Variety (May 1931)

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tre<Ioe8(Iay« May 13, 1931 PICT E S VARIETY BANKERS THINK PLENTY Coast Agents Finafly Weld Their Ass'n With 14 Agencies on Charter Hollywood, Ma/ :3; ;.■ C'bi-ft- agents'- tone planncJ pro- toi-ave organization. Qnalljr, tuatcr- ■ Jalizcd last nitfUt (Monaay) ,.>3 the ^"soclaUon ot Motloit Picture Artist UeproiipnlaUvca and Managersi Fi"»iiU Joyce Is president; . Ruth 'Collier vlce-prpsidenl;'. IvUUie , Sil- ton secretary; Morns Small, treus- •^rer.' ■ ■ ■ ■ • i'ourd oC directors Inotudcs, the tour ortlcers. plus Oeorg*. Frank. ;H ury Weber. l{Yeddlc, r raUck, Grant Dodb'e and Plul Berg,- The names oC .W agencies are-on 'the-charter.; . ' ' 10 Picture Players Barnstorming with Femme Baseballers ^Hollywood. May 12. C'oi-w>ii»iVrion fenmo hascbalt team ■ ind 10 pioiiiro plivycrs embark Ma.v, 1« ■ on "a b.ii'nstorniing tour, o£. the ■ 'country. Team will play In the afr, ternoon while'the players make pei - ~ >)oiial .appoarancea .in local,-: llshniont.s. ' .-. . At nk'hV the Wig get-togellier wjll be a mo\ le stars ball Tl\ls will glvo ilie small townors-a glimpse at ' 6onto Holly wood -'.'namos . aijd alsp * chfi'nro to do a.turn with them.on the dance nbor. It's ngurod: to at- tract fomriics as well, because ot .the alvle angic.. . . Vipcoht Ray organized tho com- pany and will . transport them In : hU!jso-s- I'layeitS making, the trip are Shannon. Dav, .Virginia . Pearson. Mollv O Day, PriscUla Dean, l*aullno . Garon: Carman GrAnada,.Mary Ann . Jackson. Itosa RaSirlo and Jackie Hooray. Ws Big % On N. Y. Strand Site-Fall Start In changing the tiatncot Warncr.s, Broadwav. to the Vita the.itre. y(B Is reserving its own name for a new 6 000-scaler and - an oflice .buildings •which the company plans to erect on the site ot the Strand ne:it fall The Vita or old Warners, will con- ^tlnu^. but 1.S to be devoted to foioign Alms of Warners' own and oth^i companies. . No exocf date tor conslruptipn. of the new theatre so far set. a he new . bous^ will- covev the entire blocl. bounded bv tlio Strand sue, between 47th unil J.'ith streets. , Dallas Fame ftomc town -papers l-.avc boon going Into - blurbs concerning Forrest Liucas.. home town boy, being a big showman in New York.. A couple: OC the yarns h(t page one. Lucas , is tioud u.thet; At t:ie Rox:.'.- ■... Numberless Q r d e r s Re- ported Emanating: from Downtowns New York— Mostly .Along General and Economical Lines SALES MEETING IN DARK HOUSES MAY GET STRONGER Gaim Poor Fifans, Not Depression, Accountable for 20% to 25% Drop In Grosses-3 Cities Show 14% Off P.eadmg Pa M ly 12 TlieHie-i. dark part of the time can !)■* rent,^d-. for bn-sinens. mect- ing.s...-..- A : rcf;^!iicta(Or-mak:ng rompany,: rented ttic Orpheuriv. 4or -a .sah-.s meeiilig- with Jiearly .30i) ascnis at- tending. .-V. hi)*h pressure sulos ecuiive had a baby blimp on, the stage aiid alt the big .sh<)ts- wore vachllng coKluh)es.- It Was.dPjJgncd to suggest air a distant sdle>i goal, but the skipper ; and others •d<,Miied that their ciatt. was propelled by hot, air, : Durlcsnue at .the Orpheum, runr nlng twQ nights and matinees for m.any iuonths, has red.iiced, its^ weekly time to Saturday :.m:ttinee and niglit: •. BLACKMAIL LEHERS PART OF MGRS; 'ACT'? AMPA Sees Faces By Invitation of Waller..Wungoc, the A M. P. A. for the first time we<-k held its weekly. lunflieon at - the paramount >,A-:-,l.ona ,sl.udio with Wuiigor and Jesse L. . La.-^kJ presiding. ■ WaiwH- did- things up. rigiu. : clpi'ocaiing tor the- lunchoon . re cenlly toiidorod him by havma^ .some of tlio .sm.lio s< ariiMiiil. : • •■ Hartfofdi Gonn;; May. 12. Resident managers of 12 theatres cbmpiM.slng Warners, Fo.>c..and Pubr lix In this citv have received threat-, enirig . letters.. they. sny. It was thought to be a much uncalled-for publicity stunt for . some. plc.tur*. The letters were turned over to the- police. The first day morning papers throughout Connoctiout played up the yarn - with -front page stoiice, The 'afternoon .sheets steered clear w,lth but a stickful hidden ,iway.. ' The letters' demanded , that each mah.'iger remit $1,500 to the writers who called for deUyery at the West-, ern Union ofhce in Bridgeport. Por lice wure on the spot, but ciilprlt failed to turn up. - With the non-remittal, ot funds and iK)lice investigation the -inan- agcrs rested easy, for. a wevk until keyed letters and warnings were tovthcoiiiitig once again. H'ls thm-; the letter.Writers uHked tor more than double the' prolerlion money and threatened the managers fi^m- lltos. -Mysterious, phone -calls hii\e been reoeivid frum lon^- d'slaiu.c ■and local pay stations :\viihout pos- >iiriilitk>s of tl-AOlng. tlii> r:illo,i.s. If nicre publicity, to layman- It scpiiis implaiisihle that, opj.iusing theatres in town would Ci).-'>iKiale with III staging so g' a' t. .(;>nu liiahagei' has called, tor polico Pi o- ■icction and it was Klvcii to l.iiii. - vhotl^'-i-•h-tiifs -hi;,re' i-iv.' 1 .-i-ny lOiid. ihical-. Downtown - New York brokers, interested m one wajr or another with the picture business, are re- ported doing .plenty of thinking in connectioHL with-it. These thoughts as • expressed: : make themselves manifest from coast to ■ coast. - in the film realm/, it is stated. Thoughts of the bankers. travel along, general picture -lines regard- ing production and theatre opera- tion, with-economy in both branches hot the least. Some, bf the thoughts- are • reported aa .fairly practical, whether in. generalities or in pro- ducing .or operation. Other down- town idoas are-said td be too theo- retical for film business purposes. . Hankers stand. reAdy to uphold- their arguments at; all; limes, when talkiivg with-, llio picture -pcoiile., belonging to the comiwUiU'S. With whirh they are. financially nsso-; clutod. Downtowners - readily - ad- iiiU; a too early vlow of- A con- tingency or. the impractlcahility of U - when convinced. In the other way they are as positive upon some points and ln?ist-upon Ibem heln;: carried out It is claimed. ,- < ; ■ •Bankers, from all. accounts. In. a general-business way and under cx- Isling conditions have asserted theii' command al-fsing through, financing In the companies whero that in- llueneo 'can not be. questioned. Guided mostly by/dgurcs-. only, the ^Continued on page 57> , Gang Films and B. 0. . w 1J1 ■ Ilavs- proclamation ; igainst gangster . ptirniros . i.-*,.. h'liiinn tl)0 ho.K oUloi-- lu-cause it w:i.s niiulo j>ioniat-iii-oly. . Tl.i.s is the complaiin es-: pe.-.iaMv in independent circles; wlieiv it is pointed out the. liillk (.f gaiig-slvr. plcitli-cs have v<-l to bo pi-ojeried,- . The wide publkiiy aliend- ■ini on ITavs >peerh to the pruiUici-r-dlsirlbutor. hnaid oi diivc wr-s- has in:>ny. exhibltoi « ■ ill' rilV lUMghl)OlhO')l1s :.f«MlfllI - -jf oui ront gann hlnis fti osses. 5c PARKING FEE THEATRE-PAID - : ' -Los Aiigcie.s. May II rio.-.'in.iwn lliWitres. ni a bn^lllc.s^i .li i.-.v- liiiallv' a',;i-ci;d patioiis p irkiiic'foes; It means a nii lvcl P'^' c'lr: voxpehdUurc by. the m.-inageis., a-s) Itiioii ■ I'-xrldiig siatlonSf oi-lginally de-, hvandod .ll.ific fmm thealros., li.alf thrt-inililii- fee; Imt I-ox >\ est f oast insisted on lhe- nlckoV rate.- - P.arUs c.)nciin-ed. because downtown; •itrc l)l-/ wa.S; MO bad nightly It ; at-, fi--r(erl themselves, ' I vceiinl downtown grind, . ofier.s dinlble features and tree parU.lng foi- 1 ji RKO-COL-U DEAL RUNNING OFF- NO RENEWAL? us ASSO. PROD. WITH HIS OWN EQUIPMENT ,< Hollywood. May ,12. • l-'iiy'^l-s-al ) .Donald .f:: l liomp- son vvar correspondent, (o produce wi>rld.loiir .shorts. He wiU (lUce a feature. • By-Palhs,. tor I »■ rpleaso. Thompson bought Ins own leroid- ing enaipmcnt and licoon)c.s an as- -O'-i-ue produi-i't-. A higher avoraKO of poor; incturo product. : keener - shop)>ing ii.isthKt by the public; iivnl'Itity stage shows where apparently-needcdi-and : efforts In relreiu'linvent that cripr j)le best showMinnsliip. are blamed more for continued off business ihan depression. That huniilin. na- nvre ill tunes. 01 di.stress. poor con- lit lohs and .secbat'Us. still looks, to. iho ilv<v-are if for no. other .reason - than to-blow off steaiil or- forget ; iMiiriCji has not changed. There Is no gaiits.iviiiv; the fact... showman doi-lare, that j)heaire..v%nd ' other eiilei'lainmrnt budgets have liCon cut. but ^ay tli<> s-ame show- nieii tliev li.ivo not bent-reduced to the extent indicated by the dlf-- foi-encc in Ini.slness between ti^o voai-s ;;igo and now.. The- lulblic is looking; for Isefterr, bargains, seeking out the tlieatr* and. the- pictiuvs which appeal; to. ihoin most. A curious anomaly Is the public s mind in bending greater xfTorl toward learning - which are the. I)i>lier )iii'tiires. so that no-money tS; w-.-isied on the imoier. onps. : - .. The Picture- ; Tlioirsands i)f people who are .out ol work ai-e still piilr»iii/,liig picture' hou^csl 'J'li<:ir - tiersonal- economlea Imvc- briMi morf'iii other directions so- that the desire indigenous Willi liIImails, (o ^si'o shows, will not have - to be ciirl(iili:d loo far. . ... ' 11. is claimed on good {luthorUiT, that, -theatre receipts ai-ecurienyy, off - ->0- to Tbrouiih the- field Willi both oh.ains and Independent cxliibitor.s. iljls .slump, is not blamed HO iniicli to' present! ^conditions, luisliM'ss i-ovt'ises and l.ark of moneir as to pour riiclurt'S. ..;; , The exhibitors, say tjus Is proved' when a good; plcturft. comes-.aloiijf and bv the tremoiidous diflercnco in.' bu'sini'ss between money ;films and duds. There never before \ya» such a variance: in return on product aiis acroi'ding to both - sales of CarriHo in U Tallters Two I".talker.-- wiU carry l>o.!-ar- rlUo .as liu'ir sur siorlos atic i.-allvd ."Ulo (tcanilo" and ■■.Th'^. Up .md l p. ; i- il-i lllO Is-'l'^-a vin;; nu-- ;lu- "it-U'lio tilt (-ml or tiri.s Wi>i-U.. The I -.IimI; lil;irl.> lui- Ill-Ill i>v r,!-.! M->i:i ' v)M lif|-.iiM- .\l,jr.|-i;.i«li.lclt Ni-w \.Mrti .>iin-; .ilav iVm hi- lliillNwou-l - i!b' (;...,. Lukas as Lead, . ;. - ir.ili-.-w.yMd... -M-iV . 1.1: ;. • P.. I ,ai-;.-i.- * ill ll-ad -in.' 'MW .-{f •■>:(ii Mli iii-ii.-' wlildl J<aiji-i-.-l: Jli't- l" ;.:iiul- TerCy .ll'.-i'.! are adiiinlo:;.- l-;u-.-i;Ui,iiiiit. pro^diii'it;?. .■tojjben Mamoiili-in -lire'-tiiis. . Million a Month ^ 1 ,, Iv It/ sa\ II ..I i^ I'liii] s 111 II " .p I n ) 1 1 ' 111-. \1 n 1. , >V 111 1 % II I \u ^^ly■ '';'v-'C''-^;'';^ "AH Nations" Switch rtlCO'--* product deal.-. wUli L nl-. versal and Columbia>lrc May 13,. No notice h.a.<l been given .fiy. KIvp of'a renewal. It Is sa;d, . . If a new contract with. elUior. Col or U or both i.s entered into by It.lyO for their talkers In P.KO the.'Vtie'* under agreement, it will be .iloUr. ncwlv 'arrived at terms by the iiar- tios without the coiidiimns as In the original agrcemenlH gov.ornmg a renewal contract. ,• : ; . That liKO has added RKQ-Pathe. to Us bwn <.prodiiclns . list . beside.s. Kadlo Pictures. Us direct subsnli.u y. is reported one oC the rea.son.s why KKn b'^Iifves; it can secure talkoi prodiiftwithout pre-conti-arting ati- nuallv for~ It. .Another i.S;.-said 10 beHKO's present, pending pool- ing <I.-als with other cxblbilor-pro- duciiig circuits that will also lend, if going throiigl-i. to doorcase IVlvO s •I'MiVind f(ir a-pro-ronlrac*.-.s:.pply, li--: un'li-r.shiod I'.KO .will I'-Miinn ; a.s provroiisly. in the op^.n marUiill r<>r 'plciiir'--s available fnr U.s tiM<i>-'->-. | ullll.jiIC'IV no Cr'rt.iltlly U .Ml! Mol ; i-<-.if-h aiioilifr . und'^rsi.-iiiiliM.; vvi,!. ■ I 111.-- .).w.-/ indr.ponik-Mt ;'prO'l'i<;"T- ;'. ■ '' I- ■ C.-.l'.-i .-iihl l"s (•f.iiU"M.-t--,-.-. I^l^'l : I i-ill'-.l fnr • rits'l") ,10- pl iv - ( ."Tl (111 I :'n'ui:V-i:V or-..i:h''l'-.' f-y^'.:i-;"'.''•i:ll>'--"s: , I'.i.'Ii ; pr'..lU';"r,-4 -r<>--?"rv.-I ...•<-('.-ilr- ^ •'rh-lVi-s ill rh;it :'-'inn'r';'I'ln -.vid^ tlj-i; ■ ir;"'. liV'ilV^n ri'.s .fm-; ■li•-^-.' !'ip i)'irp.i;''s,-.-. ■• . ..' No Fox WC Sale ix -Ij l.-' 1-1... . , ;\ll ;;Xai-i; ;|r-v -'•.>,::hU- ,ih;(,i-, . \vl.i i .- 'IV'(,Oi-^u. .il'- Von Elm Won't Tell I I 1 I n I 1 , " I'll I' I fi..ll)iiiy.-; , - ^ ! ' Vic VI; r-i-'i-t' yii I I.'lii«'i!pl T.ow' fii iiilM vM j. );■><. WO ol it 111 ..tb- lilm. . Ilf, I 1 I \1 . 1 r /■ r I' I 1 ' I )ii I t if.jif '^vir: Uh'-d 'ill fni' .1 '.wo-.!<" l>-i 1 in hi.s n>'i'llini-TM .s'-ri".-i, ;| V^in )-:ii:i will 11,-lie-- .1' ri---x-. ,-.\u- : -...,..;-h -an '.•di'Cvi.':i'>'ial »'":;1<- ; Fiix will not sell nor iiierge Fd.v U'i",c:fi)a»t In any ibcatrc deal thai nmy now be pending ijctw.etn thai company and. otli'.-r <-iicuUSi 1 his ('.list is '■ii;<.|iit .ai)l>r'ixiijialr.-ly of liO. theatres. : , .\ onuple of clmiits that h.vv.e, •ttiglcd lor control 01 l- WCj woiildn t. m>>'-t lb'- Fox price- of ahe Cham, Wlii'h l»i)l!s to have been ovaluat."d (•si(f-ri.-illv liiUh to .ward off* woiild-bi' annl'.'i.-s-. . : At vai ious-perlods within the p.list y-ar ))oth I'aranioiini and -VVai iif i .s hu-" bcc-n. ibliikiiig about J' V\,( . but: il iii'vor .goi beyond iln; tall;, iila(;e with. 1-OX. • - Shauer, Selznick's Asst. ' ^ II I) X ' 1 M,i 12 M..| >l..-iiii'i;. f',r:ir-|- •);irvliTn If-id l-.ii-wj.i.'Uii. :i-rr.;"d l)'--r". -M'liiilay - '■ v. a" ni'l'l'- cx'-cui ivi- as-- -■ .1 i.T.i to J -. ■• .-^•.■]-/.MM-l.- •.•-.ri-iv. iV'nv::' ■•Mtr.'iv ri:..m lla! -H'li-U.-;.-. -,■:■■■■■:■[• \.'' S''-!ziii'-l:. ■^■['.. PLUG FOR SCHUBERT Ho I . d M ir y i'.c-i ii;ii d Srbnli'.j". pla v wrmhi. tiM ■ nriflv - .-.'Miwl .'i.^ . . a t-ii'"irr,'l-. r i ) I (I i-i I I il,Jl 1 IH\ 1 'f l"iW li' lals and theatre n^en..This proves somelhliig.. they claim. .,and It't that everything IS due to exlstlnff condillotiR.. .V More than a year ago when the coiliilrv began to fcl llie first ef- fects of the fateful 'Wall. Street smash, better Informed and ■ tore- sighted sbowmenniajnialned that show business was ..affected mainly . by the lowered cjualll v ot goods It . Iv.'id to: si-U- 'I'llis IS still rlaiined aa. one of the- reasoii.s.. with present Ki-ncral. conOltioii.S not warKintIng the that have b.ccnmade In.- U) show bu.sjness-so. siioii. Ill operating and distribution-, fiuaners-the. cry; now-is. to wrine inoro out. of pictun-s available., lii the hope thai bi.-ucr-procliicl will ■ .rime along for the- Si - o:: season.. . Slide Haltjicf? . C)n the other hand lllindom h b. o. slide may be near the.enif. Analysis ' of till' b. o. -figures for three major . sjiots. Ni-w Yiii'k: -f.'btcago and .I<0S. .Siigcl'-si. wiiuld : bear tins . out. Kiii-voy i)f griissi'S In lb'" llrst-runa-' of tln'sc (-itics for ihe third sucne.H- Siv" iiionili briMiiS in tm.. same do-: . i.liiic or lil"», oyi.-r llko pr-rlods la l!i:iO. 'J iiiil. iii> hiil<-;i April and goca ■ I (,:i< 1:. to .\)ari,li and l'<-brutlry. I It may lncli<aie genei-jil dfiir'-s- .i,/ii IS alsi) halted., but: lur tlie film —•I'll 11 i.i ;l b.asi.s- from which the ' iri(lil;>l rv c-in budget fur impi'ove- iiii'-nl. kr-"liini{' In tiniid the usual |-'-iitidiUons- tli.'it suri^jUnd b.o, re- . ;i-ci|)ir< for Ihe .'. curri-nt -ifn^nlhs. l-;yi>h-ii<-'-. m ki-*-piug w ith -till" 4>r'>oC Wire liI;iii-r-.-t l-i slmw lb il .\pril .s de- |.( lijii"..iiv,-i. M.irch i- V.i.-.-i-ihan . K'n.- 'i I'liat .-il-o'.;•>'•-• ■.;i.;'l. .-. ' Iii.x -.S'-iti .-.ver )Ii'.- iMi'-- fill .11 • l:.ini-.-r:' a ii-l ,r""iMi--ii-..l. 1 lia.l. >"> bi-l'; .!/> t.-lie Slill.'.' !.il -|v|- Ili:\t- pM li|i-.< . w'i^tli-\ci. U.'will- :. ■ t'.OiJ . ill' ;roi:-.\ |i(il;- I i-i.;i.^.f : .vii.ii. . l;,i:; i-' Iiie f-i- .il :!1.-fi-'iiii li -;iill: .'.-I.-^''j'!. a- » I I r" II \i Iii II '•'uivi- v.ii,:j'!;.|ii<';:\i-iy \ V ^ 1 I 10 I .1-.1 .i '."'t. ■■ but <(:'j'i'i--'I.m1 O!)' .■<■ j.-'V--''. ■'-'.■•'IP.-." liiji:ir''d •■|.-;: Th.^.; ill'. Jind. iriVii'.rn'V.d ,11:0 - not )i=,' 12)