Variety (May 1931)

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108 VARIETY Wednesday, May 20, 19.') 1 "ONE OF SIX BEST "Should delight eyeiyorie... one of finest pictures turned out this year; :. if you iniss it you won-t forgive youtself . . John Boles and Lois Wil- son jperforihances among ,best;^-■■■:^:i;.■:X^■^:V^■■:"^ Photoplay Magaziiie for Jitne. ■ - '^True to life talkie easily rates .tjireestars''^/:';; "Full human film wrings every heart... John Boles' fine acting .v. Lois Wilson, wholly dp pe> a ling... G en ey ieve tpbi ri,f east for eyes." — Irene Thirer, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS "'Seed' strong talkie done by :-line;xast'^;;. ■ T^Exciting drama .- exceptional^ ing, deftly treated . . . brilliantly acted ... d fine film . . wprnen will be sHrred/' ; — Bland Johanesbn, NEW YORK DAILY MIRROR ft It See 'Seed ' soon as possible' ■'Boles at b^st in fine film v . thrilling new- comer hois fin e dramatic constructiorv accurately played ; tense interest throughout every foot V . V ypungsWrs rn natural and pleasing since'SKIPPY'." —Julia Shawell, NEW YORK EVENING GRAPHIC ti Letter-perfect performance •'Tale of hvmtin ihterest spirit of Morris story flqv/lessly transferred to screen/' ---^MdrgUeriteTazelaar,NEW:YORK:HERALD TRIBUNE; HI Seed ' won't discippoint you "Very well acted . . v jmuch better than the average." — aI Sherman, NEW YORK TELEGRAPH: Youngsters in 'Seed % yivid and real" ''Lois Wilson and youngsters cariy,^^^ — Thornton Dolehanty/ NEW YORK; EVENING'^P^