toiit the/riecp^sarv' prbfesHlbnril, . filr Is . Btm: not developed. vMlribr ■turn at prese^it. : ;^ ocsf is a.:tbe-trip bn stalrsi, Boy'.«. -miLsic (s riibre or If-ss xn ithb tlirocs. ■;■;:'.>■. "' , ■ .' Vang,': riiPs, .woVking :iri front .of. an. .l'?asler j:pii.iiiy', Dovle;' "Jtudio • Round-Up, '•utout; Tvlds stand out; ln:jhe. hoof-,^^ ■■ '' - ' • .. -. . .. .-^ Ing,. while young:- lirlriia; dbnna liriniftiit-. the- -hoiisb' doSvri-' at tho Hriol<» of the act: with a. pop ballnd. Urtfiird : :this, . JuVf.-nilb auprtrdipnlst. clif'.k.s,' as' -weft -da -fi baby'«'-'ri'iia tic team who :are old/-'tlm'er.'» by?.fbiv, ■startiivg. .hei,-c it \on.<t: xhToa^ yi-axa Cpii; April,,?...,'.' . a ■ ■ i "MarlerPxe.sslT^^'tb .,b,p.:h .i>v Jjo.iielia• I'/ii'sn'ris:pn-;8urtl<i(st "pro ■;, f.'Vi«ni^ April :i5 .from'- Kil.J, Dbsi -An-; t'cf;ie-<. ;::, '}'\C-: .'-, '■•;-'.'• ;:: -; ■ '; 'Glbrla'CarM,soi'.driuehte ■• , . . - . :-, v„ v,„i» vi.i ic.-irriso,' - April '. 16" bn American ^i^aieS^^^J^'^'^i^irfivb^^tb^ pair of : s5lx>-yi'Av-ciT(ls .'bav*^ i)?eir .C.I>Si :;' -■ . ; , - ■ v .: ■ .rough and tumblb'-diiipiiis down. lia,t ;.• Tum ;TerrhT)t-'lerijfiaKP.dr d.s ;-r.-idlo Toi- -ft Iba'd of ja'Ut'b:^. . . .■; ■ : l:,sl<lt..wri.t>r-'l>y- Young 'ft Ttublf.'im, Thieo- ltoHiiig ..Stories ■walUcd.;Ini-a<J,\tittUine:o4i;ihoV^ n : ';';v|Cbntlii:t)od^friViii iiiiR.iv.;ij-V ,:;^ | already, "cohi rnencl lig- to ■ J lire ihe high-powered croupiers ".from the Cote d'Azur '(B|ue. Coast), -as; the Moditerra'ncan,.-;Riviera'" is; termed, to tha call of the roll. '. : -: ;; ^Tho .jSictiii-b liurich Is.-quji lO.v pol- tlii^r coilscipHs ^bf '•.wliat';. Ni'Vhila. ■\S:ltb .its w'ldci-lcipjeri rt ir,;iii(s -to -PlTer,;' E.\curslp'ris. to spend AjiioriiNfn doi^: ,lars bn-ATriVrlenn soil, iristbiid bf-vlje: g^'p andvtakc >tcxioP- lias^.i o;f: tive iUm rbtic: hl'gjiiy .pi^^aspd ^«t' spmo btiior spot ;taikliiB (bo odBo;pn; .Albx glminlpks.:;•■ .,,'..'■■;, .;-7--,-''.'r ; : Riave. reports';vrc',pei-bojit.tirig^^'h :a,bbut: tlic -vlmrms of. Uonb. Its 'lvpst' bf vfasiiloriablo, would ^b.g .dl>'^rcpes. eager for jbUity.' yv.iiilp'-iconfo'i'inlng- wllh:.l^Bal -inlplriinin .rosKTeiit't.nl. rt^^ qulremonts. Tlils plus, tlib -^/I'mlng p,nd;'excitcmcnt at; ail hpurs,.i'ind -iilt spots.. ■ :"' ''■";■:: : ','. ' -\' ' ■ i'.O; ' Making.Tuckqe ;,. "The tanioiis Calneva- club on the Oalitprnla'rNcvada ;state-liijc^ itybm wliorico It's name. Is 'qiilcklyvputtit'ig. .Tuckce on tn.c map, that tbwn. being the neare.st to "the bprder. - Casino Itself is putsidc the town proper. -; The -gig.> and- .libbf'f tliirig. at the 'Hotel ■ Ainbassadbr,. Ix).s Angclc.s no ,lp.ss,. .with-. Its '-'T-hursday - att'er'np'pn- .Coritlncn.taV. teas (at $I;5.0 .per. tea) ,- .has coiiight on .sb^ well; tl.rc.Biltiri'bre; ia puillrig the; same -stunt Tf ucsdaj-s;. . .The Lbtiis' Seize.room at ihic Aril-: bassadpr ripw. sccs S. It. O., as- the; gaping femmes are liitrlguod by the; ripvelty of it as ertiart;,thlriB ,|■OI'■ :Sprinlsh:lo'y•i'pfCs,:They yplunteer to. l«ach"'em 'tlVp^A^gentinb iipbf-istyiek^ . .The hotel. maiiagcmcnt's dignified sKOw;manship ,ln 'appttlng ' shill couples trf'sfart if off, plus its ..pb- 11 tb segregation of the gigolp .spcc- ,lcs—strictly on'tho cuff; put the tea thlriB quickly iacros'S. .'-, : ''" : The Carlo? Mallno tango brclics- tra gives out the p'dd-beat thythiris. it ^draws' ii 90-10 -spilt ori whyther ■ the customers . j.ust sit and watch, or go In for the hopflrig.: ': ;-'' "'-.s ,';- Ar'kaoaaa ^.Hungrjf:;;' ';...< J: " '■:''' , Little/Rbck, April 7.; . : Hot :-on rccbnt, boost ..for Reno, gambling; Arkan.sa's getting- sct tp 'niak<':.ri ■ play for; tljo Navaila rb.uU stop's iliyoi'Vo 'oii.K.iairi^^ i^uiTounU-^: i-'U i>yC a lilt p( 'pro'tt y ..sc'i'-ii.oi'jV ;!5)it.. ^ !ilidii!g,lt.'a littlv; liinioiilt-1>» diet on ; po'aiiuts,: morv-iiniitii ;in>l;,hbl'oi. -.bwri-,.' •■■;i'.-« :;caii"t see '"vvliy .;tru''J-i) 'slibiil^lti't. lip sbriu'tlviiijr irioi;o'.priiil't;\5/lc (^^ .tlio,ii#.ands :'bf: ^toiiri.sts, -iliat■ :roam thi'tiiiiili; liip; .P'iarKa : :''a .■Aijririior.;; .•- Tlirop, weeks 'ago (!!bvprrior, I'*-!-.--.; neli: slgiiod .a la\v, elTiviivo June 12. low'i,M''»B^li't?al rpsidoiii-'b/f^ diyorcfi; '.i;Pl)!loijrils to :,:90 days, -; CJi'tiii'iuls;^, dp?ortio.n - f<n'''b,nft year; ciiui'.t. .otin:: - vitilj^ii^pt crimi?; habitual druiik.cn- ric'.ss';fpr' one j-r.-tr; 'onii'llybiK.aniy,'. - pliy;»lcal incapacltyi'lridlKnltles ren- , deling condition of othor jitiftty in- tolerable; ildtiii'er'y. :: Any oi)\br. gob'j iilibi will do. \:-.,.7'. '. -? ^'■:■ :■',■' Chiefly conoornetl'is Ifot ;Sp;rinp,^, :- 'state's Tiot'ed'li.tsalth sHot.. xT.b.wri: a\-:. rc.-idy.'has; arp.un$ $5,000,000 inv'b-ste'd; ■ IQ Itptela, amusements, parks, .be- sides a race track. Figure tliei e^s,: enough te-interest ariy loafer. :;: .Evidently the- Hot Springs c. of c.': inl<^nda to start a ballyhoo tp dub the- town as ''divorce capital' of Anierlea,''. j)olntlngv:wl:th pride at their barg'airi; prices—a -ibo beri-les will; split the knot, cou'rt,^ ittp,rriey,. and all. ■ ■' . ' '■ ^V' o ...,,;." ; ;"..;;. 'Me)!iip«:'at/Ea8ter.:. .'.; ■ ;": jicxlco' City, AprlV 7. iPro.s))oct of rcriplrig a'golden har-, vest' was; blighted for a number of big llmb ganiblera-.w'lie.n tht' Jalisco state' government Issued, dri edict forbl'ddlrig;short »dd gamblln'g;:'«:itli, the customers at the; 3)»ort end at; I^ake Chapaiai. Lake Chapalii Is Mexieb^s ■greoitest.' resort; during the Easter season.:;;,. --'-',-'■. .' - ; .;'", '•':' .' Understood, tlie edict is |n con- nection with, a visit ; that? United Stiitea .Ambassador Jiiy Reubbn .(jla'rlc-pai.d to the'^pycrri'o.r b.f .Chap.- ala. .; <^■;v^"■;.' -.'7i- ;'7--' ' ■ Alth«>ugh:' gairici .are.. flppplng; 'III, other parts of Mexico, some die-: liards.are.offerlrig half'ra^^^^ who eat bri the various courses at' Oh'iipala. .^jpbny Bplt'ls tlie biggest attraction. ithcre:. at: this . tlnib,; the; one course aiw;ay8 haying a- plenty Jong'-'waltlng liriei. ; Course 'cbargbB:' about a dime, '-.p- i^- ; -''.':' v' :v, ^ ::' ;-.■'', , Filttis Purer Than / 1: ■(Cpritiriued f^^^ pijigftiO); ;as 'It' !?■/ tot - gbf ^ under, ■way; pictures that will elevate tiic public miiid' frpm • qVcfyday sui^roundlnga : in •mSiny ,ot Its conim'unlHeS that is In ybacjc'.ol ilay.sV'^':dlc^^^^ for picture .riien-:to .gb-- slow . during" thb- -ricvir season on the rabid type of :Bioryi.: • No : sof-rct. I.S.' being hold-tiiat; as; the .result pt: the action, pit tlic.liays ilrectqi-aie' in. New 'J^prU, arid'IIiiys; . persoitai: prn.seri t:trjp', ■ many'ii^ tlon schedules wl,ll lie. -revised- bb- foi-e.' anri'ouncbd' at.-' convcntioris -of vcbriipanlbs'; salc!fm6n;;.to;r;be- held, thf^^ month, and .thb next.' . ;. For tfip-hr.<it ■time; ;fp the; general kriowledgo ..of . the, flJrii ;' Incju-'itry,; the- reylslbri.H-: reveal that;the ;av^ erago picture , cbnip.iny,. despite, early, sfeaspn .iriijoiiricempnt.", is j>ro- ccedlng at the' admittedly ultra- prcd/vutlpus rate of'^on)y , 0. lifibnth. Iri^ :advarice,; and in spmo icases: Just two ivvicek.s. Tijis; means' that in thb cverit of a pictiirb triibrgeiK.-y, -sijch; fts tli,c: drscbvery of a sudden; twl.st bf puiillo 'ta.ste.' ^ .heralded ;' as - cprojilctlng' o.nb; .com.- ■ pnriy'!) cxiibctcd output- of features ■roi':,tl)'0: ensuing ycar' may be. ..with'-: drawn.wlth;.whblcsaic s'uli.sti{ullb'n!) at .will; yet, without io,')s;.to-';tlie,; ;producer : tlirough c;a<:ful feeling., along, the oatncra. 'way. ■ : ..•';-•:' .; is'cith'cr-t'ang. pictures nor; rnprbid 6Ubjects; • any more tlvan; ;a'-;d.ii>;h of .'sex here' and thnre, will be abari'- dpnuO, jipwbvcF/ it is' as: g'^n.crally. conceded Iri' ..guiii-tbrs, tliflt-cbri-; tribute toward tiic<':m'ainiciitin<;(!- of, the Hays circle. ; .■. '.,■:.;-;''■ : ■. I.t is not n;ay.sV idba,'.;p';rs!'>ri;ii|y, to cxlinguisb these types of tJiciniNM, . accerding. to tbb .era)/ ;.Orie. ' suolVv p.aptyi - lii' irit<ilFr,: prptln^;tlifi' i-ra-ys outlook,.lia.s it: ., ''The .iridiiHtry ]s brilei-lug/a,''yijr. :.wh.bi'»>', it, \vi]i:"havb '.to asfiime. ti ..brpad erv iandv riiOrb : .•jt ato.'iWii," I lit"?: pprHirtcUvb ;pn ;firpdilf,-l lii'; to kf-cp tiiiio .wltJti vbu jiiibllt' d.einaiidV at the ;AriiV:ri>>ari .box onicf^;'' '';^: ,-; .'. -._ ii 'fGang Diet'■.;''■.'.. --. ; ,Only ,'32 .pl^;^uro8 .duririg tho past, ye:i;r,^ bri .ovit •of appr^xlm'.ately- 000,: 1 actually - d^/ilt ■jvliii Rarig^aciiyitlp^ it Is pblrit'-d' but.'.: 'rh'ij' lcs,soh;■ 'de'- rl Vcd :froln -tlibse . Is. notii sp rii:Uc! \ 'nririiber -as'thb.;fict'that;they^w<•^'.' butkrd in <:3fploltatioh to trip polrit wh» ro'. thb;';pilVj'lip '^bV-K'ari .- to - fb<il\it W.a.s', gbttlrie a,''earig..dict .frorii itlpi-'- I'ywbod. before the year .is .out, aocoraing to Now York indications. Kducatlbn-'. als,. travelogs,' classics and the rest, oi: that ilk shall 'be so Interaperriod 'a'morig' garig; atiemjits':>duriiiif; 'iSSl^ ' 32 ", as - to .make -' .slibbting, ;''d'buble»', cr'oEslrigv.repprlera; crooked; polttl- cians ^arid ' their v:Jtk,-.; spotri a*; less, i^ij.:;tho ::BariSstcr.V...scemed; nu during, the year just passed.. . ..'.-- . /-There or'e; 'sili), .''46%- of ::'fhe clt-: Ixcnry. In the U. S. that' doc'.sn't go to tlie .picture theatre. That, "in-; lerlardlrip''. l.s hoped to do. more to- wards' "getting them- in tiian ony- tlilng el.se. (: ' ■■ ' : What ;tbb. "tntprlatdlnB" will dp to the stcri,dy cdstoriicrs, who s.ceini, Ingly have thi-lycU on gunplay and sex, does net cpnccrn tho sages of (llmdbm. Tlicy dl.sirilss Itlv'i.thv':^;' / "A. lot of pebplo;:iiway!3 hixvb gone'' t'p plciiiressnnd ;a)ways wiil ;gb- to - pk-tiircs Just ;'bccausc.. they- arb nib tures." • •■:;, : ' ■ '■■■:■: ■ y ■ ., ■ Darrow Saya . ;Gettirig; 'back ' to the 'niipa-dway .stage-film coritrbVcr.sy/;.;Illlndbri»'s . Stpbkpsnion qubt'p .C.larcrtf'.b •;Darrbw ouii'tly on the point whifih has been.. h'eld: up ji a- their leadlng faiUng.; In^ this respect the lawyer Is credited with: ' ■;;;■ ■:.^'.■ :/ ":-;; -. "Tiijes are not ^Jmpiotai;;:; .Tliey.: art! just' plain stupid.'' ,: •': ^As. fpr tlic. material ;that- goes into tho-,.i)lay.,a>id' hb\y it. Is i'efliied.,ri-t)in ' the play In'li?. flirt:presr;iitatibri.''the ' sanie ; sagea' '.c.l to t'Frbri i; Pag.c'''; a a thb' i.cading topic,; .> ' :. ; . :': ''Fi'ont: i-'ttgc-''' had. tp l>b pitssi'd . upon thceb tlriifes. by i fl 1 riidbm_ before ' it ,>*as. cbnsidere'i'su^^^^^ lied '^for-, prqJrctXpri ; Ip--. the. same I-iro.i d v.'.-i y nVilghbnrhood •where It , h.;yJ pp''>ken;freoly.:'a,'i ia Ibgit play. ! "A!). i;a, .'.p I'; t u to '-""'Frori t; .; Page", I a' ni.'i'klng more-' moriey;than as a play. - ■: jui'iiliy Hoon "It's a Wiljifii, Child'' will riiakc-^lts'debut as :a :pl.<;tur.e bfi; hi-padw.iy.'.') But Uttib will. :be ' siid; about tho lee miin. ' .Whateveif iha? . to do with tho frc.czlrig / chnructet;" will he.acrpmpushed by way of In-. .•n'iVchdb. jy.et, say -fllriri'splbns, watfciv ih;e, Picture and. Be6 It It: dges; not 'iiii!<b ;miiny ..limes; m<)rb.nion('y on Brp.ad'way than'th.d:'play wltii .all''of - Ihf. dctalI>Pdld. ■ . ^ -.; - , '!Cori^marid'to;libvb",Is, an cxci.'pr ilori. ; -nollyw'pbd. .tmiif^ . tpb, ,'rii» .;he.at^:,Out ;^of;'it,;: ev.r.-iV':th'»rij:^^^^^ tUlP. ith.-it, ,iv'l.-j,de<-liii-'-<r. lJ.oi',r» ;bf'; ilic f<.',w- b.scrpUon.a.. Kfny^" vpi'uwa liiat arn' ;tbii.;:h'it 'sirw i,"- '^^m-},. ■■"■ ''■InterlarriirtKv'A'iS'.fii-'no'n^ ^idoCtid ; ftir: l^li.'M.vwbO'JL^ in; :thi.>^^;i':-iit ■b&:c>ric;tfi;-Uoli};Vixj'od'.s'.;i;o!;-:i po,pjlar /.iiii'jc.Vii..ii^ - , .:■ , '■■ •: ■ :■