Variety (May 1931)

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Br so l^rUiur .13prruii in^^lv nfl^r; jiiliu-!<>| ■ ^J'tki^;^ ■Illiyl■:ofr>^ CVilif.orii'iu' tjun^.; ■ i^y, (tOi.- ' V •; ^ • : ; ■!>:dnii{in vSifplli JintV f-vs.t r'i f riiCvrU ■ team. .ea\K^ 'V!'; ;,- •< v-*. • ttiill'lixV CUtlir^jirjr'itliesliVjp ;. .'Jn;S6iVi'S(IiiU';;o;' • J-;- ■ ■■. . V ' ' Thi> ■ Knv)ilr(V fctaic:'iviiiufiiiir';is ^■ The rIHS irioW ftlJistng- 'gCJiflll V:' • ^JTotitirla ^ISiitici;."- ■'/■^^y''. '. ] \ '■ -y. \ "i .'■ VV" ■ . ■ ix^ put «h4 ;.iii'<>v; . ■ livaif.vt of goinff'to. Jiiiro^c*; Jop' . Joisry iarilycr. lioiijvworijT nffcnt.; Is avaun^l' Xif wltli 't'lie SUssiis/ J . •,; • '• "Biibti ItuU'3>!>^'rtliislieiry on ■,"' vtiriiplpfr.Neyer'.gbt'^to fli;st;^'^^^ . . Taljiilaii/tJAnlclveiia ihreW' oi pa^ ty ' .a.£ler jircniiere ot'>'Tot'nl.«!liod ttidy;", . Ilnsisard; Short cbppod' flve,- CJ'si il oii'ai>..Kngll!*!v!r^ gtttl^iB ■oddaioti , .CJiai'los l.e>Vfa -Is" ofit' dcslgiilnfe ; .;for', thb st'ube, siviiciilng tp' tlvc diltss v-.:.'.tradcc,;-.-v ... •„■>■ ■ " i'-.A-.: . - T■M E y $ HM % BE ■ ■■ •i'.,Hal;Horno:no.tvs6 strphg for 'Nc\V' ' vTork- .u|tcv ielt'l^t ,>;eavs , .ofJ.J " 'w66d(-.• ' 'i' Ainela, .'tho'-(Taac'er, .l>nplc trdra ^. ■twofund'arliiiir-yeUi'v li'U> tx) the ':>^-bl-lentv ;-V:^:; ■' '. ■ "j /Jimmy >:6.'N'cal^ So.lttie '.TuTie 1 .ttf ^ee'Jifs neW:aauglitcr tpi' "■■ the .first time. -i' ..•>. •.''•■.,. '>.'.; 'itju Oojdw Is Investigating the^^^S^^ -1; liawrence. ^lo "sec-tf the left Is; but. : ^ ■ ■ ■:He'lt just 'Ibolt;:' ■' <-. ■' ^. . : ^1 ■ ■ ■. -' Nrck. Kcm))heir stepped,, out,- gly'- . InS.:' party ■■ to Jirnst..-. lili bltstliand; : • ;~Mlsclm ^1^^^ ■ - '.Broadway,. ful.V'■bf.Taij(i,<>.'-actors^ . ..talking'..over- th.C:gpod olU'- dttya; asT ■•.. ■ ■tficjf. calj-tlicm. . . v V ItlcHard Watts 6^il^e■ Iterald: TrlTj ■ sailed ■-fbr • Ircldiid; last ..weei>; "DMJ. IS^ot'lhe.OMld ScSdi •' ■ •. ..'V. •. AlcxaVidcV', .Wpplicottj. alM'dadi: l!^ : r ~'repbrted as ai cpiubnist ipr iKe^N^ ' -Yovk siin wheh rcturhlriR...; V .Gue gdlt. -nliip, shots .:ii>r,a ;nlckcl. . V *jn sbV'eVar vacant stDrerooms'a,^^^^^^^ : \'. •tlio viSiriM^>:b; ■ AU starving. . : - '.. ,V^- E\je.ry:..tlinc^.'tlic' Jjeyiathdh pulls ■ ; but -they .h!lve:-:to" dredge >tIie.;sUn. , Goos fbivpthcr bl^ :uns, too." .' .-, ■■ .': triiico deVcrc^ 'leglt actiess^ ■Jit: ^, / -tpw'nVfrbm Saranac tpr a t\vo-^veek ixw.'. ,' Ilctarns X''vl<lay' it?); and'jbpkS; t''r weji:;;':;;..-.'.; -^r^ 'r' .'Cilbria; &\yansbn,profel3ly lor p^ soiiat ■apiitfarahc'e: .thliYg wltl^ - lier ^ .■lic>V08t ,talket; ."Indiscreet,'" In New ;'i<sr\i.j: y'^ '.\' V ■■•'.'•"■^V-'. . ..: It \vn.s Elili',.-Brady i \vlvo .cracked- .' -'aVbut . iakttig. . thb:' kiddles to ^see' rDevll In the Oilliid/V not William. A. '; • V .Brady.;. . v "■' . * " ■ ■ Jpo; Freiberg,.; taken ! tp- Jlopke- .'fellox Popndatlpn :h6spitar day^ "with -pitioumpntii.', Is .pii;.tUe llmiM-oVe, :'.V: - Stibn put.., ^ -y-^, ^ Hal (jiroo.rj bcrbnilng a Tltanitget-, ■,[ '■, tln^-.,putita<llbi'l(!turc>! hpiise;6rgan " ■ ia«rIiYg Harry.■.Cllttlesbn's abscricc'bjV. -the.fcrtist.y ' v.'-: v. ' ' Jack Billon, jbrmcrly i bt Erlan- 'gcv'sr.iiought M'ulbaiTi,::I;,,hpuie of —■ -OeorKii' i\; Mbrrow. .rrPiiiei'ly Valued >.".r:at.^i.2:i.^t(6/ 1. ; ■" 1^: i'hlld'H, oaterlos. usthj;' a phbtb of C; .C; MbiikPWjtT!- tpevv's. exec, -/In ; their pamphlet., (id Svhp'e ^ i,y/\\<) ipf.'thielii' b«atpmersi;; Barker in frpnt- of. the.'lhdcpr: sports arcade ha.s ^witched irrom an .. Indian ■with' bpw- and .'arrpw. to. ii \ • dudo .wHh tails h'nd cane.: ::' '■:■.'> '.I.ltllb. AJlbc" Weaver, -unable fp; ; .'."aadge hard,:luck: in the iforiri:- ct ifj-: : ' , ness 'for;-the two years,'.back. a[tbr: \vlnterlngJ'''lorldaV:. ■ ' .2yir. and Mrs. Marty. Collins, vaUdfei : ■■ ;' have;', a b6y., ilvb. wxseks: by. about •.; . ' .Vrhpse b'lrth\- U arb pending put. .. './ spcolally. .■designed: ciirto.Ph .-cardft.. ■ ■.','• •. F'rimo.~lh6 Carncra, ina'y iloln the , .■ m l.lajioli. All.sot .to fight 'JWolt Sharkey ;.ln .'. Prim-' cops, heavy - augur' ,under. ciim,- ■ ■.■^as, .-'..S'.';^; :. ; :^ • y 'y.: . CiVnrrrb Elitfold Avb.iit'. .'Tihbnrtr.. • . -Isirig 'lo'wird/h is sicpre. 'frpnr Pebble • fienchi : 'No wlrds!\7^sd,.yp.ircan iniagi; ;■• ■'-ine; ;, Oiv I'lavc ' ybu- 'nEver' played^ Pebble Uencii?■ V .■ ;., !, ,-;' '■ Dor'olUy.'VMac-Kay 'ivKote-' a piny ■ called.;."Null. 'raS-lor:V. whll?t-in ; Ciue.nOn ' bastile;: ';'(?ai-U'i)n : ■M.ili'S, .. ... nov;¥papcr man, touched ;.ii.. Up;-. ; - ' tnay be . produced:. s)ib;rtly>^ ..'■ . ■ . ■ (rujnan \dld- bUKitlb.s!<,':Tbr herh 0/ .paytirifje' n(broad. Looks likft,.,th'e' '- .• i'rp.hch'l.ltib'.wUh the '0u'lnriii trp'upe '■/^ .BS- eTitltin;ii'n<?»' .the boat .Jpf; the".; • voyage, ...T'H'eib ride .In 'owhaugb. . •.' Ocoirgb- .lonk-s 'has; quit. Itib stage: ■ :tb bw'oine: a. pli'.tarc'.hpuse ■iVi;i,nager, .■»ls"\vifi?. ,\\<lib; .fjiCfiur'ed . a i-ixorvous - breakdoyvn- jroeeittly.v 'bas : gone ,.t<): : lier 'Wi(itl»C:r'i' In thp; it'^Vt'si,'lb cdiv- ''.''r ■^'alcfrbl'''':''■:. ,';' '■■■'.;' ■.. / -;'!;: ■.'<')■ ' i\ .lianlrboUefl. bahknr .went to 1bi\ "'. Coiist '■\vitr>,::i';ftriin dt^iermtiVaUd.ri to:; ' '. :• 'pop ■:• lip. - lb i iigs.'. In -tlip' .film '(-apUa!.' '-■ '^'^'hc*! ;we''U. 1 r.i>ily«'obd .IViniw^^ "fiu.'" ■ ■.*.(?< tinjif .'.t'tv-;aii»>vor '"iptttM-.-j -f roiir; Vlie ■.':'-'; ;h6iTi^-i()(11<'e.:', • :.;;' . :', C'lWmf.nV rccrnllj^iioUV ■li.'tc k lo' l.he. ''■ : t'liiled'CiWir S.'(o'rC's-tbP.jt>.isti,oii (he ■ '^ • tfni'plViShbtolv^AviUcti U'luLPil bpvishl ioV. *'n'; time of ItH com ■ r :pleli6ii. \' Tiu; .brd.tlic.i's-.w'ill .tbtVtliAue ''aa. bi>eratorH.:-.;;^7 ,■■';;■ •' ■ Aht'nt ■ .Tafnei; .rni!rn^V'!». <;hrler ;. ■ .V^vaudovilio.'caropr Iri'-'tfiC! ■Wecivly wiiH. ^T5,. ' .Mas Ttslrnian pvvjiod. tbt* Hciv .. L i - The ('ui.'io.'* fn' wliieli' ilyrlle-. AUIIer. .«Uxv.\ iiei i< in..'thb ',• peuii.v .'arcade pb'e.|) iiiaitrtlniis. I'lncV oveii- Wbioh'shd's .suiibf the -dl'.strlbutof-.'J^n' »2:.')0,(fOO,. iSvOi'c.' hot ^'^^udpH^•. :a.«,- .tlia;'. ■?l.orlcti stated. 'Ji(>-t ttndrapc'd. 'lv ' ■' . ', ' v Kain fuUrod'ilib''ivi.v jVinslow- 'C'ruwlbrd- links event whiclr :|H not e.\i>cil}'. a.tbtia^.fclc' with .Majic hpl-, Veriti'g.; "nn'd. .'Jiobl'i.v • crylngi. After cadi )ind .»i>'ei>t the wci;k. :w.l(h th'blr ruftpe'ciive "club i)rb's,:.tpb.,. :- :". ' j . - Kills . JIowli'i.ii'dH- Stepped : but -at' 0. .roe. liboi:' ftulh.ei-'lng at'-I-akc llppr. at<;bn'^' 'N;. .r;,Viast .\ve|>k; He 'ajihed. fur a' ivx)rl(l> record ,for .'uirtcr.-calr' Ing /ffl>ielliig. .At rln'st rbpoVtS hc waa p'ut In froat,'<;i;-editcd wltii bii<i hbur ■ and- a 'halC.-'' •:'■■ ';::.-;.'.-.I. .' i,cb-: .jr'dr.rasbii'..flcVe Jh vrrdift' the, Cpast lili.iS? Itpui'ji. He -expects . to speed up .-gdlng Ua.cit. . liis-; a .;c'biici spiracy' to- ktep ^.out .'ofthe. I,.. A. -^tp. N,' Y, colunm, .a'hd vice versbi. ;- ,He'9 got: to •jeave. o'li 'a :Tue3d.a3»,£or the: paper-tb'be-rights. ; y.-J '•' i;.- Vndcrgplng. ■ a major. ^Bperatioh. ,>v.hll«i-, , cPns.cIpus'. ■'usiiaU-y/ <' secjiis. ibug.heiv Uian%" did ;tp .e.haiSle viratcs, .who' i;cturnca . to': his ; agency'. last': \yfcki IJiider:local ahastlictvb \vhllc: having his. appendix removed, .char^ lie;'- - talked ■ golf.. •w:ith'': fhe '-.sUrg^qn duriifgHhe, 22 minutes.'pf khlrtrig.-'• .-' Lpta •-'■ oC,: ■: a^!tivlty.,;.: arbxihd -' ; the. Mssquers; for ■: their ■ i>ubnb! - Re-\*el .' May ' 9,' m|dnIte/.-;.:at:.; El: .Capitan.' Jrlasquers In to collect -jiiilie bit on . their -HKd-r.athe • sh'brts;' .wliiclv ■ha3:V the:- M. LP.;. Kfl.lcf ^Fun wliat. peeVcd ibcaliy;'^:/ They :\ybrl<ed; pji;'tha Idea for. aUWbsti.two. ycarsi \vifh . thc >f \'A'3 ''Stolen .J6ols'.':.arta: ititt -J'atlib- serfes, tolfIligithfc edgo off; '■'■': .'"-By;. M.a'K'.Ma'g-riui . ,.:'.-'.■' •iff'nrlliAdaideiV.liw'e Uansi'^lbers^pff^pyjfyi^, '.Gerda Mauvbs^-ln.; tbcarn'o. : .>,':" ., ,iipihhard .Si'UucniiCJ bac^^^^^ .~dhHstbph''vifuelli6i>bisbh'.ih. Galrb.. ^ ; .<Je!!a-.-vpn. ilpiv'ary b.ack,fcom.Ntce', . :}'h; Pommer. .will, go to Vienna. . Ha'iis Uei.uiaiih :\vill ■go '.to'dlblly'T :viy>pd^.; ■ V-::'.'■'■ ^- ■< ' '■■.::.v:, J\tUus; ': Ausseiibeyg. -hack' frppi 'Paris.V \' .\' ,■ ';-:; 'i-■ ■'■ : Pritz' Jiairifc')- direclpiv .'negotiating. :5vi(h'..t'fu;'-.: ::'a.. .'; :-lialpli:. '; ..back,.- .Woi-king on ■n€\v;;pfierctta; ::'Trl.xJ.': '.-: l<- ■ - Chari'dtte ■ pusa goes jvfilj; ruta-'^ frtga Pllm: C'b; In.ilbme. .\, ... ' / ..; .'p^rnst vDeutsclr. bn^Vour -ia ''Ger-, (rtahy .wli(i^. Carola Tdell^.:':'; -:-. .' ■liuiin Pick's SuocbSsbr .\vilh' Dacho will be: BUdctb'r 6. W. Paihsit, .. •Erjwt 'Matray .Svill stage .the ribw' in-vt.<*!<!al: for .GbchraA in;.-i,pnddn.'V. • ;'.Senftitlcorgli well-khoxjn .Oetrvian. clocutionlstv polsptlcd lh■:hts.-lvdme.• :- .l-jr^slherr .I'aul.-iCurt :vpii Obntard bablc.frbm iflim pxpedltlbn;,In 'AtHcii. .I.ep-I,a«ko,- dlrectbr, at present on. .lp(;atlort In'. thft- VVos.iv Sahara : for .ICmclka^ ■•: } '. -..^ :: \ '- :c>.bi.n)an.V'H .. pi6s(' "farrious •' actofy .■W'ei-ner JCi/tus;: mdrrietr .tiie aiitrbss, Mafia',Sard.•'.'■ - . ,V ,'■., ■,'.'',: ■ - nichard .PtrauRS* npw pperrt, "Ara- belia,", will . come' to;, the JSertin'er b'taMsoi}br ,ih'198.T. . ;' ; -. '. ~ : '.Tire';. Alexis 'r.<;raho.wskl- ;plctu'Ve, VSon.g!Pf.J.tfev''-'\Vas;a;dniltted by.the cehsprs-.atter several puttings, Peter; KreUder catic'cled llls- 'cori-- trpct:^vll^v.'Reinhai■dt'awd wlll:':«^^^ only: 'ifor; liiSi owrL febThpb.sltlpn^;' > ■■ .. Kp'fso cabaret- 'Olbilng find.: ;pf iiprfl. .:■ -■.Tlcopc^inte , in ■ .S.bp.tpniljer revile- by: llelm'uth Kfucger W^nltbr. rtarlan,■ authbr.^dted dui", hig a- mebllnir o.t the, <;<H-mah stnge ■iHithbi'S; .shprlb' aCter a heated ;dls- cussidh ■>e4v P.lili(V'nn(V .(^'np'j^^^^^^ t/>pr .n) by. .tlt« ariy, ..linVe.',qU.t--;bt-.\llav^Mii^>.'i-\'''!' .W.i.'i vy'V.'i'-ri.;. -■- ppbe;rt'niihbrty' ofl' to .Paris^ and. (y<^»\. _tiiP!'e: :t b ;li6ndon. •;--Mriybe -hM ivlli niak'o. pictures .'iii SpUln, in- thb South' f;ba."*-;br' imiini.- ': '. J; Kr.wln Piscator, tiff ;(b Mp-seoxv'tp .dli'CPt:: spvera.l i pictiirn-s ;for- jti^sch-, rabpdm-'JRuss:, '■■ JCKpcctc'd-;-bUclb '^in fal^. oi- nb.\'t' ,\v,ln.lei.\ V :.;: ■ ' .■:,.-.. •.'; .Alplj'bnsb ■:l''p.^sll.:, pVpsldi^nt^ pf:^^^^ ;t:erriatlbnai::Vauacvllle -Aptors' As- .-<ibplut|oh,: ::Xiviil;- rtsigii; ■^'tefran llkbiy .hhs'iiuppes.<;bi'. .-■ v , ;■ ■ .V . Jl{khaK;p^ (;■ (Iplds'chmidt - S.uP<i flliii ::rbturup}t;,frbin. Ne\y ,.Y.brk after ftavihg', sold' -hlfi. .''l/reyfus" picture ttv ;i-fa !<ubill<^jai-.v in K,b\V; T.ork.. , . ?)?atull;i-' Saalz.- "•hvanrtgpress of :S(.Tite: crilld.r.en's'-thpatre'in .MPSPpW; W'ill :bp tli.p.itVf.M.'dlrecl'r.ess tb. stag-p; V>rdi'.K'',''L'a1.«tnr['V iit: th.p Staalsdpcr.' i J')r,' i5'2er,,,rrtriUPi:ly -IntPndant. br TSpl-ilh". f.l>.<trc;ils;;-l>? \ .suiNr'Vr'sbr bf' 'pi. Arthur :.:\VoHy''- .r<!<-e'<.iily dcoboised- .Drc.Miileot d.t ■fieriurtn 'stage- aSsdcla- tliiH;;-. ; .--;;■? ': v •': -'-■ •'. »; f'l.iii-p !tldn)n'\pv jsijidt As ;(hp. Tjoh- iV<>ni;,';R;Uly -T"^\-prp.»s"':: ji;is ,:it:, "ti 'wdjuan SlH-rldck ■ lliOiiiPs".'' ;l(iit:' •pp;i(:s .!is '.cyWr.v pyenWvg;-. ill. ■ICalihaiv!s';:;oppivJ til';.;; .••Ijiis - Arcllc viui .STfUithinrtrp'.''.; ... ..■ •■ - ', v • . ' ISngPiiliJ :X,iko)n!ildVa'; D.M.'JV SpJcp. .lOHsjibp.ih. rlnilipi •.Ten*. Kcllli,; iVaiter Uinig,',' ivind. :' Tt'ud'bll!. Kullibj;, - splb aaiibpl's'- uI';.(he ■ Stiiip. pppr'a-, .• ^verc tiilv'pn udtfivp. ' '.'I?lVcy haVc forincrt.'a- lialjpt • Aviil'.'li -. has ' ]pisn - rpntracteil ilt'« ute-rgni'ibii;' 'fof- .spvp.r,n'l ■.- f'leivry AijUre.V!."i'ccov'e'i;ihjg,^. ' •: ,; ■ :- . .Iten.b;tiali^.'pverAr'bm.:-panH'."/^ .;i5m''plr,b haying Its^Xacc-Jvtiished^;;:: '6lgtt:i<lnctb-going; luvl'p Airtii:" I'ayior vtooWs belleri tliaii evifr.^ y/. ■,.:'0.-yy : -';■■ ';:^;.;' , Dalb; Coliinis .■'back fxprn- ..^ -yvbrid. touri":- •■>;'■ ;-;{^ '- ^ ': ' Jeffrey Iff c r t.ia,rd."si^'gblf 6^ I he, 'up- ■ gradb../-;; ■ ;j-J;\.-:'r ;'>/!^,;'-.■;•;; ■' ;t?amci:ori Carr .sallrizt^^ dUcers, .; .;^.p' ■' ' 'Vv^^.-...; -.v .'-^ •■.Craze in:' this .tbw:n r'ls ;fpr .Vrctich taikbrs...^';,;;.'.v,.;.-'';.-' ■;.;,,.:;..^:"'' -'':"'- ■ ■ ':■'" :Wllltahi; ;i':.vajfiis bri -Svovld ' touri^ ijiaybc.-:" ;;•■'■ ■;-'.';'"■'■•■'■'■ ; j:''!:^';:.';^' J-icrbert ■:>yii;^p:c-'a'galn; pi;dnvisp's';a' gOP^i'^Stbl'J'vJ!, / ';■: >,■■;, - '\: .'.^ .' -. .;-WarwMokiV\rara:' bi'-uis'ei^^ ii - iillker:11ight;:; I ,■.:-■ A-^ ■.;;;;-;.: -■;■-;:;,-;.-l-:;.:: ;^ .Monty:;Banif8::'.i:6tir.ed to the: (-u'te;' tihK:"rpotiiHA;v^ _:.:t.. : ..Vf''':-^ : ;■.;'-■:; '....':■ Hbraoi. '$|iei>.herd's. J'c'pwipany.; in tiqtildation.: ■ ';. • : ..;' ;■/'■.'t ' Ayilsph-riflshcr Uetteiy.Vut walkltig on crutches^. ■■': .. V':- J, ■; : . :- Iibbks -Hk&:^auinpiit 'pubilclty. In- thfr'VBcfereci'V. -■ : - ■ Marf Ih,. iTai-vey .. atlqcU I Hg,-1:tolly r wood's :kiS8: stun.',. ~\ ' :' . . .' StrahjSb : hQvV';: .Co.ntincfhtala .are. piickin-g i(i this tpyvn. .; • ^!, Sydney-; Jforgan-: (a, to'- make'^ btlier;f or Paraiiiouht.. - ' v..-, -■ Jlnnuy; Bry.<ion-and Sydney Bbrn-, .-stbiii'gettlng: together; . -.i : :" '. .WritSng .paper gets-:snai)p)ev -and- sii(;appl'er in •this: t'dwii-. . ■ ;, ;••''. -• ■ ■ 'Cbuteihljt b'flcPuji-.t ScCm's tasIuPn^ able iiiftb'nff iicwsi>aper,'i'- -: .• ■ ": . .. Adriah'Bfuhel's.'jiew- Berlin-is'lvitts' uip.cbiiald'ered'advaiteed.-:. . 'Uodgc. Duriniii.g gpttlug" the;: space as'a big'time ip'vcntoi'. -, :v .' ■;- Kid;Berg abdiit levbl^\Vith•.^•Ci^>E afi'-Spairi ph ffccc'/pubUclty. ■ ■ , ■-';;!'• "--Harrj*; K:b\vs6n; :started a, tun -in-, atead: pt footage crtthpaigh;-, .-.''; :-.•: i. Oodtrey .iTearJo -Vtdok; th«- Pari. amdunl talker-part aflc'r -.-all. - ,-: ': -Scbtlaii<l .yard .raided'. La-liiint,; hite diVb' oK the Hsiymarket,; :' Kay- Francis gois:tlVe f-ati criticlsni this sid^c, .either for oiy^igainsf,. .. -■ ~ • 6u5''tav; ,ljb'lst,,.^VrUlh5 tniustc :fov -Asisoclatea- Sbuiid.. Fljirt bunch;- • -Betty Am'ann over, .from-; Gcrmahy to help thia jila<lb hiakb pictijres.:: .■'-Jbbn . (Paddy) J'.-Carstalrs. Nclsph.- Keys'- Sbn, as aSslstant'fdr.;Uadrpv ' .. aislj: X)ban .reckons-'-tlifs .paiher pusht tp :i'un-Vmore he\Vs about hlhi.': ; StamiCbra . 'Hill the^atre; tiannlhg :hcaiity cbmpetillpiia for. the local skirts; ■:.-:.\-: :; ," :'.'; ,;; '--V. -'^ :"- ;,.Arthur Dent.;lob'bying: Iji -parlia- ,nient;--aitd ikeep': abpu.t B.';.t'9• stppk: diyidehd.. ' ■" '/Chips -Fisher of the, Ti.ypll.' stJll- laying ci;azy;'pave'nv,ent 'at 'his -new hdmcstead.-,'■- .:-; • .';■- ■. '■ -;' : - V ■.^''; ■ ■ ' Charlie Wiilteoibbei '-^goltlng;- big-' hat, has peiined .i. town bn- putting aiid things) '■■::• : ■'. :",-.^'':.: :;-;'- : ■Tpm.Clai;ke's.:ieadln!^'l''leef'^Sl.roe.t editor; 'has aui'hpijod another .Noi^thi-,., c.lille bbolc.^;' .- ■.' '^r ■'■ - <'''." . '. y^^.:^-''. Obdtrp'y ''rlei'getti'iig hla j»hotbs pn:. the subWay' tra 1713 Uirougli :a sipac6:ti'e-'Ui*.;'-.-. ;.: ! ■:'.. -. ,•'.;■ ' .-'Kbhncth --Ko've has;''.a- Ju'hibr .edl- tlbh, ivliich. he puis in baby roles lii Ideal- ^taiker.s, ; .<[/. . - :. Jack 'Hulbc'rt; nnd; PhuI :Mu,rray -framlpg new ;i;eyu-o to -star.'liulbert :aiid aAothei;-cbme'dlan'. :' : . ;■ 'loenii' .Shprib;. .6nd.>- time fi\m ' man:, how prpatipln'g amateur plays bbr. sides,.editing inagaz'ines:, ;;, ; Exhlbs ~ Asspclatlph'- Is; -.t.heckltig up on AVd.^t End grdiB8ejs;inid.;advl$p exliibs about ^iijerdontages.; ; :. . : ' Exhibs ;^ler6,^ ar© ; 39. .diimb'.; the.v evpii Ihiiik/ithe y.iinrtay. 'Pi>enihg ;blll means forced .Sunday opining.:. :; ; -. Svtnni^r,.; fdshlbn:. parades-. -re-veaV the danitss '^ill ihave.'the .sanieVe-x-,: ctfse for Co vertng: Ihc; same legs,, ' -'-Jjoiidof^ .Xvdti; aU-,Ent;iand fopt'baVl champiqnship.; for: iics*t :-'-tlmc -.evcK, through'ArstSnal,- ace lioiiidoh bjub. - --. :-.,:i5ol'clyestcr -, )t-Iduse,.-. latest. super: hptpl, .lust ope'ri^d,. Bpith wltjK every rbom,, 'urihcai-d of-'dver here.'hef'dro.: ■ ; Tlilpf ■ Raided : territprjlal /p(neb' pf; Bi'ltish - rehtJi>g;-C-pmpanyj :andVfli>Iy, .'fbjind. bne-= buvk:;-(is' stamp inohey.; SlibWjs'ybu■':;■- '- :.'•;: ;.:-:. .;;■■ r: A'vll J-'oft, Vpre.s,;" .Eei-diiiUJid- E, ...Mu- iiler,.v,Tji. iiiuV dlrcc'tbrl^^.V'ivIs ;E1Vst worth, ■*((•<.•;',. and -. .ti-(;a,s. l.!;ii)ib<liih; Mal-p;.; recen'C. h.alviieV, ' iVoL • In: .new: sel-^VM>- •■;.':;.-":-.'^ ':■: ■'•': ■-. -■'■■ • ■ '^r6i:i l.'i I'^osipr, ItolI.VAybbil'-bpurtd.- ''.^ .: J'^rcd'tiunilin. stU_li\v.e'arfe:i>'pJk.a^^ .bpiw;tle!).'!'... :: 'V -..-',: --. •?;-:■■'■ ''; /rwo jjiiun|Clt>al (jp.lf :.cbi\l:sps: m .hp'us6'-''siind<»ys: ■'- ■--,,,'■• ■- . ;lj<;n -Erway. new' Ichding-; ma'ft of Halc'-'Mtihlcr: stock,. ., ^ •■ ■ . ; :; M'bdet'ivlst 1& .-sturp'"frdriis:,dot ittj's, tnnlii; street'.--nisre'-^'.very;. iiiouih. ,; - '■;Lpifis rjittei'jn'oycr' ipi-tuvcd ■ t«:l.r;t' Hiider. tt: bt ;t'i/'extcn.<i|on,- d!vl?>len,. (ibod''Crowds.both evenings.. - : Eight. .^rlK'.p^ya'udo at-iVKb. af- tra'utlng-: lai-ger, 'p.|-o>T;dJf/ :;Act3- l-u;n oh' a fid .pre'ill 'riiiild-.JVrb si'Pod,' ..: ; ::Pul)lI.x,'h-as..,(llsi\ontliUiod-.'vaiid.p' til -Y'lctpvy,-'-;;' Salt '.-Lake,',: .'aiuotuit,' .-w:(tyo; .::.;V!,' jjaiib-: i'alls; ;\''!iran\d->i)i;f', Ofedenj',, .? : ':.,:' - ; • ■■rraierMiiiiier piayw.«i. ■ at;, riniy- lvp'iise"hjtve'- iuc'>i'l)<''f jil<Sd. ■ 0(Hp«r.^r : IVol'iis-;,(-;()lo.:ba'ck fr'buV Bertih. . ^.: '^fid'ilbi;i AVill hian'y libr'hi;«na;Kor, ' "BHly';.,>Ve.'!t taking aiir aiiaiaiuvnt. At Woods imck: to 'i'. b.\*'j iiiid :!; ,-.,<-.MonriU. and ' X'ttniiii;. sislcr tPam, spliL ;■ ..t :-■■,;■"'.■' '■■'.;■■-'-o:;'- .- :' ■ Soph ie^ • - H<>i!a rf : witii,-; '.^'ii rna I for' term."-;.-'■':-■ ■';,-■ '''i^^' ■ ." ,:'■:::^■! .. l-'Ted, MaolCi'iyji. UftcU .^fro'iii ifoliy- wdpd^: -y'/y^ ;'-v■.•-^:■■.;■■■-^:-;^ ,'■■- i.-i-lJpr.otlvy-.if'ari'is- tu sCay: a while in. .Parisr.-;-^'._v.-::'-: ■'•, ^.'''- '-v" ' :' .Jbafei>l»: iMuiiijelt . ii^ 'twvn'Ib^^^ plctiiVesi•■:.:' ;■.%:. ; '1.■ - •"-'.'::;'^: V;■'. -:- ;■ (5weU..s|;.Avi'^ -shdi'i 'fiiprles bn^tlio ,sidb; ■ .'-''.-~ ''V-. ■„:■ -, "■' i)e B<iH<i;arid-'.I-'ce arc' Bptiig' bbck: tP,thp'l{ivIera. -S- ; ' - Artliui' ■ >'cpfiff -\.»howih-g • -.. iJick. ilPni-y :ihb ft'o-wn.'. . -- ;r >; - ; .. .', ' -Kay sBpyle.:' -aiul -.itAiirc-uce:: .Y^ii: ty.lhg'.iip ih..:jiiivci - '■ -.-; '-: . ,; ' nHrry-IMice.iv-a'iul;:SjargO'ff'rHe';sVio--,- -reiio at, the' I.ido.'■ ■ v ■ ' ■: ■. . 'U?rudy : If^-iegcr 'TjetJ^pr ;: at tlib Aitiericah^ liclsiiiltal^-;;.;; V ^,;-;: . - .Mr..-. ajid ' jN^rs.- .'^amiicl: Ortistclp liere fbr't\v,6..Tiibn(hk,; -.-' V '- ■. - :■ CeriTiaii actbrs^-iubsll^^' slarviiig; It- hot-he.ite on -c.butrax-t,' y' '■■ ' -.' - ': - Atcix:• Wb'blU'btt i;}ad-do.i\iiig -IsUni's;. heai:t .by; hls-^piietitp.^;:; :- .-:. ,~ ' Tiibinas:, S.'. -JJblaliatity.;. of : :Pathb; NcWfi: in tpWii: \vitlir. Jytr«. . : ■.; -;.' . .Th'e'Cllyc J-b:adk5'.are''<\oi>Vins bvci'- Cor ri'rst -timp in five Vciit.s.:- •■.'<.. . • •Anna;.StPU ;'ipnlp : <>f'-:tlic" .cpijiing, >ro^fri;,.nkb Eiii'ppean. stuiis,':' -j: ■ C^:' 'Eugenb'• t>'>s:clll ■^liapp.v, bve.v ,le'ga) viptpiy, 'iiia.v, I'e.iui'iy.tb- S. ~; : V The jpft 3i<'(!ar'lha'y>s iiro.;itfoihg..tio, jinve'o ■gbod,';lbiig, \'j(caiipn.v . ' .:;;: -■ ■. ,.; -Eay:'^VV.f.'iy . \ ■ tO:. Jiiln ;»l'<lin Mock '$«niidci:.s-: iio.i'p: iiv JUb'. ;?.-,-- yy ;.-,;Siii!6fffi -.G',Nell,-> (f.e ]Ji-anpin; rcCpverihg f roni liscrlbus iJUhPSf*-'. ' : : Betty 'jnron.sou - indigiuint ■ aliout hpr; vuri-''ji».;;\W< h .rjvlbrti 'pblit'o:. . - - - .; M'ft- r^g \i e V- i t- b : -t! lH>.c"rt~ j; :riaph'aei liglJ»eiipd .:of-,I;iiK ('?»;s^^^^ lic.t. -'iMargue-rl'to d'Alvarez .;^iid:Vl^el'll!l^I- 'Liy iiigatdpe out -; shapi ihig ; tpgethor. : Vi.vlan'' Duncan- tallying .about--liei; bo,by.' at Eiiscjlla liV^lucr'6...cQcU ^party.^.:-;-^.••■:' ■; . ■^■•. :'■-;•' ^'./: - ' ; •i.,il.\f,.-po)lS' .iUoUicr >lias-' a dr'Cfiij- -ihifiklhg. hbuso;:.bUck •(•t :fbu:iidry 'shpfti'.'-v'-- .:■- ■■--• ■ :-/:.-y^':,-- - .Gariyid .■.BJa'ck'^yplJ . a) tprjvates • be- twec.ri-. the ;illvicra: aiid :: t,lib'';.l'i.lsirec sluiiib's.-" ,:''- -"- '"■i::' '>i:•■■',■- ■'-:■.-.,-, ..'The Piieljis -(vvlhs ■•ti'duWu't J9la.iMl. the .salaries": iV' Ptfris' a hd..-rpt:urnpd tb' London;: ' ■■ ^ -v' :, :-.KcW.pst: (fun: b.alh''sii1:l!t-.-afo::n pyjamasi' but: -1^6:^,1x10^0 aborts and :brussleres.- - '.;■ .-v.-'-', '.■■: .'- .:■--.'■ .', , 'i;hcTrria.;l-;dwards, lias. a .conlraGt- td'- stair.-In" a niusival-Vcbittbdy': for, Eupiiarcst,;;'!,--, v^^ -. ;'::, ';:.■' :.;.-\'-, [■ .Spdi6ly.';sTiifnrtEr. bccausb the bpn- •BUl'S.dauglileiv ,' .Tdan Kcefnu, ^ 'Is dancii)g^- ln- (.-abarcls;:.' . ■; / ■• ■ -pharlpttie'.r.ew'ls,-'cplbrpd .jilpger- at tho. MarlnCj a■ rayo - willi- \\\<( mfiii. :<;;6inK: to Spalh fibbp. ' 'r' ; . ;rb-yalt'y ;iiii>iw<s<^d to iiatd $.1,01*0 a d.ity. fbr iUclr.jsuite at "the Mpurlcchotcl here.', '■, :,1 lendi-ik ^an :Ldpn gettitVg; lip-artd .going ' oiii' after -.-ten, • minutes. pf ''Worth's^ fushipri .cbilecllbn; - . -; " ;. 'Mary'J>«wla' did get. viial- ''pnlract. it',s ih^; "CouiilcsK Mai'lska,."::td .ppcn next mdhth at tlip AiribasKudPt'.: - ' Emliassy- going, td '!r.cdi>op(, -with Sam lAVdpding-'.s jazz :'brcliestra :aTiii 'Emahucl .'I'i^.arrb-'s. tango, ba^d. ' - : iSvcry ■eniertiiiner.-in :l\'»ris-.,wanfc tp open his - owi\;,hlglu .pl,tit',.- it JiCs got pnd.iigb.-,riiOi ciiei.Us tp back iiiih. . './ti' Oapbiie,;' .:by Ercd I'asley, iono. of' the;/best, sellers..: Soon "'to;* bo li:ansUUcd Inid :ypanistv-anil .Cier- :man.'\, ;;.■.';>-.-, .:V % \ i 'v:' .,^> .- ::-. ■. : ;l'Mor'en;ie:- -C'litrBgn,: yl'.lfe --^pC - thi-' a'geiit' here, -.^plng ; tp^-rt <!rip:'ln- tlib Iipm VcvuS, .'-JJ'einnic's d'e -:t'arIs;V::../-' "..;':-.-.-,'.:'-;./-•■ ; jSfew' r.ctt-. B&it' eohili-et td". bpep; rutl' by :I>in:ih 'of- thd- Blue'Augbl. It's to be L-iUled Vt^lni(li:.s,; Th'o. Black Aiigei/V. -^ :■■';;■::■;: ■..- •;-,;-■ ,-;-v■-^ ■■;;;';,:' ■ EdVi'a'rd- db '^terz. vwlid clpai'iPd- up. 200,0(10 ■•(iaiic.s bn'- the ::-TJ.iuo '. Aiigel ni^ht club'j njbw.-has-;'V)|s,-.cj'cs .011, .aribtlicr^:-', ■■.■.:■•■;-■:': ''■-■ : .' ■ ;■■' \^ ■ ■ Mary Chaiti lier.s '-T<"anl'!i.;fo! bpori' o n Aih;pi'lrah .thiSaii-P-ireie In .T'luip. S'ort .bf . Wilcite. j< Pj-fiha \V: Idea, but lli'pt' fi^x-y Plnyi'^ :';-;-'U," :- ..'■ ■, :■■' :■■ Americnn nid'nthiy ipng,'>zlne,-; 'CHe ^Pdinet,- flUiiliy (ilodl.;i.Cavhyg:; i:;i':-<Uinp flNvynno's - Upirlcvarrlioc ; .\vltj^ -crivnDPfitrpn. .'■ ■',. .::.. '/. ..;'.. '- ;, .■-:.-•-.;, : .^fbe.';Zplil: a('>:u,sPil 8atitinv ,.picrcp of:, pIrii'-lv iiK'f ;«uslpuj(;'rs (dr ili^', JVfu»lf^;.n.oxi^.. .Itti.^nT'r ,>?^^^';,Ci^ri gb-. IC', tho '.i-d!lbK<! bii'y".-) ,i)li^ygi'oii'lid: ,unj;'-mbrd, -■-■''. ;■',': '•■ '-V:v--'V'' V jjv:pr;yitb(iy.', .>\-;.utiii;gv.;'f.)r " .10: Aihiirlv.atf. girls t.'liHi.o.l -iiiukpii:' l.pi^ -hp;r ,j• : Ai-i iy'iiig.-,Vi<'\l: illonlh -ft.n-ia-; ypur's >!:iirlV.i:i\t, .;,j.t(i'st ■ftrfi -hloii'do. ■'■ '• -■". •'i.-'.*'. ■ ; El.% Mii-.vW-iell ihvii.od-^bnly. tljlPd' '•4fiic'!st» t-p- se.p.rihe. i.-ji^i;, of "a (<hi)i(;i.ii; :;w'hi(:1i 'she i.s liip :ouiy :artdr.. ~.^li(V .pl.i'y3;-;tlve:'pl;inp\at:id :sIliK-i'r-nd^l^^^^ Uli'P: R'bii(rs,>i-re^n.s' ^iifiM)i'i■^iIl^^ly . >VPll.'-.Tivd . i.■i,:.'a 11 inking-In .tjic liarjrtilu,.- ,;•-■,:'. 'y: -)By Cibrdpni'SirtelaIr V!';! ■- ^:^?uInn^y (•'\Vh,i,Vi.l!rlbeitil.o'ry;:,x'('(,'.:-' lien eating' lh.,Childt-:' -'. - llin, -;'.^ITdpit .tuilslng thinss ' ovt-pV "Avltir Klw^dd irugl).p.<.. •-., -; y .- -■; . 'eaiVt.- :(;;c6rga <'dr:<ah.-.liauk' froHi Penrbr to. train \\*r.lKley-.Hw)iii' -fr'n- ■ trapls.....(H(3 SviCe:,;L'ume ;in: i^Qcorid- ' iitiit- yptor.v.-;.-•: ' ' <;■••:-.;. : -.-' ', .^.^^^ v :; ■ J'U'ank 'Ohftri-ilipi-luin .in ifdjlywttod' .and sejidihg. .'dirt Vpds^tcit'rds -lo 'liiB • fi;leh(lii;:;.-;'-'. ;■'■- .-::. - '-.:.- :' ■ - - -, . -.. J pe Tx^iig' rs p! a.lifig- Edith itcCblf .'Eortuito .stenog, wild ,says~ she .will ny tii<!. Atlautic in .Tufi>.- Sisc-iha^ie'; failed;,- sl(e:: tlVinks she's the-liieUv soventh; ."'- '■: ■ :' ,':',.■-', :\ ;.'..- .'■ Kuriiiyside. Beaeli; .Cu:nad;V's ('bn.->ii " Ijdand,'-opened J-'i-iday (l;,-.' ■ .- .. v.'' ;.■ Emplr«-.,th<(ntrc .diirk,:- :• ' .: ;B6bby isber'^ -Wife \v'lll be; ,KtpWted 4n .. June.; -Bobby .^ -yvaB dho-Hiiie ■ bartly bliamiii ,of the X)brnihl(in; ; ;' . ■v:Eighteen ;playbrs» lh that:'V'iri<i(,-nt Ijopez-orchestra at- tlje iibyal York ■ -Ilolel.-Were locals.'- '. ;/- ."."-:.:;.:.:: :'>yef ty: C,pn-iptPn'sluiKband. ni.i^^^ lose Ills gown hero for-lowbring iw- d fpnlty; of;.' the' C'ani»dinn':aini^.As'sbi;-:■ biattph -"'by'- naming:-na'inbs.: .-:y<tiy ' Tommy ., fttupjitevlu. ;^. his inwyer, dlaluis. hl.-j;;b(nc(« -has- been rided -i.e - tlie-dUpllnalo copy' of Betty'Tj-diypVce ■ :pyocebdlngs..- , :' .,'-;'•-.- ':-, :' . ... Jutes Allifh bulldiiig>;,d midvipvvTi coiintry. blub., - ••..,.-:;.;;..:-■'.'. .'; -l^ a fortnight, Iiiipe:,. - rial lit.c, wlll.Xw;lpp>that.Bur.riK and Allen bit, wlieOe . the pla,nlst llrids, ■ himself -In :thec. ivrpng' thbaf i;p. ■': ' :;^fUbc, R«ickwell. :,!ardl)ped:-ln on: th'ft ; ,r)^er;est- C.ressley dbalers':annual- blb^yput at. tlic; .Wyal York: ilotfef, ;31aM.<si;py-tl'ipre,-jt.Po;:' ' : ^ ' ,' .: . ^-l.ady B.essbproilj^li;. ;\\4fb br: caiiaV da's.. -• go-v^eriipr-irbiicrat,:-'. \v'ill-. hn- $iprk.pd at tidvernhi'eht next ' ■jndnth^ : ^ ':;.;,.■ ■'/;;. .'•Prtdt'iewsljl- -took- 2S6,: bb-\vii at^iijs'. last Massey llali retiiai. here Aprii:: .30.- ..cave'two eitra uuifibers.- -:. ' Mbuntalh: ' -OM\i-s,i,'' -;Sl'hbn . 'i.s^t^^^^^ pride, succumbed .after gallant liatf: tie' wlih. .pheiinipnlu; bti';-;way.;;'ipv Brandbii','r.ii'(;ps.' '- ';-.'-; .-■-!- \" -..','.- : .'Tw.Plvb'. -piayeris -. frdiii -Tdrontii' ;Syuii)hdiiy Oi-clipstra. will' pliiv: "at? •.I!lg.\via' Ifih tlii.M 'ituirinver, .wi|;h AI. Aylwai'd -.-. .p.cindlif-tin(!'„:,^-' ; .'Ma^Jori^^ Squired .and Edythe-.-Sliuttipworth ".to ' Kh(g. : . ■■ \. .■.:...,.;;- -. ^ - '[ ■ , .Tiie'; .^ndprsPh■ 'JtpssV\vhp vrblft - -."q'lie I,<)vp, ,Tro.e", is -IJi-l/ Chiirlps CHvV.^1., tcaohor . di plusslc.s a;t-N<u-Ui'. ;'J',proiito,-<"olle'glale..'-- -.- : . • V Montreal ' ;Six:-<iay.-!!>ici'(:iing ■flop. ,'. :,v. . . ;' CwtsbrS- easlhg- ofl; soiub. '■' ■ 'OS'lght.-cIub!),,atiil..:fbidirijs;.:' • 0 i-Waitci-"; Jpnes - Jh;;:':..Vle-;SUiIi<'.il;Oul: '; putv :]--y: :y- '\' '■•;;■!.". .\;.':"'- ; ' Jdb ':tj,ifehtHlonb r.;tal!;e.S 'b'vei'. ^Or- ,' ,i)hptiiu;; :':. .■'^;.-'-:- y -^ry '-. '.;•' -.'.:.-;i-'--'' '.J.rj.--TJiiiiCibbdiis:do'w-a «,iVl»: aii>--', .pet>diV(iti^>;;:; -v ' ;-■.-■:..^-■;.. : . limy Munrb- :'-'askl'rig •' why ':lt. ;-!# ; odllcd.. Frolibs.-; - : ■.- ; i '" ;'v,Jlmrny .; A'dnmii';-: 4i''opjptng kids*: :nih:r8'at/.I.*ocSv'$!.-■ -; -,;;.. ■ :•'.:" ■;": Joe .CdttariniclV I'd run; bwh'horses at.pwn itracks: here..,v ;'^;-, ,>: -;- ■:, '.'■.;, -Med.ill .stiideritalwdndeting aixbtit-.': jblis .wiieii; ■dif>lbmipd; :: . - . ; '.-jNabes ' ti.TinK. ;but. itids'- 'mal5' In^^^^ 'etCdi?t' td 'stem; v.: b,: Hop. ;• • , ; J.'- B. .'Bailla'rgcbh .say.s -Vcil y, - fall- Ing |lown ph .tourist-bally. - . . •';'- ; '.:: (l<iprge ;ilbtsky; and. Hd\i'ard. ■over .ballylng; abnlVeriiartea. ., Montreal'/he. a-d-.a-;internatldhal'^ ty'agu-p/, Jop Puge'say.^npt for Ipivf^. -.'I>eo-,.t>ftiVdiirand 'piitting--I^ C'lt-: ■ hndlens: fri lUUtuels pay-p^:^booths. A.xe . .fiiUa '.on big ,cprr(pratian.'^ , ;bm tvidj-ce's. i'c n i)er cent^ 'salary. . p.ut.'- ..' {:,. , : ' ,; ■ liest -al^tphded shows in .;>Iontr(>ai:; ■ are : i;rcei-. liiclu'^db;;;Japanese -itp.nil-; coiitile and ,f;pmmiinl9t'riols.', ■ llptiartmpht-:' stores ; "waiting •f?'*-- T-nlted' Statbr-tourists,:.ItaVt empty, all aloiig;maln .•ftre'f't., .,Sbni.p-df .'eui, closing., dpiiai'tmpnts, : vl^^'i''-'' '"'^ 'cash, ; .'.-:;■.';:;'.'" ''^^y .'. -':■'--"■.; '^ '10\; Portlaind, Me. • V;-- .'! - :BK 'H»i Cra.nti.- ;.. : i^id-yijiin f;pb'rge.'Vini-'f>.^^^^^ .layk;. Gausdni-libi^e;-''-' ■ ^::' : 'Chick '.Jiaycs i froih:. -Boston • for summer: ring 'ganic. - ;. , • . ' '. : "Vlylrth Harry wants to try niu.>*ical CPhtbdy next jjeasbn;; - ,"■ i. ' ,: - Eraiiklb UeUice - ready.. to .IVop -a. .ny,ec; Montreal,.seasdii, - •.:'Epdd;-and . Hbind 'pirpgrcss Expo, did 'Vepprd breaking buslHess'. - ' :. ,^' '■Mr,' - .and' 'Mrs.. Etank V''''i:>!?nald..; durlii{sr;;n-hb ,«ummeLv at Plyitioutjii,; Mft^s.--.^■'-;: 'r^.^-,- ■ - ;f;oda did 'Mliiii* KmMijhlnf;.--'-act -. vKitdPv;ilK>^ .. u.t ./Keith's: di a\!<M: I'tH " hdOses,-:.,- .!■,,■'; •;-.'.--'':.':i.'• >■•.«'.••„• V-« ,::P.dl;ind Ayini"r--r^:l|lu-s''l>»)rll'i'nd .-i''.'":' -knows :; '\v'bat. • It's ' ' ii.Ue: '■ .-i.i.i :siuiMncr,\-.-V/ 'c'''.,;::--v-',: - ' :','.:■ 'Old' M"in. T)ej)i-'p!»si( m g'i vi-n bu i la,',.; .:a't 'State - ■lli'eaire.' u'j'i ' high '. swhw': ' -.s'tiiflcnts; '-..-■•'•. .': .-^^ : ' ■' ■■''y' ,-. .T.a wrr^nce/FlfM crhp^r, prt-ivay -i Ytirk^ ■ ihcnoe" itynipvtb Indiiriiirp -until ;lrnli;:: -V': :■/'-... ;. 6ld- '0i'ch.nVd gpts' llieiljiriif' by;nii- . ndiiUt'Iilg ■,j,''>,0ilO; /open-S;ult : .ldm.":;'i-- ibfift this <i'HmniCT.' - '..:-Sf-i)U''KnlU -pit. ttyh: wopVs'. ; 11 -I.hI-i' ::iviiv, ; tl.ipji..-;.'to ^ »a.>:(),i;iui:.,: ->.vv!.''.'''-" J j;.real'>'"st hick .'io^viii • f^r' ;«'i'.i,'''V'.-';;: ii»rii^;:iip/ ;'•- y'■ >• y;:/--y ■!';■-: