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^V'cilhesday, May 13,^193.1 To Theafti^ ScA^^ Oio Amt-i^ican . picture M>ualiiess: Jis. flndJnKVtimtllqapr..returns^ I tlie ~!(clTni»!;ioii3 .paid by . fans to" eoe; : jthc tcaUire. ■ •, ' :'^l':iram6unt is talting-thc liiltliiUvQ. in'tlie cafe-thealce coitibii\a.llbn. Ac'--. cording to home pfTice ;oiocullYts ■' evert wet isurdpc is e6lng. tor the Iflett ot Imblblns wh»c .icrceri^ In iuxiirioiis plctiii-e bouses ;. »nd not 'the 70%. .drinU-iiiK^^ g^^^^^ .>0«»'picture .allow wluc^v ^^^'ls pxiatea over .^lliiropo, ^especially iri; Spain •nd pai ta. of Germany, since the Irt' jtrodirctloni pt rilm;/d^^^ in- ' ip'ovatlbn even for: liiosc .;Wlio can /•rioi'.iand. voniunve' -. aiiywherc • at !»nj'lii>>e'. ^: ■■' . r';iramqutititcs:'de,scV.lbo thd^ |06% : fiiriViiy cntrarice the!xU;e along • Anicrl^aii 1 jncs;nH possos'slngi a jot .of, ml ilia til re lights and- pushbivltpns, ■.' tilsP iiWiors'th'at fvirtctipii.in the dual ■ <;ftpacrLy of . w-allCTS .when tlifr but- j-toM. i^ .'pusiied/ V; :\ ; ' ^ That Easy K ' V' ' Su('li ci thcatrc'vsay they, is the .• wine cai-d is Pit. the bade pt cacli Bcat, lii^eurdrng to. the dcscrip- :tiPn, Mlh aVltght at-lhe tpp, .whicl) can-,' be tui ned <>rt , and pii," ot; us- \ inany tbiic's .oia nl dr|»li is rppcatcd. By the .vldc.;orihc: fard:is the but- ton viliii'h summons, the ushcrlpi; •w-ailci'.; lie (lulctly taU<s:thc order . . ariiV i-oi.iu:n!i just as tliiSetly wi.th ihb [ t)6i>7.i-^. , '■ Di^iiiks.. ; thus; for the .nrst^.tlmP,' ■ ■ ..eopsui.utc ■ anpliidr' pai-.t' 6t; syri.-^ : cViroifiza'ti.pn. Cpcktail ■liarlies. on ■ -.tiie ■ srirpcn. can be;>iVjoycd' in ',t)ie ftu\UiMu-c sihuiliancoiu^iy.' IJrinlc- Ing ilruiile- 'wrili : thfe itatsmay be /.one ; oC . tlic-^i^iisost aiyslCs^ f or iidtfil .f6i'ti;;iVers. ..' . ' [, - ■ . GO; PAR INTERESTED V/ jrollywood, May 12. ■ ; ji>ii(v i!;ii'cymore, for tlic time bp- \ Ihg -is put -oC pictures. ;;nc wijslied. Hp with "Warners, withithe comi^ tion (.t VTho Mad CieniuK," aiid as; :- yct n(>lliing lias developed from this .: Epurro las to, fului-e jiit lures. Sales ' rcporls Pn Ijarryninre; have ;;b,een , .»UJd. ac,c('riling ',tP AVl-J excbaiiges. , ■ ' ' i'aranuiunt would .iil>e to liaye the - ialar iiV -'J^i-i Jeltyll ami -Mr. Jlydc." ,v , I'layer returns lierc snme time ,this,\vefls from u yachiinit trip, into itcxii-an \yatcrs. lie expects to • leiivi' iininediatciy I'pr ^Alaska . (o ; , liunty 'ipparphtly (lcoiilii)g' to forget ■ pictures for a time^ , -„, ! Sy8te;m , ;'Hollywood, May IS. . ; A film' .actor re'celyiiig' $750 ■we.ekiy uiidei- ; contrnLct ap-. peatca at the gate , of ,l)ls studio, after Xoiir ' weelcs ^In o iVesiiltal. ,Thc ^ateman did not , ri'ciigni/.o: hltn or , his name • and'asKed for'identiflipatloh.-, : The actor ..showed/the .gnto- /h\ah one of liis, .$750 salary cliecl;s received, vhlle .ill.. T'ia'-, was not considered ; sunicient, ' ,sliioe. the featemaiii- tixplaiiied, th<e actor's. liiinie^did not appear r uivpii the Comiwny's - roster he liad .at. hand, ■ ^ ■ ; .A .studio : ; escc •; flhtrfly:' .straightened out tlie ent;v"Ble-r Picture Directors Must Fol- low Xiwii liiitiatiye to jBe .Successful—-SulMrdinB by the System—Star Pic- ■ tures Sidestepped—What Fleniihe Fans Waiit' to See MANACLED WRITERS Those 3 Worst Towns :■ Toledo. May J2- ■' ■■ Tom i<enny says' 'iVaricty's"; rating of worst sliow ; towns hlipiild not read "Me'nipliis,'. Toledo and Birmingham." ,.: ' It 'shouid bp Toledo, Toledo and Toledo. ;? ':. ■. Ilollyw'ood, May 1!. ■ ; M.avlc lVre,«sloi^'£i W,<;elily_. salary .of f 1,000 'fi-onV AIeirci has been raised by that studio ,to $5,000 we'eUly-:, Tlip j'TOp Weei<ly .pay - to Robert ■Tirohtjoiomory, recently cltvated :-to sl'ardbm,' has been (ivpmentcd by a bonus-of SlO.OOOi also, by Metro. : T.,ouis B; flayer:^as- .behind both moves. ■ ;■ ':'. :' -' j'''or" Mi.ss lire.sslcr. Ma'yer t!; con- sevvirlg her money for a yearly an- nuity, it is Bald, if the actress should ■ eyent.un.llyv.rcilro .fronx ttiq screen. Too Loose—Barbara's Out llollywoud. May K. .■' S^^^lruprs h'ave ' i-eiiiOved' liarbAra Kfaiuvyeii as theMead in, "i'ato Iii ■ lieiL^v ,: ni>:is(in Riven was.sho had playoU ,tii'^::Vi..s>r /lady.r tpip Pfien;' V.' - ^ People^' Starting After Harlow's N. Y. Trip '• - ■ IlollyvvixMl, .\r.<y i:. ' : :^v^^^,-^>:irNi>V;;;ieft/Satu!^lair niAM ' (ii; J ii' a. Illr!'C >vC'\ ;ic;'.tir'jv- in «•■■■■■ Vni lc. ivHirnlng tli<-"i;'iftcr to ■ r ■.Miiiii.- Hi vtiiieer' l'i vl''c''??'or 'J'<>«'•' a-il'JhiC:!:':K., "; '^ ' ^' 1. li.i^r, li;-^j-eiid^-l!ig: : Ji.e ,;f;rri)i /TiniM,.:!^;; y,M,v(-J;.':illM!iz;i:Uorc' 'jt'oypllv. :; ''i;jii.s;v:'i^V.)ii.y''ivu 'K'iiV'- a^ r.'f-'- tiViri'-',: .will ^ovrr si^e , inil'U:.- ■ i;-N!lil.ii.- tivji, -I!., (.ue (if Ihosc ''f 1 11 i,e u-ood of: .till. (liiligs. ; . V; . .'T,':'. -Mi-< :,iri-j; iLi.-:Iiiiiiii'e'-i-.-i:...-'l-'''''i . *6 iiVej; ■'•(^ 'P.:,*' also cbllaliii^i^' im the *da r.(a , ,V11 h . 11 ;>\i;:i i;iV; .J- re(;u ' iwd .ri'tj,u'l.i'iivi: 't. ■^jel.iro'-ii.. Too Many Garbos ilollywood, Slay IS. : Too niany C!rottt Ciarbps in Holly- ■wiiod already are causlMg Warners- VS studio to ayofd aT>y linking of lAl ])asPver, new German star, with Metro's sphinx. ■ ' ' riethorit of Oarbo, types .make ridiculous any nc\vcomtr trying to got across, pn ' her ' resemblance to Garbo. Vox now rcsfcnts. aiiy CVarbo cphiparisohs; for fillssa,' I.andi, though at first the studio rather liked paralleling them. I'nlversal signed ."i nrwcomer several months ago and announced her a Ourbp tyjio.- :,is*o\v , the girl has been tpr- goiien. ■•; '' ' ••■ / ,' Grooming Rose Hobart ; :' , irollywood. M;iy 12. rnivers.-il'fi grooming of Itosc M'or hart for stardom is intensive judg- ing bv studio's attitude toward the fotnmc lead in VAVaterloo Ih-idge;''- Miss iloijart,,. Oi-ig'iually sriiedulcd for the part,Was in ,;tliP-n>idst of rj-;ast ,pf •Uo'riieo'- when U was, ready; t.y start on the: Knglish play,. M.-ie, Ci<iiH<; imder .an,. optioh^-tp rfluiii to (.V^uuilila, was te-"-t<-d and liked fi>r; the: part.; ros.«ii)ility. of taUiiig Miss ]|oi>.art:6u't of ''Horn'*-?'' .'Was also' Kohsid(-red, but:studio de; (■i(lrd to li'dd .pt:. f'lir.ldgt!" till the U girl was thi ou'i'h with "Uprrico.". Htudi . is l.utMlr.g Ml.-s H>'l':ii l i" (iu'co' i:ev : , plcliircs,: ;"li(»iieo," ■■WdtOi-lMo";Vl^''"''f'^'^" -KiJ Streoi;-;.'', , ;. • . ; ■ Jladi'.i is.lif.rrn.ving Jl'isy.- H":'an I'lViiiV :t^Miv/^h;^lV;i:i)r: t;ie, -ify -'St:r;ti!ge AVoni'Jh/V'Ivaiv h oiui. V ' '' :'-■: ,; ■ ■:,; .'" ' - • '• j;i-iiv'loJf .^\.r:);'? U;e../*to';y. ; ; MISS KENYON'S CONCERTS i . .....'•.•);(>,!iy\vp'/'i,;;M-! ■ I-Tii li^ 'Ki;iiy.ui,; ivawiii^.^.hV'^'^' 1 ii.:M;r;.- i^:-!'''!"''.. will,;^;':4^':n;'!.V■ i''inci-ot';si;ig'-s III \'i'. ^'i;>,.',i .1 ■•••i liti .•i'rld'ai''t!:<' .\li''/'. ir'l" 1' *.','. '''-'',';: uuvii, ('■'■> 1:1.1•.>;•■. ■',': ■ : ' ; ■ •„■, ; .She \eilI speiiJ i<ir^ a'ri.l ,Tui y in l'':(l'is siii'i/i;i-;',iil);i/M' f riKipiu aO'l t;uri'..-i'.. ■ ::,:■: •■; ■ ,■■ „.;/ : Directors who make, a reputation in pictures are the revolutionary director»^th6«e: who' insist upoh^^b^^ !ng all6w«dtb:c(o wh)|^t they want to do, Thesa directors are only good while they successfully fight for .their'ideas,;,-.":,.■■ ■".■^ ■"_.■'■•;;, ■, As soon as :orie complies with tiie ■pictgi-e-system or: subordinates, his own idisas to drditrs, «■ director be- comes a stock director without per- sonal creatii/e. worth. For this rea- soii the outstanding picture direc- tors in the business can be: counted upon . one's fingersi Such are the opinions of Lewis Milestone.- Picture producers cannot be blamed, '' Mr.., MUestoti'e" , belie.v'cs. They h.ivc their business, their sys tem"and.schedules to thihlt-bf i from tlie commercial viewpoint as a wiiolp they are riglvt. '■■ ; ■ : The producers need the. stxir pic- turps which heed little creative 41- rcctiou and which the' best;dircCtoi's rebel .at handling because, the star pictures, good or bad,' bring the largo women audience into tlie the- atres: The clotlics, the appearancei, the coiffure and mannerism of tl'ic .woman star mean more to fern me patrpnsltiiah. whether the picture Is good or bad, or popriy dircctedr-^' . Directors who are Iboktng to do belter thing-'' in pictures can leave these star talkers alone, says Mile- stone. Occasionally, when a good director docs handle' a play,.; .lit treats the star as an actress rather than a sl.ar, and manages to turn out something csceUent This is i-eally not the alm of a star, picture and is not necessary, he.adds. ^ ,; Bucking the System ' ; But the, director aiming ,at big things, in pictures^la faced by: prob- lems on all sides. Not only must he buck the system, once. I>e Is. started on anything, but he finds it ;dinicuit' to get started at all,: .script ni.aterial of ^'W'.orth being ao .hard, to locate.. Til(3 again Is not the pic- ture companies' -fault, claim.i r.lile- <itoiie, Ciood material has been al,- uays hard to flrid. ' -Milestone ^be- lieves the writing end of pictures Is Car brhird the rest of the ind-.i-stry. •Tlie teel 11 ileal side' has de ,'eloped ohorhioi^-slv^ho states, the acting has -been adequate, but w-ritirig-Is bPlov,-; I)a^.^with It^ inadeau'acies nrpre.br less, du'e to the supervision sy^icrn, of the picture industry. The. few top executives v/ho at - tempt to supervise everytliin'g and are re.sppnsiblc foi^'everything h.avb not the time to intelligently .search for r'-ally good m.aterial.; ; Nor wlU they allow a high-prlccd dlrorlor to search I en gth il y 'arid at his I ei.sur'e. f<.-r the material, he reully; winls. ;it is their Idea to set him to work on something as, soon as :^lpssibIc^■ As a re.^iilt, no ,o.ne' fully capable 1?, "pas'sitig.uppn stories or wfiting rna'- K-rial. The roadlnir dcfparirncnl;; i\^C e,fiiap"sed^ of $10 a week people wh.'i sp"m toi liave the main s^ay' what 'cf is not goo<i: mal(:rial, apc'irilirig to llie dlr'->-tor. '1-hc big/rest; •p'^pii'^^ i'!nniot.'t'il:e, time for; Ibis 'rn'o^t • irf. V>..r l/u-t ivi'ranoir of thb, bu.^lness:., • ,,( uiifi jvrifers cngiig'-fiv.uOder con rr.'.-t 'I r.d ordered to wi lte n(ttu.r.il!v ■iri-e)',',- up under-the cordilions, M I'm- i~lon'- (:l:i ill s. , No, vri>er .itinin cre'ttc l"'-, :<ii,,<i"r4 nor on timo BcKed'ile. - V.'i-ilfr." should bo.left to write on ll.i'Ur /jwn and bcU to plctyrca. If I I'.siilts ard ■:payrnciU depended on- liic - v,-i iler'3 elTorta alone he would tur'n;p\it soifif-thing Wforttify of UUa- .i'clC,- :a llie M-ilesVbn'e- theprjr, ; When Charles Buddy Rogers Is through at IVnamounl next fall he may :i)e:'-tiu-ougli wiii> piclures alf together, to ;liecoinp an NBC band lend(-r .at'$3,500 a weelc : ■ Auulher Jlliii ,:iil:.ycr,;; hiso -with I'aramoiirit at the present time, for whpm ,NBG is aiigliiig for sliiiilar .aKs'igiiniCUt;' is.,.Taek "Oakit., l,'"i'gure mentioned for the uoinlc pn the ulr i» $lr,oo.. : ■ v V ■';';■:■ v^" ; r.6gei-s-XEC'a negptia,ti6n3 in- volve a llve-ye.ir cohti^aet aiid. pln.s tlie; $,3,300 Sifai-tiiig salary.^.iin ar- rangehieiit wherciiy hielllni; juve will share equally \vith ,Nr.C's artist biireau lii ,■ anything ,over , : that ainoiiht secured for his ,.:Scrvices eomtnertiall.v, oft the air or in per- son Willi his band. .Aii idea 'propiV^ed fi.ir both Upgers .-tiVd OaUic is, spotting in clalss iiplels as o'vcliestra leailers ,while brotwl-^ ca.stiiig,. wlth ■slipw ■■"a nd theatre bool';iug3. to follow, .all throusli, ■Ni>c.;- ,':'', ,'.;:■■,';.■ ■ ; ''■>■;; Tliclr :Par,' contracts cxplr'o , a:t around tliov sanie period ..iij;Kt ,fall.- Report C. B. De Mille Going with Paramount Hollywood..May 12. AUhpiigh r'et tl ]!.; ).)<•Milie has an- noutirtd he will" take a ICuropeun vacatiun aiid retire from jili'lurcs. It is b.-llr-Vi..d here he ;will bo with l'ai;.iiivunl in a .Milpcrvi-'iiMg- ca- paeily. v;;" ': ■ ' ':-, ' '" mdersliinii tlcal stories !irc, being sc.lcct..-d fur hii;i fyV a unit of lii-s ;own;''" :;'■' ,■; ,'' \ - From Readin'toTOin' ' ^, ■ 1 folly ivoodV M.iy 12, Imr!'; M.'illoy ari<i r,eon:irn Spie^ ;,'.'ili;us-.f:, le.'idcrs iii. tlie l-'tlx s'-en.-iriV)' d<-l>ai;lroein, got togetiier to -write a. (,'lgol<i story that the studio waiited. U Irlle tailing U over tiiey- sidev traoiied to; .anoChf T idea, resiillliig lu a .ocripl cal.leii.;''i'lie lion^i-.mponr.-r.H;'!' ijc-p:irtnieiit yheiiils; n:(:(-eply;d; sloi-y; .•fwili.'lied tiiCiiiili- froiii;^ ":id,-;' ln<r ■ 10-'wi i'iiig ■ "li'i ' doiib.l^'d ■ l'i''i;i' salary. :-;■:,;" \ ';■ '; Mackaill on Loan • ■, , ■.:,•,! lor^^v-Wo.l.-May: 12.' . T.'oiyitl. .• ,\(:i,'-i. lill v-':H, i.;e,r''4': a'ui-tinri M'oi k U}i loatiiug (li'riji'g. l!ie nu(iiii(-r. Mj>i \|ii< i.-.iill ^returrrs tills weel fi orii' a Jj.irii)l!i1ii V:i':iii!<irr>nl wiih ii.iU',iiii'':r,,ii''-i' li'iiri'ie lrj!,:fi,r;lii'r unv J^'-i./t'-rnh'-r. ■ ;, ,:.' y'-h £>iMA EAY'S TeItS-- „ :v ': ,J(<.!lyv.-ii'id;'.\1a:,-.r:. 'ii'-!'Miie ,\aniV.>^iW;!t,,,- i,\ \fr,ri II-,- ;•!iid 1 ;ji.tra Itii>-.' Is^ l.''i,e 101 a fr/.av pif Iuri-.«- ritid li.iv hud .-•'•v- •,-i a! t'-Nt-M.- , .;; V :'; . • . ^' • ■;. . ('oiiies >i"i:nm' th'e e.'tst-; ut the re- •fjije.sl; of AS'a^ler O leriiriV'^^ ag'iuf .t--. M 'If. I .-.v V'i'-U trip.. ,;'■■'.' :;, ;■ ; ' irollywood, May 12. Hays ■ ptiice, has sii.gs'estcd . ti nitmbers that It would bo wise to dlscohlihuc reference tp- pictures as •Iho fourth largest Industry" until ;. n ad it the 'Department of Commerce^^^ gives -tlie industry a formal rating. Menio pu tlicv'.su bject sent to'; coast members" points ovit th.at the' ap- pro Xiiuate footage of fllm m.artufac-^, ttire inaii,ufactuivd for ail'j)Virliose3 is a. ihislvading (igiire to ■ represent' ' fiim.c.onsiiniiitipn by the mptlon plc?,; turc. Indiistry. ';; '■■ .: I'^igiires oil exfroi'ls, jjase'd on foot- . age, allow misleading conclusions in, :' the other extreme,; as exports are largely, ' negatives,' - tlie positive prints telh'g: made'abroad. ■; .': ^Only: ekl,niates tiie-Itiduslry, can plTlcialiy .iipbnsor are that the United ; States furhisliis 05% ot: the >V:orld'a production by volume, and 85% bjr- vahfC. •','■■ ■ :■':.--■-,: : "■■ ;■ ;■ : (pcrecnt.age of American produo- liPn was recently-given tit: 95.) ; : - Vviiiic'Tiriaklng no referenco to fig- ures on the industry, conipil9d-t,\yp: uipiiths ago-for information 6C coast ' p'rodilcejra, a number ot corrected Cstiiii!ites; are- given iii" the- Haya i.lllces. ■ ■ ■ :':'■-: ' ]-;iiiployment e.«tlmales are: ' - /; 30.000 piM'iiOhs in production,. - ■ 10,000 persons in distribution. : 250,000 persons,in exhibition. : ;,, - (rrevlouii eslipiatc ,BaA'c,a total ot-; Juii.OOO employed in thp ,indu.stry.) r Number of picture houses In the , l.-niied States is given us 21,284 (In- stead o.f 17,097). " Their seating ca- pacity is figured at. 12,143,701.' - Kuiiiber' of houses wired for sound approximately 14,000 (previous flg- ure ■ '■„ - ■ '■';;' ': \: ■ ■ ;'■ - Weekly attendance' , is' rrttrely "Peer: 100,000,000" (.1. cut from the estimate of nn,000.000)i The ITays.oirtcc: lias caiitloncd. the coast, association:; of producers ag.alrist e.sVlmatlrig American prp- duir^tloti) and infested capital In studio and plhcr- pi;bpt!rlieM.. Fox "Pants" Title Irks ,Jeanette MacDbnald .• irtillyw-ood! .M.-iy 12- , . \vrien Fox put ,"pants'" In the llllc ■ of her Picture. .Teancltc ,Mac- I'lonald biirnc'd. ' I'ieturo is "She \\Vnis the Pjints.'Vtitle'()f which Im.i, ,-iTr(-,-idy been .sold on . tlie ,Ji'ox' pr^):-- gr Ull. ■ ,::;,•■■■';,: :; ■ : ■:■■ ; The, aetre.ss >^.'l>'s the title has nothing tp do wiih the story and It :ii)U,st be eli.'ingcd.' Vi,y. made the change, title revert- ing, to ■'Affairs:of A'nnabelle." INDEX l:ril:< ; pi) riescjue ,,.,:...,.... Chatter >,., Kditm-ial .....;. ,;.,..... ritiri Tlpuiio: Iti!Vi(->v<:. 'i'.'ri-,(, ii;ti l''iliii -.N'''w.s.. , (■•(iri:l-iii Sii'iw News, ■Insid?---: ti<-clt' ...';;•• „;T'iisiil'"'' .Music . . tii<-i.l.- : i'l' i ii|-0!i :I•i^.id',-'.;:A"ai;;lc ',;..; .:U i I,egi;iinuto .-.^. r.'>/;il I>i--.'le(vs . I.'-H- r l,l!it' . . . V.-.^,!.' ■T-iWi-atl- . ...... . M.isiO .... Ne.v .\'-.tH .. i .'.V;;.., News ir/iiVi^tViC-U.tili Nile f'l,i!),-: .:.:.:;, . : ' Clliltiuli-v,'. . ! . .:, . . , Oi::M -.'n:. ■:-l':ii?t;ui'Os\ .. 'l';-i::,'- K' .•.■-',... U,-i-i.- ;-;,:'i'.>,;> J.::,0.l.ii-"i;;'-'lVi: ',s. U'-- ■■ TiilUiing'-H-lv.rt-l;*; .:^.; V ,^l"hi.i-s' •■^•'1 ""I'.' ..-.',,. ., \',i-i.I- 'l|ii'!>-t> II" vi"V .\V^u!i'''-M's Pail'v 74 09 78-78 ■ ',, 80 ; 72 ,:il-,S5: ",, ;83; ■, no 92 ,,,- -V). ., .w 81-3,6 -Si; , ,, !).■. .,:■■: 87 9ij-:'i ■ ,„ :■■■";'s'- ,";• ' ■ ■ .' s s ' ;;c -: ^ 7 !:-7S.i: ■UT'-SSV .•\v< , ' 70 ; ■