Variety (May 1931)

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VARIEtY IDE AND Into LegH Signs ' ■ ■ •' ■ 'f; --..y- Hollywood, May B. ■ Two Paramount stars, Clara Bow aitd Jack Oaltie.niavQ upset the pro-- diictlqn Bcliedule', .cither tlivpugh. a val'tout or Ictout. ■ Xattcr fnStariQO cphcerns Qakle; V Ttiho wiilie Jiot completely ovistecl, Is belnB::.tauB.Mt a Icssojv by.J'ls Zat : So?'' .i)cin(j- 'postponed. : He: and Stuart Kr>vln -aro HKtod , as ^co-.; ;flta:rred >vith.'Pranlc; Tutlle. fli ' for.this^film, v ' . : Benson tor .Oaklc\s dr56^ ■ rhr's rcfuaai: to CPhcedc to his new . conlVaot demand's;. AitlioiiBh eym- pithetic with the cbrnediaii over his . obligation aEr'eemcnt With >ycilcy ■ ■■ ■RiiBBles,. tilt! producers: do hot want ' to ificiir iltleation-. or publicity. Oakie has'■been etayinij; away from - ^he . studio,; Vs<i'^ i^ '"'S; dctidcd t.d.Iet hlhi rejiiain awtty.' , : ■ Clarii Bow dld lier! second run out : ^In h week oh "The Socret\Oivll'' yes-^ ■ t^rday ■(Moriday) wUli i'V early: TC- lease date to be met. /Scliodulcd to: .start April 23, film was poitppned'. .-. when tiip -star failed, to appear, at - ' tlic studio plenying shcS Was liprvous and .'lipset iliroueh, ia scAiulal, sheet • notoriety yarn about her. y -/ ' \ . ■,. . B.' P.;:ScIvulbere bur-.ed aiid M1S> Bow prpinlscd to start Mojidny (4). ' but-riuuie.iip appc-iranco, whcreuppn ;. .th^. st'udlp' again ' cilled the .picture offy.ordiring a search for the ress.v She vi-as\reEprte^ ia.a Gleu- , dale/C'll., sanitarium, . ; . ■ Lntcr, Paramount.: when the dail-; , Ics. bcciima jnqiilsltlyeV Issued the : usunl st.ntera-ints : of cbnyalescehcp, ■clalininB' Miss- iJow ,ha<i ;coIlapscd : ; Biindiiy pri the isPt during, rehearsals.' ;This makes . Miss. EO.w's scicpnd, > postponemcn't, haying., been forced , ..:: out of:"euV Streets" Hist, winter• ; during thp.Daisy DeVpe nolorlety/ : At - that time .;, Sylvia Sidnoy: was : -BubsVltutpd. ^-■ . v ; • v :: . The. l^P^v ^lm i'3 alW: tlic first as-; : Biertment Stuart/;;>\':vilvor, > ettstdrn . ieeit sUigcr, Ivas iu-xd as a dire'ctpr. Hpllywood, May S, ,' . Unltetl Artists is; BPlhg .In tor the local Ipglt ;"siip.wcaso" in a big; way; iPIlm compariy , has secured Henry Puffy, Coast producer, to become an associate picture maker and . also .mix on the film-dramatic "prbducr. tlon.;idea.',■ ' / ■ Sairiuel>Coldwyh did' the signing. He .also-htxs llormah ^huml,ln\un- iier cpntract to learn the picture b'iislnof!!'., in .addition;; Jpsepii 'M. Schenpk's • .;arti1iatl07is., in-uh.; ,Sid :Gra.uman, B,i the. . Mayan, " hav,6 already.'been responsible . for ; the local, productions 'of "Once: In :a Llfetimo'V and ''Street! Sc6ho.'' DufCy will nibst Illtoty.:put on cer- tain stngo, pieces out here prior to :hls Own supervision, ot their jfllm- Izatipri. '" Siitiilariy, " Shunilln will .uUiniatoly,: oii(Base' in ' .ipcaj ; strtgo: production v/>C, originals . with, / st doub,lp view to shifting, tii'crn\ eiist to rsrbadway- fPliowing :ti,>eir local tryovif anil also testings the ,cast for the! film.'trahsltlpns. ; ' , Sluiinlin'a :asslgrimptit as -h, pi'oducor sta»-ted' th is , week. Hp ;, is siipervisiiig '^t'hiiply-Garden'' (CpI- man-) and ijual ifies li inVself as ~ re - gjvrds :week's /"Variety'A ;£tpry wlioreln ."he expressed liiiiisclf: Irkedi wlih ll<(ily.wppd; idl'eucss, . : Sliuriilili :dP?.sn't deny that lie wiis .Irhpjitieiit Willi;' talfing it. eas-y; sp long, Init, how; tl^at lie's- getting liito actual pirpdu'ctlon,, the' producer of VCiivind iiPtel.'' is niort ■Ice.til about the idea. ^:'. In U's College Feature .' ; IIblly.\Vo'od, May 5. ; • After much indecision will make "Spirit of Notre Dame," full longth fentiire. It-w.i.s on ajtly- ing trip west to discusis the maUiii.^ of tliis picture that Kntitc Ilockno was killed. ',;■ ■ ,, ■ ; rif\n is to dcdioalc the piclurfe to Eprliiie and give a cut of . fihn's. : proroods to his fariilly. v As in the footljali shorts iww hc- ',lne niadc by y, all i-.sloriors .will, be niiule on and aro\ind the ,D. campus. ■ ; llioliard Sliaycr, .scenario cliicC at tl, is iipw Writing the , Vttpint" script. . .;,■ ■■ [ ;<.■'. AGENTS DRAW BY-LAWS, MASS MEETING THIS WK. . ■Hpllywobd, May, 5r . The agents .met last /liglit (Mpn- d;iy) witiv a formal -constitution and by,-ia\vs,-,dra<vh : iil) -under the jegai guidance pt ■JliltPh:;Si,ib'erberg;, Ip- cally 'proihinent barrister,, -^'ith a basic vievv: toward ■ iipusb cleaning trom .\vitiiln -their .owh rankS; .'-A mass scheduled for later tills:weelc :'. ; --■;■; ;:-■.';;■ ' :';. ■; ■ ,■ Agents are' cbmmciUing pn the I passiyeness 6t- / certain , '• ptiier agbncics, 'like; J6y.ce ,an<l Sclznick. which is walclilhg from: the . sfdc- lihcs and e-vprcssins ;mild .interest In ;tlie effprt by the. Hollywood. ,10 Ijci^cenlbrsUb ,amalB<imat<!. ■ Move was prompted by. manlfes- talioh. of certain .Studio rcsirip- tipns. ■ ; '; ' '. ■ :; ■":'■ ■■, Talkingv Pid^ures and ; Lec^ turei** pVer Counb^ Be- fore Civic Orgahizations to . Bring Out: Inside of Attadcs on Film Industry 7--Ahti-Knocking ;Machihe 'Started;-' ■:'■:^:/^ :■■/:■' FAKIRS FOR COIN mm MOTHER CAUSES FADEOUT Saw ' Daughter in Pietupe-^Wired Hpr t» Come Home-r-She pid^ , Adopt Kidlet '. . : , , HbllyAvoOd,; Ma3f':;5.- Nell Hamilton: : and, wi£b : ha,vc adopte.d ft seven-week.s-bid found- ling; from ^a Ipcail insiiuiiibh.;; Tlie Hah>iltbns. have, lieen niar- rleU nine years 'jind lire eiiildless. Cpi Takes Wayne • : tiobj'Mbrrison, lia."), .pl.V'd; .Tblih ^^'J''v.Cpluiiibla :(>" f .tennor.' ; ;: -Tile ;cpll('p:o. juve; <>niM hi;; first plrturr-ZasKof-iiuipn: Willi I'ox, r.apul : I.-h liavihi: uivon lhf',M.ivi;c tlio , lea.'l or • TllcJJiv "fr;.}!':' as Vv-sSinrtor, , : ^Vil■n' C'oiiiiiiMa: it'y siuic "or fi'a' •"01 ,th( Ui<l,. ■ : ■ Z^''" ■v- :,; BACK IN 6 WEEKS ■ y-i ., /^I.iiy OTrUfordl, sailio mWv IS on, ; til..; j iiH-iiiciV f.,r; I.fijivlcn, A<. ni i r-turii ^ .'iviu;:Mrt.iv-].(i^i,^,,,i',.j'i,,ii^.'i';a,;;^ :' Ifi: ;»Si"Mt:^';«i>c,A\:c('ks./ '•::!/■/ . ' / ■;•''■'<''r wjil./liVake: ft iilrtiirrv -fi-'J- ;.;t;i!i!r;,( ; .Vi-tisLs' -,;i<lf.nv.. ..luHl/ij :tli*"; ,. .t^.'l••l^i5^.^:•o;■:•Ji M:.i>^6ii. ■■ .' ■;:. . : FVird "on "Arrowsm^ VVith Colman for Goldwyn ,,■';,' llollywood, May l»i:^ S.anV doidwyn' is borrowing ,Johii rord\ from l'"o>i to ,direot /"Arrow- shiitlf;* li^Mialfl: coliiian-^tarred., 'Prpauc-tion of the Sinvliiir'^ Lewis npvcl wiil./fuilow , C.'ohiian's ; nr-.xt, '>Thb:I'nhojy Ciardon;'' Svliich :Bi/ls tuuTor, way tlilij wbyk. ' ; :■_ :; Sammy iGoKen Mim P.urfalo, May B. ■ Samihy Ccilicn,' screen romco, was; niarrJed ' to l^orl-'J KOclie; 1^e^o tlii.s week. . ' • ':■ / .;:' . '.: ',, . : nrido:. fbrmerly;'approved, 'ivlth Jo,hnnyvI!urke;in y'ayde. ■ / : Goiitract for Heayy ; ■ p :; ■ ' ; ■ ' itiollyworid,:^ Hay ■ ■ . T.eyJand Illdgspn has .a. contract by JIadio. ■":,■•■_■ ' ;' ,. :/l^ lieaVy .In a Ion?, time to-got a tf-rinc'V. ■' ";:;;."..: ;: mm 'IN "SCARFACE" ;: : ■' t'airt M»»il '.fer,f s haolj, to ,P!Ct'iin-;^. If.v; b nyi-s ^<"T:l^^;(\Vl•.lr1'■«^!:lV,l rf'ir Iho ;'^'..;ist'' to vdb "Sc':ii;fiM <:>" : f.\r H(.wrii'M:liiiK)i:cs if ri'-;;'.';.i:<;i';i'? ■fln'-V-K.' ' ':■'-'.:' ' : -MiV-U-JV-.'Jir'-¥l<'>.'.i>i3.*'-. ii; l?VuV-!"K ,Ci/!- l:-.:;x.; ' ' ,:„.' ■ ■ i • :■>■ ■ 'ii HERMAN: AS ^ YEGG, ■;.;,;. ^ /. '■'■ ■ '"■ lI'ill:^:^V''v''i'.; Ma;;'''^--. ■ 'V: iW: likiU.''Ti '-iii :vVi/i'i'i;'>iv'H 'i-)''^ I f'l -r 'iiiir : /tl/' I'-ii^/'i^; a' j;'-ii>iU'M'''iiii' ';.'n.:r:;>j;i-r'^<''V'i^:>'' :, ■ '' :■''^v: i-^ 'i;;i(j;i:;i:;.c;.iii:*K.':^!:s/' . -v..-: It's'time .the public learned the real story/of reetdonii' Although the filhi; induetry. ie: a good .ftealthy: 25 year*; old, : Will, Hay's hasn't fig- urjtd ur^til now t|Nfai thfe opfiortu'nity is ripe: to gl,ye yvbrid fans, th'e ,low-: dowW, on :vvhat happ'ths, pdliticatlyi as Weil as in Holly.wood. , ■ /"The story', is' repjete with dbuble- Crbssin^si .phoney . ,speech ' makersj and poisori.darts: aimed >y picture failures into refailiiyes, : many , :bif whom have ipolitie^l influence. ,,In fact, 90%': of .' the: squawkers against .pictures d'viring'its "qua.rter of a century arc-.labeled folk with personal, grudges or tiibse . wlij) just; .wanted to ; nuisance value 'money., ,'•..•: : ■ ' v--,':.-■ ..;''".• ■;.: ; ; Fliiiidom's first cpmplpte ind 'eon-' Crete crusade to: citculpate itself and ' educate the ■ world perspective to a universally higher, picture .plane en- tails: : . ' (1) Engaging: ' crlmlnologista. to trace; to .thelt epurce/siiira at 'fllni- donV, and to widely publicize i them.' ; (2)" Disseminatipn of: the truth: of the industry through BOO filni minute men, ail . exeputi'vea or. those. long afniiatW with; picture business, to ttddrbss piTBanizfttlpna In.ail parts ef I the, coiintry oh ; the picture ;gbsp'el •wheneye'r the'occasion arises^ , ' , (3/ Kaking of .a series of feature plbtures to. heiprbifbcted' in' iJirlyate prganlzatlbn halls wlth: nb; "admls slbn cjmrgcd' and with; biie' of fllm- doma ■ representatives: on: haiid to submit to any'hecitlihg after the In , '(Cphtlhucd on page St). ; King of Roumania to Artwar in Film? HoUywobd, May 6. ; Cliff •'Wheeler, indie producer and director, ,;lett lipro last week .tibund for Buciib rest fpr a bonference;with King Carpi of P.Piimanla relative tp the prpductipn of a picture tehll tlvcl}': titled "The ; Kin;"a - rMes .iien:g<'r;" The King may appear In the film. • ' ■: .': J. ■R'licoler, .-B'hose..' real name- Is TliurnrTasisj, Is thp; sphV of Prince Alexis- Th'^rh-'TaxiS,' Italian : npble- iiiah, and through his ■ father h-V oblai nod' . a; ;cbTibes!>iph-: frbm ^ tlic Itbuininian .gbvernmcnt:. for co of)eralion;lo the makltig' bf. the picr lurb. ;,' ^'.^■ .' -;■"■; ' ;,''.'■'■'.: . Story is by Charles .iW'cbb. and;iia.^^ dh. Anicrjcan; and' Houmahian bapk- grou nd. ,,Harry 6. Hoyt,'' fprmcr Univert-ai producer, lis dsspciatcd with 'W'iiecler in tho deal.:' :, ■ ■ ;';; . ■ : , vHbilywbbd. 'May'S. •' : A ■ girl's .absence, frbm; tills colony: liaS been e.vplaiiied ihrbus'li a -^vire trpm .j\omb tplling her ta.rcturn. It was slgucd by the giri's mot her, aiv<j; :lhe'. daughter pbe.ved. ■ It's said tlte' motlV6r::sa:v\' a .'plb-i iAii-e: wlth her chlld in it In thc lipme tpwni She rvished tb ilip tclcgrapli bfflce and scht thb Svirc.' Tiie.; nibs- agb''seemed to cphtirm; the' d.iiigh- tcr's suspicions about'lierscit. oh the •screen,.'..;■■,; ■ '■■■''S. ■:;,;.. :' .- '. .The , girl is. fali ly AVbil known in, pictures.,; itcr .Avork had been: the. siibjeet ' of muclt argument; . spnie said siic; was' an; acti'css and' others that she was lucky. ' jlothcr'settled ail dpubt. ' M-G SEEKS M. t to SAVE $750,000 REVUE > ; ■ H61l5"ivobd, May fi,; ; Metrb-is silU scputing: around fbr en m.c. to salvage its:;sliclycd rhu- sictU, "VMarch; of Time;',* Ideit. is to string tho reyuo scenes' tegether Willi a story schibiance. .: . . Outside of a desire to reclaim the 1730,000; SO far :btow'n into :',Mac'cli," Metro Ihinits musical, revues; are prppltioijs again. -. ;;; ; .;':• iionywbod,.;May S^ ,:, ; Cariip.ramen. will canipaign .shprtlyr; tlirpugh. the Academy fer bigger and ■ bettef; screen credit' American S^o- clety of Cinpniatbgi-nipiiors ■R'ill take ' the initiative. ' \ ^ ; 'Celluloid .expos;orif'. 'objection■: to 'being :b,rackoted ,witii set dre.«*crs, eost'umb dpslBticrs and assistiiint. di - • rectors oh the crodit caird bas b'oen"; '• mounling steadiiy, . reathiiig th?^ ■ point wiiero they' are ready, to-step but and ask for menilpn'' alongJiide' ■ the director and author., ;.'. ;;Ganieranien .ppliit; out that ;.in ;^ Buroiib,. ;c'3i*clal|y Germany; plib-,; > iPgrapliy ' gets equal ■.billl'iVg '; -with ! ;stpry and dlreptlpn, - and- sometlrnea •; top brcdtt.. 'Thby cite as an ilnstanc.e Charles . Stcumer,; ■ wlip. lias 're- .• ceiitly , rctiirncd-;. from ; Gprnnany, Where he frequeiltly had his name In' lights" and . ahead of cast and everything; else. : lri;additipn'tp the clalin that,tliey , are entiticd to.more,prominent naine spotting, . lens, .atVjustcrs-: say , that vV-lth' increasbd credit tlie>- will do , better, tt;brk,; febiing that tliere' is a grervtcr re-siipnslbiilty.:: : ; .: ' ' '. , ■AlKO revealed that-^ most; top- camerampn ,roc>Jlye; fan ' mall' froni' , am-ateiir : -photbgraiVhers,,; nipstly questions.':-. Si^t Uriseeiit Buy jVnini iflarding Iby Pathe ; irollywbbdi;itay 5. •: ■LVsala 'P.arrDlt's' ncxt-llnpubli^^hpd.■ no^'el lias been bought;- by,' I'athb Bight uriseen.,^ ; Title;, Is "A, :Wonian Needs • Ijp,yc,','^ arid: it's . for; Ann •Harding.' •' ■...;' . ,.; :'.;;■ ;;;,■"■;•;- ,This ■n-Ill, fbllpw;"Tjie.Flat: In the Tcinpie," Tctiiiod "r>cvoiioTi,'.v -iviti^ Itolie.rt. Milton Oiroeiing and lipgin^ iiing May 18. .•■:.' ,.. '. ; ':;' : Miss • Ilardliig'9 ■ u.c'\\i ic-."--i"f-nPi:- ' to Pathe'a- terms ;I.s Indicated, 01 ii'am BrPwn' tp ■ iirpbabiy:; adjust Pvery-^ tiling upon lii-s ari-iviil. here \Slay'-10 with;'lJa'tid; SaTnbffi ; ■ . ';■ , ; - Pojock Makes Counter to $100,000 Bid Channlng p'bllook,' piaywrlphty pf- fered $100,000 under ■'b. wrrting 'cOn-, tract from.-Cbium.bla, ma.dpa. counter offbr; ; 11 ;vi'as, to v/brk ■ at thp; Cp«; luni bla .St lid lo .pn' thb- Coast fbr :three; rriontlis fpr n'otiiiiig; before trying hia band; at scribing directiy 'foT; the screen.: .Tlit>h; under I'pilocit.'s pfCer,, he \yould write tt'scenario and Cbl; opuld, take :lt ,b'r leave it. Price for llie 'scenario Is nbt inentl.pned.: ; • Counter blTcr Is ■still unanswered, • Taillulah's Long Termec- Holding;: an option, iter-a Aecoiid' I<|f;iiu:b ; follPwlrig 'comr>iptipn' of ""Tiirnishcd I..ady,"; P.arambunt ha.<< Iiia'ced ,Talluluh- Banlihcdd';undbr a lo'nj; t<:''rm contrart, , ' Afi- ,MlSs's second 'for 'I'lir, • Jphn./.'pliriri hits 'written an ri>-iL:ih;Vl; tr-nlavi.vbly callrd, "China." Jl; will. l.i; .Vnadc, in the, rasij with "l.^roiji-'c ^M.'ir' li :rus mn.:(:-.')ea,d.;, ; CAIHERN FOB WB ' { ■ i.Mii" f.'.-ithr-rn'; - Ibgit ';'actor, , If-'- : .^';ui'i;iy; (5( to dP :hi^^'^l^«t;^ipJ!yv.;<■.f•'^■ [..-•jt'i-r^-,;;. lie , !;cie.'! to ,W'a.'i'iie;-.s,^:f.oi' • 'i').i> r'"rr<'sti'iridont." .. '.•■ ;.;" ■;;. A 'v.'irt ill "Ilofior 'Among tovCrs" .fit the , I'.xranibunt 'I./ons';. rhlan,'1 >:;tiiiilp :liad . been \ X^'j.ii.f-TM'if "oniy tcrteaaSiiisinrncjiU.;;;..■, ''';,;■;.' Wed 35 Yrs. aiid With 8 Ghildren^ut Divorced : .;:,;■.pltiLsbnl■^;b;;^T:i;^• ' li.-v'rry ■ Ri'ri\vti, iii.'i rlfiKfr of , t lu- N'i.xon tlif-ntre • and married . ii/r ; "Z years.,..wafi, Kruntcd -a divrnTf hero Avbf-k :;froTn , Afrs.: C;<M-tniilf II\yn, how of IJO.^ton. ; Thp ;i'.rowns were Vf-d in,TiufTalo in 1S96 .-ind' separated .berf' in -TjirS. Tliey have eigiit•chijOi'cii.- •. .r ' : Balttbahs' FaAfer Dies .■ ,, •■ .; ■ ■:.., ^ ; ; :;; ' ClVioago.' Aiay '^:.: ■ .; I.Hriiei E.ilfi1);ln, COV fatlif-r 'f'f ilif- spyen p.iilabarl lir',i(lif;r.s,. fliiMl lic-i-e iSiindiiy ('3)., ' ;':;' ':'-■'V';; ■ '' ; . Tiio tid'-r lifil.i ban - cr^rnr; :lo^: C ca'KO/frorri Ku.s.s.ia Iri -IS'Sd.-aml .w K'(-n hiJi. sofi.s; M<>ri is .tiiid-Siiiii K^^^^ .lif.ciLrii'. iti.((rr' Ktftil ji|.:sii'iw l,iiisiti'.-.>-v'.. I s rji-] l,'.;il;i)i!i;V 1 iV,0jn-il lli<-iii (tli.'iin-f tiK-ir fli'f-'t ■ tb'i:.'('l ri-'..; 'j.ri.-. .w.-i!^..ij'r>-.-i-' 'd-ht of a W'.J't .•ii-rio svTl.-ijrfiijii'-, 1 Vii; «;i;lii'i'.' .siirylvi,-";.,.",;'•,, ',-/. v ; .:; ' , r'..iri;il;wri!-' yr';.(l>,.riljiy (.Vlf'n»iri.y>'in M '^^•t^i';i!n'f^ ;(?"fii'-:i;'''i;y. ■ '':. '■•:; ..-,.; ; ,JOGANlf:& 'SON .,'.'':v :;^ • If..!iytvf.('.ii,'',.>rav'-.. i^-: ;;\\:i,!ty: i^ity^iily- Kvi'iiii't f'lV.-i<■; ;ii',- j^^ii'i; Oi iiliyy!V'..iii ;;ai;i.:-,'iir''''):'ii ; i'ii.ii<-d,';ArUV(^ ;:l.W,iii;)it,; iiV^'i^; '.'>S .i;l'y!.,.'r,V'>iii-;'A<Vrr. ..Idling'':■ ■' ' ■y')iiii:;;i.t<'r, ^M';-;< dl;,-; l.f-'rr ^ fii'r; ;i \'7ir'i.i.i>iri,: f''fil(''l; liiH; ii'M'-i ' iaV'illMl 'x;.'j a Jr^'.ior Vv: it'fi'-.av, i:ni ' b.'S'-i. ; Army Stude Graduates ; ': ; ;IIoll,v\vbod,; :May ;5.; ; fa lit; : F.redrh-k VV;; liPorii,. de- laiicxl h.fre fi-om.'llio Klifn.'il;. Corps ;ih; altaflifrt , to the Acfidpihy . of ' M. P. Arts, and ; Sclb'noos. for 'iilno iiMintli.s. ha.s bf-en ordered back to Wnshiiif<ton. : :' ;;>:: Aiibl li(,'r Sjjrn.ii' f'orp.s ofllcer will l>r' f'-^nt out tn If-arii abrjiit f:ill<lng |fi|-iut;c.-i by M.ijor^Cl^n!; C;ibl)s; <-iiibf ; fit the S.';Ariiiy fiiiyn.'il Coriis. INDEX ,48' 44 r,o l!url"srlii(! .. ;>.. . ::\.. ;. ,C'iiaUcr ; .i. v.. Kditoi;i;U: '. . . . .;,.,..;|. .'/..,.;;■ ^7 ; • Filrn I toiivr., Ufiyiiiw,-;;-. . ^ : 45 l;"or(:laii;:]''lirM;:N(iWH.y... 13 Fiii-'lyn Sh'iv.' Nr-iy.H..';., ■: \.. Ql Jiisiil'- I.i-.uil '■, r.7 ■ iiihiiT''; .iviusii-;;. .'v.;.-i,,:.; ^: ~ --i ■ ,J,r!siiii:---'l ;i'-tiirf-.s : . ;' Vl ,.ih'Ki(i"-"^^ v.-iud'!,'.; " ", " ;ri7;' 7,<-!;iri)„;ilo ;,., . .'..'.;.;...y;. aV-fi2 , Kt-vl'fWH , ,:;.',,..i' ■ 02 K'-tu'r .v;,.; 71 Llitnitl;;....:,...;^'..,,.', ; oa- ^nl^^in. .,,,i;..:..'W;-^S :• NV.-.vv Arts Vi • • . .. r. • ■' ■;,',•; , . : ; .N'i'W.v frcilti .till' iJ.'uli'-'s'.'. . .■>•; ;''V^^illb^': i. '. .v;. i;.;'..;'' ''.' i-y : f/ij).! ii;ii y .y;V'. •'.'. •,.; '' ■ piiM'ip;,-s ..,':\,y,.;.:i.;,. ' .^''.'' 'ji'li-iiii-'-c; - ,.;.;'.. 'V''"^' ■; jriO; '1,!;l;'.v|i.'iv-(;,.:.■... , JV; .•i;:.ii;M,;.v!..;S,v;...V'.';.;;.'. ■■ f'' ;;').! irliu':|!r!i'<i't- ,iV,...:,;i ^v.,':'; ,..')':ii;;;iii';.-' Sl,'l^^f'■ .i'.:, ,. • 'i^'; : 'i'i.'ii'^ ■ .-^'iMjii •'■ ,. ..i' . .•'.;.... V.l'..' ■i''- ;\:'..'':.i.-ii;i<---.'..:;:'.:v,>-i':. : :t,i.':.i-; ,I lM^■^'^J!^^•4■.■i^ s;.,; O.' • >V''-.'''i';5 ■ j'iiye: i-..'; .<;:;.'11-; rJ: