Variety (Apr 1931)

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Wednesday. April 195J ijiRJETV AX ■ ildlii^s ehbulilrt't stojt off M fnnc as he.dbea.: ; ' ,.e^•ue closed. Hanis flTSt Sorts :« mv I'rai,Wo.; n, i-halkij.\<.pa 2;"iih'W?Vl»"**'-»>'tB •*f.-«MWtlvK.- S*n vklo Is- II cv-ipnble lovv-coviilc oliiV f^ked- liert-. •■ ^ Tlii-cife: Blrls : nn.l. tVv-o. 6v? be.HKlos Ujc.'conilo, nsslM' lla^;. i„aiyit ■ daiK-liifi, gQ 'InfOp • ffin-fB in, 6he:-niii^ibir iJlayM-a va,. MiLLIOH bOLt^R/^ , • ;V / .;;;! I/<)s. .A fl^les,":April It;;; ■• ScViolvl, Avcpk'. of. a';!Slx-aot 'Taudc ppjloy tliat- wcrit in >vli<*n tli6 hoii^e ;nVrtn,aK';niont-iiwas- cbnttohted wttlj follrtwliifr.'iliP.'Rti^ps: bt. its. PonipptJ- ,t<iVB by:;K"ln(*HV6nb)c'.fofl;m'c b^^h^l^S' Insr a barjfaliv piiii. Uii'oMrfli vA\ido. It ,rlu)f:e rhp latter sind alsso .dropped ifs wdlti ;from ojt'ijs- to'w-;a5,>.■^^ '■ '-: ' ■ tlj.c: ion'n'g. :cia!>^4• picture' lipiiiic: Milil.s;. tli.trfttJ'o /now. catovs: ail-. iivost'.AVtnilly Vo a n"olglib,rti-.lim)rt rypp Ot ;aud,lpn<'P. •l)pliiB ".pn ;Broadway, stat^- at .playing ils.TnstrumcnU jast':. lupre than'tlje UaUixi wayt -A dlf-. fltult conipdsUion 'waii ^lv#n sniicrb; rouditlon .and; Stfer'h,'was €nUllcd liis-boAV..'■ '■.' h-:'- i'-''y'. ' .V AiiiiSie . aiia Csiccli . ojjfencd.; TIip ALHAMBRA, LONDON ■ ■ ■ . '•, ■ r-oWdjin,,:A.>irll/iSv';, Aftt'r 'a'n .iinUjlt'rViii'ted rviii 'o? 1 ypat.s'.a's a.;viuuU'V.lllP.-Ilfioso.. tlio Al- i>bn)c .toim hxiVlp station AY'l"!>^ >e: , ; : I'ontiy. r Thoy;^mai-^nt;.ln;:ljciterr on-; .v; ilj'e;alr;:' ' - . : .■■•'■"■''■■; ■ ■ :'..': ■': ■ ■ :Captiilii.. AViUi'o;'Maus tliip-; n»an .\\Mio>laugiu :tiip '^frojitt A-on ijtcbt--■,. lioff n ■ Uovv to 'ily,..AvaS . Piib. pC. t)i.6; ' ; • 'Harris' ao't run>i "'■> mlmitcs aijd a; sp.yf-i-ai ,l;)o6)tR froin .the s.ecr; .fi><v cbiiid lJ'V ('lipped.'. ' • .' ;;: '■ : II.oM; ' Ajipmvnlly iiUrtlehcesv'It "-; .; , / -——•—:'-^;-.• '.. ' l lhlsAVook's .Thursday fivchlrig crbVd{ ■ ••■ SaUttrtAv*^-'jnatlnf;e Viilii'y satisftictBi-y. in KpUcpf .n- jiciv fcct day potalde. . With, (.•o.iii.plovloi) 'S tiic: atw '.co'oUnft .iiiabey tii.!; sm vonld. have cye\*^ a"*Kl-. 'uuentlon. Is t.o wltlidra>y .aot&.Ju a :varlety In th. ■ iai-tlme . AvceK-.dtty. ., rpcord^ : sf^^r^;''? abisi sccmcil }i ■Wedne$d(fy (fl) • lA'iiii indicali6nx;is..n«ts. tpr Vav^ ■' aiihOHgh, tlib . manageinCrit's argil- rhf»)t is',- that; pletuvP? either; drag, 'eniv in: pi" Joaybv'obi. on .'t^'*..sf''e-'i^ >::Npt. ni\iclV:pn' .the\ niJt .^^^ 6^jilx. l)Ut-despfto .the .fconipiiiratlve jsOi.'oiid'ary .charflptci? pf tHe.-acts: thio' tjvp-t.h'lr,ds -capaclt/^ audtortcc;. ap^ ,|)6rii;;td':ib^^at:;it^aii. ;.-; ■; '.- ■ Xb . tliOtiKtrt, -'iiepp, ap'pa'rjpixtly; -to ^lie 'acts-' 'Hbbflhg rou- sbrtIn^ five .6t thb: .she Jrtbrb^than aplenty.'Ijut I i;o;,;ha ve-two tnale' steppers n'rogramnicd t6 .' di?iio(\,. biit; ' Made-. .. i-ilii;: .opened - 'Svltlii-'Thi)' Kliicaids, ■' line Ir'vInK^ nnil' Mary "iroy, pf wipii-,i| L t\vp' 'ine,ii and. a. girl,; one :Pf :tl)e Cnt-. "' the' snbt instead.v and■• .soeiiiv-a .4.0 iiibr the ■/xylbplipne::.with;., the ^- Aflelaidb - ;IIall,' fpurlli. presents ; npi,.«c usditfr-^i and gpt rbver Svell>wlth ieiselt w'l.M' (-"•'iss *l>Pw'n:l).»sh[j> in^^^^ .way offered;nbv^ cerie's bf .special n;umT>ei'5-, rhythmio. ;jL.iiy- .(iv a'>l^n'Uar.routine b'ut sbme- wl'm^-classier,' .'jvas .thb'-btlier ni'alc ■train in" Kb;- 4 spot; ;-Ji6iiti;piru'.r'y ,,-and .Mi.'l5p,we)li ' these boy* pulled a; iVgoori re'c'eptlbn that. \<"p\ild-^.i>'fe;beea • Ed" nielbdlouH^ .byiMp.Ofc ; WorOovi : and Harry Revel; . jloc; .Tui:n(ir ti nd '■: Alex Hill; iieif . nccOnipanlSts .at Oio two ba'by;:iran<t<^ mnsl- .„,... . , .. _ . . , '«iansihi). In oho- long Sblp, p.- medlej'-i heaVlor .:but fpr resem'blaiicc- to. xlre ■ ef-'nop tiiiiesi v.; ; ■ ■ . G.lbria .' lA'fr and. . .Harris .,.;.T5\"ln> .' ';«)i)eiied wltli a-; daiujlng .Hash ■ that. roreals ' the ,b.oys. aS: ■, jjliphed 'hciofoi-s, fair; 4)t!ini'.'<.t.s 'and '.oraiiinrv. .ijingers:;. They, .^hoiitd.-stlc-K to hoofing. ■ 'iUss I>eo; .lia!? ai>peiiix;-': • 'airce/and an acrpbatip. rputiiiq, thiit; «cls'.tlie: a'ct f p'r. iii ■'■gPPil hand.. ■\y.Jird ';«nd Van; centcrinf*,' ;trled ■ clp.slnfe . -.their turn\witi> a spng tp. :np lih.- prbveMerit - bvei- - tjielr .'Xlmo-Ayprn, ;^)ut^s^fe ^^'ttlK:bff pt straight,: Instrur ;.'"inentatlbn. "/':''''\'r-y.' ;■* ■•';'-;:' -.'■jraek. Gstfrn<!in-cl*>sc4 ;wlth a flock . ©t' ne'iv "and Vrel'iashod-■ gafts Inter- ■ ,■ iipe^sed.wUh; a■cbuple'joC.songs;.. Hj.s, ' '.vlToice '-Wjas ■ husky,: •app.'ifently; frdin. ' c dbld, biit tiie; dcllye.i'y got aero.s;) . ,%henev«1c' he rc.iijly ;work'cd:'<ind. ;]l;l>p - vwsp^ehse ;wagjsttbng. .. ' 'V '• JiilM Leh'ib?vg's ' Pv.crttJVc. -AVas. •Tlie;Ahinial rarade;" ;'ratho .News ■ '»nd, flMlokcy's- .Crusaders''; (llUd;ld) > .;eonipletcd '.ori •th^ sprefin.v; . ; iVarli.e.r.ttam. ■. ; .r^a7ip;.and; Harper, nidn- niid worii ah;'- \yilh ■■ talk ;and ' sbhjfs,; got . the jiii 1 nv'.fbr" ittib; lau'gh t?nd'■ of; the--i>l)l. tb' the;; ah'(-l<iuity pt isome .bf ■their gags,; -" Hv*n l)ullpd; tiie; Jbe J'llllor. as-'to, precedcncp -of egg ,br. vhlckehi' , ■; : ;,Vlcfihto;Yerrb' singled as' a. cbnilc ;g'ob:' hiihglliig minilcrjv tvlstlhg and hbblirig,.' A. trlcfc .hii)a- hula'. bi-pught lifni iindet* the-wlVe; .. nve Vesscsf,- fbur 'iiien ;^^nd. lone girl, closed; with ;a.^v'Prtl^l^v.Ivllb bdl-; .anoipg arid tumbling act; Ctistbm^ went- fofi-lt bf^. ' ■." ■ ' ;; :',--Fefttuj-ei -;. Paranrount|8 .. '''Rango Rbinhjnder of till Par ^ewd . clips -an.dia.:lwoTre!d..comedy;; ■ ■■'• ■ > 'i^bii Arigc)es; Xpi-ir;;rc:,, . Ixitely .the -IlK'Q janitbi^s" IVaveii'l :, iVpthercd .■ausitfhB..-.ort; tlic,.' box- seat,s; ^ rCiistbincrs 'keep- 'cm ciean;; ' .VWiidc- ■ • ~ • - •• yvitijr ; ' Title 1$ bvitldiiig .liP .a'fpllb>v ;- ,; 'With eight -.a'cls like ' this',week's ; till, -yaude 'will cpiitlriue; tp-,;b<irtii ;:'' . »i) the grpsSes.;',Xocaliy bbokbd; fbiir ■:,«ct3';':Pceupylnjf only- 2S' .mirinte.s .of. . :'thc 71'-hihiute; yaiido. propfr.aiiiV i^ad ^ ;:.;h€en ■shprtened' -tp- $ucU 'an; <>xten : there wasn't al-slack nipmeivt. JPsepli- '; Ees'dn; Irish t'enpr. Had tbp : billing . ;;.*Worig; the- eight: abts', pomhig bn jri .-.aevi-te-cipsrng..'. , ■ ;;;, ■■■.■.■■■.;;■■ • ' ..-(iodst-bpofeeft, alc't's who get jsc.Vcn . Weeks' work-; pn the, cpast/- .w'he'rc ' HKO .Is -iislng ftheV Srract pipUcyr in-. .- eluded ■■Doniia,:-A'rthi>r' and Kii<Jyi •- .;*daglp trip,-who,-. tKoiigh nbt/.pbs-- .■essijrii; the pi^Qo 'PKpected in these -, .acts; impressed ;with',dillib-ult .and ■ ;«troriupus,'tossing. Also: Xa f'rance *nd Garn'ett, blackfac^- team; with 'a- Wack dbg. , in the ^dcuc.c, gtis-ged utr . : *ectlvely. fbr .iivprthw^Uile results. V^-Cafl Mathewsrshowed off HIS mon-, : ;fc«ys, clev.erlyi , lilonk^- are.- well : Joined In their 'routine, a^iS No'rrls ; ."as^ way of faiking tb tlicm. to put, ■ ■ S'*"''the- hiim'ah • rtementr- Inez • and> : Jy^yiii balancing ..pair, haiJv five minutes foi: ot the ;first halt, ;•;; Jjothlng; :^ensatlbnal,: ,.but-, aodienco -" -•^i'^'t 'miss; a ctie -fbr applause.' '• ^ i • ill—Knple, oostumcd as-a black ' W -and- five , glris next, ■ ;:^Act-.:ts pf •• .apj)cal,;to. youiigst'ers.'Slart- " JTf as i»ephanlca! <lbll§, the- eli'ls ■ ^We.r. beeome catsi and- dog's; A cat : BKht. occupied of the. i time. . Jfitlv Nagle; c'arbrting-.aar over the; .."tAge-aha.:scenery. , .-. '•■.■;■:■, ■:' ■' j " ; .v:»,;^'*'"''"g *roni;..ihp" andicTice' with we rhttfmipte^ song, gag, CeVito ': .'P.d I>enny.'s clowning was specd.v .: . fu.nnyi .fjirl In thp: act also In ' ^ JlJf!.'Kug.h- hbusie.: Ghicf .^laVigKs.-.ob;. ■ .■«mc(L through tearing' .off-each .pth - ;.: •iMPthos. with,tiic.orrh<'p •.: - ira drag^cff Into the- act. ■ ; ■• .' , ' b ' Kegrth' ijas .a- -smbbth: tenor „ ; Toicc that :b'roiight -hIm bri frjr two ; ;J2'^,o.''e3. A(ffr singing.sevcrni n'vtni- "ff,*; hnv-stArted:. requi^.^ft.s 'and • ■ •bilged, -with Irish selec'tloris. GVbet- .yta Awith .chtr4n'ce;ap'pTa«se.: . . • .i'dbflng spot -n-erit to Foirr Ortoh.s. ; £ wrc cptnic; .who ibbked lik'e' ftep £.. '"rPl^i. mlmis. thti cro>is.ey6s, Inler'r os^'d -evoi-y/slack .wli-b Ptimt with a • ■ .'t^ wofl eiipported. by ai) in-, .:s.;2jsilil6> y, jre,. Act -opcnfl w'lt-li - side . .■now s,.pnp;:nna thbn,goPs Int'o tlgiit • ■: *.r«' ^t"?*-'-'- Good' elPSIrig- stMff.. ■: ■ . ■'(rJttoiT," RKO-Pafhe ■:"}'?,"|''.^.vnnd .a; cartppn. Iractlcaliv ,'," ■ iS^I honse for aecbnd; ev.ehlng .^sHow. riiiet- liit iu;..ihe:;cibs6 hi.cuiy donov r,t Kasi'pii-! ami- Hb.weli,' 'tolorod xiui- ; siciai)s,. wQi'-e 'second. - .Tliby. ■peod- s'Pme. tlmejy ipattifr, ' 'Dp well ..with tlielr n'uislPal.AYPrlc .arid thfe: comlo; shows ipbs^tbllitles, but ■^they; .are liiiridlpapped ■ by.' some .aricierit; - and useless -tiilki ' V ; ■ ■ -.'lo'e;'' Hovvard- • was,; third;. .He, opened'ibc bi his ..old.'stand'^ ^fys" ;arid"seeme'#: „In linusu'dlly gpbd voice; biit Ills t)i'gg<'5t';retur.n3' .were; on -life :twp ;tppl<iai rtumbert; 'usedi ias'*nbiprbs; ■ ■ :;-■ ;,''.:-'■.;' ; ;T1)a;t:ii)e 'Hlppvi9eein8 art-.At libfl>< prop'bsitlbrt'tor m'agic acts w-as Be'St illustrated -ln:;Chrfs ■OharU.oij's^stuft. Gliarltbh .didn't, over'sttiy': arid, went ititb npr Ibrig;;; spiel?/-..cbnfl'nlrig lils Rtag^ ■ ttriie' to Tbutlrie.,' He's a: little': bit' old with, spnie.; bf hla legerdc^ riifiiri, ~ but; as;'«,."whole ■ BiJfnolonlly skiltuU tp nijrstlfy Ws audieriee... ;■'I.y'dla Barry rivpdernlzes her char- a'bteri'iiatioris btCthb ;c^.s.'e '!Mrs; ■CMi)!d'|.;r(>'ridini,'fi lilpng;; iiujiibro'us , lines; ' .liad. them la'ui^hing; Siibritaiiebusjy -at\tlM?:,(;lPs<>.- Ji'ortunbH'o \ and ' CJlrillinp.. ;,pU'Ksed. .^VlUl■\th'eIr,' fariVIUarrVground . a'ci"p;-. balIcs : ariu 'piiritomiriire. - • V ''■ '■. '■ ' •' 'Twp standpiiL hits fpllbwed in the next twP. a'cts. ' Madip.: and • Jtay, ybu'thfylv pair, .dlsplityirig-: the . pei»- th.-it alway.s. -.Helps 'i yaudQ- ;bill, Rt'Pppcd thc'.iihew.' -The' gii-l is, qilKc .opniprtionlstic. arid also ishoSys, tap-; ping -ability.. , Bay :Jias --'persoriallty ia'ri.d" cariV.wliIrl a; riieari ldria(/;;.Ne;at Clean.;.iic't,-; ■';■ ' ',-.■'.<,■ ■■'- ' ' . . , ■'■ - itlOjSlrig;: were . Frank;.'; and .'Mlit pi'lttori : andi^ thbir .slapstick i lxvrtd Pic-nty ■ of; (;bm,cdy. hofte (jtrid' all pro.- dubtlj'b •' bt /la.uisrhter.' , ;The; Brittoris, ■^verbln; large-sized hit■ arid;nothing cbulijO, .:have, them." they eavn: lheii'"Balt. ' .'i V . .iTorfc; ill. tS-O^iO ))er Wepk,, 'fiir, on(> year. i.;(l>i>ivt-..iO« -OuVwis^j ^yAr.'rejVrd^^ with tin/ pptibii. Xbi:: a;vf\tfthbii:;:rv>vir : vhii^;li:!Wip itlcKoiilKielier; fh<> ?^c»t;':; pls^:tl,^b,itlPri:ps^v^nd,^|ol^ ST. ■:>?-^:(::;;y:;>siATE, Hiiifribr,- music' 'and .npVoHyv In a "f)\;e'-act laybUt lie5i(]ed by 3oe;Frlscp ' ofCerij' . a ■variety Ijiil that's bettor than ■ evifri c'uit.<?ntiy; 'fbr' x>nstpmor rttiirri, Fi rsbb. ls a .^^al;n Slem. pei;- n^i.-irient. jjdcst.Fbr ;:th0 ;Stdte hpig like a lighthpuse; arid the buStpniers prbv!?d .;tt,.;:by rcfuslhgt tp"' leti' hlrir oft. -' (ippd-hbu'sb Saturday -at; sup-; pbr• tlri'io':'and;' expjicted, .with;' the. D(i;ti-if h. £PA tUrb;' ;; ''©ishpriored,'', pulling them in; ..■ . ; ;';'; :< ;'' ' '.Fi'lSCp's . is the usual ■ turn, cigar;, and danee (inisli. ' Ufa ".Riidy yalob'', b'rat k.s': biings snickers. ;' dyicr -acts, are, iiribw'ri,: a'rid,whethef if; v;:Ss, the'; 'weather, or the lipusie,'! every tun\-' 'that;'■si^6wed.^g6t ;the.- big. hajid.; Jf- opened ..With ■ Bandy .Lang- and'.'ljls. thlfpp V9Ue'r.;8kiting ;ibbkcrs, . ;'., 'pliosphbrbus pbstumes ftti'd 'gppd lighting\cfirect8 showed tb plpa.sant rdacileri'While Lang, hlnJself, steps Intb tiic sppt only for a b?io£ cpiiple of ■ times'.;tb swing prie ot the ,|rirla drpiind;: \ ■ - ■'iV^' Stan JCaVajiaugli,-: with ;his';lb>i'^. reach feali juggling; and.-ricw . cbsr tvime effect in bright ml;ied cplprs; had thynv bpwing in the wiiddle. Ills appearance and; the ripnchaiancp, helped." cu.'<tbhiers ;,to; fall. Iri har- mbniPlisly tb the Eileen Dbugall aiqt that fbllpWied. ;; ■ ■ ; :, ;;-,\ '. .Band', bt five boys in; evening olothcs against a full,'siicclal drop,, MI.SS DougaU -singSj while. th? . bo>-s abcbmpany. , Snipbtlv and even per- formance that was welt li.Hed,. with Miss Dpugal's ■.vpice;'putstandlng,i ■. Shbw, afi tiriirod ;rari aroVnd ,493 Iminut'es. Tli'at included lO-minute pit .pvcrtiire, much, tod loHgi^ ■ liilm rari.:'DJ drid- trailers,-.newsreel and, siiot; brought the filrii erid; to arpii.nd lii minutes, alrii;b,st"tWlcB the stage -cndi' wh)<h rari'?^.-69.: Iricludlnp thte VPvcvlure;.-- .■■•;.;': y.' . I- .:£h.(i}r. HIPiPOipRbME ■ W it y'.' e.lghi ;?lcts;; ,,n,e!ivs; .reel ,n nd- thei' .featlire,. -thft; Xlipp;;;-raii't, .get. ayt-'ay-i\j'lth; t)ie f,otyr, arid ,,five' s.hP>*^ ., ilKd. hai; ipd.rried that'iiy; a pretty; :j;enprbus u'se- b£ ampll' .i^lhiit talking acti.i;chri ;ai')peiit' to, .li'eilri;; .the. ,b,lK li/juae. l>u£. ftt- llmert when .the ,i)prson;ori tlip siage-. .i.s walkhij;. or' iupvintr 1-athcK l^;, the volV;!-^ B'.'>'bmps'ri'ibriv '.«ii-)iir''ii in; one aii:p.i:ll<'iri- tliaii. IiV. aroilhcr-: .'Cl'his. i.V .somptrilri^: that 'will ;iia;yi'; ■^o ■gcrichit'ed -^'lli ■ tirijf' .liy, ,airipiifl<'Vf5 which: : <wlM- pi'ij.vldic^:, fot; ,■?; ;:i>)<>re- e<iunHzfirto/i: ;;p£ r'^outid-j-, . r,i:'.;i.ii ;iii;.: ,;sia«'c.';:r";''^.'- .:'V-; :''<■■::!-; ■ ; on . the. .sprnirfiviyii,^ '•■'''ilir -I^in.pV^^^^ P'blnt.V'^ ft'N);. ■ ■ -Vo ,m> c .In evi- denf;p', .'■ Tlie , ib:ls fyllo'a'.d' in Ih'v u.siial ■ rotollprii, ■ ■On ,,.thP,' e|v;ht:a,i',t; bill' tlit^rn ^wasn^^t n^'J'ih:'d.arif.l-rig,: - .■ Xlie .lil'ti b'r'c hc.slrj,, under f;hiirlex Stei>ri'6;:dii'cctlon i« maklng'a. great •' VfcU-balanced■ live', ac.t,slvb'w; thi.s half :,,with: :"Uncl,e": Jpe' ■Laurie .arid his .sister's, , klas ; tbppirig, -■ ran live cycle 'bf ; acrptj.ats-, slriglngt 'dancing and' picrify/'of-gobd ;Cbmedy,'tHp: .es-: 's^nbe of gbo'd .-vaude. the : .sKpw played sriiVothly and If .RK<3 .can dig tip - plenty of five act bllla oT this caliber the folks .with dimes in their hanis: will 6b lpblt;i>ig for.^ bbx;binec. ■ ;■;;■ ';•■ v-; .■, •:,' - " Laurie; trot's 'but :Bome' clever.-Klds: •^ho hoof ■:in: ■inoiibrn':styIe arid' ;pno bpy witl> 'd; sbrt'.pf church ;cl)bir 'sp- lirajric.' did. thlngs;:t6"the;; audience that.;: a jnore .'.Iseaspried -.perfprriaer .w.buid ipye -tp db; .The lad p>pe.9';uri a ppp ballad in a clear hlglt . v.plcc that.. Mr dudieriberWbpf.. :A "pjictty- illitlc.-girl dpes'a tap arid later n, tbe' spe^alty fbr/gbod returria, drid fp'u.r- bpvs:-in; thb■ .finish bhallcnge tap, r.putiTib;L- dl4 . things; SP\ .'eagHy thsiit Laurie tried His hand with' therii arid tPPk. "a pratler fpr'.hls -elTprts. Jpfi'a talk ; is . always; fight,.' pfCends. nP'.pric.ari'd::ls fiiririy ihrbUgh: mate-; : ridl; but "riibs.tly. thrbUglt, hls.' npn,-; oha'larit; dellveriv ■ ;,' V. ' ' :■ , ; - 'Frank -DeVbe (Kew, Acts), „alded by WlHlo.' Wiiilte arid an UnbllleU girl and "big stooge, dellvbred songs In cbrivlricing style;, TVhen -lie. gets, this, new' act .Hitting.- ori all - eight he wiil ;bithbr have to be placed, later, on, the bills; or /;^*lll niake. a sucker ,out of the deUce..; . ' Xlorirbe. Crbt}i6r.s,:.: Frank arid Eddie, did'their- tniiripbilne; traririp rirakbups;- p'rpp'''i}prn.'!. arid;iaiziiy ari- ncuiicoriienta,' amused the fcl.ks, for ftr few imlnutes, dlirlng wlilch tlrhe they nicked .'^over soriie gpbd tricks ari(V,,1iad;' tho< chlidreri . in ,:'iitltebes^. Perf opener. : ' .. ; - ..'s'",; ;.•;■, ■ '■: Arin f'bdee annouriqed. all by her- self;' but sporting Frank Oi-th apd ari uriblllcd ■stooge ;in muttJ. openeja nutPtlv.'- w.ith:-M18s Codee'.8riri''en<jh'. iSngliKh BOrifr aTid built, tp a, -funny dnii-cllmax. ngurlng;pn the StbbgC's high v-blce sblb;tp put-the'.act pvcir for the blimax- This failed-because tlie slbpge - dld; not ,«P- iiip ■ aflfif a high .finish, ■which ;wd.s <li."taP,ppln Irigi. :■■'- ■' ■' '~-'■' - '■■-.:,■■■.■■■ '■•' Bradfbrd, Crl'sharil arid Van: A'st; twb fellbws',and- a' Ipok-er. dp. .<imai:t daricirigK > atjirtlrig;': from a >.npvcl bpehlng that,Is'dllferent;' One ;t.hlrtfe noiireixble ibbnt this trio Is the care in -selcptlrig music. : They ,:dp : pn:- semble and solos;, all landinp^.;; /ThP girl ;ls'gfa<ip.r'ui; arid al'ds. lri .making thls' a .biass'jpffQ'rIng;. '; :■ ■' ' Eft-hand «beg'for a. li.'ihy,;,tlwmp. oVcrttire :-^thl8 .-week , iri, ;,whic,h the OrUmmbr ■ drfd -'trnmpet. .players'.gM ,<<cvpral laughs ■ inMth l/ahy' ."bohri.Pt ■flt)d^ijbttie prbn's:. -^v^.j' 6f1f. I'i'.i'.n-c.>"Crat:ltnd N-littS"' /IliidW.). April'''': -6i)'erilntr bill i'bi>VpVis,p's:'AO'ai'ts .liv the, fQllbwiiig br'aor':.; tliHtrgp. It.alaTi- chinp: Wli'is,' .i-;!il arid ,Moua IC^cj-,-the; PerozofCs,.: the: Mid.-Air .tilrls , ■ t'a; <*he.ip~ coni'.' o'f:' tM'frride' .H'offmt^n (Urls)^Cbvamv The i'loiroty?. l,la>'', mohti nviihcrt, FoiiiaMb; -LindfV. Varr Brothers and;• Betty,Balflni rind.: Barid.. All. :ti'i'e -'artp.'vW t)x(;: except Ion' of ' L'lri'der, art?standards- •lerp. liirider/.-Vcad,liri1'ng, .ls .Sp.^n.1^^ and a miniic';: He npoloKlv.p!* fiip Jilfi to»'J: -^iiglish.-d^nd' should - aUso' M bgfze. for his hUnill'-ry.' ;As:;a .nifadr liner a keen- dl^shppolritmont ;aiva,';at bdst. ;jibt riiopc than; it Xb.. 2; act.;,; AVith, t?&iariohIrie: Glris- apponrlhg. cthrpd 'llriie.ii iTi ■ adrioe.i. the, Mid-Air (lirlij. ,>ind- Cal !Vrid:?:,Mpna .dlso-'Step^ i)|)ig,:■ th'fi hill'^ bcrauie ■;iW.er1>Mrdcn.iHl wlllv;. . .tlie; progrhin'./'nlsb lacked a' i-eal' big: niiiivb .,as ■vvr^ll as' rea,ny.big iauRlVSv. T)u-e>V,;blackpiits; 'wltir authprship''crPdite.<V;'tp; Lauri AVyllpp as funny ,a,s thdtvW.„lc; cruttih. - Stpll's'intrpiluettbn pf the Scirtvab av,stom 'of:itagc U'gh'Mn'g ,is.',a no.vvlt-y iierb.: ItVhoUUlprbve ani at tract ip,ri tP the •,;Th6, c61br -schorite in t,hc oudllprlurii'Is np.t;vevy ..sbpthltig. jBSpefcially; ;thc, 1 Ightlrig, •Whiclv ■ docs ript harpi'bnizc-.wlth :,tho; hpusp... ;}. .," is"cw;pbiicy. ils".t<^^ instead' bl tlirce:time.s,:as,fprn"i,pi;ly, wllh the slipw, li^sting; riedily :tlH;p,e hoUrs.-:-;^ , ,'Stbll:srenf(!i;dofermlrie<l'tb-;trV arid- fegalri fbv the Alh.Timb'rii its fbrmer -vaudeville-:pbpularltJ'.. , Hi's rii,bdC: b£ pi^e.senlAlibn Is certainly, riiorn irtbd- ei'n;'- But'- He wlll"^ oncp i agalnVen- cbuntdr.-tlic'.dinlcU'lty in gbitirig'new Jaces,;..Which-ia, aftPp .aH,;.TWhat vaudeville in 'England' riipslly .needs. • It la 6.1.1d-the';cbs(^bC renpvatlrig the hbUse botli back, and front,: in r eluding; neW "llghtirig equlpnipnt,' is' arpuml' $125,000. .It .itllii nbl iobk it. ' If the Pdnddlum'jklsliesHpvinain- talri'.its' vauddvlUe ,,supr.«>riiacy,; its progranrs ofithe futuuc:-WlIlihave,to be ■;of :d l)igh'or staridard-.';thari-, .they liavp heeri';; rcQoritly,'^ ,fi>t' in' Uic i> l- hambra it; hais-bpposllipni:"- :. ' ,: • crisp -si jie;'wrtiv-nb; 6l.fU ■ 'Marinv,,i!es?er'- and -"uribillied. coriV-' , pany < New Act'S> tried,, tp puric|i -; their bitPring bver-but hav.b tibthirig, \Jr, fnutih . tp :pu"ricii;- ..'wlth,.. \ '.'itussiati :>.,- ReVeJs':'- has 13 pcpple;: Slon. and; ■■: w'bn'ieii -musicians ; ploy, t.he-.,:t)>eee>;;;, (•ornerod^ maridPUtis . 'artd bttier in-;: str'unicnts. fQ?^ dancers; 'was;fl; fairly ; . 'passable, turn. ;.One' girl ipdlrits :het;; ■ liitdy;' \vlUi-:gcli|I ind ,-does Ta. danci!; ;; .■ AvhilP Ariotlipr tapg. :Ori.e; by pne:th:e .;. : meri- in -short' red', bbbts- rnsh^;do>i|fA:,' ,'b a nd idb ^'ihe jfrilrililar .Russian, ,■ stops.■ thby-, tried tp ,st; the,- • ■ ftxidlerice .Into a:sliow ;stoivby fast' ■ ' .' n.oisy: iVrilsh 1)ut'14tlV street wpuidh't; bb;;gold,-ljrU'ked; ''-,^ ,:'■■;■■ ■■' ;■ ; ,';>. :. ■;, - r>lcC<W;v''fi^ri*rt;cd::Nut,&'', ,C ', -Trijde,, fair;-' . ,'' '-'V';,'; ";; :, ■;■ 8'Act Shmvs ^ ; /Spring, w^eathbr-'has b'eg'uii.;to at 'f ect';wdir-k-cnd .matinees;..: :S>ati/rddy- rhnt Irbre -Aj-as oft.'- .W'hori, 'wvh.'it^borir fisted- off the; audlenbe Klrified -out iafteiv tlip : fii'st;, stage- slio.w,;'barely any'reriiairibd:'for'the .second run of the: rr'aliire. Four iicjts;' runrilriii lb d llUlb'bvor-'an^h-buf. •: T\vo of vtJVem,' T)b'n Azpldy^u's Orchcsfi"a'.' and' Hb.s- poe'; Al'l,.s;.:]atter,,a.<fsl:5tpd *y,; T.h,nlm.i White;; Preceding.■tiiVn.'i -sli;oSvi(!(J-;up iVIecly,' riiaking.'It a good'^dll. atbu'ri'd blll.v. ::■.';; .;•■■,;;,,::■-■■,■■ ."::■,-■ ,"■;,>„-■;.: . AzplajjuJs outfitWont . like- ■ivlld- flre. •..They cbuldn't g^t ^ri.ougli of Azpiazu's Gub.'in: tunes here. ': ' '-- Ails,\ arid '/riielma.; While -also panicked them; ;,I;ld: 17. nilntifps; In eluding ericbres, • and / audlene»j Av'antod more.;: Cbrimcdy belwebri this <^ouplo -Is vh'bkb andr- Sti.relire, .Iri- ■clUded ' drd vcTaiTr.p.s. by-j Mlsg '^'hJlo arid' iyVlts; ■ fbi-mej: dolnK^ what: was drinouribed as; her n^unibcr rpon> Cai"- roil's :"V^ariitlPS" In :an: abbreviated brie-piece,' fPatiirlng lilp^ .weaving.^.' /Eddie- .tidr"r, iri»pbrHonatIon$, ■in the deupe;^ Garr la.* clpvcr .lmitd- tof apd piits bypr all ills InVp'nr'sona- tiphs in nrib style. Irielude.s lipltar .lashp's of- Ted. tjcivis, ' Cht-val|er, ■Jlriimy 'Iju'rariic ■ arid-- a . few; ,other w'«J') ((ribwns; Received a nlcb^ hand. ; -/.Sorig:: arid' ddncb', firtsh,-. -Tldyth Kaveri: iJtrid Ilt'r'lJJoy. ITrlonds (-'XeVv Acts); j)lPOsed In fair ra.shlbn;;iiv tli;e eppnirig.'sppt. ;. ■ ■ j',; ■ ; -. :. ■. , ;; Radio's ':«rd<;XPd':Xulp;'; '\\-h.pj'l^r ari4 '\5^pbl.scy, .■foijturji. .; ; ; ■; ,.:• Eight ac'(s''flr.«t .iyalf. ;^^.0 pjo.spr ■ ' . . -. . both. The. tlibiigl) i; , (GbnUnucd frbni pag;c 3") ;,; ; , vpVa'bly ';bpnip,arcd. with,, the fbur ■in-'^ ' t'dct'unlt turns. 'Thdt .Was dp ■;. ,• zealpuspbss ;tha.t.,fau.nd'.'il«,-, way ip;-,; • ; ,th^ ■ M'a'stfr', bajjl;et in 'New Yprk; ■ ■ ■ ,:■ -■ I'll, other in&tanccs-^the fpjir 'added ; dots; bpoked lpcally.arid outside Ne\v . ,; Vprii, cSviHitfUt','/th«v;lp'MA'vb^ : ' fully a ware cf the intact ;dcts' riiatc*.;• rial,- Imvp .been fpund to. pften du- i)lfoalc' iliat njdter.ial .on;: the 'saipe-. ktage.: Tills left' the-fpu'r-dddcd acts- -'■■"-;, doing abc.ui the' sa'me; as the ■fpur *','; Intact turn.Si with the oftdlence to :.; chposc bct\yce'n thcin; .without the ;,; .-, audibricp '-kribwing that quite likely A .■ the added ..acts.;bobked 'Ipcaliy liAi ": epppcd most ■• pf their material. ■ '■-. Lattet; m'Ight-dlsd tcU jvhy the ibcais'.;. could sp.curo fpur added acts at -a-, $7pb>.iimit .fpr 011.-.f<>P-' a Ave.ehi;;', :;■ ■;,' - -'> Quality .arid Quantity ' ;';.--:;;''; ; in - k'li'; .eight-act; .ydiidc-.: ,Bh05v.';: bbbked ;out-yf;N*>w -'rprl^^^^ 'set- salarir;. bbst. .bf, <3,800; pr. less - Aveekly, tiic, chances are the bctet bf •; turns could bo' bp framed that tlfe-. cbmpo.slte. as in ,the. olden days bf • vaud© .would provide for 0. variety ■ . .stage, altractibn'.v'pius thc.'^^^i^^ .■;.; iilng tlmc. . .- -^,'^;■^ .■•■■■ ■:' ': Many yandov'lurans on.; 'the ■,;rC' -'; yei'f)&: say- that;'foiir talented ' acts ' , ihay ;f urnish criougii :entertdlnnTPrit -; v; within 60 ;nj;iriutca- ] to-; satis/yj the .' st.-igc pprtlon pf a cpmblnatlori. per,- ■ formancc. .'They set. up-.agalnst thla ' the recent flbcd of double featuro '-• • bills: iin'^ tliOf - plctuf»■ houses.' One ' ' lllm fear already cxpre.s.scd Is that;'- : a double fpatiirb; bill gives tpb m.ii01i ■' "featuring- in, three .liQurs,:,lo.lvlng it.s audlenoe' with the Idea.'of a very : ,.; long. If not'a pobr-show. . . ' > : ^ Sim to be decided in the IIKO; ^ ; oifices it. Is. said is the matter of fbur ■' or ■three perfprmanccs dally in the • ilkO:^^nude l^ouscs. Wilii eight acts.-: tP ;d. show arid not over 60 ri^inutes;, ■ also,. al lowed ; to.; the. incredscd .billsv , some actors say-,:the teduetion of their stage ti me for edch perform - ■: a'noe may-dp much tPward allevlat- ; ; Ing the stress; pf fpur and; five.-time- dally" appearanpcH.- '; An act shortly flnlehlrig;dn'likp ' rputb,,playirig many.4;-a'-:dayv,-s,tttieff;-; it has nbybf ■'hecri ■al)le, ,tp; sav;e, 'ri^ l,il)U,oii ,,riipricy,,.bri a! v'au'de'/.trarirbn- ; ■;|'tlri'eritdi.,tbu'r.V'jl byc.r, t^ ;^-,„j,: .(•iilt this, tiriie., Accepting th;e fe'iir.i;.; i^^Sr'^fiii'^viib^^^'i ;pi/is: [a-^^^^^ of-the durilb'cl,i.s,s.: ; : - ; -■ ■..VBnliitWl; .ll.seir,-acrrordinglyj : ■ , - ,' b sh/)W--nPVPr;.'got fit(iWf:dv gi) '.oiily ri(nr(Jh'g-(Oi hour Uml'ii. Vin').} nislit .p.prtormapep, but- went-: . ,h.T;lfi , ;iV' seettii-d liU<i ; twJPc, ■ :1h:if, .'ti),: l)p,<li ,>!i)d ttot up ,early. dribUKn iri.'.;. '\Vp;ilniP.<M.:>)f'i.hp.-'po'i'ri'f-'ily'' wiis: ■llif; j:'l)i'p;:irif.irnlhe; to get '.iri-'d li.ttlP Kolr ily !i<-tS )i<Od llK- '»:cairi \;,.U,rt^ llVo first; shpw - after otie . <cl,oi;'k, ; ■ ;, ■■ ^;P,^,nrii o', H'ilrst.;Fa'I Is.; - „ ,'; '■ ; ,Tii)i>k.s like r'arinib liurti;; tjiiv- f,i.TI-n for nims; Khe.'s going to wrU>; din :bripin>'il-, f''r\Radfo, ,IUctvr'es; ,:,; •'; :■; in ,:studi'o' .pfti-l.anee ,tiMLt-:nie.'iri.«; If t-"fiji."i.'vc:;ii); wrllni 'dn brlK;ari(i it i;i iy ,roasbn;,Come Kliois dnri ;di;d not ;a;elivi;r, ■ ' ■VViliib \SoliU\'; rif.'At. to 'cliiji'lug and 1 itn(11 inpd. '.(h:»np. ' and-,'lOtirIb ;; (N'• w Af-lMh - >sl,riiiw -arid: .cb-rapd.v ,' (iuni:)-'r,- : . :' .-' :F. WC '-GIbses T?,hree- h;(d .n ,1i.V't;tiio:/.-: ' ted and Al Wald- ,- Fo>:-.\S'.pki f ,'ij.'i«t/clb>ibd Uri'Pt^^ ■ mdri iri;hl!i'-kXaf:rvfijor<-.d'aro(rnd b.";;-•^,(,V.'s ;ia,st wcr-k. onn bp apcouni' «t forC-g(',tH»»K,(lrnvP U^llK<mj^^fU,'whll.■h | ,|j,.p;. >XeVl''bit ■.thr^atro.-.'l'iimbnd, -I.s ■:iiip:',irhpf'^,'.-tn \>M>f-- /si\<<:!fy' i>^^^^^ ■boy.s (;i^uld dpi'd surfi'fir/'-'yi.vb-miri.-: -; :;>. :: i-' , ' • 1^, ,;:',,,:,. Utf! apt;-l..jr,^fr;yfnlriij; jt /ptvly^-'w^^ . ,.: -■ ■; Pete Carroll's Fit'sl ihp, -;,ni/iijUjbr.t;;m.'^;, , 'rhp,' t.'ilk |i"-v -/nr.tii i'-vl "■ indii':- - ':.'i<-li:ii)i;'':' r.vvv',< r^. 'pial ,Piake,<? l,t, hord.eR lt .lt •gfjt'i o.VH', ih(f.R»),,.i.),pa^ wUh. iAv'b ;jilanb^^^'v^^ wjip.n iV'.s softer, ,if ypy canvrewl', -V.y ciia'iir-.-.' y,;hfT' h;(fi' liiit -orii: • .'if mi "Giiiiorrbri.? : ,- : .:-, ,'''■"-,-, „■;'■;■,; ■ The f'-rriio": hV](lf'-yriin(jiin('ed iti'-y; had riiil't',\'ngp.iit-'in;':'i'hi.i 'W'.iii.ip -riiu irs : ■i"aikinj;r,'''Ht.NiiK<.<ri? ■epiiiif;to..i'"iN'for i-'ivc .Siar' .l lnul.;' . -.,; : - ' ;■:; :