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16 Wctosilay, May 20, 1931 >THE. HanBy- GUY'V;..- : . ■■■EAPLiE"^SANDE.;...;- ' ■ Dramatife-S'ketch..-' ' V' • ■ ■' ; 16 Mjris/;'^"J-^■••.•^^ .■v■;•■^■ ;~. ^'Vx.' ■ Winte^ Gacdcn, J^;.;Vw' : ' : •;:. ' / : •: vif^iiiKdhe .-.isijosA-t2oe-io v .l'"<>r:'vrtiiiii^fc:.l.lti\vVKA^-<iV;; tiio\.tt';lt;4 till isv t W1.1 -i-*.'^ -It•V i -AV i 11'.,11'j-tibii■ ^c- iMMin . sviHUnliipK iiX ti i;;ini-..st.fVi-. Jiiirdtv.ik' {orin<4l anyavfyiv-I/AHrt('l>--' fn.i;-v:ih<> Av.-k; jgcjc on tlie. sorc'.oti iti- ic 1 111 'AitvA .-ilr:111.1:)(i.0 plUV''.'lAfi ' ^:Mli|■u^(i.'<iu.t Hitsji)icj<>jisl)''i::l^;Qr>.t;h6fie Hpots. Avji^i'e'.thp.. rjU-ols. arb cloSpjy^ . lii(ro\V'«(i '^ttie" Sn^tVe •.(lariifr jna-y. liavp a |)C'>-pt:iUixfji>;-o.\Ji;iusMiy j 0'th>i;.:- . ilitke- '-t \\ro;,;:.spools rate . ti. tiller ajul a nohtr-100 ^ftmiit^'. oiic-au tii/it. v.:.; ':.;-v. .^-v:".; ■, .• >>ioi'y - ii'iils■ ■?;ii.i"0. fa Ivvoc .wtth'. tlip' sistc'i-: (vf/a' snior-tlii!;?. ■^\'r.ifolv:•^vi■tl,i a;- Il.-iily as-^ij^-'iiiivc'iit riE-.<)Vp',ilrjroki:; ilo.'s; i,l>i-c)wrr;fh;'liis;ilr.'itk:amei'a I'.acd 'and" rijiiviriepit' ■ .fha6:v: hc'll-^-naVci,' .• HjlP iitfaiiu J^Own. !a)uV'.<j'ii,t,' '.tlvov-jockey.' ., yiiiatly niixltej^r -Ivti ;Avay- .back •:ip:'.tUe iI ;ick, l^l^^-oW: traiiipf' .Has liiinffhl. thc /lafiiPO ' lioVs.e wlilch'^t^'l' with ivlni..'- .Tlio. olil iivin fleiii-o's-. the Ifdrnie.r rt>m.bi.ii;iU<;>n ' iSv Vo'i^th ■afii- (Uhcr ti\>', ancitiicyU'c .put- in', trdni \\'-lv*'ti. t"hp .:horsG ;go(>s.;,lslrn,e^ .again ah(V has 'to\bc...fVpRtroS'Cfl^ B.ut.the inbhifyr- .cames ■ Ifi .'as the !^t.e.^vP(i • re- porter hds a.ccia.entally.i.l^et. 6n the rijrht aniV ioJiRTpr'io.Prt win . iVace' sfuft ;}$ ^-,'mlxturfl■■ Of new's-'' r,f>el shot^!,. ...A5; iiiahy';as;three .a^id fotir (IfffercTvt; .fciips,.. riinging'. ijrprti K psoni td.r. feelmqri t,' traco:: th e ■: brie - . <-.ir(5iiit i)togrGs$.'6t" Sande- arotirid .. jQl^ii-t i-aclit a,ilQ .^.eijojseupi'-niale^-i^l. S tl ■. ,i='an(le'S . ski)J ..in the saddle isp ., it . looks \-as /though, ' the ;produ.Qei:3 . ncitji.ei':hrt.d: the. incllhatidft-.nor. titirie. to' shor\v ,hinv::riding cleai,' ot .a: jarn;' a ppckrt or ■ .obming^jhrb'tigh oh th<5-. rail. ■. ■ S()ji)e\lhtng.--sh«.u'ld^^^^ .iipwri' i h IP .rh rti r ■ 0.U t;' h iS;. :l"'(^|i u ifi ti >^ln : ■ i t;a. 0b..5b.nt;: lio'ncip, x-tiVe.; v.plbafiQ-:' i;n.erolX- . aniounts . .to'-. Veipy . prd.ihiVry . r^Lce t rack' tvvp-lreeler • Ayh iftij 'wpuld: never, l oiicli .A iEJrbadway iVpusie were tt' .npt ■ j:.or tHe-.Sa'n'de hame.V-.. \ .■.' ■.:;'. ; .■ Suppbrt play.ei\s-'are'.''ri paftJcu- •larly, fetrohfc t^puph tliie/boy ;playT . iiig the repbrt^r mana'ges to siibak in sbme; Gohibdy. Saride -is niot com-r • rortable' in ,hijii- histrib.nlcs,.. 'b}it 'if I hey ■evfeiv i<rt.'others; in th^ .cast.carry iho stpry," And ..igo tft -clbseups- :bf . \\li at ifi jockOy hrtft ;tp clb irt the sad - die,- Sando '.cbuVd turn .but-si. 'good, •sluirt-. ■■' ■■'.•■-'^ :■ ' ■ This.'>is' Rnmlo-s • first. ' Xt's -'iibt iMui^x-n .\VHo.lhfr it's-hlfS" list.- .fSkl: :': B E LIEV E It 'oft N OT'r ■ fiOBERT RIPLEY V, : li|ii5trate'd..'IVlo'nbfog''. ■. • 9;ryii»isvi;:--..-:.v-,v -^-.' -f--^'-::^/ W\ hter. Garide n, N ;Y. b' ' .'' VitaT?honB; -No; .1189 s..'• .': TTsiKal .Kip);eV!-b.d(liti.os hbt aHvan timeplisly. .pr'osehte'd-jn-ihis j.nistah'ce,- il'.p ninth of the series.f .She Cain-' I ra. seems to'be s'pentVfng'.t'bp..Jiitich I inie;pn fy.bsc>\ips <-if - the.cartoonist;- u-ho do(f;^n-t.:'1t;)oI>'.'iVny •too.wel.l. ih'tlTt; ...•^(ivip. and ■fi.shvht\'s dlsplayin)t? he'r>.;: A Iko, tliP • cvy.lci^iat'.'intipnt to' breato; t)'><" iUu.^iion pf lUp'siillustrat'od/Jec'v ^ ture hororti hi.s:;bl.ub..menxbe';-ship is 1^. • iiot.cU'ar.-:-. -..■' ■. ■■■'' ••••'■. ^ B A:.cpns;tioLnt' strcairi of despri'ptivp ' : .^vi)Vds. frprii" Jtii.ilby; as ' the '"soreen flashes ^■[hat h.o's.' talklnff.abbni^^^ The' f.<ist..prattnn{!'.. voice 4bt«::a bit Lhion-' otonous after a.AVhiro ahd thcj studio s,iiould .flisli 'arfaind for a neiv mbthpd .I'S^ gbUing; the: suh'Ject ac'ross; . It's ''HOW i PLAV GQLF" «QBBY JONES .'•CKipvShots'^'^ .■■;■'.■ .' ■■■.•■■'..•;■•••.'■•:.'..' fviih^:;'-:- ■[■.■'■■:.:■■:■■) ;■; •Witittfr/Gard^rti N'v:y.\':. ; .^, :■ ■. Mbre I'yitl ^Koi'f -than • e^noxid: Onior~. i.taiivnu-nt- jh ;vthls- .second ^' opiso.rt'e. ;.Thc..iijiki'.;ii(Jii>'ids;'>vHt it' ai'i<l..p)-pl)iiiyiy siti'th^roujith lt...ii'vprb ■thaiv oTi^^'e-. -Tlvc.- non-Kblfc'rsvw/li be'. .'pa.t-.ii.!h.t '.'bcc.'i iiiie th'b'. J'aiip^ iit-v.sbh'i'. ality..:is ■«^i.-.hj;tri;( tb ()iive7^ '■■■ ' . 'W, V ''TJil.s' iie't-'tfird iiiik jp.AVarnors'.'. golf-- Irig chain i.s .sli.ortet\ 'than,,t opejir. . irtg .rc>l'aT»d.-.l}i;cl{3 ;the-cpirted .hyi:!';dt'^:<'s's(h>.'.V.'llore 'the: cp'ntiYtst hia'-. ■ iVriul Js 'ieft'-'tp: tlh.-trlie.- AVinningcW \;.o(iji.' .ilalHtlayv. ■ Xyilliuiii ;iJa.vi.dK6.h hrid'Iibbei^t.ivll'lp;tti..who;.bfri^ si-: b g,'i«i iu .s.s. .iiiiDotiiig for- a. fairway -duel,' VSri.hivliige.r,-,. sitoii'lcs .awfiy:.. early .\t.o.' pra (■ t iC'V: c hip', s.h pt s and 'Jbn es cpnies ^nibUijg ..past....'. it;pb.h~t tcWticst- •• he stops-;'.to. .:i;P!ii'h.. •^VjfrmiMBe^;-'..;(.\yh.o!^o^ gc.n;uiiiC';.3pviiit<i;;w .'iiCloji.-Errpl bn .1119- .cpa^t 'aiie .fi(utitV(is),.;\\vUfn. alpng.- ciiniCeV-the; rest" of.. tlV$ .fo.Urs.ome/aiilU, they .fill sit iiii. .to l.barji' sbmbthihg.:. ,. .Jpno.s ^tav't!j' inihnfhg tliepi; u^J to. tl.ic .'piiv'.iviih .ii: liiiasihi'e ; iron,..•arid' keeps 'mov^fng, back until. h.C'^ using: a.:nia:shlb. niblick... -Thq .'retrb.a't from. thc7:gvech-also Vincludes the vi^^ of the ,tu ii - 0 p shot Wi tlv .a, miash ie. '' The as.e .qf 'all three tlUJis. has been "well cftiiieiaect In hprmat and ^low mo- fiori, and thfc. \v{ijr the..Atlaiitjin lays th.epi up -thei'e--'wilV'^ireak'the -heart pf .mahy. aygplfer.; .Shankihg; hitting, the tifajl. >vi.th the heel of .the club, so tliatrlt ;s\veiin'es-put rrght- -1$: Al}tlX,iejcplaIricax-.hj!„Jbnes,-~iv^^ su.i>j)lics .the.Te.ni.e.dy.'-;~ .-^ . .':•'', .' The'sheirt:l.s nti.taMe In that Jehes wiEj.stes-nothing; . 'There^^^ peai'/ to be a: sxiperPiibus. wbr.d' or pttoke, although that may be strictly a gplf ppinioii:. But from .this angle•^ the. le.ssbri; oh chip, .sli'bts' is riiycii h-iore :■ LnstrucUve than'-the. :bpphing sessipn .with;, the. putter, .;iAt ■ least ni^ch-/iinpre. tipie Is gl-ven io instruq--- .tibn; .; - ':■ . - ■■ {■'■ There is n6 bff-.screen v<?r^al dc- fecriptlve r matter • hefe,.. ot^'br ■ thin from, Jones; .and thfe -climax has the' fbUrsome .ph Its -way With Winning- ger '?ill ,.k6yed' jip to take thb boys flver;'-. -.v.- .-■ -..y. •, - ; ■ ' : '.,'■ ::..., .. The'.'tailing-: fPot jige/ act Ihg 'as. a trailer for. .the neJCt^-.iaembristratibh, has Jphes i-ji a ti-iip. snapping them, out . with a; niblick,. . Thb tlilvd shpi. will .likely.:,rpll .ji cpupile oj? golfers in the atgle,: as^ Jones here; tleiibef- ateiy, stops, upon his.ball and tlien .blasts /it: ont iiifa the. cahicva- V • r,It'j3 .eVen.'hioii.oy that tlie.^e' .<ih'prts ai:e 'going' to throw.' jiinny • a gx)ifr'i- off .hi.'i'. gal.pie ;f6f a" day oi- /two'.a^~ theyi-try -to. eni'iilate "Jones/ -liiit .ilifs may.- fllSo. .bring -■ t.h'crn-''hac.J.t; to . ta'kq anothe.r jpok, jiist -tP %eck-.iip....'. .;■.. .Ohe-prbbloiiv.fbr'thesc shorts is' tp' pick a., golfer s^Olciently skilled to rJl(iy the dnfCcn-, as the-dub, after the le.Sspn, must .plfiy the' .shot; right;. 'So faV' • they've i)ii:lfed... Friii-nk'. - er&veh and. '\V-innin'p(.r;'.Tb<)th pjE. \vhbnv ;£irG consistently in ;;thB.;8Q's.-.;and. v;t\rhp, upon pccQ[sipn; can shade that figure, •'\':.'.'/\- ' ; ;^'-,' \ ■ .-li/d/' VrTIT''a"gopd idea, but po6r^^ .in/this Issucv V J''ini,<?Jrc.s' U15"Ripley-chailcf? up 'ehe .dl^uw^ng,• hiJjJb^^ie' .orfbrt'bt tli'iis -kim^^^ III the.reel, :^Kof ;Kp;od,.entbrtaihnf5nir as it standsi- allhohgh most of the' \Jii-ious items .ai^e' ihtere.s'tlng, Jt'.s' l-opbi^ib a -maheV.' of shpwmanship siiid needs '.•^oijie. .thought -whloli the- .t'-i-ios, aJf ih{h;,'i'.\y's'';tp- a cJ6ae,Vfs.-l»p:-' I-;irent1y...n.pt .getting, ■ .;' ..'fid.-., • "PEST Ofv-;HONOR;' : Co.medy.-. ■ ■.>■ -r.' . '^v-.-' ■ : 8: Mrns. .'■:'';'.. ^'V..'.:'.■ \Vapnie:r's,:'.NeW-ybrk .. '■"• ■■'■•-.r:'- -r'3 '. :VitapKon^3No. ;.1118. ;.■ .■: '.:fy , / ^Voll /acted "by. ,'«h',\inbiilod • cflst. irs'^iiuilt ariiuhd 'the iKaVnett-'hurn-. i.ng gag with.-Ltike npt-igettirig any i TPdit.. AVeak fi.hish: aff.er spine very • fiiivnS- nUmitos ht'iins,'; but Ibpplci'ii'g iiHyAvli.t.-rdougirt.. tp .bc-easy,.:.''..:' Has ;i. f;:0*'t='t .'of; h^iriov .at Tt. .pa^^ '■<M f'l 1 y 11 iring a. 1 lu'i ]iiV. to T)iiV'n. vip • verylmdy. .J.i(v ^laps the' hands of «ni>. nian_whfi's u.<<irig'. tho wrong ..-ii(.)<.n. si)i.I)s -|r'.e:d'iV\vii-a'.ladA'-'s^ h , ' I'v. .;Thr.iiw'jn.i,'. .ili.V-.tio'sl Piit■ PIT.the . windp\V; .lS: th.cv';.lii.ii!<h, ■■'r:/ }.^. ,:.■: ;■...:.[ 20".'lVt»ns:.;. : k- :.' ':^.y ''.' ■"■'.''■.■.• •'Globe,'. Ni: .Vi-v •:■.'•""■■'■?■'•,•;".:'' >. '■':<■:■'■ . .'•■ ■' : ■■■/ ■.■.S'■■'..Pcfifhe,-"• ;':.';.:•. .-■■ ';•■.■:•.. ^' J . Kdg;i.r!,; '^v<■•nVv,?^i■^•i..■■■■l.^^o. ..liV\nv''-'''W . 1U1 lil.i.V'; p(--i;(.s:..ll I-S -lI'f'.t! d-. il i-iyw >|^J'1 . iM'Viiind- Jn .< l(o:'.l(.s.liHlly..'(ibV.fo\^^^ lii tf!i..< .<p,ho. V',f|j:ii(.iH''K-plVji'V^ Miniature Reviews CO N.FE:R'EN'C^?"^ ■'.-,■ •' 'Co.me'dy'. '■■'-.. '; '■"- -, .':•. -' 19. Mins.■ I}- ' ';;"".•':..'."'■:. ; Loew's New ybrk ..."'...;/. ';.'.;•. '. ' E'duca'tional'■■■'•-. 'v-'■.'r . Mack .Sehneft' flunks .hadly in. thi's •one,,. Startip!- .out wi'th^ a. no.vet idea, ■^biWttr-aTDtntd- a.-' -SelStch:, arid; Jewish iwirtnership .-jn picture .prPductloh, wi..th plenty .of- trp.uble over^a tbm.-' pprarnon'tfil .?ft<ii- -n'jid ; the:- ba'(\: v.oici.o/ h<v reveals. on .■.g(uiig.: Jhtp (j'l.lli'ers, .Sennctt s- Avrit.t^r,s have, iailod: tp' dp Uvfir part andvthe..actors ci*:'rccbrd- er,s lia\'e:faneh..dnAvh.eiiti're1y. «hort is; sp-.:J.hn>i.)lo.o>:sp .JL>adly'..ciit and the- ropi'pduciiuh • .'p;bbr" ii liasn't a ■<;hftnice. ■.■^■/r '■ '■. -'.'.v .■'•''.. '•■- .s-:,.: ^.;.;AVhat ■ / little. '^dlalPg''.:is '' present mainly .cooberns the' prbducing dup's gratiiipalion.over tl.\ciiVs.tar.ln .silent da.v>s, wftli a; ho.avi-•coiit'n.u-'t' handed oAit,. and thPii- disgtj.st- with.'llii^• .v-auie' star ;oii li'ea.Kln^'-. i^jji ■ in . hi..^' n'f.st tiOlying rplb.- With?ohb bif the piivt- fie.)'s.Pj.iyii!g^d.ead.'.tomAkc.it-appear he oo^^>nli^^dJ;Sui<;f(iil.6ver thtlt pbh-. tract/-', the.; ai'tpr ." brealta d'own 'ia;nd' teiirs it .lii'):-^'bn tpp.xtf that a mouse- runs, tj-p- ; jtlic;'. G:i')o.s^iinj..;.; p.Trlnc-v's .pahfs-log;-';aii«V tUere's 'the ^pxjKv.v'e. ' •Andy (''l^rdb:. a hd'. Gco'rgp ' AV^il,sprt pliiy-' the .-pj.rt.in-e -. prti-thers;' .']0|thSr ,s-?>i'nblhin.g Ifa.ppf^iie.d ttf .tht-ir' voiCbs or tl.ib recorder on; the Jjot took tini'e put>l:or. a ,n;lp'.'; .FJjii-ry WrihUOh, 'as the .ii<.-l.P.r,. is... l)Pttor; •httt'.alwv-'ln, distiin t. in' a iiiKl'6rjty'P'f .:hr.';- S(-(.n'os, •J.)fr.e(..(:or is ' a?d(]ic- ..tnlne; .' -'aV- good ■ld!.-a.w.u<<tt;d.^ .;.'':.; ■ > .^'^i^hiC)^... ; B;I.GE SPORTLlGHt ■ ■no'wirvs::"■ ■--.;.; ■}: :■ ;• ■'rr..-'r...? ''' •■:'■■ .■:;.R:Ko'.''Pa:th6-.-;.'..;;;.;:; .: i/f Jii'nlli'ss n>liigiit'(n> 'si-alking. i\ ]{h .the 11V i\ III s t,-> i V. i 11 .c, tT) b ; p jf > 11 ri^ih, Vaint a'n((:''(:aU<''- as jijie-lhrMH- '''; ;'M'I.V''iV .. .Jyi^t .iinnitiilMJir^^^ ' ih(/. ."^u.lj.li ■''tV^liiis.-' li/r n ■f.-kl'hih)(.'(i i.Uv'f r 'ViJ'^ :hiJ).tjy;:pf tii,v »u>.w;sreV'I^,'but \VQi'.i)i'a sp.'ff'for'iaiu'li.pitvso.; ■.•..■... .;.:(^Mr.^Tf^.?; ii' irci'u'rile.Vif twlf-t.^;'^ V('])f'i.l6 wr(r(ff..r^ r4^r .lint .-bkdy;- fi'lr'-ull ifeyi'hcv.Hfisji^I'lij-'/i^-O^ '. by ;-:s(!r!ilTiliil.ujr ■it's stJ^inar.lr.-'i|';>' hbusx/s;'-'-. '■.:^ '^'^ira?^ oif. <vhd;j.?i?=. lin.s ..toj. iTir. Avii.li-- ii;; Iji.d'-s . biVt.l'day party. '-■■.■•'.'• ■'■ ■■•;'' ... : n(i(igh. ?l;'ip.^l.ii.k...and pWivty-.of -It;.' Fi»'(r .ille; jrvt;r(itiro fnt)- goos. tP>*'th.is ' rla.ss of. luvodpf'tl'iiy can't he..aiiS-thIlig .. '..' "brei,: 'iGrflschenpper".' (:'!A'n).':• ■•'I.I ii;'hi.v; .ar.ty p.i0:i:tirc' n-v.adp. 'by' ' '- -'\'\'arhbr ] irothers a.s an'brJiginrvl'. ..; ln;;:'CV'nMiia.hy.' ..•W bring' riives.. ..•;nhd -eiiicVgi'i,'.^ btit unlike'ly .m.u.ch; ■.'niiviieyi ':" ->'■;;'■' '. V ■;>It's.> 'W'.Ohild^V; (^Sfptro),;; .; 3Sriv.•;siii)jet-'t •.■.ina.ttor"';h'ere'.;. for; '.fari'Ub^ 'iaudiertce ': ordinory .,';p.ictiiro -;.;^'lth ; fi'b.mp . '••comed.v.; Its orily .st!i\Mor;; pi.Vtfji- ,lVeavii:>Ht'.'.' Sta'gp ...; :SUpt').01't:'. .i'.fvt . ... i.oe.>Y;'*. .Capitpi pii '.-Jir^a.dway , ;; AVlth/1 Ivi-eo: .sttigp .ii'aittci?;. P£ any ■ •de.: 1 U^.cr .•■ prir't "Brbadw.d.y .■'ih : niik'pn tJi .si ; . whbUy • ! deii)eni^ent • , upph XTeal'st _.pan.i?rs|. piviggfhg ...{(:iV tli()se .tUties as 'Cpsmx .; prod ii'eiipni •. •; Marion ' piiVics.: '',.st/trrjad. ;■;'';•;..;-" ; ' : ' "Seed'!:.: (U)v G.bpd; .vvpman'Si;^ '.Vpl.cttir'e, .that.; SyJll; sti-ikc - geiir ;.;,erpti.s ;b.. b:'.ahyvvhei'e'.. 'Itj^ '"" .Pvie.r jips^btii'tlD!! hat^^^^^^^^ - lbcali:<<;(li; cbhdltipn^ ;; ;;:pict in'c.\s.ytec.hhicS ..';{ion; ■:.' C.arfful; ..cast'-'.. scteb'tl'Pn, ; •ieyenly;.! pro'duPed^T,and ' vint«tli.T ■' ^gently/(TialPiijjed; . .." v ;'^^'.''.; •': ..'^Bia'cheibr AparttnienV'. -.(Rai-; .-. dloy.- ' i'por pib^ . -jh'ostly '' Pn ■;:/^ ■ .'sPp.hKti.cfttea. ■ gags. ■ •''&().' actlpn. ■ ^ :.iiiiectpd;..by' .1^^ ;. AVhp fr'lso:plr^ys;tlie leadiiig X'p\<i' ; loi' '{»<)'/o.' Pt-..lhb.; fpptajfp;. li'enie ' ; 'Durine: ■ arid.-.. iiao. Mijrray - inj; .past.; \Np acti'p.n/ hppe libs,V. ;-.in .. dp.w ritpwii mets'ppt? with ; ;plprity^ pf .stage; sjuppprty-.ib.PubfK^ J 'f ut f oir Krii:^liei';.sppYsfari'd'-.^^^^^^^^ .:. ■'tp^vris, ■ ••'■■; ■''•'•..'..■■:, ""..■.•■;"■■•••:•••'. .;.;;"S'i'x;'.-CyliridWr';:..'|.py V riii^;.-CohV .should see .; :. ial'r, mpriey. ^ .Apythirifr .;i)'etter," sh'p.^lVl.,. come ^ only ;• through '. stfbrig s;tajje.'-supiiprt; .wtthput: ■ .sjich help:.thfe',r.esultsr jri spme". ^.siJ.PtS,. iriight be':I,ess ;thari fair. ;. .<^Y^-:n ke'ei": :pbh*?' (Gapltpr).: G^ppd "w4$l6m.~i^^ ' :t)jre. uise... tJoritairiis actiph;.a.nd\; ,, piok ..; *4^'llri>a(lgb:3 jVibtbbatics ' iisUally please'' thb;;.-.kids.' .a,^^^^^ ; ' . iri'en/.;:' ■■..'■ :;.^..•v.''' .^-^: •' ■ '' ■.■■•; • ■' ■■'■ i '. ^ "Ljp. ppps th9 PevU'h^PaiS). i; .G!ppd;.Ric.a:sipg;-; enter ■- fbi- th'p; riiassb3^bi*ty. lacking: .In., • ';.';nariios.'^f p;r; drkv?* ^^'i^iVl:.'.rte'ed- ;stippprtand'- • *Pr^t.-o.£rm^^ .'-..advert.i'si^'ig;-'^ .'.';.' ''"•■',... ■■•':, '.'.', ;;.;;, ;**Pa:rty.;.Wus^hd"JF-N^;■■•:ln^ ' ... cop.s e'ci vveri ti al;; pa ripr' - - bp in ed y - ■' \;.><h\n.hYaS of-'little or jip \}: 'p.;. iirir. ^ ijyi^t.;...;:;i>pi'PthyC.3J[a^^ ;b:ii:tv^ .-. .bcSitVuilbd-'lo $piit..'\Vepl^s *n^^ •'. .de lii>iif>. hou-sp '-cliispUtyi:.. ';•..' ■-' ;.;:;^^''The y-Gooa: ;-Pa4 ^^'^ ; •lrimbiaj..,^.Faiiv;^ talker- : ' with - more JrbriiJinc.b' tl.vah. f.n ' .\Vriiost ;«f ; them. ' I'ictiu'o.. ' well ' ;: .e.ribi'igh: .;,niade... and . '.played ' 'but ' .■■ftri'vho^rt^^^ -twist here riiay 'ai<V ■;V:WPpi(.M'i;: .slafe;;.trade- as'u.sua'i;.,-'' :;;.:;"Je'tU.]Frau Hat-Etwai"; (I,>ai->v;, -, Jn.fevibj^ Oerniari/, V : ..-''Hpneyi^. JBi 6..:pps&tb'ilit;ies'nii;; ■■;.aiiywhe.re..; ..'■'■' •■.■;.('' ■■:'. . .;>.'. ;'^,Moristers of;' the :.P.eep" (TlfU)-; ■ tJeiii .fpiS : sppr.t'iiniPri; •;- edlibaii</rial'.^Ln(t' a(iyb»v.f pic-- - tilrCi'iVii? children—b.iu pojssibly ;a''f<'y too, rt-iany; itl.sh .fpr . ' the .'. a.v.prag.e .hpvasew.^re..^ ■ • ; ■ 3 GRdSCHEiNpPER ; - .-'('^iBeiggar'a-OpiersiV)::-■.' ^ -(GERMAN 'MAD£; BY WB)- ■:-\vv'; ::(W'iih.-lyiMsio)';:; ;'^ -. ■ '\V,irhf>r 'Jlrolli' i-? iifp(liii-.(l"ri ii.nd -Vi'*-.!.-o.' .Sh|-(li>.. In '.-'';J'-mii'in\V-.' ..l.)|i'iM.t(.(r , by. 't;'., ,-\V-. l-'iiii.-it. '-.'.Siiiiv: J>y iwr't- iwri-'ivt;-. Mnsi.;-- i\v,'' Kurt-:.\V(>UI.. . .Si-llli»f;.<!, .--AoitrcJ .A'iuli-i'J'Hv. i.^ainiTii'r-.li'. "A.- Wirtncr,. .■ Sci^tnl/ A.'- ;inir.-<i-ii: ■At-.>V«i:rif r- Jl)t-';iir(>, .NVw'Vdi-lc, -wi'i-k .;il:!iy IS,. (VUim.ln'ff: .1 iii>c/-.^>7, iiilDXil-i--''. rtlchlf Mf-sM.ciil..,. „i;;...., ;.,VKiill((lr. ri)r.'»f<.r l^c-ilfr -Jfoju-hi'iiiVi.; ; ,\ , .■lyui'iijii. 'Ni'lii-i* ..iViicluhi).:'..;'::',;/,'.■-,...■, .-j^'.-,<i ■r.-'.Prii'z-.J^i-^p- Ari'p..- iv.ai.))um;>', ....-.Vi\Ii.'sk-.\ (i> 11 Tl\t'ev U'r^ivif II.. , ,'..v'v.UplhlioJil i-;i l)iini!i.-'l. i.lenjiy.-, i.... . , : ^;.... I.oll'c'- l>(rjif •lallpr..-.,..',.-, ,<;Vl;>OjmT)' 'Si'ikp.lns i.tullaU Sliiei-r. i,;r..-;>.,.-. ^...-Ki'iiat;- JluaWi ilarcV .Vtp . believe that; -. ^Va'i'nc.r. il'Jrethcrs' l^new whatvthby. were dp-^; (rig whori.-th.oy-. prderPd' this, .iilm- -V"' -be ■nia^'lp - for. the'in in; CJbfniiairiy- .l>y .arid for the.;rip.l'-n-ians'i; Added to;.the fabt/it has riw-arit. a ■.hefnliif'('hc. :fpi' Ihohiv.on; t.h<' ot^ier . sltle-, in tiib •A\:ii,v of ja.'iv'4vi;its for ;oppyr'i.ght reu h-iu'st'! have'; libe.ri;. .:{in. pvuri'; .-liig'giH' jieaiiaehp ,^o: the'in; wh:er\;'tb.eC^ riypd ,phsthi.s.; 'shprei'. .l)ilt': it'.s.;..iToj.iig .strugglhig .with it yhb.rb the .water i.s pVer'his;headi '.Wairi.pu'noh.'is.th'e riianner lri which the pvirsueiv figrirar (iveiy: bexei and- fPlrits- i^bt;; tlie ciuibk clasp.'tp;c.)P/>e;jth!(^ big. jawsi .; ■ ; - S.^iik. iritrr'csting-a.s. i- scree^^ je'et'i;- .il ri(j:....'W;iicr.e .-thp.y. hdveri't'; seen! thi.s .siriiilitr .Flprida'-.-'paStiriie .surc.7 .firb.-.^:- "■';/:':.; ;;.-'^...-v'v ■ ' '^id^...■ :^'Ti6ERS VSV ELEPHANTS!'; "• .Expeditiohary-..'.'.'j.- - >.-,'.-,^ -.. 20. Mlns.-';;'V' 'l -damco; ^.'}ff:' -S: ;■■■';;■: .:••";•'■.;-■ '^Taikinis, .^'Pictupis - Epica ■:. -'■'■; ^; An .intorestlrig:::sel•ieS'0^-Qiips-f^pri■l. Cbriiriiandec i)irp.tt'3 ' fbaiture ; pre.^ diictlQ'n, VMvntfn.g' Tigei'S' InV-India.v TtV.-ii.-'worthi;vhlle shbvf uh.d;,a ribw. ddea .lri'.-:tha-t ,d4rc'ctipri -siri.c.e. it al.^o 'afl'brd';i.;;(lifCererit. Islari;t. \n. tv.-iiler.s. :: The' '.^£()i'y tpl^.^. >s' t^b. nK.vin .::tVvin.g and. it 'i-s thoroughly; completed; has tp do with 'a..traln 'ef .<'lephont« ericvri'.'jirig : .tigersV iti ■ 'th.blr '.native, hati'hi.'^.;'. (C^losnig Iri' 'bri. -.thV.rii -vinlil 1 h'b .aiilii'ials ;l.'^hp out.trojp'-.tlic g'vass wir('n''':t lii.,v. .a'r'c;.; shot .' down..: is . -t.h<> .rijain-spihW'ppfe.: \ :. -:.'^^ ■'■ ■ :.. 'A:ir(''l'r">'i-i'i'<'n ''le''iurA -flri. ili^ :dit'rli.'ig-.(li,i». v.vi.nriijig tinu'V-; ;. 'VV'r/lv//.- Xii dP. a ■ suiprislrig -thing. Jt's gb- ^ng- tb establish 4h<i 'AVarhe'r:.HvothV ers- of the' -tiplted 6ttrti;:s-;:as luc.v'iiyfr^ tii'rned-Put the. tinest. fllriii: aVti.stfoaliy.' that has eveivbeeri.'riiiiide. irt ;Eurji)p,c;; Aithough bi'trigini? liitib lritb;th,e/box ofiflcb;: That ; .s'tarl;« the old- ai-gu-. mbnt' jig.ftiri' Pf ■ wh^iit - is :'a ; good pib- titire;';.;.-.-'■-•; XS, '■ - "Beggarjs :.Opbi"aV , is. ^'llArarriors- pri6nihg..fllm;.iri tlvelr new; aftenipt to i*uji .:a.. fpreiferi .langaugo ;flTrti,'v.hp.uso of their iowri !bri BrbaidW'ay,' ^ Miiybe lt"-s...^a "gpbd; first JchP'bc. ".-It :;Will hrJrig.; tlVifriri v'all -. .kinds' of ;enlo.!iHes. X.rprii ^.tlie arty. .hPys O-hd ;riiay . /give thie) :hPupiB.;ari' arty'c^ lus; which, - ilddeti^ tb lthpr .Germun liCTL.de,. njay . fill the 1,100 iieats. ;' ; > .-.When G, Wi Pabst, pi-obayy: .Oei--r: m{^rij-!js best diriectpr, was; let ;io'piie p'ri ih.fe'.'S^'clpt pf .this .illiri,.-h«-ntirst-f have /been.;. gJyen free rCin, , -Arid he -lobkvil Arid .diiseryes. a' p.iilrii pp. that, v Impossible .t.o! go iaway from tivb: film. Whether lin^erstaridl rig - it; -oiv riot;-iikirig- Jt <ir not; without.i-bal^-. i iiin^f. th il t; Ra bst ha fS .;dbne ..■i^'re rii ftrk - 0b.ie; jP.bi t'King.jii.e.Jt'ene. i[:'i;aii\ to^li.*.' nicjup.pf;mixirig"swbcpi'ng.shots with' ;shbr.t. jabs ..ilid :;addirig. Ip ;it. CYery-, trick of sha(]pw .and-variglei:;photog;i raphy that. .the late -. Murnau.- de- veloped, ; :l?abst has imi>rove(i on both;-': ;: ■;■;:^''".:. ';;;" . •:e.a.stlm*'.; -ahsP,; ; is e^t'ceptipnal. fivery: tyjie ;(.'ind th^vplcture is full :of. character; parts) .1? :.b,e'a'ritltully pltiked an4 fits.' Acting; In aill cases; is up,"to-.the highest stariddEd; and phot'pgraphy ;Pbr<^ct. Bii't . ;all .;a,l'e ^bvershaldowed- Jpy. the direction. ■ Trouble'' -vyith..the film that it dori'e: thrbu.ghout . in stich-st-.hig^^ ''Jmodbi-'n''' manov, ' that it;'::is. 'almPst- im'pps.sihle; .^p fpllPw the fitory -thai vonietiriies-,.. Vtecpriies. distinctly., boi- wIJilcriiig..' liad (-.K't t \r>^, iriay;' he.'to hlaniG;.^for. pai''.t;P.f this,..-.1jii,t not;:'cn.- iii-el.%%-.'V-In- t-ie.;iiii-'ldle p.r^^^^^^ 'b.wsino'rss, Xor.'-.iri.s.tiinbb',:. .rindlfov-. n'p" log'ifjal-reasrir., attibn' s.tpps.';w^^^ in a'ri; li.-! virig hot I1 iri'g;..tp:' drt - M'i.th i.t;, sings-'a sp.rig;,'-"Tt may ij-p;,'gop(l -arf',-. fjtit jt i'sri'.t gbpd' th'pjttrc;-. ;. Kiirt-v^NVeifl, who wrote--th'P.-mris '.^'nd-. is re.-spon.^lbliB' .for .nri of . the" i.bst bf .it; 'iri;>l lib;f.riginalr orip of; 'f i'erriiariy\s .oriost-ri^'fidcrri, rbrijpoK^r.?,' i i-rid'has .11 >'i i t c'rt-. f pjVowin g' p.Vln?;;*. h.bn • . A.-.ibt'.'bC ills inii.sic niu«t;.h.aYb.;heen 'ovit;but, but \<o'iat vrt'riialn<ji-;is-.'.»va:l.ly:. (.iuiib firie 'ari.(l toiii-lnrfii,. -IVs. always" in. the; liiickgroiind;. biit ..slivktf bnt,- .desp.itb . lhat • ,thbr.c;.i\e\;-rip: -sijigahlt' '.'thntiR.'.. ■■--.■:' - V ;^ ■ .'' .Stiiry,- i-!fit::-ihnt. it nn\tf.ers';:--hAs;'to dp.' witit A raokot^ip'r - >yhP .innK'rips ;hf . da ligh ter; <>.C, .'aribther '.i-a.bkr'tebr anVl .tWorbhv. inbiri:s...trb:t!hl.Q. -ll'tv.S a .'.•:prt o'f k-iri.f(P;.ji bropic - ba;nfl. -wh 11 o -413 0 .'girl'n. f k44H> i-i > T t -h-e ^io^ggaj^ -king. : Tixat 'is, hbiflxes up ,dj.<!gUis.es ■fbi*' -Oil ;.the.' iieggh.rs' in . tG.\^'.ri.; ;iL>so. in>i.f'h' -per.' -That.; prv.irilts. a" lot 'of t-he.'rai-iUbai:way;\T.'nd hb|(i iri'v iVu-iy '. hy' the ..roriicidy "stttck ;into;l>y ' . ;;iiijnbsf .'Gleasan; tis ;;;'tl,ie ' ice Mnuhv -. 'riTat.;,s ribt enPugiu': '-;.■',■ '; ' :.. ' ■ '.' ;; 'liow the IJ.iys olMi'c that; iread.s >ii.> - ■n'ViU'h •.sp.,ear,ofiiily. 'criiild' h^iV.i.- -Jft'; ;Hli|s orie.gpt pa.st'.i.s'n?tif;ith<iriia-lih'-;it - - . .lM.?..<t glance.; ihit. IVIptrp .nppi'Hrs '.iii' . .l)v" ahlp'. to ;get away with ii lot': uC ' -■ciTsidp-stuff..•^;,; ..:;;;.'.■■ ..;:-. •'.•■:iSlot '-'sb.--'pa.sy-lb'describe .'the -..mvI)>. " .'■•. ■Jpc!t riiatteri bitt-~it. p'rini'rp,-i;i]y lii;ni,'it.H \ ;:ii po il. :th b ;fawvi l.j. ."p f ;> a "iriai' b'bl ti;.vh i if -,'.: < KlW' hAS ^orie a.-jtiiay and js iihom !i> .ri.ei'(uric. a.mi)tT^er.'. .Through th i> f-i vi-1, .'xfi,c.al:;stbry.;:.the.;glri; '.Wrprtgly; j.t-,.. -. Then .foljo.ws-.-Ji ..hunt .:riinori«st '; ■ t.ifb 'fitmiiy ;jxn^;r£i'iend,<jiTbivthe nihil.:'. ; He. may- bb .one Pf three, ;,-T.iH!.v. aj-V« :,;; ■the. gill's'..exT.fiari(Sb,'.-h'e.'i* ,-.iyreseiif--h.-. -.: anx'.n; n,nd het-iawyerTgiiardlan;" • ' ■•' : ■:■' . ...Thiii i^' aU ->Jet witivl-ri .t-hp:Jiioriib.iV)f ..,;.' ,a, -sedaifc -fomiJyV the;sph;.of Ayiiii'h i 'li.i's' ae'cretlyr jiiarl-ied vfive'itiitaid; oC;'. Ihb hou.sfehold ; while ■ both.;. ;\vi-.-ci;.: .rtriirik.:': The riaaid .is. alJ=iO!;.tb. huyp a .' =baby.;.. It'isitb.- 'shielii; the .rivuid'--tliat ' the d.iiuf:i:ht.ev^ .becbriVes - i^.^'Oivied ;iu..' . •tillP.lpCil.1 scaridali,'v;v:V. --;;; ;:■ ":' :.'^^'; r.;- .-; Dialog; ..is: -top £i-arik }and .the e;ri-:' .- - th;o:'^''sf b'i;.y/;.el&ri't(M4n&\. ..^^^^^ ipoi.iVt; :-is -: tbp ; iriuc'h -.bfr'-. a ' rui'-iosivy^ ■ • riJtiiser 'fer: the yQurig.; If:triii.st .irinn'o:. -; ■.bn-it)ar^issi|ng,;'to- yibUng. un;iriiirrip.i.i '.;.■; couplbs' attcndli'rg ■: the. - iheatre^^t^ ■gethcr. .;■';■■'-•'^•■;'-■■ ;';-■';'■ ■y-y'-'-'-- ': - Alai'rrlage 'betweeri titb: sbn.'.and lOiitj'. ; , maid ;is ftrinulled.,aiid.'the miii<l: iriar-; /i ipfi .hei'.first'.IPve, the.Ice man.;, i fe;:.. '.said; he, ■cpiildri'.t sleep nights .liUiiljT . ing'bl^ her;arid;;h'.e'marries so iie'baii'^ ;.;~ ^gbt'1^-IlttIe-■>^lcep..:'':. '.V- - ' ■'■ ^.'^-'•:'■ .; : cneas,pri ;plays;-thfe fee man i i-Sd'Ji.. ; : Another; bontedy aid i's-rPIly. Atbr^iijv . - -ThbVe ;iS hp comedy ' iri the ;f5[tbi'y. if - ■: .ii(.<ll. as ■-. tra,ri6pra;rited; tb the. .sci'b«^n:' \ "It's A "Wise .ehild" was-;a-«ela.sco. . .stage'hit.fbr'Broadway^ It .dpesn't :. even . . .cb.ni'm6nce. . tb; .dpproab'H *:■ ' :- «rii'ee.n,,'-.',iiit."- .' The' ■ su'gg.ejy'tf.vihiesa ■':.;' -' .prQl)abi;y.' sbld:::it-^foj>;,a ; jrib'tlire biit-.- / Ih'at rievei'^maltb.s It.s'elf. ff»lt .strongv:.-; - ly;eripugh .bn the-: sheet to'bi-iiig Put' ' Uio;:.,.ialk.-- th.1t ;riiijght. :breate • hiisi^ . riens. .li\sfead;thb;;bnly; talic '-will. .h«) ■ AVtiy - i't.,W;a S-; al lp\Ved; tP ' he pic't \ired'...;;:.' 0a pitpi:' bv idbri t ly::though t so Iit.i le o't::: ; it the lu)ii;si!.:.tl>is- week ha.s;ihi;('(» i'x^:: -, .i?bii'si.yb sti'i.cre-'jiAiiie.s in':'siij)p(ii.-'i '.dbr '. spite I-ieai\st'.s tlri'cc'.Xew.y.oi^^^^ ^ 'ies.,':•='.. .->:.•"■ ''./•'-'.-.-.' ■';■- : \':;.:':.'. ;:-'': .. . ; ;: Marlpn .PayiPij' rplfe ct.il!<? for. tlo 'Pspeclal-work. . 5he..ph.ssi-s tlirPugh • it; in th.lt .Svay. . sidiVey^R as ,the ha-vv-yer. does the bp.^t'striilghf . - jpflaying .-w'ith Hilda Vaiughn .seoond.. ;.- Johnny' Ar-thiri\. do:es: a, neftt - hi t arid . .'Marl'e-.3*reyost is'the maid who-hds ' : little . to atterid.; ,to. except bawl... Le.st.er .yail.ihas ar.nbn7.<iympat.heTic ; .: juve ;rple. ■ 'Robert' IVIi'Wade^'is;, in. tb^) 'elderly a' part fbr ;the :sitiiii'tib)i , ^s-a! wiiple:/;;■.:;; ^.'■;■';;.'.. ;;..' ;■; -'■'V^'.lVat..'8; i1i!(> i'l'se' bf. trying ;!iV.hririg. ..■back-tlic' kids?. ; . .. ,:}firtjr, ' wciVd;ai;tl<iri a.ri'd.a'.paVa.Ae' ot .'i tTiiriif- s.nnd pr ;s"o ..liegiv'ars tjiltt is'.tiui.ttj bx- ■(•ii'ing.'.'. ' ■ ;'. ;.•■'. '.'•.' ■;-:.•.';: ". ;jiTanv :An.>eViei.n di'reetPi'.sf -are gp- irig :.t'o-' he .grixji-crul- to ..-RaV>.st rif tei: ..seeing;■ i.h:is 'liictifiJe.,.. fAr tiip:.'thii.ig.s ''iiiey i.ean'. Jr^.'ii'n -fi-onV vit;,' ; jh.ijj;, .tlic lriv).th.bi''s 'ri^..^,y;. ha.vb; ;tb .\yait ix.: lah.i?, IPriK'^tin-ie. before .ihe'y';.get h.abk any .l.Trge p'ai't . btV" tlve . .riibney;.. cost -vh^rivv ' ••' " '■'■. r 'Aa'<A;'- ' ■■'''/" < V.' j-\v5i)odyr Mi(y-:;V9;^ •■"'■'.-'■;,■■ ■•■•".'•''; Aria'^is'tts ; -'' . ;-, ■ ir(i.lly\V5l);9di , . Tla^;ia'i'i .'l.'ilirii.t'ubta -.po.;?!^ 'l'i'iv(diiv\i i^nr>yiC-se.y.cn l-shbrts hast'd ;.-i)ri .o;pi');:<.tij-;..iii-ii!s, .AvitV^ "xllrP.C1111 gi ;^;;H<^ili(v^'-^V^'i i' ^: i' '^W^"-] •' -; '<'■' -.Cin(>i'Oyt)ri(.;'^.^?i.iid.ii's.;' ;;.;^ ';' ;':..;.■: ; . \ '-.; 1-lbrtdiMi;.:; viu\ ..^^'ti^lis ' :\i.'\ .'.t-;tvM.ii rr. l^ri[if;i(a''i'.I I i'.iur;\ii;iid';.yia^^^^^ u'.Gij.iJi-vi 'i.'M.pf'i.tnp; ;;;-.^ -1^ ' - . . ■' .V ''.'j'ti'Ii-o'. iv<-')iiui-'Ui.iii'-'Tin'J'>tploa Vyj'n ■ the sittc.*; .'j>l,T.v ■ hit-. i.'i'")luee'il -;by. na.viTr Hvlr riseo; ■.'M.-iTion';;; t.)i'fVl€r8-. .■ilttrrfia. • SlOney- HlficWm^t--.anO' ...iHmOs' Oleason . fejiturfi,.!; ri.lly Mo'i-nn',. T,r>.n'er-Vnll 'jinhil 'Mffj'te'.'I'r.o.^. vos.t 'DTirt^rjinPfl. -JUi-PctpiT' by oIJ'<)l.i,>|-t. 7,;- t*<;-na'ril-... .1 ?nmt'rrih)ii(i., f 'Hviii:-. Tv'-.fiilin.srm; ■Jil.Vliiifr Ijv .;l;nviro)V.-o.-.-l':-; ;;T(iirrt9.ori.- /idtliof.df -i-h(< -srac'^.'iiinv;'-; At ovf -..civpriQi,-. m. ...t-.: \vr"oi< .c/c, ;M;i;.-'- i.-i,- "-lIi'innlnK; 4rm*";.;7fl .'mln.-!. " ' ■ ",..■'.■..-.■.-.. .'Mni-lim .-..I.iaVii-s , ^;|(1ti*\.v.-- .-. V.l:i--kiunr i.J.. .'J.n.»Ti>..<s".'.( ;)(./i.voh , ;VoM.v .Vfiu-nn ...';•'. .'.-1 .'.■;'r,eji.t(.v" -iViiii. .■,,'{ ,:..Mn'i-Vo;'. I'rpviiiit. .;-. -..,'-: vCn/rfn'-.i i\» lirtjck. . ^ .■.;. . j'l.UllilTt ,Mf.\V,nl^ -.'(;'..'. ..r-.linti>:'; 'a i iIi \y: .■'.,.-.'-. V.-l':i;.'ll'M I.-.','.IVn.'.'.«ilv<.iti'liT . i-;niiiy: .■.i-"if,'.r(<.v. r.. ': ....'. i.-oiiV ; K!')ly • .;^'—■ -I tl:'rt)lfl .-.,...'....'% .!^-(iv'i..>'.. i : .,.: ■ '. .. An'pJ'p ','-'... ,..-;v; MrH. .Stji.nln'n.,".. ■t;; - A:'- 'Ai.iJi'.i.y. (i|1i>.; j;....... ;a.ii. (>:'; ;;^>v'..-,.. 'M\n', :.: : .,.'.. ;t,i:n<'.-..';.\|':I«l<'.'iJ;. . ;m..-?Vo'-= .-.iMry-: .a: -..A\:ise..:;r:hil(l" ;i.-:l.i(:i.iilil • nh't .1a:i Vo. ..h''.f;|i ;iVlai;iy,'l'Viri'';,the. .<i;;rr''i iv',; ii'ii j;.'ryi.ri; wftiV' vl:!= .'':!''nj'v.x-ioirs '>viU)diH'.t.'"hiat '<.i'.ii-;.'s^^ .hi'-x'. piric**' i'i.i(''iirrt«;;' irv iitin'si's .p)ayiri,u.^t .til') :h: ■ .'(iv ■ yi)\inii ' pf)(.Vpj'lx -i.l.i'i;-- ' Killf^i' sluiiiUIji't li'P ■JrhiiwiiV. • 'In - H.W'.do'\vii''T •(.iamV. i;nM,s''i'fi(v' 'j)i.'frir'o'-.-wri'h,:-^^^ ■'11..I \ i.i < t-.Kii'iu.d.' "<vill ;h;vv:f'\' I'll :d.'<'pen"(l 111 -iU't. 11! I •; .■) 1; i rgi^'Lii j;' iVi'i.' -r I Ij'.;'! M/•('(rniV v'l'-|i.|*.-r<..\yiH.!;;fiv/'v.r't' ;is ;■( ..^%l.'s.n;^(^^l'Ill:- .. ."..1 ^i■VMiyl'.-•l.,i;Vlj;.; iV.-j-i'i*'^^^^^^ i'.ii-r'ji. ;i.s .<i ~i'(i». ■iir.djiiai.'i',- iiia;\'».dv'.ii|: . .iriilvoK'^nl .Vrinl.ii(i-.l'l<ilV iiivirrcl'^sV'C.. Trf-dt'iir.. In(f .-J.oMii 'HKli-y,. f iilv.i'vli-vo.'T>>l)lii, Uir\yi,:\\- \Y-.,": s(iii,-.K!Tyiivi"h<l llm-KMt'.rirrO -VjnSii I'li'i^. -,'lij- .-' rot'vtc<l.:.l)^ .J<>iin',4^ra I'll,.:' T.rcim ..tini-j-l 'iif: -.i-hio:.' nai'iio :iiy .Cliarlc.<) Xi. Norr.l.s-.. ••i\ni.iiii'ilt,y..iiiui; ■; rllnU'iR' by. 01;»dj-!C 'la'Uiiian. ' ■.j.'liiii"»:niiili"r, ,Iiirk>yih--r.tfi.so.-.-.A r lUvciIi.--;N< w .Vi>il>, Sl:,\^,. f'-t: ori -lnObf.- t't-ihil .i'(in..-- J'tUii'Mluij' -t^mi'.; ••.»'> . . iKiniin.s. ■ :... .' ■; • ' ■H.-irtM'.-ii-t'cri-.,-.,;.' ..; ■.vi,i 111 i'od;.'.-. JVwy.t:Mi':ii'-r: .1 unl(>r..( '.-i.rl(Ml......-.j., •Mil i-pfa'ri.t -1 "il li i-.rl \. Xiiirf-y .-IcniiliW ..-".;.--.. '.;.'; mijix..'.;.\ J^(r-)(.\'. (.-a.rifT.;'. .■ ri.'inny .i.'.-u'li'i.;,.-. j'oliiuiy-.Vin'.i'pi". V. ,...'.... ;,.,ji.>uh .it<ii09 : l!<;ll<.l ii>vp.i;'rrtli(ij .-.;.;;. ....fiijls ;\\-.ir-iiu • . I{:i.\' liiii'iiO' -1 Ifi.-lv-.l t ';.'....,...'IlJ^Ui> I);H1S -i-'rai'i-:/:K.M>a.r.. ..'.-.'.'.'■r; .'/.ii^-ii' l-tits .'. .'-.■lti(-))rt'l-(l:'J'iii-)<''>?' ..Iiii-T;' .\V7lilU .;.;.:.>.;'.;.;.j!.oi-V^ui J-*; , :•.■; ". ; '. .-^-..1 )i'(-)<....\y.)iiyi:n-vv. . '..■-;-TifB'!(;iiii,;i)mo.N; ■V';.'..:'-'.-'h'- .Tiihlor •""ai'l'M-i ,.';:.;.'■.'.. . .Kpi)rti;('i« s.c-ionic'' Dichy- i;:nM/'ry. />-.'...s-.;.,'. .•.'.'.■, ;.'. .:.,. ...1 i<iji". ■ 'ox: ' l-J:iiniy 1 'aiiyr.'.-i. i t. ,'■. i >,',... v. -.'; .■'r.-l-.i-.v-.-i-'iix-, .■Vtai-jj.'in:!' fiiKi-r.- .-. .■>-.;... ',. ..ililtii .-l:;.!-! .' J.lilii.iiiy." I;ivi-li!r./..^..,'. . . 1 Ui-lii.'. .S'fi.i.iit '■ ;;Thja .;is;;..a ;'wp)han;s. piri;ri'i-eV ;^;, .Vf}'-.; siioiV it -\V.iM.' jpirjoy; ge'iu^roirs--, b. p. V. Wll(;r.eyt.i^ sp'pft'od. ■ 1 si.bilities ni.iyr.hb li.riiit(!d to U)Ciil..,l'/.'>H ,.' •^(•(Vndft.fpn.s i)i;i:is 'th.tS 'riirl nine's':ifM-lijii::^' v; , wir'la.c'k of .iU'iiiiri, .>Th'at'.J.'U'k- U'r'<.'r>-'i.. ;- thb flhn. fi:orii;re;i(.'hirig';iii :<!:xir,'i'(i>'i.n-, ;'-: riai.^v ri.,'je.;-The-i»ppii.larity'whi(\fr 'l)OQ;k.;'f.ro.in;. wliii-h.- thVv-ii'lrir la.K'b.--:' it -.'- lille: lias'-bnjtvyed. sivpnlcl a Isii .J'.vrid inipetus to ih.p.;lil:-:0. - '■ ; : • -..A'hil.s.l'jii.'i.id joavpHr..hl.sv\vife'an.d.-l'rve . :rhiiOi'ph'''!-for; . I'li'pttipr -in.-<)iii>aiioH wheri.'iifterqO. years of .'iViar.rl'.'d Wfe',. rli (> hunip'S aei-dss: ji. lii'st: ;.s\Vfif rli<'al't; • .'^Yhb:^.pri^^^^lr^l^:(.^s. hiin op .lo. -fiu-yi's-s.;-. in. W.rj'tlng;. ..whivh ..h;^. has. iVi.c'glerrod . .- hecf^use Vif -."f;i riiiiy..' ;pl'e( km- ti'ii,a il i.ms. .'.^ Anbther..lO.'ypih\s arid, the'sll>:^•l■.•>^^ - ■iii'ari .Ti-tiliirh.'^ ■. tp^vfirid' ■ ^his- -i'hii;'i.i'"n^;. ,gl■o;^vri...■^Tl■ll«,-..1^ln'e■':-h'c'/t■a^^^^ ;■»' ^VOy.i ^tb'o, :! 11 is ■iti()n<.x''ii n.d. .p(i,.<iflr).ii- .; -yan do; niorb -lvn^'.the ..childr^.ri ^.tl-ii!.ri . Vthpir. rntVther;.w.lio , has 'iVurs<v<| .;,'i)-i'd (iwinght; fherii. iip..:;':'■ .-;-Tli'er(v.ai',e iil.l.kin'ds'pt tt^ar.'iiv.'^ '''gr;.' tilurri'bnts- in th:I'.t,-ttitufitji'm.'tt-,«qvi-.-i,i'''^:.V.. . t icaily - a:.\ir'}iiint iil.iri ...the, t li'oii tV*;' ■tivji.t ' .vyha.t: Wi:!!';.n'iOUi^ the. /(-.liiiiies 'vry' << '(\ 1-' -' ■jd'akp/ ii.-:.b;; ■ - ■;• ;'..-v;..■'■:.;';'^- -";. '■ ■ 'When. Thp'.\vii"p.,:<;ails//t:h.b'.i.»n'iv ■ lr^iV;'.l)r'<.'t.i-y;. .'l-i.Viil,- .■i.;ris^^ il' -. .(iv.klipg iiHiirit'ii't., ;'-'j'.ii«iy: 'get iUiiil Ili'i" - :ii-t...i lif';-liiii,«li; V\,hi'ri -^th''- i-i va) iiiiflii.i'-ft.S i ■vi'vt-.i)'ry. Kf) ■'lllo.''nl(U■li.^:i^'!l•.■^;'.tll:r!.'^^..is-i'. '• .h,-ri):il- f<ii;s;fki-s\ li.iy;-p;Vrii.in.iiiii', f<:ii; ■tli«. ;■ ;c,lifTil.rn!J'; .uMunii-.■'l'Hi''-..'.iilts''-;i.i'ils-'s)>d;.--;^^^ - Xlii'^jr. ;y (!a.rs.i-. i; ', . .'.^':.: ' ■ ' .Vl.t i;<irildiV.'t..hn^'-''.-hr'''lV'a . t.i.) ti:;ij- ;l^^(K..-^^ni•i1,^(^j^■.-:!hi■;-.''-'^■^:f■'^:n ..''.<■;- "(-.'itr.f-.i; lif, tlii.p-.limiri'tf a'r'i-'idj'v.; a|('lii.:V!'-'.«i. : /till- isUiiyriloni^' ;ahil■^i'lW^';^iia]<.ll^ ;^tV'' ;- ihi'-re. ■ ; TlKit TMii v''i''«.-il' li'!i.s'''.«iji:r'f-!,'!:^;'''.; .'I'A ih': nyakj.'riK..-jVn!-a;i rV;i<.-ii v,b;-.T'i1]ri.;<:iiit--.;; '.iif la- hi'uiri.'l.v ;'s.rti.ijf''i't-,-pjf-.'f;triiTi.v.'j!0*;; ii i'id ■ a.''.ri»tliiVi;'ft-' .aijiViition.^'').H-'dii'i'v^ ■'tll'^>.^-ln.l^0^^^g•■l1'i ..i'ast; s'l-iectibri-'W '. ^i.nd .'. giMi(.|''iVI - ) ?.'.;''ViXih('i5i;..'.. P; \v; i'lj .r ' ; li.rri;s.-.rij*i)V.e''.\\'ji it-.a ' 'ri;'j.)i.'i- ' '-\'';-i.i 'To•.;"■>.?:.