Variety (May 1931)

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4i VARIETY >AUDE-BURl.E$t|llE Commercial Air Band As Non-Advertiser on Stage at 50-50 Salary • I'jiiiiT- ill iion-i'i>nvin('ri-i;il ;ifi-:inff9- 1U(:IU is iiltiyiii^ -llii' Ma)i.- i:Os rarlsinn or-c>liCsli;i, (nlvrrllsiiif; Mjri^nclriiMrr, 'fiii- Hio - Yln-I )nM-rnnu- o.nnitiMny, abpuV lialf i\io 'Iwiul'.-- j ciriiliii; .Hillary,; wjili ilio ■'iilv'crl.isPi- ' iiiiiliInK lip ilie (Uffi^-i c m o. iS'liilc n'>i • i cciMviii^ advcrtisijiK In tliK . p'''!-" ^■aiKliivlllp (lat'oH,; 1 lie iiorflunr firm is ^'(UUiw; l^ar^k nlvMit Mi'/c W ''"^ ; salary for wlili-lr ll. iis ol)li'),'atcil Id llic baiiiV un<i(>r a contracL . The bafiirs \vcpl<ly .cost to Ihf' ail-, vcrll.wr, ' for iitiil<>; is urftunil $1,500, AVlUi y.ocw:>i iiiiyins tlic act; t7r>0 for vaiiiloviUp, It rosiR the a<l.- voi-tl.sw the other $750. liUt repre- Hcnts a $i.oD saviiit;. siiico If not '. \voi'Uiii>; the hanil \voiil<l stand thf^ aaS'c>Hl.ser $l,sop. Thus the conittior- Tial Is taking a si Islvt loss. to save a greater by aptiiig as <\\-, recl 'vaudevilic nftent tor its radio adverlfsInK^ ^urn. .: At $7:o0 LocW'a eoh.sidcrs the band a ,buy strlgily us; cnlin-larnjm'ent; \Vithout iiermltting advertisiiiK in this case, by slaee plUEKlnK-or title. Tlio name used In the vaudeville datt^ is not tlib aamc '\indev >vhioh the band is known on:the air. In broadcastlne: the: band's - title In- cludes the httine of tlK'. perfunVe <ouii>i»"y. . F. & M.'s Mgr.-P. A.'s , ITdliywoiiil, May .">. T'i"sl. t wi) appi'inti'd., und<'r' Kai,> ■ clioi; & Marcii' jilan of ha\:;ii;: (■(>i;'pany ni;Vpaf,'prs start: tiiurii Babe Egan's Title Rights • Under a. V.irk-ly MariaKera" Aaiio, ciiVtlon ruling Locfw's w-'is obliged to, , ■ change llie bllUrig on ' Gliarle.s Green's rarislan Ucdhcads, , gui bahd, .'\vliil(? Playing: the aet last Veck. .: : liahe I'lgan's Tlrdlicads. anolliei girl>and and prior usi-r of ilie lUlc. ; made the cqmplaiiit.. PUBLIX-RKO POOL IN OTTAWA AND WINNIPEG AnHKO-riilili.^ oiieralihg pool 1 vol'.■ ing eight. Viioalres in: Ottawa i n.d \Vi n il I peg, two l>rinc lpal Cana- itn eitics,M.S. being consiiminated. U is on top of the prevlovi.siy reported, pooliiig (leal by the rairie elriHilis for.' some I'. :P. citles.'. Pul)li?t biv.-, three and HlvO one, all strttiglit lile- t.tire.s. Iri .Ottawa; In Witinipeg l^ib- llx Vlias Iwb stral.irht nhncrs -and RliO one .lllmer and one.,c«nibln.'i- llon ■ One "of liie terms. Is' teniporary discoutiiui.'ition , ol stage tihows in W innipe g.; This affects the UKO Or- jihtjuni. |u .that city, with tlie; honso drpjipinij stage liilis after next wed'. brplioum pla.vs the fbur-iitt;;ln- t.att vaudc bilis- on the HKp road hoV\'. route. ! ■ "■ . ■ ■ : . ; ". ' . PRODUCTIONS "Lefcourt-Alan Bu'dding.. 1619 Broadway ; NEW YORK CltV 1IKRT JON A.X, r»ir. HII.I;V ,1.\CK!>O.N Tiin ■ ■. -■ FRANKLINS RKO-Warner-P, & M.-Publix PLANNING NEW SET-UP FOR COLUMBIA WHEEL AVllli llie Hew Cohinibia \>\i'. \> with .units hero of in r.dr.iiK-iii.e I Ji'Ice ICi-nnedy and I Vii'i'i.ilt 'to rfpliiee tlie.Mul":'' W. Mi'1.fl|:in..; KxMimvly- i.s witli 'li" i .j|„;r:iti'r's-;,uve- repovli'd in. a. 1. '.il.eni'' ujlii iind -Mcl.i'llan \vilh :,„j ,„ nuii'ibnr of'-- ami ;;ii''.tii:.s." ■. ... •,:.-tc' v.-drlriiii.' plaii of llie slw. (;onM>-Miy' 'I'iMiauers; IQ. two ;nyo^ 1;H.' lIiM-UVoC ilutiKil h(K>i(;i units. l.'Miis f.isshcr" goes Willi ' .MimiilViH Ji'-vel's."- ndw on tiie roaii. anil .Vr Snilili li'.'iV'-s loVal .rcp.- resi.i:tiiri()n of a trade: paper' to lii-; •lf<> .wYiilc- hi-. h.-uidles liie ('.r.y:it JiiiyiuOiid unll.^, . (^ii.iij>,v .niJinagl'i's 'Iil.^o a(;t a.': pri'^s ;:!:;iMlts. : . . .- ■•■>iU-- m-w .i.l'.llc I'diti - Willi -oniiy It i>- ■ likvly lip M in.-iU.\' aiid Joe 'x i-iii:.' :Tdri;; Ktoeli' liriMn.-iTs. that llio shu.w jiroilii'.-in:;, H i!) I'd Mipei vi.-od . by the Iji i Idi' witli JliT.h devotliig his (Inio Id tliO roiites, liiiiiseti /iiul .oi)eratiiu; l.-rpis. > Tl;e it'iijications aro that tlii'; <ild rianV lilse : pianmay be adopi-^d liy the new t'lilninbla head!? \\ iHi tiio. fdriiHM' guarantee . polli'y lu vo.^uo'. •I(erk Is ill on some .houses,w hich wjll . be ;swiing, ;to . tlu> wheeli ' but \yiii('h ;0f the. UiiiskS' /groiiiiwill be In and whieli will be oiit is ..>;(nne:■ t!!ing to be, worUbd out this sniii-.' ineiv- . . l;y May 25 the present nivray. of Muluals trivvtlliig on a: lO-wcek house iilnii will Iiavo closed 'with llerl; planning to follow %vith stu<-l( ih.sbnie of. tho slantis. ; • Cleaning Up, Tries Yaude ;■■ .;- , ■ . Svyaoiisei :X. v.,-May'^:..-/ ;• ■l.;|U'!" ■ i.-i .' dcdiiilely ■ .oilt- ..a.! l''r.'inU yiii';liiVo's Syi'ae'.ise.llu;;itre.. , Aridi- sliirUiy\; ni'oiitTis, during .uliirii..I.d' 'w.vs undertiro ifi'ivn Ibf-V r''>lei"i I idii ( f \\'oir>irs ("Viibj^.. Corn - lii'issiiuu I- /df I'lilOle safety \V. . W. AV'laril arid ; ('Viii-f .(<r ■ I'olleiV : >l!Vr I,,' (.'aUin. .'raidiiio; slielVe'd biir- ie-:riud !-;./<-l;:—!;vCi."r' 'dis;:uisei! . as' '.'iniisii al- <'.>rnoil:.s''' '!|n«r-."«Jrios»i(ic''-..-^ ill favc;)i; ,oC Viiiulo :itid pj'-'. ur'^s. . . I'nd.ej ' tl:/' ne\v'.hdli:,'y the liousi' win pJ.ty siibserjuent . Viiu/.tal|;ei'.M and ll-.riie riots of \raiid('V'.lIe. iu.'b"- peiu'lL-nily .boofci-'d,' at, ;i ■uvrniiiht lOc Qdmls'slou; N. J. SPUTTEB, ; . : hex theatre,' E:ist. KUll),ei i:onl,; Jv'. has. b'ceri taken over by Al tlotes - nian; who. foreclosed on: a moi-tgage. The Rex .,1s nij' 1,1 OO-sefiter aiiO plays ^straight/pictures ;wlt:ji "week- end vriude; bpokeU-indle.:- .('lOtcsman Intends ' to, 'iiiake; tlie policy vaudlilin/. wltli- the stage sho\v.s a split week basis 6t (iye acts each'half. -,. .-■ '■ ■ .• ' ... Snyders Disagree ■Tdmniy tBovio) Snyder, Yin'ilCKOlie' coiriic, now playing .JtKO houses, Biiing Ills wife, Fannie Palmer,.f.ov- nibr actress, for diyorce. in .the llagcr.stown, 51d:, (iotu'ts...: / : ■ , Snyder's Veal: nanie: is Tlionias R Illeisfohi. Ho and JWIss I'liliuer htiyo been married 15 years .but only Sep-; irateil about tVv;o' years ag6,-.whcn sl-ie returned to iier honie iii ilary land. ■. ' ' "■ vitozo" and Miss; Palnier played iogetlior in Harney (.iprard'S "Kol- lles. of the Pay," ."The Ainerlcrins' and in ynudc. %hcn thej- hiCt AUss I'almer was a choriis girl, ' :Snyder's action was filed April w i111 p? rtli;ulars not inadc: pubiic CHOP SALARIES IN ALL BUT ONE STOCK ' Cienei al ■ edn.slernation In : stbek. luii-lesnue rank-s has' been ;i'aiis(.",l by '. all of tbe., operator's il^^ci'lisv,'' up6n ^s.tlai'y ciits . for both, pritici- pals and ehorlnes.V TK^^ ^only lidUfi;'. pparenlly .cxemiit Is .the i;'.lliii.';e ir. W est 42iul. ':. K : - ' rroriv the' Slin.Mky olTice .^ weiit ii slash fit th;c Iteiniblic ,niid Aiidl|d. reiiorted; to ,v-ei-.ige alioiit■^'I'iv- 'I'vi'^ meant.a five-dollar.reduction at, the Uepuldle fiir chovus giris;' Cuts rariglng from $;■> to $;r, wcivL the rounds of tlie;stQclt' people in,^^• stocks at the (lothaiiv.aiuy >\\'rd;r.~. r.iodk'yn. ; .VI Irving place in l-<tb slrcei l!u' girls iii-c working for $22.n0 sine- vUe Sunday shows were dropped. -S'l'/u' .salary goes for 'VVcrba's nmt (iotliririv where,there arc no Sunday sliows. At the; r.itth Avc'riuo- thei'e' was ;a reported reduction o,C from ?5 to '$-0 tor princiiials,-with the chorus gii.Is rcrrialnrng .tintpuched, as :tbc';i!6iis'.- iiris just launcltcd Sunday shows. . The alib^ tbr 'tiic .cut i« .H'at; suni- moi '.«. here and b17, has liciviiii id r.ill o(r:V .... • ,■■ : '^^ ■ ■ ■ '.; - - Herk Quits Empire Chicago, May J ; I. n. Herlv rifteiv ppcrriUng (he sii.le lOmplre for the iiisL 15 yerirs, goes' out .liine iri'.wluMi hi leiise .expires. ■ ' j' . .■ ':. .(nv.ner will o!>errive ihe hdiiso, now a clie.ip grind spdi. ' 6 PERFORMERS GUILTY AND MAY GET 30 DAYS Despite \c.onllieLing , lestiinnny by the police, six meiiiUer.s Of the crvst of the stoclc burleSiiiie troupe at the Anieri.ia theatre. ISionx, and tlVe bouse niaiuiger. were ciinyiclod In llion.x' Kpecial Sessions of giving' ;in "obscene .Viul lowd perrormiinec.!' All severi .contiliiucd in ba.iI for in- vestigation, pending^ k'n't'euio; U\-. dav: (Wednesday).' ■ ; 'i'iie six perforlneiW..'who face thO; jiosslbillty of :30 <la.\'!? -i'^'' f"". ^' tine., are .l;»cki.e: I'liViniond. Itosalie Dcrtiavd, T.ebe. Tobin; (MlssV IJilly Xoi inan. Vn-aulc V\iiders(>.n aild: Mor- ris r.OrDsleJu; . ■■Mrinager .is llcniy ^'uchiiir™. ■ ■ ■ ■ ' :■ ConiiKiriy raided I'-eji- l9- Another on Coast '.. ■ -'; l,,bs AngeU's. .:^Iay : 'i'liree .Tirls .rrnd f.di!r'nM.,n (romc Vr,i. i"or sehiencp:: tiiniiVrrow . ((ll.^aftei' conviction ,oC ■;;: .givr ii an.: in.- decent iicrfdviilT.vco .in . tlic; tVlivt- .slock biirlor ;iie\ .■ Tbiiina^ ..v.; iKiltori- the risseil. .1 dwu'cr ol' the ' conipauy,- wii.s rn;.-- 11 i) i 111 d'. N d I l i l t 1 1 (•oiViicc 11 on hi? - iw.eoii the sliovy: aiid bims.elf Cduld be iiriadc. ,; DIRTY BURLESQUE RAIDED IN WHEELING /■. ■ - ,(;,'Ai;iy ; fourteen girln and tl.,-, .. i„- <i. cdliiliosin.'j .buricstii'ie coriipririy, :i\ni tbe'in.'iri;igeineiit:df viic ICiiiiiiif- \v, i-^.' . nri-esicd by ileVi'.itv !--liei ilTs riii.l c ry (li'li'ciivos .after; tl 10; .last .slidiv ;;it iiUiliilghl .Satiirdri.v. (2) rinil brd;:;;hi . :|H the Ohio Jriil to anssvei; t<i .1 ■hlir -'^.s:; of I>riV''''iP'VUt>g .an obscei'ic ■ li. i -' ■fiirrnrince . -fe'atii'ring -.a ...' Jrris'::",l'. shininiy ni.'iryel. jilss 'i;. X. 'I'. '! Iio. arrests followed rejierited warrli'irts by, cdiiiily. and city olllcirils.' : An- ;u!iilivatuni was Issued by- Cliio' oc' 1 'dlice Vred . H. ]''rif/.;er oi ilerliig llui llH-atre cK^sed if an.v furibc.' diiM.v >iiows were altempted. ' T.'nable to pay tines, a ivrufys- sionrtv; bondsiiVan .jiosuhV JD.'JDO for rriipe.Trnncc Thiirsda.y (1) •: of ar. -. lysti^il group.; . . .'" . V (.)wiier.s:of tlio show sai'd the en- gagement will pioijably ; conliiiUo iiiil.nterruplcd.'ititiiiiatlng thai .siiiiio of tl-.a OliltCtloiiabio script \vill bo eliiuinated .aiid: that, the ■ specialty, d.lhclng wilt tie toned down tu- tiio sRtl.sfaclloh; of police. .. ' , ; . J'ollfo J C'hlcC l''r.a;.sler inCorthed Pats.y Hrlil, promoter ;(if the, and jtiembers. of the eoniiinn^-; that , the . 'raid ' yas' staged . follov. ing iiunicroHS. coniplalnts \ ln revent w<'eks. He ajsp dectrirod that . •si'liool .stiidents and yonniier boys .were altcndiiig Uio .perrorniinice.s. . / Burlesque Changes " r-"i iHV. ('larke Ivas gfiiic to (Miicagd t;o sl:i!;i; shows :i.l tlie lilallo (stin k) tlM-illre. . . .'■.' . '/'■ -.. /iiiiii.i I'nival- and tleor^'e/Shcllon opened Monday ;vt. the Al'o'lo, New. S>rk;,-\,:. ;. .;■. ^ .'■ ■ Jliiy.ei Miller joined Iti-iuiidic slock- N^'\v Xn'"K> M*>"d"V- llrin y . Kvanson, loliiii-, : cipi ncd .VoiKtiiy at Irving lilai e. New Vdrii, ALUCdLOREDWEEKSTAWD Gayety, Monlreal, Taken by : Irvin Miller—May Get Others T'nder. the,promoting dire.ctinn of tvVin C. Milier, now in New: York, all-'colbrfd show troupes ;.will.; play one week at- the Dcs ; Ar(« (old flayecy), Montreal. :Kirst coiupiiny in Is -Miller and . I.yles' :''niiiinin' .U'lld." . It oiioived jlay 'S. , Second will be Miller's ''Brown Skhi Mod- els.". .-■ ; " ■■" -- ■ ':./■: -'; '., ' "I^iza." . A\ illi Margaret Piimi. f(il- !ows '-.Modi ls,"; \ylth "llrown r.udr dies"'the likely fourth attr.aclioh:- Mil)rr opens facli show oil rv .Sii.'i- Oay. lie expects to ari'rvngc ptbei' .'iiarids id follow ilbntreal. eUS TAB TROUPE Taylor Co. Motors Between Fox- Pacific Houses in Northwest ■ . Seattle, M;iy 3. Slade, 'l";i;.v16r ha« whi'Cl ii'iusical ta'b of i people; swinging ;\\-cckIy from llellingliani, on nowlir'to Abt r- decn, on south. The company makes the rounds in its own bus, IMayiiig iii li'px-'l'aclllc h6nses, t\vo nights In Hellingham. two in -Vbei - deen, tivo In V'.verett. and one; in (ilynipia. ' .■ '■■ I'lipiililr I'voplo . Kilt llORiiliirly .:iit . GERSON'S RESTAURANT Oil .t'rtii SI., i,c\t tit :mI:ii;o iloiir ■ of. ■ r:ilrii>l* 'I'llrillri-r, New Vorll. I.itlliiii Ilolli, :siiirfiVy lUller. Willy nrrner, Hurry. riirk. Cliii't. rr.M'innii. .laiii'Uc HiicUflt; •»in-k-Mor I.vllilii 'liliil "Siinili." <iii" "»'■( <>lllvt'ltc', I'liil Itiiki^n; .lin k' Ciirlls, Ilrrl l.iilir, ;Kii.v Hiiilniion,: .llrnr.v lliiSM', t'li:i>. Ilriils; la-c Kiilirall. Hurry 'Ulrlimiiii, ;Ioo i;iiiirle.. <»r.. .loe; ItlKeliiu-, Miijiir 'l>Oliiivilil,.'<M>ol-K«' licih'O.. .Ivi' ..SIf*torM. iinVJ, .I.ynrll," lliirii .Maiicliii; >:iiui. Oriinit*, llob Sllirpliy, I.jHle ' .riii'k i.iiiic. . Michaels Paid Off jlcilibcr;.s 6C .Dcwe|y Miclial Is' bili' lesfiuc slock at;the Palace, liuffalo, returning to Ne,^y York, deny rc ports' the' conijiany cldseil '-wilh sal- iir,v arrears. •. ; Micbr.icis paid lill Sal.a.rics i.ii full DON GALVAN RKO Chester, New York, now aVTH RKO DIBECtlOiM HUGO MdRRIS EDITH BOW "Party Girl" '^RKO ■^^:^:'--'-: Direction: LEE/STEWABT General Sxecutiife Offices