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VARIETY F1 C T u it e « cose es in . ■ ! Fi'X '.riM-ii(i;* : s'^'P oOl of al 1 ■>rii:\IJ ;Uv\vn (iiii'Vai-Uirt. li) tiyi? .rnSt nnir-ihei nilO(li<? :A^^(^st; •Tli<>;;^^^ ; :pr(>weiitly sroiV the iiew. Fox hlHlj- ';.'aU it's sMiftll. tow n situations Jto j-es- ^ ■ itloht: imlf(?,oiyti(Vitors \6ft iX jihctiirr- ' Slvip :0>v .siiii^iOiiiry b-i-'^iS'' ^f^v' ■.tioiis with , niany,, ai^ie: iilr'ertay ■ onV -. ; Wlieh t)iO ' sevo|;iil ■ djeiils hdw. iii ■ iii-OBioss ai'p cvmiiiotoiV:.'t'ox. Tlief y ntr!t>s.. Srtll ^KVvi/t vtl> '0Ol)0C^^ cuv .: kcty.;Olly''<iii<n-.;ul(iii only'. ' :' '■' • ,' • There Js" )Vin • /nclUwtlori ;<if how • ■Jriany'^^.p^^ "thiis ! bV?- Prtectoil... • JSItuat jpns UTirtor nt'srotifttlonS. tb, liit; . <>lehro<ii inoUiVlf :.ui>sti\t.c: N<*\v Vork^ Jprspy, Kiil'iirlinn .spots-ai'ou .• Kew' : Yo,rk; City . hnd ^tlVe-.irirti . ■•west, inoludinp .Wisobn'sln., J?r(>bT «bly, "60 to i(<ii Pi>x^ Irrt- ipfii-iiilit; smnll itfl'wny'/comp.ietitiv.o- ■spots will -thus he let'lijosei., . ' • ■: The, p.ian: is; a <lii'ei:t outc6me;;i'«t . the Iv'c-al: operation scheriie fwhicK .ihe.Fox niahupeuientVihltia^ ^oipe. ■ nioriths ^aep. ' It lias .been; iifeitre^^^^^^ "ahrt.•.aiialylz^d that Vrhder. prbsent' cohditipiis, the. .film incjiisti'-y; as \i , . whbie itnrt thf;'- theatre sUviatioh es-; : P'^claily %\'oul<V be .thus improved; Ijy , .leaying^thc .sriiall town opernition to' iiucccssfgl iiiaiesvaftcr comiiciltion ■ has.'been': eliniltiated.' •, •-. ■.'. Oil ' that, parinel-ship ■ pr\ ^iib.^ld- :.iaTy b'AsJs •t'ox- will- be. part b^yIie^: <>£■ the '-((Ituatlo.iis/ ^Ope^ •.te .cbfiiniittefl ,tO ' the lii)T' :jli>jcfCiii>n. ■ itt- the ; i^sifient local. oi)(-i-;nors. ;whb, raCVifv^' ihvostigtioii,' :h t>ern foyhd •.siiecrsf^ful. T))'e'.'.ia(ier. .Tivill : "te atlc' .io ^xrharipe^^.s^ his.-b.wn- jjitiiatj'pii for'tlic eonVrifipn , iptrTest 6t .h(>tlv par.tjes^^^ .-■ . ,;:'-■;:.: :;',, / 'Hcaxy-^.Oyerliead.' ■ ; livride is that Ji*ox's 'new plan-wfifi ' ' ivro'osht on < to : a 'E'l-eat .este'nt ,i)CTr .'..ciiuse df the irIcrejtscVl cp'st of eliain •'cpefhfion- throuRh jabpr ; o-v-ei-h'e,a<I,; ^. besides vtbe-pi'ovcd^^y long'. . - distance, bperafion even if localized: ;;:by. chKih-;n4anaKeineTit. The rpslileht; : opert.br almost^;t^v'el^^^ instaiioe ;, thnrtiKh;. :ex))crlehce ' amt■: ^fiill<?i'' /■liiiowi.ejit'o of "con'dliiOns besides His*. ' .-'Ibcal co'n'tacts- ^iias ■ pi-oved superior.' 'to cliftin c.bnu\Mitibn.- . "', - > :.lh 5esseiiGe th^ i-'ox.. plan looks to, :^ form a series .bf concentrated ter-' ■^riipries.,\«,hc,re thea :■ li)e. e:ntiiVly -by ■I'esldeni 'cbntroK'T ■ aize.s .tip/the hiVc-. Kitvia'tlons wivii-h ' 'the circuits sire-, 'ijcyiiif;. tp-. pevfoi-Tii - 'jembnK ';tlieiri!se)'ves' in Iccy .cities.;.: T >'Cpiidit)6ns; Ciytsi0c and 'jyitliin. th'o .:• IndiiHtry arc fiKtired to, Aecd siicl'v , lerTitbry clearatice Ibr tlia gbola M all'. It may , bear cb.inpari.sbn to .other.'iii.d\i.Mrla|s.;.cs ■ :faiiro.'id.s; wii'ich.:ar€:periniitcd spe- ■ . .cific,, conccritratt-ia . .spots for ; thtfii' - ;truvel.lines-.wltiibtit eiccssivc: bom- . jpf>titlpin .'cuttine -'in A.by: ■oppos'lnt; ■v.^r»>nds.:'v'\" '•• : ■■,■ ^-z'-■■■ 1st Roii$ on Broadway ySubjeet to. Change) ; ' WcekVMix-15' " PapambiVnt— "Up ri'pf t'lo : "■i)f-vii":(i>n|r')'. '/:::^ ■;:,;.■;..;;'' .Roxy —.."Six 'Cylinder I,o\-e'',' ■.fFpxK-"- ' C«p.Itb|.^"WiSe Child'' (M-CrV.' :-.G;obefr-':t5opii Wad Girl" tooij; Rivoli—"Seed" (U), • - ' istrand—-"Cioid Diist Oertie'V .:"tAVB)V ;■.;■'■.'■ ■:•■:■■■;'/..■;■ ;^v-/ R iaitb—.'liriVscreef '. (TJA) -12d ;wkV ■■■■}:<: ■ '■■■. f.-. ';:'-^''- r ' Mayfair ^ "Biaclveibr . .A : ihent" ('Kfidib), ■ ■ ■ ■■ /? V HblVv*oo(i7-^'.\<Sv«h)6ali''.' ^WB^; v'3d Vk>r "-^ '':';;Vv •'; .-'.: ■ : .Winter. Gar<)enT-''i'art.\:-Hiis,- brtnd" (WB) (.H); .^^ ' ,,' ';. Central Park—•,'Tabu'' /-'rar) 10th 'wki;; ;':. v- .'■:..;.,-:■.-. ;; ■,'.'; / Paratnount-^'-Kick: In';' LPar").;'. ■ .;:RoKj( W^-"Always -i tJobdiiye:'- ■ Capltpt^—VShipmates'! (MtCO-' V '., Glpbe-^tlCot Hiiown >Iciiulay). w.fiiwb^i■^•^^^leed•^^(l;.). <2d wk).; •' : . Strand^^Chanoe's'l.' iAVBli; ' .- Rial'tb— "Indiscreet" (UA) ., ■''■3d: wk)>\':' v i:■;/';|.^.;:', • ■ ' May'fair-r4(Not'known .Mph-'' '.dviya^-^',■'■;;■;■:.■"■: , Holly w6od-4T-."Svci)Sali'"^ (' W E) v: ■■^(•lt.h;yi<): :-.'; ■ ■ '■, '.,'■;■ .' Winter Garden—'Tfiriy' Hus- 'tahd'V' tSVJJ) rSd'wk.)^ ; ' • Central 'Park—''"IVlVu'' /:<r.'ii'0 (nth \vkj. y-; ' .•■4;."",;;' .■ '.; ,' *2 pictures ,;,^-"' ."Trader Horn" \M:C-M)' A st'oV) .('15i )v vi-eek't....- . .- "birlBible" .tcbl)' fC^rttrivi)' ' ■:(cth >vcekj • \ •;.,..;;■;-'.■;■;;;';, '''}\j1.f}e Smnino,.;- Lieutenant'' ' 1 T'a'r); (CVj.terlphj :< jj.-iy.-.'2).','. yFp''*'9n FiliTis';':;''■'-■■',.■' '; "Zwei.. Herien im' -i^: Ta.kt'-! ■ .(^uperfilm');^. (.Oerman) •• .VBuV .-' ^ropai,(32(l yeek>. V ■ '•' , ;■ vp'brsterViristI,''. (Xran,<"ocean) ■ ', (.G.e.r in 4 ji) .'(Belra'prf) . (4ilv' :wckxi'' r '''/ . ,;i'Stlidenterr;. Swn" -m'; ( m"\an) ■.. ;< tittle X^ii-neeiel^^dVvc^^ HOFFMAN-BACHMAN'S INME PROD. COMBINE V ;,; • il.oilyvoo.i, May. IJ.. ' ; My. lli.ffniun .and .T. tr. lS;i,-,h- , ' rian art' exi>e<-ted., hrre liii'xt, Sv*'i:k *b cbmpiete prKanlzirip thi'ir n'ew'.in- • dependent prod oction c o m p a n y, Which has l>ecn on the fire for the . .Npa.-^t tfirco nioritlis. . '.:rbp*^ -CorsbTi. fhiladelphia exchange operator, is In on. the deal with them. ^^.^ ; ':■.' Troduction headquarters may be . eetabUshed at Tec-Art, where Hbf(- ; roan Is makinfe- westerns with llbpt -. tiib.son. ";:>.-; : NICK LUCAS dpeniiic ■Mijp'-. 15, ■piUabe, I)iill-.\s, Texas, . . .:-'[\'^\--\'-^:':v''---^-''',- ' ■ Rocky' ^to^nvtlrin 'iNew.s;" Denver, Mixy 8, said,:.- ■ , -';■;■•'■ ■ ."And the nielPdy—snch melody! "-^floAvs in.'bouhtlful .quantities 'frbn) ilie.' ingral1atli1^i:! .y^)cal ■ cl)bi:i]l9' jincV deft, fingers of that prince. 61 cnter- taihers-^.N'lck'Lucas,; ■ . :'•• ■ .'-.. ■ "A packed -house yesterday gave the .world to kricj\v, that it .regards Nick tucas- as one 'of tlio most popular persons who . ever, smiled across Denver footlights."' . : .DlrectiPii, ;T.>eo Fitzg9ral<lV.' 228 W. 47th street, New Yerk. •: B. 0; RETURNS START NEW GANG YARN CYCLE ',-.;, ^ . .V': 'Il<illy*pPd„ :lila'y ^1.2.-'. . . 'Prtidiii tio)\ <.f' j^anp.stcr jiii-.ttfife. su(.))(ps-( diy on the w;aT.fi~. liV-re,; )i;i,s been Jazzed iVitfi • new life :i>y -Slie .Success of '.'Jt'iihUi. Eiiciny;.'' Accoi-d- inply, t'lip" i^at)gst<-r (iy(:ie is. .'itart- ing ; its; third - inevenient.. as a. box 'oflloe fnctpr. ':.-^/.-:-' '~^'.\y\r Paranvount. fii-st to start tliie gang plot.s • with "L'ftdertyprld." ■'and' first .lb ahnpiirice .it . wa.-s; throiigh with tlK-nv, ;is' i)0\v pkiiining two pi-.-lhrofv on this year's. pr<i k ram. • '. i'p\ verfsa"' b,Ti.s''ijftliy jra.;e(i K ille icide. S<iuad" comiiip xiji. '; -;; ; • •: ■' Chieago, May 12. , •■; ■ Fii'st. '^t'ttenvpt ,'of a theatre cir':.; cuit to chei-'k; -up on.'the' pulling power of Oie- daliie.s''As:'as 'rtiad.c by Essanes.s here whCih it ;1^ troris to 'vote. Idea was good, in theory, but didn't work. biit;tbo^suc- cei^sfuUy. ;'■; •;;: ';; ;'.;..-' ;' "V- Ea«h patron-'drew, a card which read': '■' ::-;]■'^,:■[':''.\:'■' .;"Whieh -pf the . newspap'e^ listed below do you re'ad'?'.Thivch.ec><T.up; is being m.ade'^far your-conveniehce; to make it' possible for us to. place our' prpgrams .in; the. newspapers piir.; patroris .readi" '.:■■ .'■'■'.-■ .■ - As the result of the vete. the ads were' restrJCted to fpur paper.", with HO ads; in ■th^'.fnb -i'irnesi'aiVd'liter-- nry Pf/stV.bf fiir.'th©,:TJ^^ atres, 13 were listed In favpr of .the,, American; 10 for the News, .evening' rags; T\';ith' the': mor.nii)s:.. papbrs <i rawing iiIne J for th6' Trlbuno, :and : four for Herald and Exalmincr. r .While statistleially; the survey. thby .iiaye bebn'-^fairly frust\vot:thy^ the publicity dliebtov, Hcijb Klls- hurg/Is^'sr-Vto rbPlatie all ads In the dallies, since there are objectlbns'tb the plan;^ ;,Staggcr. sysfcfn ot -.ads may. cover i.aid pairoiiaee, it docs not tnlic :i)llo -a ;cipunt .tli'c ■putviviial customer. ^'-'v";-.":V. -■ ' Holly wood Briefly rewritten extracts from "Variety's'* Hollywood BuUetini printed each Saturday in Hollywood, and placed as a wrapper upon the reaulan weekly "Variety;" ,; . " . . The Bulletin ^Ipes;. liot .ciretilat'e other than on the Pacific: Slope. ,- • ■ 'News from the Dailies In Los Angeles: will, be found'in tliai customary department, - '-'./-'V ■ - '.^ ■' ■} .Bill Boyd-Dramatic A draniafla:-biUld-ut>: W In line for Hill Bo.vd at UKO-^l'allio, sturling 'witlj; "Ir'oh Chalice.'' ■ l-Yod 'Niblo Will direct ■ and. Dorothy :iit'lb.istian .(Mrs, llpyd) ivns tlie fe^^ Wisecracker Wa/ited ' Il.idio must look for auoth<>{';w:isfc':^ .ertvcklhg:" i-epreserifatlvb. ^TLflw Al' l<oa>>herg loaves:, Italpli. iRpcMiOe iliid DouKlris . AttLpI-ean . iirc 'pp's.'jlblliiios. ^■'■^.■■..'i■^'^■;"^^»a^ette's';;t^ib''■V.V■ ?''- ; ■ Jdle six weeks, ."or,-'since-'"Dude nanch',"', Jiiigeno PallettiJ 'hbs been cast in threo for I'ar,. "SepretVCail," "Hose of- the .Hiincho", and "Marines Have I,andcd." . ' Billy ..Gilbert's Opportunity : '.Billy Ciilhert, niiisk-al- cOinedy comedian, ,l.s being kUcu a try by Hbncli .'in' a -dijirres Cliase' -two-^ reeler. ;.'/'':' :';■.■'•' ■-■--■. '' Sara Rusevelt lias a year's lease on th'b iKg.-tn: theatre and-.WIll .rutV .iv- dramatic, scliubl in cuiinecliun, .-. Pola's First . First Poln Negri .picture for HICO- I'alho.w-,ill bo "lyips of. Sto.i'r;" un- published novel by J^lAri-y Ucrvcy, ■ ' Studlb thea.tre, having only a -30-. (oot. f roiVt,- arid eii) pip J-lug ^n. tiirri-.- stilo. ai)tl'- coitibox for ;idmisi«I<ins', w'Jii be bp'en.cd, ilicre' iji. tw'b riiorith.<l by the Ifirghc-i-i-'ranKlin;I'lrcult/ It Avlll have-other 'l'!riiiis-I.:iix-fcatui-es also.. . ". :'..v : v. '. ■ ;■:■■ . ■\'ir.glniii;0herrijl -w.i.<! replaced . iiv ''\\\vbmlrig .iV'onder''Ci.f- Kpx ^b>',Sally EllcrS.' Picture .-' was .'.^ihbbllng ■.one. week, -Gcprjjfr O'Brien 'starsir;; - , ; . -Pl'irchase of-KCif},"' i^an, DIogOi-:-'lir- Don LCe, to bo pscd as Col\iriihia Bi;o.adc,isting'.:unlt,'.was approved by the I''eder.il liadio Commi<f.sion. Morris-Elnfeld Scram '.' Following a. look-in after the .Sart Pr.-vncisijo convention; ssa.in' .IJ; Mor- ris; ; v.rP. of '\Vavivcr.'!, .'sjnd .(jliarlic Kinfijia,; .sidv-., a,hd pviMiirily- liecid, '!<-i;t fbr;cast-:May ;1);.; -'; '■,. :'..' .' . $80,0QO Handicap ■ ' .'.'Lilies of Hrbadway" ..starts' f^liortiy-atfnlveisal, .shotildering at the start;:, ?i>0,006,; salary; piifd. to Jt>hn Murray -Andci-sbri: since , :hl,s ,Idfvt luctui'e;, "JCihg'of Jazr,.'v ' - :.. "Gold-Digger" Trio Set : ^PKO-Pathe's "fiold-Dlg.gw" shorts 'w ill ' have-.- June. McCloy; . Marl.-iu .Shlllliig;and Liei'triidfe .Hhbrf in; the aeries. - L. A. to N Y '.H,Tirold 'Berg / ',:;v,.'■, - .;,■■'; ; \ Paul■ Blocki ' ' "' -■ ;'■.,':;-; Mrs. A1 Herman.;. '.■' ,.:. J;rSullIvaJi. ' 'nolph (J. Farntim. ' .-.-'. - Jean Harlow. ' €«bi-ee--Ai'lls^:' ;:'-- ' £go>i von' Jordon:;:;; ... :. N. Y. to L. A. " Mrs; Fiske .' '■, .:X-''<;.: ^ Jninc's Todd- - i - ■ ' E. E, Cllvb. Laurence bllivie";- :' Leo Cnijrillo. ; . Tom P.'itrirol.i.. Larry-K.par»jb<ir.:.^^V^ "Bad Gii'V' 2 Ways ,;.:■• itoilywood, May 12; .' ;: FblS<i"'ini.,Pro<ltlctipn .of .'IBaiV G-irl", is 'iichedulf'd tfr ibtgin. arbiind June 10. .. ■ Loll .AA'li;w.f.lI, Ibc.ni logit proilucr.r; has tiic .-^ofst stogC ':i'jglits and "»vill put, t'Jhb '.st.ige- vcr.sipn on licfori; ,Sei)t.v l,.;at Nvlilch tline FQX .fs al- lowed lb. i-densc ;the lilra. . ■ "Skippy" and ^Millidnaire" VProdbetion. exes'utIves.:- arid ythe industry at; large as cenlered arbund' Tlbllywppd-.iie' cocUlng an; eVi*: twice'to Ihe.-gro.sSes by .''Skippy'';artd.:''TJ^^^^^ Ml.lJionairc'."-: Shows that the :kid$ arid the more substantial and ,"«i*n- Slble"'.folks: Will vecpghlzc a cortairi type of picture. .' ' > - ' ." v .' .-: ,. .. .It',s' relation :t'o'liie g.Vngstet, cycle.and the- a. ;stuff-„ not: flbiiiig ep :.weil: 'of late, riiay. hrrn: thlut'ii toj).>iy all .b-V^ agitin, : -,, . . ., > ' The m<iriner >n -whiolv P.a'vaniounj's' ''Skipi^y of .where It -plays aiid espc'cittliy in the Tiabpi'Oiobdbrs; does tritdP; ^".'>rinpt;-be ilishiisscd .'IS One; of thb.se./tlii'iigs. .The- grosses are .no mere ;iocident: It's a pictili'c the-ciders briiVg the'ydungstet^.to; . ; :. . .' A.f '■:; : \!V:: ' % -O.Tiigster thing ha.s.>ny hotlv (Vglvtirig sh*. ■:i( lhe.'i)e l)lvV.s.--the.,:giiiiiiian-.'typ hi.s. younger family '^^:ill■ 'r,i(;\«•!; be 'iEscf.itod 'ihiirfetVy -l.liri.' .PrbhabiY 'kecp.s Vrrii .bolh. away.. , ■ ' ,;'■,■>■'.■■'■:■ ^ /■■-■..■''::,■:::''■-.■'■ :.'-:-^'-'';■■;;;■•■.■ HealtVi^Seeker Set- ; In Hollywood -Scckins; heiiilth.' fSrri?. liam' 'Jbrn;-'~ English: librc,tltst,v,w:a-s given a writer's - berth at -JlKo- Pathe . aiid - -will... cbllabpra iy.ith Horace Jackson :pri "DcVotlori" :fbr. Ann' ^^al^^^ri(,',.^-■--- ',' -.^ - Bennett's "Salvaged" On, I'ctur'nliig froin l)rv '^Viivn'^j; lo.in,. Cbnst.anop "n'cnrictt goes.- iolfi ".«aivnged" for HKO-l'athe. Tay OflFflctt^'dlrectS., ' : ■ . ; ; . Turned brioVc; Irtto K writ'er, af ter having: boon ."clovate'd tb director; -llowiiind BioWn was given his ji>(-gO,I)liono - agolii -hy. Fo.v: -jpllTi'r- encos with exrr.ii.fcillnwin'g hi.s; trlii to Pai ls for gigolo atniospjipre have bee)l patched up.. Hp will meg " While Paris'Sleeps." ■- :-:Final ' drafts - of {tho writ.er.s-pro-: .dui-ers'-akrccmctit ai-o licirig: drawn U|)..by "Writers' c oiriuilttpes; -Xroetirig of .writers will be called l.-ilpr. to dl.scijss and ratiry flip.pact, whlclj must then bo blsaytd by 'the ^pro- (lucers.. : .■ :. .-■■ ;■';^'-T ■' .The w-holrtomcAappV'''' 1*'' ;tfib. Arli.^s-^^'arrif'ri plrture;; "'^ l.v: a • ci n ch; jr or: t hc\eld !the J)iiVcrii|e Is not Icrd by the 'City rccqviVs of.lbs Angclei!, where "eniplbS'n)cnt bf :ininprs must be accburitcd for '.thrbugh gitardiaiis'v a^ tri.ot1n;-i)Vib)ic 'rc'-pr^^ .K ■^'<W>)<ld's are .-nb.\v''b uiidcr .'y9n(rrict;..'p.,-iyrblled: at £o much ■ Until- called upon, and -,!Eb -much whrr. ivoricirig, . '.' " --V ' ' " - ■ ; -/■; >!iiuiio: rii.bre ■ - -Contracts "':"■;.' ,-'....' >: F.ox, ' signing Kendall MvCbmas, 14, to. play"one bt tilt Kt'tirriey chil- drOri in ;''i<kylln'e's,"^, iieUV hri,n',: frbiri working elsewhere by, paying him -$30 till ready. AVheri: ca mcras .stiu't the boy gets i73 weekly. -. f>i;"Kr Laiii'eiV, 'iioyellst and Sid- ,nt-.v.,-libbert 'Buohman, .tilayw'rigiit. writing-for :Pii.raii'iount.; : ; . ;. ':,1,'6\v: Ayres .arid' U -signed and sealed for:a now 5-year term starl- 'ing froin t100,060,.with also ;in,- ,o1vitli)Vg;a nlt;v.:hpriris. vr ,. .; , ;■: • Cutter'to Merger . ' Eddie t.'ahrii tJulVi^-.sal.' c.ultc-r;- dijl yXJji -for. ^.^u'r(^er" rrriiiikcs. so ■nicely he's bCcn handed .1 megaphime In- tiorll-ed'- f oiv. n VP ' yoavs., - (■Uiiphig fllhi .nirio years, Ills first direction': will .he;j"La!j.c.a of the Hio Gra'ndc." • .Allied' Theatre dwriei's'of: SotiliiJ erri California Is. thb new name-, of thp MPTOA loilal; New olTlcers arc . ;A.' .Sl'btiigc'r; -pi-p.slilent; : Ri D. W'hltspn.^ vice-president; andC A. Ferry, .; treasurei-. .A;. • Alpersiein sticks as sec. and biz'mgr. ■nartiedr Ctirniack's ad("ipt'ni;|pii- of "MurUit'- by: . Hie Clock" no' tick. Parampurif ' letting .llonry • try It, :;',■: , '■ -■::■.;: .:;■::.,;>'.■,: ,/ "v:^:; Tiff'i 2d in 5 Mos. . ■ Tiffany . starts- -a . second pNHiire, "Morals for Women/' this' wtcltj ■ Isen : Mayna'rd-' - western, stmllQ't • iir.st-work. In- tive months. - -.r Liquidating Scripts ^ , >• , Old ' PatlK' cooipo^ny ■ -retajiri'pij • ,story:pvopei;tl'es.wliVm the name and ■ other a.ssefs went IIKO, Kalea drive on the .material is ibeing pre^ p.tred by, B.,F.':Fox,- fiei^c-,llciu"idat^ •ing.':' Only oric. Svhiciv .itKO-l^.Tith^ bought Is. '!,Rchb(ind." .'; '. .Rbeievelt^a: New, Coritrol',; - --; Rehenck-Aiiger-Craumah-Toher- man; 11 hri-ro;iIty group ' is uiit bf ' Roosevelt hotel control. Hotel Holding Co. is Iri 'charge: under -a' bbiidliolder.s' cbriih-,!ttee ei-insi'stlng- of Henry ;E./.Shere,r. -P! B. Mason, L. E.- Trepp, John L. Dembow- and James Clay. . ' v> ''.' ■- ;!':>':'■! " . ." .Fight on Lot: Denied- stbp-a'!vd^?;o:: <in':.."Tlip fii-eat Lover,"' has production resuiuiiig With dlrectbr and leading man cliaiiged. ' : :.■,,.: ■ ' v ,;.:.'.:■ ' ' rilarry Boauinont looif over Ar^ thiir llobi.son's riTcg.'. 'arid Ni>H-ITiiu'iw ll.ton Is In Ralph ;t;r.'i.vCH' .spot. Flrsfl :10'day^s' work; .scfc'ipped'; ' . t '^ .''Repbrts•.: ;of ., fl.stleuff;: ■ hctwebn. Rraves and iAl Scllarlicrf;: nxsistaht': director are i)(ibh-poiihed by .c.-ioi;!!. Murphy Gets Meg ':- --' '. ■-. ■' ,' ." Ttalph Miu'^hy, wilter oil '>^AVl)oon4 tc-do Kid;" will: take the meg foe : Eddie ..'(Jnlfl.Tiils ■ next .at . ,HTC(>» Pathe..,: Pchnt; ."^tory is "Edlly Cuts In." .Sari naldwin- adfinllrig.*... :•.:■-."■•'■;'' /35 Pix in Work ■■ i;'hlrty'-live feature;s were Iri ae« itlve- prbd'uctton. on two d.'iyA-last ■ week,; hbiivles't in :sey'eri' weoii^. .\Ya • change-over time ■ for ' studio*. • 'I'w'cive, fcature.s: llnl.shed, iri -' iir^ third .;of May;-. JO new ones .stiir-icd; an'd:\13 'iribi'e ^set. '^ ''i > )■; Makin' 'Em "Serious" ;Marilyn-.-M-'lller- iirid Joe:j.;. Krbwtt go. "sei-1 oils''. 1 n: tlieir .ne.<tt .\varnet! plcturbs. -Promotions tb dfam.'i a.v« ' "Our .Sp'el.al World" fpr 5ti-ss -Jtliler .and, "Lpcal Bby:'SIakes' C?bod"-' Ifoe Brpwn. ; ■■..•'■:'. ■■"..■-■■•■" ■ ;Marie 'Dj:essler'8-Trips '; A" picture,-tri'eti -ft ^S-acatiori,: Is'ont- for Marie Dressier. -AVhen 'i.T'oli-' tics'' lltijslies she'll dp Eurbpev'. ' ■ Another McLagleri . - Aiibthor. .Mctaglcu In pie)iivos I* CUfCordi .brother.to-Victor, Avho :g.eta -. .stai-dQrti ■ Iri . the Miraelb iriiiie^ '•Itopca , bf - .Saiid;'" .: Ij.avid - f'ci-aiiaia'. Fischer.win-.direct it on K'f'W .\Iex-^ ico lecatlon. : . -J-. J. 'Sullivan tb Xcw .VorU to.. line .up sea.seii's' pi oduct f'o1'- Fp:jt AVest Coa.«t. ;-■,■■■■/,; , . Disney's Own Studio -. Mickey' Moiise a'nd- -.'<illv - Svm- lihony recordihg, will:;hc' done at 'VVnlt. Dlsriey;.s own cartooiv studloi' on the completion of tlie recording', i-pom in .a hionth.. Sotind has bticri goill.:;.-(m .at 'rpc-.\rt; : "rtlbndie'^ d ry -ilocKcd a t r^ox fbi!- i ct;il<.(;!i. -Urn StoUu't diri/i iPd. Gumblner Wants Three Years - i ll. -L.^ f iuiii-liinpr tiiriied: diiwii' tlvei ;Tlu.i,'lTi-s-Frariklin offci* -df JKiS.OdO for. a one-year lease "arid. 30jii-oi)ta: on-.the'Lbs.Angeles thctttrc.- (';um- . Ijlncr wants It .settled for Ihreb- yeai-.-i'piniriiriiurii.. . ': . , - ' California Opening Up7 ; •-;RIrice' the Lps Anl?ele.s city ordi- nance agiiliist iii'iuting raf^irVj; dopb. Was ';-doclared ' iincbnstJtiitional- by the Ciilltornl.a .TiipretiYp Court;- all local dallies iiro carrying foriil: ehartsi-race slicji'ts are' haridlcd by; iipwshoys arid hairidbbolc: opCi-atoi'S' have;sliread- fast.- ,.-■. ■ Feeling is ttiat ,:southern : C.-ill- fbrriKa; :|.s -in for ■!i:;Hb.er)il ' spell, .Hpiied : to help.-;' that petered-out tourist trade. . ■ ... • ;; "Unusual" ..V'v'-^-'; ; .Tiie:.fauibvis'li)>..-iireiiiiuUpi reef litly " .riiaipriaUzcd' iri'i'.;i:lri.- may V'au.fe tho: Bobby -Jprie.s- short.s ' serle.i' lb; be ./inished In. ih*- enst. '. Golf wii; is, -'. I due In Kew Yrjrk ;jiii>c,-;iOi ' I-onks'' lU-to. Warnei/swould he a' ciAijilo-' Of ■ shorts.short when ho ;>-iai-ls. ., v' , -Academy's Cuts - ■; AIniing to';,-i't'hew merribc'vi-;- Mi P. Acad'emy. cii t It.s .si-ale'-friiiri. ? 100 .t'ri . $25; lor Initiation and' from 100 'o $30 -aririiiul ■diipM;' ■, : - : , :. , fTai;r'y.. C<*hh :and- Kddl:e Bti-/.w-ll left::Fviday' tS;: for a; - w-e.ck In N'vW- York;. ■ ."-■:'. ■:..:- •■,■;■ -■■