Variety (May 1931)

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Wednesday, Moy 6, 1931 VA E V I L L E VARIETY 4^; ACTS SLOWLY ROUTED WITHOUT OPPOSISH Houtliii; of vniido ac ts In the J;K() bllK'C is' very slow to ilato with only 12 lots holrtmK lonK eonliaits :u present Till! routes as laid oiii start arotin'l June :;0 wllli tin.' last koiuk. cut Oot :!-!- ''ill's excepts acts now on the intact tl- iv. , Sonic aet!5 have offers but. Iiavr not aecepteil l)ecause: oC lUrti-n-iires Budi ns salaries, cuts, layolf, ^;pll(.•<, etc -i'lvc aiUIition ot tliesc li> tlidse ftlroailv sifincd would still not inaUe much (lifferei ce In the present total. I'lentv Jit spots open on the UKO tool's Klownoss of bookinf,' is not clue to conKCstlon. but . rather to car illness of . buying on toe; part of the l)ool<ers. With more vauile i-Dinpetitlon the rush would be on for new acts a.-s in the old days of many Out Fop Summer Opera House. New Brunswick. N. J eliminates vaude after this woeU lor straight pictures until Aug. J5. "The vaudc Is booked by Oow. 12 Vaude Wks. for Comm. Acts on Fox-Loew Time I--. ,t M. booUiiip oniec lias eflecteil a tie-iip. with tlin inetru- poluaii newspniipr contact depart- Mieiit of I.oew s tlii-ouRh I'OX will .' plav coininercial acis.. un- der tilt! same salary, airan'^eiiients. • l lH' ii)\ir. or live vaude weeks on tlio l ox books Kivcs the comnier- i-ial advertisers around 12 weeks for direct .-^taije CNploitatiou. . ItouiiiiK of adv. acta will be co- ordiiKUCil between I'ox undrl-oew. ■J he- lirst commercial off the I.oew tune 10 f;» l" i>.\'- is the Bosch l^adio band, winch opened at I'oxs Uiv- oli. Ucinjistead. last week. Sensationar Return Engagement in Loew De Luxe Theatres FRANK MITCHELL ... and ^ JACK DURANT '«TH CONTROL" Valencia, B'klyn, N. Y. Bus, Truck Jumps for Coast Presentation Unit • Hollywood. May 5. . A present.auon unit which will travel in two luisses and one truck lias been framed, hero by led Cole. Oompaiiv will play up the t. o;ist and IhrouKh Idaho and Montana. openhiK at AVarners California. Saiit.a Barbara, for a throe-day stand. May 10. Company Includes Tod Colo. Jackie. sh.annon. . T)uvji|^ .Sisters. Owenn Hailov. >Cuda i:)arvecn. Irene TliQiiias. l-red Whitney. l)oyHe Sls- . ici'Sl Juno Dnv. Ivols Lvman. De .I>aeey fiisters. a lU-plece band and 1:: lino girls. Itarry Kollv and rialph Ilosk :are ahead of the company. ilMILY CAESON HUHT l:inilv Carson, f Mrs. Solly A lolin- Kky) .in Cedars of I.iel)anon hospital 1/. A.: With concussion of the brain Her heail was jolted aprainst ■ the roof of a \\ arnor Bros, bus caiTymfe- I ]ilayer.s to location. 2 LOEW BRONX HOUSES ON FENCE OVER VAUDE laiT^r-s National :>nd Boulevard, r.roi'.x; are on the fence over eoii- lini:r;t.ion 01 the vaude end. J lio .two mar.;ifr>'r.'!; Ijornstoin. at the lioule- v;.rd^ and Henrv Loew. have been aslunK. it is said, to discontinue the vaud.; and straisht picture policy in the two stands. Str'(Uii; opposition IS claimed to this idea of cuitins the vaudc in>m spots in the Loew homo ollicc notably ironi Ueno Picker, who is the Metropolitan picturo booker for l;o(wT He IS said to retain .i blir imerest in the Spooner theatre, lo- omed dire< tly:across the street iroin the Loulevard. and . the A Ictnry, winch IS near the National. J liese houses play ."^traisht picfvires and li the two vaudelilmers KO straight thev: may cut Into the .Spoon- er'and \ ictorj- grosses. I^oew and Bernstom are said to look with disfavor on the overhead iiecessarv to carry the vaude shows National . Is across the street from the ItKOMtoval. which plays vaude- film. The. Boulevard has for its nearest competitor the Crotona (I' ox) and which tor years has been a oonvoo vaude and picture theatre. Radio Adv. Act in Pubiix Chicago Theatres with Doubling Privileges Suit for Difference Hadian Dancers havp filed suit In Citv Court. New .Torki claiming 12,- 000 back salary from Albert Bouche, allesodlv not paid for danclns.pei- formances at the "Villa Venice, AU- aml F.ea;ch. - Julius Kcndler repre- sents the B.idlan clan. . . It is alleged ■ that Bouche Buarr ■intccd the dancers 12 weeks at $500 per and they, were only employed for 8 weeks. Suit la for the dit- fereneo. . • r;iblix-n. A K. has bonked the D. sch lladlo band.Jov theOnciUvi;. (.'Iilcapro. the week oi June ;■, with other ii. a K. (. hicaw hiHiscs to follow. Sal.irv ai rauprement.s are tl-,c san:c (is between Bosch and hocw s, willi the radio ipeople ))ayin;^ the kutic sh.ire 01 the band s salary lor the s'ase advertiKini;. ,1 he deal wa.-^ handled by Louis U. Lipton. for li Cniitiact allows the ■Iio.-Jc'i band to double into the Hotel bteveiis. (..hlca^ro. Willie playing the L. A: K. houses. B.-i.t K. IS interested m the eominerci.'il sla^re tie.-up of nd acts to the extent that ii this proves sueeessiul. others will lollow. I'bileo Ivadlo orche.slra. with. Ray' Bowlov and IL' musicians, opens for Loews at tlie Metropolitan next Saturday 19) Instead o£ Bay r.idb'e as ;M-,l.iriii.iHy bo.ike.l. 'l'l;e rest; o;' the .N. \v ^l■r^ l.iicw and 1-ox tune wi;l fellow.'-; ■ ,^ ■■■ ; I bis IS a •.»<> hookup be-, twi'cn tlll^ radio jn'Oi'le and Loow s ali'n>; the u.suaI collinieiYial lines.' ' . STARTS STAGE POLICY chrtttanooua. .May u. TaklnK one act irom the closing rubli.\ una at New Orleans for each half, the I'-l' 'llvoU started this week on a . split-week stago band, policy. Besideii the one unit act each half, the shows inehide a staRC band iUui m. c, both local. . • Ward With Gordon ■ Harrv Ward. UKO agent, swltdiliip .from Jack Curtis to .Max tiordon olllce. . Booklni; olllce consented. Is the ItOII GORDON-REED**" KING . "TIIKEE toi;n« MKN OF .MAMl.^TT.AN- Playing LOEWS DE LUXE THEATRES WKKK OF M-\V 9tll. I.tJKWS l'.\KADISK, NKW VOBK fcrMnal Muiuicir I'll.^KI.KS y; VAThS DENG A 0 ROCHELLE PLaVING THEIIt 7th RE-ruRN E^ FOLLdWiNG A SUCCESSFUL SE , NEW YORK "EVENING JOURNAL" - .■May4,;iWl'': "Deno ,and rjochelle aii ballroom.nn'd ee/ cntrie dancer.'! manage to conibine tlio best features oi' both.' ■ ^ NEW YORK "SUN" :■;.''■■ May 2, 1931 . '•Deno and .Roeholle offer a new and .spC'.tacular dance act.'! NEW Y6RK "EVENING GRAPHIC" : ':■ '.May 4*.i931 ■ '*..Deno and Hocliolle an eXcclb>iU danco team." NEW YORK "HERALD TRIBUNE" May 4, 1931 . ■ "Jfr Dciio and Jtiss Roehello provide the p'lforril- aiice With an excellent,start. Their danco routines arc all original and adeptly executed." V NEVV YORK "MORNING TELEGRAPH" , . May 4, 1931 "Vnothcr dancinp: act 1^ Deno and Boi-lrHe wlieiein the lady half of the combination is thrown li(-re and there to the deliijlit of the auditnco." NEW YORK "AMERICAN" • May 4, 1931 . . "Then there aro Deno and lioch' lle. whose dancing is. enli-n'ainin^.'' NEW YORK "EVENING POST" May 4, 1931 ■"neno .and P.ocbi-Ue do well w-iUi their dahi;<.'S' a.s ,;Usn';ii.*'■' • ; NEW YORK "DAILY NEWS" . May 4, 1931 , "neno aiid IloclHllc In a dance act—and a fast one ■ too.'' ■■ ■' ■ ",'■'■' ■ SAIUNG iwAY 15, SS'^ILE DE^^^F^^ REPRESENTATIVES: RKO, MARTY FORKINS; EUROPEAN, WILLIAM MORRIS SAILING IN AUGUST FOR EUROPE THE ORIGINATORS THIS WEEK (MAY 2) R-K-O PALACE, NEW YORK 1 In with AUDREY and EVA GIBSON and JIMMY KING and JOE RALLO THIS WEEK MAY 2—LOEW S STATE, NEW YORK PER SONAL MA.NAOE M E N T S A M U E L 6 A E R WITZ