Variety (May 1931)

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VARIETY Pi C T Wednesday, May 13, 1931 s upinionon ; TliV> ,Cro\vi( y caso h,-»s rtonc rooi't io iTict\(t ■ii'tw YqtV. tilmdom Omn ^ :nnV .WliiN' ■oi'Ptni'e I" tlio lilstbry lof 1)10 city. It is'trlnfiinK a'^out a. re- ; aKitfvU/'ii the ^ E^^^^ picuiro Jlii'mp, ^'ven some pfv tliP film p^t . <'OVHiV'os wjlp sU'i'nly opposoj. It nov,' , vr6c«iicliis- nn<l ■■ St|iii'>b' the J^.crpcn raiuJbi ipnore. siioh a', vital :' (ipimrtnii-iit iiii ils drania, ospeoially iiOAv wjioh the. .«"l>J<?cl is ill a i)hliii-; laiinK s;i!itc hiuV 'piv. ihe 'toiiK^^^ ■ Yyei^.v iic»t.pai)oiv rea<ler and pic- ;, ,ViiVOS<!C" in the; country, ; . . ^ . ■ .'rhc itiys. otiVcc woi-kod almost !a$ • li.inV ; in unsaying Svhfit >vas' said- ■' ihc Two-flunni^i- said,: as '.c'dhinifs- , >ioner 'M-.ilrooney. :an(t. the iicvvijrcel: iopii ,<li(l iiv.eiTocting. tiie eaptui-ft\ ■ AruirooiiyyS by tiis Rtagins .oi£, the . iinlqjiie inpve. rill i)ollcc :cn-niasse ^a<;tivitifs, ..'is , conceded vo have ' Svhe'ttod.llio public gangsler appetite' : nntil it seenis alnios;t certain; ac- ( oi'dint; .to picture .pfTioials Mbnday, \ i.ligt tjie industry win/be foveed to / drnSv put of its 'jipn-rgang' anB ail- i'ollyanria shell-and take adyniitagc \ pf 'thls-bit; ot. latest expioltatidn, '' . ,When- the. .ncwsreels have cPm- ; .pVcred their runs thrpughotii the ■ ^^.^.■with■ st^ gpod: asi' tiiose by tlVe niost grapliic ne\vsi)appr . writer;' box• ertltfes are predicted' In : knowing spots to. dp, a clamor, fpr ; aiipther gangster, cycle; . ^ , ■ The new 'screen killer will ,evstr- ■ rintee the support pf' nipre extras In copper' rpies tliaii a.hy turned- out sp ,~ far be.eapse pt the'- Crbwley" prcce- Oeiit;; :onc that evien.. the dizziest. . . scenario, writer or .direcioi- .never .'ilreamed of. '■ .-:,. That Kind . A sob-Sister askcd. to see, one: pf the 'i'arahipunt stars.: . ' . "Wheii" tpUl: stars . iinder .cPn-. tract IP Par wei-e. - np ; ibiiger J pernijtied tp.: see ebbblea, -the gal' pipeil::: : voivay,Tirwajt,'' '"v' . .The. Chicagp' VAnierfcan" siild. I'Wllj - Mahbney has. tlie peaU: nov - city .of .the cyienlng/ H<>' jigs, and dances out. a tiine/ on a x'ylopbono. ■Yes, he 'plaj;s 'It with- Ivi.s .;jiiinbVo, toes; and ;lt Rpcs pyer 80 blg .Dir^t the jjoiise .tried tp -vr*<^'t the next scen.p with their, prplpn£ed : »p-. pla.use," - .■•- .;-.::' ■ Direction- RALPH XSv FARNlLJM - ■ ■■1660 Breadway ■ .v"":-'\:'-. CHINESE IS OUT ■■ - :■■.,' '.i^ ■ ■ ■■;■.' ■ ■■ ■ ■ : .. . \L.09 Aingeles; Ma'y 12. - ■ ' -. Fox-"West - '.Const .. is. sloughing Ora\iman"s Chinese, as ^1 .'50 -deluxer. : it will. Inaugurate npjct: month, a .day-and'datc: policy of- the .Chinese : with. the. Critcrlph". Only 'diff.oi't ln-c . will, be that ■ the Chinese .w;l;ii. 'be two-a'day. straight pictures to 75c ■ top, pr a. dime inoic than the CrI-. . terion's.Cic grind. ■ ' Oldknpw believes that the, Car- ; ihay Cii'clo. alowe, -is. aJl necessary for a reserved seat circuit-island in If, "AV Can't 'llgu'ro the •.ecpnpmic -ytvVu^.of tlie Chinese ni.-lking '♦17^000 :bn the run of; ''Trader. liorn" and dropping'$25ib6o on th^ four weeks of :. ','DirigibIe,"' -which :clpse(V ! the hpiisc as a reserved seat deliixer, t' the Chinese' has never been a nioney-makpr. . _ • .' :F-'VVC Avas:thlhkins: of a day -tXa Ic poiiVy for the Chinese slniul- -t.anoon.ely .witii Xocw's,il~ta(0 down,: . tbvvh. iiut wa.s circiimvpntPd .by thi?' ope'r.itioii cpntraict. with: the Jlolly> .wood I'firitagCs, . : ' - Charlie t7haptin,'it is observed, by' spiiie. of the . mpris;: learned!' splpns, p'cebably: never';w'Pvld have :gpne on. recprd abroad ill the rhahner he lias if.'he. had .iieard, pf '«:il. old English, ac.tprj AVlillam " Charles Macreadyi Tliat actori • afi*r' '*.pl"K some' ln>- pplltic nhiiigs at: i dinner pariyj re-' turned, the same' evening -and wrote In his: diary: -■?:...! r , "God gave us .two ears :»nd; one mpyithi , it's a. pity. we Upn't take ;the:,hint:" ;;.:: ■■ ■;.■ 3 - ; ' ■' ■•'■■ ;■. ';' . AlthPii'gli .American' fllnjdp''m'.has- ealled • many pf . its ' peppie oil the: .Carjpet. fbr things ; ipne 'in arid arpund HpilywPod,:-it does not .cpn- slder. itself involved pr interested in the Opihipns expressed . in' Eiirppe by .ainy pf: Its people, . especially if such exp'resslpns vare iinade abput. a :cpunti:y of which the sppUesman Is a.pltizeni.' ■,; ;'-..'.' .'..::■■;:,-.. ::■ rlt'B Chaplin and'net the American Industry that .puli.e'd what'.flimdpm's ■spekesmari- (Inscribe as a viery. bad bpner. Adylsprs of 'lVill Hay.s, h'pw- eVer, feel that the Chaplin attitude; Is.strJctly-a persetial ween ■ a:king and; his Siibjeot, ■ - Frpm , the;. Anierlcnn 'film ppint' pf yliew, ClVa'plIn's utterances alpiig so-r clalistic. . lines - dp 'nPt v tiny tcrins bf .the-. Ilbilywppd e^ .. ' ' Slurs :!:y^v'' Had ChapUn m.ade tJie: accredited sTtirs at . patrietism and, evidcriced ?tlch.allegcd'<ilsrfspect in any pf his plctures^or sHPuid arty cpmpany fpr that matter attempt even by infer- elicc . opinions in a- ieature talker'p-aU .such . matter wpuld be deeiTiod pffenslve and;:prdcred.'elSin hated, .before the picture cpiild : be relpased. : '-.■'"; .: '' ■ ■ IlPlie tlvlt England will , take the Chaplin dpc-jaratidns .and actipns as "the .fpolishntent pf a clown" is ex- pressed in American fljm diplomatic cli'c^le's. ' ■ ■ '■. 1 '■ .-, M. D/s K. 0. Bow 6 Mos. TO FIGHT Bui itri OVet;^ Filib, -Mystenes of Life' ; A., deal has heon made by Sa.hiiL. Cummlris'fpr the feature taiUer on e' by .Clarence. IDarrpw. tp. be handled'by.'Universal.' It'fc: in elglit rcelis- iind iltled ''Tho. Mysteric's Of Ufe.?-:': ■'.: "::■;;': : . Associated with Jbarrpw In -n-prk- ipg. out the psycholpgy of life was Prpf. .H. M. Parshiey of f^niith Got' Icg^ .Tile picture lias .been : edited bji W. - M. -Tpunge.: .■; ITs pian of distritiuiIon .w 111 .sta:-1 with; » road show,- fpllpwed 3^^^ ;a general: release. ■ ' ■ According to the Cummins rind V distributing agreement, Darrow re- serve's the right tp perspiially• lead the fight on any censor bpard ac- tion against its public exhibitipri. . ; . While it's admitted as almpst cer- tain to draw protests frpm the churches, the general theme pf the picture is in dp way an attack uppn religion. , '.■-;''■:'.■■-:■ ■'::- No exact release date has been set, as U will work out its own road showing dates. V. ' L As's Accornmodation Marriages i to Linger Lonm e on Hal Phyffo, portrait photographer, may go to the coast to iiiakc studio stills for Fox. Negotiations are on to that end. It's a three-month proposition with the contract calling for I'hyffe'B ,ser\ ices exclusively. G0LDWYN'S5-YR. • In signirig" up new talent fpr wiilch ■pbssihilit(ps. ;,sccrti 'assured, Sam Coidwyn is handing out flvc- coiitv.-tcts,;witlv no. ppiipM cit'toniarji; co'ntract in plottircs- for stars and directors Is one year and four annual optipiiS;:,; ' .' GoUlwyn ;has Ina Claire, Betty arable, Florence Britton, L.ily Danilta and Shirley Gray under the, straight, five-year ; agreements. He Js- loaning most pf these art Ists' to either st\idips when not needed at United Artists. Miss Claire,- pxppcted;eri.^t soon,.Is gping tp raranipunt to do "Wed- ding iCi'rcuS;,''. witli' Ernst / Lubitsch directing and possibly tP be. niadc at .4stprla. Misses Gray and .TD'aniita are -un- der loan to Hadio fpr two pictures each. Miss ifcrittpn ; iias ; .^,ll•cad>• d^phe' ;a couple fpr jPar and will prpbably do more under. Goldwyn loan. ; ': : 42 Tests Not Enough .Hollywood. May 12. ■ • , Howard fluphes has miidr- 42 tests ;(pr. the :i'olio:,in .'.'Ground; ttpg," in- li>nrted for iiouis Wplbeiin: ::■ ;' -'/ ;,I3iglit>player'not;found yet. PAR RUNNING SHORT IN STARRING TALENT CONTRACT FOR $50 WK. :. . .'. , - -■ .Lbs. An^^.)^^,t. May-■12-;; . V. f?ppi.i,n1 . ciausc rcgiiirinK lii'i- to .«;prvo. ..'i'ft ' a m.-lnnpqulii -itH .\\-(-li as actress, is tacked- on; F;iyp I'li'rrc's tlirop nionilis' cpntr.-ict w itli ' -Mii- - UPl f'.didwyii. Inc. :;,- :/^Tlip' 1ft- ji-ar'-(iiii .st.-irtf-■ at- $.10. ; James Todd Going West :;,. ju in IS 'I'odd,.- hvU ...; a i-U'r,,- . U f i ;T1iui'.Mlay'..'v 7.) fci- xh<- r<-s.' i;,'i, ''i.i: ,-lii.lly>\<M-il'.\vr;ii.|'ii.-<| .ji;.:.ft-''i'-j-iii .-trn:<-t. : ' 'y: ' ,■,'■;.''•■ ■'■■■;; . ..: 'J^o',"' u,r'>'.'''< 10 >S m;c .;-.;--m ,. a: f<.-w- . weiAfc.a.cti .'iftrr vla.\ Ci.;!- in r'ljv. 1.1,1,. -<lpn prVidiii-iioti: <if;':sii\-iii/.v 'iriVi i-.- Indc;"' i,fp. liii;s'f'ii V i'li ;ii-,<-'. <.!iil,'(i f.Pr.,thP p.nst. I.wo, ypiirs; Hollywppd, M!Yy 12. ClaViv Bow is out of pictures fpr'^ si.v nioiiths'or no, by dPCtprV prders. All ;visitor.s are: turned riway- at the ^iionil.'yli.'. jiinatoviutn: except her fa-. tlinr and ll.;x l!< ll, Latter is building ii house for her to convalesce in on his vuin-h nPar'the Nevada line, . ; Si'Vcrai Ilaivinioutn' ;. production." swilchps , lirirc rt suited frpni • her brphkOiiwii, -"Ito.'io; of -the -Hancho," wKlV.JMoi'PH Dpi ilio and llicliard .\rlfn is si.t pppd ijacit ttp. let Arlt;ri go 'i!i.lo ''.^^;;lo.t C!Ul,"'.'Willi Poj/jry iSli.nniion, Miss lliivy';.' substitutp.; Charl'-s .'-:iarr(tt, set for Ic.-.d cpr> \liss- lid.vv: Is, sans a.'^.^ipiimpnt. Tlir »if>n' who trJ-■ t<i.iln Hiililrllilnir aiHl lull MrP In'lliltrrl.v lirltrr (llaii • lioM-. «ln» try 1« do n'i<l.l'."t; t,urrp<>il. .;•' :- I Mn. AM) MKS, J.trK NOIIWOKTII 130 Wmt 44tU fUrtrt New York Miss Crews. East ;". '■ , l.niii-a. l Fijj.K' i 'y<-\y<. a'trPS':.,(Iji'bo - tfr '■' !.':iil . )M-iidij(.!irii-i' flssistV.iit to .^;iiiiu'-l '.!fVil«-yn,. i.i- eavt-for .-v brief •-■••'V. ■.■y:'^/l'^-: ■':.' ;',.•'; ' .."Oip- iv i r j,i.i-ifi(V. here to confer \\ i! li .'"ilii? i.i .Swii'iisiiii oii ibp "Hpi-l;- ll-l^v< :' ,t.'li>r^-,; \Vl,l<0-,; .Jii.<iy .,S«an<^>'l in/;>.is iiii' lie?t for lint■V .\l;!^^^,^'' .':■".■.'.-.: . ■ Hollywood, May 12. Making his first attempt at I'liilp Varicing,:, Gary ; Cooper hits Par- amount's lead in "The Glass Kpy," by DashlcU ILnmniett. ;: rro<locers plan to build Cooper in niystcries .along the lines given Willi.iin Pow-. cll. Jphn Cromwell, who directed Powell in severali is tp ni?g,"iCf,y;" ■W^lth Clara Epw put pf pictures for six month.", Peggy.Shannon who substituted in ''Secret Coll" gets a, heavy plug from Par in hope of quick, star rating. She is also cast In "Murder by the Clock.'' v ;: 'The loss; of;Miss liow, in nd.dltipii to .Ppwell and Kay :I'l-amis leaves roramounf with a small star list In need of hurried re'pletieh, '■ There 1» nd.ditipnally ib" rf>»":;liil- ily of.J.i'ck ,Dakic,.h<-|iij:-. of,' i v li.M, tlironrh rphtr.nct aVpvinif rt^-. ; 'ri;.(;' if- nothing p>-irpdulpd for hiin.. ;.; 2-Act in 3 Shorts '.;;,'.■ Haiiin iias .Clark nnri McCuIIouk)! fs'i' ilirp'r -shuris.'.:. The comicf le.'ive .Xi-w Vprl{: siaii-lly,; : .: .:'■.>. ' ■ i'ii-airi.-^s w ill bf: in.'irte In .innr on the i-oast. . . 3d Doubling Picture y -M.-ikinp It' his third siic.i-ssivi pU'ltjre .- -with ^ Pflramount. /Uiigli O'Co.hheJI, If ttit.. 1r : tp; ^appear iii ■'Terfonal M.-iii;,''? ; Naiicy ;Car'ioirs' neW Par film, Monta Roll Is/dr- 'rectjhp, sla.tPd to Btart:lit<vnday a.U- .at- Astpria;.-i>.:.l.<' :..'.■ . In "Maid." as with the others. O'ConncJl- will double from "Once iii a lifetime." Hike Conncliy diiJ tht agenfVni-. SAILINGS ; jtine 21 fS'ew York' to .J^Kindph), gcnai-or Murphy (lie de- F'rance). '-, • .June I~(Paris to N'exy.York),John klddewall rSt.. Louis). -' May 22 (Paris tP New York), Al W'pods .(ErciiiPn').. ■ ' . - . ' : May;.10 (New Hamburg).; Chester Erskih. (Europa)." ;. May 18 (Lo.s .AngelPs to. Nf.w- York) Abe Lyman, rtoberi OOl'dstei ii (& S. .Pennayivaiila). ... 'Ma:y iOVLojidon' to; 'New York) Joseph "W^itsori;;(f.JlhPasti-la). ' - , ; May 16 (London. 10 .New .York). Mary Ellis, -Basil S'ydnpy- i.T^eX'ia- •han); .','■; ■'' ■.■ " May : 10,' (New Ycrk to P.-iris). (^iiestPr ErskIri (Kuropa). C ; May 1« (Paris to New. YorkV. Virginia Jolly. (Amrrica 11 i-'ainipr). May 16 (Paris tP New York). Robert Hipley.. Ii-\viii Kalin, Carlos IJuli'ler (lieviiithan). : ' , V ■ May - is; (New York to T.-o is); .Jf r. and Mrs. Abo I^istfugcl' (lie do France). ; .;-, Jlay 15 (New .York to London) Gale Quadruplet.* (IIp dc i'ranre).' May 13 (Paris to New York).. Linker '.an<T Loy.y (.pai l's). , ■ - :'. May '12 (New' York tp i^ugland) Mai;y Pi>/kfiii'd (Bremen). ; . : May 12V<Ne-vv York to' Lbiiilpn), Mai-y -Pickfiird, Norl Cow.ard;. j^il- lian (irisli, , Aiiihohy Jc wrtt ( lii-ein - . mpn). • ' IHa.v - ii I Paris to >>p IV York 1, .Tack Ci)iiiU'll:.'. Aire; .li-si<wvviti! and trptijip. .P;ivy. Hrprn (Euro.p.l',). ;; ■ M.'iy 5, (-''.vil.u<'y..;to S:vri T'raii'.i.if-i.'i. n.ilph' lliiylr-, jiliii,; i^.iiv :>, HilVji i Siiij.s .(fnprr;'!),'■ : M..y 0 iNcw .yi,i-l; to Enj^land/i .Tolin .' lfyr-.;.m, . IVou'arii; .Propmaii 'Hi iinr.iiii ). ' " .,', "'. •- :'.Ma S'.t'Np \v. Yiivir to- Ca!ifoniin V Mr. aVd Mrs. AVi; Ilcildvii, AiUcn .,'5.i;Tnky,, riol^rvi t ,?sr. nittio- nnth, =\'Ii; .Sliriiih-ci /(?;ilifiH-r.ia).. ; . MiVy . 11/ (Jicjiidon tn. New Yor'k). KcniK thM' 'liiwifu iMiuiri-tnnia). May . 'f. (Npw VY.ork td- Piirls), YellM'-niihin (France). . ■ May' S- (I'iivis .to. Now- YorkS^ iiir. and Mfs.' GPrspn 'Gi;oss (I'P'nnlarid). - May. >' n'.iris ' to N'pw -VPrki; Cii.irles Wagner (M.iiirttanla). Hollywood, .May U'. Acconipdatlon mnrlofics 'hiiv*-. ar- :' rived but here, ThPse' aoebnioiiaipd 1 are femme player.? fi'pm .Hurope, liere - On' a six. months'- ticket fi-.iin the Iminlgratlpn authprlties. The - accomodators ar© American Imys. wlip get a free meal ticket-for s;iy. ihg "I do." ; '^ .'.:' ,; ; •■-: '.;. •Grabbing: tfteinselves^ hiii^brind doesn't guarahtee rltlzi-n-. ^ ship for the ambitious girl.'--, bin it ' .does,result in lohioney from ,V; iuic .: Sam. , .'..- ■..'. ..';'■:.; :- :,., :, '-' " ' Itiisli for the .ma'rrlagealjlc: i'pov ,s atartp'd yilien a- dbuple.of girls, on^s Spanish: aLtid , one''ttcrmaii,' led. - cojipic of- lad.s' to the .alt'ar a'fi.w ' days before they were due to go hoiiio, at the invitation of t'ie vM\r ernni.ent. : ' Girls, are still here and g> tiins • Jobs pecaslpnaViy in-,iiJivtiires. ' liti)y ('i ''.." the rush I'f -.otiiPr las.sios tor Artn-i-i'-' .' pan. iiubljies. " Gliap 'at one o( ■ iho' sttttlip.s whose.bu.siriess'i.t Is tb.l: uiiw ' -. the w-hys and wherefores ' of the - • foreign contingent says.-there's, tubre ■. bf these acconYpdation affairs; .sc-Ii.imI- : uipd. ' ■?;',■;.'■ '.■:■.■ - '^'-i. ■ ;;'■".::■, Just another m.anitestritioji oi 'tliW;;- deslrp. pf: the: )nipprts;;tp stay iioi-w;' After ' seeing . the ; Califorhia-, ."iiiii,: ' Hollywood Picture S!il:(rips: .•niii ^ati . .urge to .evvontuall.v; get 6ne of -tliosc Beverly- Hills mansions. - ' The, hu'sbrind thing; Iii the .w.-i.v to ' promotion and pay; 'so; the ;gii-l.^ ;, tliinic. It's a pipe,; tP"?>, for a mar-, rlago ■ out here Is merely another■ d.ay, and Reno Is only a -Jaunt; bcr ; tweeii pictures'. ;.; ^\;. -. .; ; .v; ' - COAST RETRENCHMENT STARTS AT U AND F-We ^;: " V .. .. '. . ; Hollywood, May 12. ■ t-nlvei'sai's let-out of sonic ixHip!** .ind tlglitciirng .up generiilly: of sijiy ' dio personnel, along .with a: sinillar.: iTiovp' by iF'ox-AVcst Cp.asi, ls'~tli»» flireruliner .pf .'i general ;coiisoV\-mi tt)>\ .-lind rcfi-pnclimeni on th.e wi s't 1 <..i*-t. .Thfafr* exiitblilon . bi(siiVp,ss> iioiiig, c(fC, 'witii that as a determining if.;u' -.' 'tor iriv-siudio maittei*; it has prcyiii- tated an ei'Oiib'niic adjustment.' , N one; pf it. i«' d ras* t ic. ; Tl 1 p i-e; i:s no .to tp 25 pprccntngp .salary out uiiilcr - rt'iiy,: (iesplle.such i-unicirs. ' -There has been trilk befoi-e of stii--' dios aslving 1 ts play(?r.^; f o. t.-ikP' a 10 tp 20% salary cut. bilt tbM coji'.'prt- ed prioc-.cutting- ,'j»iid . pi'if e-HxinB \ 'lia.s been frowned upon for; Pbviovs reasons. ' ::. '-'.- - 'y-y,- ;i Universal 1-9 iPlting; iiut si.i;iip;.'cir.; its studip e.mplpyeJs 'as; part of a..; general tightening up and efilcioiicy' 'move.- Production -'end must; ro- p;:(lin.ite ,tt.s hianpiiwei' with tliat . of . distribution end. stiitps C.-iil Iiaf;mni)e; _ Jr., who denies ho had prderf d 10 tp-25' perepiit Kiiliu;y' CMts. for employees.-'.;■,;'. . . , : r : > : ;L.iemmlPi Jr.,'leavcsiiore iii .nbout a;^^•cek for New Yorlc to buy suit-' .able .stories. ■ -' ; Albert IJeMond, as-WciHr'' pror d,'uc:er, with X'niversal six 'yr-ai-v. rC' signed Friday, (S). ;jpj-ry :iror\vV-pn, ; PeM-ond's. assistant, 'i tuk^s civer supprvisitin'pf ''XVhplP 'rpwii's' Tali<-. ing, " " which PeSlund -liad ' jiV iiro^- duption. .. ' ; . VVriiprs,; oh. onp-pic-turp Assign-- liients, 'put are Preil .N'ililc); Jr., Nell Prandt. Ray Dpylo; Hugh Hoff- man and Rpgart Itiigprs. T<. li- hlciiihs .and fransp6rtat.ion hr lp hayn also bppu let out. :;; '■ Goulding's Play Al noulding. "Vl'atnpi-; short Kui'Jcft pnidOi Pr in the, has ,wi:ltt<-n .-i pk'iy; and : is hpw .-lAvait ing- tlio d'.-<-'P in of an arigpl. ;; ■ ' ■-'■■;';. , -Manuscript' is tjtlcd = "i'"iiii<';i'ic;" it di'at's witii life around tl.f Al'xl-' can f:an-,hrii)g spot. Harry Cohn in N. Y. Harry Colin, ac»''>nipanl'd ;>'\ I 'd- diP IVuziiPll; arc paet fi-o.i.n ilir ;< ■'. ■\yitli; this tiip - .scporrtl: trip fii.!- < '• linj in six nioni.iis.,;;.;;; ' ..:;, .;' ; ;vv.-''- AVlll st;iy two or th.i-'-p; av-;-,*^.' . Model's Short TTerni . Marjorip King, a ni<Ml41, t-c^p : I'p Meti'p under .a shortvtrrni coii(r;i'.;.!. ; Mi.sK' IvMhg li.i.s' brt'n niPdoliiig, f;-r Paliiii-llvp f-oap and otlur i-oimn' •'• ei.'ils. • ;,;:...;■.;; ■'■■:'.■■.'■--