Variety (May 1931)

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Wednesday,. Ma^ ID : 'Tliis d.ei)artm«h't contains: rewritten, theatrical njtwa items, as. pulj- . iishBd during theVvveek in t»ie daily papers of .New. York, ChicMOr F^anciscoV Htfllywood. an Variety takes, no fodit ' for these news itenis; eabh has been .re.writtjefn from, a dally' paper. I 'li^r ':VloSh>iyf .tlic,. I<aiu11.svlll0; I N-.. M-) (luMtrc ApVll. -.Lojis/, Is •'i'eifiiyv wdocl . ls rroluluUnij:. iVt-xi' '. \^.(•^^\^■.^o:^N;cw Vov^i \.-'--\'-. .C)\voii 'JJavis ■ lias;■ (ihfslioilI'Tltb ^fiarbiMv Wifit/'' ne^v^l>l^i>^.■ : V Itfirry >T)avcnport. ^in '.Vjt<'j''v" .Is ■ Ii'lp. olilcRt^ llyinB .Aiiierlcait;tirtoi-, In ."iiVinKeV of y.pavfi 6n the staific- -Jcf-' .I'.-i soH de A"RClls second; ofllj-; fthout; V wi-i'U- helilndv , ■ijav«^ni»6r.f'.mi!idc:hls (U'lftii ..oil Aprll SO,. iSTl-. . , .'"']>)vri 'Davl.s, In tiic .Cixst'oif''^N.IPCt >iv.. siMpv^.' )ia.s' ^Vi-ltlon a. ,i>l!vy:-en- .Vii'lcil ."■UoaVtstorios." , : yV;; 'l-'Uye Ma<'; uclvcss, was. awarded S4.000' l)y'• a ■ jiiry , iii the N. Y, • Sur: Vi'i^nii? .C'Durt'as^iIaihqKe^-Wi' a.iipsc; ' fi-actui-'p fliiHl Other. Injuries .she re- .•>>lVed iii li tasl smash m gepteiti-r .iit'iv 19.29. V. Suit'was;.a >;ll(6M. yriilTinan, tftiil (jwher. ■ . , V l ' liuth Bonald.^biurlcsque .actress, MnwUtljiiily lea police to the. hiding jil:u;e ot JoseitU (S'llk V.est/ Dlnan/ • w.intod {ov aev*i'al .-lioiaups: • Police sttv they Itiiew that :;MlsS' Donald ' viiis 1 iiniih's swcetlioai't, aifd trailed V lici" foil', aeyei'iil 'diiya..; Miss .Donald .'■.\v;ia; not hifld^:' '■■ ' ' '-i ' will- rnarry Aar.b.n TlH"s,ehi and Kti- «oiViu wilt bf.corhc Hij(> .wjti> ot David Munkowlu/. bo.lli iinlii:|planS. •. . ■.. ■' iuaritaF d^fI1cllltlo^,^ Hoy-. Sthus,lei.v auai'cr, suddenly, whlppecl' out a Kun i'-rlday and «liot his'wife; dead, wouhiled the lawyer ttnd ti;led', to kill litihselt but Tailed. ;,He .Was not; caueht.': In a dairy, which ho. left S(Uiuster :totd 'of Ills harried' lU'o with tive woman who .liad threatf ohed td .'Jall: him the folldWlnR day j.t he did not give her, ■$410v.;bock ulloipnyi Uespitc he', was' broke,and liomcleHa,'.". ' ' n ,d6' hot"hla'mcv her.",. SchlVstei-.'s dairy. read, .-"It ,1s ■ no( lier. fault; It.. Isi ,tlie': fa.iilt of .n; law-: that .riiixUcs, those things possible;" ^ ', , i'lilirip.'* .Lqrd,, of riUvl.O'i'VS, I'ov .Had'ip. • S'BC.goes \ln" ;rJue' In-'HoIly-! Dorolliea :S.t.' Glalre, formei" shiow. glrr,,sat.:bG:sidc i'i^p .hu»ban<l, Jerome ,C0ll.lns, when he was, .sentence^ to. iouv 'yunt'S Iri .'Atlanta Tor, par- lic'lpalloa in a'»X,Qi)b;6.6b iiiall fraud; Eddie bo\yllriff. from: Hollywoodj^ IB iiieg'otiating \wJth 'Charles, Miller fdir llic writltig' oif a musical cdmedy anil possibly also A'.iiictUro, both to be adttpted' fuOni' "liaiSSedy. 'Arin s Sunny Songs," book by WllUani ll. •Wo0dlti 'and .Tbhiiriy. Ciruclle.: Jdea is tolia\'e-itae IJooley (Mrsi DowU iiigl .>tor in both,,' ."^ .. . 'l^vo emi>ldJ ees .6f .McBrldc'a.TTck- i i ■ AK'ciic-y were kidnappi'd Tliursday .Ciu);- iakf ii oh; a! forced, motor, ride In', nii-fi- jjandjlK .aiid .>•ohbod..ot'^.l,- .•>i^l6. ■lMit\ ■ n)oneV~ beloii'gdd-. to ■ the ■ fii-m. .:. Stanley nuizailowski; larid '■.■;.\lieiiaev ,l>clegrhi6. are !;-tlic .-.'two ' Moii;)i. 'They walked 'out. of .ilic'Mc- . r,;r,i'de'..o(!ree at 149:! Ijroadljvay, wlt1,V 'tlv> money in, li take ,tln! cdrir BxOhaiise Ban.U, at .Sth .iivciivic iuvd 42d street, Xhey.walkeil ilijiVJv.broa'dvvay . to .'14d; street .and •. liD Oecl west to 8th itveniie.- As they ■■ 'Uni. iiroiind-.: the ;o6i:utr - three .rtve'n^ : AViiiked 'Owr .suddenly atid. Jathmed ■ .-.'li hs a^'iilVi-st the 'mdittiy -carders .and ■ '())\i1 thenr,:iiot to-sax a.'wol'd., . ; ..--Fl:ii\Ueit .Ijy-' thC'. baiiaits 'tlie 'two. i-")i' i l;s' ■ ivci-c .hnu-chctl tln' o'ueh"' t'l>e •'. 1 itiio 1 iiiiri-; to" the 'A2\i .-an'p.p,t' e'li'^. : ■/;i.;i(ri-o aiul into iin a'iijonvouile.. 'At ^;;!Mii '.sti't'C't tiib tw-q ineh^wcrc ot'; ::.MM-ed ;ouv of;tWc'^c•a^^^■■,.;^^.;■•. ^ (lu.v' Vatii;'s'ih;^ei\' was .ordci'od 1>^^ ^.■N; -y;-'s'Hivrcine eourt'fo pay :J9,;06 (n Che .e.'^taic of Arnold .Koihateln ;to ,: i.vt'i- « note foi'-dehts incun'ed-dur.-. ■ InK ihc^'sumhVcr/,oC-.19.'i«.^ : ':i.lri-i(Iy -'pi|id .J2;3Sf bh the' ivqle,-iirtd '' the voi-illct.'>vas for the; test, plus' ■. liuerpsit; . Van:.arnued ■ that lie; had. . Vi-i'M.'iuii to believe that Rathsteiii had' ■;.\U-ra(ilied 'tin-; a pronilsp to tiay- oft : -^amblini,' ..(Ivbfs t'o otlier .pei;s6ns-itO iviioni' .Van owed, money.-.The ;riote ^.;- rVMH ('s(MiU'd ■these ;<U|bl.s Ktliei : Harris goes with "Crttzy Quilt/' ISthellhd- Terry goes to Lon- ilijh' for ' Nina 'Rosa."' Ethel Clark has been engaged.tor "The JMIkado.'^ ■ T'licOdor,^ rDrclser. Is' geittlng, to- gether a -Jury. :of■ lltiei-tttf.-,' to look Ut -ParDiihounfff. version 61 •■his !'Aittericah''Tragedy"; and help. him decide whether It is - passable ' Ot not- ' ;CoTnniit,teiE! ^^-ffnt consist of Ceorge jcdn"Xa,tliarr,''J. -D. Mboney, fierhidri S;-Oelrlcha, Dr. A. A. Bjrlll, Kannle .Hiirst, .O.eorge Luke,, Joseph Hetgeshelmer, j' Ernest-' ■ Boyd, Carl ■van Doreii, Ijavrlaoh- Smith, Harry Hansen',^' Julluii,iMusoh,' Burtoli: Rasr' coc Pat 'Ke^^ney. Flank Crowhin- slileld and .Tohh'.S. 'eohen^ Jr. ,Saya he',sj', going- to make. Par make .any changes in., the- .fllhi -suggested by arty of ;thc; Judges.'- :.','" 'o f!arn\iel. GoldWy'ri.; ha.s; purchased- piOlurCt rights - - to v. 'iAi'r^owSmlth," Slhplair 'i;c.yyis' novel; ;lQr - Ro'hald .cjplmjVnr;' '' ; >•;'■■'■ ■ ' ' ■'''■'. ". ■ ;■ V '!^iil('- l>>' 'a syndicate Iroadcd by tiie Chase. Nailoiiai' p.!t!il't oC JlQ,ffOO,.000 ■ ..I'll 7% pcefovi'cd St6ck Of .Ji'tlin .Sc-r :.'cui'itles .Gp'i'P. lo: .Ge.njfnir Tlioati;es Iviiiiipincni wift : reporicd iii ■ 'tVall (, sjre;i^t:. -fJia-sC bank' oftlclals .rof(iseil • lo .com inPiiti Report :jveht* further , '- - ill .s'a.v that the signiJloahpe b'i: the ■ ■ 'io:il ;ay 111 tlis faot that I-'ilmiScc.ur- -' ■iilo.^ ' oM iis.: the fiCO.OOO; shares- of l;(n..«-'s, Inc.; fointerlj: held by Ii'bx ■- ' ';-:iims,'. -r- '-'-' - '-y- - ' ■ '., "('[sfty.'' a :n.O\v. : i).i:i'!J'; b'y.'Aravirloe. M.-irU.s, 'may be' produced nc.\t aeu-^ ■iiM\ by .Uiiica VV. Klilotx.' . . : ■ McKay - .Morris replacing' Loulp CaTherii . ill- v''Give: Me ..Yesterday." Calherrt' was suddenly called to the cQ-as(.'for'iplcttire Wor.U a.iiiii. had, to ieave- Jjuhddy'' (3)/. ; . ■ '.' . " ' ; MyHVe.'JliUcrVap' and lirtistf:' hU).deIi'''w'ho said . she: - was :$hpc'ked When 'seeing. , her '.partly, uiidravcd form oh exhibit In ^ Ipenny-a^.pecp' machine- oh 1-ltIi . street, .will haye to 'go; oh bejng shocked.; Supreme Court' Justice Gixvegoji', with-, whom s)ie> pleaded, to hive her' pilctures rcmov'eil. V told her he -had- nothing toi. say. 'on the - siiMcct and 'denied tlie'pefiVlon,:.:.-',.'' ^y;. ^..;.;-:.'■ AcciiKcd of kibking and-' severely- injuring- K policeman who- tried ■ to tiuiet Kei- after a stiteet; alfe,rca,fion ;irt wlifch she took, part, Mae.Srown, 20;-dancing iristrucior, wds.held"for tlie g,vi«,nd Jvry in S'liOOO.'ball ;wh'eh, arraigned in West .Side, Cisnirt. . ■,G^Oria'-H<>tdeiV replaces i; ^^ahlll' in "As -H.usbaiiSs Clb,!''at,tl'le'Goldeh; — . . ;.\'iiii -ir^irtr'riii. aW hpr; jviisiriirid, - rird'rV . J^''eri have' lefi - New . --Vill i: to. vvinrn i-6"l-loil.<;'\v66.d.- ', \''''ki T{;Xuii>'s ' ue'w pVa.V, ' [•Kill'.'-, iri".. will; be" called I'arloi"''; ,when- piiodiu'eii - by .•<(niinli'i.t li'e'i'e neXl. season/ I'llarisOr ■"JJog:uty H'ernian- -An brdcr i-cstl-alnglng Fred Swallb from bxhUiitlhg pictures' at-,Coney Jsland -ShoAvlng.'t'o'rtiire Bceives.from the : Spdnl.Mh. Iriquisltion lasiied In Brooklyn 'Suprehie Cburt... Applica- tion, madb' by Sei>h -A: Malpney, who .xays the pictures are copies . of oriBlnal.s /which he Js'^ dis .^ianhattiin;;,,';., ; v .:',. ., • :: Air-p6olcd'ibas(-mch't of. the. May (air theatre has beeii-leased for Id yertrs- at: a. gross. reh laf- Of .$225,000 b'j- Charles; ZlvlrJio; and /Henry - Se.P' lyald. , wlib' how. Operate, the.- Pilr; an><>nnt .Ilcst-dilrarit ,6n '47tti::street, few doors' fiwh. the Alayfklr; ■•'- .' ■';'. .VrraignOd^-. for .spvldn;,'; ;r ;i)roe;cy^' Kfi vOr wlror ,i\-in\p- lo' his lioii>e.:.tti ;>,ci-v-c hinv'iiija lauiirtryiiiUh'svsiilk" tp. - ci'lject-.$20i; Jlbrtoiv -Downey, -s'i.ngev'. was. found- t^nilty arid .given'ii'-sus- '|ii'-i!t}ivd sciwen^e .in ■Vprkv'ille (,'(i(url^^^ iViav.hV.v ' liU'iul'oii -ho' socUeittlic ; iir'i'jc<>>;5i M'l'v.i'iv fo'r .usi:n.B-'oi,>s('c(|<' 'l,irT:;ifi:i-:;.e;..-v;-,' .. .■ ■;.' ■ ,' • ./ ;': •ilfitiri^- .ind dropped SQ .ftjet to the; ground..with only 'sltght injuries. /. lyc^;'. BuUpck, .musiolah,.. Wiia .?iiTe.sted^bnv..sii.spivioh-;:6f i)OS- sostflng. a. dariKcrbus vvenp'on.; - A diner : in . Ilonvy'a ■ cafe .-gave the ib'ii(led VenDon,'to a: pblIceinan, sfiy>■' Ing- Hiiilock ;had^ • handed' it- to '.hlin to keep .diU'fhg. a. -prbposed ;flght';>_'- .•; liotiert. Atiijei-t, brotlier -of .Tcaiihe Avri)crt'i a' "Wdnder Bdr."' . ; Mrs; I-'loretice Janci':-'Forehian, bnce of; the mm?,. testined In T.;,Su- prtme' Court,thit her husbuhd -Wfis .so .erubl; she; ..onbe- spen In tho Grand Central Terminal waiting robin ratliet than' go tO liis room 'In' a' ibie hotel, ■ ■ Her - liiisband'. is • 'Wlft - field Fbremani 60;; mOIloij- olr© clpthlhg/manufacturer.. She . Is sijing him . (or a 8'epa;rattorii ; Qillncy -kllby, rtiitiio'r, ;poet, .play-' wrleht, actor and 'fbif, 30 years .treas'- urer~of the bid 'Bbaton'theidtre', ,died In .'Boston May 4 at the'aige pf ; 7T.: He was ait tfhe time> ihandgcr' Of the \V;altiut theatre; Philadelphia B'bllo-wing receipt - bif ■ a letter thrisdtening - -bodily ,lnjury' uiileaa ht^ndlhgf- bver. $10,0'00,'.,GeO.rgei Je'ssel asked for,a.detecti-^e' liodVSudrd.ah^t W.uaV dasigned 'three :men,-, oihe ;to giiard Jiim at'ill times' ot the'ddy .ori- Xhree' eight-hbuF shifts^ ,'.PbJlce: are investigating, tlie. letters.;' ; v Mrs., ijouise' ;Bateriian:- OHut'i^^^^^ former. Broadway actrtssi. waia;.ap- prised' liy Jier husbttiia;, THomae. R: Hittton;^. Bjnghtimton, ,N. T., editor and; publisher, that-shd la Just dn ek . Jiow, '.. 'w.' divorce.' having- been graivtisd hlm.Jh/BingiiamtQn bourfs' aeve'ral day's dgb. -'Mrs; HUttpn, who knew; nothing about It 'until after "it was all pv.ei;,. .soys, she's-gpinB- .to fight to ,ha;,v'e tlie decree'set. aslde^ ^ Hyitiari -l<lsko.t-,'lS,.wa3 p,5?htcnce^ tb ' a .yejjr and -JtOO fine In; Deirpit I'rlduy (l).-: wlieit. 'fohnd .guilty- ;;of .selling pirated 'sbrig - sheets' In . that Mrs. Mildred Mdrsh FOfster;' for- mer actress,'-filed suit tor s'^pdi^ate tnalntcnahce agaliist Yghdclo Pbrs-: fbr, .' bhBiTiglhB. ' infldellty... -Among /women Tiamiid ;is' I-Fdisel Ho^Arpii, nirh 'actress. Mrs. 'rorster' wahtB-. <3pQ jibr;. ihpntti. ;tor siippprt- fbr;; 'their three; children.' Complaindnt' Im a sister-of .Mae 'Mfi'rsh..'.'-■; Report - 'from . Ho'Tiywobd; stated: that iRnlph,eraves '-wa^i. ftred bff 'th Metrp Jot .aftec .1ie ioOk a, sock at .d director, , .Graves - was'' in "Great Lovbr^,"; in- which,' he and. Adolphe Mcnjbu are .featufed,' He gbt Into a. vprbal airgtiment "With Dave Shlh- Ijprg-,),,assista'iit, dlrectbr, tor: Metro, which wbuiid'-up'with Graves taking a . ppke.. at' the dircijtor, .. Shliibori^ came b^kf at the act'er, iwid^It was: 'a few minutes before the pair; cpuld be'sietpaxiated.' -v ' ':;„■ ■;:;;.';'■; .. ;-.; . Shihborg thbii fired Oravps. VAllapri*8 Hbiisb'.V la. the,'seaspn's Pulitzer prize pinner; the announce ment hein^ att'ehded with some sur prise ,:bn Broadway'. i Jhb.'- play, • by Susan Gdsp.ell. was presented -by ^the Olvlo Repiertbry- in 14th street and was; performed, opcaslohally . along with,'Other offerings, of the ;Eya - I/e Clalliehne,rep group. - , . • .; LOS ANGELES .. Trial, of ihb: .suit..'filed.; b:v;- Kilitlj : -i-liggflns ng(ilnat\ .Howard. .HugheiJr (ihh prodiicciiv hds been set'for Jan.T- li'ary 20; 1933, :..Ml3s Hlggips dssert.s, i:Iughcs.;bweii.Ker 11,760 on a; verbal. 4Kreeme1it.''i;.: She' .was. accused ; pre - .wavner Bi'Ps-.; wjhere.sUe, was ,;a-stenograplier, bt. plrating-.tlie script of '^Dawh PdtroV for Ifughes. Charges ftga1n!(t her; and ,'co^slp-' fejidarits were dropped.': -i": ■;, Theodore yon;;i31t!!,: tllin-, actpr, nied ■an'-';AflldavU .'against'-his 'ex- wlfe; -M/s. PcgCTr -.PriPr voii- Eltz; actress, ''d6mdhdIng-tUstody:;pf their twp chlldrieh, .He;:clalms ,Mra;.;Vph. Eltz is 'hbt mprdlly-sulted tO'Parc foi- the' .bhildrbn,. alleging she . tPld him she didn't: bellpvc In Uie cohVcntlbns of marriage. ■','^"-", li,iiy'';'W'est,: b'rchestra leadeiv hds- dls'a'pppa'rediaBdln,'p.p-i lic^ repprts, , -lJrtt,,ye''ar he - dlaia'p- i>eared, ohly-to be tbiind '"resting"' a week idter lh CatiaHnaj :•, 'Frederick H. Glrhdu,' pu'blislier .61 the ''Coast'Reporter," which recent- ly wage'd a morality attack bh ciard: Bow; was released from the .bpiir>i:y jdil On bPhd-of ;»6.000; 0Jrnau Is faplng'.fbur Federal chargea.of Bend- Irig. obscene- matter ythTPHgh; the 'mdilS;-':".; ' ".- ■^''■^■Y ' . Jack, Whit*, ;fllm :prbdlrceri filed s.uit, "for. dlyprce ■ agftli'ist, :i>auline Starke. a'ctres3;-cl'iarging:crtielty; lu'- tpiicatibn dnd bther iaillne^s; .Miss Starkb'.;recently filed suit ^or';acpa; rate ' malatehapce, ^ asking... %1W monthly and -divislbh' of community property: vtilued .at $.100,^00.; .--^Vhite aasbrtis his-wlfp has an .ihdopendcht Income of $360 mPnthly,' V . .;-Alice: Polk, 'radio ;sihg'er,' nicd ;sult fbr $i>0,QOO. .damages dgains):; Robert H. Nicholson', charging he,saw her waiting: bn ;a street cPrher; fbr ' a bus', : picked her '^tip,' tittehiptbd;; to maice lbVe~ to" her,: and wJiPn she :re-. sistod ' lie ' handled.' tier" Tought)' Nicholson.Is wedlthy. and: hidrried., ;}Vfrs. 'Clarence' Kblb, ..wl'fe of tlie comedian, - was badly' lacerated' by ah alley ;cat ';When attempting . to stop ; a'light between.!the cat and her small:'dpg. ■' -;': -'..'-:'''■■ ■''■'■- LONDON SheffllcId (Ypvkshir((!); film censor; . ship,: \vhiclv - exercises;.options over-.- the gsheral .dQL'lsions. or' the .Hri(isii Upiird pC-tliih) Oensprs, lias foiiii' -in'; fpi-: another pnhhitig from' Jhr,- 11 iiri« : throuKli bniiiiiiie; :':iJatWard'l?ij|'iirii:,''^ ■^^'ni-ner .; talker; •: \vlii<'h:.i - \4-,''i<' '. i-(i., ' fui<cd.;tt; .cbrtHleuto: iiy the 'pilieiai ' cen.sors, but" (jbt: b,V- <vini..nios;i.;io(.-ia •: a,u1h9l'llles: aU' the-.same. ; , ': i<tl(?ar: '\V'jUlac'e iin.s .;gIVeiv ilia ' id.ea of. standing.fbr Parllanieiit.a.K a ., I.lberal' -PuridlddtCp aaylng' - FU'et, ^<treet • deriiiihds ,' so niiioii ; or \\U Vinie, iip,w, Ivp, is .an.editor.; ■.:V > ' :''Tiie 'Evening. Standard.'.'; Londbii evening paper^: tan a-i)allbt to d"t-er- . mInb.:;: Sutid(»y .oponlnfr'.r. bplnlbn: among, its Tbttdera.,: OEiesuIt - Was ij':;;ppentngi ;; vy • 'iCIarphco: Johnstone., one -.of ^the : ■ Colpred sihgera frpiti thp Lay tbn;aiid - Johni^tone' - vaiidevlllp team.. .-;.had $35,000: wor,th of $t\ift iittea from Ills flat; . :;-'-;;'..;;';:: ^-;' •:':.v-;;v;.:^ -v^-? > Charlps . 'Gulliver ' hought a race . TVbi-se'fPr;juSt: over $500 a'nd il.r\vbn -; the: MbtropolifUn'; April : 20 . .with a .. purab of $4,40.0,.' Gulliver,: who i'lever:- b'pts, p\i t"' 25 :;ccnts'. edch; V.'iy /»i ,it,'' aiid the Totp paid 80 tO: 1, the bookr ' le;s;:paylng^.20: tb 1.,''--ir:':;- ■-,;; '.- .;BipPk• . Soeief y'i - cholpe: - for. ih'p . month .Is '^Nfy Nbijthcliirfe Diary,'■ by . Tom ,Clafke.:/-pdit'or ; bf ■ the- 'Ncwa ; Chronicle, Llutcfd ais the:'i)est b.pblt." yct .i^'ritfch bn the-big nolfs.e Of:'Eicet; >treeti'V-':, V''■'';' ..-'.■;.'..■■ ",->,■.,..;,-.':;'', . ;Eddle.' Giicrin, ■Who e ;DevU'.S'Island, and became riotpripua;:. through .his-;association'■'With "Chlr. ,cagp 'May" -In the; States,-waai ae.ii- ; tehcc4,lto it'hree years' inipi^ispumciit •' :rpr,titi^tt^,\;:. ;...,-■ 'i-^i^v-.;,- -; ''CV';/-]. ~-; Npel Coward .h(ifl ppmpleted; !'P.PSt-;. '^Ib^tem,'r' :'play' of post-warrllfe-aiid - niaiiners.. witlr. nb.production 'aet-so- 'tan:;::^--; A,: ■V'^'i'''A\i'\M:;--''^:C- ■ Edgdr Wallace i'h'aa-, now.: written': .the book ;flf-; '^Kome," "musibftl with . scpref by .tose Podllla, ■w'hichvis "tb;b«.- produced: In :Ix)ndon: %bmb-'time. 1b August.';":.;::;i' ^ 2 V^Vf. ■ ■ : ■: ''■ ': "'. J; B.vFagdh moved ."Tiie.'New Goii.i soon" "frbm-the. Apbllo tb the' Burh« easi :and^ Is .changing; the'-title.-,t« "The Crlrl on tlie Pillion.*' ; • ' Jolui B.. Poi.' plrcu's fnidget,:',wa3 aNvarded $10,pOO ;dd;mageS frOm 'Jes-: sl'b . j! JGbbmbSi npvelty mahufacr turor, . pn' ^efaiilt. :;Fpi '. alleged <2pbirtl)H alienated the affections of Mris. Nona Fox, who. is four-- feet tali; -;' : .:■■■'.-■-; • . f-;eo'i:'.;p :Ktiiirii)'ah h;u;k' In ; tlie : riVftt-of-'Onc'i? Iji u-l^li..;lline'.". 'MosS : lluri .-.tbcik .jlUrt .iiUi>iv:'^^^ n u-t-(n!. ('iyiMii to."(viuipiuau iWlifg ill. :'.\'(-;w::' fii'-tor \ fp^• -the . piirt " is :l.>i:in(; lijoi.H'il; for: {«}■ lluu .KauCuviu. who' ,\vriAi',.iii^ .pl.iy, :cttn 'eoi'c ojci,'.',. .; ; "i.Joe r;f.|'Mii)i'.. .'Of; the -:t3plasfo siiifT; 7i\rr Om" the .t'ih .pC :t'onwiissloneiV ■ Pi"?IOd'iicatlon .at .I>png,lU'iiclv^ '. Kd'wdi^d; bean . Sullivan ■Rftes .'to .Melrb;to adapt "Night Coijrt,'V jS:ark -lireirihgen's unprpdiiofd play.-,Cluii;la,s ■liehan Ivelpfyl wrl,te it.' . v.' ';: T\vp: si.-lVrs; .'will iK' -n'lai-.i'ipiJ Jf^.^' 6 :ii> ,'iv<l'c«il>le f-oreiriliny.' . 'i'licy are Ol'sa' ^Vfid,'ehla. Zxindcl.' :01gn Ro.sipTiailpn: of. ^f,nJbr. ■ Geh; .T.'imcs (■:, ' II;ii-i.«.ord as ■ pi.ialrinari pf ' the. npard bC dii'.ortora or;R<iA is 'expect- ed lii bi'ds-i- that-C'.ea. iju:rl>6v.a. may devote, his onlifo lijiii'.io -the llepiib-, licaii'i-i.irt.'iv-' Pr^ilK^l>lIlt^vl)avl^V:Sar- npiT;'. now pi'e.videht, will; shift .to. chaii-man PC. the' hpavd ,a'ftPr llirr- hord,v<'*lpri>s^:Vvllli ->i; II.- AylPsworUi 'gpiiitin as H(.^\ pV^ ' ; nMioiii.'i.5 :!?'.;''Blpi 'coiTiPdliin u'hdfr the naiiie qf Bo.zo S'iiydor,' :fil,Pd siilt; his iii'tres^'.wif.p. l^'iiiiiiP'^C- i;it'ls(e|.n.' .iVpi'il 27 ih lf:iKei'--<tPWn,....Nfiln/.T^^^^^^ iiiony was hot iievedlpd.,' :. , , - -■ Aleiahder Pdntii-gcB pleaded, hot guilty to all'Cpuhts:;of contributlngv to the dollnfiuency of ai .niinor girl -In'coiihectloh- with Investigation. pf o; "pd,rty>glrl" agency; ./©live bay; Wlillam; Jobeimann. Jplm P.-;,Mllls • and Jesse Sbre\tp, siijiilarly /aecMSPd .entered like .pleas, ■' Trial - will be: in San Diego May-25; /:- , ' Mrs. -Irene .Edward.s,. .CPfttcstihi; tfie divorce suit of Clifton ("Ukulele Ik'p")- l3dwards, ;deh'lcd cliarges of relations wltii Aus.tln J; Ifoung, inii- siclari,' ■Whpm ■• fidvvarda named as' covrespondent.' Mrs. -Edwards: dlsp. asks, tlxe cotirt to' compel her hus-. band ' to .'pay:'money .asaertedly due under a property settjement. cffec-. tlve itedrly -a yca^;agOi '■ . ■ ■ > Marshal i*oilan,'flln[ii direclor,'told- the court: hp was. $B;500 .in arrears In alitnohy for the SJipport; .of his sOn because of- imiEfriploymeht, ., Ex- plaining that hp expected to; go to work:'shortly;- hearing w,as ; ppst--: ppne'd uhtll Juhe'.l. : -...■• v :' .. Carrtllie- Rbvbie, legit actress,. Is^ deCciidarit lti.a;sui.t, charging fraud In a rcal ostate tK-vnisactioil. filed; by .Tohn.;k;-Hubcr, foriner crife owner. Vluber' iiVers that tlie dclr.ess,- J. P. Olesori and; C.' F. "\VlnBrteia gypped him- i'n' swdpphlg; Jiis 'rc.Btaurant,.t,b^'■ ■twb■^;ots^";■C'■::■ ;■'•■'■■;■■.':::■■■-■■■•■..:;.■ ■ r'redric "H. 'Givhau, -publisher, bf th« .V^Coaat Reporter;", weekly .lieWK- p.ippr which atta'pkcd, the chata'ctcr br.C?lara Bow. goes bh; If idl' J line ■■:1 on : counts vbt sending;; bbscehe matter thr'oU'KlV the^ liiails; GIrnau Is. still: in: the'<^ouhty. Jali; ;.t'u'\nl)l(5, to Vai.'<p-$io.ono brill. ^ ., . ; :'. ' ■L'uo.v Dofttljie Riethniiilier; nihy nf tri\ss;-and Wplfr:J;r.-;IIeniiis,:.Bt;udlb To'rei.iin^. 'casilrig: dircctbr, • vecMved linai; t'.;;"S.. rltiiipiiiihip.; paii)'V.s 'lasl .woek.'-.:-. ■'■■■ .--■".-■-;- ■. ■;;:.:, :-.v.- - 1 After stagiitg a -$400 lioVdup ; In .«iKht Of' after-theatre pirpngs;: oi\ IJroiidwnv; WMli|!i>v-i Tiinn.ey,^ 23; w;iS: p,'xi>'linH'(l.-:ihd,.h,i-.reslPd..- ■Jl<'';:p!alni's ■■to' 'bcv it- ppiislh , oC 'tielie . Tuniity. i'viiinpy Bot the.. ii\oiiey by' holding (ip: the cnsliler. of the Arcadia ;!jallT -rPoiii.; .16S0 llroadwdy. ■ As he t.urtied dtt-ay: with- the.; tiipney , the- , girl suredmed; and liei rdn; : chased;'sey- :erttl. blbrWs. beCiire taiiglVt; ' ; . ;.;v Silting'in n ^Tawyiir'fi Ills e.<<lr^nigi'd wife -.-ilid "a. law,}'i^r In :air (illem'pi .'I'o 'irtralghten' PCit" their '. Coll'ellc Sicrton,: filin .aclrcsi.-Ih Applying .for.: temporary . ;alimpny: from .. Ariliuiv''Ka'at', actpi\: toid jito pout't she gave .up het* career '■fo'r her husjbaiid,'•■aiid; • fecli she i:an't scctirc '4' job in pictures, agaiii iiiittl a;dlVorce.' f!he-wdsi'awajdr e(l\$35'"per \veek''fpr 15- weeks.; , Descending 'a.OOO- feet in^'a' para .eiiuie, Dick Periy, film ;Hiuiit; man nearly- lost, hls- lirb when cftujght iih^O.nj^; ;iiIgU- tehsibji: wires, ■ -Dan'r, gli'iiff. j'v: >nlU-air, -ho. releai«c'd'.h'* ;' "■'(Cbhtinucd :from 'pdge :32,) .:; exchdiiges; a;,re, mdkirig '.eri;pu''gii' .rev- ; e'ntie' 'from.:;the. dPtibIe>fcatufes :t*;: rnore: tlian';;repay ;. for thip; iiiinpr': ibefses on shprts;-' .If; Is ,a fact that; ei(hli>8;;'dr'e' . using- prbdubt' at-;preaV ent that - .they fbririerly; ':»rpui'dh't;;: look at '.'Ceiiiahd: fpt' pictures is s*.;. urgent they, are; .buying, tip:'the.- quickie m^iterial dished "put by the chcap.est- 'of: states, right biilfits; Old Pal, Duress : TliC'' cxlilba --also ;iiialntaln' .tliaV : licy-,'^vill. plea in,'Vvo c.o.iirts .that they iaigncd for sliorUi'under il.u^ ;Tlie.v .threaten: tb .tailvc -these-cases to -tlie-:equity /'cbu'rts. witli - state*,; mehta that the exch.ang'bs forced them.- Into: pledging: themsel>|es f r the; oiib dnd two reelers by '^'^'th-. holding V*«>aturos.,. And If pot actually - withholding; featurea.; the '. {tfltchangcs ; boosted ..the prices tor - fbatiircB 'tp /such, rldlc figures; that, thpy 'were still forced -to sign for:- shorts -iri - order : to ;get rcasbniibie; prices On 'the features. ..-;" . ■ ■ ;;;. Much haggling -with:; the -.e^- W changda in a fever to. get their cpn- . tracLcd shorts hilled. Uutithe pxhlOs merely; slirug. their shbulciers : n.M rfetu4e tP (late .the'. shf,>i'!~'i. - Botlv sides-are: w,'inrns''f,oii;;.H slipAv.rdbwnr ' .lohii >- XlcCbriivii^k;; : former pre ducer, cabled Uis; proposal of . niaiv riage to a Mr^- ' Gattl's' Pf Beverly Hills, She sailed for: Hawaii , last week, . where- they: ivill bb .married ft,nd si)ehd tlielr hbrieyiriobn,. i'elurn-. ihg. to Beverly lIlUs^ to live,'if' Isi said;-.,-..■.;.■:^ ;. ;•-■• -,■.; ■ ■^\ . '^■;■':■ ■ :VfrCormiek- /TCCPntiiy -■ left -llbU-y Wood .with the ^eciiiratlpn he:li'oiild ne'ver retijrh.:: IJppn landing'. In Hawaii he -statred'he 'was ,,niav ricd- ,tb : Dorothy.-' ■llackail,' film actresis,- sbtnb tiine-this montii;. That f.-illlng' through,: : he : cajjled :Mrs. Gdttls. .; Mdy 13: is tlie' date :Cpllcen Xlobro's diVbrcb from hlin .bccqmes ■final.:;.' -■:.:.■■-■ ""..;.,.■.,:;';..,■-;-■■ ^-■'■■^.' Frederic: Girnau.' but oni,ba!i;PM a Federal, bhu'rge: of sijndihs: ■Oh'-scepe matter through :-tho; malls, i-evlsited th'b -shorllt's- bijice 'to :dcniand- the arrest pf - Iwb .jrten,'.piie said .tb, be G;uy;'RpckVVell,:fprpVer- Federal 'cpu^ ,iict;;'whb-at-t6mpt'e.d;'tp 'shake: dbwri Rex Bell, frierid. and Rpbert; Bbw, fa'tlier of: Cltira Bow. ttlniau'S) ar- rest wa's In /cbnnectlPn is^ltli articles he-'prlntod lit'Ills "Gpasl: Repprtjer" pOrpprting tP' '.'o.'cpo'sr" Mls.s Bpw's' .pi'ivatb;-life;;- • ■-. ./" -J ■ Block Boo^j^ ,, lllcpnliniied trbin'- page'^T) ; vv big circuits, and ■ tiien ;sell to: thP :, ijidiea ;who, have . the ;mpst; .do.>"S>i;., -, It Iho exhib ,wants,-cxclu.Mvp ryn •. thby ha VP. to ■take .all; the Plctiiv^^ , wWriv" in ' the- e.^tliija.tiPit of ;the?P (tpoUesirieii. sVts. thp .hlppltidpwn iibtlilhg; nvpre.:;tliativ;d :blppk :exf:epr fbif. -thp:'cKedpest';graitds.:; / , V : V'.. :, .' V ■;i-Ioliy\vopd, :MaS;'?-'^". ' , The' -iiioit; Imi)prtant ;.c,hitnge ' Radio Picttirbs' disU'lbU lieih plan tW:. 1931-32 pri)diibt calls for pldylns :<" over half; It's ■ibatiirb flirts on .perv.: centage.-. A flat rental system; .co«' .'i fp'r: th«>' remain,der.:; I'lllmLnatipn P' ."aaleis' qiiotas" : ambhg/ the' ?e,I.i'."K. :<;i'cw;:nnd'jndivia».ni advertising ano'-: publicity';,eampalgri9^foV ;.ea<?h pwv ture;. are the .blhpritwp,most, saneP' decisions.. . This was decided df; tiie; saies'.cbrjyentipn here '»; ended Friday :(1).-" ;.-: ; . : ; ' . - V f,; f V<-.:i>dc»»lon""A8' to'''tifK«Pli l)lctures;-.V'»:.--: bb p'recctitago-bbbked 'will rcst.'WilW .. a cprnmlttee p'f' sevWn-Jio'^V'^'^^^ ;executi-vesi^'-';■■-: • :•'■''-"'•'..--v"■ : :";;■'. ■';-